/* 1421.- William Fytz Heyr, of H. 1572.- Margery Benbow, of p. H. 1516.- Sir Richard Berman, parson 1573.- John Rodon, of Peplow. of H. 1576.- Ales Eyken. of Marchamley. 1532.- Thomas Bocher. 1577.- Robarte Phellypes. 1534.- Thomas Bolas. 1578.- William Browne (s. of Wm. B.), 1534.- Ralph Bostock. of Esple. 1535.- John Barker, of Ollerton. 1578.- John Cle. 1535.- Roger Grome, of p. H. 1579.- Jonne Nevett, of Esple. 1537.- William Penson, of p. H. 1580.- Hughe Burrye, of Hakeston. 1538.- John Podmore, of Hawkston. 1580.- Alice Cartwright. 1549.- George Chorleton, of H. 1580.- George Morhall, of Kenston. 1542.- Richard Rycroft, of Espley. 1581.- John Peate. 1540.- William Colley, of Wullerton. 1582.- Ann Peate. 1542.- Nicholas Chester. 1584.- William Arnewaye, of Peplow. 1543.- Humphrey Vernon, of H. 1584.- Thomas Hinkes, of Hawkston. (buried at Tong). 1584.- John Bolas. 1545.- Roger Penson. 1585.- Thomas Harris, of Marchomley. 1548.- John Dekyn, of p. H. 1585.- Jane Dodd. 1549.- Thomas Massie. 1585.- William Johnson. 1551.- Richard Youman. 1586.- Thomas Birde. 1552.- Thomas Nedam, of Kenston. 1586.- Richard Browne, of H. 1552.- Roger Morall, of Kenstone. 1586.- William Espley, of Espley. 1552.- John Madely, of H. 1586.- John Ikyn, of Marchomley. 1553.- Thomas Bentteley, of Hopton. 1587.- Edward Dodd. 1553.- Richard Robyns. 1587.- William Twysse, of H. 1554.- Richard Peyte. 1588.- Isabell Poole, of Hackstone. 1554.- George Vernon, of H. 1589.- John Collie, of p. H. 1557.- Thomas Peplowe. 1589.- John Poole, of Wixhill. 1557.- Thomas Cley. 1590.- Thomas Watkys. 1558.- William Marshall, parson of H. 1590.- Thomas Cartwright. 1559.- Margery Bentley. 1590.- Ciceley Pursley. 1559.- George Dereman. 1590.- William Downes, of Wixsele. 1559.- Robert Hynstock. 1590.- Anne Harris. 1559.- William Coton, of Wolarton. 1590.- John Growme. 1560.- John Cartwright, of Hopton. 1590.- Thomas Harper. 1560.- Hugh Dutton. 1590.- Thomas Iken, citizen and 1561.- William Bullas. skinner, of London (born 1561.- Sir Rowland Hill, Knt., alder- at H). man of London (born at H.) 1591.- Roger Bradley, of Hopton. 1501.- Anne Morrall. 1591.- George Massye, of Wollerton. 1562.- John Watkies (2). 1591.- William Grome, of Weston. 1562.- Thomas Watkies, of Peplow. 1591.- Thomas Janson, of Peplow. 1565.- Thomas Sanford, of Kenston. 1591.- Thomas Wither. 1565.- Richard Grome, of Marchmle. 1592.- Robert Phillippes, of Wixsell. 1568.- Thomas Aspeley, of p. H. 1592.- Robert Phillipps. 1570.- William Yomans, of Hakeston. 1592.- Beatrice Podmore, widow. 1571.- Alis Yomans, of Marchamley. 1592.- Roger Robins, of Hakeston. 1572.- Joan Baylye (2). 1592.- James Humston, of H. HODNET REGISTERS. xv. 1592.- William Browne, of p. H. 1622.- Thomas Dickin. 1593.- John Bayley. 1623.- Ambrose Downes, of Wixill. 1593.- John Dickin, of Wollerton. 1623.- Ambrose Downes, of p. H. 1594.- George Massy, of Wollerton. 1623.- John Deakin. 1594.- Thomas Hitchin. 1623.- Richard Phillips, of Wixhill. 1594.- Edward Deakin. 1623.- William Lee. 1595.- John Lancashire. 1624.- Robert Dikes. 1595.- John Burrie. 1624.- John Podmore, of Hawkston. 1595.- William Downes. 1624.- George Walford, of Marcham- 1595.- Thomas Podmore. ley. 1596.- Thomas Deakin. 1626.- John Browne, of H. 1596.- John Hill. 1626.- Alice Ore, of p. H. 1596.- William Dickins. 1626.- Thomas Rodon. 1598.- George Watkys, of Peplowe. 1626.- Robert Wood, of Peplow. 1599.- John Ikyn, of Marchomley. 1626.- Rowland Dickin. 1600.- Anne Hill, of the flourdhowse 1627.- John Hitchin, of H. within the township of 1627.- Roland Lee. Longford. 1627.- John Ore, of p. H. 1600.- William Briscoe. 1629.- Richard Smyth, of Marcham- 1600.- William Groome, of Weston. ley. 1600.- Richard Cley. 1630.- Richard Stockton, of H. 1600.- Thomas Ikin, of p. H. 1631.- John Plungen. 1601.- Gabriel Wither. 1631.- Henrie Cartwright, of Peplow. 1602.- Richard Grome, of Marcham- 1632.- John Yomans, of Hawkston. leye. 1633.- Anna Bayley. 1603.- Richard Nevett, of H. 1633.- Thomas Witcombe. 1603.- George Lye, of Morchamley. 1633.- Richard Berry, of Weston 1603.- John Cartwright, of Hopton. under the Redde Castle. 1603.- Roland Massie. 1634.- Richard Clay. 1604.- George Vernon, of H., gent. 1635.- Nicholas Allen, of Hackston. 1605.- John Meddins, of Marchomley. 1635.- Davide Jones, of Whicsell. 1605.- Thomas Arneway. 1635.- Randall Leighton. 1605.- William Ashe, of Marchamleye 1635.- Richard Clorley. 1605.- John Handley. 1636.- John Groome, the elder. 1605.- Francis Ower. 1637.- Roger Eaton, of Losford. 1605.- Adam Downe. 1637.- John Darby. 1607.- Edward Deakin. 1637.- Roger Downes, of Whixhill. 1609.- Robert Hoare, of Kenston. 1638.- Anne Llewellin. 1610.- Anne Browne, of H., widow. 1638.- John Pace, of H. 1610.- Robert Downes. 1638.- Henry Poole, of Longeforde. 1611.- Dorothie Burrey, of Hackston. in p. H. 1612.- Ralph Claverley. 1638.- Edward Deakin, of Kenston. 1612.- William Eayre, of Wixhill. 1638.- Richard Cley. 1614.- Robert Peate. 1638.- William Bayley. 1614.- Richard Peate. 1638.- John Savage. 1614.- John Humpston, of Hawkes- 1638.- William Morrall, of Wollerton. ton. 1639.- William Rodon, of Peplowe. 1615.- George Watkys, of Peploe. 1639.- John Clay, of Marchamley. 1616.- Gilbert Watkis, of Peplowe. 1641.- Hugh Deakin, of Warrenshall. 1616.- George Cley. 1641.- Ellen Massey, of Wollerton. 1616.- Margery Groome. 1641.- Ann Bromley, of Wollerton, 1617.- Katherine Watkys, of Peploe. widow. 1617.- William Watson, of H. 1643.- John Groome, of Weston, 1618.- John Yeomans, of Hawkston. p. H. 1618.- Thomas Murrall, of H. 1644.- Elizabeth Clay. 1619.- Roland Hill, of Hawkston, 1647.- William Ikyn, of Marchamley. gent. 1647.- Ann Groome, alias Hinstocke. 1620.- John Pace, the elder, of H. 1648.- Richard Challoner. 1620.- William Chatwall, of Peploe. 1648.- Robert Peate. 1621.- Thomas Bradley, of H. 1648.- Mary Hill. 1621.- William Watson. 1648.- William Dickin. xvi. HODNET REGISTERS.*/ BURIALS AT MORETON SAY. 1536.- John Parlebyn, of Blechley. 1585.- Hugh Bostocke, of M.S., Esq. 1538.- Edmund Parlebyn, of Long- 1592.- Ralph Poole, of KS. forth. 1593.- James Deakin, of M.S. 1540.- Roger Parlebyn. 1596.- John Eare, of Bletchley, M.S. 1540.- James Wodde, of p. H. 1601.- William Jennings, of M.S. 1543.- John Stobbe, of Blecheley. 1602.- Judithe Clyve, of M.S., gent. 1556.- William Deacon. 1610.- John Bostocke, of M.S. 1553.- Thomas Pole, of Lonkeford. 1610.- John Menlove, of KS. 1557.- Henry Pole, of M.S. 1614.- Alice Cadman, of M.S. 1559.- William Hill, of Blecheley. 1614.- William Cadman, of M.S. 1560.- George Bostocke, of M.S. 1618.- Richard ap John ap Llew- 1563.- Roger Hy11, of Fourdhouse. ellin, of Bledgley. 1569.- Elizabeth Deacon, of M.S. 1618.- Lawrence Ince, of M.S. 1572.- John Knowles, of M.S. 1623.- William Lluellin, of M.S. 1573.- Margaret Clyve, of Stinche, 1632.- Thomas Parbin, of Longford. in M.S. 1632.- Elizabeth Bradshaw, of M.S. 1581.- Thomas Plymley, of M.S. 1640.- Rachel Vernon, of M.S. Hodnet Parish Registers EXTRACTS FROM GEORGE MORRIS'S MSS. "SHROPSHIRE REGISTERS, &c." The Register begins 1539. 1540, July 1. James Hill & Agnes Luter ... mar. 1542, Mr. Humphrey Vernon died, and was buried in Tong College August 20. 1542, Oct. 2. William Ryder, of p. Mockleston, & Margaret Hill, of this p. ... mar. 1545, Feb. 3. Richard, s. of George Vernon, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 20. Anne Gratewoode ... bur. 1546, July 16. Elizabeth Vernon ... bur. " Aug. 23. Reginald Corbett & Alice Gratewoode ... mar. 1547, Feb. 20. John, s. of George Vernon & Elizabeth ... bur. 1550, June 26. Alice, d. of George Corbet & Eline ... bap. 1552, Apr. 21. George, s. of George Corbet & Eline ... bap. 1553, Mar. 25. Mary, d. of Reginald Corbet & Alice ... bap. " Dec. 6. [Juna ?] Gratewood ... bur. " Dec. 30. Mr. George Vernon ... bur. 1554, Mar. 6. Katherine, d. of George Corbett & Ellene ... bap. " Aug. 9. Katherine Corbett ... bur. 1557, Sep. 11. Elena Corbett ... bur. 1558, Nov. 11. Elizabeth Calcote ... bur. 1560, Apr. 8. Richard Vernon ... bur. " Sep. 15. Rondulp Roadegener, of Ashburye [Pk.?], & Jane Barker, of this p. ... mar. 1564, Jan. 15. George Corbett, servant to Sir Andrew Corbett, Knt., of Moreton Corbett ... bur. " Dec. 9. John Vernon & Elizabeth Devoraxe, of this p. ... mar. 2 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1565 1565, Feb. 9. Ambrose, s. of Richard Arnewaye, of Great Axole, & Johane ... bap. " Mar. 10. Thomas, s. of Rowland Lodelowe & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 6. Walter, s. of John Vernon & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 7. Walter Vernon, aforesaid ... bur. 1566, Oct. 14. Lady Dorothy Devoraxe, of Hodnett, widowe ... bur. (Eldest dau. of George Hastings, 1st Earl of Huntingdon, & mother of Walter, Earl of Essex, and of Mrs. Elizabeth Vernon of this place.) 1567, Apr. 26. Dorothy, d. of John & Elizabeth Vernon ... bap. " June 14. Thomas Jones, of Atcham, & Mary Gratewood, of this p. ... mar. 1568, Apr. 27. Anna, d. of John & Elizabeth Vernon ... bap. 1569, Apr. 21. Leticia, d. of John & Elizabeth Vernon ... bap. " Aug. 7. John Gratewood, gent., of Wollerton ... bur. 1570, June 20. Walter, s. of John Varnam & Elizabeth ... bap. 1572, Jan. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John Vernam & Elizabeth ... bap. 1573, June 24. Frances, d. of John Varnon & Elizabeth ... bap. 1575, Feb. 14. Mary, d. of John Vernon & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 16. Mary, d. of John Vernon & Elizabeth ... bur. 1576, Dec. 8. Susanna, d. of John Vernon & Elizabeth ... bap. 1577, Dec. 22. Robert, s. of John Vernon & Elizabeth ... bap. 1578, Oct. 29. Elenor, w. of George Corbett ... bur. 1579, Jan. 24. Roger Tarlton, of this p., & [Anana?] Mere, of p. Norton ... mar. " Feb. 10. Sara, d. of John & Elizabeth Vernon ... bap. " Oct. 6. Thomas Ryder, rector ... bur. 1580, Apr. 22. Abraham, s. of Alexander & [Denice?] Corbett ... bap. " June 18. John, s. of John Vernon & Elizabeth ... bap. 1582, Oct. 27. George Corbett ... bur. 1583, Apr. 20. Elizabeth Vernon ... bur. " [...] 21. Benjamin, s. of John & Elizabeth Vernon ... bap. " May 6. Roger, s. of Wm. & Johane Eyton ... bap. 1584, Feb. 9. Dorothy Vernon ... bur. //1654] Hodnet. 3 1585, Feb. 17. Lettes Vernon ... bur. " Sep. 9. Devoraxe, s. of Andrew Murrall & Margaret ... bap. 1591, May 2. John Vernon, Esq. ... bur. 1592, May 12. Sara Bromley ... bur. 1594, Feb. 10. Rowland, s. of Rowland & Mary Hill ... bap. 1596, Sep. 27. John Hill ... bur. 1599, Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Rowland & Mary Hill ... bap. 1604, July 7. Susana, d. of Rowland & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 4. Humphrey, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Hill ... bap. 1606, Dec. 16. Henry, s. & heir of Robert Vernon, Knt., & Lady Mary his w. ... bap. " Jan. 15. John, s. of John Hill & Judithe ... bap. 1608, Jan. 3. Robert, s. of Sir Robert Vernon, & Lady Mary ... bap. 1609, Oct. 8. William Danet & Elizabeth Ykin ... mar. 1615, June 17. William Deacon, rector ... bur. 1616, Sep. 20. Edward Vernon ... bur. 1618, Jan. 8. Owen Lochard ... bur. 1619, June 8. Rowland Hill ... bur. 1621, Feb. 17. Jane, d. of Rowland & Elizabeth Hyll ... bap. 1622, May 26. Thomas Lochard & Anne Hill ... mar. 1623, June 1. Rowland, s. of Rowland & Elizabeth Hill ... bap. 1624, Oct. 31. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Botfield ... bap. 1625, May 1. Humfrey, s. of Rowland & Elizabeth Hill ... bap. 1626, Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Wm. & Elizabeth Morrys ... bap. " Jan. 21. Anne, d. of Rowland & Elizabeth Hill ... bap. 1628, Jan. 11. Sara, d. of Rowland & Elizabeth Hill ... bap. 1629, Aug. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Rowland & Elizabeth Hill ... bap. 1631, Sep. 18. Anne, d. of Thomas Lochard & Anne ... bap. 1653, Feb. 21. Rowland, s. of Rowland & Margaret Hill; born Feb. 7th ... bap. 1654, Mar. 23. Richard, s. of Mr. Rowland & Margaret Hill ... born 4 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1655 1655, Mar. 23. John, s. of Mr. Rowland & Margaret Hill ... born //1657, June 22. Elizabeth & Margaret, daus. of Rowland Hill, of Hawkstone ... born 1657, June 22. Elizabeth, d. of Rowland Hill, of Hawkstone ... born 1657, June 22. Margaret, d. of Rowland Hill, of Hawkstone ... born " Mar. 25. John, s. of Mr. Samuel & Elizabeth Campion ... bap. 1658, Aug. 19. Ann, d. of Rowland Hill, of Hawkstone, & Margaret his w. ... born 1659, Feb. 2. Robert, s. of Rowland Hill & Margaret ... bap. 1678, Sir Richard Vernon's birthday, June 22. /* //"The Register from 1539 to 1659 has since been lost; as stated by the Rev. W. Blackley, chaplain to Sir Rowland [Hill], //Bt. to me Novr. 1842; and in sending the continuation of the Hawkstone pedigree from 1623, to be entered at the Heralds' //College, I furnished him at his request with some extracts which they took as evidence. GEORGE MORRIS." //VOLUME I. OF EXISTING REGISTERS. //[There is no cover, and some leaves are evidently missing at the beginning of the Volume.] */ 1656, June 9. Edward Cartwright & Mary Cherrington ... mar. 1657, Feb. 18. Thomas Hitchin sonne to John Hitchin and Jane his wife was Baptised. " Feb. 19. Susana Cartwright daughter to Edward Cartwright and Mary his wife was Baptised. " Mary Cowper was Buried the 7th of March. " John Burd was Buried the 11th of March. " Elizabeth Bayley was Buried the 15th of March 1658, Mar. 25. John, s. to Mr. Samuell Campion & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 30. William Peate ... bur. " Apr. 22. Vinsett Houlbrucke ... bur. " Apr. 24. Edward Claye ... bur. " Apr. 25. Elizabeth Humpston ... bur. " Apr. 12. Mary, d. to Rowland Cartwright & Isabell ... bap. " May 13. Elizabeth Milles ... bur. //1659] Hodnet. 5 1658, May 14. Hugh Davies ... bur. " May 16. Rowland Groome ... bur. " May 21. William Dickin ... bur. " June 3. Joseph, s. to Thomas Burrowes & Martha ... bap. " June 3. Richard Bathow ... bur. " June 19. Jane Shifeld ... bur. " Aug. 1. Elizabeth Morrall ... bur. " Aug. 10. Christopher Kingson ... bur. " Aug. 18. Allice Houmfrison ... bur. " Aug. 19. Sampson Pie ... bur. " Sep. 5. Samuell Watson ... bur. " Sep. 23. John, s. to John Hinstock & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 17. Mary Shefeld ... bur. " Oct. 22. Daniell Pie ... bur. " Nov. 4. John, s. to William Mullyner & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 18. George Ban ... bur. " Nov. 26. William Cartwright ... bur. " Nov. 26. Edward, s. to Richard James & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 20. John, s. to John Dickin & Rachell ... bap. " Feb. 1. Jone Chorlton ... bur. " Mar. 12. Jane Harper ... bur. " Mar. 19. Mary Harper ... bur. " Mar. 24. Margrett Gregory ... bur. " Mar. 24. Hanna Cowper ... bur. " Mar. 24. Hanna, d. to John Sudley & Sarah ... bap. 1659, Mar. 25. Jane, d. to Andrew Shefeld & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 1. Sarah, d. to Mr. Samuell Campion & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 4. John Eakin ... bur. " Apr. 12. Ellin Yemones ... bur. " Apr. 23. Mrs. Ursela Wood ... bur. " May 2. Elinor Domniey ... bur. " June 28. Jane Bowlas ... bur. " July 3. Robert Lewis ... bur. " July 28. Richard, s. to John Nevett & Rachell ... bap. " July 29. Sibella, d. to Thomas Bosill & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 15. John Gregory ... bur. " Sep. 11. George, s. to Robert Watkis & Anne ... bap. //6 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1659 1659, Sep. 23. Allice Eakin ... bur. " Oct. 20. Thomas, s. to Thomas Crackley & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 24. John Harries ... bur. " Nov. 4. John Vaughan ... bur. " Nov. 17. Thomas, s. to Edward Cartwright & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 21. John Handley ... bur. " Jan. 26. John, s. to Robert Endley & Margret ... bap. " Feb. 2. Robert, s. to Mr. Rowland Hill & Mtris. Margrett ... bap. //1660, Apr. 23. Martha & Mary, daus. to William Burrey & Elizabeth ... bap. 1660, Apr. 23. Martha, d. to William Burrey & Elizabeth ... bap. 1660, Apr. 23. Mary, d. to William Burrey & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 28. Mary Burry ... bur. " Apr. 28. Richard Morrall ... bur. " May 13. Martha Burry ... bur. " May 24. Kathren, d. to William Bentley & Sara ... bap. " May 26. Mary Bailie ... bur. " June 4. Kathern Handley ... bur. " June 27. Thomas Groome ... bur. " June 28. George Groome ... bur. " July 12. William, s. to George Hampton & Sara ... bap. " July 19. William, s. to Richard Rigway & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 8. John, s. to Elizabeth Blackmore ... bap. " Aug. 31. Thomas Cooper; born Aug. 17th ... bap. " Aug. 24. Mary, d. to William Piggion & Margrett ... bap. " Oct. 17. Thomas Denston ... bur. " Oct. 22. George Downes ... bur. " Nov. 3. Brigett Yemones ... bur. " Nov. 24. Anne Handley ... bur. " Dec. 2. Arthur Peate ... bur. " Jan. 22. Rachell Nevett ... bur. " Jan. 25. William Browne ... bur. " Jan. 27. Thomas Nevett ... bur. " Jan. 27. Allice Nevett ... bur. " Feb. 7. John, s. to William Sudley & Margrett ... bap. " Feb. 14. Thomas Sandland & Margrett Poole ... mar. //1661] Hodnet. 7 1660, Feb. 4. Anne, d. to George Robins & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 23. Joshua, s. to Edward Cotton & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 24. John, s. to John Walle & Ellin ... bap. " Mar. 2. Arthur, s. to Mr. Thomas Dickin & Mrs. Elizabeth ... bap. 1661, Apr. 4. George, s. to Robert Endley & Margrett ... bap. " Apr. 11. George Harries ... bur. " Apr. 16. Thomas, s. to Mr. Rowland Hill & Mrs. Margrett ... bap. " Apr. 17. Elizabeth Burrey ... bur. " Apr. 25. Elizabeth, d. to Hugh Thomas & Susana ... bap. " Apr. 28. Jane, d. to George Espley & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 3. John, s. to Andrew Shiffield & Mary ... bap. " May 8. John Shiffield ... bur. " MaN 23. Thomas Miles ... bur. " May 24. Sibbella Bosell ... bur. " May 30. William Denston ... bur. " June 12. Jane Evanes ... bur. " June 25. Jane Oare ... bur. " June 26. Sara Downes ... bur. " July 7. Daniell Rea ... bur. " July 13. Mr. William Hill ... bur. " July 18. Francis, s. to Daniel Sudley & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 13. Mary, d. to William Bookly & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 15. Margaret Endly ... bur. " Aug. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Cartwright, of Hodnet heath, & Alice ... bap. " Aug. 24. Robert Endley ... bur. " Aug. 29. John, s. to Thomas Cley & Joane ... bap. " Sep. 7. Robert Podmore, grandchild to Mr. Robert Podmore, of Hackton [?]... bur. " Sep. 10. Elizabeth Veamans, widow ... bur. " Sep. 17. Thomas Traval ... bur. " Oct. 3. George, s. to Richard Groome & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 9. Alice Lancashier ... bur. " Oct. 10. Anne, d. to Thomas Coton & Joice ... bap. " Oct. 19. Thomas Katherocke, of Dateston, in ye parish of Preist, & Susanna Dickin, of this p. ... mar. //8 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1661 1661, Oct. 27. Elizabeth, d. to John Boardman & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 1. Robert Johnston, of London, & Magdolen Lochard, of Hodnet ... mar. " Nov. 1. Mrs. Susannah Gardiner ... bur. " Nov. 3. Mary Davyes ... bur. " Nov. 7. Rowland, s. to Edward Cartwright & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 16. Richard Lancashire [?] ... bur. " Nov. 30. Martha Prockter, of Hodnet ... bur. " Dec. 5. Mary, d. unto Margaret Sandland ... bap. " Dec. 24. Thomas Millinghton, of Weston ... bur. " Dec. 26. John, s. unto William Bentley & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 26. John, s. unto Mary Barton ... bap. " Dec. 27. Robert, s. unto Robert Morris & Katharine ... bap. " Dec. 29. Anne Pye ... bur. " Jan. 9. Elizabeth, d. unto Francis Arnway & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 9. Susanna, d. unto Thomas Boswell & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 15. Anne Groome ... bur. " Jan. 16. John, s. unto William Parvin & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 19. William Pye ... bur. " Jan. 25. Jane, d. of Rowland Dickin & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 27. Joane Cley ... bur. " Jan. 28. Elizabeth Piggot ... bur. " Jan. 30. John, s. of Richard Ridgeway & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 9. Mary, d. of John Harris & Elizabeth ... bap. And buried ye 13th day of the same month. " Feb. 22. Thomas Denston ... bur. " Feb. 24. John Pye ... bur. " Mar. 5. Dame Elizabeth Whyte, ye Relict of Sir Richard Whyte ... bur. " Mar. 6. John Scott, s. of Abraham Scot, of Wemme ... bur. 1662, Mar. 27. William Wood, of Peplow ... bur. " Apr. 10. Arthur Manwaring, of Kenston ... bur. //1662] Hodnet. 9 1662, Apr. 20. Martha, d. of Andrew Sheffeild & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 30. Thomas Cley ... bur. " May 15. Vincent Holbrooke & Anne Cartwright ... mar. " June 5. John Deacon ... bur. " June 17. Elizabeth Prestwood ... bur. " June 25. Edward Deoyos & Katherine Pugh ... mar. " July 13. Sarah Pugh, d. of Hugh a Pugh & Katherine ... bap. " July 18. Thomas Murrell ... bur. " July 24. Francis Oare ... bur. " July 25. Jane Sheffeild ... bur. " July 27. Mary, d. of William Allen & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 7. Eleanor, d. of Raph Hitchin & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 8. John Bently ... bur. " Sep. 14. Margaret, d. of John Miles & Constance ... bap. " Sep. 14. Mary, d. of Thomas Holbrooke & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 21. Thomas, s. of John Sheffeild & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 27. Dorothy Aris ... bur. " Oct. 9. Richard Hitchin ... bur. " Oct. 11. Raph Hitchin ... bur. " Nov. 4. Robert Johnson ... bur. " Nov. 9. John, s. of John Massey & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 9. Margaret, d. of William Sudley & Margaret ... bap. " Dec. 10. Susan Cartwright ... bur. " Dec. 18. Ellin Yarslee ... bur. " Dec. 23. Humphrey Madely & Margett Denston ... mar. " Dec. 24. William Hitchin ... bur. " Dec. 30. Robert Kingsone & Mary Holme ... mar. " Jan. 1. Jeremya Burrowes, s. of Thomas Burrows & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 1. John, s. of George Hampton & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 1. Susan Boswell ... bur. " Jan. 7. Anne Cley ... bur. " Jan. 9. Isabell Evans ... bur. " Jan. 22. Thomas, s. unto Mr. Hugh Piggott & Mrs. Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 25. Thomas Davies ... bur. " Feb. 5. Jane Edge ... bur. //10 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1662 1662, Feb. 15. Anne, d. of Daniell Mullocke & Dorothy ... bap. " Feb. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Samuell Candly & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 19. Jane, d. of Thomas Greane & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 28. John Murrall & Anne Larrison ... mar. " Mar. 3. Richard, s. to Thomas Ankers & Martha ... bap. " Mar. 6. George Handly ... bur. " Mar. 15. John, s. of Richard James & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 16. Mary, d. of John Neavett & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 19. Robert, s. of John Bolas & Anne ... bap. 1662, Mar. 11. Humphrey, s. of Mr. Rowland Hill & Margrett ... bap. 1663 Apr. 12. Mary Firmisson ... bur. " Apr. 23. Chorlton, s. of Chorlton Hill & Sibbeell ... bap. " May 1. George, s. of John Harries & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 14. Thomas, s. of Richard Groome & Sarah ... bap. " May 19. Mary Cartwright ... bur. " May 22. Thomas Downes ... bur. " May 23. Jane, d. of Edward Hanford & Judith ... bap. " June 9. Sarah, d. of George Robbins & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 9. Thomas Edge & Jane Stud ... mar. " June 11. John, s. of Thomas Cartwright & Darathy ... bap. " June 25. Margett, d. of Francis Arnwey & Mary ... bap. " June 29. Anne Murrall ... bur. " July 1. Martha Poolle ... bur. " July 24. George Lewis ... bur. " Aug. 3. Mary Massy ... bur. " Aug. 6. John Cotton & Anne Harries ... mar. " Aug. 10. Thomas Suker & Elizabeth Blackway ... mar. " Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of William Bently & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 17. Andrew Harper ... bur. //1664] Hodnet. 11 1663, Sep. 29. Edward, s. of Edward Cartwright & Mary; born Sep. 13th ... bap. " Oct. 7. James Bolas ... bur. " Oct. 15. Rachell, d. of John Dicken & Rachell ... bap. " Oct. 17. John Cartwright & Ester Tither ... mar. " Oct. 24. Richard Massy ... bur. " Nov. 5. Mary, d. of Rowland Dickin & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 12. Dorothy, d. of Sampson Pye & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 15. John, s. of Thomas Boswell & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 18. Anne Cley ... bur. " Nov. 22. Thomas, s. to John Prestwood & Dorcas ... bap. " Nov. 22. Margarett, d. of Richard Ridgwey & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 3. Jane Cooke ... bur. " Dec. 5. Edward Trevor & Ermin Davies ... mar. " Dec. 10. Thomas, s. to Thomas Cotton & Jees ... bap. " Dec. 10. Thomas, s. to John Murrall & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 26. John Robins & Elizabeth Groome ... mar. " Jan. 2. Katreen Steventon ... bur. " Jan. 28. Robert Long ... bur. " Feb. 6. John Roberts ... bur. " Feb. 7. Jane, d. of Thomas Hamlett & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 10. Margrett Lancashire, widow ... bur. " Feb. 21. Mary, d. to Hugh Thomas & Susan ... bap. " Mar. 14. Hugh Morgin ... bur. 1664, Mar. 25. Andrew, s. to Robert Morris & Kathern ... bap. " Mar. 28. Thomas Shiffield ... bur. " Mar. 28. Mary, d. to Will: Goodchilde & Ales ... bap. " Apr. 16. Thomas Steventon & Mary Browne ... mar. " Apr. 17. Elfin Chaulner ... bur. " Apr. 21. Elizabeth Morris ... bur. " Apr. 24. Anne, d. to William Bookly & Sarah ... bap. " May 5. Sarah Braddocke ... bur. " May 19. Richard, s. to Robert Micleright & Anne ... bap. " May 19. Anne, d. to Thomas Suker & Elizabeth ... bap. //12 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1664 1664, May 22. Mary, d. to Samuel Candly & Jane ... bap. " May 29. Jane, d. to Thomas Cowper & Jane ... bap. " June 20. William Gennis & Elizabeth Bailie ... mar. " June 21. Margrett, d. to Morris Roberts & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 21. Andrew Owen ... bur. " June 24. Sussanna, d. to William Sudely & Margrett ... bap. " June 24. George Handely & Jane Tiler ... mar. " June 26. William, s. to William Allen & Jane ... bap. " June 29. Sussanna Sudely ... bur. " July 7. Elizabeth, d. to Mr. Hugh Piggott & Mtris. Elizabeth ... bap. " July 17. John, s. to Rich. Espley & Margarett ... bap. " July 25. Anne Bookly ... bur. " Aug. 7. William, s. to Robert Denston & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 4. Mary, d. to Rich. Lewis & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 22. Andrew Bucknall ... bur. " Oct. 30. Robert, s. to Robert Dikes & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 2. Anne Mullyners ... bur. " Nov. 8. Sarah, d. to Mr. Rowland Hill & Mtrs. Margrett his w. ... bap. " Nov. 17. John, s. to Thomas Howlbrooke & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 25. Mary Chorlton ... bur. " Dec. 5. Richard Massy ... bur. " Jan. 26. Roger Are & Elizabeth Floyd ... mar. " Jan. 29. Thomas, s. to Richard James & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 2. Thoma's, s. to Chorlton Hill & Sibbiell ... bap. " Feb. 2. Robert, s. to John Massy & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Mary, d. to Daniell Mullocke & Dorothy ... bap. " Feb. 4. Robert Dikes ... bur. " Feb. 17. Rowla,nd, s. to William Dickin & Elener ... bap. " Feb. 17. Thomas, s. of Jone Newton ... bap. " Feb. 22. Mary Robins, widd. bur. 1665, Mar. 28. Elizabeth Bently ... bur. " Apr. 6. Sampson, s. of Sampson Pye & Mary ... bap. //1665] Hodnet. 13 1665, Apr. 6. George., s. of George Robbins & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 27. Thomas, s. of William Jennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 4. Mary, d. of Daniell Sudely & Mary ... bap. " May 9. William Burrie & Darothie Oare ... mar. " May 14. Sampson Pye ... bur. " May 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Steventon & Mary ... bap. " May 28. Edward, s. of Andrew Sheffield & Mary ... bap. " June 1. Sussanna, d. of Rich. Groome & Sarah ... bap. " June 8. Mary, d. to Francis Arnwey & Mary ... bap. " June 11. Elizabeth, d. to John Shiffill & Anne ... bap. " June 18. Elizabeth, d. to Will. Sudely & Margaret ... bap. " July 2. Margarett, d. to William Bookly & Sarah ... bap. " July 7. Abraham Clarke ... bur. " July 13. Martha, d. to Thomas Burrower & Martha ... bap. " July 17. David Lochard ... bur. " July 20. John, s. to William Bently & Sarah ... bap. " July 20. Anne, d. to John Cotton & Anne ... bap. " July 22. Henery Cooke & Alles Bate ... mar. " July 27. Margarett, d. to Rowland Dickin & Mary ... bap. " July 28. Mary Sudely ... bur. " Aug. 30. Mary, d. to John Robbins & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 31.. Samuel Phillips ... bur. " Sep. 23. Anne, d. to John Bolas & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 1. Beniamin, s. to Valintine Stocken & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 31. William Hues ... bur. " Dec. 28. Mary Harpar ... bur. " Jan. 1. Robert, s. to Robert Jennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 2. Jane, d. to John Harris & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 27. George Harris ... bur. " Feb. 2. Henery, s. of Mr. Hugh Piggott & Mtris. Elizabeth ... bap. //14 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1665 1665, Feb. 2. Rebecka Pue, d. to Hugh A Pue & Katherin ... bap. " Feb. 21. Rebecka Pue ... bur. " Feb. 28. Richard, s. to Richard Ridgwey & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 7. Sarah, d. to Thomas Hamlett & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 17. Mr. Robert Podmore ... bur. " Mar. 20. John, s. to John Tomkis & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 21. Margrett, w. to Humphrey Madely ... bur. 1666, Mar. 30. Elizabeth, d. to Mr. Edward Yong & Mtris. Ales ... bap. " Apr. 17. Margrett, d. to Robt. Chettwin & Margrett ... bap. " Apr. 18. Margrett Groome ... bur. " Apr. 29. John Davies ... bur. " Apr. 30. Richard, s. to Thomas Talbott & Jane ... bap. " May 4. George Lee ... bur. " May 4. Richard Ridgwey, a child ... bur. " May 9. Sarah, d. to John Cartwright & Ester ... bap. " May 19. Sarah Cartwright, a child ... bur. " May 24. William, s. to John Dickin & Rachell ... bap. " May 24. Sampson, s. to Sampson Pye & Mary ... bap. " May 14. Sarah Cartwright, widow ... bur. " June 24. John, s. to John Prestute & Darcas ... bap. " July 15. John, s. to Hugh Thomas & Susan ... bap. " July 23. Martha, d. to Daniell Sudely & Mary ... bap. " July 28. Sarah, d. to Thomas Cartwright & Dorothy ... bap. " July 30. Mary, d. to Morris Robberts & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 1. Richard Baggott ... bur. " Aug. 2. Thomas, s. to David Welles & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 16. Thomas, s. to Thomas Suker & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 16. Olyver Snelson ... bur. //" Sep. 18. Edward, s. to Mr. Rowland Hill & Mtris. Margarett his w.; born ye 28th day of August ... bap. " Aug. 28. Edward, s. to Mr. Rowland Hill & Mtris. Margarett ... bap. " Nov. 11. Thomas, s. to Robert Dikes & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 9. Peter, s. to Tho. Bnswell & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 14. Mr. Francis Lochard ... bur. //1667] Hodnet. 15 1666, Dec. 16. Eleanor, w. to John Walle ... bur. " Dec. 20. Thomas, s. to Robert Prestute & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. to Charlton Hill & Sibbiell ... bap. " Dec. 31. John, s. to Edward Cartwright & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 2. The same child ... bur. " Jan. 1. Thomas, s. to George Robbins & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 4. Robert, s. to Mr. Robert Watkis & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 7. Thomas Prestude, a child ... bur. " Jan. 20. Thomas Mulliners ... bur. " Jan. 11. Henry Tomkis ... bur. " Jan. 27. Thomas Robbins, a child ... bur. " Jan. 28. Mary, w. to John Massy ... bur. " Jan. 30. Rowland Groome, of Wesson ... bur. " Feb. 2. Dorothy, w. to Humphrey Peate ... bur. " Feb. 20. John, s. to John Wright & Ales ... bap. " Feb. 21. Mary, d. to Edward Trevor & Ermin ... bap. " Mar. 1. James Jones, a stranger ... bur. " Mar. 10. William, s. to Rich. Lewes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. to John Massy & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 19. Mary, d. to William Gennings & Elizabeth ... bap. 1667, Mar. 25. Thomas, s. to William Parton & Grace ... bap. " Mar. 25. Margaret, d. to Mr. Hugh Piggott & Mris. Elizabeth his w. ... bap. " Mar. 10. Dorothy Madely ... bur. " Mar. 31. John Lewis, a child ... bur. " Apr. 1. Anne Hall, widow ... bur. " Apr. 2. Thomas Madely ... bur. " Apr. 5. John Groome ... bur. " Apr. 7. Elizabeth Cartwright ... bur. " Apr. 8. Sarah, d. to William Bookly & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 11. Anne, d. to Will Bently & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 18. Rowland, s. to Rich. Groome & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 19. Elener, d. to Samuell Davis & Elener ... bap. " Apr. 23. Anne, d. to John Cartwright & Ester ... bap. //16 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1667 1667, Apr. 26. Anne Cotton ... bur. " Apr. 28. Elizabeth Poolle ... bur. " May 1. Thomas Suker [?] ... bur. " May 3. Sarah Longdon ... bur. " May 4. Thomas Newton ... bur. " May 7. John Timkis ... bur. " May 9. John Bently ... bur. " May 10. Mary Vouhan ... bur. " May 13. Dina Allcocke ... bur. " May 16. Humphre Madely & Kathren Firmison ... mar. " May 16. Jane, d. to Will. Parbat & Anne ... bap. " May 20. Thomas Ekin ... bur. " May 23. John Fleming, a stranger ... bur. //" June 9. Martha & Mary, daus. to William Chauner & Ales ... bap. " June 9. Martha, d. to William Chauner & Ales ... bap. " June 9. Mary, d. to William Chauner & Ales ... bap. " June 16. Anne Bently, a child ... bur. " June 24. George Groome ... bur. " June 25. Mary Phillipts ... bur. " June 25. John, s. to Thomas Ankers & Martha ... bap. " July 27. John, s. to Sampson Pye & Mary ... bap. //" July 27. Ye same child ... bur. " July 27. John, s. to Sampson Pye & Mary ... bur. " Aug. 4. Robert, s. to Thomas Holbrocke & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 20. Jane Cotton, a child ... bur. " Aug. 22. Anne Downs, a child ... bur. " Sep. 9. Zacarias Berrie ... bur. " Sep. 9. Jeiees Meddings ... bur. " Sep. 18. Richard, s. to Anne Mitton ... bap. " Sep. 18. Anne, d. to Mary Mitton, ye yonger ... bap. " Sep. 26. Mary, d. to William Sudely & Margrett ... bap. " Oct. 11. William, s. to Valentine Stocken & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 28. Thomas, s. to Richard Ridgway & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 1. Sarah, d. to Humphrey Madely & Kathern ... bap. " Nov. 5. Margarett, d. to Thomas Wells & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 7. Samuell, s. to Robert Morris & Kathern ... bap. " Nov. 20. Roger Phillips ... bur. //1668] Hodnet. 17 1667, Nov. 13. Thomas Downes ... bur. " Dec. 7. John Petoe, a servant ... bur. //" Dec. 9. William, s. to Rowland Dicken & Mary; born ye 22nd day of November ... bap. " Nov. 22. William, s. to Rowland Dicken & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 26. William Smith & Jone Massy ... mar. " Dec. 27. John, s. to John Boardman & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 2. Joshua, s. to John Boardman & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 2. Joshua, s. to Tho. Burrowes & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 6. Robert Gennings, a child ... bur. " Jan. 13. William Stocken, a child ... bur. " Feb. 1. Sarah, d. to Robt. Denston & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. The same child ... bur. " Feb. 4. Sussanna, d. to Tho. Talbot & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 9. Sussanna Cartwright ... bur. " Feb. 13. Elizabeth Espley ... bur. " Feb. 18. Martha, w. to Tho. Burrows ... bur. " Feb. 24. Richard, s. to Margarett Gregory ... bap. " Mar. 24. Elizabeth, d. to Tho. Suker & Elizabeth ... bap. 1668, Mar. 25. William Dudly ... bur. " Mar. 25. John Davis & Elizabeth Richards ... mar. " Mar. 29. Thomas Prestute, a child ... bur. " Apr. 9. George, s. to Tho. Steventon & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 13. John Robbins & Kathern Jones ... mar. " Apr. 30. Samuell Boughall & Sarah Madely ... mar. //" Apr. 30. Enoch, s. to Edward Cartwright & Mary; born ye 14th day of Aprill, & baptized the 30th day of Aprill, beinge Assensson day this yeare. " Apr. 14. Enoch, s. to Edward Cartwright & Mary ... bap. " May 3. Elenor, d. to John Harris & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 7. Mary, d. to John Cotton & Anne ... bap. " May 8. Margarett Deacon, widow ... bur. " May 30. Elenor Harris, a child ... bur. " June 1. Mary Cotton, a child ... bur. " June 11. Anne, d. to Mr. Robert Higgins & Anne ... bap. " June 24. William, s. to Henry Cartwright & Constance ... bap. //18 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1668 1668, July 6 Sarah Burrye ... bur. " July 7. Anne, d. to John Gennins & Elizabeth Clarke ... bap. " July 16. John, s. to Tho. Cowper & Jane ... bap. " July 17. Mary, d. to Mr. Edward Yong & Ales ... bap. " July 17. Martha Burrowes, a child ... bur. " Aug. 20. Margarett Davis, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 30. Jane, d. to Will. Bently & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 8. Jane, w. to John Massy ... bur. " Oct. 17. Margarett Hill, w. to Mr. Row: Hill ... bur. " Oct. 8. Forttin Heward, a poore woman ... bur. " Dec. 25. Ales Downes, widdow ... bur. " Dec. 27. Elizabeth, w. to Roger Are ... bur. " Dec. 29. Margarett Dicken, a child ... bur. " Jan. 1. Jane, d. to John Prestute & Dorothy ... bap. " Jan. 6. William Hodeinge, s. to William Hodeinge & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 7. John, s. to Sampson Pye & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 8. Richard Barrowe, a servant ... bur. " Jan. 20. John Shiffill ... bur. " Jan. 27. Gwen Cley, widow ... bur. " Jan. 31. Richard Cooke ... bur. " Feb. 4. Will Howdinge, a child ... bur. " Feb. 6. Anne Cotton, a child ... bur. " Feb. 8. Joshua, s. to John Jones & Anne James ... bap. " Feb. 13. Elizabeth, d. to Will. Smith & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 15. Jone Smith ... bur. " Feb. 20. Mtris. Sarah Podmoore, wid. bur. " Mar. 19. Mary, d. to John Cartwright & Ester ... bap. " Mar. 24. Mr. Robert Watkiss ... bur. 1669, Mar. 26. Elizabeth, d. to Rich. Groome & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 1. Samuel, s. to Thomas Bookely & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 2. Elizabeth Smith, a child ... bur. " Apr. 4. Sarah, d. to Mr. Robt. Watkis & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 6. Sarah, w. to Robt. Dikes ... bur. //1669] Hodnet. 19 1669, Apr. 7. Mary Evans ... bur. " Apr. 13. Sarah Watkis, a child ... bur. " Apr. 13. Margery Trevor, a poor woman ... bur. " Apr. 28. John Thomas, a child ... bur. " May 1. John, s. to David Wells & Mary ... bap. " May 1. Lucy, d. to George Robbins & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 3. John Massy ... bur. " May 20. Elizabeth, d. to William Gennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 31. Jeremye Reay & Anne Handy ... mar. " May 31. John Downs, a child ... bur. " June 17. Thomas Crackly ... bur. " June 17. Amay Streete ... bur. " July 8. George, s. to Edward Trevor & Ermin ... bap. " July 15. John, s. to John Cotton & Anne ... bap. " July 23. Mary Griffis ... bur. " July 29. Rowland, s. to Charlton Hill & Sibbiell ... bap. " Aug. 1. Mary, d. to John Massy & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 5. Anne Berry, a child ... bur. " Aug. 26. Susanna Talbot, a child ... bur. " Sep. 3. Thomas, s. to John Neavett & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 16. Sarah, d. to Robert Denston & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 17. Ales, d. to Thomas Hicthin & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 21. Thomas, s. to John Harris & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 21. Owen Vouhan, a poor man ... bur. " Oct. 24. Ales Hicthin, a child ... bur. " Nov. 11. Rowland Robbins & Margarett Walle ... mar. " Nov. 18. John, s. to Vallantine Stocken & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 20. George Downs & Sarah Cley ... mar. " Dec. 9. Hanna, d. to Will. Sudely & Margarett ... bap. " Dec. 9. Elizabeth, d. to Mary Jones, a stranger ... bap. " Dec. 13. Henry Cartwright ... bur. " Dec. 14. Elizabeth Jones, a child ... bur. " Dec. 15. Richard Lawly ... bur. " Dec. 16. Richard, s. to Daniel Sudely & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 19. William Goulbourne ... bur. " Dec. 27. Margery, d. to Henry Cartwright & Constante ... bap //20 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1669 1669, Jan. 1. Thomas Burrowes ... bur. " Jan. 14. Hugh, s. to Mr. Hugh Piggott & Mtris. Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Mary, d. to Humphrey Madely & Kathern ... bap. " Feb. 12. Elizabeth Penton ... bur. " Feb. 21. Elizabeth, d. to Robt. Prestute & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 21. William Mullyners ... bur. " Feb. 24. Thomas, s. to Thomas Suker & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 27. Thomas Wells ... bur. " Mar. 12. Hanna Sudely, a childe ... bur. " Mar. 16. Jane Phillipts ... bur. " Mar. 24. John, s. to Row. Dicken & Mary ... bap. 1670, Mar. 27. John, s. to Thos. Humpston & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 4. Jane, d. to John Bolas & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 14. Elizabeth Jones ... bur. " Apr. 14. Anne, d. to Will. Hodeinge & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 20. Ann, d. to Jeremya Reay & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 21. William, s. to Will. Bonkly & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 28. Anne Davies ... bur. " May 1. Richard, s. to William Parton & Grace ... bap. " May 6. Anne, d. to Robt. Nieler & Mary ... bap. " May 12. Thomas, s. to Mr. Gilbert Cole & Mris. Mary his w. ... bap. " May 17. Anne, d. to Roger James ... bap. " May 27. Robert Bookely ... bur. " June 9. Mary Arnwey ... bur. " June 9. Vincett, s. to Thomas Holbrocke & Jane ... bap. " June 24. Samuell, s. to John Dicken & Ragell ... bap. " July 7. Margery, d. to Thomas Boswell & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 11. Ales, d. to Mr. Edward Yonge & Mtris. Ales his w. ... bap. " Aug. 14. Kathern, d. to Mr. Robert Johnson & Mtris. Mordalin his w. ... bap. " Sep. 1. Thomas Rodon ... bur. " Sep. 1. Timmothy Neavell ... bur. " Sep. 9. Mary Roberts, a child ... bur. " Sep. 11. Ales, d. to Edw. Cotton & Jane ... bap. //1670] Hodnet. 21 1670, Sep. 13. Thomas Hicthin ... bur. " Sep. 30. George Smith ... bur. " Oct. 3. Mary Smith ... bur. " Oct. 6. Rowland Poolle ... bur. " Oct. 6. Thomas, s. to Thomas Hichin & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 6. John, s. to George Downs & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 6. Francis Arnwey & Mary Edge ... mar. " Oct. 15. Andrew Steventon ... bur. " Oct. 15. Andrew, s. to Thomas Pursell & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 18. Sussanna, d. to Will. Parbett & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 23. Richard, s. to William Jones & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 24. John, s. to Samuell Davies & Elener ... bap. " Nov. 10. Joshua, s. to John Boardman & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 11. Richard Penson ... bur. " Nov. 13. Thomas, s. to Rowland Poole & Margarett ... bap. " Nov. 25. Mary A Pue ... bur. " Dec. 1. Hanna, d. to Mr. Samuell Orpe & Mtris. Bridgett his w. ... bap. " Dec. 6. George, s. to George Recall & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 10. Thomas Poolle, a child ... bur. " Dec. 15. William, s. to John Watson & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 18. William Smith & Jane Grice ... mar. " Dec. 18. Elizabeth Parton, widdow ... bur. " Dec. 21. Richard Williams, a servant ... bur. " Dec. 22. Jane Espley, a child ... bur. " Dec. 26. Rowland, s. to Thomas Steventon & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 29. Richard, s. to Andrew Shiffill & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 4. Joshua Boardman, a child ... bur. " Jan. 7. Susan Phillipts, a child ... bur. " Jan. 15. John Mannaringe & Jone Shingler ... mar. " Jan. 17. Walter, s. to Robt. Gennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 19. Elizabeth, d. to Will. Allen & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 26. John Phillipts ... bur. " Feb. 27. Thomas Church ... bur. " Feb, 28. Anne, d. to Robt. Chetwin & Margarett ... bap. //22 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1670 1670, Mar. 2. Samuell, s. to Edward Rennots & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 5. Elizabeth Podmore ... bur. " Mar. 13. Nicolas Floyd, a child, being a stranger ... bur. 1671, Apr. 4. William Bookly, a child ... bur. " Apr. 6. Jane, d. to Mr. Robert Higgins & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 9. William, s. to Vallentine Stocken & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 18. Thomas, s. to John Prestute & Darcose ... bap. " Apr. 18. Ester, d. to John Cartwright & Ester ... bap. " Apr. 21. Beniamin Stocken ... bur. " Apr. 27. William Genninge, s. to William Genining [sic] & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 8. William Stocken, a child ... bur. " May 18. Charles, s. to Charlton Hill & Sibbiell ... bap. " June 9. Thomas, s. to Arthur Podmore & Sarah ... bap. " June 27. Gilbert, s. to Mr. Gilbert Cowle & Mtris. Mary his w. ... bap. " June 30. William Tande ... bur. " June 30. Richard Downs ... bur. " July 5. Robert, s. to Francis Arnwey & Mary ... bap. " July 19. Elizabeth Cowper ... bur. " July 27. Thomas Robberts ... bur. " Aug. 2. Elizabeth Watson ... bur. " Aug. 10. Margaret Bookly ... bur. " Aug. 19. Mary, d. to Richard Bowin was ... bap. & Sarah his wife was ... bur. //" Sep. 4. William & Isabell, s. & d. to James Greane & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 4. William, s. to James Greane & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 4. Isabell, d. to James Greane & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 5. William Greane, a child ... bur. " Sep. 14. Mary Harris, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 17. Isabell Greane, a child ... bur. " Sep. 20. Ann Blackmore ... bur. " Sep. 22. Mary, d. to Rich. Groome & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 29. Elener, d. to Francis Dod & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 5. George, s. to Will. Smith & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 8. Charles, s. to Mr. Hugh Piggott & Mtris. Elizabeth his w. ... bap. " Oct. 12. Thomas Greane ... bur. " Nov. 14. Thomas Suker, a childe ... bur. //1672] Hodnet. 23 1672, Nov. 17. Richard, s. to Sampson Pye & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 29. Richard Palin & Margarett Harper ... mar. " Dec. 14. Edward, s. to John Cotton & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 28. Jane, d. to Thomas Benbowe & Ales ... bap. " Dec. 30. Ann Hichin ... bur. " Jan. 3. George Phillipts, a yong youth ... bur. " Jan. 13. Jane Benbow, a childe ... bur. " Jan. 18. John Poolle ... bur. " Jan. 25. Thomas Oles ... bur. " Jan. 26. Rowland Mitton ... bur. " Feb. 2. William, s. to William Loe & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 2. Richard Eikin ... bur. " Feb. 4. Henry Huksly & Anne Larrance ... mar. " Feb. 20. Samuell & Joshua Burrows, were ... bur. " Feb. 23. Thomas Eaton ... bur. " Feb. 29. William, s. to Will. Sudely & Margarett ... bap. " Mar. 22. Mary, d. to John Bouardman & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 25. Mary, d. to Rich. Penscer & Mary ... bap. 1672, Mar. 28. Jane, d. to George Becalle & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 9. Stephen Reay & Dorothy Tither ... mar. " Apr. 9. William Morris ... bur. " Apr. 11. Elizabeth, d. to Robert Gennings Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 18. Sarah, d. to John Massy & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 30. John, s. to Thomas Blackmare & Dorothy ... bap. " May 5. John Blackmore, a childe ... bur. " May 19. Richard, s. to David Wells & Mary ... bap. " May 23. Sussanna, d. to Robt. Denston & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 28. George, s. to Robt Nilier & Mary ... bap.. " July 7. Anne, d. to Robt. Blakemore & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 25. William, s. to William Cartwright & Susan ... bap. " July 20. John Jervis & Margery Dicken were married ... mar. " July 25. Jeremy, d. to Jeremy Reay & Anne ... bap. " July 27. Thomas Roden ... bur. //24 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1672 1672, Aug. 2. John, s. to Will. Dickin & Elener ... bap. " Aug. 3. Elizabeth, d. to John Harris & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 6. George Downs ... bur. " Aug. 8. Jane, d. to Mr. Edward Yong & Mtris Ales his w. ... bap. " Aug. 17. William Phillipts ... bur. " Sep. 17. Abigail, d. to Thomas Suker & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. Anne, d. to Robert Prestute & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 29. Jane Becall, an infant ... bur. " Oct. 3. Richard, s. to John Watson & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 9. Sarah, d. to Will. Bentley & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 11. Lucy Sankee, a poore woman ... bur. " Oct. 11. Sarah Bently, an infant ... bur. " Oct. 24. Henry, d. to Valentine Stocken & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 21. Elener Denston, a poore woman ... bur. " Nov. 30. Mary, d. to Daniell Sudely & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 1. John, s. to James Streate & Margarett ... bap. " Dec. 2. William Cartwright, junr., & Martha Kingson ... mar. " Dec. 8. John Streate, an infant ... bur. " Dec. 24. Thomas, s. to Thomas Benboe & Alice ... bap. " Dec. 27. Anne, d. to John Yeomans & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 8. Thomas Latewood & Jane Phillipts ... mar. " Jan. 9. Samuel, s. to Mr. Arthur Podmore & Mrs. Sarah his w. ... bap. " Jan. 22. John Molynes & Mary Mullyners ... mar. " Jan. 24. Richard Shiffill ... bur. " Jan. 24. Walter, s. to Mr. Hugh Piggott & Mtris. Elizabeth his w. bap. " Feb. 13. Susanna, d. to William Sudely & Margarett ... bap. " Feb. 27. Elizabeth, d. to Tho. Steventon & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 1. Thomas Harris ... bur. " Mar. 3. Elizabeth Steventon, infant ... bur. " Mar. 6. John, s. to Francis Arnwey & ... bap. " Mar. 8. George, s. to Humphrey Madely & Kathern ... bap. " Mar. 20. Jane, d. to William Smith & Jane ... bap. //1673] Hodnet. 25 1672, Mar. 20. Mary, d. to George Downs & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 22. Jane, d. to Edward Cartwright & Mary ... bap. 1673, Mar. 25. Jonathan, s. to Thomas Blackmore & Dorothy ... bap. " Mar. 26. Zacarias Boone, a childe ... bur. " Mar. 29. William Floyd, a childe ... bur. " Mar. 31. Elizabeth, d. to Daniel Mullocke & Dorothy ... bap. " Mar. 31. Robert Arnwey, a childe ... bur. " Apr. 2. Francis Howard & Elizabeth Kingsone ... mar. " Apr. 3. Ann Clarke, a poore woman ... bur. " Apr. 14. Elizabeth Phillipts ... bur. " May 5. John, s. to John Davis & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 6. Robert Dikes ... bur. " May 9. Elener, d. to Mr. Samuel Orpe & Mtris. Bridgett his w. ... bap. " May 11. John Grome, a poore man ... bur. " May 12. Robert Horton, a childe ... bur. " May 19. Thomas Jones & Jane Thomas ... mar. " May 29. Susanna, d. to Rowland Dicken & Mary ... bap. " May 29. Ann, d. to Thomas Hichin & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 13. John, s. to William Burton & Jane ... bap. " June 17. Thomas Hichin ... bur. " July 13. John, s. to Will. Cartwright & Martha ... bap. " July 13. Elizabeth, d. to Will. Ferington & Sarah ... bap. " July 7. Anne, w. of John Betris [?] ... bur. " July 11. Samuel, s. of James Green & Joane ... bap. " July 21. Robt. Neilier ... bur. " July, 29. John, s. to John Cartwright & Ester ... bap. " July 31. Samuell Green, an infant ... bur. " Aug. 19. Margarett Arnwey, a child ... bur. " Aug. 24. Mary Gregory, a servant ... bur. " Aug. 26. Jane, d. to Thomas Pursell & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 27. Frances, d. to John Tomkis & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 18. Gilbert, s. to John Prestute & Darcas ... bap. " Sep. 25. John, s. to John Jervis & Margery ... bap. " Oct. 2. Mary, d. to John Dickin & Rachell ... bap. " Oct. 2. Anne, d. to William Right & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 15. Ellener Davis, a childe ... bur. //26 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1673 1673, Nov. 6. Mary, d. to Francis Howard & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 27. Anne, d. to George Becall & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 28. Jane, d. to Tho. Latewood & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 18. Robert, s. to Robert Chetwin & Margaret ... bap. //" Dec. 30. John & William, sons to Thomas Steventon & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 30. John, s. to Thomas Steventon & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 30. William, s. to Thomas Steventon & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Thomas Mickelwright & Elizabeth Bathow ... mar. " Jan. 8. John, s. to John Handly & Katherin ... bap. " Jan. 9. Rowland, s. to Rowland Robbins & Margaret ... bap. " Jan. 10. William, s. to William Watson & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 11. William Watson, an infante ... bur. " Jan. 12. William Steventon, an infante ... bur. " Jan. 14. Edward Ekin, a servant ... bur. " Jan. 29. Robert Bate & Thomasin Steventori, both of p. Drayton ... mar. " Feb. 3. Jeoces, w. to Morgin Evans ... bur. " Feb. 10. Ales, d. to Will. Bently & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 15. George Cley, a poore man ... bur. " Mar. 24. Martha Atkins, an infant ... bur. 1674, Apr. 2. Richard, s. to Richard Penson & Dorothy ... bap. " Apr. 2. Margarett Thomas, a child ... bur. " Apr. 3. William Bookly, a poore man ... bur. " Apr. 20. Jospheth, s. to Rich. Cartwright & Mary ... bap. //" Apr. 30. Samuel & Sarah, s. & d. to Will. Jennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 30. Samuel, s. to Will. Jennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 30. Sarah, d. to Will. Jennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 2. Mr. Robert Arnwey, of Wesson ... bur. " May 5. Mary Thomas ... bur. " May 6. Mr. Arthur Podmore, of Hackton ... bur. " May 15. John Peeres, of Wesson ... bur. " May 28. Mary, d. to Hugh Davies & Jane ... bap. " June 18. Elizabeth, d. to William Robberts & Jane ... bap. " June 25. Mary, d. to Rich. Causer & Mary ... bap. " June 30. Roger Roden ... bur. //1675] Hodnet. 27 1674, June 30. Kathern Browne ... bur. " July 26. Anne Prestute, a childe ... bur. " Aug. 8. Robert Genninges, s. to Robert Genninges & Elizabeth ... bap " Aug. 16. Hu aPue, a poore man ... bur. " Sep. 3. Mary Davies, an infainte ... bur. " Sep. 24. Dorothy, w. to Will. Burrie ... bur. " Nov. 5. Anne Hicthin, w. to Raph Hichtin ... bur. " Nov. 10. Mary Phillipts, an infant ... bur. " Nov. 12. Sarah, d. to George Downs & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 12. Robert Massey, a childe ... bur. " Nov. 15. Hugh, s. to Hugh Thomas & Susan ... bap. " Dec. 7. William Burton ... bur. " Dec. 8. Mary, d. to John Bolas & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 18. John Greene, an inft. ... bur. " Dec. 26. Francis, s. to Charlton Hill & Sibiell ... bap. " Dec. 28. John Davies, a childe ... bur. " Dec. 31. Jane, d. to John WaHord & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 2. Richard Downes, of Melverly, & Margarett Murrall, of Hopton ... mar. " Jan. 12. Walter Paine, of Edsteston, & Elizabeth Edwards, of Elsmer ... mar. " Jan. 22. William, s. to John Harris & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 25. John Griffes, a servant ... bur. " Jan. 30. Charles, s. to John Cootton & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 2. Johnathan, s. to Johnathan Wood & Dorothy ... bap. " Feb. 4. William, s. to Jeremya Reay & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 6. Mary, w. to David Wells ... bur. " Feb. 16. Mary, d. to Bourton & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 17. Mary Bourton, an infante ... bur. " Feb. 19. Sussan Tither, a servant ... bur. " Feb. 21. John Deinty, a childe ... bur. " Mar. 7. Ann, d. to Robert Prestute & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 18. John Cley ... bur. " Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. to Will. Watson & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 21. Elizabeth Watson, an infante ... bur. " Mar. 24. Vincett Holebrocke, a childe ... bur. 1675, Apr. 6. Mary, d. to Elizabeth Are ... bap. //28 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1675 1675, Apr. 6. Mr. Robert Chomly & Elizabeth Vernon ... mar. " Apr. 18. Samuell Phillipts, an infaint ... bur. " Apr. 25. Elizabeth, w. to Rich. Denston ... bur. " Apr. 25. Robert, s. to Arthur Murrall & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 1. John, s. to John Watson & Mary ... bap. " May 6. Stephen, s. to Stephen Reay & Dorothy ... bap. " May 13. William, s. to Thomas & Kathern Kinerly ... bap. " May 15. The Lady Elizabeth Vernon, ye wife of &. Henry Vernon, Bart. ... bur. " May 17. Sarah, d. to John Ore & Ayes ... bap. " May 21. Richard Phillipts, of Wixsell ... bur. " May 22. Martha Crachley, a poor woman ... bur. " May 22. Charles Cotton, an infant ...bur. " May 30. Ann, d. to Robert Denston & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 2. Mary, w. to Abram Deacon ... bur. " June 6. Anne Denity, an infant ... bur. " June 7. Thomas Howlbrocke, a poore man ... bur. " June 14. Ann Cley ... bur. " June 27. Izabell, w. to Will. Bate ... bur. " June 29. Sarah, d. to Jane Price & John Robbins ... bap. " July 18. Elizabeth Ash ... bur. " Aug. 1. William, s. to Sarah Erdly & Thomas Suker ... bap. " Aug. 16. William Bailie, of Wesson ... b " Aug. 17. Mary, w. of John Tomkis ... bur. " Sep. 13. Thomas Hill, a yong yauth ... bur. " Sep. 23. Penelope, d. to Mr. David Atkins & Mtris. Elizabeth his w. ... bap. " Sep. 23. Peter, s. to Rowland Lee & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 7. Thomas, s. to William Dickin & Elener ... bap. " Nov. 1. Ales, d. to Rich. Causor & Mary ... bap.. " Nov. 8. Jone Presson ... bur. " Nov. 11. Sussana, d. to Mr. Hugh Piggott & Mtris. Elizabeth, his wife ... bap. " Nov. 18. Margarett, d. to John Cartwright & Ester ... bap. " Nov. 28. Ales Reay ... bur. //1676] Hodnet. 29 1675, Dec. 2. Ales, d. to Thomas Hicthin & Elizabeth ... bap " Dec. 8. Thomas Boswell ... bur. " Dec. 9. Elizabeth, d. to William Mullyners & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 9. Margarett Cartwright, an infant ... bur. " Dec. 11. John Neavett ... bur. " Dec. 28. Mary, d. to Will. Jones & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 29. Elizabeth, d. to Tho. Latwood & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 30. Ann, d. to Mr. Samuell Orpe & Mtris. Bridgett his w. ... bap. " Jan. 4. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Michaelwright & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 27. Ruth, w. to Robert Podmore ... bur. " Feb. 2. John Harpar, s. to John Harper & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 6. Elizabeth Crachly ... bur. " Feb. 11. Richard, s. to Richard Downs & Margarett ... bap. " Feb. 13. Ann, d. to Samuel Davies & Elener ... bap. " Feb. 24. John, s. to John Pace & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 2. Paul Teilier, of Wesson ... bur. " Mar. 16. Thomas, s. to Thomas Blackmore & Darothie ... bap. " Mar. 17. William, s. to William Burton & Jane ... bap. 1676, Mar. 26. Mary Tomkis, widd: ... bur. " Mar. 27. Anne, d. to Will. Sudely & Margarett ... bap. " Mar. 31. Thomas Murrall, of Hopton ... bur. //" Apr. 5. Isaace & Rebecka, s. & d. to John Prestute & Darcas ... bap. " Apr. 5. Isaace, s. to John Prestute & Darcas ... bap. " Apr. 5. Rebecka, d. to John Prestute & Darcas ... bap. " Apr. 13. Isaace Prestute, an infainte ... bur. " Apr. 20. Margarett, d. to Rowland Robbins & Margarett ... bap. " Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. to Francis Heaward & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 25. &. Henry Vernon, Barnt. ... bur. " May 6. Ann, d. to David Welles & Anne ... bap. " May 16. Mary, d. to Mary Pascall & George Robberts ... bap. " May 27. Edward Trevor ... bur. //30 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1676 1676, June 1. Sarah, d. to Thomas Sukar & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 8. Susanna, d. to Sampson Pye & Mary ... bap. " June 15. Kennott Grocoke ... bur. " June 15. Joshua Tomkis, an infant ... bur. " June 19. The Lady Elizabeth Vernon, wife to &. Thomas Vernon, Barrt. ... bur. " June 22. Mary, d. to William Smith & Jane ... bap. " June 29. William, s. to William Cartwright & Martha ... bap. " July 25. William Burrie & Elener Harris ... mar. " Aug. 3. Margarett, d. to Rowland Dickin & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 10. Thomas, s. to John Hicthin & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 17. Sussanna, d. to Humphrey Madely & Kathern ... bap. " Aug. 29. Richard Fleminge ... bur. " Sep. 21. Margaretit, d. to Francis Arnwey & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 21. Mary, d. to George Walford & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 21. Jane, d. to Johnnathan Wood & Darothy ... bap. " Oct. 5. Diana, d. to Vallantine Stocken & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 7. Sarah, d. to Ellioner Warde & Jone ... bap. " Oct. 20. William Humphreson, of p. Stoke, & Elizabeth Barnes, of p. Wem ... mar. " Oct. 23. Sarah Suker, a child ... bur. " Oct. 27. Thomas, s. to John Walford & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 31. Sarah Watson ... bur. " Nov. 9. Thomas, s. to John Cotton & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 27. Thomas Rondilles, of p. Drayton, & Mary Yeaton, of p. Hodnett ... mar. " Nov. 30. John, s. to William Jennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 30. Andrew, s. 6 Rich. Cartwright & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 2. William, s. to William Robbinson & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 26. Mary, d. to Daniell Dikes & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 27. Jane, d. to George Becall & Jane ... bap. //1677] Hodnet. 31 1676, Dec. 28. Jone Gennings, d. to Robert Genings & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 28. Sarah, d. to Will. Cartwright & Susan ... bap. " Jan. 16. Elizabeth, d. to John Humpton ... bur. " Jan. 14. Sarah Denston, a child ... bur. " Feb. 8. John, s. to Richard Penson &,Dorothy ... bap. " Feb. 14. Ann Denston ... bur. " Feb. 15. Thomas, s. to John Watson & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 19. Mary Griffis ... bur. 1677, Mar. 27. Elizabeth, d. to John Cartwright & Esther ... bap. " Apr. 5. Jane Cotton ... bur. " Apr. 14. George Lowe, a childe ... bur. " Apr. 16. John Firmisson ... bur. " Apr. 18. Margarett, d. to Andrew Shiffill & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 21. George, s. to John Oare & Avees ... bap. " Apr. 26. John, s. to Jeoymgha Reay & Anne ... bap. " May 17. Edward, s. to George Bowth & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 29. William, s. to Hugh Davies & Jane ... bap. " June 3. William Davis & [sic] infainte ... bur. " June 5. Lucy, w. to Andrea Morris ... bur. " June 21. John, s. to John Cley & Ann ... bap. " June 23. Thomas, s. to William Mullyners & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 28. Robert, s. to Thomas Alcocke & Martha ... bap. " July 10. Darothy, d. to George Bookly & Anne ... bap. " July 12. Anne, d. to William Watson & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 6. Thomas Harris, of Marchamly ... bur. " Aug. 20. Darothy Bookly, an infainte ... bur. " Aug. 26. Elizabeth, d. to Mr. David Atkins & Mtris. Elizabeth his w. ... bap. //" September. [No entries.] " Oct. 6. Andrew, s. to John Harris & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 9. Jane, w. to Edward Cotton ... bur. " Oct. 14. Anne, d. to John Williams & Ursela ... bap. " Oct. 23. Anne Prestute, a childe ... bur. " Oct. 25. Robert, s. to Will. Lowe & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 26. Robert Pace ... bur. //" November. [No entries.] //32 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1677 1677, Dec. 2. Ann Bailie, of Wesson ... bur. " Dec. 6. Thomas, s. to Thomas Burrowes & Elener ... bap. " Dec. 22. Madelin, w. to Jakebe Edwards ... bur. " Dec. 14. Mary Hill, a strange child ... bur. " Dec. 18. William Bucknall ... bur. " Jan. 11. Jane, d. to Francis Heward & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 23. Jane Dickin, widdow ... bur. " Jan. 31. Thomas, s. to Thomas Humpston & Kathern ... bap. " Feb. 7. John, s. to John Hicthin & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 9. Darothy, d. to Raph. Hicthin & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 7. Rowland, s. to Rowland Lee & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 10. Samuell, s. to Mr. Samuell Orpe & Mtris. Bridgitt his W. ... bap. " Mar. 10. Darothy, d. to David Wells & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 11. Samuell Orpe, an infainte ... bur. " Mar. 16. Anne, w. to William Hill ... bur. " Mar. 21. George Espley ... bur. 1678, Mar. 19. Darothy Brookes ... bur. " Apr. 13. Mary, d. to William Bourton & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 24. Andrew Morris & Ann Harris ... mar. " May 7. Anne Lambe ... bur. " May 17. Robert Bolas ... bur. //" May 21. Mary & Martha, daus. to Thomas Latwood & Jane ... bap. " May 21. Mary, d. to Thomas Latwood & Jane ... bap. " May 21. Martha, d. to Thomas Latwood & Jane ... bap. " May 24. Lucy Baggott ... bur. " May 30. Thomas Browne, of Chorlton & Mary Floyd, of Bolas parva ... mar. " May 30. Samuell, s. to William Dickin & Elener " June 6. Sarah, d. to John Harpar & Sarah ... bbapap. " June 13. Robert, s. to Mr. Robert Higgins & Mtris. Kathern his w. ... bap. " June 16. George, s. to George Downs & Sarah ... bap. " June 18. Ann, d. to Arthur Murrall & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 20. Daniell, s. to Thomas Hicthin & Elizabeth ... bap. //1678] Hodnet. 33 //1678, June 22. Elizabeth & Jane, daus. to Robert Denston & Jane ... bap. 1678, June 22. Elizabeth, d. to Robert Denston & Jane ... bap. 1678, June 22. Jane, d. to Robert Denston & Jane ... bap. " June 25. Jane Denston, an infant ... bur. " July 14. Ann, d. to George Bookly & Ann ... bap. " July 25. Elizabeth Denston, an infant ... bur. " July 31. Andrew Morris ... bur. " Aug. 9. William Jones, a child ... bur. " Sep. 19. Elizabeth, d. to John Pace & Ann ... bap. //" Sep. 21. David & Dorcas, s. & d. to John Prestute & Dorcas ... bap. " Sep. 21. David, s. to John Prestute & Dorcas ... bap. " Sep. 21. Dorcas, d. to John Prestute & Dorcas ... bap. " Oct. 12. Jane Owen ... bur. " Oct. 24. Mary, d. to Richard Cartewright & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 3. Hanna, d. to Thomas Humpston & Ales ... bap. " Nov. 19. John Ekins ... bur. " Nov. 21. Mary, d. to William Ferrington & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 7. Humphre Peale, of Wesson ... bur. " Dec. 10. Mary, d. to Rowland Robbins & Margaret ... bap. " Dec. 16. Elizabeth Holly ... bur. " Dec. 17. Susana, d. to Tho. Jones & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 19. Margery Owles ... bur. " Dec. 22. Margett Prichard ... bur. " Lec. 25. John, s. to Thomas Cley & Darothy ... bap. " Dec. 27. Christopher Wood, of Hatin, & Rebecka Rodin, of Bolas p'va ... mar. " Dec. 27. John Cley, an infaint ... bur. " Jan. 5. Margett Canland ... bur. " Jan. 20. Anne, d. to William Rigbe & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 23. Anne, d. to Hugh Davis & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 25. Elizabeth Mullocks, a child ... bur. " Jan. 28. John, s. to John Walford & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 29. John Groome ... bur. " Feb. 12. John, s. to William Robbinson & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 13. William, s. to George Walford & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 21. Kathern Harris ... bur. " Feb. 22. John Espley, a youth ... bur. " Feb. 25. Darothy Wells, a childe ... bur. //34 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1678 1678, Feb. 27. Bridgett, d. to Mr. Samuell Orpe, & Mtris. Bridgett his w. ... bap. " Feb. 28. Darothy, d. to Thomas Steventon & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 3. Margarett, d. to Richard Causor & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 5. Edward Prichard ... bur. //" Mar. 18. Thomas, s. to Mr. James Stubs & Mtris. Katren, his w. born March 11th ... bap. " Mar. 11. Thomas, s. to Mr. James Stubs & Mtris. Katren ... bap. " Mar. 23. Richard, s. to John Cley & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 24. Andrew, s. to Andrew Morris & Anne ... bap. 1679, Mar. 28. Abraham Decon ... bur. " Mar. 30. Ann, d. to Jeram Reay & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 22. Andrew Murrall & Elizabeth Robbins, both of this p. ... mar. " Apr. 16. Mtris. Anne Lochard, w. to Mr. Thomas Lochard ... bur. " May 3. Elizabeth Evans ... bur. " May 17. Mary, d. to Andrew Shiffill & Ann ... bap. " May 21. John, s. to Robert Jennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 23. John Jennings, an infant ...bur. " May 31. Robert, s. to Robert Prestute & Anne ... bap. " June 10. Elizabeth, d. to John Watson & Mary ... bap. " June 17. Mary Burton, a child ... bur. " June 26. Elizabeth Pace, an infaint ... bur. " June 27. John, s. to William Mullyners & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 4. Mary Poole ... bur. " July 17. Elizabeth Downs ... bur. " July 19. John Bailie, an infaint ... bur. " July 23. Jane Becall, a childe ... bur. " July 28. John Howie, of Tibberton, & Jane Ekin, of Marchamley ... mar. " Aug. 4. Thomas, s. to John Cartwright & Ester ... bap. " Aug. 5. Samuele Dickin, a child ... bur. " Aug. 6. Thomas Cartwright, an infaint ... bur. " Aug. 8. Robert, s. to William Cartwright & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 8. Ann, d. to John Rennots & Ann ... bap. " Aug. 8. Andrew, s. to Andreu Harries & Susan ... bap. //1679] Hodnet. 35 1679, Aug. 20. Joseph, s. to Thomas Sukar & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 25. Andrew Harries ... bur. " Sep. 8. Sarah, w. Ito John Harpar ... bur. " Sep. 18. Samuell, s. to John Oare & Ayes ... bap. " Sep. 26. Samuel, s. to Stephen Reay & Darothy ... bap. " Oct. 2. Darothy, d. to Will. Irish & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 6. Richard, s. to Mr. Hugh Piggot & Mtris. Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 10. Daniell, s. to Moses Reay & Martha ... bap. " Oct. 11. Samuel, s. to Samuel Davies & Elener ... bap. " Oct. 28. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Cartwright & Darothy ... bap. " Nov. 12. Mtris. Darothy Irish ... bur. " Nov. 18. Isabell Richards ... bur. " Nov. 25. Ann Bookly ... bur. " Dec. 6. Moses Corbett, p. Shawbury, & Christian Poole, p. St. Maryes in Salop ... mar. " Dec. 6. William Hancox, p. St. Maryes in Salop, & Frances Gregory, p. St. Chades in Salop ... mar. " Dec. 12. Ester, d. to George Robberts & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 27. Elizabeth, d. to Ellison Warde & Jone ... bap. " Jan. 22. Margarett, d. to David Welles & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 23. Sarah, w. to Rich. Sockett ... bur. " Jan. 30. Elener Bate ... bur. " Feb. 13. Thomas, s. Ito Richard Ollyver & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 18. Richard, s. to William Watson & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 21. William Barnes, of Lapinton, & Anne Denston, of Kenston ... mar. " Feb. 29. Elizabeth, d. to George Bouth & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 13. Theofylas, s. to Francis Heawood & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 13. Margarett, w. to Will. Sudely ... bur. " Mar. 23. Sussana, d. to Thomas Moss & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 23. William Cartwright ... bur. //36 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1680 1680, Apr. 5. Mary, d. to Andrew Marra11 & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 5. Charles, s. to George Bookely & Ann ... bap. " May 11. Rowland, s. to Rowland ackin & Mary ... bap. " May 19. Margarett Colin ... bur. " May 31. Thomas Cowper, a youth ... bur. " June 4. Margaret, d. to William Bunton & Jane ... bap. " June 8. John Grene, a servant ... bur. " June 17. Richard Atcherley, of Marton, & Margaret Hill, of Hackton ... mar. " June 17. Thomas, s. to Thomas Ash & Mary ... bap. " June 26. John, s. to Thomas Cley & Darothy ... bap. " July 1. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Hicthin & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 4. Mary, d. to Michaell Tither & Mary Dora11 ... bap. " July 8. Thomas Ash ... bur. " July 22. Robert, s. to John Pace & Ann ... bap. " July 23. Hugh, s. to Robert Jennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 7. Thomas Chetwin & Mary Gittings, both of Wem ... mar. " Aug. 20. Robert, s. to Robert Denston & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 31. Mr. Rowland [illegible] ... bur. " Sep. 2. Anne, d. to John Harries & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 23. Elener, d. to Rowland Lee & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. Elener, d. to William Dickin & Elener ... bap. //" Oct. 12. Margt., d. to Sarnm: Marygold ... bap. " Oct. 12. Margt., d. to Samuell Marygold ... bap. " Nov. 4. Elizabeth Michelwright, a childe ... bur. " Nov. 18. Anne, d. to Richard Penson & Darothy ... bap. " Nov. 25. Thomas, s. to William Lowe & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 15. Edward Tither ... bur. " Dec. 28. Richard Harpar ... bur. " Dec. 29. Ales, d. to John Hicthin & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 8. Mary Downes ... bur. " Jan. 17. Mary, w. to George Bailie ... bur. " Jan. 22. Sibbiell Groome ... bur. " Feb. 3. Joseph Suker, a childe ... bur. " Feb. 15. Thomas, s. to John Cartwright & Esther ... bap. //1681] Hodnet. 37 1680, Feb. 16. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Blackmore & Darothy ... bap. " Feb. 17. Samuell, s. to Humphre & Kathern ... bap. " Feb. 21. Elizabeth Blackmoore, an infainte ... bur. " Mar. 12. Elener, d. to John Rennotts & Ann ... bap. 1681, Mar. 25. Jone Browne ... bur. " Apr. 1. Elener, w. to Will. Dickin ... bur. " Apr. 3. Margery Groome ... bur. " Apr. 4. Evan, s. to Mr. Hugh Piggott & Mtris. Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 5. Charles, s. to John Prestute & Dorcas ... bap. " Apr. 22. Robert, s. to William Mullyners & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 26. Samuell, s. to Richard Corsor & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 28. Mary, d. to Thomas Cartwright & Darothy ... bap. " May 11. Hannah Abate ... bur. " May 26. Susanna, d. to John Reay & Susanna ... bap. " June 9. Deborah, d. to George Walford & Jane ... bap. " June 11. John Harpar ... bur. " June 23. Susanna, d. to Thomas Latwood & Jane ... bap. " June 29. Richard Lewis ... bur. " June 30. Johnathan, s. to Evan Rennotes & Ann ... bap. " July 2. Morris Robberts ... bur. " July 6. Elizabeth, d. to George Roberts & Sarah ... bap. " July 14. Mary, d. to Thomas Ash & Mary ... bap. " July 21. Marv, d. to Robert Prestute & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 4. Ann, d. to William Barloe & Mary (strangers) ... bap. " Aug. 7. Beniamin, s. to George Teiliur & Abigail (strangers) ... bap " Aug. 11. Mary, d. to Jeryam Reay & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 25. Elizabeth, d. to Andrew Morrall & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 27. Mary Handly, an infaint ... bur. " Sep. 1. Elizabeth, d. to Richard Ollyuer & Mary ... bap. //38 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1681 1681, Sep. 27. Edmund, s. to Jonathan Wood & Darothy ... bap. " Oct. 1. Rachell, d. to John Nevett & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 4. Anne Tither ... bur. " Oct. 9. Henry, s. to Thomas Wright & Magdalen ... bap. " Oct. 14. James, s. to John Watson & Mary ... bap. " Ocf. 15. Thomas, s. to James Greane & Jone ... bap. " Oct. 27. Robert, s. to Andrew Shiffill & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 2. Jane, d. to Mr. Samuel Orpe & Mtris. Bridgett his w. ... bap. " Nov. 15. Thomas Cartwright ... bur. " Nov. 29. Mtris. Elizabeth Vernon ... bur. " Dec. 7. Mtris. Sibbiell Hill, w. to Charlton Hill ... bur. " Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. to John Oare & Avis ... bap. " Jan. 12. Anne, d. to Mr. Samuell Marygole & Mtris. Darothy his w. ... bap. " Jan. 12. Mary, d. to John Evans & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 16. Rowland Harris, an infaint ... bur. " Jan. 17. Kathern Pue ... bur. " Feb. 4. Mary Cartwright, an infaint ... bur. " Feb. 6. Thomas Peate, an infaint ... bur. " Feb. 14. William, s. to John Walford & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 24. Margaret Broukes, an infaint ... bur. " Mar. 3. Robert Densfon ... bur. " Mar. 9. John, s. to Thomas Burrowes & Elener ... bap. " Mar. 13. Jeoces Harris ... bur. " Mar. 16. Charlton, s. to Thomas Mose & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 22. Elizabeth Mullyners ... bur. 1682, Mar. 27. William Walford, an infaint ... bur. " Mar. 27. Arthur Murrall ... bur. " Apr. 11. Darothy, d. to Francis Heward & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 2. Hanna Phillipts, an infainte ... bur. " May 4. William Jones ... bur. " May 16. Darothy, d. to George Bookely & Ann ... bap. " May 19. John Cherme, p. High Ercall, & Jane Massy, of p. Hodnett ... mar. " May 31. Richard, s. to Robert Denston & Jane ... bap. //1682] Hodnet. 39 1682, June 5. Samuel Cartwright & Margarett Ethelstone, both of this p. ... mar. " June 8. Jane, d. to Thomas Hicthin & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 11. Thomas, s. to William Robbinson & Jane ... bap. " June 23. William, s. to Thomas Ash & Mary ... bap. " July 4. Thomas Handly ... bur. " July 6. Ann, d. to John Cley & Ann ... bap. " July 8. John, s. to Ellissone Warde & Jane ... bap. " July 13. Raph, s. to Daniel Hicthin & Anne ... bap. " July 25. Mary, w. to Edwd. Phillipts ... bur. " Aug. 10. Mary, d. to George Beacall & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 17. Kathern, d. to Mr. Robert Higgin & Mtris. Kathern ... bap. " Aug. 21. Mtris. Margarett Alldersha ... bur. " Aug. 24. Richard Arnwey & Jane Thomas ... mar. " Aug. 21. Elizabeth, d. to Mr. Andrew Wood & Mtris. Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 19. Isabell Murrall ... bur. " Sep. 11. Jane Beacall ... bur. " Sep. 23. Mary Hicthin ... bur. " Sep. 29. Zacarias Steile & Martha Edwards, both of this p. mar. " Oct. 21. Susanna, d. to Mr. David Atkins & Mtris. Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 23. Thomas Greane, an infainte ... bur. " Oct. 29. John Nevett ... bur. " Nov. 1. Martha, d. to Will. Cartwright Martha ... bap. " Nov. 8. Jane Heaward, a childe ... bur. " Nov. 16. Rowland Steventon, a youthe ... bur. " Dec. 13. John Sudely, an infainte ... bur. " Dec. 27. William Pickrell & Kathern Espley, both of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 27. Richard Michadright, a youth ... bur. " Dec. 29. Roger Jones & Mary Maddocks, both of this p. ... mar. " Jan. 9. Francis Heaward ... bur. " Jan. 21. Daniell, s. to John Stocken & Elizabeth ... bap. //40 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1682 1682, Jan. 28. Mary Blakmoore, a childe ... bur. " Feb. 19. John Phillipts, p. Stone, & Mary Allebe, of this p. ... mar. " Feb. 20. Sarah, d. to Thomas Cley & Darothy ... bap. " Mar. 9. Daniell Reay, a childe ... bur. " Mar. 10. Elizabeth Clough ... bur. " Mar. 16. Sarah, d. to Thomas Are & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 24. Margarett, d. to John Cartwright & Ester ... bap. 1683, Mar. 29. Margarett Cartwright, an infaint ... bur. " Mar. 30. Rowland, s. to Thomas Cartwright & Darothy ... bap. " Mar. 30. Ann Reay ... bur. " Apr. 4. Anne, d. to William Morris & Susan ... bap. " Apr. 9. James Millington, p. Stanton, & Sarah Millington, of this p. ... mar. " Apr. 17. George Walford ... bur. " Apr. 28. Thomas, s. to Andrew Harries & Shusan ... bap. " May 2. Thomas, s. to Samuel Cartwright & Margarett ... bap. " May 3. Mary Williams ... bur. " May 14. Mary Groome ... bur. " May 17. Frances, s. to Thomas Greane & Anne ... bap. " May 26. Edward Jackson, p. Overton, in ye County of Flinte, & Mary Edge, of this p'ish ... mar. " May 28. Sarah Watkis, widdow ... bur. " May 29. Rebecka, d. to John Rodon & Shusan ... bap. " May 31. Richard, s. to Robert Jennings & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 1. James, s. to John Prestute & Dorcas ... bap. " June 7. Robert, s. to Andrew Murrall & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 9. Elizabeth, d. to William Smith & Jane ... bap. //" June 12. Margarett, d. to Mr. Richard Athcherly & Mtris. Margarett; born June 4th ... bap. " June 12. Margarett, d. to Mr. Richard Athcherly & Mtris. Margarett ... bap. " June 13. John, s. to Richard Olliver & Mary ... bap. " June 17. Randle, s. to Will: Watson & Mary ... bap. " July 11. Thomas Harries, an infainte ... bur. //1683] Hodnet. 41 1683, July 26. Jane, w. to Hugh Davies ... bur. " Aug. 1. Thomas Boote & Bridgett Hurrowe, both of ye p. of Allume ... mar. " Aug. 5. Robert, s. to Thomas Jones & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 9. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Ash & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 11. Hugh Murrall ... bur. " Aug. 12. James Prestute, a childe ... bur. " Aug. 18. Elizabeth Ash, an infainte ... bur. " Aug. 20. John Hicthin ... bur. " Aug. 24. John, s. to John Crammer & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 24. Andrew, s. to William Burton & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 24. William Done ... bur. " Sep. 6. Thomas Groome ... bur. " Sep. 15. Richard Lewis & Ann Steventon, both of this p. ... mar. " Oct. 3. Thomas Hicthin & Anne Miles, both of this p. ... mar. " Oct. 3. Darothy, w. to Steven Reay ... bur. " Oct. 16. Henry, s. to John Pace, & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 25. Richard, s. to John Hicthin & Darothy ... bap. " Nov. 7. Thomas Nevett ... bur. " Nov. 9. Thomas Teilur, an infainte ... bur. " Nov. 10. Mary, d. to George Booth & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 23. William Dickin ... bur. " Nov. 27. Abigail Poole, a childe ... bur. " Nov. 28. James Watson, a childe ... bur. " Dec. 6. Elizabeth, d. to Daniel Hicthin & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 20. John Phillipts, of Wixsell ... bur. " Dec. 23. Thomas Crannage & Sarah Powell, both of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 27. Edward Phillipts, of Wesson ... bur. " Jan. 3. William Ridgwey & Ann Mokin, both of this p. ... mar. " Jan. 7. Mr. Samuell Barbar, of p. Utsetter, in ye county of Stafford, & Mtris. Elizabeth Hill, of this p. ... mar. " Jan. 11. Ann, w. to Thomas Tomkis ... bur. " Jan. 12. Ann Graftin ... bur. " Jan. 19. Robert Longdon, of Wixsell ... bur. " Jan. 23. Rachell, w. to John Dickin ... bur. //42 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1683 1683, Jan. 24. Jane, d. to John Higgin & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 24. Anne, d. to Will. Lowe & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 31. Thomas, s. to Thomas Evans & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 31. Anne, d. to John Blackmore & Deborah ... bap. " Feb. 7. Thomas Charlton & Ann Robbins, both of this p. ... mar. " Feb. 6. Kathern, w. to Evan Jones ... bur. " Feb. 14. Mary, d. to George Harrise & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 15. Margeft Williams, a stranger ... bur. " Feb. 23. Elizabeth, d. to Edward Raphes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 26. Anne, d. to George Harries & Ester ... bap. " Mar. 5. John, s. to John Howle & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 6. Mary, d. to John Watson & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 6. Jane, w. to John Howle ... bur. " Mar. 7. Elener Lewis ... bur. " Mar. 15. Jane Weebe, a childe ... bur. 1684, Mar. 31. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Blackmore & Darothy ... bap. " Apr. 1. John, s. to John Oare & Aves ... bap. " Apr. 4. Jone Cley ... bur. " Apr. 5. Mary, d. to John Barbar & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 6. Ellener Owles ... bur. " Apr. 7. John Phillipts, of Presin brockhouse, & Mary Chanlinner, of Lee ... mar. " Apr. 9. Thomas Deacon ... bur. " Apr. 13. Martha Vauhan ... bur. " Apr. 16. Mtris Elizabeth Hill, of Hackton, widd: ... bur. " May 15. William, s. to Richard Arnwey & Jane ... bap. " May 22. Margarett, d. to Mr. Jonathan Browne & Mtris. Mary ... bap. " May 30. Anne Humspton ... bur. " June 16. Mary Hughes ... bur. " June 25. Elener, d. to John Nevett & Anne ... bap. " June 28. Mary Watson, a childe ... bur. " July 2. George, s. to John Walford & Jone ... bap. " July 12. Elizabeth, d. to Richard Penson & Darothy ... bap. " July 20. Elizabeth Penson, an infainte ... bur. //1685] Hodnet. 43 1684, July 22. George Walford, an infainte ... bur. " July 27. Mary, w. of Rich. Wilkissan ... bur. " July 29. John Upton, of ye p. of Highoffie & Elizabeth Howie, of this p. ... mar. " Aug. 21. Henery, s. to Rowland Lee & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 28. George, s. to George Robberts & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 28. George, s. to Richard Rennotts & Ann ... bap. " Aug. 30. Richard, s. to Richard Espley & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 29. Richard Kempt, of p. of Whitchurch, & Mary Holbrocke, of this p. ... mar. " Sep. 29. Samuelll, s. to Reinnot Grockocke & Abigall ... bap. " Oct. 2. Ann, d. to John Evanson & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 8. Allen Kecthpole & Ann Hill, of this p. ... mar. " Oct. 30. Darothy, d. to Thomas Cartwright & Darothy ... bap. " Nov. 1. Ann, d. to William Ridgwey & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 21. Thomas, s. to Thomas Watkis & Dina ... bap. " Dec. 3. Thomas Ollyver & Mary Penson, both of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 27. Anne, d. to Thomas Hicthin & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 22. William, s. to Andrew Shiffill & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 31. Samuell Blower, of p. Trent, in Stafordshire, & Mary Moukin, of this p. ... mar. " Feb. 11. Robert, s. to William Morris & Susan ... bap. 1685, Mar. 26. Moses, s. to Moses Reay & Martha ... bap. " Apr. 10. John, s. to Robert Prestute & Anne ... bap. " May 3. Sarah, d. to Thomas Greane & Anne ... bap. " May 15. George, s. to George Bookely & Anne ... bap. " June 8. Ann, d. to Robert Higgins & Kathern ... bap. " June 9. William, s. to William Pickrell & Kathern ... bap. " June 19. Ann, d. to Richard Ollyver & Mary ... bap. " June 20. Elizabeth, d. to Mr. Jonathan Browne & Mtris. Mary his w. ... bap. " June 25. William, s. to John Hicthin & Darothy ... bap. " July 17. Litleton, s. to Mr. Andrew Wood & Mtris. Elizabeth his w. ... bap. //44 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1685 1685, July 23. William, s. to Thomas Humpston & Ales ... bap. //" Aug. 14. Anne & Frances, daus. to Mr. Allen Kechpole & Mtris. Anne his w. ... bap. " Aug. 14. Frances, d. to Mr. Allen Kechpole & Mtris. Anne his w. ... bap. " Aug. 14. Anne, d. to Mr. Allen Kechpole & Mtris. Anne his w. ... bap. " Sep. 3. John, s. to Thomas Peares & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 9. William Podmore, p. High Ercall, & Sarah Denston, of this p. ... mar. " Sep. 29. Andrew, s. to Andrew Murrall & Elizabeth ... bap. " October. [blank.] " Nov. 14. Ales, d. to Edward Raphes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 17. Thomas, s. to George Harries & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 26. James Smith, p. Withington, & Elizabeth Morris, of this p. ... mar. " Nov. 30. Anne, d. to Richard Sockett & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 17. Adam, s. to Tho: Ash & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 6. Anne, d. to Daniell Hicthin & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 1. Anna, d. to John Barbar & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 19. William, s. to John Walford & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 26. John, s. to John Higgins & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 27. Thomas, s. to John Evanson & Ann ... bap. 1686, Mar. 4. Sarah, d. to Thomas Charlton & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 5. Mary, d. to Roger Jones & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 11. Samuell, s. to Samuell Cartwright & Margaret ... bap. " Mar. 19. George, s. to John Espley & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 7. John, to Rich: Espley & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 13. Thomas, s. to Thomas Cley & Darothy ... bap. " Apr. 28. George, s. to Thomas Watkis & Dina ... bap. " June 8. Rose, d. to Rowland Massy & Margarett ... bap. " June 18. Edward, s. to John Watson & Mary ... bap. " July 25. Darothy, d. to Thomas Cartwright & Darothy ... bap. //[From August 7, 1684, to May 18, 1695, are entries of Burials only.] 1684, Aug. 7. Richard Denston ... bur. " Aug. 16. John Pace ... bur. " Aug. 20. Mr. Thomas Lochard ... bur. " Aug. 28. Thomas Cotton ... bur. //1685] Hodnet. 45 1684, Sep. 9. William Forrester, a stranger ... bur. " Sep. 17. Thomas Robbinson, a childe ... bur. " Sep. 29. Thomas Griffis ... bur. " Nov. 5. Elizabeth, w. to Morgan Evans ... bur. " Dec. 22. Darothy Cartwright, a childe ... bur. " Dec. 23. Margaret Harries, a childe ... bur. " Dec. 25. Jane, w. of Thomas Handley ... bur. " Jan. 8. Mary Dickin, widdow ... bur. " Jan. 8. Rowland Becall, an infaint ... bur. " Jan. 18. William Yeomans ... bur. " Jan. 19. George Owls ... bur. " Jan. 27. Mary Massy, a childe ... bur. " Feb. 4. &. Thomas Vernon, Barnt. ... bur. " Feb. 9. Ann Hicthin, an infainte ... bur. " Feb. 24. Anne, w. to John Shiffill ... bur. " Feb. 28. Margarett, w. to Richard Sudely ... bur. 1685, Mar. 3. Richard Sudely ... bur. " Mar. 5. John Sudely ... bur. " Mar. 11. Susan, w. to John Downes ... bur. " Mar. 11. Kathern, w. to Richard Watson ... bur. " Mar. 16. Darothy Massy, a childe ... bur. " Mar. 21. Rowland Whitfiell ... bur. " Mar. 23. Adam Tiliur ... bur. " Mar. 24. Hugh Davies ... bur. " Mar. 25. Roger Whitfeild ... bur. " Apr. 14. William Sudely ... bur. " Apr. 14. Jonathan Dawson ... bur. " Apr. 27. Mary Humpston ... bur. " May 27. Edward Price, a childe ... bur. " May 30. Thomas Warde, a childe ... bur. " May 30. Mtris. Elizabeth Chomely ... bur. " June. [blank.] " July 7. John Ankers ... bur. " July 12. Sarah, w. to Thomas Grannage ... bur. " July 30. Robert Walford ... bur. " July 31. Jane Moudde, a stranger ... bur. " Aug. 1. William Hicthin, an infaint ... bur. " Aug. 14. Sarah Downes, a childe ... bur. " Aug. 15. Frances Kechpole, an infainte ... bur. " Aug. 11. Ann Kechpole, an infainte ... bur. //46 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1685 1685, Sep. 5. Sarah Greane, an infainte ... bur. " Sep. 14. Ann Harries, a childe ... bur. " Sep. 25. Ann Ollyver, a childe ... bur. " Oct. 1. Sarah Pixlee, a childe ... bur. " Oct. 13. Mtris. Ann Kecthpoolle, w. to Mr. Allen Kecthpool ... bur. " Oct. 15. Thomas Blackmoor ... bur. " Oct. 20. Rowland Cartwright ... bur. " Oct. 25. Andrew Ash, a childe ... bur. " Oct. 26. Joshua Cotton ... bur. " Nov. 26. Jane Hacthett ... bur " Nov. 30. Sibbiell Nevett ... bur. " Dec. 5. Joane Warde, a stranger ... bur. " Dec. 15. Elizabeth, w. to Thomas Remedith ... bur. " Jan. 7. John, s. to Will. Dickin ... bur. " Jan. 10. John Holbrocke ... bur. " Jan. 20. Andrew Shiffill, iu. [junior] ... bur. " Feb. 9. Anne Barbar, widd. ... bur. " Feb. 15. John Phillipts, an infainte ... bur. " Feb. 22. Andrew Shiffill, sen. ... bur. " Feb. 28. Edward Shiffill ... bur. 1686, Mar. 3. Thomas Barnett, an infainte ... bur. " Mar. 3. Mary Shiffill, widd. ... bur. " Mar. 10. William Humpston, a childe ... bur. " Mar. 14. Anne, w. to Robert Phillipts ... bur. " Mar. 16. Mary Jones ... bur. " Mar. 16. Richard Parton, a childe ... bur. " Apr. 2. Elizabeth Robbinson, a childe ... bur. " Apr. 18. (J. B.) William Bentley ... bur. " Apr. 22. Richard Ethelstone, a youth ... bur. " Apr. 25. Thomas Evanison, a childe ... bur. " May 4. Jane Bucknall ... bur. " May 16. Zacarias Berrin, a childe ... bur. " May 18. Theophilis Haward, a childe ... bur. " May 24. Alice, w. to Christopher Ethelstone ... bur. " June 1. Elener Howlbrocke, widd. ... bur. " June 7. Anne Deintie, a childe ... bur. " June 7. Ales Hicthin, a childe ... bur. " June 14. Elizabeth Blakmore, widdow ... bur. " June 15. Elizabeth Endley ... bur. //1687] Hodnet. 47 1686, June 22. Thomas Lowe, a childe ... bur. " June 24. Mtris. Anne Arnwey, widd. ... bur. " June 25. Richard Hicthin, a childe ... bur. " June 28. Daniell Hicthin, a childe ... bur. " June 28. John Prestute, a childe ... bur. " July 2. Charles Prestute, a childe ... bur. " July 10. John Hicthin, a childe ... bur. " July 13. Adam Ash, a childe ... bur. " July 17. Ales Hicthin, a childe ... bur. //" July 17. Anne and Jane Hicthin, two children ... bur. " July 17. Anne Hicthin, a childe ... bur. " July 17. Jane Hicthin, a childe ... bur. " July 19. Thomas Hicthin, a childe ... bur. " July 20. Ann Hicthin, a child ... bur. " July 26. Elizabeth Hicthin, a childe ... bur. " July 28. Andrew Burton, a childe ... bur. " July 31. Thomas Cley, a childe ... bur. " Aug. 14. Richard Weebe, a youth ... bur. " Aug. 17. Darothy Cartwright, an infainte ... bur. " Aug. 21. George Watkis, an infainte ... bur. " Oct. 12. Robert Dikes, a youth ... bur. " Oct. 14. Simon Hawley, a stranger ... bur. " Oct. 18. John Ward, a stranger ... bur. " Oct. 20. Mary Cawser, a childe ... bur. " Oct. 28. Edward Booth, a childe ... bur. //" November. [blank.] " Dec. 29. Mary Taylor, widd. ... bur. " Jan. 20. John Neavett, an infainte ... bur. " Jan. 21. Elinor, w. to Rowland Leesed ... bur. " Jan. 25. Darothy Bate, widd. ... bur " Jan. 31. Elizabeth, w. to Richard Sockett ... bur " Feb. 7. Margarett, w. to Jatnes Prichard ... bur. " Feb. 8. Mary Robbins, a childe ... bur. " Feb. 26. Katharine, w. to Humphrey Beate ... bur. 1687, Mar. 26. Ann, w. to John Nevett ... bur. " Apr. 8. Mr. Thomas Lochard ... bur. " June 2. John Humpston, an infainte ... bur. " June 4. Richard Beacall, an infainte ... bur. " June 7. Mr. Henry Golborne ... bur. " June 14. Mr. William Lochard ... bur. " June 15. Mtris. Kathern Dickin, w. to Mr. Thomas Dickin ... bur. //48 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1687 1687, June 19. Elizabeth Wilson, a childe ... bur. " June 27. William Holbrocke ... bur. " July 15. John Stocken, a youth ... bur. " July 22. Mary, w. to Francis Arnwey ... bur. " Aug. 11. Elizabeth Arnwey ... bur. " Aug. 31. Elizabeth, w. to John Evans ... bur. " Sep. 7. Randle Pierce ... bur. " Sep. 8. Mtris. Jane Pitchford ... bur. " Oct. 16. Sarah Ash, an infaint ... bur. " Nov. 1. John Nevett ... bur. " Nov. 22. Jane Bathoe, widowe ... bur. " Nov. 30. Ales Walford, widd. ... bur. " Dec. 21. Joseph Pue ... bur. " Jan. 28. Edward Burrows ... bur. " Feb. 15. Margaret Garrett, an infaint ... bur. " Feb. 16. William Howlbrook, an infant ... bur. //" March. [blank.] (J.B.)* 1688, Apr. 17. Richard Watson ... bur. " Apr. 25. Isabell Cartwright ... bur. " May 3. Ann Heaward ... bur. " May 8. John Porter ... bur. " June 3. William Bate ... bur. " June 14. Margarett Rodon, widd. ... bur. " July 26. Daniell MuHooke ... bur. " July 30. Mary Harries ... bur. " Sep. 9. Jone, w. to John Mannaringe ... bur. " Sep. 13. Rowland Lee ... bur. " Sep. 16. Elizabeth Benboe ... bur. " Oct. 27. John Massey ... bur. " Nov. 20. Mr. David Atkins ... bur. " Nov. 26. Raph Hicthin ... bur. " Dec. 1. Ann, w. of Vincett Holbrook ... bur. " Jan. 6. Thomas Greane, an infainte ... bur. " Jan. 7. Jane, w. to Will. Pee ... bur. " Jan. 20. Susana Trevor, widd. ... bur. " Jan. 28. Samuell Bookly, infainte ... bur. " Feb. 26. Joan, w. to Samuell Dens on ... bur. 1689, Mar. 16. Thomas Moss ... bur. " Mar. 18. Thomas Ollyuer ... bur. //Note- "J.B.", and later on "W.R." are evidently the initials of the Collectors of the Kings taxes on baptisms, marriages, and burials. //1690] Hodnet. 49 1689, Mar. 23. Prudence Eaton, widd. (W.R.) ... bur. " Apr. 14. Elizabeth Ash, an infainte ... bur. " Apr. 21. Robert Walford, a childe ... bur. //" Apr. -. [Ales, d. to Theophilus Sudley & Elizabeth, since crossed out.] " May 26. Jane Bucknall, widdow ... bur. " May 31. Susana Harries, a childe ... bur. " June 12. Margarett .Murrall, a childe ... bur. " June 13. John Miles ... bur. " July 3. Rachell Talbott, an infainte ... bur. " July 6. Margarett Piggott ... bur. " July 8. William Massey ... bur. " Aug. 18. John Hand, a childe ... bur. " Sep. 1. Ann Cotton, widd. (W.R.) ... bur. " Sep. 20. Margarett Bailie, widd ... bur. " Sep. 30. Mary Mitton, widd. ... bur. " Oct. 5. Hugh Jennings, a childe ... bur. " Nov. 13. Jane Lancashire ... bur. " Nov. 24. William Cartwright ... bur. " Nov. 30. Jone Lister ... bur. " Jan. 27. John Bookly ... bur. " Feb. 5. Thomas Hicthin ... bur. " Feb. 6. Elizabeth Pace, widd. ... bur. " Feb. 25. James Greane ... bur. " Mar. 9. Samuell Cartwright, an infainte ... bur. 1690, Apr. 1. Rowland Dickin (W.R.) ... bur. " Apr. 1. John Bookley ... bur. " May 8. Obodiah Taft, an infaint ... bur. " May 12. William Maudley, a child ... bur. " June 5. Ann, w. to Thomas Richardson ... bur. " June 25. Sarah Davisson ... bur. " July 2. Richard Arnwey ... bur. " July 17. Jane Hicthin, widd. (W.R.) ... bur. //" Aug. & Sept. [blank.] " Oct. 14. Prudens, w. to James Backton ... bur. " Oct. 30. George Harpar ... bur. " Nov. 7. Elizabeth, w. to Will: Yeomans ... bur. " Nov. 29. Beniamin Cley, an infainte ... bur. " Nov. 30. Rowland Weebe ... bur. " Dec. 29. Elizabeth Massie, widd. ... bur. //50 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1690 1690, Jan. 6. Mary Moss, a child ... bur. " Jan. 24. Mary, w. to Robert Bailie ... bur. " Feb. 19. Mary Watford, a childe ... bur. " Feb. 21. Margery Hamily ... bur. 1691, Mar. 1. Richard Beone, a child ... bur. " Mar. 6. Isabell Studley, widd. (W.R.) ... bur. " Mar. 29. Richard Espley ... bur. " Apr. 1. Darothy, w. to Tho. Cartwright ... bur. " Apr. 15. Richard Weebe, a childe ... bur. " June 30. William Heaward, a childe ... bur. //" July -. [An entry scratched out here: "William," rest illegible.] " Aug. 6. Thomas Ash, an infainte ... bur. " Aug. 26. Roger Are (W.R.) ... bur. " Oct. 29. James Gramer, a childe ... bur. " Nov. 25. Mary Miner, a childe ... bur. " Nov. 29. John Ridgwey, a childe ... bur. " Nov. 2. Ann Denston, a childe ... bur. //" Dec. -. [An entry crossed old here: "Sarah, d. to Elizabeth," rest illegible.] " Jan. 9. Richard Tailer, a childe ... bur. " Jan. 14. Darothy Mullocke, widd. ... bur. " Jan. 26. Susanna Smith, a childe ... bur. " Jan. 30. Mr. Andrew Wood (W.R.) ... bur. " Mar. 5. Margarett Heanes ... bur. " Mar. 13. John Watkis, a childe ... bur. 1692, May 17. Richard Williams ... bur. " July 1. George Robbins, a youth ... bur. " July 1. Ann Steventon, a maide ... bur. " Aug. 23. Shuan Hill, widdoe ... bur. " Sep. 2. Ann, w. to Thomas Charlton ... bur. " Sep. 5. Richard Penson ... bur. " Oct. 2. Ales, w. to Robert Darbie ... bur. " Oct. 23. Sarah Murrall, a childe ... bur. " Nov. 15. Josphet Aterly, a childe ... bur. " Jan. 4. Margarett Rodon, widd. (W.R.) ... bur. " Feb. 11. Gartie, w. to George Watkis ... bur. " Feb. 26. John Bourdman, of Peploe ... bur. " Mar. 11. Thomas Cartwright, a youth ... bur. " Mar. 16. Robert Darbie ... bur. //1694] Hodnet. 51 1692, Mar. 19. Thomas Longdon, a youth ... bur. 1693, Mar. 30. Sarah Bently ... bur. " May 9. Ann, w. to David Welles ... bur. " May 9. Elizabeth Allen, a girle ... bur. " July 4. Richard Larrance, an infainte ... bur. " Sep. 2. Mary Allyuer ... bur. " Nov. 11. Darothy Cartwright, widdoe ... bur. " Dec. 2. George Hampton, an infainte ... bur. " Dec. 8. Ales Bailie, widd. ... bur. " Dec. 18. John Hicthin, a childe ... bur. " Dec. 23. Mary Walford, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 25. Jane London, widd. ... bur. " Jan. 1. Ann Mauringe, a poore ... bur. " Jan. 13. Robert Bailie ... bur. " Jan. 17. Elizabeth, w. to Thomas Poole ... bur. " Jan. 19. Jakobe Edwards ... bur. " Jan. 28. Ann Forsbrook, a child ... bur. " Jan. 28. Randle Acton, an infainte ... bur. " Feb. 14. Mr. Nathanell Curetton ... bur. " Mar. 9. Quen Peeres, widd. ... bur. " Mar. 17. Margarett, w. to James Streate ... bur. " Mar. 20. Mary Deintee ... bur. " Mar. 24. Thomas Prestute, a youth ... bur. 1694, Mar. 27. Martha Cramer, a childe ... bur. " Apr. 17. Mr. David Lochard (W.R.) ... bur. " Apr. 24. Sarah, w. to George Robberts ... bur. " May 5. William Burrey ... bur. " June 5. Mary Groome, a childe ... bur. " June 9. John Walford ... bur. " June 18. Edward Chesus, an infainte ... bur. " July 28. Sarah Ollyuer, a childe ... bur. " Aug. 7. Elizabeth Denston, a childe ... bur. " Aug. 12. Elizabeth Moore, an infainte ... bur. " Oct. 3. William Allen, of Peploe ... bur. " Oct. 17. John Hues, an infaint ... bur. " Oct 20. Sarah, w. to Will. Cowper ... bur. " Ded. 3. Ann, w. to Row. Mitton ... bur. " Dec. 30. Richard Larrance, an infainte ... bur. " Jan. 29. Thomas Poole ... bur. " Feb. 1. George Cley, a childe ... bur. //52 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1694 1694, Feb. 8. Hugh Thomas ... bur. " Feb. 8. Ann Deinty, a childe ... bur. " Feb. 15. Kathern Ash, a childe ... bur. " Feb. 25. Robert Bate, a youte ... bur. " Feb. 26. John Ree, a poore man ... bur. " Mar. 6. John Parton, a youth ... bur. //" Mar. 8. Elizabeth Whitfeild, widd., & Daniell Whitfeild, a childe ... but. " Mar. 8. Elizabeth Whitfeild, widd. ... bur. " Mar. 8. Daniell Whitfeild, s. of Elizabeth Whitfeild, a childe ... bur. " Mar. 17. Elizabeth, w. to John Higgins (W.R.) ... bur. //1695, May 1. Thomas & John Griffies, both infaints ... bur. 1695, May 1. Thomas Griffies, an infainte ... bur. 1695, May 1. John Griffies, an infainte ... bur. " May 18. Sarah, w. to John Broe ... bur. //[From August 2, 1686, to May 26, 1695, are entries of Baptisms and Marriages only.] //1686, Aug. 2. John & Richard, sons of John Neavett & Ann ... bap. 1686, Aug. 2. John, s. of John Neavett & Ann ... bap. 1686, Aug. 2. Richard, s. of John Neavett & Ann ... bap. " Aug. 12. John Howie, of this p., & Anne Eaton, of p. Chesataine ... mar. " Aug. 15. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Greane & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 21. Anne, d. to Thomas Hicthin & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 4. Thomas, s. to Rich. Penson & Darothy ... bap. " Oct. 3. Raph Charlton & Sarah Robbins, both of this p. ... mar. " Oct. 23. John, s. to John Ree & Susan ... bap. " Nov. 11. Elizabeth, d. to William Coolome & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 23. Richard Nevett & Alener Are ... mar. " Nov. 30. John Massey & Mary Dickin, both of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 9. John, s. to John Hicthin & Darothy ... bur. " Dec. 14. George, s. to John Turner & Margett ... bap. " Dec. 21. Thomas, s. to John Jones & Margett ... bap. " Dec. 29. Thomas, s. to William Ridgwey & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 13. Joseph, s. to John Rodon & Susan ... bap. " Jan. 20. Richard, s. to Richard Ollyver & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 3. Mary, d. to William Morris & Susan ... bap. " Feb. 5. Thomas Eaton, of this p., & Mary Ousgate, of p. Rodington ... mar. " Feb. 6. Richard Accin & Mary Cowper, both of this p. ... mar. //1687] Hodnet. 53 1686, Feb. 25. Richard, s. to Richard Larrance & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 4. John, s. to George Robberts & Sarah ... bap. 1687, Mar. 5. John, s. to John Howlbrocke & Blange Humphreyes ... bap. //" Mar. 5. George & John, sons to Thomas Humpston & Ales ... bap. " Mar. 5. George, s. to Thomas Humpston & Ales ... bap. " Mar. 5. John, s. to Thomas Humpston & Ales ... bap. " Mar. 6. Samuell, s. to Thomas Garrett & Ermin ... bap. " Mar. 17. Thomas, s. to Will. Cartwright & Martha ... bap. " Mar. 24. Samuell, s. to John Gramer & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 16. Elizabeth, d. to William Lowe & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 29. Isabell, d. to Thomas Latwood & Jane ... bap. " May 6. Mary, d. to Thomas Moss & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 16. William Harries & Hanna Pye, both of this p. ... mar. " June 2. Richard, s. to George Becall & Jane ... bap. " June 9. Anne, d. to Andrew Murrall & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 17. Joseph, s. to Thomas Burrowes & Elener ... bap. " Aug. 11. Rowland, s. to Samuell Davies & Ellener ... bap. " Aug. 18. Thomas, s. to Thomas Eaton & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 20. Elizabeth, d. to George Walford & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 28. Thomas, s. to Rich. Arnwey & Jone ... bap. " Aug. 29. Anne, d. to Rich. Espley & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 2. Charles, s. to Mr. Charles Ethelstone & Mtris. Elener his w. ... bap. " Sep. 22. John, s. to William Picrell & Kathern ... bap. " Oct. 8. Andrew, s. to John Cley & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 9. Sarah, d. to Thomas Ash & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 21. George, s. to George Harris & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 22. Ales, d. to Daniell Hicthin & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 5. Jane, d. to William Burton & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 12. George, s. to Richard Accin & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 17. John, s. to Edward Raphes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 11. Darothy, d. to Thomas Cley & Darothy ... bap. " Dec. 14. George Scarrett, of p. Bartemley, co. Stafford, & Elizabeth Harries, of this p. ... mar. " Jan. 27. Mary, d. of John Higgins & Elizabeth ... bap. //54 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1687 1687, Jan. 31. Frances, s. to John Rennots & Ann ... bap. //" Feb. 12. Mary & Margarett, daus. to Charles Garret & Sarah, strangers ... bap. " Feb. 12. Mary, d. to Charles Garret & Sarah, strangers ... bap. " Feb. 12. Margarett, d. to Charles Garret & Sarah, strangers ... bap. " Feb. 16. John, s. to Theoffilus Endly & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 23. Jane, d. to William Minsha & Ales ... bap. " Feb. 25. John, s. to Thomas Watkis & Dina ... bap. " Feb. 26. Robert, s. to Robert Walford & Mary ... bap. 1688, Mar. 8. John, s. to Thomas Hicthin & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 12. Ann, d. to William Harries & Hanna ... bap. " Mar. 29. Thomas, s. to Timmothy Rodon & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 5. Mary, d. to Moses Ree & Martha ... bap. " Apr. 29. John, s. to John Nevett & Anne ... bap. " May 28. Margarett, d. to Rich. Williams & Anne ... bap. " June 14. Margarett, d. to Samuell Cartwright & Margarett ... bap. " June 17. Elizabeth, d. to John Porter & Darothy ... bap. " July 7. Mary, d. to Thomas Hicthin & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 3. Anne, d. to Richard Forsbrooke & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 9. William, s. to William Maudley & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 10. Samuell, s. to John Penson & Anne Bookly ... bap. " Sep. 14. John, s. to John Hand & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 4. Mary, d. to John Massey & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 16. William, s. to George Beacall & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 17. Hanna, d. to Andrew Murra11 & Mary Jennings ... bap. " Nov. 5. Lucey, d. to Rich. Olliuer & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 30. Sarah, d. to Charles Garrett & Debory Blackwey ... bap. " Jan. 4. Thomas, s. to Tho. Greane & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 4. Elizabeth, d. to John Blackmore & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 5. Susana, d. to Andrew Harries & Susana ... bap. " Jan. 17. William, s. to Raph Charlton & Sarah ... bap. 1689, Mar. 4. Ann, d. to George Walford & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 15. Mary, d. to Richard Larrance & Elizabeth ... bap. //1690] Hodnet. 55 1689, Mar. 28. William, s. to Thomas Eaton & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 2. Thomas, s. to Richard Espley & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 5. William, s. to John Espley & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 5. Elizabeth, C. to Thomas Ash & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 15. Robert Newton, of p. Drayton, & Mary Right, of p. Moreton-Sea ... mar. " Apr. 28. Ales, d. to Theofilus Endley & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 10. George, s. to Rowland Lee & Mary ... bap. " May 18. John Cartwright & Mary Robbins, both of this p. ... mar. " May 30. Margarett, d. to Andrew Murrall & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 27. James, s. to John Gramer & Sarah ... bap. " July 25. Ayes, d. to John Oare & Ayes ... bap. " Aug. 1. Richard, s. to John Hicthin & Darothy ... bap. " Oct. 4. Margarett, d. to Will. Peacoke & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 2. William, s. to William Minsha & ... bap. " Nov. 15. Anne, d. to Edward Raphes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 22. Thomas, s. to George Beacall & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 24. William Bailie & Mary Warrington, both of this p. ... mar. " Jan. 9. Robert Morris & Elizabeth Massey, both of this p. ... mar. " Jan. 26. Margarett, d. to Roger Ellis & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 30. Samuell, s. to William Loe & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 6. Thomas, s. to Thomas Greane & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 8. Elizabeth, d. to John Cley & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 10. Samuell, s. to John Cartwright & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 16. Abidiada, s. to Edward Win & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 22. Joseph, s. to George Roberts & Sarah ... bap. 1690, Mar. 8. George, s. to Will. Pickrell & Kathern ... bap. " Mar. 9. William, s. to Will. Ridgewey & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 9. Richard, s. to Rich. Nevett & Allen ... bap. " Mar. 10. Rowland, s. to John Higgins & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 15. Susanna, d. to William Morris & Susanna ... bap. " Mar. 15. Sarah, d. to George Bouth & Elizabeth ... bap. //56 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1690 1690, Mar. 31. William, s. to William Thomas & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 5. Thomas, s. to Daniel Hicthin & Ann ... bap. " May 1. Ann, d. to William Standley & Sarah ... bap. " May 4. Mary, d. to Jane Minor & George Roberts ... bap. " May 16. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Ash & Mary ... bap. " June 21. Sarah, d. to John Massey & Mary ... bap. " June 26. Robert, s. to Thomas Eaton & Mary ... bap. " June 26. Beniamin, s. to Thomas Cley & Darothy ... bap. " July 31. John, s. to Richard Forsbrooke & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 7. Elizabeth, d. to Henery Talbote & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 7. Sarah, d. to Andrew Marrull Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 21. Samuell, s. to Mr. Andrew Woode & Mtris. Elizabeth his w. ... bap. " Aug. 22. George, s. to George Groome & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 28. Richard, s. to Rich. Accon & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 4. Elisha, s. to Thomas Hill & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 26. Martha, d. to Moses Ree & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 30. James Osbourne & Jane Prestute, both of this p. ... mar. " Jan. 3. William Parton & Elizabeth Handly, both of this p. ... mar. " Jan. 8. Mary, d. to Robt. Walford & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 8. John, s. to George Harries & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 10. Elizabeth, d. to John Cowper & Lucy ... bap. " Jan. 15. CRristopher, s. to Samuell Cartwright & Margarett ... bap. " Jan. 22. Ann, d. to Mr. Thomas Dickin & Elizabeth his w. ... bap. " Jan. 30. George, s. to George Harries & Elizabeth his w. ... bap. " Feb. 12. Sarah, d. to Robert Morris & Elizabeth ... bap. 1691, Mar. 1st. Thomas, s. to John Cartwright & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 2. Mary, d. to Richd. Ollyver & Mary ... bap. //1692] Hodnet. 57 1691, Apr. 17. Elizabeth, d. to Robert Andrews & Joece ... bap. //" May 17. Mary, d. to Robert Stringer & Mary; borne ye 10th ... bap. " May 10. Mary, d. to Robert Stringer & Mary ... bap. " June 3. Jonathan Eykin & Mary Rutter, both of p. Newport ... mar. " July 11. John, s. to John Wood & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 11. Thomas, s. to Thomas Ash & Mary ... bap. " July 2. Thomas, s. to William Burton & Jane ... bap. " July 14. William, s. to Mr. William Bartley & Mtris. Elener his w. ... bap. " July 15. Rachell, d. to John Gramar & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 9. Daniel, s. to John Ree & Susan ... bap. " Sep. 15. Elizabeth, d. to Theoffilus Endley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 27. Richard, s. to William Ridgwey & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 29. Mary, d. to Thomas Whitfeilde & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 31. George, s. to William Minsha & Ales ... bap. " Nov. 7. Edward, s. to Edward Raphs & Elizabeth ... bap. //" Nov. 21. John & Ann, s. & d. to John Denston & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 21. John, s. to John Denston & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 21. Ann, d. to John Denston & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 30. Susana, d. to Thomas Smith & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 2. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Cley & Darothy ... bap. " Jan. 3. Edward Killume & Elizabeth Shukar, both of this p. ... mar. " Jan. 7. Ales, d. to George Beacall & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 8. Sarah, d. to Judith [?] Edgerton ... bap. " Jan. 8. George Watkis & Garture Espley, both of this p. ... mar. " Jan. 10. John, s. to John Evley & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 16. John, s. to George Groome & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 17. Samuell, s. to Mr. Samuell Barbar & Mtris. Elizabeth his w. ... bap. " Jan. 17. John, s. to James Asbourne & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 25. Mary, d. to Thomas Eaton & Mary ... bap. 1692, Mar. 4. Elizabeth, d. to Arthur Persifall & Mary ... bap. //58 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1692 1692, Apr. 17. Elizabeth, d. to William Watkis & Margarett ... bap. " May 26. Jane, d. to John Cowper & Lucy ... bap. " June 2. Jane, d. to John Massey & Mary ... bap. " June 4. William Sockett & Isabell Heakey, both of this p. ... mar. " June 18. John, s. to William Peacoke & Ann ... bap. " July 16. John, s. to Thomas Humpston & Ales ... bap. " July 30. Ales, d. to Raphe Charlton & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 28. John, s. to Thomas Watkis & Dina ... bap. " Sep. 11. Ann, d. to Daniell & Ann Hicthin ... bap. " Sep. 12. Elizabeth, d. to William & Kathern Pickrel ... bap. " Sep. 19. Francees, d. to Mr. William Hull & Madam Penelope his w. ... bap. " Oct. 9. Elener, d. to George & Anne Harries ... bap. " Oct. 25. Darnegobe, d. to Beniamin & Darothy Butler ... bap. " Nov. 4. Kathern, d. to Thomas & Mary Ash ... bap. " Dec. 23. John, s. to William & Susan Aforris ... bap. " Dec. 26. Samuell, s. to Josphett & Ann Decon ... bap. " Dec. 27. Rowland, s. to Robert & Elizabeth Morris ... bap. " Dec. 29. Thomas, s. to Andrew & Elizabeth Murrall ... bap. " Dec. 29. Edward, s. to William & Martha Cartwright ... bap. " Jan. 6. John, s. to Thomas & Anne Greene ... bap. " Jan. 14. Thomas Dikes, of Oilla, & Mtris. Sarah Hodkis, of Elesmere ... mar. " Feb. 12. John, s. to Elyas & Margarett Williams, being wandring persons ... bap. " Feb. 27. William Dicken, of Woollerton, of this p., & Sarah Lycens, of Hopton, co. Stafford ... mar. " Mar. 12. John, s. to Johnathan Humspton & Anne Timeses ... bap. " Mar. 25. Elizabeth, d. to Edward Killume & Elizabeth ... bap. //1694] Hodnet. 59 1693, Mar. 28. Mary, d. to Mr. Thomas & Mtris. Elizabeth Dickin ... bap. " Apr. 17. William, s. to Thomas & Elizabeth Hughes, of Wesson ... bap. " Apr. 29. Edward, s. to William & Ales Minsha ... bap. " May 6. Richard, s. to William & Isabell Sockett ... bap. " July 20. Daniel, s. to Thomas & Ann Whitfield ... bap. " Aug. 3. George, s. to George & Mary Hampton ... bap. " Sep. 29. John, s. to Thomas & Margett Miles ... bap. " Oct. 12. Nathanel, s. to Mr. Nathanel & Mtris. Mary Cureton ... bap. " Oct. 23. Martha, d. to John & Sarah Cramar ... bap. " Nov. 21. Richard Williams & Mary Candlant, both of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 2. John, s. to John & Mary Cartwright ... bap. " Dec. 17. James, s. to John & Lucy Cowper ... bap. " Jan. 14. Robt., s. to James & Jane Osborne ... bap. " Jan. 24. Randlle, s. to Richard & Mary Accons ... bap. " Feb. 10. Richard, s. to Samuell & Margarett Cartwright ... bap. " Feb. 25. Sarah, d. to Richard & Mary Ollyuer ... bap. " Mar. 1. Sarah, d. to Raph & Sarah Chorlton ... bap. " Mar. 4. Elizabeth, to John & Elizabeth Wood ... bap. " Mar. 18. Mary, d. to Edward & Elizabeth Raphs ... bap. 1694, Mar. 27. Sarah, d. to William & Margett Watkis ... bap. " Apr. 5. Mary, d. to George & Jane Groome ... bap. " Apr. 5. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas & Ales Powell ... bap. " Apr. 10. John Hues & Ann Cley, both of this p. ... mar. " Apr. 12. Mary, d. to John & Ales Prestute ... bap. " May 17. Elizabeth, d. to John & Ann Denston ... bap. " May 24. William, s. to Raph & Elizabeth Dickinson ... bap. " June 6. Edward, s. to Edward & Sarah Chesus ... bap. " June 14. Hanna, d. to Thomas & Jane Latwood ... bap. " July 31. Edward, s. to Beniamin & Darothy Butler ... bap. " Aug. 4. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas & Margaret Moore ... bap. //60 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1694 1694, Sep. 6. Margarett, d. to Mr. Thomas & Mtris. Elizabeth Dickin ... bap. " Sep. 22. Mary, d. to Theofilus & Elizabeth Endley ... bap. " Sep. 29. John, s. to John & Ann Bently ... bap. " Oct. 7. Thomas, s. to John & Elizabeth Higgins ... bap. " Oct. 14. John, s. to John & Ann Heus ... bap. " Nov. 12. John Beane, of Sipher, co. Stafford, & Mary Lewis, of this p. ... mar. " Nov. 17. Ann, d. to John & Hanna Robbins ... bap. //" Dec. 9. Samuell & Elizabeth, s. & d. of John & Mary Espley ... bap. " Dec. 9. Samuell, s. of John & Mary Espley ... bap. " Dec. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Espley ... bap. " Dec. 29. Samuell Morris, of Wellington p., & Sarah Massy, of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 31. George, s. to Tho. Cley & Darothy ... bap. " Jan. 3. Elizabeth, d. to Daniell & Ann Hicthin ... bap. " Jan. 17. Andrew, s. to George & Ann Harries ... bap. " Jan. 20. Thomas, s. to William & Kathern Pickrell ... bap. " Feb. 26. Mary, d. to William & [blank] Addams ... bap. " Mar. 9. Mary, d. to Jospett & Ann Decon ... bap. " Mar. 10. Margett, d. to Richard Brasnell & Elener Dod ... bap. 1695, Mar. 25. Aron, s. to Mosses & Martha Ree ... bap. " Mar. 26. George, s. to Andrew & Elizabeth Murrall ... bap. " Apr. 6. John, s. to John & Mary Massy ... bap. " Apr. 9. William Cartwright & Kathern Jones, of this p. ... mar. " Apr. 25. Ann, d. to Thomas & Elizabeth Cartwright ... bap. //" Apr. 27. Richard & William, sons to Thomas & Anne Greane ... bap. " Apr. 27. Richard, s. to Thomas & Anne Greane ... bap. " Apr. 27. William, s. to Thomas & Anne Greane ... bap. //" Apr. 27. Thomas & John, sons to John & Ann Griffies ... bap. " Apr. 27. Thomas, s. to John & Ann Griffies ... bap. " Apr. 27. John, s. to John & Ann Griffies ... bap. " May 2. Jane, d. to Robert & Elizabeth Morris ... bap. " May 26. Jane, d. to William & Ann Ridgwey ... bap. BURYALLS. 1695, June 1. Elizabeth Boswell, a poor widdow ... bur. //1695] Hodnet. 61 1695, June 2. Isabel Lawly, a poore woman ... bur. " July 30. Mary, w. of Robt. Lewis ... bur. " Aug. 19. Jane Holbrooke, a poore woman ... bur. " Oct. 9. Robert, s. to William Robinson & his wife ... bur. " Oct. 27. Unknown Hanly, the w. of John Hanly, of Weston ... bur. " Nov. 4. Thomas Bookly ... bur. " Nov. 15. Dorothy Hayward, a young woman ... bur. " Nov. 25. Sarah, w. of Robert Peat ... bur. " Jan. 2. Joan Watkins, an infant ... bur. " Jan. 23. Rowland, s. of Rowland Lee, of Marchamley ... bur. " Mar. 11. Thomas, s. of John Higgins ... bur. " Mar. 22. Elizabeth Leach, a poore woman ... bur. 1696, Apr. 4. Andrew tephenton, a poore woman ... bur. " Apr. 6. George Falkener, a poor wayfaring boy ... bur. " Apr. 28. William Robinson ... bur. " May 6. Jane Jones ... bur. " May 17. Daniel Suddley ... bur. " May 19. Richard Nevett, a youth ... bur. " May 19. John Cooper, a childe ... bur. " May 22. Mary, w. of Richard Causer ... bur. " June 2. Samson Pye ... bur. MARRIAGES. 1695, June 2. John Candland & Mary Ward ... mar. " Aug. 4. John Downes & Mary Trevour ... mar. " Aug. 9. Samuell Jennings & Elizabeth Canland ... mar. " Nov. 5. Thomas Griffies & Jane Challenor ... mar. " Jan. 3. Thomas Alsop & Abigail Shipton, both from New-Castle ... mar. " Feb. 9. George Nailer & Mary Roe, both of this p. ... mar. 1696, Aug. 9. Thomas Blakemore & Ellinor Hitchin ... mar. " Sep. 21. Thomas Ously, of Preece, & Anne Smith, of this p. ... mar. BAPTISMS. 1695, June 6. John, s. to John Cooper & Lucy ... bap. " July 18. Edward, s. to Edward & Sarah Chesus ... bap. " July 20. Hanna, d. to Richard Oliver & Mary ... bap. //62 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1695 1695, Aug. 26. George, s. of John Clay & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 31. Elizabeth, d. to Will. Peacock & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 22. Isabella, d. to Thomas & Anne Whitfield ... bap. " Oct. 5. John, s. to John Hitchin & Dorothy ... bap. " Nov. 16. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas & Mary Eaton ... bap. " Dec. 4. Thomas, s. to Thomas Dekin & Eliza: ... bap. " Dec. 4. William, s. to George Groom & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 7. Richard, s. to John & Anne Denston ... bap. " Dec. 9. Jane, d. to Samuell & Sarah Morris ... bap. " Dec. To. Joan, d. to Thomas & Dinah Watkins ... bap. " Dec. 18. Elizabeth, d. to John & Alice Prestute ... bap. " Jan. 18. Thomas, s. to John & Anne Hughes ... bap. " Jan. 30. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas & Margarett Moore ... bap. " Feb. 13. Mary, d. to William & Sarah Dikin ... bap. " Feb. 20. Mary, d. to Thomas Powell & Allice ... bap. " Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of Edward Ralfes & Elizab: ... bap. " Feb. 29. Rebecka, d. of John Creamer & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 23. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Adams ... bap. 1696, Apr. 17. Sarah, d. of William & Izabell Sockett ... bap. " Apr. 23. William, s. of William & Catherine Cartwright ... bap. " May 3. Dorothy, d. of John & Mary Cartwright ... bap. " May 21. Mary, d. of John Dounes & Mary ... bap. " May 24. Catharine, d. of William Morris & Susannah ... bap. " June 5. William, s. of Samuel & Elizab: Jennings ... bap. " July 2. Margarett, d. of William Parton & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Miles & Margarett ... bap. " Nov. 3. Isabella, d. to Mr. Charles & Madam Dorothy Turner ... bap. " Nov. 21. Ann, d. of John Griffies & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 6. John, s. of Thomas Blakemore & Ellinor ... bap. " Dec. 12. John, s. of Jacob Pikin & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 26. Mary, d. to Daniell & Anne Hitchin ... bap. " Dec. 27. Joane, d. to John & Lucy Cooper ... bap. //1698] Hodnet. 63 1696, Jan. 16. Mary, d. of George & Mary Nayler ... bap. " Feb. 21. William, s. to Joseph & Anne Deacon ... bap. " Feb. 23. Joseph, a base s. of Susanna Pye ... bap. " Mar. 11. Izabella, d. to Thomas & Elizab: Cartwright ... bap. " Mar. 17. Sarah, d. to Jonathan Blakemore & [blank] ... bap. " Mar. 23. Samuel, s. to William Watkis & Margarett ... bap. 1697, Apr. 18. Mary, d. of James Paine & Esther ... bap. " May 2. Mary, d. of James Osburne & his w. bap. " May 16. Mary, d. to John & Hanna Robins ... bap. " May 26. Dorothy, d. to Benjamin & Dorothy Butler ... bap. " June 3. Margarett, d. to John & Mary Massy ... bap. " July 8. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Charleton & his w. ... bap. " July 1. Elizabeth, d. to George Groome & Jane ... bap. " July 11. Rowland, s. to Samuele Morris & Sarah ... bap. //" July 22. Hugh & John, sons to John & Mary Murrall ... bap. " July 22. Hugh, s. to John & Mary Murrall ... bap. " July 22. John, s. to John & Mary Murrall ... bap. " Sep. 19. Martha, d. to Richard Oliver & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 7. Anne, d. to Jeremiah Rea & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 16. William, s. to John Bently & Anne ... bap. //" Oct. 25. Hanna, d. to Robert Morris & Elizabeth [Sarah erased] ... bap. " Oct. 25. Hanna, d. to Robert Morris & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 12. Richard, s. to John & Mary Esply ... bap. " Nov. 13. John, s. to John & Allice Prestute ... bap. " Dec. 3. George, s. to John Downes & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 27. Mary, d. to Edward Killon & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 1. Mary, d. to Richard Axon & his w. ... bap. //" Jan. 20. Martha, d. to Henry & Elizabeth [Mary erased] Stockton ... bap. //" Jan. 20. Martha, d. to Henry & Elizabeth Stockton ... bap. " Jan. 22. Thomas, s. to William & Izabella Socket ... bap. " Mar. 3. William, a base s. of Mary Cose [?]... bap. " Mar. 3. Sarah, d. to Edward & Sarah Chesus ... bap. " Mar. 13. Anne, a base d. of Mary Aires ... bap. 1698, Mar. 31. Anne, d. to Thomas & Anne Green ... bap. " Apr. 2. Sarah [Anne eraced], d. to Edw. Ralphes & Elizab: ... bap. //64 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1698 1698, Apr. 3. Jane, d. to George Tiss & Elizab: ... bap. " May 7. Rachel, d. to Moses & Martha Rea ... bap. " May 12. Joseph, s. to Thomas Bathar & Margaret ... bap. " May 21. Anne, d. to William Peacock & Anne ... bap. " May 21. Catharine, d. to William Cartwright & Catharine ... bap. " July 24. Hanna, d. to Thomas Powell & Alice ... bap. " Sep. 18. Rowland, s. to Will. Morris & Susan: ... bap. " Oct. 2. Marv, d. to James Paine & Hester ... bap. " Nov. 12. Sarah, d. of George Harris & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 14. William, a base s. to Thomas Wells ... bap. " Nov. 24. Charles, s. to Thomas & Mary Eaton ... bap. " Dec. 3. Hugh, s. to Mr. Charles & Mrs. Mary Pigot ... bap. " Dec. 11. Richard, s. to Richard & Margery Thornes ... bap. " Jan. 1. Jane, d. to John & Hannah Robins ... bap. " Jan. 6. Abigail, d. to Daniel & Anne Hitchin ... bap. BURIALS, 1696. 1696, Sep. 6. Morgan Evans, a poore man ... bur. " Sep. 15. William Rea ... bur. " Sep. 18. Jane, d. of William & Anne Ridgeway ... bur. " Oct. 1. Catharine, d. of William Morris & his w. bur. " Oct. 30. Elizabeth Poole, an infant ... bur. " Nov. 24. John Downes, of Weston ... bur. " Nov. 26. Elizabeth Green, a servant ... bur. " Dec. 11. Anne Watkis, widdow ... bap. " Dec. 24. Sarah, w. of George Hampton ... bur. " Dec. 25. Arthur Evans, a poore man ... bur. " Jan. 21. Ruth Atkins ... bur. " Jan. 22. Joane Challener ... bur. " Feb. 8. Thomas Lancashire ... bur. 1697, Apr. 3. Francis Twisse ... bur. " Apr. 13. Rowland Dikin, a young man ... bur. " May 5. Margarett, w. of Rowland Robins ... bur. " May 6. George Murrall, a childe ... bur. " May 13. James Street, a poore man ... bur. " May 17. Margery Barker, a poore woman ... bur. " June 10. Joseph, a base s. of Susanna Pye ... bur. //1698] Hodnet. 65 1697, June 26. John Jones, a servant ... bur. " June 26. Judeth Whittcom, a poore woman ... bur. " June 28. Izabell Harper, widdow ... bur. " June 28. Robert Blakemore ... bur. " July 5. Jane Lawrence, an infant ... bur. " July 19. Martha, w. to Thomas Ankers ... bur. " Aug. 24. Richard Berry, of Weston ... bur. " Aug. 31. Mr. Hugh Pigott ... bur. " Sep. 18. Mary, d. to John & Hannah Robins ... bur. " Sep. 21. Mrs. Susanna Pigott . bur. " Oct. 1. Elizabeth, d. to George Groome & Jane ... bur. " Oct. 14. Richard, s. to John Cley & Anne ... bur. " Oct. 20. Mr. Thomas Ankers, Cler ... bur. " Oct. 27. George Groome ... bur. " Nov. 11. Mary Payne, an infant ... bur. " Nov. 23. Thomas Allen ... bur. " Nov. 24. Catharine Phillips, widdow ... bur. " Nov. 27. Robert Browne ... bur. " Dec. 27. John Prestute, an infant ... bur. " Jan. 18. John Jones, a childe of a poore traveller ... bur. " Jan. 25. William Bayly, a poore man ... bur. " Feb. 3. William Cooper ... bur. " Feb. 5. William roues ... bur. " Feb. 15. Samuel Canland, of Marchamley ... bur. " Mar. 15. Allice Nevett ... bur. 1698, Apr. 18. Elizabeth, d. of William Loe ... bur. " Apr. 27. Samuel Deakin ... bur. " May 1. Elizabeth Bagott ... bur. " May 2. John Pye ... bur. " May 6. Margarett Esply, widdow ... bur. " May 10. Robert, s. to George Evans, of Weston ... bur. " May 10. Esther, w. to John Cartwright, of Hopton ... bur. " June 3. Griffith Mullinex ... bur. " June 17. Elizabeth, w. of John Harris ... bur. " July 12. William Hill ... bur. " July 22. Thomas Gollins ... bur. " Aug. 11. Sarah, d. to Edward Ralphes ... bur. " Aug. 25. Noah, s. to Ellinor Webbe, a wandering beggar ... bur. 66 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1693 1698, Sep. 14. Dorothy, w. to John Massy, of Weston ... bur. " Sep. 26. Dorothy Porter, a poore widdow ... bur. " Oct. 12. Mary, w. of John Massy ... bur. " Oct. 17. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Roe ... bur. " Oct. 29. Mary Boardman, widdow ... bur. MARRIAGES IN YE YEARE 1697. 1697, Nov. 7. Robert Lewis & Jane Bayly ... mar. " Nov. 16. Isaak Martin & Jane Wood ... mar. " Dec. 26. Thomas Williams & Margarett Sudley ... mar. " Dec. 29. Richard Small & Sarah Ward ... mar. " Jan. 5. Richard Thomas & Margery Cartwright ... mar. " Feb. 2. John Newton & Eliz: Spendlove, both of p. Wem ... mar. 1698, Aug. 2. Rowland Mitton & Jane Dainty, both of this p. ... mar. " Sep. 8. Richard Jones & Elizabeth Fosbrooke ... mar. " Jan. 16. Edward Moses & Sarah Hayward ... mar. BAPTISMS 1698. 1698, Feb. 13. Jane, d. to Isaack Martin & Jane ... bap. Ye father living in Peplow to pay ye taxe 2s. " Feb. 24. Thomas, s. to Thomas & Elizabeth Cartwright ... bap. The father living in Hodnett to pay ye taxe 2s. " Feb. 26. Aldersey, s. to William Dikin & Sarah ... bap. The father living in Wollerton to pay ye taxe 2s. " Mar. 12. Richard, s. to William & Catharine Pickerill ... bap. The father living in Hodnett to pay ye taxe 2s. " Mar. 17. Abraham, s. to George Brant, a wandering beggar, & Allice ... bap. Ye Overseers to pay pe taxe 2s. " Mar. 21. Allice, d. to Thomas Charleton & Sarah ... bap. The father living in, Marchamley to pay ye taxe 2s. //1699] Hodnet. 67 1699, Apr. 22. Mary, d. to Jeremiah & Mary Rea ... bap. The father living in Hodnett to pay ye taxe 2s. " May Rowland, s. to John Cartwright & his w. ... bap. Ye father living in Hodnett to pay taxe 2s. " May 13. Susanna, d. to John Massy & Mary ... bap. The father living in Woollerton to pay ye taxe 2s. //William, s. to William Cartwright & [blank] ... bap. Ye father living in Hodnett to pay ye taxe 2s. May. 13. William, s. to William Cartwright ... bap. Ye father living in Hodnett to pay ye taxe 2s. " June 2. Anne, d. to William Adams & Elizabeth ... bap. The father living in Little Bolas to pay 2s. " June 4. Sarah, d. to Richard Mitton & Catherine ... bap. Ye father living in Hodnett to pay 2s. " June 9. Elizabeth, a base d. of John Ralphes & Allice Bently ... bap. Ye Overseers to pay ye taxe 2s. " June 24. Joseph, s. to Edward & Elizabeth Ralphes ... bap. The father living in Hodnett heath to pay the King's taxe 2s. " July 30. Anne, d. to William Green & Elizab: ... bap. Ye father living [blank] to pay 2s. " Aug. 19. Elizabeth, d. to Samuel Jennings & Elisabeth ... bap. Ye father living in Marchamly to pay 2s. " Aug. 20. Thomas, s. to John Murrall & Mary ... bap. The father living in Esply to pay ye taxe 2s. " Aug. 28. Mary, d. to Thomas Bathoe, of Peplow, & Margaret ... bap. Ye father to pay ye taxe 2s. " Oct. 6. Susanna, d. to Jonathan Brookes & Elizabeth, ... bap. at Little Bolas. " Oct. 27. Mary, d. to Thomas Williams & Margarett ... bap. Ye father living in Marchamley Wood. 68 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1699 1699, Dec. 3. Sarah, d. to Jacob Pikin & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 28. Mary, a base d. to Mary Ayre, of Hodnet ... bap. " Feb. 12. Thomas, s. to Thomas Parton & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 14. Robert, s. to John Pace & Susanna ... bap. BURYALLS. //[A portion of the side of the page is here torn off.] 1698, Oct. 25. [-] Cartwright, Parish clerk ... bur. " Dec. 4. [-] Eaton, of Wollerton ... bur. " Dec. 6. [-] Adeney ... bur. " Dec. 9. [-] Cartwright ... bur. //" Mar. 3. [-]wne ... bur. [The] father living in Hodnet to pay ye taxe 4s. //" Feb. 11. [-]ray ... bur. [-]steven living in Hodnett to pay ye taxe 4s. " May 17. [-] Cartwright ... bur. [-] living in Hodnett heath to pay ye taxe 4s. 1699, Apr. 2. [-] Bather, a child ... bur. father, Tho: Bather, living in Peplow, to pay ye taxe 4s. " Apr. 4. [-]th Cartwright, a poore woman ... bur. [The Over]seers to pay ye tax 4s. " Apr. 25. [-] Williams, a poore man ... bur. [The] Overseers to pay ye taxe 4s. " Apr. 27. [-]n Hanley, from Weston ... bur. John Hanley, his Relation, to pay ye taxe 4s. " May 9. Mary, d. to Mary Eaton, widdow ... bur. Ye mother living in Marchamly to pay ye taxe 4s. " May 13. Catharine Berry, widdow ... bur. Her son living in Weston, Richard Berry, to pay 4s. " June 25. Elleanor Eikin, widdow ... bur. Arthur Eikin, of Northwood, her kinsman, to pay the taxe 4s. //1699] Hodnet. 69 1699, July 24. William Dickin ... bur. His son, William Dickin, living in Kenston, to pay ye taxe 4s. " Aug. 5. Elizabeth, d. to John Bury & Anne Jenks ... bur. The grandfather, Richard Bury, of Weston, to pay ye taxe 4s. " Aug. 17. Hannah, d. to John Robins, of Marchamley ... bur. Ye father to pay ye taxe 4s. " Sep. 2. Robert Trevor, of p. Stoke sup: Terne ... bur. " Sep. 13. John Robins, of Marchamley ... bur. George Robins, of Marchamley, to pay ye taxe 4s. " Oct. 6. Jane, w. to James Osburne, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 13. Robert, s. to James Osburne ... bur. " Oct. 26. Anne, w. to George Harris ... bur. Ye man living in Marchamley to pay ye tax. " Nov. 3. Edmund, s. to Jonathan Wood ... bur. The father living in Peplow to ye taxe 4s. " Nov. 20. Susanna, w. to Richard Phillips, of Weston ... bur. " Nov. 20. Jane, w. to George Hanly, of Weston ... bur. " Nov. 24. Mary, d. to George Wood, of Rowton ... bur. " Nov. 25. William Harris, of Weston ... bur. " Nov. 28. Elizabeth Denston, of Hodnet ... bur. " Jan. 14. Mary, w. of Thomas Dickin, Attournie ... bur. " Jan. 15. Dorothie Robinson, a poore woman from Weston ... bur. " Jan. 29. Mary, a base d. of Mary Ayre ... bur. " Jan. 24. Thomas, s. to Will: Cartwright, of Hodnett ... bur. " Jan. 30. Sarah, w. of George Downes, of Marchamley wood ... bur. " Mar. 25. Robert, s. to Thomas Blakemore & Ellinor ... bur. MARRIAGES, 1699. //[A portion of the side of the page is here torn off.] 1699, Apr.[-]. Thomas Parton & Anne Browne ... mar. Ye man living in Peplow to pay ye taxe 2s. 6d. 70 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1699 1699, Dec. [-]. Thomas Dickin & Jane Edkes ... mar. Ye man living in Kenston to pay 2s. 6d. " Dec.[-]. Andrew Harris & Mary Groome, both of Marchamley ... mar. " Jan. 26. Andrew Morris & Mary Harris, of Marchamley ... mar. BAPTISMS, 1699-continued. 1699, Mar.[-]. John, s. to Henry Stockton & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar.[-]. Elizabeth, d. to William & Izabella Socket ... bap. " Robert, s. to Thomas Blakemore & Elinor ... bap. " Mar.[-]. Mary, d. to Thomas Green & Anne ... bap. BURYALLS. [No date]. Charlton Hill ... bur. " Ann Denson ... bur. " Francis Arnwey ... bur. BAPTISMS. [No date]. Lydia, d. of Rob. Morris ... bap. BURYALLS. //[1700], May 11. John & Ann, s. & d. to Anne Roden, pauper ... bur. [1700], May 11. John, s. to Anne Roden, pauper ... bur. [1700], May 11. Ann, d. to Anne Roden, pauper ... bur. " May 14. Daniel Groome, of Marchamley ... bur. " May 31. Sarah Bookly, of Hodnet, pauper ... bur. " June 6. Tho: Watson, of Hodnett heath, pauper ... bur. " July 13. Andrew Harris, of Preston Brockhurst ... bur. BAPTISMES. [1700], Apr. 13 Thomas, s. to Jonathan Blakemore & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 14.. John, a base s. of Margarett Talbot, servant to Thomas Bathoe, of Peplow ... bap. //" May 5. John & Anne, s. & d. to Anne Roden, pauper ... bap. " May 5. John, s. to Anne Roden, pauper ... bap. " May 5. Anne, d. to Anne Roden, pauper ... bap. " June 23. Francis, s. to Rich. Thornes, of Peplow ... bap. " June 28. Grace, d. to Will. Parton ... bap. " July 29. Jane, a base, d. of Deborah Walford ... bap. //1714-22] Hodnet. 71 1674, Feb. 2. Johnathan, s. to Johnathan Wood & Darothy ... bap //[The last entry is in a different and later handwriting.] //[END OF VOLUME I.] /* VOLUME II. A Register for Registring of all Burialls Baptisms and Marriages within the Parish of Hodnett from the 25th March Anno 1700. [On the Cover, and also on the fly-leaf:] //A REGISTER OF BURIALS, BAPTISMS AND MARRIAGES, OF THE PARISH OF HODNET, FROM MARCH 25TH, 1700, TO DECEMBER 30TH, 1768. [On the first page:] */ 1714 Sept. 17. Thomas, s. of Tho. Adams ... bap. Sept. 17th, 1714. 1716. Mar. 5. Martha, d. of Thomas Adams, of Bolas, ... bap. July 24. Thomas, s. to Thomas Adams, of Little Bolas, ... bap. July 24th, 1719. Anne, d. to John & Ellinor Adams, Dec. 19, 1719 ... bap. Mary, d. to Richard Penson & Elizabeth, born March 21, 1740. Mary, d. to John Adams, of Bolas p'va, ... bap. Febr. 20th, 1720. William, s. to Thomas Adams & Mary, ... bap. June 19, 1722. /* //I do certify that the entries above were faithfully copied out by me, from one side of the old cover, which had been torn from the body of the book, and that the same were in a very bad state. //Witness my hand, CHARLES C. CHOLMONDELEY, Rector. 72 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1700 //[In a slip pasted in..] HODNET PARISH REGISTER OF BAPTISMS & BURIALS, MARCH, 1812.*/ BURYALLS, MARCH, 1700. Charles Hill, of Hodnett, was buryed the 30th day of March. Anne Penston, ye wife of John Penston, of Hodnett, was buryed April ye 12th. Francis Arneway, of Hodnett, was buryed April ye 19th. John and Anne, son & dau. to Anne. Boden, a wandering beggar, was buryed May ye 11th. Daniel Groome, of Marchamly, was byryed May ye 14th. Sarah Bookly, of Hodnett, pauper, was buryed May ye 31st. Thomas Watson, of Hodnett heath, pauper, was buryed June ye 6th. Andrew Harris, of Preston Brockhurst, was buryed July ye 13th. Humphry Madely was buryed September ye 15th. Jane Peate, of Weston, was buryed Octob. ye 7th. 1700, Oct. 12. William, s. to John Harris, of Weston. " Oct. 15. Mary, w. to Jeremiah Rea, of Hodnett. " Oct. 15. John Harris, pauper. " Nov. 12. Richard Belcham, a poor childe. //" Nov. 17. William & Mary, s. & d. to Tho: Green & Anne. " Nov. 17. William, s. to Tho: Green & Anne. " Nov. 17. Mary, d. to Tho: Green & Anne. " Nov. 29. Mr. Rowland Hill, of Haukston. " Dec. 18. Dorothy, w. of Jonathan Wood, of Peplow. " Dec. 20. Anne, d. of Jonathan Humpston, of Weston. " Dec. 25. Mary Browne. " Dec. 26. John, s. to John Cleg, of Woollerton. " Dec. 29. Margaret Robins, a servant. " Jan. 9. Thomas, s. of John Prestwood, junior, & his wife. " Jan. 23. Andrew Morris. " Feb. 6. Elizabeth, w. to George Robins. 1701, Mar. 28. Constance Miles, widow. " May 3. Elizabeth, w. of Robert Jennings, of Hodnett. " May 3. Sarah Downes, of Marchamly Wood. " May 27. Mr. Robert Hill, a mercer, from Shrewsbury. " June 3. Anne Ikyn, of Marchamly, widow. //1702] Hodnet. 73 1701, June 3. Ursula Embrie, of Woollerton, was buryed at Mukleston. " Sep. 9. Mary, d. to Jonathan Humpston, of Weston. " Sep. 11. Elizabeth, w. of Edward Ralphs. " Sep. 12. John, s. of John Pace & Susanna. " Sep. 28. John Mainwaring, of Marchamly. " Oct. 28. William, s. to Thomas Green & Anne. " Nov. 23. Magarett Wells. " Jan. 10. Sarah, d. of Thomas Charlton & Sarah. " Jan. 22. John Rhoden, of Little Bolas. " Feb. 2. Susanna Atkis. from Fordhall. " Feb. 15. Elizabeth, d. to Will. Sockett & his wife. " Feb. 18. Mary Madely. " Feb. 25. Susanna, w. of John Pace. " Mar. 4. Benjamin Socket, an infant. " Mar. 13. Sarah, d. to Sam. Morris & Sarah. " Mar. 16. George Hampton. 1702, Mar. 30. Thomas Massy, of Weston. " Apr. 7. William Sockett. " Apr. 11. Elizabah Dickin was buryed from Kenston. " Apr. 13. Samuel Rea, from Marchamly. " Apr. 18. Roger Jones, from Hodnett-heath. " Apr. 25. Deborah Holbrooke, an infant. " Apr. 26. William Parton, from Peplow. T.M. " May 2. George Wallford. " May 6. William Holbrooke, an infant. " May 8. Martha Cartwright, an infant. " May 13. Mary Cartwright, an infant. " May 15. Elizabeth Twisse, from Weston. " May 15. William Burton, of Hodnett. " May 19. Jane Canland, widdow. " May 22. Thomas Harris, of Marchamly. " May 28. Samuell, s. of Thomas Rhoden, of Weston. " June 4. George Harris, of Marchamly. " June 8. Elinor Burry, widdow, from Marchamly. " June 10. Elizabeth Wilson, of Marchamly. " Sep. 27. John Humpston, from Weston. " Oct. 6. Richard Groome, of Marchamly, Sarah his wife, were both buryed. " Nov. 12. Henry Podmore, of Marchamly. 74 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1702 1702, Jan. 19. Mary, w. of Thomas Oliver. " Mar. 18. William, s. to Owen Morris, a way fareing man. " Mar. 21. Grace Parton, widdow. 1703, Apr. 2. Jane Bather, an infant, from Peplowe. " May 22. Jane, w. of William Handly, of Weston. " June 2. Sarah Pollet, an infant. BAPTISMS, APRIL 1700. Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of John Bentley, of Kenston, & Anne, ... bap. //Lydia, ye Daughter of Robert Morris, of Kenston, & Eliz: his wife, was baptiz'd Apr. ye 13. //Thomas, ye son of Jonathan Blakemore, of Hodnett, & his wife, was baptiz'd Apr. ye 13. //John, a base son of Margarett Tallbot, servant to Tho: Bathor, of Peplow, was baptized Apr. 14. //May. Sarah, Daughter of Richard Oliver, of Marchamly, & Mary his wife, was bapt. May ye 5th. Apr. 13. Lydia, d. of Robert Morris, of Kenston, & Eliz:, ... bap. Apr. 13. Thomas, s. of Jonathan Blakemore, of Hodnett ... bap. Apr. 14. John, a base son of Margarett Tallbot, servant to Tho: Bathor, of Peplow, ... bap. May. 5. Sarah, d. of Richard Oliver, of Marchamly, & Mary, ... bap. //1700, May 5. John & Anne, s. & d. of Anne Boden, a wandering beggar. 1700, May 5. John, s. of Anne Boden, a wandering beggar. 1700, May 5. Anne, d. of Anne Boden, a wandering beggar. " June 23. Francis, s. of Richard Thornes, of Peplow, & Margery. " July 28. Grace, d. of William Parton & [blank]. " July 29. Jane, a base d. of Deborah Wallford. " Sep. 15. Robert, s. of John Downes & Mary. " Sep. 28. Rowland, s. to John Walker & Anne. " Jan. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Powel, of Marchamley, & Alice, pauper. " Feb. 4. Jonathan, s. of Isaack Martyn & Jane. " Feb. 27. William, s. to John Ferington & Mary. " Mar. 9. Mary, d. to John Murrall & Mary. " Mar. 11. Sarah, d. to Thomas Charleton & Sarah. 1701, Apr. 6. Robert, s. to Robert Bolas, of Kenston, & Elizabeth. " Apr. 22. Margarett, d. to Mr. John Hill & Mrs. Sarah his wife. " May 2. Margarett, d. to Thomas Bathor, of Peplow, & Margarett. " May 13. Elizabeth, d. to William Dickin, of Kenston, & Mary. " June 12. Elizabeth, d. to William Green & Elizabeth. //1702] Hodnet. 75 1701, June 13. Elizabeth, d. to Charles Pigott & Mary. " July 11. Thomas, s. to Edward Chesus & Sarah. " July 27. Sarah, d. to Samuel Jennings & Elizabeth. " Aug. 3. Mary, d. to William Peacock & Anne. " Aug. 9. William, s. to William Dickin & Sarah. " Aug. 14. John, s. to Samuel Phillips & Catherine. " Aug. 31. John, s. of John Pace & Susanna. " Oct. 12. William, s. of Thomas Green & Anne. " Nov. 1. Anne, d. to Thomas Williams & Margaret. " Dec. 14. Anne, d. of Thomas Parton, of Peplowe, & Anne. " Dec. 30. Mary, d. of Richard Thornes & Margery. " Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Blakemore & Ellinor. " Feb. 1. Joseph, s. of William Pickerill & Catharine. " Feb. 7. John, s. of John Bembow & Elleanor. " Feb. 8. Benjamin, s. to Will. Sockett & Isabella. " Mar. 1. Sarah, d. to Sam: Morris & Sarah. 1702, Mar. 29. John, s. of John Downs & Mary. " Apr. 6. John, s. of John Griffies & Anne. " Mar. 1 [sic]. John, s. of John Bolas, of Marchamly, & Anne. " Mar. 22. Laurence, s. to Joseph Cartwright & Allice. //" Apr. 22. William & DAorah, bastard children of Deborah Holbrooke. " Apr. 22. William, bastard s. of Deborah Holbrooke. " Apr. 22. DAorah, bastard d. of Deborah Holbrooke. //" Apr. 24. Martha & Mary, daus. of John Cartwright & Mary. " Apr. 24. Martha, d. of John Cartwright & Mary. " Apr. 24. Mary, d. of John Cartwright & Mary. " Apr. 7. Thomas, s. to John Wells & Elizabeth. " Apr. 24. Robert, s. to Robert Morris & Elizabeth. " May 1. Sarah, d. to James Osburne & Mary. " May 3. Anne, d. to James Paine & Hester. " May 12. Elizabeth, d. to Jonathan Brookes & Elizabeth. " June 19. Elizabeth, d. to John Hanly & Mary. " June 27. John, s. to Jeremiah Rea & Mary. " July 4. Mary, d. of William Cartwright & Margaret. " July 14. Robert, s. of John Bently & Anne. " Aug. 13. Anne, d. of Richard Oliver & Mary. " Sep. 18. Thomas, s. to Thomas Miles & Margarett. " Oct. 24. William, s. to William Green & Elizab: " Nov. 8. Mary, d. to John Brockton & his wife, of p. Priece. 76 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1702 1702, Nov. 17. Edward, s. of John Embrie, of Marchamly, & Mary. " Dec. 26. Sarah, w. of Edward Chesus, was ... bap. " Dec. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Charleton & Sarah. " Jan. 10. John, s. of Samuell Davies & Margarett. " Jan. 24. William, s. of Thomas Powell & Alice. " Jan. 28. Jane, d. of Thomas Bathor & Margaret. " Jan. 29. Elizabeth, d. of William Lewis & Mary. " Jan. 31. Elizabeth, d. of William Cartwright & his w. " Feb. 20. Benjamin, s. to Henry Stockton & Eliz. " Feb. 26. William, s. to Robert Bolas & Elizabeth. " Mar. 8. William, s. to Owen Morris, a wayfareing man & his wife. 1703, Mar. 29. William, s. to Thomas Green & Anne. " May 1. Anne, d. to Edward Killon & Elizabeth. " May 3. Sarah, a base d. of Anne Pollet. " May 13. Isaack, s. to Isaak Martin & Jane. " May 22 . Elizabeth, d. to Robert Bolas, of Bolas, & Mary. " June 14. Elizabeth, d. to Ellis Parry, a traveller, & Susanna. " July 24. William, s. to John Cartwright & Mary. " Aug. 28. Anne, d. to John Rea, of Marchamly, & Mary. " Aug. 29. William, Mary & Ellinor, son & daughters to Will: Dicken, of Kenston, & Mary. " Sep. 9. Robert, s. to Robert Clough, of Hodnett, & Jane. " Sep. 18. John, s. of John Walker, of Hodnett, & Anne. MARRIAGES ANNO 1700. Sep. 8. John Walker, of Staunton, & Anne Davis, of this parish, ... mar. " Nov. 24. Joseph Cartwright & Allice Laurence, of Hodnet ... mar. 1701. Apr. 22. John Pinson and Dorothy Sockett, of this parish ... mar. " May 4th. John Hanley, of Weston, & Mary Jones, of Hodnet, ... mar. " Aug. 6. Jeremy Rea & Mary Blakemore, of Hodnet ... mar. //1708] Hodnet. 77 " Dec. 26. Thomas Watkin and Jane Thomas, both of this parish, ... mar. ... mar. 1702, Apr. 8. William Lewis & Mary Boardman, both of this p. ... mar. " May 2. Thomas Kemster, of Whitchurch, & Mary Harris, of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 27. Thomas Esply & Anne Haines, both of this p. ... mar. 1703, May 17. David Wells & Susanna Cartwright. ... mar. " June 1. William Hampton & Jane Roe, both of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 15. John Pace & Ellinor Fowler, both of Hodnett. ... mar. " Feb. 9. Thomas Oliver & Mary Jones, both of Hodnet. ... mar. 1704, May 10. John Orp, of Betton, in ye p. of Drayton, & Susanna Brown, of Aulam, . ... mar. " Oct. 9. Samuel Cleaton, p. Middle, & Dorothy Gregory, p. Hodnet. ... mar. " Feb. 6. Richard Dutton, p. Muckleston, & Anne Handly, of Weston, in p. Hodnet. ... mar. 1703, Apr. 10. John Bradshaw & Isabella Socket, both of Hodnett. ... mar. " Feb. 3. Matthew Stockton & Elizabeth Stockton, both of Peplow. ... mar. 1706, May 13. Steven Rea & Anne Morrall, both of Hodnett. ... mar. //15th Augt. 1706. Sirveyd. per Geo: Hall. " Dec. 26. John Davies & Mary Prestwood. ... mar. " Jan. 14. Edward Phillips & Anne Banks, marryed at Weston. ... mar. " Feb. 15. John Harper, of p. Wein, & Anne Watson, of this p. ... mar. " Feb. 22. Thomas Hulson, of Morton-sea, & Anne Lowe. ... mar. " Feb. 24. John Wells & Anne Clarke. ... mar. 1707, Apr. 28. William Groome, of p. Prees, & Elizabeth Hamlett, of Hodnet. ... mar. " Dec. 29. George Harris & Elizab. Grice. ... mar. " Jan. 24. Richard Deacon & Elizabeth Robins. ... mar. " Feb. 14. John Morris & Mary Adams. ... mar. " Feb. 14. Joseph Ralphes & Mary Booth. ... mar. 1708, Apr. 4. John Jervis, of Great Bolas, & Mary Rhoden, of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 13. John Jackson, p. Childs Archall, & Mary Handly. ... mar. 78 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1709 1709, Jan. 3. Henry Andrewes & Elizabeth Oliver. ... mar. 1710, May 18. Thomas Higginson & Elizabeth Cartwright. ... mar. " Sep. 24. Richard Evans & Valentine Sherralt, from Wem p. ... mar. " Oct. 8. John Penson & Elizabeth Roberts. ... mar. " Dec. 31. George Downs & Elizabeth Ward. ... mar. 1711, June 21. Thomas Burrows, of Hopton, in this p., & Sarah Matthews, of Edstaston, in the p. of Wem. ... mar. " June 23. Timothy Rodon, of Bowlas, & Abigail Sukar, of Hodnet, both of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 26. Thomas Braster, p. Wem, & Mary Downes, of this p. ... mar. 1711-12, Jan. 20. Robert Summerfield & Eliz. Moss, both of this p. ... mar. 1712, June 22. Richard Roberts & Anne Ridgeway, both of this p. ... mar. 1713, Apr. 11. Will. Harris, of this p., & Jane Wolfe, p. Shawbury. ... mar. " Aug. 4. Thomas Wright & Mary Wright, of Newport in this county. ... mar. " Dec. 13. William Heamis & Margarett Isilinor, both of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 26. Samll. Growcock & Margarett Thomas, both of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 26. Mr. Thomas Roberts, of St. Chad's p. in Shrewsbury, & Mrs. Elizabeth Fowler, of this p. ... mar. 1714, July 3. Mr. Hugh Lewis & Mrs. Naomi Hinton. ... mar. " Dec. 18. John Boardman & Eliza: Bathor, both of this p. ... mar. " Feb. 13. William Pain & Eliz: Watson, both of this p. ... mar. 1715, June 2. James Steventou & Jane Rogers, both of Drayton p. ... mar. " Dec. 17. Roger Chidlow & Anne Stannier, both of this p. ... mar. 1716, Oct. 14. Richard Beury & Eliza: Turner, both of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 23. Edward Ducker & Margarett Cartwright, both of this p. ... mar. //1704] Hodnet. 79 1716, Dec. 27. Thomas Chidloe, of Prees, & Anne Morris, of this p. ... mar. " Dec. 31. Edward Humphrison, of Wem, & Elizabeth Row, of this p. ... mar. " Feb. 19. William Espley & Sarah Scott, both of this p. ... mar. 1717, Nov. 3. William Higgens, of Forton of Stafford, & Elizabeth Wood, of this p. ... mar. 1717-18, Jan.8. John Protherah, of p. Whitchurch, & Rachell Crawler, of this p. ... mar. BURIALS, 1703. 1703, June 15. John Pugh was buryed. " June 21. Benjamin Stockton, an infant. " Sep. 1. Thomas Micklewright, of Haukston. " Sep. 1. William & Ellinor Dickin, infants, from Kenston. " Sep. 11. Mary Dickin, an infant, from Kenston. " Oct. 1. John, s. to Tho: Randles & Izabell his w., of Peplow. " Oct. 26. Richard Carver, a servant, from Esply. " Dec. 9. Richard Johnson, of Hodnett. " Feb. 2. William Cartwright, of Hodnett. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth Norton, an infant, ye d. of a stranger. Tax pd. " Feb. 21. A childe of Rich. Taylor's, of Weston. 1704, Apr. 9. Anne Evans, from Peplow. " May 2. Sarah Harper, of Hodnet. " May 12. Robert Watkins, of Peplow. " May 31. Abigael, d. to Daniel Hitchin, of Hodnet. " June 15. Eliazbeth, d. to Mr. John Hill, of Hawkston. " July 11. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Cartwright, of Hodnett, by Elizabeth his w. " Aug. 9. Richard Jones, of Hodnett. " Aug. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Robt. Bolas, of Little Bolas, S: Mary. " Nov. 4. Charleton Moss, of Hodnett. " Nov. 22. Dorothy Bookly, of Hodnett. " Dec. 21. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Suker, of Hodnet. " Dec. 22. Mary, w. of Thomas Belcham, of Peplow. " Jan. 19. Jane Manwaring, of Marchamly, pauper. " Feb. 20. Reignald Growcock, of Hodneff. //80 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1705 1705, Mar. 29. George Robins, a child, from Marchamly. " Apr. 4. Margarett, d. of Thomas Bathoe, of Peplow. " Apr. 19. John, s. of John Groom, of Weston. " May 1. Richard Downs, of Weston. " May 21. Ellinor, w. to Thomas Burroughs, of Hopton. " June 2. Robert Williams, of Hodnett. " June 5. Jane, w. to Valentine Stokton, of Hodnet. " June 17. Constance, w. of Henry Cartwright, of Peplow. " June 23. John Afassey, of Peplow. " July 21. Francis, s. to William Adams, of Little Bolas. " Sep. 4. Anne, d. to Daniel Hitchin, of Hodnett. " Sep. 5. Charles Pigott, of Erchall parva. " Sep. 10. William, s. to Will. Lewis, of Peplow. " Oct. 2. Henry Stockton, of Peplow. " Nov. 5. Mary, w. of Thomas Oliver, of Hodnett. " Dec. 3. Andrew Moore, of Weston. " Dec. 24. Anne, w. to Daniel Dike, of Peplow. " Jan. 17. Jane, d. of Will: & Elizab: Hulson, of Hodnet. " Feb. 11. Mary Heakley, sister to Izabell Bradshaw, of Hodnet. " Feb. 20. Sarah Moore, of Weston, widdow. " Mar. 9. Elizabeth Roberts, of Tonstall, widdow. " Mar. 12. Joseph, s. to Richard Oliver, of Marchamly. " Mar. 13. Martha, w. to John Cartwright, of Hodnet. 1706, Apr. 1. Martha, d. to Edward Ralphes, of Hodnet. " Apr. 21. Ralph, s. to Ralph Dickinson, of Little Bolas. " Apr. 22. Thomas Millington, of Weston. " May 13. Allice Hitchin, a poor widdow, of Hodnett. " June 16. Thomas Cooper, of Hodnett. " July 24. John, s. to Tho: Dainty, of Weston. " July 27. Thomas Steventon, of Wollerton. " Aug. 14. Robert, s. to Rich: & Susanna Jennings. //15 Augt. 1706. Survey per Geo. Halls. " Aug. 30. Anne Humpston, from Weston. " Aug. 30. Mr. Evan Pigott. " Sep. 8. Elizabeth Stockton, from Peplow. " Sep. 15. Francis Stanier, from Peplow. " Jan. 9. Elizabeth Rea, widdow. " Jan. 13. Elizabeth Latewood, from Marchamly. //1704] Hodnet. 81 1706, Jan. 28. Jane Allen, of Peplow, wid. " Jan. 29. Robert Prestwood, of Hodnett. " Mar. 22. Lydia Rogers, of Losford. 1707, Apr. 8. John Morrall ye younger. " May 2. Mary, w. of George Adams. " May 10. Robert Bolas, an infant. " May 27. Susanna Rea, of Hodnett, wid. " June 6. Robert, s. to Richard Jennings & Susanna. " July 2. Allice Williams, widdow. " July 19. Eleanor Reynalds. " July 29. Thomas Ridgeway. " Aug. 4. Richard, s. of Richard Tayler, of Weston. " Sep. 23. Jane Peplow, widdow. BAPTISMES, 1703. 1703, Sep. 8. Hanna, d. to John Humpston, of Marchamly, & Allice. " Oct. 15. Mary, d. to John Jackson, of Wistenswick, & Mary. " Nov. 19. Josiah, s. to Charles Forrester, of Whirly Lane, & Sarah. " Dec. 9. Samuell, s. to Sam Jennings, of Hodnett, & Elizab: " Dec. 17. Joseph, a base s. of Deborah Walford. " Dec. 31. Thomas, s. to Tho: Williams, of Marchamly, & Margaret. " Jan. 8. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Cartwright & Elizab: " Jan. 16. John, s. to William Green & Elizabeth. " Jan. 29. Vincent, s. to Thomas Furber, of Whirly Lane, & Sarah. " Jan. 31. Elizabeth, d. to Mr. John Hill, of Haukston, & Sarah. " Feb. 7. Robert, a base s. to Thomas Roe, of Marchamly, by Mary Eaton. " Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of Tho: Banks, of Bolas, & Rebecca. " Mar. 17. William, s. to Thomas Parton, of Peplow, & Anne. 1704, Apr. 17. Elizabeth, d. to Jeremiah Rea, of Hodnett, & Mary. 82 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1704 1704, Apr. 17 Francis, s. to William Adam's, of Bolas, & Elizabeth. " Apr. 15. Abigail, d. to Daniel Hitchin, of Hodnett, & Anne. " May 5. Jane, d. to John Bently & Anne. " May 11. John, s. to Thomas Esply & Anne his wife, living in Peplow. " May 11. George, s. To George Beacall, of Woollerton, & Anne. " May 13. Elizabeth, d. to James Osburne, of Hodnett, & Mary. " May 25. John, s. to John Ferrington, of Peplow, & Mary. " June 22. Sarah, d. to William Dickin, of Wollerton, & Sarah. " July 5. William, s. to Walter Richmond, by Margaret his wife, of Hodnett. //" July 8. Ezau & Jacob, sons to John Downs, of Hodnet, by Mary. " July 8. Ezau, s. to John Downs, of Hodnet, by Mary. " July 8. Jacob, s. to John Downs, of Hodnet, by Mary. " Sep. 10. Mary, d. to John Cartwright, of Hodnett, by Martha. " Sep. 29. John, s. to John Wells, of Hodnett, & Elizab: " Oct. 5. Pheebe, d. to Robt. Morris, of Kenston, & Elizab: " Oct. 6. Anne, d. to Joseph Cartwright, of Peplow, & Alice. " Oct. 8. Isaac, s. to Thomas Bathoe, of Peplow, & Margaret. " Nov. 1. William, s. to Will. Peacock, of Marchamly, & Anne. " Nov. 3. Mary, d. to John Davies, of Marchamly, & Jane. " Nov. 24. Jonathan, s. to Jonathan Brooks, of Little Bolas, & Elizab: " Dec. 3. Anne, d. to John Hanly, of Weston, & Mary. " Dec. 4. John, s. of John Pace, of Hodnet, & Ellinor. " Dec. 10. James, s. of Thomas Green, of Hodnett, & Mary. " Dec. 26. Jane, d. to William Dickin, of Kensfon, & Mary. //1705] Hodnet. 83 1704, Jan. 3. Elizab d. to Henry Stockton, of Peplow, & Elizab: " Jan. 21. Thomas, s. to Thomas Paling, of Peplow, & Anne. " Feb. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Bolas, of Kenston, & Eliz: " Feb. 15. Mary, d. to Edward Cartwright, of Hodnet, & Elizab: " Feb. 22. Thomas, s. to Robt: Clough, of Marchamly, & Jane. " Mar. 9. Mary, d. to Robt. Bolas, of Bolas, & Mary. " Mar. 10. William, s. to Charles Forrester, of Whirly Lane, & Sarah. " Mar. 21. Mary, d. to Thomas Randles, of Peplow, & Izabell. 1705, Mar. 25. William, s. to Robert Smith, of Peplow, & Mary. " Apr. 3. William, s. to Will. Lewis, of Peplow, & Mary. " May 6. George, s. of James Paine, of Marchamley, & Ester. " June 5. A childe of Watkis, of High-Hatton, in p. Staunton. " June 10. Andrew, s. of Andrew Morris, of Marchamly, & Mary. " July 11. Arthur, s. of Arthur Prescot, of Losford, & Allice. " July 19. Thomas, s. of John Massy, of Woodlerton, & Mary. " Aug. 19. Elizabeth, d. to William Parton, of Peplow, & Elizabeth. " Sep. 1. Martha, d. of Edward Ralphes & Margaret. " Sep. 28. Rowland, s. to Mr. John Hill, of Hawkston, & Mrs. Sarah his w. " Oct. 25. Thomas, s. to Edward Killon, of Hodnett, & Elizabeth. " Dec. 8. Jane, d. to William Hulson, of Hodnet, & Elizab " Dec. 27. Dorothy, d. to Isaack Martyn, of Peplow, & Jane. 84 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1705 1705, Dec. 27. John, s. to John Bradshaw, of Hodnet, & Izabel. " Dec. 31. Francis, s. to John Ferrington, of Peplow, & Mary. " Feb. 5. Lucie, s. to Thomas Powel, of Marchamly, & Alice. //" Feb. 15. Joseph & Benjamin, sons to Rich: Oliver, of Marchamly, & Mary. " Feb. 15. Joseph, s. to Rich Oliver, of Marchamly, & Mary. " Feb. 15. Benjamin, s. to Rich Oliver, of Marchamly, & Mary. " Feb. 28 Mary, d. to William Worrall, of Peplow, & Sarah. " Mar. 6. William, a base s. of Mary Phillips, of Wollerton. " Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Walker, of Hodnett, & Anne. " Mar. 17. Sarah, d. of William Hampton, of Losford, & Jane. " Mar. 19. Damaris, d. to Mary Evans, a wandering beggar. 1706, Apr. 19. Jane, d. to Robert Bolas, of Little Bolas, & Mary. " May 19. John, s. to William Cartwright, of Peplow, & [blank]. " May 30. William, s. to John Embrie, of Marcliamly, & Mary. " June 2. Jeremiah, s. to Jeremiah Rea, of Hodnett, & Mary. " June 8. Elizabeth, d. to John Pace, of Hodnett, & Ellinor. " June 14. Charles, s. to Thomas Parton, of Peplow, & Anne. 15 Aug. 1706. Surveyed per Geo: Hall. " Aug. 3. Ester, d. to John Rea, of Marchamly & Mary. //" Aug. 3. Robert, s. to Rich: Jennings & Susanna, born & ... bap. ye same day. " Aug. 3. Robert, s. to Rich: Jennings & Susanna ... bap. " Sep. 19. John, s. to Thomas Banks, of Little Bolas, & Rebecca. " Sep. 19. Anne, d. to William Dicken, of Wollerton, & Sarah. " Oct. 6. Thomas, s. to William Cartwright, of Hodnett, & Margaret. //1708] Hodnet. 85 1706, Oct. 6. William, s. to Edward Ralphes & Margaret. " Oct. 15. Mary, d. to William Lewis, of Peplow, & Mary. " Oct. 16. Jane, d. to John Davies & Jane. " Oct. 31. John, s. to George Beacall & Anne. " Jan. 1. Mary, d. to John Humpston & [blank]. " Jan. 6. Samuell, s. to Robt. Morris & Elizabeth. " Jan. 10. John, s. to Robert Bolas, of Kenston, & Elizabeth. " Jan. 17. Mary, d. to William Dickin, of Kenston, & Mary. " Feb. 13. Mary, d. to Charles Forrester & Sarah. " Feb. 10. Elizabeth, d. to Robt. Clough & Jane. " Mar. 5. Mary, d. to John Griffies & Anne. 1707, Mar. 29. Thomas, s. to Ralphe Dickinson & Sarah. " Apr. 5. Margarett, d. to James Osburne & Mary. " Apr. 12. Robert, s. to John Bolas & Anne. " May 11. Mary, d. to Andrew Morris & Mary. " May 11. Joseph, s. to Joseph Williams & Phillis. " May 29. Sarah, d. of John Downs & Mary. " June 4. Robert, s. to Richard Jennings & Susanna. " June 24. Sarah, d. to Mr. John Hill & Mrs. Sarah. " July 20. Thomas, s. to William Peacock & Anne. " Aug. 4. Anne, d. to William Hulson & Elizab: " Sep. 14. Anne, d. to John Bently & Anne. " Oct. 20. George, s. of Arthur Prescot & Allice. " Nov. 5. Richard, s. to Mathew Fowler, of London, & Mary. " Nov. 9. Allice, d. to Ralphe Shone & Elizabeth. " Nov. 27. Mary, d. to Robert Smith & Mary. " Dec. 7. Rowland, a base s. to Elizabeth Hitchin. " Dec. 29. Henry, s. to Mr. Richard Andrewes, of London, & Elizab: " Jan. 2. Henry, s. to John Pace & Ellinor. " Feb. 7. Thomas, s. to Richard Watson & Diana. " Feb. 24. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas Hulson & Anne. " Feb. 29. John, s. to John Cartwrite & Jane. " Mar. 20. Sarah, d. to Thomas Randles & Izabella. 1708, Apr. 25 Sarah, a base d. to Susanna Rea. " June 3. Elizabeth, d. to Edward Cartwright & Elizab: 86 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1708 1708, June 13. William, s. to William Hampton & Jane. " July 1. William, s. to Isaack Martin & Jane. " July 9. Robert, s. to John Bradshaw & Izabella. " July 18. Samuel, s. to Jeremiah Rea & Mary. " July 25. Mary, d. to William Parton & Elizabeth. " Aug. 14. Richard, s. to Thomas Powel & Alice. " Aug. 16. Thomas, a base s. of Joane Chesus. " Sep. 12. Anne, d. to Mr. John Hill & Mrs. Sarah. " Oct. 10. Richard, s. to Thomas Parton & Anne. " Dec. 5. Richard, s. to John Downes & Mary. " Dec. 11. John, s. to William Dickin & Sarah. " Dec. 13. Mary, d. to Andrew Clay & Anne. " Dec. 14. John, s. to Robert Clough & Jane. " Jan. 6. George, s. to Joseph Ralphes & Mary. 1709, Mar. 25. Mice, d. of Joseph Johnson, & Hanna. " Apr. 10. John, s. to Thomas Green, of Peplow, & Mary. " Apr. 17. William, a base s. of Deborah Walford. " Apr. 23. Thomas, s. to Richard Deacon & Elizabeth. " May 1. James, s. to James Osburne & Mary. " May 26. Jane, d. to George Beacall & Anne. " June 2. Mary, d. to George Steventon & Allice. " June 16. Richard, s. to John Grindly & Rose. " Aug. 7. Mary, d. to John Morris & Mary. " Sep. 10. George, s. to George Madely & Mary. " Sep. 18 Thomas, s. to John Davies & Jane. " Sep. 25. Catharina, d. to Thomas Williams & Margaret. " Sep. 26. Samuel, s. to John Walker & Anne. " Sep. 26. Margaret, d. to James Ward & [blank]. " Oct. 11. Sarah, d. to William Lewis & Mary. " Oct. 27. William, s. to John Rea & Mary. " Oct. 29. Thomas, s. to John Jackson & Mary. " Nov. 5. William, s. to William Hulson & Elizab: " Nov. 24. Thomas, s. to John Cartwright & Jane. " Nov. 24. Samuel, s. to Arthur Prescot & Allice. " Dec. 29. John, s. to Samuel Phillips & Elizabeth. " Jan. 6. Esther, s. to Robert Morris & Elizab:. " Jan. 7. Daniel, s. to Thomas Cartwright & Elizab:. " Feb. 5. Thomas, s. to William Cartwright, of Peplow, & his w. " Feb. 12 Samuel, s. to John Challenor & Mary. //1710] Hodnet. 87 1710, Apr. 10. Thomas, s. to John Ferington & Mary. " Apr. 30. Samuel, s. to John Embrie & Mary. " May 16. Elizabeth, a base d. of Margaret Leeke. " May 27. Anne, d. to Andrew Clay & Anne. " May 30. Sarah, d. to Andrew Morris & Mary. " May 30. John, s. to Ralph Shone & Elizabeth. BURIALLS. 1707, Oct. 23. Margarett, w. of Thomas Bather. " Oct. 25. Mary, w. of Rowland Lee. " Oct. 28. Anne Bury, from Weston. " Nov. 3. George Harper, of Weston. " Nov. 14. John Robins. " Dec. 1. Jane Groome, from Weston. " Dec. 11. Abraham Deacon. " Jan. 13. Rowland Hitchin, an infant. " Feb. 2. Mary Hitchin. " Mar. 2. John Morrall, of Esply. " Mar. 18. John Gregory, of Wollerton. 1708, Mar. 25. Elizabeth, w. to Thomas Hughs, of Weston. " May 4. John, s. to John Cartwright & Jane. " May 6. Edward Killom. " May 15. Elizabeth Robins, a poor widdow. " June 24. Anne Chetwall, from Peplow. " Aug. 7. Mary Sudly, a poor widdow. " Aug. 28. Mr. Thomas Ankers. " Sep. 14. John Dickin, of Wollarton. " Nov. 6. Samuell, s. to Robt: Peat, of Weston. " Nov. 9. John, s. to Richard Bury, of Weston. " Dec. 3. Rowland Burry, of Hawkston. " Jan. 28. Elizabeth, w. of Andrew Morrall. " Feb. 3. John Cartwright, of Hopton. " Feb. 22. Richard Tayler, of Weston. " Mar. 5. Elizabeth Massy, widdow. 1709, Mar. 25. Catharine Madely, widdow. " Apr. 6. George Robins. " Dec. 31. John, s. to Samuel Phillips & Elizabeth. 1710, Apr. 1. Mary, d. to Jeremiah Rea. " Apr. 23. Joane, w. to Jeremiah Rea. " June 13. William Denston, of Losford. 88 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1710 1710, June 18. James, s. of James Osburne. " July 12. John Bolas, late of Little Bolas. //" [-]. Mary, d. to Robert Phillips [erased]. " July 15. Thomas Harris. " July 17. Dorothy Penson, widdow. " Aug. 8. Mary, w. of James Osburne. " Aug. 11. Mary, d. to Robert Phillips, of Weston. " Aug. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Margaret Leeke. " Sep. 3. Joseph, s. to Edward Ralphes. " Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. to Hannah Robins, yid: " Nov. 25. Anne, d. to Mr. Thomas Dickin, of Esply. " Dec. 24. Jacob, s. to John Downs & Mary. " Jan. 26. Samuel, s. to John Embrie & Mary. " Feb. 4. John Phillips, of p. Preese. " Feb. 13. William Welling, a wayfaring man. " Feb. 14. Sarah, d. to Andrew Morris & Mary. " Mar. 9. Henry Cartwright. " Mar. 15. George, s. to Arthur Prescot. " Mar. 16. Richard Anchers. 1711, Mar. 30. William Ferington. " June 8. Katherine, w. of Robt. Morris, of Marchamley. " June 11. Henry, s. to Mr. Richard Andrews. " July 7. Thomas, s. to John Davies, of Marchamly. " July 14. Dinah, w. of Thomas Watkin, of Peplow. " July 23. Sarah, d. of John Atkin, of Marchamly. " Sep. 25. Mary, the base child of Joseph Grace & Eliz: Hitchen. " Dec. 18. Mrs. Anne Hill, widdow. " Dec. 27. Thomas Shewker, of Hodnett. 1711-12, Jan. 2. Charles Hayward, of Weston. " Jan. 11. Richd., s. of Ricd. & Mary Axon. " Jan. 13. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Harris. " Jan. 29. Samuell, s. of Samll. Aire & Eliz: " Feb. 1. John Broe, of Hodnett. " Feb. 5. Daniel Dyke, of Peplow. " Feb. 13. Robert Denstone, of Hodnett. " Feb. 17. John, s. of Tho: & Eliz: Massey, of Weston. " Feb. 26. Sarah, d. of George & Eliz: Booth. //1711] Hodnet. 89 BAPTISMES. 1710, May 31. Pierce, s. to John Pace & Ellinor. " June 3. John, s. to William Cartwright & Margarett. " Aug. 27. Andrew, s. Joseph Cartwright & Allice. " Oct. 9. Mary, d. to John Jackson & Mary. " Oct. 15. Mary, d. to Robt. Humphrison & Elizab: " Nov. 5. George, a base s. of John Peacock & Sarah Dale. " Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. t0 John Grindly & Rose. " Jan. 3. Mary, d. to Mr. John Hill & Mrs. Sarah his w. " Jan. 4. Benjamin, s. to Charls Forrester & Sarah. " Jan. 6. William, s. to Thomas Randles & Izabella. " Feb. 10. Elizabeth, d. to William Dickin & Sarah. 1711, Apr. 17. Samuell, s. to Samuell Morris & Sarah. " Apr. 22. John, s. to William Hampton & Jane. " Apr. 26. John, s. to John Cartwright, of Hoptone, & [blank]. " June 2. Henry, s. to Mr. Richard Andrews & Mrs. Elizabeth his w. " June 2. Mary, d. to Stephen Williams & Elizabeth. " June 10. Thomas, a base s. to Thomas Fallfoot & Mary Davies alias Powel. " July 7. Anne, d. to Stephen Ray & Anne. " June 24. Joseph, s. to John & Mary Rhoden, of Little Bowlas, were ... bap. at Great Bowlas. " July 8. Jane, d. of Jeremiah Ray & Mary. " July 14. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Micklewright, of Hawkston, & Margaret. " Aug. 5. Thomas, s. of James Osborn & Susannah. //" Sep. 4. Mary & Martha, two base children of Joseph Grace & Eliz: Hitchen. " Sep. 4. Mary, base d. of Joseph Grace & Eliz: Hitchen. " Sep. 4. Martha, base d. of Joseph Grace & Eliz: Hitchen. " Sep. 2. Elizabeth, d. to Tho: & Mary Adams, of Little Bolas. " Nov. 2. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Penson, of Hodnett. " Nov. 18. Joseph, s. of John & Mary Downes, of Hodnett. " Dec. 8. Anne, d. of George & Anne Beacall, of Wollerton. 90 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1711 1711, Dec. 26. Sarah, d. to George Madely & Mary. 1711-12, Jan. 8. Esther, d. . of Andrew & Mary Morris, of Marchamly. " Jan. 17. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Morris, of ye Heath. " Jan. 25. Mary, d. of John & Mary Ferrington, of Peplow. " Mar. 2. Mary, d. of John & Isabel Bradshaw. " Mar. 17. Joseph, s. of Isaac & Jane Martin, of Peplow. 1712, Apr. 3. Eleanor, d. of John & Eliz: Pace. BURYALS. 1711-12, Mar. 7. Susan Thomas. " Mar. 9. Hannah, d. of John & Anne Bentley. " Mar. 13. Frances, w. of John Berry, of Weston. " Mar. 20. George, s. to Thomas & Alice Humpston. 1712, Apr. 7. Mrs. Mary Pigott, widow, of Peplow. " Apr. 15. Jane, d. of Samll. & Sarah Morris, of Hopley. " May 11. Richard Ridgeway, of Marchamley. " May 16. Alce, w. of Arthur Prescott, of Losford. " May 21. Richd., s. of Richd. Bayley, of ye Berryes. " July 4. Elizabeth, w. of Tho: Cartwright. " July 8. Mary, d. of Mr. John Berry & Sarah. " July 23. William, s. to Tho: & Mary Green, of Peplow. " Sep. 16. Mr. Joseph Hodgson. " Sep. 23. Joan Cooper, a pauper. " Oct. 19. John Prestwood, a pauper. " Oct. 29. Mary Web, of Weston. " Nov. 19. William, s. of Mr. John & Mrs. Sarah Berrey. " Dec. 22. Joan, w. of Ellison Ward. 1712-13, Jan. 3. John, s. of John & Mary Espley. " Mar. 5. John Hill, of Hawkstone, Esqr. 1713, May 1. John, the base s. of Mary Whitfield. " May 14. Samuel Cartwright. " July 1. Mary Ash, of Marchamley. " July 28. Catherine, w. of William Pickerill. " Aug. 11. Anne, base child of Richd. Berrey & Eliza: Palmer. " Aug. 13. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Walford, of Weston. //1713] Hodnet. 91 1713, Aug. 17. Mary, d. of John & Isabell Bradshaw. " Sep. 8. George, s. of George & Mary Madely. " Sep. 25. Margery Coling, a widow. " Nov. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John & Jane Davies. " Nov. 27. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Hitchen. 1713-14, Jan. 4. Elizabeth Jones, widdow. " Jan. 26. Ellinor Evans, from Weston. " Feb. 11. William Groom, from Weston. " Mar. 7. Robert Darby, from Weston. 1714, Mar. 31. Robert Paulton, a stranger. BAPTISMS. 1712, Apr. 4. John, s. of John & Eliz: Barker (a wayfaring woman). " Apr. 6. Eleanor, d. of John & Mary Jackson, privately. " Apr. 22. Jane, d. of Will: & Eliza: Hulston. " May l0. Sarah, d. of John & Izabell Robbins. " May 28. Timothy, s. of Tim: & Abigail Rhoden. " June 24. Mary, d. of Tho. Burrowes & Sarah. " June 29. William, s.to Tho: & Mary Green, of Peplow. " July 6. Thomas, s. of John & Anne Walker. " July 6. Anne, d. of Tho: & Anne Hulston. " July 13. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Eliz: Deacon. " July 30. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Mary Ralphs. " Aug. 28. John, the base s. of Mary Whitfield. " Sep. 20. William, s. of Willi: & Mary Dicken, of Kenston. " Sep. 23. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Morrey, of Peplow. " Sep. 27. Mary, d. of Robt. & Jane Clough, of Marchamley. " Oct. 7. Lydia, d. of John & Mary Ray. " Nov. 3. William, s. of Mr. John Berrey & Sarah. " Nov. 14. John, s. of John & Anne Hampton. " Dec. 6. John, s. of John & Rose Grindley. " Dec. 16. Joseph, s. of John & Mary Embrie. 1712-13, Mar. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph & Eliz: Shone. 1713, Apr. 7. Samll., s. of Charles & Sarah Forrester. " Apr. 17. Thomas, s. of Edward & Eliza: Cartwright. " June 13. Thomas, s. of Tho: & Margarett Micklewright. " June 28. Mary, d. of Tho: & Mary Green. 92 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1713 1713, July 7. Rowland, s. of William & Sarah Dicken, of Woollerton. " July 9. William, s. of William & Mary Lewis. " July 12. Richard, s. of Richard & Dinah Watson. " July 26. Thomas, s. of Samuell & Mary Madely. " Aug. 2. Jane, d. of Andrew & Anne Clay. " Sep. 22. Anne, d. of Thomas & Leticia Whitfield. " Oct. 4. Jane, d. of James & Susanna Osburn. " Oct. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John & Jane Davies. " Oct. 25. Abigail, d. of Jeremiah & Mary Ray. " Oct. 13. Anne, d. of John & Frances Allen (a wayfaring woman). " Oct. 27. Sarah, d. of Stephen & Anne Ray. " Oct. 30. Mary, d. of Joseph & Alice Cartwright. BURYALLS. 1714, Apr. 7. Elizabeth Hitchen (a pauper), widdow. " May 26. Mary Cartwright, widdow. " July 27. Mary, d. of Stephen & Eliza: Williams. " Aug. 17. Robert Jennings, of Hodnett. " Aug. 26. Robert, s. of John & Isabel Bradshaw. " Sep. 4. Elizabeth Blakemore, widdow (a pauper). " Sep. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Parton. " Oct. 31. Mary, d. of John & Mary Jackson. " Nov. 13. Elizabeth, w. of Theophilus Yenley. " Nov. 17. George Downes, a pauper " Nov. 27. John Clay, of Woollerton. " Nov. 30. William Watson, a pauper. " Dec. 3. John Penson, of Hodnett. 1714-15, Jan. 3. Susan, w. of William Morris 1714, Jan. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Theo: Yenley. " Feb. 20. Jeremy, s. of John & Agna Smith (wandring people) " Mar. 21. Richard Pye, a poor man. 1715, Apr. 5. Ermine Trevor (a poor widdow). " Mar. 7. Eliza:, w. of Will: Jennings. " May 10. William Smith, of Hodnett. " June 13. Richard, s. of Willi: & Lettice Chandler. " July 26. Richard Nevitt (a poor man). " Oct. 14. Elizabeth Massey, widdow (out of Cheshire). //1714] Hodnet. 93 1715, Oct. 26. Elizabeth, w. of John Wood. " Nov. 30. Jane, d. of Isaac & Jane Martin. " Dec. 22. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Axon. " Dec. 22. William Lewis, of Peplow. " Jan. 6. Thomas Humpstone. " Mar. 4. Anne Watson, widdow (a pauper). 1715-16, Mar. 13. Richard, s. of Willi: & Izabell Sockett. 1716, Apr. 20. John Cramer. " Apr. 21. John, s. of John & Mary Morrey. " Apr. 23. Anne, w. to John Reynolds. " Apr. 28. Elizabeth, w. to George Downs. " May 12. Thomas Hitchin (a pauper). " May 29. Anne, d. of George & Anne Beacall. " June 26. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Jane Lateward, of Marchamley. BAPTISMS. 1713, Nov. 27. Anne, d. of John & Eleanor Pace. " Nov. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Will: & Margarett Cartwright. " Dec. 22. John, s. of Sam11. & Sarah Morris (privately). " Dec. 26. Henry, s. of Will: Cartwright & Catherine. " Dec. 29 Elizabeth, d. of John Cartwright, of Hopiton. " Dec. 29. John, s. to Mr. John Berry & Sarah. 1713-14, Feb. 8. Mary, d. of Arthur & Sarah Prescott, privately. 1714, Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Burrowes. " Apr. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Morrey. " Apr. 16. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Ferrington. " Apr. 18. George, s. of William & Jane Hampton. " May 2. John, s. of Ricrd. & Anne Higgison. " May 6. Jane, d. of Stephen & Eliz: Williams. " May 30. Anne, d. of John & Mary Morris. " June 5. William, s. of George & Mary Pickering. " June 24. George, s. to John & Mary Ray. " Aug. 27. Abraham, s. of Samll. & Margarett Pool. " Sep. 11. Williams, s. of George & Mary Madely. " Sep. 27. Thomas, s. to Thomas & Isabell Randles. " Oct. 31. Richard, s. of John & Mary Jackson. " Nov. 21. George, s. of John & Anne Hampton. " Nov. 24. Sarah, d. of Andrew & Mary Morris. 94 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1714 1714, Dec. 27. George, s. of Will: & Eliza: Hulston. " Dec. 30. Richard, s. of Rich: & Anne Roberts. 1715, Apr. 3. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Eliza: Deacon. " Apr. 7. John, s. of John & Jane Wood. " May 22. William, s. of Willi: & Margarett Heamis. " June 17. George, s. of Arthur & Sarah Prescott. " June 24. William, s. of John & Anne Walker. " June 24. Thomas, s. of Tho. & Anne Hulston. " Aug. 4. Phillip, s. of John & Rose Grindley. " Aug. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Sarah Bailey. " Aug. 18. Mary, d. of Tho. & Elizabeth Higginson. " Oct. 14. Thomas, s. of Willi: & Sarah Dicken, de Woollerton. //" Dec. 1. Susanna, d. of John & Ellinor Pace, born Nov. 16th. " Nov. 16. Susanna, d. of John & Ellinor Pace. " Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Stephen & Anne Ray. " Jan. 3. George, s. of William & Eliza Green. 1715-16, Feb. 2. John, s. of John & Mary Morrey. " Feb. 2. William, s. of Tho. & Mary Green. " Mar. 4. William, s. of Francis & Catherine Foster. " Mar. 10. John, s. of William & Eliza Pain. BURYALLS. 1716, June 30. Anne Deakin, widow. " July 10. Margarett, w. to Rowland Massey. " Aug. J0. Josiah Forrester. " Aug. 28. John, s. of William & Anne Walford. " Aug. 30. Daniell Oldes, from Weston. " Sep. 23. Sarah, w. of Tho: Burrowes. " Dec. 1. Alice Hitchin. " Dec. 3. Elizabeth Harper (a widow), from Weston. " Dec. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Willi: & Joane Ash. " Dec. 7. Jane, w. of William Ash. " Dec. 9. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Alice Cartwright. " Dec. 15. Robert Denstone, junior. " Dec. 26. Samuell, s. of John & Mary Chandler. " Dec. 28. Anne Reynolds, widow, a pauper. " Jan. 4. Elizabeth, d. to Elizabeth Watson. " Jan. 5. Margaret, w. of William Cartwright. " Jan. 5. Richard Willson, a pauper. //1716] Hodnet. 95 1716, Jan. 17. John, s. of John & Mary Jackson. " Jan. 21. Thomas Burrowes, senior, of Hopton. " Feb. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Hulston. " Feb. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Tho: & Margarett Miles. " Feb. 16. Isabell, w. of John Bradshaw. " Feb. 22. Joseph, a base child of Jos. Roberts & Anne Green. " Feb. 22. Robert Chetwall, from Peplow. " Feb. 24. Thomas Dainty (a pauper), from Weston. " Mar. 10. John Shein, from Weston. " Mar. 10. Mary Evans, an infant, from Weston. 1717, Apr. 6. Robt. Watford, senior, of Hodnett. " Apr. 16. Rowland Massey, of Woollerton. " Apr. 24. Mary Hales, a servant. " May 4. Rowland Robbins, a pauper. " May 8. Rowland Groom, of Marchamley. " May 10. Jane, w. of Rowland Mitton. " June 7 [?]. John Dainty, a pauper, from Weston. BAPTISMES. 1716, Apr. 2. William, s. of William & Anne Ridgeway. " Apr. 2. Richard, s. of John & Eliza: Penson, privately. " Apr. 26. Mary, d. of George & Anne Beacall. " May 1. John, s. of John & Jane Davies. " May 1. William, s. of Tho: & Sarah Burrowes. " May 13. Richard, s. of Tho: & Felicia Whitfield ... bap. " June 17. Diana, d. to Richard & Diana Watson. " July 9. Elisha, s. to Stephen & Elizabeth Williams. " Aug. 6. James, s. of Isaac & Jane Martin. " Aug. 22. Joseph, a base child of Joseph Roberts & Anne Green, privately. " Aug. 26. John, s. of William & Anne Walford. " Sep. 16. James, s. of James & Susanna Osborn. " Sep. 16. John, s. of George & Mary Pickering. " Sep. 20. Alice, d. of Abraham & Anne Maddox. " Sep. 30. George, s. of Richard & Anne Roberts. " Oct. 7. Mary, d. of Willi: & Margarett Heamis. " Oct. 16. Anne, d. of George & Anne Harris. 96 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1716 //1716, Oct. 18. Elizabeth d. of Richd. & Susanna Jennings, born 9th. 1716, Oct. 9. Elizabeth d. of Richd. & Susanna Jennings. " Nov. 20. John, s. of Andrew & Anne Clay. " Nov. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Willi: & Jane Ash. " Nov. 30. Robert, s. of Charles & Eliza: Tew. " Dec. 6. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Alice Cartwright. " Dec. 24. Jane, d. of Arthur & Sarah Prescott. 1717, Jan. 1. John, s. to John & Mary Jackson. //1716, Jan. 2. Mary, d. to John & Elli: Pace, born Dec. 18, 1716. 1716, Dec. 18. Mary, d. to John & Elli: Pace. 1717, Jan. 26. Thomas, s. of William & Jane Hampton. 1717, Mar. 20. Phillip, a base s. of Samll. Deakin & Eliza: Green. 1717, Apr. 2. Sara, d. of John & Anne Hampton. " Apr. 7. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Morris. " Apr. 7. Joseph, s. to John & Mary Ferrington. " June 16. Mary, d. of William & Sarah Espley. " July 28. Joseph, s. to John & Mary Morrey. " Aug. 1. Esther, d. of John Cartwright, of Hopton. BURYALLS. 1717, June 26. Thomas Blakemore, a pauper. " July 8. Ellinor, w. of Samll. Davies. " Aug. 31. Sarah, d. of Edward & Sarah Chessus. " Oct. 5. Rowland Mitton (a pauper). " Oct. 15. Sarah Cramer, widdow. " Oct. 26. William Lowe (a pauper). " Oct. 29. Richard, s. of Richd. & Dinah Watson. " Nov. 7. Mary Steventon, widdow. " Nov. 10. Margarett Massey, a servant. " Nov. 17. Edward Benbow, a pauper. " Nov. 26. William Adams, of Bolas Parva. " Nov. 30. Andrew Murrall, a servant. " Dec. 11. Elizabeth Humpstone, a widdow. " Dec. 14. George, s. of Arthur & Sarah Prescott. " Dec. 23. Catherine Benbow, a servant. " Dec. 24. George Harris, senr. (of the Fold). " Jan. 4. Thomas Adams, of Tibberton. " Jan. 6. Richard Corser. " Jan. 14. Alice Cotton, a pauper. //1718] Hodnet. 97 1717, Jan. 20. Thomas Oliver. " Feb. 18. Dorcas Prestwood, widdow (a pauper). " Feb. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bathoe. " Mar. 5. John, s. to William & Anne Peacock. " Mar. 5. Jane, w. to William Hampton. 1718, Apr. 3. Jane Smart, widdow. " Apr. 7. Richard, s. to Stephen & Alice Camall. " Apr. 9. Elizabeth, d. to Mr. Charles & Mrs. Mary Pigot. " Apr. 13. Elizabeth Murrall, widdow (a pauper). " Apr. 18. Roger Williams, a pauper. " May 10. Mary Harris, widdow, from Weston, //Bp. X [sic]. " July 28. Mary, w. to Richd. Long, of Wixill. " Sep. 20. John Churton. " Sep. 27. Margarett Chetwall, a pauper, widdow. " Oct. 11. George Roberts. " Oct. 15. Robert Draper, a pauper. BAPTISMS, 1717, Aug. 3. George, s. of George & Mary Madely. " Aug. 17. Alice, d. of Willi: & Mary Churton. " Sep. 22. John, a base child of John Harrison & Susanna Lateward. " Oct. 6. Thomas, s. of ye Revd. Mr. Will: Dicken & Eliza: " Nov. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Churme. " Nov. 11. Mary, d. of John & Mary Embrey, privately. " Nov. 12. William, s. to William & Anne Walford. " Nov. 23. John, s. of John & Elizab: Boardman. " Dec. 31. Margarett, d. to John & Rose Grindley. " Jan. 11. Thomas, s. to John & Mary Ray. " Jan. 13. Paul, s. to Thomas & Mary Millner. " Feb. 11. Mary, d. of Tho: & Anne Hulstone. " Feb. 15. Sarah, d. to Edward & Sarah Bailey. " Mar. 22. Samuell, s. to William & Elizab: Hulstone. 1718, Mar. 31. Elizabeth, d. to Thos: & Eliza: Higginson. " Apr. 2. Jane, d. to Joseph & Mary Ralphes. " Apr. 5. Richard, s. to Joseph & Mary Ralphes. " Apr. 5 Richard, s. to Stephen & Alice Carnall. 98 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1718 //1718, May 3. Sarah, d. to John & Elli: Pace, born Apr. 21st. 1718, Apr 21. Sarah, d. to John & Elli: Pace. " May 14. Jane, d. to Charles & Susanna Hulstone. " May 26. Mary, 45. to George & Jane Reynolds. " June 1. Edward, s. to Sam11. & Margaret Pool. " June 7. Elizabeth, d. to Tho: & Sarah Roberts. " June 14. Stephen, s. to Stephen & Anne Ray. " June 15. John, s. to John & Susanna Baldwin. " June 22. Mary, d. to Willi: & Eliz: Pain. " July 20. John, s. to Richard & Anne Roberts. " Aug. 16. Mary, d. to Samuell & Frances Corsar. " Oct. 25. Peter, s. to Peter & Mary Newens. " Nov. 29. Sarah, d. to Sam11. & [blank] Davies. " Dec. 16. Elizabeth, d. to Thomas & Sarah Penson. " Dec. 22. John, s. to John & Eliza: Wood, privately. " Jan. 6. Sarah, d. to William & Sarah Espley. " Jan. 25. John, s. to William & Anne Ridgeway. " Feb. 1. William, s. to Richard & Dinah Watson. " Feb. 7. Richard, s. to John & Anne Walker. " Feb. 15. Mary, d. to George & Mary Pickering. " Mar. 17. John, s. to John & Margaret Jones. BURYALLS. 1718, Oct. 19. Thomas Jones. " Nov. 14. John Groom. " Nov. 22. Dorothy Drakeford, a pauper. " Dec. 11. Thomas, s. to Thomas & Anne Walford. " Jan. 28. John Hampton. " Feb. 1. David Wells, a pauper.. " Feb. 4. Susanna Wells, his wife. " Feb. 4. Jane, w. to Richd. Baily, of ye Berryes. " Feb. 5. Samuell Davies. " Feb. 25. Dorothy Blakemore, a pauper. 1719, May 2. William Jennings. " Aug. 6. Thomas Davies, of Losford. " Oct. 27. George Adams, of Marchamley. " Dec. 1. Andrew, s. to Richard & Jane Moor. " Dec. 24. Phillip, s. to John & Rose Grindley. " Jan. 8. William Espley, pauper. " Jan. 11. Jane, w. to Thomas Griffiths. //s1719] Hodnet. 99 1719, Jan. 25. Elizabeth, d. to Tho: & Eliza: Higginson. " Jan. 26. Mary, w. to Richard Axon. " Feb. 1. Margarett Maddox, a pauper. " Feb. 2. Mary, d. to George & Mary Pickering. " Feb. 2. Mr. Thomas Dickery, senr., of Espley. " Feb. 9. Sarah Denstone. " Feb. 12. William Cartwright, a pauper. " Mar. 21. Thomas Whitfield. " Mar. 23. Grace, d. to Willi: & Eliza: Parton. " Mar. 24. Ellinnor Nevitt, a pauper, widow. 1720, Mar. 25. Catherine, d. to Tom. & Catherine Laley. " Mar. 27. Dorothy Penson, a pauper, widow. " Apr. 8. Elizabeth Thong, a pauper, widow. " Apr. 19. Robert Morris, senr. " Apr. 28. Elizabeth, d. to Edwd. & Sarah Nevitt. " Apr. 30. Mary, d. to Tho: & Sarah Penson. BAPTISMS, 1719. 1719, Mar. 31. Anne, d. to George & Anne Beacall. " Apr. 14. Thomas, a base child to Mary Butler. " Apr. 19. Sarah, d. to Tho: & Mary Green. " Apr. 19. Mary, d. to Samll. & Sarah Cramer. " May 9. Samuell, s. to Stephen & Alice Carnall. " May 29. Samuel, s. to Samuell & Anne Cartwright. //" May 31. John, a base s. to [Ralph Blisset & erased] Hannah Brocton. " May 31. John, s. to Ralph Blisset & Hannah Brocton. " July 2. Elizabeth, d. to Willi: & Mary Churton. " July 4. Thomas, s. to Thom: & Felicia Whitfield. " July 26. George, s. to George & Anne Massey. " Aug. 9. John, s. to Tho: & Anne Humpstone. " Aug. 20 Anne, d. to John & Mary Turner. " Aug. 22. Thomas, a base s. to Anne Green, junr. " Sep. 12. Richard, s. to Richard Brooke & Margarett. " Sep. 10. Robert, s. to Robt. & Magdalen Adams. " Oct. 29. James, s. to Mathew & Eliza: Pain, privately. " Oct. 29. John, s. to Thomas & Ann Walford, privately. " Nov. 1. Samuell, s. to John & Mary Ferrington. " Nov. 5. Rachell, d. to Stephen & Eliza Williams. " Nov. 21. Sarah, d. to Samll. & Frances Corsar. 100 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1719 1719, Dec. 15. Thomas, s. to John & Eliza: Cartwright. " Dec. 19. Catherine, d. to Thos. & Catherine Laley. " Jan. 23. Mary, d. to Samll. & Mary Morrey. " Mar. 4. Elizabeth, d. to Willi: & Eliza: Hulstone. " Mar. 19. Dorothy, d. to Tho: & Eliza: Higginson, privately. 1720, Mar. 26. Sarah, d. to George & Anne Harris. " Mar. 30. Mary, d. to Samuell, a soldier, & Mary Stanley, privately. " Apr. 7. Robert, s. to Isaac & Jane Martin. " Apr. 18. Mary, d. to Peter & Mary Newens. " Apr. 25. Mary, d. to Thomas & Sarah Penson. " May 15. Thomas, a base child to Tho: Burchell & Mary Challoner. " May 17. Susanna, d. to John & Eliza: Williams. " May 26. Jonathan, s. to James & Susanna Osborn. BURYALLS, May 1720. 1720, May 6. John Sheffield. " May 20. Anne, w. to George Harris, of the Hole. " June 17. John Espley, a pauper. " June 18. William Harris, from Weston, a pauper. " Aug. 28. Samuell, s. to Stephen & Alice Carnall. " Sep. 1. George Harris, wheelwright. " Sep. 15. Richard Long, of Wixill. " Oct. 8. Anne, d. to Richard & Eliza: Berrey. " Nov. 10. Elizabeth Ridgeway, widow. " Dec. 21. Jane Long, from Wixill. " Dec. 27. Alice, w. to Mr. Tho: Dicken, de Woollerton. " Jan. 15. Isabell, w. to George Tew. " Jan. 21. Thomas, s. to Robt: Peate, of Weston. " Jan. 23. Jane, w. to Robt: Denstone. " Feb. 15. Margarett Twiss, from Weston. " Mar. 18. Robt., s. to Isaac & Jane Martin. 1721, Apr. 17. Jane, w. to Richard Moore, of Weston. " Apr. 24. Elizabeth, d. to Richard Moore, of Weston. " May 12. Thomas, s. to Edward & Sarah Chessus. " May 27. Ralph, s. to Matthew & Elizabeth Paine. " June 2. Rowland, s. to Robert Peate, of Weston. " June 22. Joseph, s. to Willm. Pickrill. //1721] Hodnet. 101 1721, June 24. Tho: Latewood, of Marchamley, a pauper. " June 26. Willm., s. to George & Mary Madeley. " Aug. 2. Willm., S. to George & Mary Axon. " Aug. 3. Anne, w. of Tho: Parton, of Peplow. " Aug. 12. Richd. Mullineux, of Marchamley. " Aug. 21. Tho., s. to Tho: & Anne Humpstone. " Aug. 22. Sarah, w. to Wm. Moriis, of Kenstone. " Aug. 24. Anne Lowe, a pauper. " Aug. 27. Elizabeth Lewis, widow, from Peplow. " Oct. 17. Elizabeth Harris, widow, from Marchamley. " Oct. 20. Abigail, d. to Jeremiah & Mary Ray. " Nov. 25. Martha, d. to Richd. & Mary Oliver. " Dec. 7. Peter, s. to Owen & Margarett Lloyd. " Feb. 2. Robert Jones (a servant), of this parish. " Feb. 6. Rowland Robins, of ye p. Stoak. 1720, June. BAPTISMS. 1720, June 12. Joseph, s. to Joseph & Mary Ralphes. " June 24. Mary, d. to Samll. & Anne Cartwright. " July 3. Mary, d. to Tho: & Mary Churme. " July 17. Thomas, s. to Edward & Sarah Bailey. " Aug. 2. George, s. to George & Jane Harris, privately. " Aug. 4. William, s. to William & Tabitha Ash. " Aug. 28. John, s. to John & Mary Green. " Sep. 13. Elizabeth, d. to John & Eliza: Boardman. " Oct. 9. Sarah, d. to Tho: & Sarah Roberts. " Oct. 21. Margarett, d. to Abraham & Anne Maddox. " Nov. 27. Anne, d. to George & Jane Reynolds, privately. " Dec. 1. John, s. to Samll. & Sarah Cramer. " Dec. 22. Thomas, s. to Willi: & Anne Walford. " Dec. 27. John, s. to John & Mary Ray. //" Jan. 2. Margarett, d. to John & Elli: Pace, born Dec: 16th, 1720. " 1720 Dec. 16. Margarett, d. to John & Elli: Pace, born Dec: 16th, 1720. " 1721 Mar. 1. Richard, s. to Charles & Elizabeth Tew, privately. " 1721 Mar. 5. George, s. to George & Mary Pickering. 1721, May 25. Ralph, s. to Matthew & Elizabeth Paine. " May 29. Matthew, s. to George & Mary Lewis. " June 1. Mary, d. to George & Mary Madeley. " June 2. Hannah, d. to Tho: & Sarah Penson. 102 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1720 1720, July 2. Thomas, s. to Thomas & Anne Humpstone. " July 29. Saila, a base s. to Tho: Stevenson & Eliz: Green. " Aug. 6. Willm., s. to George & Mary Axon, privately. " Aug. 20. Richd., s. to John & Margaret Jones. " Sep. 24. Tho:, s. to John & Anne Watkins. " Sep. 26. Ralph, s. to Wm. & Mary Chorleton. " Oct. 7. Tho:, s. to Samll. & Anne Cartwright, privately. " Oct. 8. Anne, d. to Richd. & Anne Roberts. " Oct. 23. Mary, a base d. to Randall Turne1 & Eliz: Green, privately. " Oct. 27. Richd., s. to John & Elizabeth Curtis, privately. " Nov. 26. Peter, s. to Owen & Margarett Lloyd (strangers). " Dec. 19. John, s. to John & Mary Clay, privately. " Dec. 30. Richd., s. to Samll. & Frances Corsar. //" Dec. 31. George & Francis, sons to Robert & Magdalene Adams, privately. " Dec. 31. George, s. to Robert & Magdalene Adams, privately. " Dec. 31. Francis, s. to Robert & Magdalene Adams, privately. " Jan. 30. Tho:, s. to George & Anne Beacall. Feb. 1721. BURYALLS. 1721, Feb. 25. Mary, d. to Moses & Mary Ray. " Mar. 9. Samll., a base s. to Tho: Stevenson & Eliz. Green. " Mar. 10. Isabell, d. to Richd. & Dinah Watson. " Mar. 10. Tho: Clay, a pauper. 1721-2, Mar. 23. Eliz: Harris, a servt. maid, from Darleston. " Mar. 24. Martha, d. to George & Rachell Gebb. 1722, Apr. 6. Elizabeth, w. to Ed: Cartwright. " Apr. 10. Tho:, s. to George & Anne Beacall. " June 30. Mary Mulliners, widow. " July 3. Gwen Williams (a pauper), widow. " July 14. Richd. Jennings. Bp. X [sic]. " Sep. 29. Hannah, w. to Wm. Harris. " Oct. 13. Dorothy, w. to Robt. Phillips, of Whixill. " Oct. 18. John, s. to John & Dorothy Downes. " Oct. 31. Eliz d. to Mary Eaton, wid. " Nov. 20. Tho:, a base child to Mary Butler. " Nov. 30. Mary Cureton, widow. //1722] Hodnet. 103 1722, Dec. 13. Tho: Humpstone, pauper. " Feb. 4. Anne, d. to Anne Jones. 1723, Apr. 28. Stephen Ray. " May 8. Eliz., d. to Wm. & Eliz: Hulstone. " June 20. Charles, s. to Samll. & Anne Cartwright. " June 21. William Meakin, from Weston. " Aug. 18. Mr. Hugh Pigott. [The handwriting for Burial entries changes here.] " Aug. 26. William, s. to Wm. Hampton. " Sep. 16. Mary Watson. " Sep. 3. Richard Harper, of the Hermetage. " Oct. 5. John Cartwright, a pauper. " Oct. 10. Hester Harris, vid:, was interred. " Dec. 20. Anne, d. of Jeremiah Burroughes. " Dec. 22. John, s. of Wm. Cartwright. " Dec. 26. William Howell, a pauper. 1721. BAPTISMS. 1721, Feb. 22. Thomas, s. to John & Mary Thomas. " Feb. 24. Isabell, d. to Richd. & Dinah Watson, privately. " Mar. 8. Thomas, s. to Tho: & Anne Hullstone. " Mar. 18. Sarah, d. to Samll. & Sarah Cramer. " Mar. 22. Martha, d. to George & Rachell Gebb, privately. " Mar. 27. John, a base s. to Jn. Whittingham & Dorothy Cartwright. 1722, Apr. 27. Tho:, s. to Arthur & Margarett Edwards. " Apr. 27. Mary, d. to Tho: & Felicia Whitfield. " May 31. John, s. to Wm. & Eliz: Hullstone. " June 13. Stephen, s. to Stephen & Elizabeth Williams. " June 13. Elizabeth, d. to Tho: & Mary Watkins. " June 28. Thomas, s. to Peter & Mary Newnes. " July 28. Tho:, s. to Willm. & Tabitha Ash. //Bp. X. " Aug. 19. Dorothy, d. to John & Eliz: Wood. " Sep. 6. Tho:, s. to John & Catherine Smallwood. " Sep. 21. Richd., s. to John & Elizabeth Cartwright. " Oct. 3. Sarah, d. to Tho: & Alice Ashley, privately. " Oct. 5. Anne, d. to Samll. & Mary Morrey. " Oct. 7. John, s. to John & Eliz. Curtis. 104 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1722 1722, Oct. 15. John, s. to John & Dorothy Downes, privately. " Nov. 17. Esther, d. to George & Jane Harris, privately. " Nov. 27. Edward, s. to Ed. & Sarah Bayley. " Dec. 2. Elizabeth, d. to Mr. Tho. & Eliz: Dicken. " Dec. 11. George, s. to George &. Mary Axon. " Dec. 21. Tho:, s. to Tho: & Anne Humpstone. Jan. 1. Mary, d. to John & Anne Watkins. 1722-3, Jan. 27. Tho: & Anne, children to Anne Jones, a poor travelling woman, privately. " Feb. 7. Joseph, s. to Tho: & Mary Green. " Feb. 22. Isaac, s. to John & Eliz: Boardman. " Feb. 22. Tho:, s. to Tha: & Sarah Penson. " Feb. 24. John, s. to Tho: & Anne Bayley. //[The handwriting changes here. The Burials are written in an engrossing hand; the Baptisnts also from November 1723.] BURIALS. 1723-4, Jan. 18. William Cartwright. " Jan. 21. Thomas, s. of Saml. Davies & Mary. " Feb. 9. Stephen, s. of John & Mary Ray. " Feb. 22. Eliz: Booth, of this town. " Mar. 3. Joseph, s. of William & Anne Walford. " Mar. 18. Samuell, s. of Joseph Deakin. 1724, Mar. 27. John, s. of Thomas Higgison, of the p. of Stanton. " Apr. 8. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Mary Ralphes. " Apr. 28. Richard Cartwright, a pauper. " May 13. William Pickering, a pauper. " May 20. Martha, W. of Moses Ray. " May 21. John Berry, of Weston. " May 26. Thomas Ash, of Marchamley. " June 3. Dorothy, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Higgison. " June 24. James Osbourne. " June 29. Elizabeth Mickleright, of Hawkstone. " July 26. John Wood, of this Town. " Aug. 24. Maly, d. of Willm. & Anne Peacock. " Oct. 9. John Watson, a pauper. " Oct. 29. Susannah Harris, vid. " Nov. 10. Dalentine Stockton, a pauper. " Nov. 16. Richard Denstone, a pauper. //1724-5] Hodnet. 105 1724, Mar. 6. Anne Dainty, a pauper, from Weston. BAPTISMS. 1722, Feb. 26. John, s. to Moses & Mary Ray. 1723, Mar. 10. Joseph, s. to Wm. & Anne Wallford. " Mar. 29. Job, a base s. to Sarah Espley, privately. " Mar. 31. Mary, d. to Jno. & Eliz: Ibb. " Apr. 6. Charles, s. to Samll. & Anne Cartwright. " Apr. 16. Mary, d. to George & Mary Lewis. " Apr. 28. Mary & Martha, children to Richd. & Dinah Watson, privately. " May 19. Tho:, s. to Samuell & Mary Davies. " May 20. Sarah, d. to Wm. & Hannah Gibson. " June 7. Rachell, d. to George & Rachel Gebb, privately. " June 12. Sarah, d. to Joseph & Mary Roberts, privately. " June 13. Peter, s. to Abraham & Anne Maddox, privately. " July 14. Lydia, d. to Mat: & Eliz: Pain. " Aug. 25. Mary, a base child to Eliz: Ralphes. //[The handwriting for Baptismal entries changes here.] " Sep. 29. Mary, d. of John Atkins & Elianor. " Nov. 1. Francis, s. of George & Jane Reynals. " Nov. 17. Samuell, s. of James Osbourn & Susannah. " Nov. 23. Richard, s. of Thomas & Mary Churme. " Dec. 1. Thomas, s. of George & Mary Pickering. " Dec. 5. Mary, d. of Willm. & Mary Churton. " Dec. 7. John, a base s. of Jane Birchall, of Audlem, in Cheshire. " Dec. 12. Stephen, s. of John & Mary Ray. " Dec. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas & Catherine Dicken. 1723-4, Jan. 9. Mary, d. of John & Mary Green. " Jan. 23. Samuell, s. of Samuell & Frances Corsar. " Jan. 26. Sarah, d. of Peter & Mary Newnes. " Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Mary Ralphes, privately. " Mar. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Catherine Leley. BURIALS. 1724-5, Mar.21. Elizabeth, w. of William Higgins, of p. Stanton. 106 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1725 1725, Apr. 5. Sarah, d. of George & Anne Beacall. " Apr. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John & Rose Grindley. " Apr. 20. Jeremiah Ray, a pauper, of this town. " Apr. 23. Mary, d. of Mr. Thomas & Catherine Dicken " Apr. 24. Thomas Pickering, a pauper. " June 10. Richard Jones, of Hodnett. " June 18. Edward, s. of William & Tabitha Ash. " July 25. Sarah, d. of Peter & Mary Newnes. " July 28. Charles, s. of Thomas Parton, of Peplow. " Aug. 20. Edward Cartwright, a pauper. " Sep. 7. Mary, d. of John & Mary Massey. " Oct. 4. John Blakemore, a pauper, of this town. " Nov. 25. Joseph James, a pauper, of this town. " Dec. 4. William Shurley, a servant. " Dec. 11. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Green. " Dec. 18. John Downes, junr., a pauper. " Dec. 26. Thomas Miles, of the Heath. 1725-6, Jan. 11. Anne Whitfield, wid. " Jan. 12. Richard Boardman, from Peplow. " Jan. 25. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Eliz: Preston. " Jan. 27. Elizabeth, d. of William & Anne Peacock. " Feb. 17. Thomas Williams, a pauper. " Feb. 19. Thomas Williams, of Marchamley Wood. 1726, Apr. 13. Charles Forister. " Apr. 19. Catherine, d. of Mr. Higgins, of the Heath House, in p. Staunton. " May 20. John Hitchin. BAPTISMS. 1724, Apr. 1. Mary, d. of John & Mary Thomas, privately. " Apr. 7. Sarah, d. of George & Anne Beacall. " Apr. 8. Mary, d. of John & Margaret Jones. " Apr. 19. Thomas, s. of John & Rose Grindley. " May 4. William, s. of George & Mary Madeley. " May 21. James, s. of William & Anne Ridgwey. " May 28. Thomas, s. of John & Eleanor Pace. " May 31. Mary, d. of William & Anne Minshall. " July 12. Edward, s. of William & Tabitha Ash. " July 13. George, s. of Thomas & Felicia Whitfield. " July 14. John, s. of Thomas & Eliz: Prynnoc. " July 19. William, s. of Samuel & Sarah Jennings. //1727] Hodnet. 107 1724, Aug. 10. Margaret, d. of Thomas Griffiths, clerk, & Margaret. " Sep. 20. Charles, s. of Samuell & Anne Cartwright. " Oct. 17. William, s. of Richard & Anne Roberts. " Oct. 24. John, s. of John & Anne Watkin. " Nov. 27. Robert, s. of Edward & Sarah Bayly. " Dec. 13. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Hulstone. " Dec. 17. Samuell, s. of John & Mary Ray, privately. BURIALS. 1726, June 3. Thomas, s. of William & Frances Rhodon, from Weston. " June 15. Elizabeth, w. of William Hulstone. " June 23. Jane, d. of Susanna Ashburne, a pauper. " July 31. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Clay. " Aug. 26. Daniel Hitchin, of Hodnet. " Nov. 12. Elizabeth Thomas, spinster. " Nov. 19. Mary, w. of Thomas Eyre, a pauper. " Jan. 2. George Booth, a pauper. " Jan. 21. Anne Harrison, a pauper. " Jan. 25. John Reynolds, a pauper. 1726-7, Feb. 11. Mr. Hugh Pigot. " Feb. 17. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Cartwright. " Feb. 28. John, s. of John & Elinor Atkins. " Mar. 7. Mary, d. of Robert Clough. 1727, Mar. 29. John Groom, from Weston. " Apr. 5. Alice, w. of Tho: Humpstone. " May 26. John, s. of Geogre & Mary Clay. " June 25. The Revd. & Honble. Mr. Richard Hill. " June 29. Mrs. Piggot, wid: " Aug. 28. Elizaboth Hitchin, spinster, a pauper. " Sep. 12. Anne, base d. of Anne Dulson. " Sep. 27. John Griffiths, of this town. " Oct. 11. Dorothy, d. of Thomas & Sarah Roberts. " Oct. 12. Mary Oulds, wid:, a pauper, from Weston. " Oct. 20. Mary Espley, vid:, a pauper. " Oct. 29. Mary, d. of William & Mary Churton. " Oct. 31. Martha, the w. of Thomas Watkin. " Nov. 9. William Groom, a pauper. " Nov. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Sarah Craston. //A:M: A.M.P. [sic] //108 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1724-5 BAPTISMS. 1724-5, Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Charles & Elizabeth Tew. " Jan. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Denstone, privately. " Jan. 29. Samuell, s. of Thomas & Anne Hulstone, privately. " Feb. 2. Anne, d. of William & Anne Walford. " Feb. 9. Anne, d. of John & Mary Groom. " Feb. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Tho: & Sarah Grafton, privately. " Feb. 16. Margery, d. of Walter & Mary Minors, privately. " Feb. 22. John, s. of Robert & Mary Downes, privately. " Feb. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Bayly. " Mar. 3. Hannah, supposed to be a base child of Thomas & Mary Clark, strangers. " Mar. 14. Elizabeth, d. of John & Jane Blakemore. " Mar. 23. John, s. of John & Elinor Adams. 1725, Apr. 2. Catherine, d. of Robert & Magdalen Adams. " Apr. 15. Thomas, s. of Mr. Tho: & Eliz. Dicken. " Apr. 18. Eliz d. of Stephen & Eliz: Williams. " Apr. 18. William, s. of William & Hannah Gibson. " Apr. 29. Frances, s. of Thomas & Mary Adams, of Bolas parva. BURIALS. 1727, Nov. 26. Margery, w. of Joseph Poole, from Weston. //A.M. " Dec. 1. Anne Deakin, spinster, was interred. " Dec. 12. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 13. Mary Cartwright, wid:, a pauper. " Dec. 14. William Cartwright, coelebs. " Dec. 22. William Peplow, of Hodnet. " Dec. 29. Thomas Hulston, a pauper. " Jan. 5. James, s. of Mathew & Elizabeth Paine. " Jan. 11. William Green, of Hodnet. " Jan. 27. Mary Bate, wid: " Jan. 27. Anne, d. of Andrew Clay. " Feb. 4. Edward Morris, of Marchamley. " Feb. 7. Widow Latewood, a pauper. //1725] Hodnet. 109 1727-8, Feb. 13. Thomas Smith, batchelor. " Mar. 12. Rachaell, d. of Mr. Tho: Dicken. " Mar. 19. Edward Jefferies, batchelor, from Peploe. 1728, Mar. 29. Robert Plimley, a servant. " Mar. 29. Jane Groom, from Weston, wid: " Apr. 20. Rowland Leigh, from Marchamley. " Apr. 22. Mary Nevitt, a pauper. " Apr. 27. Richard, s. of Frances & Sarah Betteley. " Apr. 29. Susannah Ashburne, wid:, a pauper. " Apr. 20. Henry, s. of Catherine Cartwright, widow. " May 13. Dorothy Clay, a pauper. " June 29. Anne, w. of William Peacock, of Marchamley Wood. " Aug. 29. Margaret, w. of John Atkins. " Sep. 1. Alice, w. of Thomas Powell, of Marchamley. " Sep. 2. Thomas Burrowes, of Hopton. " Sep. 15 Mary Cartwright, wid:, a pauper. " Oct. 20. Robert Denstone, a pauper. " Oct. 24. William Harris, a pauper. BAPTISMS. 1725, May 20 Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Ralphes. " June 1. George, s. of Joseph & Mary Roberts. " June 12. John, s. of William & Mary Davies. " July 2. Samuell, s. of Samuell & Mary Morrey. " July 8. Mary, d. of John & Eliza: Cartwright. " July 10. Mary, d. of William & Sarah Cartwright. " Aug. 1. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Mantle. " Aug. 4. Anne, d. of Thomas & Sarah Penson. " Aug. 11. Richard, s. of Andrew & Anne Clay. " Aug. 28. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Green. " Aug. 30. Mary, d. of Tho: & Anne Humpstone. " Aug. 30. Moses, s. of Moses & Mary Ray, privately. " Oct. 8. Thomas, s. of Mr. Richard & Mrs. Sarah Prachet. " Oct. 10. Elizabeth, d. of George & Mary Lewis. " Oct. 24. Elinor, d. of Rowland & Eliz: Davies. " Oct. 31. John, s. of John & Sarah Phillips. " Dec. 11. Mary, d. of Samuell & Mary Davies. " Dec. 16 Sarah, d. of William & Mary Churton. 110 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1725 1725, Dec. 16. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Prynnot. " Nov. 15. Mary, d. of Josiah & Sarah Forister. 1725-6, Jan. 2. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Preston, privately. " Feb. 21. Rachell, d. of Tho: & Catherine Dicken. " Mar. 13. Adam, s. of Mathew & Elizabeth Paine. " Mar. 27. Elizabeth, d. of George & Mary Pickering. " May 3. Jane, d. of Willm. & Tabitha Ashe. " June 9. Richard, s. of George & Anne Beacall. " July 10. William, s. of John & Mary Thomas. BURIALS. 1728, Oct. 25 Richard Walford, batchel: " Nov. 13. Edward, s. of Rowland & Hannah Cartwright. " Dec. 18. Edward Ralphes, of Webley Corner. " Dec. 31. John Denstone, a pauper. 1728-9, Feb. 4. Anne Denstone, wid:, a pauper. " Feb. 24. Daniel, s. of Moses Ray, junr. " Feb. 25. Joseph, s. of Moses Ray, senr. " Feb. 26. Enoch Cartwright, batchelor. " Mar. 14. Mary Adams, spinster, of Bolas parva. " Mar. 25. Catherine Penson, of Hodnet. 1729, Mar. 29. Mary Cartwright, sp:, a pauper. " Apr. 28. Joseph Cartwright and Alice his wife. " Apr. 29. Robert Bentley, a servt. from Ellerton, in Cheswardine p. " May 21. Anne, w. of William Minshall. " May 31. Thomas Ray, of Hodnet. " July 1. Lucy Powell, of Marchamley. " July 11. William Watkins. " July 22. John Massey, of Weston. " Aug. 5. Margaret Ralphes, wid:, of Webly Corner. " Aug. 8. Adam, s. of Mathew & Eliz: Paine. " Aug. 13. Richard, s. of George & Mary Clay. " Aug. 17. Jonathan Blakemore, a pauper. " Aug. 22. Elizabeth Ewe, a pauper. " Aug. 23. John Bradshaw, a pauper. " Aug. 26. Robert, s. of Robert & Elizabeth Downes. " Sep. 6. Thomas Cartwright, of this town. " Sep. 12. Elizabeth Cartwright., a pauper. //1727] Hodnet. 111 1729, Sep. 15. Margaret Miles, wid: " Sep. 16. John Jones, of Marchamley. " Oct. 4. Elizabeth Blakemore, wid:, pauper. " Oct. 6. Alice Barnfield, wid: " Oct. 8. Elinor Bate, sp: " Oct. 10. Anne, d. of Edward & Eliz: Poole, from Weston. BAPTISMS. 1726, July 20. George, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Fardoe, privately. " July 25. Mary, d. of John & Eliz: Boardman. " July 29. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Clay, privately. " Aug. 18. Mary, d. of Samuell & Eliz: Watleys. " Aug. 21. John, s. of Peter & Mary Newnes. " Oct. 22. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Green. " Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Bayly. " Dec. 17. Jeremiah, s. of John & Anne Watkin. " Dec. 23. Richard, s. of Richard & Eliz: Axon. " Nov. 00. Margaret, d. of Samll. & Frances Corsar, was born. " Jan. 4. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Powell. " Jan. 5. Mary, d. of Andrew & Martha Protherah, privately. 1726-7, Jan. 7. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Margt. Davies, privately. " Jan. 15. Mary, d. of Richard & Anne Roberts. " Dec. 28. Dorothy, d. of John & Elinor Adams. " Jan. 29. Mary, d. of John & Mary Groom. " Feb. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John & Eliza Embrey, privately. " Feb. 19. Samuell, a base s. of Rebeccah Bookley, privately. " Mar. 2. Mary, d. of Walter & Mary Minors. 1727, Apr. 4. Charles, s. of Charles & Eliz. Tew. " May 25 Richard, s. of Mr. Richard & Mrs. Sarah Prachet. " May 28. Anne, d. of John & Jane Peever. " May 29. Hannah, d. of William & Hannah Green. " June 1. Randolpli, s. of George & Mary Axon. " June 17. William, s. of William & Anne Minshall. 112 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1727 1727, June 21. John, s. of John & Anne Ray, privately. " July 16. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Churme. BURIALS. 1729, Oct. 15. Margaret, w. of Samuell Davies. //" Oct. 19. John, Robert, Edward, sons of Edwd. & Sarah Bayly. " Oct. 19. John, s. of Edwd. & Sarah Bayly. " Oct. 19. Robert, s. of Edwd. & Sarah Bayly. " Oct. 19. Edward, s. of Edwd. & Sarah Bayly. " Nov. 13. Sarah, w. of Thomas Churton. " Nov. 15. Elizabeth, w. of Edward Peele, of the Berries. " Nov. 17. Samuell, s. of Mary Ray, wid: " Nov. 24. George Tew, labourer. " Dec. 15. David Bowen, a carpenter, from Tern Hill. " Dec. 19. Robert Clough, taylor, of Marchamley. " Dec. 23. William, s. of William Hullston. " Dec. 30. George Walford, a pauper. 1729-30, Feb. 25. Mary, d. of Wm. Minshall. " Feb. 26. Anne, d. of Tho & Anne Davies. " Mar. 2. Thomas Massey, from Wem. " Mar. 3. William Hulston, a pauper. " Mar. 21. Anne Clay, wid:, of Wollerton. " Mar. 22. Jonathan Osborn, a pauper. 1730, Mar. 28. Elizabeth Tew, wid:, a pauper. " Mar. 28. Mary, d. of Moses & Mary Ray. " Mar. 28. John, s. of William Ridgway. BAPTISMS. 1727, July 25. Thomas, s. of Richard & Jane Hatton. " Aug. 17. Richard & Jane, children of Tho: & Elnr. Freeman. " Aug. 27. Sarah, a base d. of Jane Reynolds. " Sep. 3. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Downes. " Sep. 9. Anne, a base d. of Anne Dulson, privately. " Sep. 22. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Roberts. " Oct. 1. Anne., d. of Thomas & Naomi Jefferies. " Oct. 9. John, s. of Edward & Sarah Bayly. " Oct. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Churton, privately. " Oct. 9. Dorothy, d. of Thomas & Sarah Roberts, privately. " Nov. 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Grafton. " Dec. 2. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Phillips. //1730] Hodnet. 113 1727, Nov. 27. Andrew, s. of Thbmas & Mary Adams. " Dec. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Cartwright, privately. " Dec. 24. John, s. of William & Anne Walford. " Dec. 27. Joseph, s. of Moses & Dorothy Ray. 1727-8, Jan. 3. Mary, d. of John & Mary Ray. " Jan. 6. George, s. of George & Mary Lewis. " Jan. 28. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Davies. " Feb. 27. William, s. of William & Mary Churton. 1728, Mar. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Fardoe, privately. " Mar. 31. Samuell, s. of Frances & Sarah Betteley. " Apr. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Eliz: Prynnot, privately. " Apr. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Samuell & Mary Morrey. " May 19. Mary, d. of Moses & Mary Ray. " June 3. Rowland, s. of Rowland & Eliz: Davies, privately. " June 4. Margaret, d. of Samuell & Eliz: Watkeys. " June 20. Anne, d. of Samuel & Anne Cartwright. " July 14. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Eliz: Preston. " Aug. 16. Sarah, d. of John & Elinor Adams. " Aug. 28. Martha, d. of Andrew & Martha Protherah, privately. " Sep. 21. John, s. of John & Anne Walford. " Nov. 9. Jane, d. of Samuell & Sarah Jennings. BURIALS. 1730, Apr. 1. John, s. of John & Eliz: Griffiths. " Apr. 4. William Ridgway, a pauper. " Apr. 21. Richard, s. of John & Eliz: Penson. " Apr. 4. John, s. of Moses & Mary Ray. " Apr. 6. Mary SumerfieId, sp: " Apr. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Charles & Eliz: Tew. A:M: " Apr. 21. Howell Jones, a servant from Peploe. Ass.M. " Apr. 29. John, s. of Dorothy Cartwright. " Apr. 29. Samuell, s. of William & Tabitha Ashe. " Apr. 30. Pierce, s. of John & Elinr. Pace. " Apr. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elinr. Pace. " Apr. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Thomas. " May 1. Thomas Fardoe, a pauper. 114 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1730 1730, May 5. John Roberts, from Stoake. " May 10. Elizabeth, d. of Sarah Roberts. " May 10. Thomas Higgins, s. of Jane Higgins. " May 12. Robert Downe, taylor, a pauper. A:M: " May 15. Thomas Hitchin, batchelor. A:M: " May 23. Thomas Alorrey, batchelor, a servt. " June 9. Abigail Growcock, wid:, a pauper. " July 9. Margaret, d. of John Massey. " July 31. The Revd. Mr. Richard Price, Rectr. of this parish and Vicar of Drayton. " Aug. 4. Rowland Cartwright, a pauper. " Aug. 28. Martha, d. of Andrew & Martha Protherah. " Oct. 6. Anne Bookley, wid., a pauper. " Oct. 8. Thomas Green, a pauper. " Oct. 15. Mrs. Anne Licett, widow. " Nov. 3. Mary, w. of John Jackson. BAPTISMS. HODNET. 1728, Nov. 30. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Cartwright. " Dec. 29. James, s. of Thomas & Ann Bayly. 1728-9, Jan.18. Samuell, s. of Samuell & Margaret Davies. " Mar. 12. Sarah, d. of Rowland & Eliz. Morris. " Mar. 13. Mary, d. of John & Eliz: Green, privately. 1729, Apr. 10. John, s. of Mr. Richard & Mrs. Sarah Prachet. " May 4. Samuell, s. of William & Tabitha Ashe. " May 10. John, s. of John & Eliz: Griffiths. " May 11. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Bradshaw. " June 1. Richard, s. of Richard & Anne Williams. " June 4. Walter, s. of Walter & Mary Minors, privately. " June 5. Rowland, s. of George & Eliz: Leigh. " June 21. John, s. of Samuell & Frances Corsar. " Aug. 3. Samuell, s. of Rowland & Eliz: Davies. " Aug. 11. John, s. of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Catherine Dicken. " Aug. 12. Richard, s. of George & Mary Clay, privately. " Sep. -. John, son of Thomas [sic]. " Sep. 22. Joshua, base s. of Thomas Child & Alice Tacie. " Oct. 18. William, s. of William & Sarah Forester. " Oct. 18. Mary, d. of Edward & Sarah Bayly. " Oct. 18. Anne, d. of John & Anne Watkin. //1731] Hodnet. 115 1729, Oct. 27. Sarah, a base d. of Sarah Moor. " Nov. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Thomas. " Dec. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Naomi Jefferies. " Feb. 4. Esther, d. of Mathew & Eliz: Paine, privately. 1730, Apr. 4. John, s. of John & Hannah Wells. " Apr. 12. Joseph, s. of George & Mary Pickering. " May 19. Prudence, d. of John & Jane Peever. " June 11. Thomas, s. of Edward & Mary Ralphes.. " June 13. William, s. of Tho: & Elizabeth Churton. " June 14. James, s. of William & Diana Minshall. " July 26. Elinor, d. of David & Grace Owen, of Wrexham, in Denbighshire. " Aug. 9. Robert, s. of Robert & Erizabeth Downes. " Sep. 11. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Grafton. " Sep. 20. Sara, d. of Thomas & Anne Humpstone. BURIALS. 1730, Nov. 7. Mary, w. of John Massey. " Nov. 29. Samuell Jennings, butcher. " Nov. 29. Elizabeth Hanley, spinster. 1730-1, Jan. 12. Frances, w. of William Rhoden, from Weston. " Jan. 16. Richard Deakin, a pauper. " Jan. 21. Elizabeth Deakin, wid:, a pauper. " Jan. 21. William, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Churton. " Feb. 24. Annie, w. of Thomas Rhodon, from Weston. " Mar. 14. William, s. of Thomas Rhodon, from Weston. 1731, Apr. 10. Sarah, d. of Samuell Jennings. " Apr. 16. Moses Ray, senr., a pauper. " Apr. 21. Hugh Thomas, from Wollaston Lawn, in the parish of Freese. " May 24. Elinor Blakemore, wid:, a pauper. " July 11. Susannah, a base d. of John Robinson. " July 19. Daniel Cartwright, a weaver. " Aug. 11. Anne, d. of Thomas & Felicia Whitfield. " Aug. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Higginson. " Sep. 20. Elizabeth, w. of Robert Morris, senr. " Oct. 6. Anne Penson, sp:, a pauper. " Oct. 15. William Peacock, a pauper. " Nov. 15. Joseph, s. of John Peever. " Nov. 17. Sarah Deakin, sp:, a pauper. //116 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1731 1731, Nov. 19. George, s. of Thomas & Anne Newton. BAPTISMS. 1730, Sep. 24. Mary, d. of William & Ammy Peacock, privately. " Oct. 17. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Churton. " Oct. 30. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Hannah Davies. " Dec. 11. James, s. of George & Mary Axon. " Dec. 11. Richard, s. of Esau & Mary Downes, privately. " Dec. 11. John, s. of Mary Forister, a travelling woman. " Dec. 13. George, s. of Thomas & Anne Newton. " Dec. 29. Sarah, d. of Samuell. & Sarah Jennings. " Dec. 30. Anne, d. of William & Mary Rhodes. " Jan. 4. William, s. of John & Eliz: Cartwright. " Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Margt. Miles. " Mar. 15. Richard, s. of John & Diana Ashley. 1731, Mar. 28. William, s. of Ralph & Eliz: Wilde. " Apr. 18. Thomas, s. of Ralph & Eliz: Gibson. " May 27. Elizabeth, d. of Mr. Richard & Mrs. Sarah Pratchet, privately. " June 24. John, s. of George & Jane Harris. " June 30. Susanna, a base d. of John Robinson & Penelope Steventon. " July 25. Elinor, a base d. of Jane Reynolds. " Aug. 1. Alice, d. of Thomas & Ann Powell, privately. " Aug. 5. John, s. of John & Eliz: Griffiths. " Aug. 14. William & Martha, children of Andrew & Martha Protherah, privately. " Aug. 25. Mary, d. of Robert & Eliz: Clough, privately. " Aug. 29. John, s. of Charles & Elizabeth Tew. BURIALS. 1731, Nov. 23. Richard, s. of John & Martha Rider. " Nov. 11. Joseph, s. of John & Jane Peever. " Dec. 18. John Wells, a pauper. " Dec. 31. Anne Hitchin, widow. " Jan. 21. John, s. of John Phillips. " Jan. 21. Elizabeth Bemboe, vid: " Feb. 16. John Dainty, a pauper, from Weston. " Feb. 16. Elizabeth, w. of Stephen Williams. 1732, Apr. 20. Mary Walford, wid: " May 16. Margaret Watkeys, wid: //1732] Hodnet. 117 1732, May 20. Thomas Higgison. " June 3. Richard, s. of Thomas & Naomi Jefferies. " June 26. Joseph Deakin, of Hodnet. " Sep. 8. Anne, d. of Richard Moor, from Weston. " Oct. 26. Deborah Holdbrooke, a pauper. " Dec. 31. Jane Walford, wid:, a pauper. 1732-3, Jan. 8. Richard Axon, a pauper. " Feb. 3. Jane, d. of John Davies. " Feb. 12. Thomas, s. of Mr. William Dicken, from Wollerton. " Mar. 4. Samuel Corsar, from Whirly Lane. " Mar. 17. Anne, w. of Richard Cross. 1733, Apr. 4. Joseph, s. of George Pickering. " May 3. Mr. Thomas Dicken, senr., of Wollerton. " May 4. Sarah, w. of William Stannerley. " May 7. John, s. of John & Jane Peever. " May 11. Joseph Turner, senr., of Hodnet. BAPTISMS. HODNET. 1731, Oct. 23. William, s. of Thomas & Mary Johnson. " Oct. 29. Jane, d. of Jeremiah & Anne Ray. " Nov. 6. William, s. of Samuel & Eliz: Watkeys. " Nov. 12. Joseph, s. of John & Jane Peever. " Nov. 19. Richard, s. of John & Martha Rider, privately. " Nov. 20. Catharine, d. of George & Mary Pickerill. " Nov. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John & Eliz: Green. " Nov. 30. George, s. of Sarah Roberts. " Dec. 11. John, s. of William & Sarah Forister. " Dec. 27. Anne, d. of John & Mary Thomas. 1731-2, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of George & Mary Clay. " Jan. 6. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Penson. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Mary Morris. " Feb. 5. William, s. of John & Anne Watkin. " Feb. 12. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Churton. " Feb. 21. Rowland, s. of Thomas & Catherine Dicken. " Mar. 11. Anne, d. of Joseph & Mary Roberts. " Mar. 23. Margaret, d. of Daniel & Anne Owen, strangers. 1732, Mar. 31. Mary, d. of Rowland & Eliz: Davies. " Apr. 1. Mary, d. of Edward & Jane Reece. " Apr. 10. William, s. of Walter & Mary Minors. 118 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1732 1732, Apr. 13. Frances, s. of George & Elizabeth Espley. " May 4. Anne, d. of Edward & Sarah Bayly. " May 29. Richard, s. of Thomas & Naomi Jefferies. " June 17. Thomas, .s. of Thomas & Mary Jackson, privately. " June 21. Joseph, s. of George & Mary Ralphes, privately. " July 14. John, s. of John & Eliz: Williams, privately. BURIALS. 1733, May 15. Mary, w. of David Griffiths, from Weston. " June 23. William Allen, from Peploe. " June 28. William Stannerley, of Hodnet. " July 13. The Revd. Mr. Rowland Hill, Rectr. of this Parish, and of Thornton in Cheshire. " July 13. Thomas Marson, a carpenter. " Aug. 13. Thomas Parton, of Peploe, a pauper. " Nov. 3. Alice Barnfield. " Nov. 7. Mary, w. of George Clay, of Marchamley. 1733-4, Jan.15. Pierce Reynolds, batchelor. " Jan. 16. Sarah, W. of Samuell Morris, from Marchamley. " Feb. 13. Margaret, w. of Thomas Micklewright. " Feb. 16. Mary, w. of Thomas Green, from Peploe. " Mar. 6. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Wade. 1734, Apr. 2. Anne Cane, a pauper. " Apr. 19. Jeremiah Ray, a pauper. " May 23. Mrs. Margaret Harwood, w. of Thos. Harwood, Esqr. " Aiay 17. Jane, w. of John Simson, from Preese. " June 23. Mr. John Dicken, from Preese. " July 25. Thomas, s. of Matthew Paine. " July 28. Sarah Smith, wid:, from Whitchurch. " Aug. 17. Dorothy Hitchin, wid:, a pauper. " Sep. 6. Rose, w. of John Grindley. " Sep. 7. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Afassey, from Weston. " Sep. 24. Joseph, s. of John Downes. " Oct. 3. Mrs. Eliz: Dicken, d. of Mr. William Dicken, of Woollerton. BAPTISMS. 1732, July 16. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Eliz: Preston. //1734-5] Hodnet. 119 1732, July 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Cartwright, privately. " Aug. 20. Jane, d. of Moses & Mary Ray. " Aug. 21. Richard, s. of Richard & Jane Hatton, privately. " Aug. 31. Samuell, s. of Sam11. & Susannah Protherah, privately. " Sep. 9. Thomas, s. of Ralph & Eliz: Wilde. " Sep. 00. Margaret, d. of Tho: & Margaret Miles, privately. " Oct. 6. Mary, d. of Samuel & Sarah Jennings. " Nov. 2. William, s. of William & Mary Rodes. " Nov. 4. Anne, d. of William & Mary Churton. " Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of Timothy & Jane Roden. 1732-3, Jan. 12. Sarah, d. of Esau Downes & Mary. " Jan. 14. John, s. of Ralph & Elinor Gibson. " Jan. 14. Elizabeth, d. of John & Eliz. Tyther. " Feb. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Samuell & Eliz: Watkeys. " Mar. 2. Samuell, s. of Edward & Mary Ralphes. " Mar. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Blakemore. " Mar. 13. Esther, d. of John & Grace Rogers, from Betteley. 1733, Apr. 8. John, s. of John & Jane Peever. " Apr. 14. Thomas, s. of John & Susannah Wells. " Apr. 20. George, s. of Mathew & Elizabeth Paine. " Apr. 21. Amy, d. of William & Amy Peacock. " May 14. Sarah, d. of Mr. Richard & Mrs. Sarah Pratchet. " May 15. William, s. of Thomas & Mary Cartwright. " May 15. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Morris. " May 15. Sarah, d. of George & Jane Harris. " June 15. Richard, s. of &. Rowland Hill, Bart., & Lady Jane Hill. " July 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Naomi Jefferies. BURIALS. 1734, Nov. 2. Mary Wilson, vid:, a pauper " Nov. 15. Thomas Humpston, a pauper. " Dec. 17. John, the base s. of Benjamin Buttery, senr. 1734-5, Jan.20. George, s. of John Picken. " Jan. 27. Mrs. Diana Vernon. 120 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1734-5 1734-5, Mar. 1. John, s. of Robert Morris. " Mar. 3. John, s. of Samuell Cartwright. 1735, Apr. 1. John, s. of Thomas Blakemore. " Apr. 26. William Parton. " Apr. 29. Thomas, s. of Esau Downes. " June 4. Partridge, base s. of Sarah Hill. " June 12. Mary Peplow, wid: " July 18. Mary, d. of John Peever. " Nov. 8. John Atkins, of Marchamley. " Nov. 15. Moses Ray, a pauper. " Nov. 25. Mary, w. of William Maddocks, of the Cliffe. " Dec. 20. Richard Penson, of Hodnett. " Jan. 23. Mr. Thomas Dicken, of Espley. " Feb. 11. Anne, w. of Andrew Clay. " Feb. 18. Blanch, w. of John Holdbrooke, a pauper. " Mar. 23. Mr. Allen Pidgeon, from Hawkstone. 1736, Apr. 10. Mary, w. of James Paine. " Apr. 23. Joseph, s. of Joseph Roberts. " May 12. Thomas Deakin, a labourer. " June 22. Andrew Clay, of Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1733, Sep. 15. Samuell, s. of Jeremiah & Anne Ray. " Sep. 22. Richard, s. of Andrm & Martha Protherah. " Sep. 29. Richard, s. of Thomas & Anne Ralphes, privately. " Nov. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas & Jane Blakemore. " Dec. 28. Anne, d. of Edward & Jane Reece. 1733-4, Jan. 1. William, s. of Joseph & Eliz: Vigors. " Jan. 12. Robert, s. of Robert & Eliz: Clough. " Feb. 2. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Bentley. " Feb. 9. Thomas, s. of John & Sarah Bradshaw. " Mar. 3. Sarah, d. of John & Eliz: Green. " Mar. 14. John, s. of Edward & Hester Chesus. " Mar. 25. John, s. of Richard & Sarah Bowen. 1734, Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary Roberts. " May 10. Mary, d. of Thomas & Alice Ashley. " June 8. Samuell, s. of Samuell & Eliz: Watkeys. " June 18. Robert, s. of Mr. Richard & Mrs. Sarah Pratchet. " June 4. Richard, s. of John & Dinah Ashley. //1737] Hodnet. 121 1734, June 24. James, s. of Leicester & Martha Antrobus. " July 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Catherine Dicken. " July 6. John, a base s. of Benjamin Buttery, the elder, & Phoebe Poole. " July 15. Richard, s. of George & Mary Axon. " July 18. Thomas, s. of Matthew & Eliz: Paine. " July 21. Elizabeth, d. of Charles & Eliz: Tew. " July 27. Samuell, s. of Benjamin & Jane Forister. " Aug. 9. Jane, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Churton. " Oct. 5. Dianah, d. of Samuell & Hannah Davies. " Oct. 10. John, s. of Samuell & Anne Cartwright. " Nov. 16. George, s. of John & Mary Picken. " Dec. 2. Rowland, s. of &. Rowland Hill & Dame Jane his wife, privately. " Dec. 27. John, s. of Thomas & Margt. Cartwright. BURIALS. 1736, July 3. Jane Cartwright, a pauper. " Aug. 6. Jane, d. of John Peever. " Sep. 21. Charles Tew, of Hodnet. " Oct. 6. Thomas Braster, of Marchamley Wood. " Nov. 20. John, s. of &. Rowland Hill, Bart. " Nov. 15. John Walford, batcheler. 1736-7, Jan. 31. Margaret Roberts, spinster. " Feb. 2. Margaret, d. of Widow Corsar, of Whirley Lane. " Feb. 21. Mary, w. of Thomas Churme. " Feb. 22. Richard, s. of Thomas Espley. " Mar. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Ousell. 1737, Apr. 21. Mary, d. of James Pain. " Apr. 21. Martha, d. of John Edwards. " Apr. 29. Richard, s. of William Rode. " May 6. Eliz: Meakin, wid:, a pauper, from Weston. " May 17. Anne Thomas, wid:, from Ightfield. " May 20. Anne, d. of Martha. Hitchin. " May 25. John, s. of John Boardman, of Peploe. " June 8. Alice Humpston, vid:, a pauper. " June 9. John Smith, a batcheler. " June 10. Elizabeth, w. of John Boardman. " June 19. Jane, w. of Timothy Roden, the younger. " July 14. Samuell, s. of Thomas Jefferies. 122 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1737 1737, July 29. Martha, w. of John Oysen. " Aug. 3. John Oysen, of Hodnet. " Aug. 9. Edward Cartwright, of Hodnet. " Aug. 12. Thomas, s. of Edward Chesus, the younger. " Aug. 27. Robert Jones, gardiner, from Hawkstone. BAPTISMS. 1734, Dec. 27. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Peacock. " Dec. 31. John, s. of William & Mary Churton. 1734-5, Jan. 1. Samuell, s. of John & Anne Watkin. " Jan. 4. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Rodes. " Jan. 12. William, S. of Richard & Ellenor Joy. " Feb. 6. John, s. of Robert & Mary Alorris. " Feb. 9. Thomas, s. of George & Mary Ralphes. " Feb. 21. Jonathan, s. of Thomas & Mary Blakemore. " Feb. 28. Elizabeth, a base d. of John Worrall & Susannah Wooley. " Mar. 9. William, s. of George & Eliz: Espley. " Mar. 14. Partridge, a base s. of Richard Partridge & Sarah Hill. " Mar. 16. John & Sarah, children of Thomas & Jane Blakemore. " Mar. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph & Eliz: Wilde. 1735, Apr. 7. Samuell, s. of Thomas & Mary Johnson. " Apr. 20. Jeremiah, s. of kremiah & Anne Ray. " Apr. 24. Thomas, s. of Esau & Mary Downes, privately. " Apr. 26. Mary, d. of Richard & Eliz: Steaner. " May 25. Margaret, d. of Edward & Jane Preece. " May 27. Thomas, a base s. of Anne Stones. BURIALS. 1737, Oct. 10. Jane Walford. " Nov. 4. Mr. George Beacall, of Wollerton. " Nov. 5. Mary, d. of Richard & Jane Hatton. " Nov. 18. Anne, w. of John Bentley. " Nov. 27. Thomas, s. of Richard Joy. " Nov. 28. Timothy Roden, the elder. " Nov. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Samuell Watkeys. " Dec. 20. Thomas Roden, from Weston. " Dec. 28. Joseph, s. of John Ferington. 1737-8, Jan. 22. Susannah Pye, a pauper. " Feb. 7. John Reynolds, batchelor. //1735-6] Hodnet. 123 1737-8, Feb. 9. Thomas Steventon. " Feb. 9. George Espley, a pauper. " Feb. 18. John Pcever, a pauper. " Feb. 23. Mrs. Sarah Price, relict of Mr. Price, late Rector of this Parish. " Feb. 28. Samuell Davies, from Lossford. 1738, Apr. 4. John Holdbrook, senr., a pauper. " Apr. 6. Thomas Walford, from Weston. " Apr. 14. John Ravenshaw, schoolmaster. " Apr. 17. Mrs. Anne Beacall, wid:, of Wollerton. " July 22. Hannah, w. of Thomas Leech. " July 25. John, s. of Thomas Leeche. " Aug. 4. Jane Pearce, sp: " Sep. 7. Thomas, s. of John Cartwright, of Hopton. " Sep. 10. Mr. Phillip Jacob Everett, from Hawkstone. BAPTISMS. 1735, May 29. Mary, d. of John & Jane Peever. " June 1. Anne, a base d. of Anne Green, of Cheshire, privately. " June 13. Esther, d. of Edward & Sarah Bayly, privately. " June 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Ousell. " June 29. Jane, d. of John & Mary Thomas. " Aug. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Cartwright. " Aug. 29. Andrew, s. of Samuell & Susannah Protherah. " Sep. 1. Jane, d. of Leicester & Martha Antrobus. " Sep. 20. John, s. of Timothy & Jane Roden. " Oct. 5. Anne, d. of John & Eliz: Evans. " Oct. 6. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Groom. " Oct. 18. Anne, d. of William & Eliz: Madocks. " Oct. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph & Eleanor Gibson. " Oct. 23. Anne, d. of Samuell & Eliz: Watkeys. " Nov. 8. Anne, d. of William & Amy Peacock. " Nov. 23. John, s. of John & Eliz: Tyther. " Jan. 3. Mary, d. of Richard & Hannah Davies. 1735-6, Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Hannah Leeche. " Jan. 6. William, s. of John & Hannah Wells. " Jan. 26. Rowland, s. of Robert & Mary Morris. " Jan. 29. John, s. of Richard & Jane Whitfield, privately. " Feb. 20 Thomas, s. of Edward & Hester Chesus. 124 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1735-6 1735-6, Feb. 21. Mary, d. of Richard & Sarah Davies. " Feb. 21. Joseph, s. of Joseph &. Mary Roberts. " Jan. 5. Anne, d. of William & Mary Adams, of Little Bolas. " Mar. 20. Matthew, s. of Henry & Mary Leigh. " Mar. 22. John, s. of Job & Mary Cluts. 1736, Apr. 18. Samuell, s. of Thomas & Naomi Jefferies. " Apr. 23. Alice, d. of John & Sarah Danett, privately. " Apr. 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Powell. " May 29. George, a base s. of Jane Reynolds. " June 6. Anne, a base d. of Martha Hitchin, privately. BURIALS. 1738, Sep. 21. Jane, d. of William & Mary Barber. " Nov. 5. Mary, d. of Edwd. & Mary Ralphes. " Nov. 19. Esther, w. of James Pain. " Nov. 27. Mr. Thomas Pigot, of Peploe. " Dec. 13. Anne, w. of John Walford. 1738-9, Jan. 22. Andrew Morhall, a pauper. 1739, Apr. 3. Richard Harper, of Weston. " Apr. 8. Mackworth, s. of John Bate. " May 10. Catherine Taylor, wid:, a pauper, from Weston. " May 12. Sarah, w. of Edward Chesus, the elder. " May 17. Mary, d. of John Ferington. " June 19. Anne Griffiths, wid:, a pauper. " July 25. Thomas Churton, late of Marchamley. " Sep. 14. Cypriano Castelli, an Italian. " Oct. 6. Mary, d. of John Morris. " Oct. 13. Joseph Pool, of the Berries, aged 97. " Dec. 29. Margt. Cartwright, a poor woman. " Feb 2. James Pain, a poor man. " Feb. 15. John Davenport, of Hodnet. " Feb. 23. Sarah, d. of Jane Peever. " Feb. 24. Anne, w. of Richard Roberts. BAPTISMS. 1736, June 12. Mary, d. of William & Sarah Forister. " June 26. Sarah, d. of Robert & Eliz: Clough. " July 3. James, s. of James & Eliz: Mullinex. " July 15. Mary, d. of John & Dianah Astley. " July 25. Jane, d. of John & Jane Peever. //1740] Hodnet. 125 1736, July 30. Anne, d. of Ralph & Mary Dod. " July 31. Anne, d. of John & Eliz: Green. " Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Eliz: Churton. " Sep. 26. Samuell, s. of Samuell & Sarah Jenings. " Sep. 28. Anne, d. of Richard & Sarah Pratchet. " Nov. 7. Martha, d. of John & Mary Edwards. " Nov. 15. Robert, s. of Thomas & Alice Ashley. " Nov. 15. John, s. of &. Rowland Hill, Bart., & Dame Jane his w., privately. " Nov. 27. Anne, d. of Thomas & Margaret Miles. " Nov. 27. John, s. of John & Dianah Walker. " Nov. 30. John, s. of Joseph & Eliz: Vigors. " Dec. 4. Sarah, d. of Benjamin & Jane Forister. " Dec. 5. William, s. of Thomas & Mary Peacock. //" Dec. 21. Thomas & Samuell, sons of Thomas & Mary Stubbs, privately. " Dec. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Stubbs, privately. " Dec. 21. Samuell, s. of Thomas & Mary Stubbs, privately. " Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Richard & Sarah Bowen. 1736-7, Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Jane Blakemore. " Feb. 20. Catherine, base d. of Francis Benett & Margt. Lewis. " Feb. 24. Anne, d. of Esau & Mary Downes. " Mar. 2. John, s. of Samuel & Anne Cartwright, privately. " Mar. 6. John, s. of George & Elizabeth Espley. " Mar. 11. Jane, d. of John & Anne Beacall. " Mar. 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Ousell, privately. 1737, Mar. 27. Thomas, s. of Richard & Ellenor Joy. " Apr. 11. Richard, s. of William & Mary Rhode. " May 2. Daniel, s. of Thomas & Margt. Cartwright, privately. BURIALS. 1739-40, Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Anne Hullston. " Feb. 27. Mary Turner, wid:, of Hodnet. " Feb. 28. Elizabeth, w. of John Grindley. 1740, Apr. 17. Anne Bookley, spinster. " Apr. 21. Jane Wells, wid:, from Wem. " Apr. 22. William, s. of John Grindley. " May 11. Sarah, w. of Rowland Walker. " May 30. Richard, s. of Mary Forister. 126 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1740 1740, June 18. Elizabeth Ray, wid:, a poor woman. " July 5. Elizabeth, d. of Edwd. Reece. " July 15. John, s. of Ben: Forister. " Aug. 7. William, s. of Peter Meredith. " Aug. 8. William Hampton. " Aug. 16. Joseph Arrowsmith, from Wollerton. " Sep. 18. Elizabeth, w. of James Mullinex. " Sep. 25. Anne, d. of George Clay. " Oct. 12. John, s. of John & Sarah Morris. " Nov. 22. Anne, w. of John Walker. " Dec. 17. Eliz: Phillips, spinster. " Dec. 19. William Walford, of Marchamley Wood. 1740-1, Jan. 17. Jane Higgins, a pauper. " Feb. 3. Ralph Dod, the elder. " Feb. 8. Richd., s. of Samll. Watkeys. BAPTISMS. 1737, May 14. Mary, d. of John & Eliz: Ferington. " May 31. Richard, s. of Leioester & Martha Antrobus. " June 19. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Jane Reece. " Sep. 29. William, s. of Jeremiah & Anne Ray. " Oct. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Elizth Wade. " Oct. 16. John, s. of John & Esther Broadfield, strangers. " Nov. 3. Mary, d. of Richard & Jane Hatton, privately. " Nov. 25. John, s. of John & Sarah Bradshaw, privately. " Nov. 26. Stephen, s. of Samuel & Margt. Davies. " Dec. 24. John, s. of Samuel & Mary Davies, privately. " Dec. 27. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Mary Cartwright. " Dec. 29. Mary, d. of George & Mary Axon. " Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Blakemore. 1737-8, Jan. 10. Jane, d. of John & Mary Phillips, privately. " Jan. 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Bentley. " Feb. 2. John, s. of Ralph & Mary Dodd. " Feb. 4. John, s. of Ralph & Elizabeth Wilde. " Feb. 27. William, a base s. of Anne Stones. " Mar. 1. Sarah, d. of James & Eliz: Jones. " Mar. 2. Jane, d. of &. Rowland Hill, Bart., & Dame Jane. " Mar. 11. William, s. of Henry & Mary Leigh. " Mar. 11. Ralph, s. of Ralph & Ellenor Gibson. //1738] Hodnet. 127 1737-8, Apr. 15. Richard, s. of William & Mary Rodes. " Apr. 22. Anne, d. of John & Sarah Morris. BURYALLS. 1740, Feb. 20. Hanah, w. of John Wells. " Feb. 23. Alice Davies, wid:, from Lossford. " Mar. 19. Thomas, s. of John Pickering. 1741, May 9. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Craxon. " June 13. Josiah Forister, from Darlaston. " June 15. John Walker. " June 19. Sarah, d. of John Green. " July 1. Mary, d. of Sarah Forister. " July 6. John Walker, a poor man. " July 15. Anne Stones, a poor woman. " July 10. George, s. of John Groom. " July 26. Mary, w. of Thomas Blakemore. " Aug. 8. Samuel Walker, batchelor. " Aug. 8. Elizabeth, d. of George Green. " Aug. 1. Robert Clough. " Aug. 12. John, s. of William Barber. " Aug. 15. Margt., w. of Wm. Forister. " Aug. 19. Anne, d. of Wm. Forister. " Aug. 20. Thomas Dyke, from Peplow. " Sep. 1. Mary, w. of John Harper. " Sep. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Joy. " Sep. 7. Mary, d. of John Atkins. BAPTISMS. 1738, May 11. Sarah, d. of Edward & Hester Chesus. " May 13. John, s. of Joseph & Mary Roberts. " May 26. Mary, d. of Robert & Mary Morris. " June 2. John, s. of John & Sarah Danett. " May 31. Mary, d. of William Booth & Anne, privately. " June 9. George, s. of John & Anne Beacall. " June 24. George, s. of John & Mary Groom. " July 7. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Adams. " July 9. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Forister. " July 14. Sarah, d. of William & Margt. Forister. " July 15. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Edwards. " July 16. Sarah, d. of John & Jane Peever. " July 22. John, s. of Thomas & Hannah Leech. " Aug. 13. Sarah, d. of Robert & Sarah Phillips. 128 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1733 1738, Aug. 20. Anne, d. of Richard & Jane Whitfield. " Sep. 18. Elizabeth, d. of John & Hannah Wells. " Sept. 18. Jane, d. of William & Mary Barber, privately. " Oct. 8. Sarah, d. of Richard & Ellenor Joy. " Oct. 12. John, s. of Walter & Mary Minors. " Oct. 21. John, s. of John & Mary Pickin. " Oct. 22. Jane, d. of Richard & Hannah Davies. " Oct. 29. Sarah, d. of Richard & Sarah Davies. " Nov. 12. Edward, s. of Edward & Jane Reece. " Nov. 23. Martha, d. of Richard & Eliz: Clark, privately. BAPTISMS & BURIALS. 1739, July 5. Elizabeth, d. of Leicester & Martha Antrobus ... bap. " July 11. Mary, d. of Richard & Eliz: Ethelston, privately ... bap. " July 14. Eliz d. of John & Dianah Walker ... bap. " July 21. Thomas, s. of Esau & Mary Downes, privately ... bap. " July 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Miles ... bap. " Aug. 3. Thomas, s. of John & Eliz Tyther, privately ... bap. " Sep. 3. George, s. of Thomas & Sarah Wilde ... bap. " Sep. 29. Robert, s. of John & Eliz: Pace ... bap. " Sep. 30. Thomas, s. of Robert & Eliz: Clough ... bap. " Sep. 30. Rowland, s. of Thomas & Margaret Cartwright, privately ... bap. " Oct. 2. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Morris, privately ... bap. " Oct. 9. Mary, d. of Richard & Sarah Bowen ... bap. *" Oct. 16. Aron, a base s. of John Davenport & Eliz: Espley ... bur. *" Oct. 18. William, s. of Thomas Churme ... bur. " Oct. 2. Eliz:, d. of James & Eliz: Jones ... bap. " Nov. 17. Sarah, d. of Richard & Martha Horton ... bap. " Nov. 27. Joseph & Mary, children of James & Elizabeth Mullinex, privately ... bap. " Dec. 3. John, s. of Samuell & Eliz: Watkeys ... bap. * At commencement of these two entries are the words "NIL-Buried." //1740] Hodnet. 129 BAPTISMS. 1738, Nov. 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Eliz: Powell, privately. " Dec. 3. Alice, d. of Richard & Eliz: Powell. " Dec. 6. Charles, s. of Benjamin & Jane Forister, privately. 1738-9, Jan. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary Delves. " Feb. 2. William, s. of Thomas & Eliz: Churme. " Feb. 2. Richard, s. of George & Mary Trimmo. " Feb. 3. John, s. of John & Eliz: Green. " Feb. 3. William, s. of Samuell & Anne Cartwright. " Feb. 15. John, s. of John & Frances Dicken. " Feb. 25. John, s. to Samuell & Sarah Jenings. " Feb. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Peacock. " Mar. 3. William, s. of Richard & Mary Powell. " Mar. 11. Hannah, d. of Thomas & Mary Othorne. " Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of &. Rowland Hill, Bart., & Dame Jane. " Mar. 24. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Johnson. 1739, Apr. 24. Thomas, s. of Job & Mary Clues, privately. " Apr. 26. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Humphryson, privately. " N.B. May 29. Ann, a base s. of John Davenport & Elizabeth Espley, wid: " May 29. Samuell, a base s. of Richard Roberts & Sarah Hill, privately. " June 12. Hannah, d. of John & Sarah Right. " June 12. Charles, s. of Tho: & Eliz: Mickleright. " Dec. 8. Timothy, s. of Timothy & Margaret Roden. " Dec. 27. Susannah, d. of Henry & Mary Leigh. " Dec. 28. Thomas, a base s. of Thomas Rogers & Jane Owen, of Drayton p. 1739-40, Jan. 1. Hannah, d. of Ralph & Mary Dodd. " Jan. 3. John, s. of John & Anne Beacall. " Jan. 1. Dianah, d. of John & Dianah Astley. " Feb. 24. William, s. of Thomas & Eliz: Cartwright. " Feb. 28. William, s. of John Grindley. " Mar. 7. Richard, a base s. of Mary Forister. " Mar. 13. John, s. of William & Mary Barber. 1740, Apr. 4. Anne, d. of & Sarah Forister. 130 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1740 1740, Apr. 8. John, s. of Jeremiah & Anne Ray. " Apr. 12. Elizabeth, d. of John & Anne Watkin. " Apr. 14. Samuell, s. of Robert & Mary Morris, privately. " Apr. 20. Elizabeth, a base d. of Richd. Embrey & Martha Hitchin. " May 3. Mary, d. of Samuell & Jane Harrison, from Ellesmere, in this County. " May 5. John, s. of John & Mary Phillips. " May 15. Elizabeth, d. of George & Rebecca Green. " May 26. Anne, d. of Thomas & Mary Blakemore. " June 1. Thomas, a base s. of Tho: Cartwright & Hanah Bevington. " June 16. John, s. of Ben: & Jane Forister, privately. " July 13. Elizabeth, d. of Edwd. & Jane Reeoe. " July 20. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Ralphes. " July 21. Jane, d. of Edwards & Sarah Bayly. " July 29. John, s. of &. Rowland Hill, Bart., & Dame Jane, privately. " Aug. 10. John, s. of William & [blank] Minshull. " Aug. 31. Daniel, s. of William & Anne Boote. " Sep. 7. Anne, d. of Stephen & Mary Paling. " Sep. 18. Peter, s. of John & Eliz: Massey, privately. " Sep. 18. Mary, d. of Edward & Hester Chesus. " Sep. 19. John, s. of John & Sarah Morris. " Sep. 20. Rowland, s. of Rowland & Mary Sandford, privately. " Nov. 8. Ralph, s. of Ralph & Elizabeth Wilde. " Nov. 22. Anne, d. of William & Margt. Forister. " Nov. 25. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Picking, privately. " Nov. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Churme. " Dec. 6. Eliz d. of Thomas & Eliz: Dulson. " Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Mary Delves. 1740-1, Jan. 3. William, s. of John & Sarah Bradshaw. " Jan. 3. Mary, d. of Frances & Margaret Bruce. " Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of Richard & Eliz. Powell. " Feb. 2. Robert, s. of Mathew & Ellenor Glanen, privately. " Feb. 5. Richard, s. of Samuell & Mary Watkeys, privately. //1741] Hodnet. 131 1740-1, Feb. 20. Mary, d. of John & Martha Shone. " Feb. 22. Robert, s. of Robert & Jane Kilvert. " Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Richard & Eliz: Clark. " Feb. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Wilde. " Feb. 28. John, s. of John & Jane Roberts. " Mar. 6. Ralph, s. of Ralph & Mary Dod. 1741, Mar. 30. Mary, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Powel. " Apr. 1. John, s. of Samuell & Catherine Morris. " Apr. 2. Caroline, d. of Thomas & Abigail Ethell. " May 13. Ellinor, d. of Richard & Sarah Davies, privately. " May 19. John, s. of John & Mary Edwards. " June 10. Jane, d. of Richard & Jane Whitfield. " Aug. 10. John, s. of Ben: & Jane Forister, privately. " Aug. 15. Samuell, s. of John & Eliz: Green, privately. " Aug. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Eliz. Ethelston. " Aug. 17. Elizabeth, d. of John & Frances Dicken, privately. " Aug. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Pain, privately. " Aug. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Ellinor Joy, privately. " Sep. 1. Hannah, base d. of Sarah Jefferies, privately. BURIALS. 1741, Sep. 10. John, s. of Dorothy Morhall. " Oct. 2. James, s. of Wm. Minshall. " Oct. 11. Jane, d. of Richard Whitfield. " Oct. 29. John Penson, from Wem. " Dec. 18. Nathan Banister, a travelling man. " Dec. 27. William Stones, an infant. 1741-2, Jan. 15. Anne, d. of Dorothy Morhall. " Jan. 18. Elizabeth Cartwright, wid. " Jan. 18. Joseph, s. of John Bate. " Jan. 23. Sarah, d. of Samll. Cartwright. " Jan. 27. William Walker, from Stoke. " Jan. 29. Andrew Nordstrom, from Wem. BAPTISMS. 1741, Sep. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Powell. " Sep. 30. John, s. of John & Sarah Morris. " Oct. 3. Sarah, d. of Samuell & Anne Cartwright. " Oct. 4. Richard, s. of Joseph & Mary Reynolds. 132 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1741 1741, Nov. 5. Leicester, s. of Leicester & Martha Antrobus. " Nov. 5. Richard, s. of John & Anne Beacall. " Nov. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Samuell & Mary Ferington. " Nov. 25. Eliz d. of Eliz: & John Pace, ye younger, privately. 1741-2, Jan. 6. John, s. of Richard & Martha Horton. " Jan. 30. Anne, d. of John & Mary Phillips. " Jan. 31. Ellinor, d. of Thomas & Mary Othorn. " Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of John & Eliz: Pickering. " Feb. 12. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Hodges, privately. " Feb. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Ralphes. BURIALS. 1741-2, Feb. 23. Richard Mitton, a poor man. " Mar. 3. Dorothy Downes, wid:, a pauper. " Mar. 24. John Steventon, a pauper. 1742, Apr. 5. Sarah, d. of Robert Morris. " Apr. 5. John, s. of John Neaval. " Apr. 11. Mary, w. of John Downes. " Apr. 13. Robert, s. of John Pace, junr. " Apr. 14. Sarah, w. of Edward Bayly. " May 8. Richard, s. of Joseph & Mary Reignolds. " May 15. Elizabeth Penson. " May 16. Anne Ridgeway. " July 10. Martha Deakin, from Wem. " July 14. Mr. J. Massey, of Woolerton, gent. " Aug. 10. John, s. of Richd. & Elizth. Davies. " Sep. 29. Katherine Mytton. " Oct. 10. Francis Patrick. BAPTISMS. 1741, Mar. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Jeremiah & Anne Ray. " Mar. 14. Samuell, s. of Thomas & Mary Peacock. " Mar. 17. Sarah, d. of Robert & Mary Morris, privately. 1742, Apr. 2. John, s. of John & Sarah Neaval, privately. " Apr. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Astley and his wife, privately. " Apr. 6. Mary, d. of Job & Mary Clews. " Apr. 19. Mary, d. of Thomas & Ellinor Green. " Apr. 27. Sarah, d. of Samll. & Sarah Jennings, privately. " July 9. Mary, d. of Evan & Mary Downs, privately. //1742] Hodnet. 133 1742, July 18. Thomas, s. of Edward Reece & his wife. " Aug. 8. Elizabeth, d. of George & Rebecca Green. " Aug. 15. Ellinor, d. of Thos. & Margt. Williams. " Aug. 15. James, s. of Thomas & Margaret Cartwright. " Aug. 25. Samuel, s. of Timothy & Margaret Rhoden. " Sep. 5. Thomas, s. of Richd. & Elizabeth Joy. Thus far transcribed for the Bishop's Visitation, 1742. " Sep. 23. Richd., s. of Richd. & Jane Whitfield. " Sep. 29. Thomas, s. of &. Rowland & Lady Hill. BURIALS, 1742. 1742, Oct. 11. Joseph Preston. " Oct. 17. Mary, d. of Esau & Mary Downes. " Nov. 1. Thomas Cartwright, Parish Clarke. " Dec. 19. Anne Green. " Feb. 5. Mary, d. of Samuel & Elizabeth Ferrington. " Feb. 9. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Pickering. " Mar. 8. John Boardman. " Mar. 10. [blank.] " Mar. 23. Thomas, s. of Edward Reece. 1743, Mar. 25. Anne Wells. " Apr. 5. Randle, s. of William Rodes & his wife. " Apr. 20. Katherine Phillips. " Apr. 25. Samuel Phillips, of Woolerton. " May 9. Master Rowland Hill, from Hawkestone. " May 17. John Harrison. " July 17. Joseph Ralphs. //[Two blank lines occur here.] " Oct. 29. Ellinor, d. of Thomas & Margaret Williams. " Dec. 24. Samuel Creamer. " Dec. 30. John Ferrington. " Jan. 19. John Groome. " Feb. 2. Saml. Bentley, infant " Feb. 2. Widow Carnall. BAPTISMS. 1742, Oct. 9. Thos., s. of John & Elizabeth Micklewright. " Oct. 24. Anne, d. of Richd. & Sarah Bowens. " Dec. 26. Jogeph, s. of Joseph & Mary Delves. " Dec. 27. Jane, d. of Matthew & Ellinor Glanning. " Jan. 1. Joseph, s. of Saml. Forrester & his wife. " Jan. 7. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Ferrington. 134 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1742 1742, Jan. 23. John, s. of Richd. Clarke & his wife. " Jan. 24. Rowland, s. of Saml. & Katerine Morriss. " Jan. 26. Mary, d. of George & Mary Hulston. " Feb. 5. Thomas, s. of Ralph & Mary Dodd. " Feb. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Cartwright & his wife. " Mar. 6. Mary, d. of Richd. & Mary Embrey. " Mar. 12. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Johnson. " Mar. 18. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Wilde. 1743, Mar. 28. Edward, s. of Ralph & Elizabeth Wilde. " Apr. 9. Richd. s. of James & Marable Osborne. " Apr. 24. Esther, d. of John & Elizth. Veanes. " Apr. 30. Daniel, s. of John & Stoney his wife [sic]. " Apr. 30. Jane, d. of John Evans & his wife. " May 23. Ellinor, d. of John Shorne & Martha. " May 24. Elizth., d. of Joseph Powel & his wife. " June 9. Esther, d. of Edward & Esther Chessus. " June 16. John, s. of Francis & Margaret Bruce. " June 18. John, s. of Robert Morriss & his wife. " June 24. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Nevall. BURIALS. 1743 [? 1744], May 15. Mary Davies. " July 17. John Bentley. " Aug. 21. Edward Reece. " Sep. 2. Richard Moor, of Weston. " Oct. 7. George Shorne. " Oct. 13. Anne, d. of John Morriss. " Nov. 23. Mary Dod. " Dec. 2. Thos Cartwright. " Dec. 3. Mr. John Dicken. " Dec. 15. Elizabeth Jennings. " Feb. 8. Mrs. picken, from Preece. " Feb. 26. Mary Leigh. " Mar. 3. Widow Jennings. " Mar. 10. Mrs. Hill. Hitherto transcribed for the Bishop's Visitation. BURIALS. 1745, Oct. 29. Edward, s. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Woollerton. " Nov. 8. John, s. of Robt. & Eliz: Downes, taylor, Hodnett. //1745] Hodnet. 135 1745, Nov. 26. William Bentley, Marchamley. " Nov. 29. Edward, base s. of Mary Barnett, Marchamley. " Dec. 7. John, s. of John & Sarah Nevil, Marchamley. " Jan. 6. Saml. Wade, servt., from Kenstone. W. DICKEN, Curate. BAPTISMS. 1743, July 7. Elizth., d. of Joseph & Mary Penson. " July 8. Hamblet, s. of Peter & Sarah Price. " July 9. Elizth., d. of Thomas & Elizth. Harris. " July 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Dulston & his wife. " July 31. John, s. of John & Sarah Bate. " Aug. 7. William, s. of Benj & Mary Wase. " Sep. 4. William, s. of John & Frances Dicken. " Sep. 22. Samuel, s. of John Phillips & his wife. " Oct. 10. Joseph, s. of John Thomas & Mary. " Nov. 1. Elizth., d. of Thomas & Sarah Cartwright. " Nov. 11. George, s. of John & Sarah Bradshaw. " Nov. 16. Mary, d. of Willm. Pickering & his wife. " Nov. 19. Sarah, d. of John Morriss & his wife. " Dec. 25. James, s. of John & Elizth Massey. " Dec. 30. Anne, d. of George & Mary Hampton. //" Dec. 30. John, s. of J[...] and [rest illegible and rubbed out]. " Jan. 4. Anne, d. of John & Anne Beacol. " Jan. 6. Jane, d. of Benj: & Jane Forrester. " Jan. 20. John, s. of Saml. & Mary Ferrington. " Jan. 20. John, s. of Thomas & Ellinor Ray. " Feb. 10. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Green. " Mar. 7. John, s. of Thos. & Elizth. Churme. 1744, Mar. 26. John, s. of Richd. & Elizabeth Powel. " Mar. 31. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Elizth. Clark. BURIALS, 1745. 1745, Jan. 21. William, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Reynolds, Hodnett. " Jan. 28. Jane, d. of Benjain & Jane Forrester, Hodnett. " Feb. 7. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Evans, Hodnett. " Feb. 11. Sarah Powell, spinster, Kenstone. " Mar. 24. John Massey, Peplow. 136 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1746 1746, Mar. 27. George Axon, dyer, Hodnett. " Apr. 8. Thos., s. of Thos. & Elizabeth Cartwright, Haw-Green, Peplow. " Apr. 20. Edward, s. of Ralph & Elizabeth Wilde, Hodnett. " Apr. 28. Mary, d. of Ralph & Elizabeth Wilde, Hodnett. " May 11. Jane, w. of George Harris of the Fold, Marchamley. " May 27. Henry Wilson, a servant from Espley. " June 12. Daniel Dykes, Peplow. " June 21. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Massey, Woollerton. " June 22. Rowland Dicken, surgeon, Woollerton. " Aug. 5. Diana, w. of John Bareley, Hodnett. " Aug. 25. Jeremiah, s. of John & Elizabeth Green, Hodnett. W. DICKEN, Curate. BAPTISMS. 1744, May 17. D [sic]. " June 24. Hannah, d. of Hannah Bevington, base born. " July 14. Penelope d. of Richd. Whitfeild, de Marchamley. " July 31. Martha, d. of Leicester & Martha Antrobus. " Aug. 18. Anne, d. of John Paddock & his wife. " Aug. 20. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hodges & his wife. " Aug. 27. Rowland, s. of &. Rowland 8: Lady Hill. " Sep. 12. Jane, d. of Richd. & Elizth. Davies. " Sep. 17. John, s. of Thomas Ethel & schoolmaster. " Sep. 25. George, s. of George & Rebecca Green. " Oct. 4. John, s. of Richd. Eccleston & his wife. " Oct. 7. John, s. of John Potts & Elinor. " Oct. 20. James, s. of James & Elinor Roden. " Oct. 26. Jane, d. of Jane Reece. " Nov. 14. Mary, d. of Thos. & Margaret Jones. " Nov. 17. John, s. of Willm. & Anne Higginson. " Nov. 17. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Margaret Miles. " Nov. 21. Mary, d. of Ralph & Mary Dodd. " Dec. 9. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Cartwright. " Dec. 23. Mathew, s. of Matthew & Elinor Glannham. //1745] Hodnet. 137 1744, Jan. 3. Elizth., d. of John & Mary Clay. " Jan. 13. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Margaret Cartwright. " Jan. 16. Martha, d. of Thos. & Sarah Wild. BURIALS, 1746. 1746, Sep. 5. William Green, pauper, Hodnett. " Sep. 7. Ermin, w. of Daniel Alford, Peplow. " Sep. 10. Elizabeth, w. of John Green, Hodnett. " Sep. 13. Mathew Payne, taylor, Hodnett. " Sep. 28. John Harper, a pauper, Moreton Say. " Sep. 30. Susannah, w. of Charles Hulstone, from Ash. " Oct. 18. Mary, d. of Thos. Stubbs, Hodnett. " Nov. 13. William, s. of Richd. & Elizabeth Clarke, Marchamley. " Nov. 15. Mary, w. of John Morris, Peplow. " Nov. 17. Thos., s. of Widow Walford, Darlaston. " Dec. 3. Catharine Cartwright, widow, Peplow. " Dec. 28. Susannah Latewood, from Lilleshall. " Feb. 26. John, s. of Mary Shone, widow, Losford. 1747, May 14. John Miles, Hodnett. " June 1. Thos. Dodd, bachelor, Marchamley. " June 1. Mary, d. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Wollerton. " July 22. Penelope, d. of Rich. & Jane Whitfield, Marchamley. " Aug. 18. Mary, d. of Edward & Esther Chesus, Hodnett. " Aug. 28. William Ash, Marchamley. " Sep. 9. William, s. of Wm. & Elizabeth Maddox, Marchamley. " Sep. 28. Margt. Jones, widow, Marchamley. //WILLIAM DICKEN, Curate. BAPTISMS. 1744, Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Ralph & Elizth. Wild. " Feb. 23. Mary, d. of Benjamin & Mary Wase. 2 D:B: " Mar. 3. Mary, d. of John & Mary Evans. 1745, Mar. 31. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Elizth. Clarke. " Apr. 1. John, s. of Robert & Mary Morriss. " Apr. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Esther Chessus. " May 14. Thos., s. of Thos. & Mary Hawthorne. " May 26. William, s. of John & Dianah Astley. " May 31. John, s. of John Gripton & his wife. //138 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1745 1745, June 30. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth Powel. " June 23. George, s. of Timothy & Margaret Roden. " Aug. 7. John, s. of Thos. & Elizabeth Cartwright. " July 25. William, s. of Thos. & Elinor Green. " Aug. 25. Edward, s. of Mary Barnet, base born. //Thus far Copy'd for the Bishop's Visitation. " Sep. 8. Saml., s. of Thos. Bentley & his wife. " Sep. 22. Wm., s. of Jno: & Elizabeth Evans, Hodnett. " Sep. 28. Mary, d. of William & Ann Morris, Peplow. " Sep. 29. Catharine, d. of Andrew & Margt. Moore, Woollerton. " Oct. 3. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Mary Ferrington, Peplow. " Oct. 5. Thos., s. of Thos. & Ellinor Ray, Hodnett. " Oct. 6. John, s. of Richard & Ellinor Joy, Hodnett. " Oct. 24. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Massey, Woollerton. " Oct. 27. Edward, s. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Woollerton. //W. DICKEN, Curate. BAPTISMS. 1745, Nov. 1. Thos., s. of Jno. & Ann Beacoll, Woollerton. " Nov. 2. John, s. of Jno. & Martha Shone, Peplow. " Nov. 4. Thos., s. of Thos. & Sarah Cartwright, Clarke, Hodnett. " Nov. 20. Mary, d. of Jno. & Mary Phillips, Hodnett. " Nov. 30. John, s. of John & Sarah Nevil, Marchamley. " Dec. 18. William, s. of Wm. & Mary Tagg, Marchamley. " Dec. 27. William, s. of John & Jane Roberts, Woollerton. " Dec. 27. William, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Reynolds, Hodnett. " Jan. 1. Richard, s. of Richd. & Elizabeth Powel, Kenstone. " Jan. 12. Richard, s. of William & Mary Peacock, Marchamley. " Jan. 13. Francis, s. of Francis & Margt. Bruce, Losford. " Feb. 6. Joseph & Mary, children of James & Eliz: Marchamley. //1746] Hodnet. 139 1745, Mar. 16. Thos., s. of Thos. & Abigail Ethell, schoolmr., Hodnett. " Mar. 20. Andrew, s. of Saml. & Catharine Morris, Marchamley. 1746, Mar. 29. Mary, d. of Richd. & Jane Whitfield, Marchamley. " Apr. 5. Joseph, s. of Tfiomas & Elizabeth Dulstone, Peplow. " Apr. 12. John, s. of John & Catharine Pickering, Hodnett. " Apr. 19. Ann, d. of John & Ellinor Potts, Peplow. " Apr. 20. John, s. of John & Martha Rider, pauper, Stoke. //W. DICKEN, Curate. " Apr. 24. Margery, d. of Robert & Margery Webb, Stoke. " May 3. George, s. of John & Sarah Morris, Marchamley. " May 5. Jane, d. of Benjamin & Jane Forrester, Hodnett. " May 29. John, s. of John & Mary Vaughan, Marchamley. " June 1. Robert, s. of &. Rowland & Dame Jane Hill, Hawkstone. " June 13. Susanna, d. of Leicester & Martha Antrobus, Hodnett. " June 24. William, s. of James & Esther Wridgway, Marchamley. " July 25. Jeremiah, s. of John & Elizabeth Green, Hodnett. " Sep. 11. William, s. of Thos. & Sarah Adams, Bolas. " Oct. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Mary Payne, Hopton. " Oct. 19. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Wood, Hopton. " Nov. 5. John, s. of George & Mary Hampton, Marchamley. " Nov. 11. William, s. of Richd. & Elizabeth Clark, Marchamley. " Nov. 16. Mary, d. of Thos. & Sarah Wilde, Hodnett. " Nov. 21. William, s. of Saml. & Lettice Viggars, Losford. 140 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1746 1746, Nov. 28. Anne, d. of John & Mary Payne, taylor, Heathbrooke. " Dec. 26. Pierce, s. of John & Eliz. Pace, Hodnett. " Jan. 1. Joseph, s. of Job Clews & Mary, Peplow. " Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of James & Marabel Osborne, Hodnett. " Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Wollerton. //W. DICKEN, Curate. " Feb. 23. Elizabeth, d. of James & Elinor Rhoden, Marchamley. " Mar. 1. Ann, d. of Jno. & Mary Davies, Marchamley. 1747, Mar. 25. Thos., s. of Richd. & Mary Powell, Marchamley. " Apr. 1. Charles, s. of John & Elizabeth Evans, Hodnett. " Apr. 17. John, s. of Thos. & Margt. Jones, Kenstone. " Apr. 17. Thos., base son of Alice Bedway, Hodnett. " May 4. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Harper, Hodnett. " May 10. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Mary Delves, Peplow. " May 28. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Cartwright, wheel. wright, Hodnett. " May 31. Mary, d. of Jno. & Mary Welles, Hodnett. " July 19. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Hampton, Wollerton. " July 19. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Mort, Marchamley. " Aug. 23. John, s. of Thos. & Margt. Miles, Hodnett. " Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John & Ann Owen, Hodnett. " Oct. 9. John, s. of Jno: & Sarah Neaval, Marchamley. " Oct. 24. Thomas, s. of William & Elizabeth Bale, Peplow. " Nov. 1. Joseph, s. of John & Mary Phillips, Hodnett. " Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth Powell, Kenstone. " Nov. 20. Sarah, d. of John & Martha Shone, Peplow. " Nov. 21. Rebecca, d. of George & Rebecca Green, Hodnett. " Nov. 22. William, s. of Thos. & Elliner Ray, Hodnett. " Dec. 16. Mary, d. of John & Ann Beacoll, Wollerton. //W. DICKEN, Curate. //1747] Hodnet. 141 BURIALS, 1747. 1747, Oct. 27. Mary Braster, widow, pauper, Marchamley. " Nov. 23. Rebecca, d. of George & Rebecca Green, Hodnett. " Dec. 16. Ann Roberts, spinster, servant from Hopley. " Feb. 22. Elizabeth (vulgo vocata Lady) Espley (asked up, not married), Hodnett. 1748, Mar. 27. William Robins, a pauper, Hodnett. " Apr. 27. Sarah Robins, widow, a pauper, Hodnett. " May 1. Thos. Powell, Kenstone. " May 8. Elizabeth, w. of Mr. John Massey, Wollerton. " May 10. Stephen Ray, Hodnett. " May 13. Jane, d. of William & Mary Barber, Marchamley. " May 22. John Welles, a pauper, Hodnett. //Hitherto transcribed for ye Bishops Visitation, held Augst. 9, 1748. 1748, Aug. 11. John, s. of Samuel & Mary Ferrington, Whitchurch. " Nov. 2. William, s. of Thomas & Eliz: Cartwright, Haw-Green. " Mar. 4. Sarah Dodd, of tfie New-house, widow, Wollerton. 1749, Apr. 11. Eliz: Boardman, spinster, from Stanton. " Apr. 20. Elizabeth Parton, widow, a pauper, aet. 94, Peplow. " Apr. 23. Susannah Jennings, widow, pauper, Hodnett. " May 11. Robert Morris, aet. 88, Kenstone. " June 20. Mrs. Lilly, widow, Hodnett. " Oct. 6. Robert, s. of Elizabeth Clough, widow, Marchamley. " Oct. 22. Elizabeth Clews, widow, aged 80, Peplow. BAPTISMS, 1747 & 1748:- 1747, Dec. 21. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Tagg, Marchamley. " Dec. 21. Robert, s. of Thos. & Abigail Ethell, schoolmr. of Hodnett. " Dec. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Sam: & Hannah Jebb, Marchamley. " Jan. 1. William, s. of Richard & Rebecca Tew, Hodnett. //142 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1747 1747, Jan. 24. John, base son of Ann Reynolds, Marchamley. " Jan. 30. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Adney, Hodnett. " Feb. 4. Robert, base s. of Hannah Thomas, Hodnett. " Feb. 12. Joseph, s. of Thos. & Mary Johnson, Hodnett. " Feb. 14. Charles, s. of Charles & Sarah Forrester, Hawkstone. " Mar. 7. RicEard, s. of Richard & Mary Walker, Hodnett. " Mar. 21. Ann, d. of Richard & Sarah Davies, Marchamley. 1748, Apr. 11. Richard, s. of John & Mary Edwards, Marchamley. " Apr. 16. Edward, s. of Thos. Cartwright, clarke of Hodnett. " Apr. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Timothy & Margt. Rhoden, Hodnett. " Apr. 23. Jane, d. of William & Mary Barber, Marchamley. " Apr. 25. Martha, d. of Samuel & Catherine Morris, Marchamley. " Apr. 29. Henry, s. of Thos. & Elizabeth Cartwright, Peplow. " May 30. Thos., d. of John & Elinor Potts, Peplow. " June 12. Mary, d. of John & Mary Vaughan, Marchamley. " June 19. William, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Cherme, Hodnett. " June 24. Susanna, d. of Robt. & Susanna Higginson, Peplow. " July 31. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Mary Corser, Marchamley. //Hitherto transcribed for the Bishop's Visitation held Aug. 9, 1745. 1748, Aug. 28. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Morris, Marchamley. " Sep. 1. Edward, s. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Wollerton. " Sep. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Peacock, Marchamley. " Sep. 29. Jane, base d. of Martha Forrester, Whirley Lane. //1749] Hodnet. 143 1748, Oct. 8. George, s. of Rowland & Mary Leigh, Marchamley. " Oct. 11. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Hannah Peplow, Marchamley. " Oct. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Eliz: Clarke, Wollerton. " Oct. 18. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Hampton, Wollerton . " Nov. 5. Jane, d. of John & Jane Darling, Losford. " Nov. 20. John, s. of Thos. & Mary Holdern, Kenstone. " Dec. 4. Benjamin, s. of Benj: & Jane Forrester, Hodnett. " Jan. 20. Penelope, d. of Richd. & Jane Whitfield, Marchamley. " Jan. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Margt. Cartwright, Hodnett. " Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary Hulstone, Hodnett. " Feb. 2. John, s. of Robert & Jane Kilvert, Peplow. " Feb. 17. Rebecca, d. of George & Rebecca Green, Hodnett. " Mar. 3. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Elizabeth Powell, Kenstone. //W. DICKEN, Curate. " Mar. 15. Edward, s. of Ralph & Elizabeth Wilde, Hodnett. " Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph & Elinor Glanham, Hawkstone. 1749, Mar. 18. Catharine, d. of Jno. & Martha Rider, Hodnett. " May 4. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Reynolds, Hodnett. " May 29. George, s. of James & Esther Wridgway, Marchamley. " June 19. William, s. of Richard & Mary Jervis, Marchamley. " July 13. John, s. of Jno. & tliz: Pace, Hodnett. " July 21. Sarah, d. of James & Ellinor Rhoden, Kenstone. " Aug. 20. Alice, d. of Charles & Sarah Forrester, Whirley Lane. 144 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1749 1749, Sep. 15. Hannah, d. of Thos. & Sarah Wilde, Butcher, Hodnett. " Sep. 17. Ann, d. of Richd. & Elizabeth Ecclestone, Peplow. " Sep. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Margt. Jones, Kenstone. " Oct. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Harper, Hodnett. " Oct. 22. James, s. of James & Mirabel Osborne, Hodnett. " Nov. 9. Mary, d. of George & Mary Hampton, Marchamley. " Nov. 17. George, suppos'd base s. (et ut asseritur) of Jane Buckley, Tirley. " Nov. 17. Sarah, d. of Leicester & Martha Antrobus, Hodnett. " Dec. 16. Robert, s. of John & Elizabeth Wood, Espley. " Dec. 17. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Bate, Hodnett. " Dec. 31. John, s. of William & Mary Tagg, Hodnett. BURIALS, 1749. 1749, Oct. 24. John, s. of Richd. & Elizabeth Ecclestone, Peplow. " Nov. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Margt. Jones, Kenstone. " Jan. 23. Elizabeth, w. of Thos. Bally, Hodnett. " Feb. 10. John Humpstone, a pauper, Hodnett. " Feb. 11. Rowland, s. of Samuel & Catharine Morris, Marchamley. " Mar. 24. Susanna Morris, widow, pauper, Hodnett. 1730, Apr. 6. Elizabeth, w. of john Williams, Hodnett. " Apr. 9. George Harris, of the Fold, Marchamley. " June 4. Mrs., Dicken, of the Green, Wollerton. " July 20. Robert Pigot, aet. 84, Peplow. " Aug. 12. Thomas Humpstone, servant to Captain Pigot, Peplow. " Oct. 9. Rhoda, a base d. of Ralph Rhode, of Newcastle, & Mary Welles, widow, of Hodnett. " Nov. 12. Ann, d. of John & Ann Watkin, Wollerton. " Nov. 27. George Pickerill, a pauper, Hodnett. //1750] Hodnet. 145 1750, Jan. 5. William, s. of John & Ann Beacoll, Wollerton. " Feb. 27. Mr. Richd. Clay, batchelor, Hodnett. " Mar. 17. David Roberts, a travelling pauper from Whittington. " Mar. 18. George Higgins, a pauper from the Oak-House. //JAMES, LORD BISHOP OF HEREFORD, Rector. //WILLIAM DICKIN, Curate. BAPTISMS, 1749, Jan. 4. Mary, d. of Robert & Susanna Higginson, Peplow. " Jan. 7. [Ann ?], d. of Jno: & Mary Davies, Marchamley. " Jan. 13. Willm., s. of Jno: & Ann Beacoll, Wollerton. " Jan. 19. Joseph, s. of Thos. & Sarah Adams, att Bolas. " Jan. 27. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Ellinor Ray, Hodnett. 1750, Mar. 25. Benjamin, s. of William & Sarah Forrester, Marchamley. " Mar. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Wm. & Hannah Thomas, Hodnett. " Apr. 22. Mary, d. of Samuel & Hannah Jebb, Marchamley. " Apr. 22. Mary, base d. of Wm. Watson & Mary Tither, Hodnet. " May 3. Philip, a child found in Wollerton. " May 13. Edward, s. of Jno & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnett. " May 20. George, s. of Jno: & Mary Ray, Hodnett. " May 27. Richard, s. of Thos. & Elizabeth Powell, Kenstone. " May 29. Charles, base s. of Elizabeth Davies, Hodnett. " June 4. Sarah, d. of Robt. & Ellinor James, Hodnett. " June 21. William, s. of Thos. Ethell, schoolmr. of Hodnett. " June 21. John, s. of Thos. Cartwright, clark of Hodnett. " June 24. Eliz d. of Thos. & Martha Randles, Wollerton. //" July 5. Rhoda & Martha, bastard children of Ralph Rhode & Mary Welles, widow, Hodnett. " July 5. Rhoda, d. of Ralph Rhode & Mary Welles, Hodnett. " July 5. Martha, d. of Ralph Rhode & Mary Welles, Hodnett. " Sep. 16. Sarah, d. of Jno: & Eliz. Evans, a pauper, Hodnett. 146 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1750 1750, Oct. 7. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Corser, Marchamley. " Oct. 14. Samuel, s. of Jno: & Mary Edwards, Marchamley. " Oct. 28. Thomas, s. of Richard & Eliz: Williams, Marchamley. " Nov. 5. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Mary Cartwright, wheelwright, Hodnett. " Nov. 5. Heri Mary, d. of Richd. & Ellinor Joy, Hodnett. " Nov. 22. Joseph & Mary, twins of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Wollerton. " Dec. 29. Margt., d. of Thos. & Margt. Jones, Kenstone. " Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Wm. & Mary Barber, Marchamley. " Feb. 2. William, s. of Willm. & Elizabeth Adeney, Hodnett. " Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Edwd. & Martha Phillip, Kenstone. " Feb. 22. Susanna, d. of William & Susannah Mort, Hodnet. " Mar. 4. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Mar. 6. Abigail, d. of Tim: & Margt. Rhoden, Hodnet. " Mar. 8. Samuel, s. of Jno: & Jane Savage, Kenstone. " Mar. 8. Ann, d. of John & Mary Boughey, Marchamley. " Mar. 22. Elizabeth, base d. of Elizabeth Harris, Hodnett. " Mar. 22. Ann, d. of Thos. & Ellinor Green, Hodnett. " Mar. 24. Joseph, s. of John & Elizabeth Dean, a way-faring man, Hodnett. 1751, Apr. 3. George, s. of Richd. & Mary Jervis, Marchamley. " Apr. 3. Jane, d. of Richd. & Jane Whitfield, Marchamley. " Apr. 9. Rowland, s. of Rowld. & Mary Leigh, Marchamley. " Apr. 9. Thos., s. of Thomas & Hannah Peplow, Marchamley. " Apr. 14. James, s. of Job & Mary Clews, Peplow. //1751] Hodnet. 147 1751, May 12. Sarah, d. of John & Catharine Pickerill, Hodnett. " May 14. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Walmsley, Peplow. " May 28. Richard, s. of Richd. & Sarah Davies, Marchamley. " June 27. Samuel, s. of Ralph & Elizabeth Wilde, Hodnett. " June 30. Mary, d. of Thomas & Hannah Palmer, traveller. " July 14. Jane, d. of Saml. & Catharine Morris, Marchamley. " July 21. Rowland, s. of Jno: & Sarah Morris, Marchamley. " Aug. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Rebecca Tew, Wollerton. " Oct. 9. Samuell, s. of Benjamin & Jane Forrester, Hodnett. " Nov. 19. Jane, d. of John & Elizabeth Wood, Espley. " Nov. 27. Mary, d. of Wm. & Elizabeth Watson, Hodnett. " Dec. 1. Hannah, d. ot George & Mary Pickerill, Hodnett. " Dec. 17. Thos., s. of John & Elizabeth Hampton, Losford. " Dec. 29. Jno:, son illegitimate of Sarah Downes, Hodnet. " Dec. 29. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Mary Hulston, heri vel pridie, Hodnett. " Dec. 30. Ann, d. of Robt. & Susannah Higginson, Peplow. " Dec. 30. John, s. of Joseph & Mary Delves, Peplow. 1752, Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of John & Jane Beacoll, Wollerton. " Jan. 6. Sarah, base d. of Jane Williams, Hodnett. BURIALS, 1751. 1751, Apr. 11. Elizabeth Deakin, spinster, pauper, Hodnett. " May 1. Mary, d. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Wollerton. " May 5. Joseph, s. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Wollerton. " May 6. Elizabeth Green, widow, pauper, Hodnett. " May 10. Dorothy Murrall, widow, pauper, Hodnett. 148 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1751 1751, June 17. Jane, w. of Jno. Burrows, pauper, Stanton. " June 27. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Holdern, Kenstone. " June 28. Samuel, s. of Ralph & Elizabeth Wilde, Hodnett. " July 8. Elizabeth, w. of Wm. Ralphs, Hodnett. " July 21. Elizabeth, w. of Mr. Thos. Dicken, Drayton. " July 22. John Burroughs, a pauper, from the Oakhouse, Ercall Magna. " July 23. John Walker, a servt., Hodnett. " Aug. 5. Ann Patrick, a pauper, Peplow. " Aug. 17. Margaret Williams, widow, pauper, Peplow. " Sep. 3. Samuel, s. of Benjamin & Jane Forrester, Hodnett. " Sep. 4. Mary Ray, widow, pauper, Hodnett. " Oct. 2. Rowland Griffith, a pauper, Hodnett. " Oct. 27. Elizabeth, w. of Ralph Shone, Hopton. " Nov. 26. Edward Chesus, grocer, aet. 85, Hodnett. " Nov. 27. Mary, w. of Richd. Walford, Hodnett. " Dec. 15. Ellinor, w. of John Potts, Peplow. " Dec. 26. Thos. Micklewright, Hawkstone. 1752, Jan. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Jno: Green, Hodnett. " Jan. 10. Mary, d. of Edwd. & Martha Phillips, Kenstone. " Jan. 15. George Harris, of the Fold, batchelor, Marchamley. " Jan. 24. John Ferrington, late of Peplow. " Feb. 5. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Davies, Hodnett. " Feb. 23. Elizabeth Davies, servant, from Peplow. " Mar. 7. Abigail Rhoden, widow, pauper, Hodnett. " Mar. 9. John, son illegitimate of Sarah Downes, Hodnett. " Apr. 1. John Pearce, batchelor, from Hopton. " Apr. 2. John Pickerill, a pauper, drown'd, Losford. " Apr. 8. John Jackson, a pauper, Hodnett. " Apr. 25. Mary Humpstone, a pauper, Hodnett. " Apr. 27. Andrew, s. of Samuel & Susannah Protherah, Marchamley. " May 5. Jane, d. of Richard & Jane Whitfield, Marchamley. " May 5. Richard Powell, Kenstone. //1752] Hodnet. 149 1752, May 31. Catharine Pickerila, widow, pauper, Hodnet. " June 2. Ann, d. of Thomas & Mary Peacock, Marchamley. " June 8. Elizabeth, w. of John Griffith, Hodnett. " June 21. Sarah, d. of Jno: & Catharine Pickerill, Hodnett. " June 13. Esther, w. of Joseph Fleming, from Edgley, near Whitchurch. " June 30. Ann Hulstone, widow, pauper, Hodnett. " July 6. The Honble. Mrs. Henrietta Vernon, from London. " July 6. Richard, s. of Esau & Mary Downes, Hodnett. " July 6. Sarah, d. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Wollerton. BAPTISMS, 1752. 1752, Jan. 26. Benjamin, s. of Sarni. & Hannah Lawton, Losford. " Mar. 6. Margt., d. of John & Elizabeth Pace, Hodnett. " Mar. 20. Richard, s. of Jno: & Martha Rider, Hodnett. " Mar. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Ellenor James, Hodnett. " Mar. 30. Mary, d. of William & Mary Ridgway, Hodnett. " Apr. 5. Ann, d. of Thomas & Mary Peacock, Marchamley. " Apr. 18. Sarah, d. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Wollerton. " May 1. Hannah, d. of George & Mary Hampton, Marchamley. " May 4. William, s. of Edward & Sarah Dodd, Marchamley. " May 10. John, s. of Joseph & Margt. Eaton, Hodnett. " May 18. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Harper, Hodnett. " May 18. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary Reynolds, Hodnett. " May 19. Mary, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth Cartwright, Wollerton. " May 24. Samuel, s. of William & Mary Tagg, Hodnett. " May 29. Mary, d. of James & Esther Wridgway, Marchamley. //150 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1752 1752, June 10. Ann, d. of Thomas & Mary Warmsley, Peplow. " June 21. Ann, d. of Edward & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. //Hitherto transcribed for ye Bishop's Visitation, held Augst. 1st, 1752. 1752, Sep. 17. Elizabeth, d. of John & Jane Haynes, Kenstone. " Sep. 24. Wm., s. of Thos. & Catharine Johnson, Wollerton. " Nov. 7. Jane, d. of Thos: & Sarah Dicken, gent., Wollerton-hall. //1753, New Stile. 1753, Jan. 28. Ann, d. of James & Marabel Osborn, Hodnett. BURIALS, 1752. 1752, July 9. Ann, d. of Ralph Dodd & Sarah, Wollerton. //Hitherto transcribed for ve Bishop's Visitation, held Augst. 1st, 1752. 1752, Nov. 10. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Evans, pauper, Hodnet. " Nov. 18. Andrew Protherah, Marchamley. " Dec. 1. Mary, w. of John Davies, Marchamley. " Dec. 6. Mary, w. of John Phillips, Hodnet. " Dec. 14. Elizabeth Massey, widow, from Bolas. " Dec. 18. William Roden, from Weston. //1753, New Stile. 1753, Jan. 18. Joseph, s. of John & Mary Boughey, Marchamley. " Mar. 11. Mary, w. of Samuel Davies, a pauper, Marchamley. " Apr. 20. Thomas, s. of George & Mary Pickerill, Hodnet. " Apr. 26. Ann, d. of Robeit & Susannah Higginson, Peplow. " May 18. Henry Cruxson, batchelor, from Marchamley Wood. " May 22. Joseph, s. of John Phillips, blacksmith, Hodnet. " May 22. Thos., s. of Thos. & Margt. Jones, Kenstone. " June 2. James, s. of Leicester & Martha Antrobus, Hodnet. //1753] Hodnet. 151 1753, July 5. Jane Clough, widow, Marchamley. " July 15. William, s. of William & Mary Wridgway, Hodnet. " Aug. 22. Jane, d. of Leicester & Martha Antrobus, Hodnet. " Sep. 8. Mary, d. of Thos. & Ellinor Green, Hodnet. " Nov. 10. Mary Lateward, a pauper, Hodnet. " Nov. 12. Deborah Denstone, widow, pauper, Hodnet. //THE RT. REVD. & RT. HONBLE. LORD BISHOP OF HEREFORD, Rector. //WILLIAM DICKEN, Rectr. of Eastnor, Curate. BAPTISMS, 1753. 1753, Feb. 4. Mary, d. of John & Ann Hassall, Marchamley. " Feb. 4. Mary, bastard child of Martha Osborne, Hodnet. " Feb. 6. James, s. of Thos. & Abigail Ethell, schoolmr., Hodnet. " Feb. 25. Robert, s. of Francis & Dorothy James, of Podford in High Ercall. " Feb. 25. James, s. of Jno: & Mary Evans, Hodnet. " Mar. 3. Charles, s. of Thos. & Ellinor Ray, Hodnet. " Mar. 8. Ann, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Clarke, Marchamley. " Mar. 9. Sarah, d. of John Davenport & Mary Welles, illegitimate, Hodnet. " Mar. 24. Thomas, s. of George & Mary Pickering, Hodnet. " Mar. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas & Martha Randles, Wollerton. " Apr. 24. Ann, d. of Wm. & Eliz. Adeney, Hodnet. " Apr. 24. Joseph, s. of Richd. & Mary Powell, Marchamley. " May 11. Sarah, d. of Thomas Cartwright, clarke of Hodnet. " May 17. Thos., s. of Thos. & Margt. Jones, Kenstone. " June 17. William, s. of William & Mary Wridgway, Hodnet. " June 15. Thomas, s. of Richd. & Mary Jervis, Marchamley. //152 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1753 1753, Aug. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth Hampton, Losford. " Aug. 12. William, s. of William & Elizabeth Watson, Hodnet. " Sep. 23. Ann, d. of John & Mary Edwards, Marchamley. " Oct. 27. Charles, s. of Richard & Rebecca Tew, Wollerton. " Nov. 4. Mary, d. of John & Jane Savage, Hodnet. " Nov. 10. Ann, d. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Wollerton. //THE RT. REVD. & RT. HONBLE. JAMES, BY DIVINE PERMISSION, LORD BISHOP OF HEREFORD, Rector. BURIALS, 1753. 1753, Nov. 19. John Cartwright, Hopton. " Nov. 23. Samuell, s. of Thos. & Mary Hulstone, Hodnet. BURIALS, 1754. 1754, Mar. 17. James Kirby, from Stoke. " Mar. 17. Hannah, d. of George & Mary Pickerill, Hodnet. " Apr. 16. Ann, d. of James & Ann Kirby, from Stoke. " Apr. 23. Dorothy Hatton, widow, from Stoke. " Apr. 24. John Dutton, bachelor, Losford. " Apr. 27. Elizabeth, w. of William Payne, Hodnett. " May 1. Mary Forrester, from Whirly-Lane. " May 7. Captain Walter Pigot, Peplow. " May 31. John Ray, pauper, Hodnet. " June 3. Roger Chidlow, Hodnet. " Aug. 10. Mrs. Penelope Ravenshaw, widow, Hodnet. " Aug. 14. William, s. of Samuel & Mary Ferrington, Wixhill. " Oct. 10. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Sarah Wilde, Hodnet. " Oct. 18. Andrew, s. of George & Sarah Clay, senr., Marchamley. " Nov. 11. Ann, d. of William & Hannah Thomas, Hodnet. " Nov. 13. John Morris, pauper, Hodnet. " Nov. 20. Elizabeth Higginson, widow, Hodnet. " Dec. 28. John Grindley, Wollerton. BAPTISMS. //1754] Hodnet. 153 1753, Dec. 16. Mary, d. of Rowland & Mary Leigh, Marchamley. 1754, Jan. 5. Mary, d. of Wm. & Ann Powell, Kenstone. " Jan. 10. Alice, d. of John & Ann Beacoll, Wollerton. " Jan. 27. Charles, s. of Thos. & Mary Peacock, Marchamley. " Jan. 30. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Catharine Morris, Marchamley. " Feb. 8. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Morris, Marchamley. " Feb. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Jane Whitfield, Marchamley. " Mar. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Job & Mary Clews, Peplow. " Mar 13. Margt., d. of Timothy & Margt. Roden, Hodnet. " Mar. 17. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Evans, Hodnet. " Apr. 13. George, s. of John & Sarah Nevill, Hodnet. " Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of George & Mary Pickerill, Hodnet. " Apr. 29. John, s. of George & Sarah Clay, Marchamley. " May 17. John, s. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Marchamley. " May 19. Ann, d. of William & Hannah Thomas, Hodnet. " June 3. Thomas, s. of Peter & Elizabeth Light, Wollerton. " June 9. Ellinor, base d. of Martha Jones, from Losford. " July 11. Andrew, s. of Thos. & Hannah Peplow, Marchamley. " Aug. 2. John, s. of Edward & Sarah Atkin, Marchamley. " Aug. 10. Rebecca, d. of Benjamin & Mary Gray, Hodnet. " Aug. 14. Thomas, s. of Charles Pigot, Esquire, Peplow. " Aug. 19. Andrew, s. of George & Sarah Clay, senr., Marchamley. " Aug. 22. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Grindley, Wollerton. " Aug. 25. Mary, d. of Joseph & Margt. Eaton, Hodnet. 154 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1754 1754, Sep. 8. William, s. of John & Catherine Potts, Peplow. " Sep. 15. John, s. of Edward & Sarah Dodd, Marchamley. " Sep. 22. Sarah, di. of Thos. & Catherine Johnson, Hodnet. " Oct. 20. William, s. of Matthew & Elizabeth Minor, Hodnet. " Nov. 1. William, s. of Edward & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " Nov. 6. Mary, d. of John & Mary Boughey, Marchamley. " Nov. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Susanna Taylor, Hodnet. " Nov. 28. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Mary Hulstone, Hodnet. " Nov. 30. William, s. of George & Mary Hampton, Marchamley. " Dec. 23. Martha, d. of Thos. 8: Sarah Adams, Tunstall. " Dec. 26. Thos., s. of Robert & Ellinor James, Hodnet. 1755, Jan. 1. Ann, d. of Jno: & Elizabeth Harper, Hodnet. " Feb. 8. James, s. of Jno: & Elizabeth Hampton, Losford. " Feb. 10. Mary & Martha, twins of Robert & Hannah Evans, Hodnet. " Feb. 19. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Wood, Espley. " Feb. 26. Ellin, d. of Thomas & Ellinor Ray, Hodnet. BURIALS, 1755. 1755, Jan. 24. Thos., s. of Thos. & Margt. Cartwright, Hodnet. " Jan. 29. Elizabeth Cruxson, widow, Marchamley Wood. " Feb. 1. John Thomas, a pauper, Hodnet. " Mar. 11. Samuel Cartwright, Hodnet. " Mar. 17. George Walfcrrd, a pauper, Hodnet. " Apr. 25. Jane, w. of John Wood, Hopton. " Apr. 27. Mary, w. of John Clay, Wollerton. //1755] Hodnet. 155 1755, May 20. Ann Nailor, widow, a pauper, Marchamley. " June 6. Mary, widow of John Welles, a pauper, Hodnet. " July 4. William Minshall, a pauper, Hodnet. " Sep. 9. Margt., w. of Thomas Jones, Kenstorke. " Dec. 7. John Massey, junr., a bachelor, Wollerton. " Dec. 23. Thos., s. of William & Elizabeth Adeney, Hodnet. " Dec. 27. Ann Cartwright, widow, Hodnet. 1756, Jan. 9. William Davies, a pauper, Hodnet. " Feb. 12. Samuel Davies, a pauper, Marchamley. " Feb. 14. John Boughey, a pauper, Marchamley. " Mar. 27. Elizabeth, w. of John Mault, a pauper, Hodnet. " Apr. 5. Ann, w. of Jeremy Ray, Hodnet. " Apr. 12. Thomas Dutton, Losford. BAPTISMS, 1755. 1755, Mar. 14. Hannah, d. of John & Hannah Davies, Marchamley Wood. " Apr. 13. Charles, s. of William & Mary Tagg, Hodnet. " Apr. 20. Elizabeth, d. of James & Esther Ridgway, Peplow. " May 18. John, s. of James & Mary Bailey, Hodnet. " May 24. Sophia, d. of Richd. & Elizabeth Clarke, Marchamley. " June 1. Mary, d. of John & Mary Evans, Hodnet. " June 23. Rebecca, d. of Richd. & Rebecca Tew, Wollerton. " July 12. Richard, s. of John & Eliz: Matthews, Kenstone. " July 12. William, s. of William & Mary Madeley, Hodnet. " July 18. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Ratcliffe, Peplow. " July 20. William, s. of William & Mary Ridgway, Hodnet. " Aug. 3. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Brockion, Hodnet. " Aug. 31. Joseph, s. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, of Prees Parish. //156 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1755 1755, Sep. 2. Jane, d. of John & Ann Harris, Marchamley. " Sep. 7. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Margt. Jones, Kenstone. " Oct. 15. George, base s. of George Morris & Ann Thomas, Wollerton. " Oct. 20. Michael, s. of Thomas & Abigail Ethell, Hodnett. " Nov. 18. Margt., d. of Thos. & Elizabeth Grindley, Losford. " Nov. 28. Elizabeth, d. of George & Sarah Clay, senr., Marchamley. " Dec. 7. Thomas, s. of William & Elizabeth Adeney, Hodnet. 1756, Jan. 2. Ellinor, d. of Edward & Sarah Atkin, Marchamley. " Jan. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Wm. & Elizabeth Watson, Hodnet. " Jan. 25. George, s. of George & Mary Pickeril, Hodnet. " Feb. 15. Martha, d. of Jno. & Elizabeth Evans, Hodnet. " Feb. 16. John, s. of William & Jane Griffith, Hodnet. " Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Heaford, Kenstone. " Mar. 5. William, s. of Joseph & Mary Reynolds, Hodnet. " Mar. 20. Sarah, a base d. of Mary Prothera, Marchamley. //" Mar. 25. Brian, s. of &. Rowd. & Dame Jane Hill, was born Feb: 29, & privately bap: March 15, and recd. into the Church March 25, 1756. " Feb. 29. Brian, s. of &. Rowd. & Jane Hill ... bap. " Mar. 26. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Sarah Turner, Peplow. " Apr. 6. William, s. of James & Marable Osborne, Hodnet. " Apr. 9. Thomas, s. of Edward & Sarah Dodd, Marchamley. " May 20. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Cartwright, Hopton. //1756] Hodnet. 157 1756, May 16. Ann, a base d. of Mary Forrester, of Marchamley Wood, & (ut asseritur) Thos. Owen, Hodnet. " May 21. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Adams, Tunstall. " May 30. Ann, d. of Robert & Jane Downs, Hodnet. " June 27. Hannah, d. of Will: & Ann Powell, Kenstone. " June 28. Andrew, s. of John & Ann Beacoll, Wollerton. " June 29. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Mary Jervis, Marchamley BURIALS, 1756. 1756, May 5. William Churton, a pauper, Hodnet. " May 28. Dorothy Hircnin, a pauper, Hodnet. " July 20. Edward Bailey, a pauper, Marchamley. //Hitherto transcribed for ye Bishop's Visit: Augst. 14th, 1756. 1756, Aug. 28. Sarah, w. of Charles Pigott, Peplow. " Sep. 4. Thomas Massey, Wollerton. " Sep. 24. Catherine Bolas (commonly call'd Mistress Elizabeth Parker), a Lunatick, drowned, Marchamley. " Oct. 13. Mary, d. of John & Martha Shone, Middle Parish. " Oct. 18. Thomas Burrows, Hopton. " Oct. 28. George Ralphs, a pauper, Hodnet. " Nov. 28. Mary, w. of Peter Newns, Hodnet. " Dec. 11. William, s. of Wm. & Mary Ridgway, Hodnet. " Dec. 27. Samuel, s. of Benjamin & Mary Gray, Hodnet. 1757, Jan. 27. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Payne, Hodnet. " Jan. 29. Mary, W. of James Bell, Hodnet. " Feb. 1. Thomas Blakemore, Hodnet. Susannah [sic]. " Mar. 9. Hugh Jones, gardener, from Peplow. " Mar. 14. Ann Jones, widow, a pauper, Marchamley. " Apr. 21. Ann Evanson, a servant, Hodnet. BAPTISMS, 1756. 1756, July 2. Ellinor, d. of Charles & Mary Tew, Hodnet. " July 11. Jeremiah, s. of Samuel & Esther Watkin, Wollerton. 158 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1756 1756, July 16. Thomas Clay, s. of Richd. & Jane Whitfield, Marchamley. " Aug. 1. Alice, d. of John & Martha Rider, Hodnet. //Hitherto transcribed for ye Bishop's Visit: Augst. 14th, 1756. 1756, Aug. 29. John, s. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Sep. 14. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Bragger, Hodnet. " Oct. 4. Rowland, s. of Thos. & Sarah Cartwright, Hodnet. " Oct. 11. Samuel, s. of Benjamin & Mary Gray, Hodnet. " Oct. 15. Charles Tew, a base son of John Tew, of Bletchley, & Elizabeth Chidlow, of Wollerton in this p " Oct. 24. Michael, a base s. of Sarah Downes, Hodnet. " Nov. 11. William, s. of William & Hannah Thomas, Hodnet. " Nov. 12. Amy, d. of John & Mary Higgins, Marchamley. " Dec. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Rowland & Mary Leigh, Marchamley. " Dec. 26. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. 1757, Jan. 6. Stephen, s. of Samuel & Catharine Morris, Marchamley. " Jan. 9. Esther, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Williams, Peplow. " Jan. 16. Mary, d. of Elizabeth Adams, illegitimate, Peplow. " Jan. 16. Francis, s. of Joseph & Ann Stockton, Marchamley. " Feb. 2. George, s. of Thomas & Catharine [Eleanor written above] Pickerill, Hodnet. " Feb. 1 Mary, d. of Edward & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of James & Mary Bailey, Hodnet. " Feb. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Jane Pratchet, Hodnet. " Mar. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Peter & Elizabeth Light, Wollerton. " Mar. 6. Joseph, s. of John & Jane Hampton, Losford. //1757] Hodnet. 159 1757, Apr. 9. Benjamin, s. of Richd. & Mary Powell, Marchamley. " Apr. 28. Stephen, s. of Thomas & Ellinor Ray, Hodnet. " May 8. Mary, d. of Edward & Sarah Atkin, Marchamley. " May 22. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Wood, Espley. " May 23. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Wilde, Hodnet. " May 23. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Adams, Bolas. " May 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Catharine Johnson, Hodnet. " May 29. Mary, d. of Joseph & Jane Green, Hodnet. " June 17. Thos., s. of Thomas & Elizabah Wright, Hodnet. " June 19. Ann, d. of Thomas & Sarah Ratcliffe, Peplow. " June 19. John, a base s. of Elizabeth Payne, Espley. " June 20. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Hulstone, Hodnett. " June 26. Mary, d. of Abet & Sarah Long, Marchamley. " Aug. 20. Ann, d. of John & Ann Harris, Marchamley. " Oct. 3. Andrew, s. of Thomas & Sarah Adams, Tunstall. " Oct. 18. William, s. of Walter & Martha Minor, Wollerton. " Oct. 23. Elizabeth, d. of William & Eliz: Adl,eney, Hodnet. " Nov. 2. Andrew, s. of George & Sarah Clay, junr., Marchamley. " Nov. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Grindley, Losford. " Nov. 20. Robert, s. of Ikin & Amy Micklewright, Marchamley. BURIALS, 1757. 1757, May 7. Mary, w. of Thomas Massey, Weston. " June 4. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah Turner, Peplow. " June 5. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Wood, Espley. //160 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1757 1757, June 15. Elizabeth Bolas, widow, Marchamley. " June 19. Joseph Delves, a pauper, Peplow. " July 24. Elizabeth Bentley, a pauper, Marchamley. " Aug. 5. John Pickering, grocer, Hodnet. " Aug. 8. Abigail, w. of James Jones, Peplow. " Aug. 10. William Forester, servant from Hawkstone. " Sep. 18. John, s. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Oct. 4. Jane Massey, widow, Wollerton. " Oct. 16. Richd., s. of Richd. & Mary Powell, Marchamley. " Nov. 22. John, s. of William & Mary Gardener, " Nov. 23. Mary, d. of William & Sarah Forester, Marchamley-Wood. " Dec. 1. Mary, w. of William Adams, Peplow. " Dec. 12. George Madeley, Hodnet. " Dec. 15. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Adams, Peplow. //LORD BISHOP OF HEREFORD, Rector. //W. DICKEN, Curate. //BAPTISMS. 1757, Dec. 21. Mary, d. of William & Mary Tagg, Hodnet. 1758, Jan. 1. John, s. of Matthew & Elizabeth Minor, Hodnet. " Jan. 25. Robert, s. of James & Ann Bailey, Marchamley. " Jan. 26. Jane, d. of John & Mary Harrison, Marchamley. " Jan. 30. Richard, s. of Richard & Rebecca Tew, Wollerton. " Feb. 18. Jur., d. of Richard & Jane Pratchet, Hodnet. " Mar. 17. Jane, d. of John & Hannah Davies, Marchamley Wood. " Apr. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Jane Downes, Hodnet. " Apr. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Axon, Hodnet. " May 9. George, s. of Jno. & Elizabeth Wood, Espley. " May 17. John, s. of Jno. & Sarah Cartwright, Hopton. " May 28. William, s. of John & Mary Evans, Hodnet. //1758] Hodnet. 161 1758, June 4. John, a base s. of Saml. Heacock & Jane Wollerton. " Jan. 12. Susan, d. of George & Sarah Clay, senr., Marchamley. " June 18. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Unwin, Marchamley. " June 25. Jane & Elizabeth, twins of Thos. & Abigail Ethell, Hodnet. " July 2. John, s. of Thomas & Ann Smith, Marchamley. " July 30. Sarah, a base d. of Matthew Arkinstall (commonly call'd Applestone), a servant at Cotton, & Mary Bennet, of Kenstone, late of Hodnet. " Aug. 13. Thomas, s. of William & Eliz: Watson, Hodnet. BURIALS, 1758. 1758, Jan. 13. George, s. of Timothy & Margt. Roden, Hodnet. " Jan. 26. William Payne, a pauper, Hodnet. " Feb. 4. Elizabeth, w. of James Jones, junr., Peplow. " Feb. 10. Thomas Adams, Bolas. " Feb. 18. Mary Ferrington, widow, from Ightfield. " Feb. 18. John Matthews, a pauper, from Hatton. " Mar. 7. Sarah Cramer, widow, from ye p. of Prees. " Apr. 16. Thomas Leech, a pauper, Hodnet. " Apr. 25. Robert, s. of James & Ann Bailey, Marchamley. " May 11. Elizabeth, w. of John Wood, Espley. " May 27. Mrs. Elizabeth Jasper, widow, Wollerton. " June 12. Elizabeth, w. of John Samson, a wayfaring man. " June 19. John, a base s. of Saml. Heacock & Jane Bailey, Wollerton. " June 22. Isaac Boardman, a bachelor, from Whitchurch. " June 26. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Abigail Ethell, Hodnet. " July 16. Elizabeth Partridge, a widow & pauper, Kenstone. " July 27. John Woodfen, a taylor, from London. " July 30. George, s. of John & Elizabeth Wood, Espley. 162 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1758 1758, Aug. 10. Ralph Shone, Hopton. " Aug. 12. John Pace, Hodnet. " Aug. 28. Richard Walker, a wheelwright, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1758, Aug. 13. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Nevill, Marchamley. " Aug. 28. John, s. of John & Mary Espley, Marchamley. " Sep. 2. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Sep. 9. Benjamin, s. of John & Elizabeth Hampton, Losford. " Sep. 17. Martha, d. of Joseph & Margt. Eaton, Hodnet. " Sep. 23. Ann, d. of John & Hannah Peplow, Marchamley. " Sep. 24. Mary, d. of George & Mary Pickerill, Hodnet. " Sep. 28. Margt., d. of William & Ann Kilvert, from Broughton. " Oct. 18. Ann, d. of Edward & Sarah Dodd, Marchamley. " Oct. 18. Alice, d. of William & Elizabeth Painter, Losford. " Dec. 27. John, s. of John & Mary Thomas, Marchamley. 1759, Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Jno. & Anne Beacoll, Wollerton. " Jan. 28. Thomas, s. of Edward & argt. Austin, Peplow. " Feb. 18. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Feb. 19. Richard, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Clarke, Marchamley. " Feb. 25. William, s. of William & Jane Griffith, Hodnet. " Mar. 3. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Jane Pratchet, Hodnet. " Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of Rowland & Mary Leigh, Marchamley. " Mar. 18. Francis, s. of Thos. & Ellinor Pickerill, Hodnet. BURIALS, 1758. 1758, Sep. 12. John Hampton, Losford " Oct. 7. Elizabeth Davenport, widow, from Whitchurch. " Oct. 18. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Esther Watkiss, from Prees Parish. //1759] Hodnet. 163 1758, Oct. 22. Ann, d. of Edward & Sarah Dodd, Marchamley. " Oct. 26. Samuel Lawton, Losford. " Nov. 26. Edward Poole, of the Berries, Weston. " Dec. 11. Thomas Cherme, a pauper, Hodnet. " Dec. 21. Richard Davies, Marchamley. " Dec. 29. John Ray, grocer, Hodnet. 1759, Jan. 2. Jane, w. of Richd. Whitfield, Marchamley. " Jan. 6. Elizabeth Cherme, widow, a pauper, Hodnet. " Feb. 4. John, s. of John & Jane Tew, Bletchley. " Feb. 27. Sarah, d. of Eliz: Clough, widow, Marchamley. " Feb. 28. John Ray, a soldier, Hodnet. " Mar. 15. Ann Parton, a pauper, Hodnet. " Mar. 22. Mary, d. of Walter & Mary Minor, Hopley. " Apr. 5. John Bate, a pauper, Hodnet. " Apr. 10. Joseph, s. of Ralph & Sarah Dodd, Marchamley. " Apr. 25. Dinah, w. of Richard Watson, a pauper, Hodnet. " May 5. Sarah Roberts, widow, a pauper, Marchamley. " June 9. Esther, w. of Christopher Cartwright, Peplow. BAPTISMS, 1759. 1759, Apr. 1. Edward, s. of Edward & Sarah Atkin, Marchamley. " Apr. 2. Sandford, s. of Benjamin & Mary Gray, Hodnet. " Apr. 5. John, s. of John & Ann Woolley, Marchamley. " May 6. James, s. of Joseph & Sarah Platt, Hodnet. " May 11. Robert, s. of Thomas & Sarah Adams, Tunstall. " May 11. John, s. of Edward & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley Wood. " May 18. Richard, s. of Thos. Cartwright, Parish Clarke, Hodnet. " May 28. Mary, d. of Wm. & Mary Adams, Bolas. " June 3. John, s. of John & Mary Wilkes, Peplow. " June 3. John, s. of William & Mary Ridgeway, Hodnet. 164 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1759 1759, June 21. William, a base s. of Elizabeth Payne, Kenstone. " June 22. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Ellis, of High Hatton. " July 9. Jhon, s. of Robert & Mary Jones, Hodnet. " July 15. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Catharine Johnson, Hodnet. " July 29. John, s. of John & Ann Brockton, Hodnet. " Aug. 5. Samuel, s. of Walter & Martha Minor, Wollerton. //Hitherto transcribed for ye Bp's Visitation held August 1759. 1759, Sep. 3. George, s. of George & Sarah Clay, junr., Marchamley. " Sep. 9. Elizabeth. Sarah, d. of John & Ann Harris, Marchamley. " Sep. 16. John, s. of Abel & Sarah Long, Marchamley. " Sep. 24. Edward, s. of Joseph & Sarah Stockton, Marchamley. " Oct. 17. Ellinor, d. of Samuel & Sarah Davies, Hodnet. " Dec. 16. James, s. of James & Ann Bailey, Marchamley. " Dec. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Rowland & Dorothy Morris, Kenstone. " Dec. 24. Thomas, s. of John & Sarah Cartwright, Hopton. " Dec. 25. Thomas, a base s. of Jos Arrowsmith & Mary Smith, Hodnet. BURIALS, 1759. 1759, June 14. Martha, w. of Leicester Antrobus, Hodnet. " June 23. Thomas Wilde, Butcher, Hodnet. " June 25. William, s. of John & Mary Evans, Hodnet. " July 16. Sarah, w. of Thomas Ratcliffe, Peplow. " Sep. 29. Mary, w. of John Edwards, Marchamley. " Nov. 24. Mary Adams, widow, Bolas. " Dec. 25. Thomas Owen, a pauper, Hodnet. " Dec. 29. John Griffith, blacksmith, Hodnet. 1760, Jan. 4. Mary Challinor (alias Morgan), Peplow. " Jan. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Jane Downes, Hodnet. " Jan. 24. Margt., w. of John Dulstone, Kenstone. " Jan. 27. William Bragger, a pauper, Hodnet. //1760] Hodnet. 165 1760, Mar. 1. Elizabeth, w. of Richd. Ecclestone, Hodnet. " Mar. 10. Peter Newns, Hodnet. " May 16. Samuel Morris, aet. 93, Hodnet. " May 28. John, s. of William & Mary Ridgway, Hodnet. " June 9. Mary, w. of John Harrison alias Lateward, Marchamley. " July 1. Mary Stockton, a servant, from Hawkstone. " Aug. 1. Dorothy Timmis, a widow, from Weston. " Aug. 16. Andrew Northstream, sadler from Salop. " Aug. 18. Martha, w. of Walter Minor, junior, Wollerton. BAPTISMS. 1760, Jan. 21. Richd., s. of Richd. & Eliz Ethelstone, Hodnet. " Jan. 14. Jonathan, s. of Joseph & Prudence Powell, Bolas. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John & Hannah Growcot, Marchamley. " Feb. 3. Elizabeth, d. of James & Marabel Osborne, Hodnet. " Feb. 17. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Axon, Hodnet. " Feb. 17. Ann, d. of William & Ann Powell, Kenstone. " Feb. 20. George, s. of Timothy & Margt. Roden, Hodnet. " Feb. 24. Mary, d. of William & Elizabeth Bragger, Hodnet. " Feb. 27. Samuel, s. of William & Eliz: Adeney, Hodnet. " Mar. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John & Ann Allen, Wollerton. " Mar. 10. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Smith, Hodnet. " Mar. 28. Joseph, s. of George & Mary Pickerill, Hodnet. " Mar. 30. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Jane Green, Hodnet. " Apr. 12. Elizabeth, d. of George & Mary Hampton, Marchamley. " Apr. 25. Mary, d. of William & Ann Minor, Hopley. " Apr. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Jane Downes, Hodnet. " Apr. 27. William, s. of John & Mary Evans, Hodnet. " May 3. Elizabeth, d. of John & Alice Cookson, Hodnet. 166 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1760 1760, May 17. Mary, d. of Richd. & Elizabeth Taylor, Marchamley. " June 7. Edward, s. of Edwd. & Margt. Austin, Peplow. " June 12. William, s. of Wm. & Mary Barber, Marchamley. " June 15. William, s. of Thos. & Ann Smith, Marchamley. " June 13. Ann, d. of Joseph & Sarah Platt, Hodnet. " July 1,3. Sarah, d. of Peter & Elizabeth Light, Wollerton. " July 20. Sarah, d. of Wm. & Mary Unwyn, Marchamley. " July 22. Richard, s. of Richd. & Jane Pratchet, Hodnet. " Aug. 17. Richd., a base s. of Sarah Jones, of Brace Meole. " Sep. 14. Charles, s. of George & Sarah Clay, Marchamley. " Sep. 14. Martha, d. of Thomas & Mary Moss, Wollerton. " Nov. 2. Sarah, d. of John & Hannah Davies, Marchamley. " Nov. 12. Ann, d. of William & Mary Ridgway, Hodnet. " Nov. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Wilkes, Peplow. " Dec. 12. Hannah, d. of James & Mary Lawrence, Hodnet. 1761, Feb. 22. Jane, d. of James & Mary Vaughan, Marchamley. " Mar. 8. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Mar. 23. Robert, s. of Rowland & Dorothy Morris, Kenstone. " Apr. 9. Eliza.berh, d. of Thos. & Ellinor Pickerill, Hodnet. " Apr. 19. Abraham, s. of William & Mary Tagg, Hodnet. " Apr. 19. William, s. of Edwd. & Sarah Atkin, Marchamley. " May 10. Mary, d. of Matthew & Eliz: Minor, Hodnet. " May 10. Jane, d. of Abel & Sarah Long, Marchamley. //1761] Hodnet. 167 1761, May 26. Mary, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1760, Sep. 1. John Erdley, a pauper, Marchamley. " Sep. 13. Mary Steventon, widow, Hodnet. " Nov. 2. Jane, d. of John & Ann Harris, Marchamley. " Nov. 14. William Unwyn, Marchamley. " Nov. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Wilkes, Peplow. 1761, Jan. 1. Jeremiah Ray, Hodnet. " Jan. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Wm. & Mary Wilde, Child's Ercal. " Jan. 14. Robt., a base s. of Robt. Evans & Hannah Thomas, Hodnet. " Mar. 21. Anne, d. of Wm. & Mary Ridgway, Hodnet. " Mar. 28. Mary Pickering, widow, Hodnet. " Apr. 9. George, s. of Timothy & Margt. Roden, Hodnet. " May 21. Sarah, w. of Thomas Bowen, Hodnet. " June 3. Margt. Abbots, spinster, Wollerton. " July 10. Mary Ray, widow, a pauper, Hodnet. " July 14. Richd. Trim, a bachelor, from Waters-Upton. " Sep. 4. An infant, d. of Ralph & Eliz: Gregory, Wolleston. " Sep. 14. James, s. of James & Ellinor Roden, Hodnett. " Oct. 29. Samuel Growcott, taylor, Hodnet. " Nov. 10. James Pratchet, Peplow. " Dec. 19. Sarah Owen, a widow pauper, Hodnet. " Dec. 19. Edward, s. of Edward & Sarah Atkin, Marchamley. BAPTISMS, 1761. 1761, June 11. Catharine, d. of Richd. & Elizabeth Taylor, Marchamley. " June 15. George, s. of Thomas & Sarah Adams, Tunstall. " June 21. William, s. of Rowland Leigh & Mary, Marchamley. " June 29. William, s. of John & Ann Beacoll, Wollerton. " July 2. Thos., s. of George & Sarah Clay, junr., Marchamley. " July 19. George, s. of John & Mary Espley, Marchamley. 168 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1761 1761, Aug. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Shaw, Peplow. " Aug. 22. Ann, d. of William & Ann Minor, Hopley. " Aug. 28. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Madeley, Hodnet. " Aug. 30. William, s. of John & Ann Hall, Marchamley. " Aug. 30. George, s. of George & Amy Paine, Hodnet. " Aug. 30. Jane, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Grindley, Hodnet. " Sep. 11. John, s. of William & Elizabeth Painter, Losford. " Sep. 27. Joseph, s. of Edward & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " Sep. 27. Ann, d. of Richard & Jane Pratchet, Hodnet. " Oct. 18. Samuel, s. of Abraham & Margt. Poole, Marchamley. " Nov. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Sarah Ibb, Peplow. " Nov. 29. Anne, a base d. of Richd. Ecclestone & Marha Osborn, Hodnet. " Dec. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Perry, Hodnet. " Dec. 27. Mary, a base d. of Mary Hazles, Hopton. " Dec. 28. Susannah, a base d. of Ann Beacoll, Wollerton. 1762, Jan. 3. William, s. of Edward & Margaret Austin, Peplow. " Jan. 7. John, s. of John & Ann Allen, Hodnet. BURIALS, 1762. 1762, Jan. 5. Mary, w. of Thomas Ottley, of the New House, Wollerton. " Jan. 31. Catharine, d. of Richd. & Eliz: Taylor, Marchamley. " Feb. 15. Samuel Ferrington, from Weston. " Mar. 16. Peter Leigh, Marchamley. " Mar. 23. Ann, w. of James Pain, Hodnet. " Mar. 23. Mary, w. of John Minor, Grinshill. " Mar. 28. John, s. of Samuel & Sarah Leech, Hopton. " Mar. 30. Susanna Greatrex, from Drayton. " Apr. 4. John Downes, aged 91, Hodnet. " Apr. 9. William, s. of John & Mary Minor, Grinshill. //1762] Hodnet. 169 1762, Apr. 20. Mary, d. of William & Elizabeth Adney, Hodnet. " Apr. 24. Mary Thomas, widow, a pauper, Hodnett. " Apr. 26. Elizabeth, w. of William Adney, Hodnett. " May 11. Stephen Williams, a pauper, Hodnett. " May 13. Mary, w. of Samuel Lindop, from Barthomley, Cheshire. " May 21. Joseph Hodges, vitular, Hodnet. " July 5. Rebecca, d. of Samuel Ferrington, deceas'd, Darlaston. " July 10. Mary Ray, widow, grocer, Hodnet. " Aug. 3. Edward, s. of Edward & Margt. Austin, Peplow. " Aug. 3. Ann Davies, widow of Stephen Davies, a pauper, Hodnet. " Aug. 9. Joseph Jackson, labourer, Marchamley. " Aug. 11. Mary, w. of Thomas Peacock, Marchamley. " Sep. 19. George Clay, junr., Marchamley. " Sep. 27. John, s. of Matthew & Elizabeth Minor, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1762, Feb. 2. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah Platt, Hodnet. " Feb. 21. William, s. of John & Mary Wilkes, Peplow. " Feb. 26. Elizabeth, base d. of Joseph Turnor & Mary Blakemore, Peplow. " Mar. 9. John, s. of Benjamin & Mary Gray, Hodnet. " Apr. 17. Mary, d. of William & Elizabeth Adney, Hodnett. " Apr. 18. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Jones, Peplow. " May 9. Thomas, s. of William & Anne Powell, Marchamley. " May 9. Mary, base d. of Anne Miles, Hodnet. " May 16. Thomas, base s. of Eleanor Davies, Hodnet. " May 16. Jane, d. of Robert & Jane Downes, Hodnet. " May 30. Mary, d. of Thos. & Ann Smith, Marchamley. " June 27. William, s. of Samuel & Hannah Jennings, Hodnet. " July 4. Hannah, d. of George & Mary Pickerill, Hodnet. " July 29. Ann, d. of Richard & Sarah Tew, Losford. 170 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1762 1762, Aug. 22. Ann, base d. of Eliz: Blanthorn, Peplow. " Aug. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Jane Green, Hodnet. " Aug. 23. John, s. of Rowd. Dicken, officer of Excise, & Elizabeth, Wollerton. " Sep. 19. Ann, d. of Richd. & Elizabeth Taylor, Marchamley. " Oct. 5. William, s. of Thos. & Esther Churton, Hodnet. " Oct. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Moss, Wollerton. " Nov. 4. Charles, s. of Samuel & Mary Ashley, Marchamley. " Nov. 12. Ralph, s. of Ralph & Elizabeth Gregory, Wollerton. " Nov. 18. Mary Ashe, d. of Rowland & Dorothy Morris, Kenstone. " Nov. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Mary Blakemore, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1762, Oct. 2. Thos. Peacock, a pauper, Marchamley. " Oct. 22. Thos. Ibb, Peplow. " Nov. 11. William, s. of Thomas & Esther Churton, Hodnet. " Nov. 15. Ralph, s. of Ralph & Elizabeth Gregory, Wollerton. " Nov. 20. Ann, d. of Thos. & Abigail Ethell, Hodnet. " Nov. 22. Mary, w. of George Trim, Waters-Upton. " Dec. 5. James Payne, labourer, Kenstone. " Dec. 13. Samuel Ray, a weaver, Hodnet. " Dec. 14. John Phillips, Wollerton. " Dec. 30. William Barber, a pauper, Marchamley. 1763, Jan. 20. Thomas Cartwright, victualler, Hodnet. " Jan. 27. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Jones, of Cheswardine. " Feb. 3. Thomas Atkin, a servant, from Marchamley. " Mar. 7. Ellenor, d. of Richard & Sarah Davies, Marchamley. " Mar. 9. John Williams, labourer, Hodnet. " Mar. 11. Samuel, s. of Abraham & Margt. Poole, Kenstone. //1763] Hodnet. 171 1763, Mar. 2. Thomas, a base s. of Eleanor Davies, Marchamley. " Apr. 7. Samuel & Ann Poole, from the Berries, Weston. " Apr. 21. Margaret Poole, from the Berries, Weston. " Apr. 23. Hannah, d. of Thos. & Hannah Bailey, Weston. " Apr. 24. William, s. of William & Mary Barber, Marchamley. " Apr. 26. Elizabeth Payne, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1762, Dec. 5. Margery, d. of Richard & Mary Axson, Hodnet. " Dec. 19. Jane, d. of John & Mary Evans, Hodnet. " Dec. 20. Ann, d. of John & Elizabeth Bradshaw, Wollerton. 1763, Jan. 15. Lydia, d. of Thos. & Ellinor Ray, Hodnet. " Jan. 18. Mary, d. of Samuel & Martha Ravenscroft, Marchamley. " Jan. 22. Mary, d. of Joseph & Ann Ralphs, Hodnet. " Jan. 30. William, a base s. of Wm. Pidgeon & Sarah Forester, Hodnet. " Feb. 6. Joseph, s. of William & Jane Griffith, Hodnet. " Feb. 6. Richard, s. of Joseph & Mary Payne, Kenstone. " Feb. 18. Ann, a base d. of Margt. Evans, Hodnet. " Feb. 27. Edward, s. of Edward & Sarah Atkin, Marchamley. " Mar. 8. John, s. of Joseph & Sarah Platt, Hodnet. " Mar. 11. John, a base s. of Mary Lewis, Hodnet. " Apr. 4. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Edge, Hodnef. " Apr. 8. James, s. of James & Mary Bailey, Hodnet. " Apr. 10. Sarah, d. of Abel & Sarah Long, Marchamley. " Apr. 17. Martha, d. of Samuel & Ellinor Davies, Hodnet. " May 1. John, s. of Thomas & Catharine Johnson, Hodnet. " May 12. Richard, a base s. of Elizabeth [blank], Espley. " May 12. George & Charles, twins of George & Mary Hampton, Marchamley. 172 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1763 1763, May 23. Ralph, s. of Peter & Elizabeth Light, Wollerton. BURIALS. 1763, May 1. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Payne, Kenstone. " May 6. John Wood, Espley. " May 11. John, s. of Thos. & Elizabeth Grindley, Hodnet. " May 15. Sarah, d. of Abel & Sarah Long, Marchamley. " May 19. Mary, a base d. of Mary Hayles, Hodnet. " June 17. Elizabeth, a base d. of Esther Evans, Hodnet. " June 23. Thomas Pigot from Wallesey. " June 27. John, s. of Benjamin & Mary Gray, Hodnet. " July 26. Mary, w. of Joseph Roberts, Tunstall. " Aug. 1. William, s. of William & Mary Madeley, Hodnet. " Aug. 10. Elizabeth, d. of George & Mary Hampton, Marchamley. " Aug. 13. Sarah, w. of William Bathoe, Whitchurch. " Aug. 28. Ann, base d. of Margt. Evans, Hodnet. //Hitherto transcribed for ye Bishop's Visitation. " Oct. 12. Jane Blakemore, widow, Hodnet. " Nov. 11. Elizabeth Matthews, a pauper, Hodnet. " Nov. 14. John Matthews, a pauper, Hodnet. " Dec. 11. John, s. of Elizabeth Bragger, widow, Hodnet. " Dec. 12. Thomas Bentley, a labourer, Marchamley. " Dec. 27. Ellenor, d. of Charles & Mary Tew, Hodnet. 1764, Jan. 6. Ann Matthews, widow, a pauper, Hodnet. " Jan. 14. John Clay, of Hodnet, late of Wollerton. " Jan. 15. Andrew, s. of Thomas & Sarah Adams, Tunstall. " Jan. 24. Charles, s. of Stephen & Elizabeth Williams, Kenstone. " Jan. 25. Elizabeth Payne, widow, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1763, June 20. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Mary Reynolds, Hodnet. " June 27. Hannah, d. of Thos. & Margery Rusco, Wolkrton. " July 17. Diana, d. illegitimate of Elizabeth Poole, Marchamley Wood. //1764] Hodnet. 173 1763, July 31. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Madely, Hodnet. " Aug. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Aug. 18. John, s. of George & Sarah Clay, Marchamley. //Hitherto transcribed for ye Bishop's Visitation. " Sep. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John & Ann Hall, Marchamley. " Sep. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Matthew & Elizabeth Minor, Hodnet. " Sep. 8. Mary, d. of Richard & Jane Pratchet, Hodnet. " Sep. 18. Mary, d. of Edward & Margaret Austin, Peplow. " Sep. 24. Felicia, d. of Richard & Ann Whitfield, Marchamley. " Sep. 24. Mary, d. of Samuel & Sarah Packer, Officer of Excise, Prees. " Oct. 2. William, a base s. of Sarah Downes, Hodnet. " Oct. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas Ibb, of Peplow, & Sarah. " Oct. 18. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Oct. 23. Mary, d. of John & Ann Brockton, Hodnet. " Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Esther Churton, Hodnet. " Nov. 26. William, s. of William & Mary Adams, Bolas. " Dec. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John & Jane Jones, Peplow. " Dec. 21. Thomas, s. of William & Elizabeth Peacock, Marchamley. 1764, Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of James & Martha Taylor, Espley. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John & Sarah Nevill, Marchamley. " Mar. 11. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " Mar. 28. William, s. of George & Amy Payne, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1764, Feb. 9. Jane Williams, a pauper, Hodnet. " Feb. 11. John, base s. of Esther Bailey, from Weston. " Mar. 14. Thos., s. of Samuel & Mary Ferrington, from Darlaston. " Mar. 29. William, s. of George & Amy Payne, Hodnet. 174 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1764 1764, Apr. 5. Thos., s. of Thomas & Sarah Adams, Tunstall. " Apr. 6. Amy, w. of George Payne, Hodnet. " Apr. 15. Rowland Davies, a pauper, Hodnett. " May 2. Mary Poole, of the Berries, widow, Weston. " May 20. John Beacoll, late of Wollerton. " June 20. Sophia, d. of Richard & Eliz. Clarke, Marchamley. " July 21. Jane, w. of Robert Downes, Hodnet. " Aug. 4. Ann Dutton, wid., from the parish of Preese. " Aug. 24. Ann Walford, wid., from Darlastone. " Sep. 1. Sarah, w. of Samuel Jennings, from Prees. " Nov. 28. John Astley, Bolas. " Dec. 28. Thos. Bailey, a pauper, Marchamley. BURIALS. 1765, Feb. 19. Mary, w. of George Hampton, Marchamley. " Feb. 22. John Fradshall, a servant, from Wollerton. " Mar. 24. John Watkin, miller, Wollerton. " Mar. 26. Ann Chidlow, widow, Hodnet. " Apr. 9. Ann, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Taylor. " May 31. Mary Axon, widow, a pauper, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1764, Apr. 8. Mary, d. of John & Ann Allen, Marchamley. " Apr. 11. Andrew, s. of John & Hannah Davies, Marchamley Wood. " May 6. Spilsbury, a base s. of Elizabeth Vaughan, Marchamley. " May 13. Ann, d. of Rowland & Dorothy Morris, Kenstone. " June 3. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Fisher, Wollerton. " June 11. Francis, s. of Thos. & Sarah Adams, Tunstall. " Aug. 2. Sarah, d. of Jno: & Elizabeth Matthews, Hodnet. " Aug. 13. William, s. of Richd. & Elizabeth Taylor, Marchamley. " Aug. 19. Ann, a base d. of Esther Evans, Hodnet. " Aug. 19. John, s. of Thos. & Ellinor Pickering, Hodnet. " Sep. 1. William, a base s. of Thomas Welles & Susanna Parker, Wollerton. //1765] Hodnet. 175 1764, Sep. 11. John, s. of Samuel & Hannah Jennings, Hodnet. " Sep. 16. John, s. of Richard & Mary Shaw, Peplow. " Sep. 24. Ann, d. of George & Mary Pickering, Hodnet. " Oct. 7. Mary, a base d. of Ann Aldford, Hodnet. " Nov. 11. Susanna, d. of Thomas & Mary Moss, Woolerton. " Nov. 18. John, s. of Rowland & Mary Leigh, Marchamley. " Nov. 23. Margaret, d. of Richard & Jane Pratchet, Hodnet. " Nov. 24. George, s. of John & Elisabeth Bradshaw, Woolerton. " Nov. 25. Sarah, a base d. of Wm. Massey & Ellinor Steventon, Hodnet. " Dec. 23. Ann, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Blakemore, Peplow. 1765, Jan. 3. Catharine, d. of Richard & Ann Whitfield, Marchamley. " Jan. 25. Robert, s. of William & Mary Tagg, Hodnet. " Jan. 27. Sarah, d. of Edward & Sarah Atkin, Marchamley. " Feb. 19. Charles, s. of William & Mary Edge, Hodnet. " Feb. 24. Mary, d. of George & Ann Wilde, Hodnet. " Apr. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Bailey, a travelling woman. " Apr. 21. Ann, d. of John & Mary Wilkes, Peplow. " May 4. Ann, d. of William & Elizabeth Painter, Losford. " May 26. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Ann Smith, Marchamley. " May 27. Margaret, d. of John & Jane Jones, Peplow. " May 27. Ann, d. of John & Ann Hall, Marchamley. " June 2. George, s. of John & Ann Wilde, Hodnet. " July 13. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Ibb, Peplow. " July 11. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Mary Easthope, Peplow. " July 30. Ann, a base d. of Eliz: Reece, Hodnet. " Aug. 18. Jane, a base d. of Sarah Partridge, Marchamley. 176 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1765 1765, Aug. 24. Sarah, d. of Richard & Sarah Tew, Losford. " Aug. 25. George, s. of Jno: & Elizabeth Bradbury, Marchamley. " Aug. 25. Rosanna, d. of George & Sarah Clay, Marchamley. " Sep. 29. John, s. of James & Mary Vaughan, Kenstone. " Oct. 6. Edward, s. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Oct. 20. John, s. of Joseph & Jane Green, Hodnet. " Dec. 8. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Evans, Hodnet. " Dec. 28. John, s. of Stephen & Gwen Growcott, Kenstone. 1766, Jan. 6. Richard, base s. of Sarah Neval, Marchamley. BURIALS. 1765, July 12. Mary, w. of Thomas Stubbs, Hodnet. " July 30. Ann Griffith, widow, Hodnet. " Aug. 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Ellinor Pickerig, Hodnet. " Aug. 18. William Maddox, a pauper, Marchamley. " Aug. 23. Sarah Baily, sp:, from Weston. " Oct. 21. Sarah Forester, widow, Whirly Lane. " Nov. 3. Elizabeth Green, widow, Hodnet. " Dec. 7. John Wood, Hopton. 1766, Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Powell, Kenstone. " Jan. 19. Thomas Johnson, labourer, Hodnet. " Feb. 6. James Jones, Peplow. " Feb. 9. Giles Archer, a servant to Richd. Hill, Hawkestone. " Feb. 10. Elizabeth Penson, widow, Peplow. " Feb. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Mary Easthope, Peplow. " Mar. 4. Richard Clarke, labourer, Marchamley. " Mar. 13. Thomas Bailey, husbandman, Marchamley. " Mar. 29. Margaret Cartwright, widow, Hodnet. " Apr. 3. Frances Cors.er, widow, Marchamley. " Apr. 7. John Atkin, Marchamley. " Apr. 8. George Clay, Marchamley. " Apr. 11. Richard Williams, Berries. " Apr. 20. Esau Downes, cooper, Hodnet. " Apr. 20. Mary, d. of John Davis, Marchamley Wood. //1766] Hodnet. 177 BAPTISMS. 1766, Jan. 12. Catharine, d. of Edward & Margt. Austin, Peplow. " Jan. 21. Margaret, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Jan. 24. Catharina, d. of Richd. & Elizabeth Taylor, Marchamley. " Jan. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Sarah Platt, Hodnet. " Feb. 9. Elizabeth, a base d. of Mary Smith, Hodnet. " Feb. 28. Mary, d. of Thos. & Esther Churton, Hodnet. " Mar. 31. Ann, d. of Thos. & Margery Rusco, Wollerton. " Apr. 1. Edward, s. of William & Jane Griffith, Hodnet. " Apr. 17. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Sarah Davis, Hodnet. " May 4. Samuel, s. of James & Mary Baily, Hodnet. " June 10. Richard, s. of the late Giles Archer & Rebecca, Marchamley. " June 11. Giles, s. of the late Giles Archer & Rebecca, twins, Marchamley. " July 5. Elizabeth, s. of John & Elizabeth Bradshaw, Wollerton. " July 20. Abel, s. of Abel & Sarah Long, Marchamley. " July 21. Jane, d. of Samuel & Ann Pother, Marchamley. " July 27. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Mary Moss, Wollerton. " Sep. 24. Sarah, d. of Joshua & Jane Maddox, Marchamley. " Oct. 1. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Wilde, Hodnet. " Oct. 8. Sarah, d. of John & Ann Allen, Marchamley. " Oct. 19. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Hannah Jennings, Hodnet. " Oct. 27. Martha, d. of Willm. & Mary Adams, Little Bolas. " Nov. 30. Samuel, s. of Edward & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " Dec. 13. Jonathan, s. of Thos. & Eliz: Blakemore, Peplow. BURIALS. 1766, May 13. Thomas Ralphs, labourer, Hodnet. " May 22. John Pratchet, Hodnet. 178 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1766 1766, May 27. Hannah, d. of John & Hannah Davis, Marchamley. " June 28. John, s. of James & Esther Ridgway, Peplow. " July 4. Richard, s. of the late Giles Archer & Rebecca, Marchamley. " July 13. Anthony Evans, labourer, Hodnet. " July 16. The Rev. William Dicken, died July 13, and was buried at Audley, Staffordshire, ye 16th. " July 17. William Powell, labourer, Marchamley. " July 18. Peter Bohea, Marchamley. " July 29. Atkins Whittingham, Hodnet. " Aug. 21. George Hulstone, Hodnet. " Aug. 22. Mary Ralphs, widow, Hodnet. " Sep. 7. Mary, w. of John Davis, Marchamley. " Sep. 14. Thomas Watkiss, from the parish of Preese. " Nov. 22. John Cartwright, tanner, Hopton. " Dec. 31. William Green, a pauper, Marchamley. " Dec. 31. Eleanor Atkin, widow, Marchamley. /* THE RT. HONBLE. & RT. REVD. JAMES, LORD BISHOP OF HEREFORD, Rector. J. PRATCHET, Curate. */ BAPTISMS. 1767, Jan. 4. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Hall, Marchamley. " Feb. 2. Matthew, s. of George & Mary Payne, Hodnet. " Feb. 8. Mary, d. of Thomas & Hannha Roberts, Hodnet. " Feb. 20. John, s. of John & Jane Jones, Peplow. " Feb. 21. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Ibb, Peplow. " Feb. 22. Elizabeth d. of Edward & Sarah Atkin, Marchamley. " Feb. 24. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Martha Jennings, Wollerton. " Mar. 8. Ann, d. of Peter & Elizth. Light, Wollerton. " Mar. 22. Hannah, d. of Richard & Mary Axoil, Hodnet. " Mar. 27. Joseph, s. of John & Elizabeth Bradbury, Marchamley. " Apr. 5. Sarah, d. of George & Mary Pickering, Hodnet. //1767] Hodnet. 179 1767, Apr. 11. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Martha Ravenscroft, Marchamley. " Apr. 13. Charles, a base s. of Mary Gosling, Hodnet. " Apr. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Margaret Chesters, Hodnet. " May 3. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Edge. " May 29. Mary, d. of Allen & Esther Pidgeon, Peplow. " May 31. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Shore, Peplow. " June 9. Ann, d. of William & Sarah Groom, BURIALS. 1767, Jan. 23. Thomas Fleming, a servant, from Tunstall. " Jan. 24. Mary, w. of Walter Minor, Hopley. " Jan. 29. Richard Watson, Hodnet. " Mar. 23. Mr. John Dicken, Wollerton. " Apr. 20. Thomas Bailey, labourer, Weston. " Apr. 26. Thomas Blakemoor, sr., shoemaker, Peplow. " May 22. Sarah, d. of Thomas Oatley, Wollerton. " June 4. Sarah Powel, from the parish of Shawbury. " June 10. Thomas Taylor, a servant, from Hopley. " Aug. 7. Elizabah, d. of John & Mary Wood, Espley. " Oct. 17. Mary, a base d. of Ann Aldford, Hodnet. " Oct. 31. Sarah, w. of Abel Long, Marchamley. " Nov. 15. John Harper, labourer, Hodnet. 1768, Jan. 2. Margaret Growcott, widow, Hodnet. " Jan. 12. Catherine, w. of George Evans, Wollerton. " Jan. 17. Eleanor Pace, widow, Hodnet. " Jan. 27. Sarah, w. of John Nevils, .Marchamley. " Jan. 29. Mary, w. of George Wood, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1767, June 11. James, s. of James & Mary Jones, Peplow. " June 11. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Margaret Jones, Kenstone. " June 28. John, s. of James & Martha Taylor, Espley. " July 2. Mary, d. of William & Elizth. Painter, Losford. " July 8. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Wilkes, Peplow. " July 14. Charles, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth Hodges, Hodnet. " July 10. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Wood, Espley. " Aug. 1. Alice, d. of Richard & Sarah Tew, Losford. 180 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1767 1767, Aug. 7. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Stubbs, Hodnet. " Aug. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Anne Powel, Marchamley. " Aug. 9. John, a base s. of Martha Smith, Hodnet. " Oct. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Easthope, Peplow. " Oct. 18. Sarah, d. of John & Catherine Cartwright, Hodnet. " Oct. 18. John, s. of Robert & Mary Downs, Hodnet. " Nov. 3. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Sarah Johnson, Kenstone. " Nov. 11. Anne, d. of Joseph & Mary Payne, Kenstone. " Nov. 22. Richard, s. of William & Mary Tagg, Hodnet. " Dec. 13. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Catherine Johnson, Hodnet. " Dec. 27. Charles, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Pickering, Hodnet. 1768, Jan. 1. John, s. of Thomas & Margery Rusco, Wollerton. " Jan. 23. Mary, a base d. of Elizabeth Platt, Marchamley. " Jan. 4. Rowland, s. of Rowland & Dorothy Morrice, Kenstone. " Jan. 8. Sarah, d. of Robert & Diana Pratchet, Peplow. " Jan. 24. John, a base s. of Mary Turner, Hodnet. " Feb. 14. Joseph, s. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Mar. 13. John, s. of Robert & Mary Long, Marchamley. " Mar. 27. Sarah, d. of John & Elizth. Dicken, Hodnet. " Apr. 1. Jane, a base d. of Sarah Nevill, Marchamley. " Apr. 5. Jane, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Apr. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Mary Chidley, Marchamley. " Apr. 24. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Taylor, Hopton. " Apr. 24. John, s. of William & Elizth. Wa.tson, Hodnet. " Apr. 26. John, a base s. of Mary Downs, Hodnet. " May 14. Eleanor, d. of Joshua & Jane Maddox, Marchamley. //1768] Hodnet. 181 1768, May 15. Martha, d. of George & Anne Wilde, Hodnet. " June 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Martha Micklewright, Hawkstone. " June 11. Esther, d. of Thomas & Esther Churton, Hodnet. " July 10. Fanny, a base d. of Martha Green, Wollerton. " July 31. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Sarah Platt, Hodnet. " Aug 10. Elizabeth, d. of Arthur & Rebecca Davies, Marchamley. " Aug. 14. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Smith, Kenstone. BURIALS. 1768, Feb. 3. Richard Davies, pauper, Hodnet, " Feb. 18. Giles, s. of Giles Archer, Marchamley. " Feb. 18. Jane Gosling, a pauper, Hodnet. " Mar. 8. Mr. James Dicken, from Drayton. " Mar. 8. Margaret Watkin, widow, Losford. " Mar. 24. Mary, d. of Elizth. Bragger, Hodnet. " Mar. 28. Felicia, d. of Richard & Anne Whitfield, Marchamley. " May 18. Anne, w. of Richard Whitfield, Marchamley. " May 23. Thomas Banks, of Woilerton. " May 31. Mary Ralphs, widow, Hodnet. " June 5. Elizabeth Davies, widow, Hodnet. " June 17. Isabel, w. of John Robins, Hodnet. " June 22. William Watson, shoemaker, Hodnet. " Aug. 2. John, s. of Thomas & Margery Rusco, Wollerton. " Aug. 4. Mary, d. of John & Anne Allen, Marchamley. " Aug. 6. William Adams, labourer, Peplow. " Aug. 17. Catharine, w. of Samuel Morris, Marchamley. " Aug. 18. Richard Powel, Kenstone. " Aug. 20. John Robins, junr., Hodnet. " Aug. 22. Mrs. Elizabeth Dicken, widow, Wollerton Hall. BAPTISMS. 1768, Aug. 16. John, s. of John & Mary Wood, Espley. " Sep. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Job & Jane Clues, Peplow. " Sep. 16. Mary, d. of Joseph & Prudence Powel, Bolas. " Sep. 16. Martha, d. of do. & do. twins, Bolas. " Oct. 9. Richard, s. of William & Hannah Roberts, Hodnet. 182 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1768 1768, Oct. 26. Charles, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Wilde, Hodnet. " Oct. 30. Robert, a base s. of Mary Hulstone, Hodnet. " Nov. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Joy, Hodnet. " Nov. 20. John, s. of Richard & Martha Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Dec. 27. Jane, d. of Philip & Mary Dod, Marchamley. " Dec. 30. Mary, d. of John & Mary Corker, Losford. BURIALS. 1768, Oct. 5. Walter Minor, sr., Hopley. " Nov. 14. Mary Hodges, widow, Hodnet. " Nov. 29. Mary, d. of Thos. & Esther Churton, Hodnet. " Dec. 23. Elizabeth, d. of William & Anne Powel, Marchamley. /* J. PRATCHET, Curate. [The Marriages from 1717-18 to 1755 are given at the end of the Register, as follows:] */ FEBR: 1718. MARRIAGES. 1717-18, Feb. 18. Charles Hulstone & Susanna Morris, both of this p. " Feb. 24. William Morris & Sarah Worrell, both of this p. 1718, Nov. 4. Samuell Cartwright & Anne Buttery, both of this p. " Nov. 6. Richard Brookes, of Chester, & Mrs. Margarett Hill, of Hodnet. " Dec. 21. George Axon & Mary Palmer, both of this p. " Jan. 13. John Besford, of Brumhall Grange, of Stafford, & Elizabeth Parsons, of Drayton. //1718-19, Feb. 3. Richard Waring, of Shrewsbury, Esqre., & Mrs. Mary Hill, of this p. 1719, Feb. 3. Richard Waring, of Shrewsbury, & Mrs. Mary Hill, of this p. 1719, Mar. 30. Samuell Momy & Mary Gratewood, Hodnet " May 17. Richard Penson & Elizabeth Turner, Hodnet. " July 21. Thomas Moss & Mary Jenkin, both of Whitchurch. //1724-5] Hodnet. 183 1719, Nov. 6. Thomas Nevett, of Shrewsbury, & Sarah Massey, of Hodnet. " Dec. 26. Mr. Kenrick Jennings, of Drayton, & Mrs. Priscilla Betton, of Shrewsbury. 1719-20, Mar. 1. Thomas Humpstone & Mary Neavill, both of this p. " Jan. 10. Borlace Wingfield, in this County, & Mrs. Ellinor Hill, of this p. 1721, Apr. 20. Thomas Watkis & Mary Ward, both of this p. " July 23. Mr. John Talbot & Mrs. Mary Dicken, both of this p. " Sep. 18. Lewis Wood, of Llanstuffan, co. Caermathen, & Aquila Smith, of p. Longnor, co. Stafford. " Oct. 8. Mr. Tho: Dicken & Mrs. Elizabeth Whittingham, both of this p. " Nov. 18. James Hill, of p. Staunton, in this county, & Mrs. Elizabeth Dicken, of this p. " Nov. 22. Tho: Ashley, of Wem, in this county, & Alice Churton, of this p. 1721-2, Jan. 1. Tho: Jackson, of p. Drayton, & Sarah Palmer, of this p. 1722, May 16. Christopher Cartwright & Esther Smith, both of Hodnet. " Nov. 11. William Clemson, of Wroxeter, & Eliz: Churton, of this p. " Dec. 2. John Groom & Mary Oliver, both of this p. 1723, Oct. 21. John Povey, of p. Norbury, & Eliz: Atkins, of this p. 1723-4, Feb. 7. John Levett, of p. Adbaston, & Lydia Morris, of this p. 1724, May 25. William Green & Hannah Simson, both of this p. " Oct. 25. Josiah Timmis, of p. Madeley, & Martha Timmis, of Mucklestone. " Nov. 27. John Tyther & Eliz: Edwards, both of this p. 1724-5, Jan. 1. Josiah Forister & Sarah Lawrence, both of this p. " Jan. 26. Rowland Davies & Eliz: Onslow, both of this p. 184 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1725 1725, June 27. Richard Wade & Elizabeth Bembo, both of this p. " Sep. 7. Thomas Richardson, of p. Edgmond, & Rachaell Tisdale, of the town of Salop. " Oct. 31. Rowland Cartwright & Hannah Prethin, both of this p. " Nov. 7. Andrew Protherah & Martha Ray, both of this p. 1726, June 6. Richard Rhodes, of p. Whitchurch in this co., & Mary Cartwright, of this p. " July 11. Arthur Noneley, of p. Loppington, & Elizabeth Clay, of this p. " Aug. 6. John Ray & Anne Davies, both of this p. " Aug. 15. David Thomas & Abigaile Poole, of p. Wrokwardine. " Oct. 16. Moses Ray & Dorothy Cartwright, both of this p. " Oct. 18. William Jones, de Halkin, of Flint, & Eliz: Cartwright, of this p. " Oct. 20. John Turton, of Oaken in p. Codsall, & Jane Grey, of p. Chetwynne. " Dec. 7. Thomas Ray & Eliza: Jones, both of this p. 1726-7, Jan. 6. John Peever & Jane Blakemore. 1727, June 12. Mr. Henry Wase & Mrs. Catherock, both of p. Drayton & co. Salop. " Aug. 21. Thomas Cartwright & Eliz: Green, both of this p. 1728, June 15. John Wells & Hannah Green, wid:, both of this p. " Sep. 15. Thomas Johnson & Mary Jeb, both of this p. 1728-9, Jan. 2. William Cooper, of Drayton, & Mary Cherington, of this p. " Jan. 7. Thomas Cartwright & Margaret Steventon, both of this p. " Jan. 14. George Leigh, of Dawley Magna in this co., & Elizabeth Ralphs, of this p. " Feb. 16. John Phillips, of p. Chetwynde, & Mary Dicken, of p. Hodnet. //1731] Hodnet. 185 1729, Apr. 19. Charles Hudleston, of p. Plymstode, & Mrs. Susanna Pigot, of p. Hodnet, of Salop. " Oct. 10. Thomas Cartwright & Mary Humpstone, both of this p. " Oct. 20. Peter Vaughan, of p. Malpas, in Cheshire, & Margaret Barton, of this p. " Dec. 23. John Ferington & Eliz: Mickleright, both of this p. 1730, Mar. 30. John Bradshaw & Sarah Morris, both of this p. " May 30. Nathanial Cook, of p. Preese, & Esther Ward, of this p. " Aug. 1. Ralph Wilde & Elizabeth Cartwright, both of this p. " Dec. 31. John Wright, of p. Forton, of Stafford, & Sarah Harris, of Hodnet. 1730-1, Jan. 2. Jeremiah Ray & Anne Parrock, both of this p. " Jan. 2. Richard Steaner, of p. Wem, & Eliz: Moor, of this p. " Jan. 5. John Rider & Martha Stones, both of this p. " Feb. 18. Rowland Griffiths & Anne Ridgway, both of this p. 1731, Apr. 22. Samuel Brockton, of p. Preese, & Elizabeth Plant, of this p. " Apr. 25. John Williams & Eliz: Bragger, both of this p. " Apr. 30. Edward Steventon, of Drayton, & Anne Hicken, of this p. " May 6. Francis Phillips, of p. Sutton Madock, & Mary Clay, of this p. " June 13. George Ralphes & Mary Ralphes, both of this p. " June 16. Thomas Turner & Mary Jill, both of this p. " Oct. 3. Edward Reece & Jane Booth, both of this p. " Nov. 7. Thomas Ralphes & Anne Edwards, both of this p. " Dec. 12. William Adams & Mary Killvert, both of this p. 186 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1731-2 1731-2, Jan. 3. William Dicken & Mary Parkinson, both of this p. " Jan. 8. William Robins & Sarah Espley, wid:, both of this p. 1732, Apr. 1. Rowland Walker & Sarah Holdbrooke, both of this p. " Sep. 14. Mr. John Bostock, of p. Malpas in Cheshire, & Mrs. Sarah Dicken, of this p. " Sep. 31. Thomas Watson & Catherine Groom, both of this p. " Nov. 1. Thomas Conway & Eliz: Reece, vid:, both of this p. " Nov. 5. Richard Barlow & Mary Bibbey, both of this p. 1732-3, Jan. 1. Thomas Blakemore & Jane Williams, both of this p. " Feb. 2. Job Clues & Mary Lewes, both of this p. 1733, Mar. 28. Humphrey Barnet, of p. Wybunbury in Cheshire, & Elizabeth Ray, of p. Hodnet. " June 17. Thomas Bolas & Mary Green, both of this p. " June 19. Thomas Bayly & Elizabeth Axon, wid:, both of this p. " June 24. Joseph Dawes, of p. High Ercall, & Mary Challenor, of this p. " Oct. 22. Benjamin Forester & Jane Ray, both of this p. 1733-4, Feb. 14. Thomas Peacock & Mary Morris, both of this p. " Feb. 18. Mr. Charles Mitton, of Chester, & Mrs. Elizabeth Pigot, of ye p. of Hodnet. 1734, May 6. George Lyth, p. Whitchurch,of & Ellenor Croxton, of p. Hodnet, widow. " Apr. 8. Robert Jones & Eliz: Smith, both of this p. " Apr. 8. Richard Davies & Hannah Humpstone, both of this p. " Apr. 9. Thomas Bayly & Frances Wade, both of this p. " June 19. Richard Davies & Sarah Barnfield, both of this p. " June 14. Thomas Green & Eliz: Barnet, both of this p. //1738] Hodnet. 187 1734, Oct. 8. James Mullinex & Eliz: Downes, both of this p. " Jan. 20. Humphrey Hacock & Mary Burrows, both of this p. 1735-6, Feb. 2. Richard Wade & Eliz: Bayly, both of this p. " Feb. 7. John Walker & Diana Sandbrook, both of this p. " Mar. 5. William Ralphes & Elizabeth Dean, both of this p. 1736, May 13. John Eveson & Martha Ridgeway. " July 10. John Clorley & Anne Mullinex. " Nov. 1. Thomas Pulpord & Jane Hopkin, both of this p. " Nov. 4. George Trimme, of p. Moreton Say, & Mary Dutton, of this p. " Dec. 30. William Phillips & Margaret Calcott, both of this p. 1736-7, Jan. 3. James Pain & Anne Humpstone. " Jan. 30. Joseph Delves & Mary Parton, both of this p. " Feb. 22. William Barber & Mary Reynolds, both of this p. 1737, Oct. 14. James Leigh, of p. Stockton, & Susannah Pace, of this p. " Nov. 7. William White, of p. Stoke, & Mary Denstone, of this p. " Nov. 13. Thomas Powell & Elizabeth Ellerton, both of this p. 1737-8, Jan. 12. Richd. Ethelston & Eliz: Morrice, both of this p. " Jan. 17. Robert Phillips & Sarah Bradshaw, both of this p. 1738, Apr. 27. Phillip Jacobus Everett & Mrs. Elizabeth Adey, both of this p. " May 11. Richard Clarke & Elizabeth Hayly, both of this p. " Sep. 25. Thomas Wilde & Sarah Madeley, both of this p. " Dec. 27. William Robinson, of Newcastle, & Lydia Ray, of Hodnet. 188 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1738-9 1738-9, Feb. 3. Roger Maddox, of p. Wem, & Anne Hulston, of Hodnett. 1739, July 8. Francis Bruce & Margt. Davies. " Sep. 30. Thomas Smallwood, of p. Cheswardine, & Mary Jones, of this p. " Nov. 11. Thomas Jenkins, of Whitchurch, & Eliz: Jones, wid., of this p. " Nov. 30. Robert Houl & Mary Pain, both of this p. 1739-40, Jan. 21. George Bromley, of p. Drayton, & Mary Blakemore, of p. Hodnet. 1740, July 13. John Roberts & Jane Davenport, both this p. " Dec. 31. Samuell Ferington, of p. Hodnet, & Mary Grindsell, of Drayton. 1740-1, Jan. 3. Richard Hamlet & Margery Dod, both of this p. " Jan. 12. John Pain & Mary Pain, both of this p. " Feb. 5. Thomas Green & Ellinor Barnfield, bdth of this p. " Feb. 10. Samuel Brayne & Mary Taylor, both of Weston. 1741, Mar. 30. Richard Hoyne, of p. Stoke, & Alice Web, of p. Hodnet. " Oct. 19. John Neaval & Sarah Roberts, both of this p. " Dec. 12. George Ray & Martha Adams, both of this p. " Dec. 30. James Ashbourn & Marabel Turner, both of Hodnet. " Jan. 12. John Wells & Mary Espky, both of this p. " Feb. 24. Peter Price & Sarah Davies, both of this p. 1742, May 29. Richd. Embrey & Martha Hitchin, by licence. " July 18. Joseph Walker & Anne Reignolds, by banns. 1743, June 18. Robert Jones & Mary Newns, by banns. " June 20. Saml. Buerton & Mary Lees, by licence. 1744, Apr. 30. Thomas Thomas & Mary Downs, by licence 1745, Apr. 16. Robert Webb & Margery Minors. " July 29. Rowland Mucklestone & Mary Bucknall. " Sep. 22. William Gosling & Jane Fetherstone, of this p., banns. " Sep. 29. Thos. Williams & Elizabeth Whitney, of this p., banns. //1747] Hodnet. 189 1745, Oct. 20. John Barclay & Diana Walker, of this p., banns. " Nov. 4. John Booth & Ann Chatterley, of Baldwyn's Gate in p. Eccleshall, co. Stafford, by licence. " Nov. 5. Willm. Bate, of Prees, & Eliz: Ferrington, of Peplow, by licence. " Nov. 11. Francis Reignolds & Mary Nevil, of this p., banns. " Dec. 26. Thos. Adams & Sarah Roberts, of this p., by licence. /* LORD BISHOP OF HEREFORD, Rector. W. DICKEN, Curate. */ 1746, Mar. 31. John Bruce & Rebecca Wynne, of this p., by banns. " May 15. Richd. Kilvert, of High Hatton, & Widow Espley, by banns. " May 22. John Watkin & Mary Downs, of this p., by banns. " Nov. 25. Joseph Fletcher & Jane Owen, of Drayton, by licence. " Dec. 21. Edward Price & Sarah Higginson, of this p., banns. " Dec. 26. Joseph Talbott & Jane Millington, of this p., banns. " Jan. 1. John Harper & Eliz: Katharick, of this p., banns. " Jan. 4. Richd. Walker & Mary Fleet, of this p., by licence. " Jan. 5. Thos. Hulstone & Mary Preston, of this p., banns. " Feb. 23. Richd. Tew & Rebecca Hopkin, of this p., bangs. 1747, Apr. 23. John Birchall, of Uffington, & Mary Pinshaw, of the Holy Cross, Salop. " Aug. 20. Edward Robers, of Stoake, & Ann Perry, of this p. " Dec. 26. Thomas Eaton & Eliz: Roberts, of this p., by banns. 190 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1747 1747, Dec. 27. John Watkin & Ellinor Harris, of this p., by banns. " Dec. 30. Rowland Leigh & Mary Barnett, of this p., by banns. " Jan. 29. Thos. Pickrell & Eleanor Matthews, by bangs. " Feb. 18. John Leigh & Hannah Thomas, of this p., by banns. " Feb. 23. Thomas Thomas & Elizabeth Wood, of Weston, by banns. 1748, Apr. 14. Thomas Hill, of Alanchester, & Mary Hamilton, of Wenlock, by banns. " July 26. Richard Ralphs & Sarah Evans, of Weston, by banns. //N.B.- Hitherto transcribed for ye Bishop's Visitation. " Aug. 14. John Haynes & Jane Worrall, of Weston, by banns. " Aug. 20. Griffith Jones & Ann Reynolds, by a lic. " Sep. 21. The Revd. Mr. Henry Wood, Rector of Preston, & Mrs. Frances Jervis, of Cheswardine, by licence. " Jan. 26. Abraham Poole & Margt. Poole, of ye Berries, by banns. 1749, Apr. 7. The Revd. Mr. John Harding, curate of Swinnerton in Staffordshire, & Frances Baily, of Madeley, by license. " Apr. 28. Charlton Hill, of Whitchurch, currier, & Ann Drury, of Weston, widow, by licence. " July 23. Thos. Randles & Martha Forrester, by licence. " Aug. 3. Jno. Furmstone, of Wem, & Mary Barclay, by banns. " Sep. 3. Jno. Espley & Mary Lewis, of this p., by banns. " Sep. 11. Joseph Shore & Hannah Betany, by banns. " Nov. 9. John Alooton, of Edgmond p., & Mary Ralphs, by banns. " Dec. 7. Jno. Evans & Mary Morris, by banns. //W. DICKEN, Curate. 1749-50, Jan. 1. Wm. Griffiths & Jane Smith, of this p., by banns. //1754] Hodnet. 191 1749-50, Feb. 4. Wm. Wridgway & Mary Green, of this p., by banns. " Feb. 8. Joseph Higginson, of Wem, & Ann Lee, of Weiton, by licence. 1750, May 1. Jno. Ralphs & Mary Grafton, by banns. " Aug. 4. Richard Smith, of Stanton, blacksmith, & Ann Lilly, of this p. " Nov. 5. Richard Walford & Mary Green, by banns. " Dec. 24. Wm. Watson & Eliz: Pickerill, by banns. " Feb. 4. George Pickerill & Mary Growcott, of this p., by banns. 1751, Apr. 13. John Harrison alias Lateward & Mary Davies, of Marchamley. 1752, Apr. 19. Thos. Johnson & Catharine Pickerill, by banns. " May 21. Robert Evans & Hannah Bevington, by banns. " May 22. John Higginson & Mary Parkinson, by banns. " Aug. 10. Thos. Price & Sarah Price, by banns. //Hitherto transcribed for ye Bishop's Visitation. 1753, Feb. 10. John Potts & Catharine Farmer, of this p., by banns. " Feb. 25. Samuell Leech & Mary Bailey, of this p., by banns. //JAMES, LORD BISHOP OF HEREFORD, Rector " July 29. George Peplow & Mary Barnett, of this p., by banns. " Aug. 12. Francis Stoakes & Martha Williams, of Weston, by licence. " Dec. 31. Matthew Minor & Elizabeth Preston, by banns. 1754, Feb. 4. William Madeley & Mary Roberts, by banns. " Mar. 4. John Davies & Hannah Lawton, by banns. " July 26. Joshua Grosvenor, of p. Leek & co. of Stafford, surgeon, & Sarah Jones, of this p., by licence. By W. DICKEN, Curate. Wit: Rowld. Hill, Richd. Hill. " July 29. Thomas Bowen, shoemaker, & Sarah Humpstone, of this p., by banns. By W. DICKEN, Curate. Wit: William Madeley, Ralph Wild. 192 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1754-5 1754, Oct. 18. John Harris & Ann Sandford, of this p. By me, JAMES PRATCHET. Wit: Richd: Prescott, Jno. Ray, junr. 1755, Feb. 3. Arthur Holbrooke, of p. Prees, & Sarah Richardson, of this p. By W. DICKEN, Curate. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Sarah Pratchet, Mary Dicken, Ann Pratchett. " Mar. 24. Samuel Watkiss & Esther Powell, both of this p. By W. DICKEN, Curate. Wit: William Watkiss, Thomas Cartwright. " Mar. 31. James Bayley & Mary Bayley or Blakemore, both of this p. By me, JAMES PRATCHET. Wit: Mary Dicken, Ann Pratchet. " Apr. 1. Ralph Gregory & Eliz: Watkin, of this p. By W. DICKEN, Curate. Wit: John Watkin, John Cliff. BAPTISMS. 1769, Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Elizth. Blakemore, Peplow. " Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Stephen & Gwen Growcott, Kenstone. " Feb. 17. Charles, s. of Edward & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " Feb. 20. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Ibb, Peplow. " Feb. 20. Joseph, s. of John & Mary Wilkes, Peplow. " Mar. 7. Mary, d. of Richd. & Elizth. Taylor, Marchamley. " Mar. 26. Mary, d. of Samuel & Sarah Davies, Hodnet. " Mar. 27. Margaret, d. of Thos. & Margaret Chesters, Hodnet. " Apr. 2. John, s. of Thomas & Martha Jennings, Wollerton. " Apr. 9. John, s. of Benjamin & Jane Forrester, Marchamley. " Apr. 16. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Blakemore, Hodnet. " Apr. 23. Susanna, base d. of Sarah Forster, Hodnet. " Apr. 30. Susanna, d. of John & Anne Harrison, Marchamley. //1769] Hodnet. 209 1769, May 15. Mary, d. of Willm. & Elizth. Powel, Marchamley. " May 20. Thomas, s. of Allen & Esther Pidgeon, Peplow. " May 20. James, s. of Edward & Margaret Austin, Peplow. " May 20. Elizabeth, d. of Rowd. & Elizth. Dicken, Wollerton. " May 31. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Anne Powel, Marchamley. " June 6. Charlotte, d. of Sarah Cartwright, Hopton. " July 6. Thomas, s. of Willm. & Mary Madeley, Hodnet. " July 15. John, s. of Richd. & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. " July 21. William, s. of Arthur & Rebecca Davies, Marchamley. " July 30. Samuel, s. of Sarah Beacal, Marchamley. " July 30. Hannah, d. of Samuel & Martha Ravenscroft, Marchamley. " Aug. 6. Anne, d. of Eleanor Stephenton, Hodnet. //J. PRATCHET, Curate [signs to 1798.] BURIALS. 1769, Feb. 1. Mary, w. of Thomas Owen, Hodnet. " Feb. 5. Jane, d. of Abel Long, Marchamley. " Feb. 7. Felicia Whitfield, wid., Marchamley. " Feb. 25. Sarah, w. of John Evans, Darleston. " Feb. 26. Mary Pickering, wid Hodnet. " Mar. 6. Samuel Pother, sr., Marchamley. " Mar. 13. Tabitha, w. of Joseph Woollams, Kenston. " Apr. 20. John, s. of Benjm. & Jane Forrester, Marchamley. " May 8. John, s. of Mary Downs, Hodnet. " May 10. John Nevill, labourer, Marchamley. " June 1. Richard, s. of Willm. & Hannah Roberts, Hodnet. " June 6. Sarah, w. of Richard Davies, Marchamley. " June 9. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Sarah Davies, Hodnet. " June 9. Mary Pickin, wid., Hopton. " July 9. Mary Madeley, wid., Hodnet. " Nov. 30. Elizabeth Maddox, wid., Kenstone. " Dec. 3. Elizabeth Edge, wid Hodnet. 210 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1770 1770, Jan. 11. Elizabeth Cartwright, wid:, Hopton. " Feb. 6. William, s. of William & Mary Edge, Hodnet. " Feb. 25. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Payne, Kenstone. " Apr. 5. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary Jones, from Salop. " June 18. Joseph Roberts, Tunstall. " June 22. Jane, d. of John & Anne Brockton, Hodnet. " July 18. Mary, w. of John Hassel, Marchamley. " Aug. 5. Richard, s. of Thomas & Anne Powel, Hodnet. //J. PRATCHET, Curate. BAPTISMS. 1769, Sep. 17. William, s. of William & Mary Edge, Hodnet. " Sep. 21. Mary, d. of John & Anne Allen, Wollerton. " Sep. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Elizth. Roden, Hodnet. " Sep. 29. Mary, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth Hodges, Hodnet. " Sep. 30. William, s. of Joseph & Anne Austin, Marchamley. " Oct. 20. Elianor, d. of Samuel & Sarah Johnson, Wollerton. " Oct. 20. Thomas, s. of William & Jane Griffith, Hodnet. " Oct. 22. Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth Bradshaw, Marchamley. " Oct. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Saml. & Mary Cartwright, Hodnet. " Oct. 31. Anne, d. of Robert & Diana Pratchet, Peplow. " Nov. 5. William, s. of James & Mary Bailey, Hodnet. " Nov. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elianor Ray, Hodnet. " Nov. 19. Hannah, d. of Thos. & Elizth. Stubs, Hodnet. " Nov. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Hannah Roberts, Hodnet. " Nov. 26. Martha; d. of George & Mary Pickering, Hodnet. " Nov. 30. William, s. of Rowd. & Dorothy Morrice, Kenstone. 1770, Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Robert & Mary Downs, Hodnet. " Jan. 14. Mary, d. of Willm. & Elizth. Peacock, Marchamley. " Feb. 1. William, s. of John & Mary Jebb, Hodnet. //1770] Hodnet. 211 1770, Feb. 4. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Payne, Kenstone. " Feb. 11. Samuel, s. of Richard & Mary Shore, Peplow. " Feb. 25. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Roden, Marchamley. " Mar. 4. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Wood, Espley. " Mar. 11. Samuel, s. of John & Anne Hall, Marchamley. " May 6. Joseph, s. of Edward & Mary Jones, Peplow. //JS. PRATCHET, Curate. " May 13. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Bradbury, Marchamley. " May 13. Margaret, d. of John & Catherine Cartwright, Hodnet. " May 18. John, s. of Martha Welles, Hodnet. " June 4. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Rutter, Hodnet. " June 5. John, s. of Benjamin & Jane Forrester, Marchamley. " June 5. Elizabeth Sarah, d. of Willm. & Anne Forgham, Kenstone. " June 10. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Pickering, Hodnet. " June 16. Jane, d. of John & Anne Brockton, Hodnet. " July 1. William, s. of Thomas & Esther Churton, Hodnet. " July 8. Martha, d. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. " July 10. Thomas, s. of Arthur & Rebecca Davies, Marchamley. " Aug. 8. Thomas, s. of Philip & Mary Dod, Marchamley. " Aug. 9. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Corser, Marchamley. " Aug. 18. John, s. of John & Jane Davies, Marchamley. " Sep. 9. Thomas, s. of Joshua & Jane Maddox, Hodnet. " Sep. 23. Sarah, d. of Sarah Osborne, Hodnet. " Sep. 25. Richard, s. of Thomas & Mary Joy, Hodnet. " Sep. 29. Richard, s. of Ricd. & Elizh. Taylor, Marchamley. " Nov. 11. Mary, d). of Willm. & Mary Taylor, Hodnet. " Nov. 18. James, s. of Thos. & Martha Jennings, Wollerton. " Nov. 26. John, s. of Joseph & Margaret Jones, Kenstone. //212 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1771 1771, Jan. 1. Jenny, d. of John & Hannah Davies, Marchamley. " Jan. 4. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Sarah Ibb, Peplow. BURIALS. 1770, Aug. 9. Anne Barret, a servant from Peplow. " Aug. 21. Mary, w. of Robert Downs, Hodnet. " Sep. 13. Thomas Dicken, coroner, Wollerton. " Sep. 22. John, s. of John & Jane Davies, Marchamley. " Oct. 13. Mary, d. of James & Esther Ridgway, Peplow. " Oct. 29. John Dulson, Kenstone. " Nov. 4. Martha, w. of Robert Lockley, Peplow. " Nov. 7. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Eleanor Pickering, Hodnet. " Nov. 29. Richard Davies, Marchamley. " Nov. 24. Mary Bedworth, wid., Wollerton. " Nov. 25. Elizabeth, w. of Thos. Prynold, Marchamley. " Nov. 25. Sarah Harper, jr., Hodnet. " Nov. 30. George Leigh, Marchamley. *" Dec. 3. Anne Ray, widow, 93, Hodnet. " Dec. 25. William Tag, wheelwright, 27, Hodnet. 1771, Jan. 22. Hannah Davies, wid., 67, from the parish of Preese. " Jan. 26. Jane Reynolds, widow, 84, Marchamley, " Feb. 3. John Boughey, 24, a servant from Marchamley. " Apr. 11. Thomas, s. of George & Sarah Clay, 8, Marchamley. " Apr. 26. Anne, d. of Mary Powel. " June 9. Thomas, s. of Arthur & Rebecca Davies, Marchamley;. " June 15. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Powel, Hodnet. " June 17. Samuel, s. of John & Anne Hall, 1, Marchamley. //JS. PRATCHET, Curate. BAPTISMS. 1771, Jan. 13. Martha, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Jan. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Saml. & Elizabeth Jennings, Marchamley. " Jan. 28. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Powel, Marchamley. " Jan. 31. Alice, d. of Richd. & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. //* In this and subsequent entries the age is written small inside the initial letter of the surname. //1771] Hodnet. 213 1771, Feb. 3. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Mary Payne, Kenstone. " Feb. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Smith, Kenstone. " Feb. 15. Mary, d. of William & Mary Edge, Hodnet. " Feb. 23. Mary, d. of Rowland & Elizth. Dicken, Wollerton. " Feb. 24. John, s. of William & Hannah Roberts, Hodnet. " Apr. 6. Anne, d. of Mary Powel, Marchamley. " Apr. 7. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Powel, Hodnet. " Apr. 14. Jane, d. of Joseph & Sarah Plat, Hodnet. " Apr. 18. Anne, d. of Thomas & Martha Micklewright, Hawkestone. " Apr. 21. Mary, d. of James & Martha Taylor, Espley. " Apr. 29. James, s. of George & Sarah Hampton, Marchamley. " Apr. 30. John, s. of Allen & Esther Pidgeon, Peplow. " May 9. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Hannah Jennings, Hodnet. " May 19. Mary, d. of Thos. & Catherine Johnson, Hodnet. " May 29. Edward, s. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " June 3. Joseph, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth Hodges, Hodnet. " June 14. Mary, d. of Robert & Mary Long, Marchamley. " June 21. Richard, s. of Roger & Elizabeth Evans, Marchamley. " June 22. Margaret, d. of Rowd. & Dorothy Morrice, Kenstone. " July 13. Mary, d. of Richd. & Margt. Stephenton, Hodnet. //JS. PRATCHET, Curate. BURIALS. 1771, June 22. Amy, w. of William Peacock, 65, Marchamley. " July 26. Charles Tew, 44, Hodnet. " Aug. 17. Esther, w. of Thomas Churton, 42, Hodnet. " Nov. 3. Mary Davis, 66, a servant from Hodnet Hall. " Nov. 14. Ruth Jackson, widow, 79, Hodnet. " Dec. 6. Philip Dod, senr., 85, Marchamley. 214 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1771 1771, Dec. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Sarah Evans, Hodnet. 1772, Feb. 8. Thomas Ethel, schoolmaster, 84, Hodnet. " Feb. 16. Jane, d. of John & Mary Chesterton, Hodnet. " Feb. 19. John Robins, 89, Hodnet. " Mar. 28. Martha, w. of Theodore Jones, 35, Wollerton. " Apr. 13. Rosanna, d. of George & Sarah Clay, 6, Besford. " June 8. Thomas, s. of William & Jane Griffith, 2, Hodnet. " June 15. Rebecca, w. of Arthur Davies, 35, Marchamley. " June 16. Thomas, s. of John & Elizth. Rider, Hodnet. " June 19. Anne, d. of Martha Osborne, 10, Wollerton. " June 20. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Chidley, Marchamley. " June 21. Samuel, s. of Walter & Martha Minor, 12, Moreton see. " Aug. 7. Thomas Clay Whitfield, 16, Marchamley. //Copied. " Aug. 29. Anne, w. of Thomas Roden, 25, Marchamley. " Sep. 8. Richard Arrowsmith, 52, from Newport. " Sep. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Sarah Atkin, 5, Marchamley. " Oct. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Jane Poole, Marchamley. " Oct. 15. Martha, d. of Mary Pickering, Hodnet. //JS. PRATCHET, Curate. BAPTISMS. 1771, July 14. Elizabeth, d. Joseph & Anne Austin, Marchamley. " July 21. Jane, d. of John & Phillis Robins, Hodnet. " Aug. 4. Abigail, d. of Saml. & Elizth. Roden, Hodnet. " Aug. 11. William, s. of Joseph & Mary Thomas, Hodnet. " Aug. 18. Thomas, s. of Margaret Pace, Hodnet. " Sep. 16. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Adams, Little Bolas. " Sep. 22. Sarah, d. of Edward & Mary Jones, Peplow. " Oct. 6. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Prynold, Marchamley. " Oct. 9. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Elizabeth Stubs, Peplow. " Oct. 13. Jane, d. of John & Mary Chesterton, Hodnet. //1772] Hodnet. 215 1771, Nov. 16. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Cartwright, Hodnet. " Nov. 18. John, s. of Robert & Diana Pratchet, Peplow. " Nov. 25. Thomas, s. of Martha Welles, Hodnet. " Dec. 17. Mary, d. of John & Mary Wilkes, Peplow. " Dec. 18. John, s. of William & Jane Candlelant, Marchamley. " Dec. 29. John. s, of Thomas & Anne Miles, Hodnet. " Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Wild, Hodnet. 1772, Jan. 1. Rebecca, d. of Arthur & Rebecca Davies, Marchamley. " Jan. 11. Charles Hand, s. of Susanna Lockley, Peplow. " Jan. 12. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Sarah Johnson, Wollerton. " Jan. 13. George, s. of Margaret Jones, Marchamley. " Feb. 8. Judith, d. of Saml. & Elizth. Tilsley, Hopton. " Mar. 6. Mary, d. of Thos. & Anne Williams, Marchamley. " Mar. 6. Anne, d. of Willm. & Elizth. Peacock, Marchamley. " Mar. 18. Thomas, s. of George & Anne Wild, Hodnet. " Mar. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Mar. 27. Hannah, d. of Cornelius & Martha Bentley, Hodnet. " Mar. 27. Amy, d. of Edward & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " Apr. 9. John, s. of Joseph & Mary Hughes, Wollerton. " Apr. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John & Jane Davies, Marchamley. " May 3. Jane, d. of John & Elizth. Vaughan, Marchamley. " May 3. Diana, d. of John & Catherine Cartwright. " May 8. William, s. of Thomas & Anne Keay, Hodnet. " May 8. George, s. of John & Mary Wood, Espley. " May 10. James, s. of John & Elizabeth Bradbury, Marchamley. " May 17. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Chidley, Marchamley. 216 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1772 1772, May 17. Susanna, d. of Joshua & Jane Maddox, Hodnet. " June 17. Richard, s. of Samuel & Hannah Jennings, Hodnet. " June 19. Eleanor, d. of Elizabeth Davis, Hodnet. " June 19. Anne, d. of Elizabeth Davis, Hodnet. " July 7. Anne, d. of Ric: & Elizth. Taylor, Marchamley. " July 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Rutter, Hodnet. " Aug. 2. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Martha Ravenscroft, Marchamley. //Copied. " Aug. 23. Jane, d. of John & Anne Allen, Hodnet. " Aug. 25. Jane, d. of Thomas & Anne Roden, Marchamley. " Sep. 12. John, s. of Thomas & Elizth. Cartwright, Marchamley. " Sep. 17. Elizabeth Sarah, d. of Saml. & Elizth. Parker, Peplow. " Sep. 25. Rachel, d. of Row: & Elizth. Dicken, Wollerton. " Sep. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Jane Poole, Marchamley. " Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of John & Anne Minshall, Wollerton. " Nov. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Hampton, Marchamley. " Dec. 6. Thomas, s. of John & Phillis Robins, Hodnet. " Dec. 25. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Dec. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Corser, Marchamley. 1773, Jan. 9. Joseph, s. of James & Mary Bayley, Hodnet. " Jan. 10. Anne, d. of John & Mary Worral, Kenstone. " Jan. 15. Jane, d. of William & Anne Massey, Wollerton. " Jan. 24. Dorothy, d. of Rowl: & Dory. Morrice, Kenstone. " Jan. 30. Philip, s. of Philip & Mary Dod, Marchamley. " Jan. 31. Alice, d. of Thos. & Margt. Chesters, Hodnet. " Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of John & Elizth. Hamlet, Wollerton. //1773] Hodnet. 217 1773, Feb. 10. Esther, d. of John & Esther Jones, Marchamley. " Feb. 28. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Taylor, Hodnet. " Mar. 3. Joseph, s. of George & Sarah Hampton, Marchamley. " Mar. 13. Mary, d. of Samuel & Elizth. Hill, Hodnet. " Mar. 14. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Eliz: Prynold, Marchamley. " Mar. 19. George, s. of Anne Watkiss, Wollerton. " Mar. 29. Sarah, d. of Will & Hannah Roberts, Hodnet. " Apr. 12. Richard, s. of Richd. & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. " Apr. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Mary Withington, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1772, Oct. 16. Anne, d. of Elizabeth Davis, Hodnet. " Nov. 26. John Pace, senr., 63 [or 67], Hodnet. 1773, Jan. 5. Elizabeth, w. of Francis Aikinstall, 59, from Stoke. " Jan. 7. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Minshall, Wollerton. " Feb. 13. Mary Hulstone, widow, 60, Hodnet. " Feb. 13. Eleanor, d. of Elizabeth Davis, Hodnet. " Apr. 15. Mary Gosling, Hodnet. " Apr. 21. Elizabeth Tew, wid., 88, Hodnet. " May 1. George Harris, 88, Marchamley. " June 4. Richard Davies, 71, Losford. " July 8. Mary, d. of Margaret Lappington, Marchamley. " July 10. Edward Chesus, 78, Hodnet. " July 14. Elizabeth, d. of Will. & Eliz: Johnson, Hodnet. " July 18. William Peacock, 71, Marchamley. " July 23. Elizabeth Clough, widow, 80, Marchamley. " July 25. Anne Davies, wid., 76, Losford. " Aug. 16. Mary Dagshaw, wid., 90, Hodnet. " Sep. 12. Thomas Turner, 80, Hodnet. " Oct. 15. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Roden, Marchamley. " Oct. 26. Joseph Adams, Tunstall. " Oct. 28. Richard, s. of Willm. & Elizabeth Powel, Marchamley. //218 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1773 1773, Nov. 18. Elizabeth, d. of William Spilsbury, Marchamley. " Dec. 22. DAME JANE HILL, 59, Hawkstone. " Dec. 30. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Martha Ravenscroft, Marchamley. BAPTISMS. 1773, May 10. John, s. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet " May 12. Elizabeth, d. of William & Elizabeth Johnson, Hodnet. " May 27. Diana, d. of Robert & Diana Pratchet, Peplow. " June 1. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Powel, Marchamley. " Aug. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Welles, Hodnet. " Aug. 19. Margaret, d. of Theodore & Elizth. Jones, Wollerton. " Sep. 12. Mary, d. of Elizabeth Matthews, Hodnet. " Sep. 14. John, s. of Samuel & Mary Cartwright, Hodnet. " Sep. 29. Anne, d. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Sep. 29. Anne, d. of Jane Long, Marchamley. " Oct. 10. William, s. of William & Mary Edge, Hodnet. " Oct. 13. George, s. of Edward & Margt. Austin, Peplow. " Oct. 24. Richard, s. of Sarah Johnson, Hodnet. " Nov. 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Joy, Hodnet. " Dec. 2. Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth Hamlet, Wollerton. " Dec. 5. Margaret Nailor, aged ten years, Hodnet. " Dec. 5. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Sarah Johnson, Wollerton. " Dec. 25. Benjamin, s. of Thomas & Ann Smith, Kenstone. " Dec. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Cornelius & Martha Bentley, Wollerton. " Dec. 27. William, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Jennings, Marchamley. 1774, Jan. 12. John, s. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Jan. 13. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Elizth. Taylor, Marchamley. //1774] Hodnet. 219 1774, Feb. 6. Judith, d. of Joseph & Sarah Plat, Hodnet. " Feb. 7. Richard, s. of Elizabeth Grafton, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1774, Jan. 29. Robert Colley, a servant from Little Bolas. " Feb. 6. Richard Powel, Marchamley. " Feb. 10. John Watkiss, senr., Marchamley. " Feb. 25. Thomas, s. of Martha Welles, Hodnett. " Mar. 22. Anne, d. of Thos. & Martha Micklewright, Hawkestone. " Apr. 6. Elizabeth, w. of John Tither, Hodnett. " Apr. 22. Sarah Vaughan, Marchamley. " Apr. 28. Jane, d. of William & Anne Massey, Wollerton. " May 19. Hannah Watkiss, wid Hodnett. " June 11. Elizabth., w. of Thomas Micklewright, Hawkestone. " June 14. Mary, w. of Joseph Reynolds, Hodnett. " July 18. Sarah Redmond, Marchamley. " Aug. 23. William Watkiss, Marchamley. " Aug. 27. John Woollams, Wollerton. " Sep. 1. George Wood, Marchamley. " Dec. 1. Thomas Welles, Hodnett. " Sep. 11. Elizabeth Poole, Hodnett. " Sep. 20. William, s. of Sarah Cartwright, Hodnett. " Sep. 26. John Green, sawyer, Hodnett. 1775, Jan. 16. John Malt, Hodnett. " Feb. 1. John Green, gardener, Hodnett. " Feb. 10. Fortune, w. of John Skarrat, Losford. " Mar. 15. John Allen, Hodnett. BAPTISMS. 1774, Feb. 9. Sally, d. of John & Hannah Davies, Marchamley. " Feb. 13. George, s. of James & Mary Jemes, Marchamley. " Feb. 18. Anne, d. of Nathaniel & Elisth. Almon, Hodnett. " Feb. 21. James, s. of Allen & Esther Pidgeon, Peplow. " Feb. 26. John, s. of Richard & Margaret Leigh, Marchamley. " Mar. 20. Mary, d. of Samuel & Elizth. Tilsley, Hopton. 220 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1774 1774, Mar. 27. Charles, s. of William & Elizth. Stilgoe, Hodnett. " Apr. 17. Sophia, d. of Joshua & Jane Maddox, Hodnett. " May 10. Thomas, s. of Rowland & Elizabeth Dicken, Wollerton. " May 23. Anne, d. of Josph. & Margaret Jones, Kenstone. " May 29. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Thomas, Hodnett. " June 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Prynold, Marchamley. " June 16. Martha, d. of Thos. & Mary Silitoe, Marchamley. " July 22. William, s. of John & Mary Wood, Espley. " July 24. George, s. of James & Martha Taylor, Espley. " Aug. 14. Thomas, s. of Sarah Espley, Hodnett. " Aug. 22. Elizabeth, d. of John & Phillis Robins, Hodnett. " Aug. 28. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Martha Jarvis, Marchamley. " Sep. 12. Jane, d. of Richd. & Margt. Steventon, Hodnett. " Sep. 12. Anne, d. of William & Sarah Dod, Hodnett. " Oct. 19. William, s. of Sarah Roden, Hodnett. " Oct. 21. Sarah, d. of Mary Partridge, Marchamley. " Oct. 23. Richard, s. of Joseph & Mary Hughes, Wollerton. " Oct. 10. William, s. of Willm. & Elizth. Johnson, Hodnett. BURIALS. 1775, Apr. 5. Anne, d. of Nathaniel & Elizth. Almon, Hodnett. " Apr. 24. Mr. John Dicken, from Drayton. " May 28. Elizabeth, w. of Matthew Minor, Peplow. " June 3. Edward, s. of Richd. & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. " June 20. Francis Jebb, Hodnett. " Aug. 12. THOMAS DICKEN, Esquire, Wollerton Hall. " Sep. 13. James, s. of Edward & Margaret Austin, Peplow. //1775] Hodnet. 221 1775, Sep. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Diana Pratchet, Peplow. " Sep. 25. Diana, w. of Robert Pratchet, Peplow. " Oct. 31. Elizabeth Leigh, wid., Marchamley. " Nov. 19. William Griffith, basket maker, Hodnett. 1776, Jan. 1. Anne Blakemore, Hodnett. " Jan. 6. Richard Bowen, Marchamley. " Jan. 14. Mary Partridge, Marchamley. " Jan. 19. Mary, w. of Thomas Boon, Marchamley. " Jan. 22. Robert Leigh, a travelling man, Hodnett. " Jan. 31. Samuel, s. of John & Sarah Beates, Marchamley. " Feb. 3. Thomas Wood, Espley. " Feb. 9. John, s. of Richard & Hannah Beacall, from Salop. " Feb. 16. Sarah, w. of Edward Atkin, Marchamley. " Feb. 21. Martha, w. of Samuel Britain, Peplow. " Mar. 5. Mrs. Catherine Dicken, widow, from Stoke. " Apr. 11. John Ray, Hodnett. BAPTISMS. 1774, Oct. 30. Samuel, s. of Willm. & Elizth. Powel, Marchamley. " Nov. 7. Kitty, d. of James & Sarah Hinks, Hodnett. " Nov. 15. Jane, d. of Rachel Gregory, Hodnett. " Nov. 26. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Martha Mickelwright, Hawkestone. " Nov. 27. William, s. of Sarah Cartwright, Hodnett. " Dec. 26. Anne, d. of John & Elisth. Vaughan, Marchamley. 1775, Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Thos. & Elizth. Cartwright, Marchamley. " Jan. 20. Jane, d. of Richcl. & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. " Jan. 22. William, s. of Thos. & Sarah Rutter, Hodnett. " Jan. 23. Sarah, d. of Benjn. & Elisth. Forrester, Hodnett. " Jan. 24. Mary, d. of John & Elisth. Bradbury, Marchamley. " Jan. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Do. & Do , twins, Marchamley. 222 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1775 1775, Feb. 11. Edward, s. of Richd. & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. " Feb. 13. Robert, s. of Roger & Elizth. Evans, Marchamley. " Feb. 19. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Anne Williams, Wollerton. " Feb. 22. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Anne Powel, Marchamley. " Mar. 10. Mary, d. of Joseph & Margaret Scott, Wollerton. " Mar. 10. Mary, d. of Philip & Mary Dod, Marchamley. " Mar. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Mar. 13. John, s. of Charles & Hannah Evans, Hodnett. " Mar. 26. Anne, d. of Thos. & Elis: Corser, Marchamley. " Mar. 31. Maq, d. of Mary Hampton, Marchamley. " Apr. 9. Jane, d. of Rowd. & Dorothy Morrice, Kenstone. " Apr. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Sara & Elisth. Hill, Hodnett. " Apr. 18. Thomas, s. of Charles & Susanna Harper, Peplow. " Apr. 30. Francis, s. of Mary Hulstone, Hodnett. " May 4. William, s. of William & Elisth. Adams, Tunstall. " May 20. Thomas, s. of Saml. & Mary Cartwright, Hodnett. " May 28. William, s. of Edwd. & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnett. " June 11. William, s. of Thos. & Martha Humphries, Losford. " July 9. Richard, s. of Anne Judson, Hopton. " July 12. Elizabeth, d. of Willm. & Alice Williams, Hodnett. " July 16. Mary, d. of Richd. & Jane Reynolds, Wollerton. " July 16. Rowland, s. of George & Mary Morrice, Hodnett. " July 18. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Hannah Jennings, Hodnett. " Aug. 4. Sarah, d. of George & Sarah Hampton, Marchamley. //1776] Hodnet. 223 1775, Aug. 6. Richard, s. of James & Mary Bayley, Hodnett. " Aug. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Edwd. & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " Sep. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Diana Pratchet, Peplow. " Sep. 17. Martha, d. of Richd. & Elisth. Taylor, Marchamley. " Nov. 6. Elizabeth, d. of William & Anne Massey, Wollerton. " Nov. 22. Jane, d. of William & Mary Edge, Hodnett. " Dec. 3. Thomas, s. of James & Jane Simon, Wollerton. " Dec. 3. Charlotte, d. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Dec. 12. Elizabeth, d. of George & Mary Mellington, Peplow. " Dec. 17. John, s. of Elisabeth Harper, Hodnett. " Dec. 18. Mary, d. of Willm. & Jane Candlelant, Marchamley. " Dec. 29. Alicia, d. of Allen & Esther Pidgeon, Peplow. 1776, Jan. 7. Jane, d. of Samuel & Elisth. Roden, Hodnett. " Jan. 14. John, s. of John & Phillis Robins, Hodnett. " Jan. 21. John, s. of Nathl. & Elizabeth Almon, Hodnett. " Jan. 28. Samuel, s. of John & Sarah Beates, Marchamley. " Feb. 3. Eleanor, d. of Thos. & Elis: Prynold, Marchamley. " Feb. 4. Cornelius, s. of Cornelius & Martha Bentley, Wollerton. " Feb. 4. Anne, d. of William & Mary Taylor, Hodnet. " Feb. 18. George, s. of Joseph & Sarah Holland, Marchamley. " Feb. 19. John, s. of Joshua & Jane Maddox, Hodnett. " Mar. 10. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Martha Holland, Marchamley. " Mar. 10. Thomas, s. of Mary Ratcliffe, Hodnett. " Mar. 13. Robert, s. of John & Mary Wood, Espley. " Mar. 14. Betsey, d. of John & Elisth. Hamlet, Wollerton. " Mar. 24. Hannah, d. of Sarah Foster, Hodnett. 224 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1776 1776, Mar. 26. Samuel, s. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Apr. 7. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Sarah Plat, Hodnett. " Apr. 22. James, s. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley Green. " May 12. Mary, d. of Martha Welles, Hodnett. " May 23. Henry, s. of Samuel & Elisth. Parker, Peplow. " June 28. Sarah Plat, aged 13 years, Marchamley. " July 11. Susanna, d. of Mary Jarvis, Hodnett. " July 14. John, s. of John & Eliz: Bentley, Marchamley. " July 25. Hannah, d. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley Wood. " July 29. Richard, s. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Hodnett. " Sep. 1. Thomas, s. of Richd. & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. " Sep. 2. John, s. of Thos. & Mary Silitoe, Marchamley. " Sep. 15. Alice, d. of Mary Jennings, Hodnett. " Oct. 6. Joseph, s. of Samuel & Sarah Johnson, Wollerton. " Oct. 16. Richard, s. of Thos. & Anne Powel, Marchamley. " Oct. 20. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Margt. Chesters, Hodnett. " Oct. 21. John, s. of Samuel & Anne Edge, Hodnett. " Nov. 5. Jane, d. of Josph. & Mary Thomas, Hodnett. " Nov. 17. William, s. of George & Mary Morrice, Hodnett. " Nov. 24. Mary, d. of John & Anne Davis, Marchamley. " Dec. 1. Robert, s. of Robert & Mary Harding, Wollerton. " Dec. 12. Robert, s. of Thos. & Martha Mickelwright, Hawkstone. " Dec. 14. Joseph, s. of Rowland & Elisth. Dicken, Wollerton. " Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Edwd. & Anne Cartwright, Hodnett. " Dec. 29. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary Hughes, Wollerton. " Dec. 30. John, s. of George & Anne Heaton, Hodnett. //1776] Hodnet. 225 1777, Jan. 1. John, s. of William & Sarah Dod, Hodnett. " Jan. 5. Jane, d. of Edwd. & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnett. " Jan. 5. Peter, s. of George & Mary Massey, Hodnett. " Jan. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Anne Miles, Hodnett. " Jan. 20. Jane, d. of Willm. & Elizabeth Oozle, Hodnett. " Jan. 22. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Martha Jarvis, Marchamley. " Jan. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elis: Vaughan, Marchamley. " Jan. 27. Hannah, d. of Thos. & Hannah Sharp, Marchamley. BURIALS. 1776, Apr. 13. Mrs. Triana Dicken, widow, from Drayton. " June 5. Thomas Grafton, Hodnett. " June 23. Richard, s. of Thos. & Martha Jennings, Wollerton. " June 24. Thomas, s. of Charles & Susanna Harper, Peplow. " July 13. Mary Groom, widow, Marchamley. " July 14. Thomas Massey, Kenstone. " Aug. 9. Samuel Johnson, Wollerton. " Aug. 15. Mary Johnson, widow, Hodnett. " Aug. 29. Samuel, s. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Sep. 2. Margaret, w. of Thomas Miles, Hodnett. " Sep. 11. Mary Skarrat, Losford. " Sep. 12. Mrs. SARAH DICKEN, widow, Wollerton Hall. " Oct. 12. Sarah, w. of Joseph Plat, Hodnett. " Oct. 24. Mary, w. of The Revd. James Pratchet, Curate, Hodnett. " Nov. 2. George, s. of Richd. & Hannah Beacall, from Salop. " Nov. 22. Charlotte, d. of George & Sarah Bradshaw, Hopton. " Nov. 28. Thomas, s. of Theodore & Elisth. Jones, Wollerton. " Nov. 29. Richard Axon, Hodnett. " Nov. 29. Susanna Palmer, Hodnett. " Dec. 20. Joseph Cartwright, Hodnett. 226 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1776 1776, Dec. 24. Thomas, s. of Richd. & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. " Dec. 24. Theodore Jones, miller, Wollerton. 1777, Jan. 4. Elisabeth, w. of Samuel Tilsley, Wollerton. " Jan. 9. Mary, w. of Joseph Hughes, Wollerton. " Jan. 9. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hughes, Wollerton. " Jan. 12. John, s. of Joseph Hughes, Wollerton. " Jan. 23. Kitty, d. of James & Sarah Hinks, Wollerton. " Feb. 9. Hannah, d. of Thos. & Hannah Sharp, Marchamley. " Feb. 13. Esther Platt, widow, Hodnet. " Feb. 27. Mary, w. of Thomas Cartwright, Hodnet. " Mar. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Edwd. & Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " Mar. 9. Hannah, w. of Thomas Sharp, Marchamley. " Mar. 9. Jane, d. of Josph. & Margt. Jones, Kenstone. " Mar. 10. Jane, w. of Benjamin Forester, Hodnet. " Mar. 12. Mary, w. of Edwd. Ralphs, Marchamley. " Mar. 16. Martha, w. of Thomas Jennings, Wollerton. " Mar. 17. Jane, d. of Samuel & Elisth. Roden, Hodnet. " Mar. 23. Margaret, w, of Joseph Jones, Kenstone. " Apr. 17. Richard Payne, Hopton. " Apr. 27. Richard Owen, a servant from Wollerton Hall. " May 17. Sarah, d. of Joshua & Jane Maddox, Hodnett. " June 2. Martha, w. of Richard Hall, Peplow. " June 13. Mary, d. of John & Elizth. Bradbury, Marchamley. " July 19. Mary Powel, widow, Marchamley. " July 23. George Trim, from Wem parish. BAPTISMS. 1777, July 6. John, s. of Charles & Susanna Harper, Peplow. " July 6. Anne, d. of Margaret Grindley, Hodnet. " July 15. Anne, d. of Willm. & Elisth. Powel, Marchamley. " July 20. Thomas, s. of Willm. & Elisth. Johnson, Hodnet. " July 27. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Joy, Hodnet. " Aug. 3. Elisabeth, d. of Mary Atkin, Marchamley. " Aug. 10. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Dod, Marchamley. //1778] Hodnet. 227 1777, Aug. 10. Sarah, d. of Robert & Sarah Salisbury, Wollerton. " Aug. 10. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Anne Hughes, Wollerton. " Aug. 24. George, s. of Mary Andrews, Wollerton. " Oct. 10. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas & Anne Tilsley, Marchamley. " Oct. 9. Jane, d. of William & Mary Hope, Hodnet. " Oct. 19. Thomas, s. of Charles & Elisabeth Ray, Hodnet. " Oct. 21. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Beates, Marchamley. " Nov. 9. Mary, d. of Thos. & Margaret Hulstone, Hodnet. " Nov. 1,6. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Williams, Wollerton. " Nov. 26. Mary, d. of George & Mary Mellington, Peplow. " Dec. 7. Jane, d. of Joshua & Jane Maddox, Hodnet. " Dec. 9. William, s. of Sarah Cartwright, Hodnet. " Dec. 16. John, s. of Samuel & Mary Groom, Peplow. " Dec. 21. Sarah, d. of John & Phillis Robins, Hodnet. " Dec. 22. Eleanor, d. of Allen & Esther Pidgeon, Peplow. " Dec. 25. Anne, d. of Mary Manly, Hodnet. " Dec. 26. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Alice Holmes, Kenstone. " Dec. 28. Sarah, d. of Cornelius & Martha Bentley, Wollerton. " Dec. 28. Henry, s. of Rachel Gregory, Hodnet. 1778, Jan. 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas Pigot, & Charlotte, Peplow. " Jan. 25. Samuel, s. of George & Mary Morrice, Hodnet. " Feb. 1. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Elisth. Roden, Hodnet. " Feb. 5. Benjamin, s. of Anne Ralphs, Marchamley. " Feb. 7. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary Silitoe, Marchamley. " Feb. 8. Charles, s. of Thos. & Elisth. Prynold, Marchamley. " Feb. 14. Anne, d. of Willm. & Mary Churme, Kenstone. " Feb. 15. Anne, d. of Mary Turner, Hodnet. 228 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1778 1778, Feb. 22. John, s. of Rowd. & Dorothy Morrice, Kenstone. " Feb. 27. Thomas, s. of Mary Heath, Hodnet. " Mar. 4. Margaret, d. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Mar. 23. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Martha Humphries, Losford. " Apr. 1. Richard, s. of Thos. & Anne Smith, Kenstone. " Apr. 12. Jane, d. of Richd. & Jane Reynolds, Wollerton. " Apr. 26. James, s. of James & Martha Taylor, Espley. " Apr. 27. George, s. of Richd. & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. " Apr. 27. Lettice, d. of Francis & Elisth. Snape, Kenstone. " May 3. Anne, d. of John & Hannah Owen, Wollerton. " May 10. Mary, d. of James & Jane Simon, Wollerton. " May 28. Thomas, s. of John & Elisth. Vaughan, Marchamley. 1778, June 30. Margaret, d. of Mary Adams, Bolas. " July 28. Anne, d. of George & Sarah Hampton, Marchamley. " Aug. 10. Thomas, s. of Edwd. & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Aug. 16. Richard, s. of Willm. & Mary Taylor, Hopton. " Aug. 29. Thomas, s. of Willm. & Elizth. Churton, Marchamley. " Sep. 21. Samuel, s. of Saml. & Elisth. Parker, Peplow. " Nov. 6. William, s. of Willm. & Anne Candlelant, Marchamley. " Nov. 8. Thomas, s. of Cornelius & Eleanor Pye, Hodnet. " Nov. 24. William, s. of Thomas & Martha Jarvis, Marchamley. " Dec. 17. Mary, d. of Willm. & Elisth. Liversage, Wollerton. " Dec. 20. James, s. of James &:Anne Pemberton, Marchamley. " Dec. 26. James, s. of Joseph & Sarah Holland, Marchamley. //1779] Hodnet. 229 1779, Jan. 21. William, s. of Thomas & Anne Powel, Marchamley. " Feb. 1. John, s. of William & Anne Massey, Wollerton. " Mar. 2. Sarah, d. of Willm. & Elisth. Adams, Tunstall. " Mar. 13. Phoebe, d. of Thomas & Jane Morris, Kenstone. " Mar. 21. Margaret, d. of Saml. & Mary Cartwright, Hodnet. " Mar. 26. Elisabeth, d. of Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " Apr. 5. Anne, d. of Benjn. & Jane Forester, Marchamley. " Apr. 11. Betty, d. of Willm. & Elisth. Johnson, Hodnet. " Apr. 17. Richard, s. of John & Anne Haynes, Hodnet. " Apr. 18. Richard, s. of Willm. & Mary Thomas, Marchamley. " Apr. 25. Creswel, s. of Thomas Pigot & Charlotte, Peplow. BURIALS. 1779, Feb. 25. John Griffith, blacksmith, Hodnet. " Feb. 27. Dorothy, w. of Thomas Watkin, Hodnet. " Mar. 15. Martha Williams, Marchamley. " Mar. 25. William Edge, Hodnet. " May 2. Richard Tew, Losford. " May 3. Walter Minor, Moreton see. " May 5. Samuel Forester, Whirley-lane. " May 27. Thomas Adams, Tunstall. " May 27. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Martha Micklewright, Hawkeston. " June 21. Anne Ratcliffe, from Whitchurch. " July 9. Jane, d. of Edwd. & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " July 22. Mary, w. of Philip Dod, Marchamley. " Aug. 10. Anne, d. of Sarah Griffith, Hodnet. " Aug. 16. Peter Light, s. of Sarah Stedman, Hodnet. " Aug. 29. Margaret, w. of Joseph Scot. " Sep. 22. Mary, d. of John & Anne Hall, Marchamley. " Oct. 3. William Ralphs, Marchamley. " Oct. 11. Mary Churton, widow, Hodnet. " Nov. 9. Edward Davis, Wollerton. " Nov. 22. William Ridgway, Hodnet. 230 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1779 1779, Nov. 23. John Tither, Hodnet. " Nov. 27. Mary Ibb, widow, Peplow. 1780, Jan. 16. Eleanor, d. of Mary Plat, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1779, Apr. 25. Thomas, s. of Sarah Roden, Hodnet. " May 7. Mary, d. of John & Elisth. Bradbury, Marchamley. " May 7. Eleanor, d. of John & Elisth. Bradbury, Marchamley. " May 7. Charlotte, d. of Edwd. & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " May 16. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Hodnet. " June 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elisth. Corser, Marchamley. " June 11. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary Thomas, Hodnet. " June 12. Mary, d. of Richard & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. " June 13. Anne, d. of Samuel & Anne Edge, Hodnet. " June 13. John, s. of Thomas & Margaret Chesters, Hodnet. " July 2. Richard, s. of Thos. & Elisth. Cartwright, Marchamley. " July 3. Mary, d. of John & Anne Hall, Marchamley. " July 4. George, s. of George & Margt. Morris, Hodnet. " July 17. Samuel, s. of John & Elisth. Vaughan, Marchamley. " July 20. Anne, d. of Philip & Mary Dod, Marchamley. " Aug. 8. John, s. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Aug. 14. Peter Light, s. of Sarah Stedman, Hodnet. " Aug. 14. Jane, d. of John & Martha Jackson, Hodnet. " Aug. 22. Anne, d. of Robt: & Mary Harding, Wollerton. " Aug. 22. Edward, s. of Amy. Hampton, Marchamley. " Sep. 1. Robert, s. of Rachel Gregory, Peplow. " Sep. 5. John, s. of Rowd. & Elizth. Dicken, Wollerton. " Sep. 15. Thomas, s. of Charles & Susanna Harper, Peplow. " Sep. 19. Eleanor, d. of Mary Plat, Hodnet. " Sep. 26. John, s. of John & Mary Dod, Marchamley. //1779] Hodnet. 231 BURIALS. 1780, Jan. 10. John, s. of Willm. & Mary Adams, Marchamley. " Jan. 21. Thomas, s. of Saml. & Mary Philips, Hodnet. " Jan. 27. Jane Dod, widow, Marchamley. " Jan. 29. Charkts Forester, Hodnet. " Apr. 3. Mary Downes, widow, Hodnet. " Apr. 12. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Mary Silotoe, Marchamley. " Apr. 15. Mary, w. of Samuel Philips, Hodnet. " Apr. 26. William Oatly, Wollerton. " June 9. Martha Protheroe, widow, Marchamley. " June 17. John, s. of Rowd. & Elisth. Dicken, Wollerton. " July 14. John Clay, Marchamley. " July 22. Thomas Walker, Bletchley. " Sep. 16. John Harris, Marchamley. " Nov. 22. Susanna Laurence, Hodnet. " Dec. 6. William, s. of Anne Lloyd, Salop. " Dec. 26. Richard Peacock, Marchamley. " Dec. 30. William, s. of Willm. & Anne Candlelant, Marchamley. 1781, Jan. 20. William Cartwright, Marchamley. " Feb. 7. Thomas Jones, Prees Parish. " Feb. 19. Mary, w. of Thomas Stubs, Hodnet. " Mar. 14. William Matthews, Hodnet. " Apr. 11. John Payne, tailor, Hodnet. " Apr. 22. Elizabeth Pickerill, Hodnet. " Apr. 22. Sarah Osborne, Hodnet. " Apr. 24. Hannah, d. of Charlotte Almark, Hodnet. " May 4. Thomas Micklewright, junr., Hawkstone. BAPTISMS. 1779, Oct. 17. Sarah, d. of John & Elisth. Waters, Hodnet. " Oct. 17. William, s. of John & Mary Ray, Hodnet. " Oct. 29. John, s. of Pierce & Rebecca Pace, Hodnet. " Nov. 7. Charlotte, d. of Richd. & Elizth. Taylor, Marchamley. " Nov. 22. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Miles, Hodnet. " Nov. 24. Mary, d. of Joshua & Jane Maddox, Hodnet. " Nov. 25. George, s. of George & Mary Mellington, Peplow. 232 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1779 1779, Nov. 27. Elisa., d. of Willm. & Mary Stokes, Kenstone. " Dec. 9. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Mary Silitoe, Marchamley. 1780, Jan. 10. Mary, d. of Richd. & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. " Jan. 16. John, s. of Willm. & Mary Adams, Marchamley. " Jan. 17. Mary, d. of John & Mary Ridgway, Hodnet. " Jan. 18. John, s. of Benjn. & Elisth. Forester, Hodnet. " Jan. 23. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Jan. 30. Mary, d. of John & Hannah Owen, Wollerton. " Jan. 31. Sarah, d. of Edwd. & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Feb. 6. William, s. of William & Jane Minors, Hodnet. " Feb. 6. Mary, d. of John & Phillis Robins, Hodnet. " Feb. 9. Mary, d. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Feb. 13. Eleanor, d. of Willm. & Elizth. Powel, Marchamley. " Feb. 23. William, s. of Saml. & Mary Groom, Peplow. " Feb. 26. William, s. of Willm. & Mary Churm, Kenstone. " Feb. 29. Thomas, s. of Corn'us & Martha Bentley, Wollerton. " Mar. 12. George, s. of Mary Hulstone, Hodnet. " Mar. 24. William, s. of Mary Johnson, Kenstone. " Mar. 26. George, s. of Edward & Mary Gilbert, Hodnet. " Mar. 27. John Boughey, s. of Thos. & Anne Tilsley, Marchamley. " Apr. 15. Anne, d. of Saml. & Mary Philips, Hodnet. " Apr. 23. Charles, s. of Charles & Hannah Evans, Hodnet. " Apr. 23. Margaret, d. of Thos. & Anne Williams, Wollerton. " May 4. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Margt. Hulstone, Hodnet. " May 8. Anne, d. of Thos. & Elisth. Prynnold, Marchamley. " May 16. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Martha Humphries, Losford. " June 3. John, s. of Saml. & Elisth. Parker, Peplow. " June 4. Catherine, d. of Allen & Esther Pidgeon, Peplow. //1781] Hodnet. 233 1780, July 2. George, s. of Mary Jones [place blank]. " Aug. 13. Samuel, s, of Mary Groom, Hodnet. " Aug. 27. John, s. of Cornelius & Eleanor Pye, Hodnet. " Aug. 27. Sally, d. of Phillis Meadows, Marchamley. " Aug. 31. Anne, d. of Richd. & Elisth. Hall, Peplow. " Sep. 3. Samuel, s. of Hannah Matthews, Hodnet. " Oct. 8. Anne, d. of James & Sarah Plat, Hodnet. " Oct. 18. John, s. of George & Sarah Hampton, Marchamley. " Nov. 5. John, s. of Joseph & Anne Hughes, Wollerton. " Nov. 6. Martha, d. of Thos. & Martha Micklewright, Hawkstone. " Nov. 6. Joseph, s. of Richd. & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. " Nov. 12. Hannah, d. of Jane Simister, Hodnet. " Nov. 15. Thomas Palmer, s. of Willim. & Anne Dyche, Hodnet. " Nov. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Alice Holmes, Kenstone. " Nov. 26. Martha, d. of James & Jane Simon, Wollerton. " Dec. 1. George, s. of John & Anne Haynes, Wollerton. 1781, Jan. 3. Pierce, s. of Pierce & Rebecca Pace, Hodnet. " Jan. 7. Lydia, d. of George & Mary Morrice, Hodnet. " Feb. 4. John, s. of Sarah Stedman, Hodnet. " Feb. 4. William, s. of John & Anne Minshall, Hodnet. " Feb. 25. Anne, d. of Christopher & Anne Kiss, Wollerton. " Feb. 25. Sarah, d. of James & Anne Pemberton, Marchamley. " Mar. 1. William, s. of Edwd. & Anne Fethean, properly Featherstone, Hodnet. " Mar. 16. Hannah, d. of Charlotte Almark, Hodnet. " Mar. 19. Thomas, s. of Willm. & Elisth. Adams, Tunstall. " Mar. 23. Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary Silitoe, Marchamley. " Mar. 25. Richard, s. of Thos. & Sarah Rutter, Hodnet. " Apr. 8. Jane, d. of Samuel & Sarah Leech, Hopton. " Apr. 21. John, s. of John & Dorothy Gollings, Wollerton. 234 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1781 1781, Apr. 29. Jane, d. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " May 3. Sarah, d. of George & Elizth. Morrey, Peplow. " May 14. Jane, d. of Tho. & Elisth. Cartwright, Marchamley. " May 19. Elizabeth, d. of Richd. & Jane Drinkwater, Hodnet. " May 27. Elizabeth, d. of John & Anne Espley, Hodnet. " June 5. Martha, d. of Thos. & Anne Powel, Marchamley. " June 9. James, s. of Walter & Susanna James, Wollerton. " June 18. Sarah, d. of John & Elisth. Vaughan, Marchamley. " June 26. Mary, d. of Willm. & Elisth. Humpherson, Hopton. " June 27. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Bamford ["Sarah Savage" written above], Wollerton. " July 8. Anne, d. of Thos. & Mary Roden, Marchamley. " July 11. John, s. of John & Mary Stokes, Kenstone. " July 16. Martha, d. of Richd. & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. BURIALS. 1781, May 5. Mrs. Triana Dicken, from Drayton. " May 7. Diana Ashley, widow, Bolas. " May 23. Jane, w. of Richard Reynolds, Marchamley. " June 27. Elizabeth, w. of John Chessus, Marchamley. " June 27. Elizabeth, d. of Edwd. & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Aug. 14. Thomas, s. of Sarah Roden, Hodnet. " Sep. 11. Elizabeth Harper, widow, from Stanton parish. " Sep. 26. John, s. of Edward & Mary Gilbert, Hodnet. " Sep. 27. Joseph Plat, Hodnet. " Oct. 9. William Ralphs, Hodnet. " Nov. 12. Sarah Griffiths, widow, Marchamley. " Nov. 15. Robert Osborne, Wollerton. " Nov. 29. John Davies, Marchamley. 1782, Jan. 5. William Forester, Marchamley. " Jan. 6. Anne, d. of Saml. & Mary Philips, Hodnet. " Jan. 9. Sarah Bate, widow, Hodnet. //1782] Hodnet. 235 1782, Jan. 17. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary Joy, Hodnet. " Feb. 15. Mary, w. of John Watkin, Hodnet. " Feb. 16. George, s. of James & Sarah Holland, Wollerton. " Mar. 5. Daniel Alford, Hodnet. " Mar. 11. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Mar. 19. Elizabeth Clay, Prees parish. " Mar. 20. John Bradshaw, senr., Hodnet. " Mar. 31. Martha, w. of Edward Randles, Hodnet. " May 24. Samuel Edge, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1781, July 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Joy, Hodnet. " July 29. Jane, d. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Aug. 26. Timothy, s. of Samuel & Elisth. Roden, Hodnet. " Sep. 2. Samuel, s. of Elizabeth Mumford, Hodnet. " Sep. 6. William, s. of William & Mary Adams, Marchamley. " Sep. 9. Edward, s. of Anne Randles, Hodnet. " Sep. 16. Edward, s. of Thomas & Sarah Rice, Hodnet. " Sep. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Anne Edwards, Hodnet. " Sep. 28. William, s. of William & Anne Massey, Wollerton. " Sep. 30. William, s. of James & Martha Taylor, Espley. " Oct. 21. Mary, d. of Thomas & Martha Jarvis, Marchamley. " Nov. 11. Hannah, d. of Willm. & Mary Taylor, Hopton. " Nov. 12. Robert, s. of John & Elizabeth Ward, Hodnet. " Nov. 18. Sarah, d. of James & Anne Pemberton, Marchamley. " Nov. 25. Alice, d. of Joseph & Mary Plat, Hodnet. " Dec. 10. Sarah, d. of Arthur & Eleanor Edwards, Marchamley. " Dec. 30. Edward, s. of George & Mary Mellington, Peplow. 1782, Jan. 2. Robert, s. of Charles & Susanna Harper, Peplow. " Jan. 10. Mary, d. of John & Mary Dod, Marchamley. 236 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1782 1782, Jan. 20. Anna Maria, d. of Richd. & Elisth. Taylor, Marchamley. " Jan. 27. Benjamin, s. of John & Elisth. Bradbury, Marchamley. " Feb. 6. George, s. of James & Sarah Holland, Wollerton. " Feb. 10. Mary, d. of John & Anne Haynes, Wollerton. " Feb. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Anne Harding, Wollerton. " Feb. 21. Thomas, s. of William & Elizabeth Liversage, Wollerton. " Feb. 24. Alice, d. of Elizabeth Sket, Wollerton. BURIALS. 1782, June 6. Robert, s. of John & Elisth. Ward, Hodnet. " June 16. James, s. of John & Mary Ridgway, Hodnet. " June 23. Mary, w. of John Ridgway, Hodnet. " July 28. Mary Walker, wid., Hodnet. " Sep. 4. George, s. of Richd. & Hannah Beacall, from Salop. " Sep. 11. Edward, s. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Sep. 29. Mary, w. of James Bayley, Marchamley. " Oct. 10. Sarah Davies, jr., Marchamley. " Oct. 11. Dinah Watson, Hodnet. " Oct. 14. Thomas Wright, Drayton Parish. " Oct. 31. Sarah Harper, Hodnet. " Dec. 3. Thomas Barlow, Hodnet. " Dec. 4. Thomas Pearce, Espley. 1783, Jan. 2. Elizabeth Preston, wid., Lumford. " Jan. 15. John Smith, Hodnet. " Jan. 25. Jemima, d. of Benjamin & Abigal Lawton, Hodnet. " Feb. 2. Sarah Forester, widow, Marchamley. " Feb. 15. John Massey, Wollerton. " Feb. 16. John, s. of Thos. & Elizth. Cartwright, Marchamley. " Feb. 17. Robert Morrice, senr., Kenstone. " Feb. 19. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Powel, Kenstone. " Mar. 21. Thomas Minors, Moreton See. //1782] Hodnet. 237 1783, Apr. 6. Hannah, d. of John & Anne Haynes, Wollerton. " Apr. 12. Mary Corkett, widow, Marchamley. " Apr. 29. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Ray, Hodnet. " May 23. Mary, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth Stubs, Peplow. BAPTISMS. 1782, Mar. 12. George, s. of John & Elizabeth Barrow, Hodnet. " Mar. 19. Hannah, d. of Thos. & Elisth. Prynold, Marchamley. " Apr. 8. Frances, d. of Edwd. & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Apr. 14, Susanna, d. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Apr. 17. Martha, d. of Saml. & Mary Cartwright, Hodnet. " Apr. 25. James, s. of John & Mary Ridgway, Hodnet. " Apr. 28. Richard, s. of Thos. & Elisth. Corser, Marchamley. " May 10. William, s. of William & Elisth. Thomas, Hodnet. " May 10. Joseph, s. of William & Elizth. Thomas, Hodnet. " May 11. Samuel, s. of Rowd. & Elisth. Dicken, Wollerton. " May 19. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Marchamley. " May 21. Anne, d. of Mary Miles, Hodnet. " May 24. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Tilsley, Marchamley. " June 2. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Ray, Hodnet. " June 17. John, s. of Willm. & Jane Minors, Hodnet. " June 23. Nancy, d. of George & Mary Morrice, Hodnet. " June 23. Thomas, s. of Mary Preston, Wollerton. " June 29. Mary, d. of James & Alice Baily. Marchamley. " July 14. Mary, d. of William & Anne Dyche, Hodnet. " Aug. 4. John, s. of John & Hannah Owen, Wollerton. " Aug. 15. Sarah, d. of Willm. & Jane Candlelant, Marchamley. " Aug. 29. James, s. of James & Sarah Plat, Hodnet. 238 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1782 1782, Sep. 8. Edward, s. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Sep. 21. Mary, d. of Richd. & Elisth. Hall, Peplow. " Sep. 29. John, s. of William & Anne Smith, Kenstone. " Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of George & Mary Hassel, Losford. " Nov. 3. Sarah, d. of Anne Mathews, Hodnet. " Nov. 10. Anne, d. of Samuel & Anne Edge, Hodnet. " Nov. 17. Sarah, of Joseph & Mary Thomas, Hodnet. " Dec. 15. Richard, s. of Richard & Margaret Pickin, Marchamley. " Dec. 25. William, s. of John & Anne Lockley, Peplow. " Dec. 30. James, s. of William & Anne Massey, Wollerton. 1783, Jan. 5. Catherine, d. of John & Phillis Robins, Hodnet. " Jan. 5. Elizabeth, d. of William & Sarah Dod, Hodnet. " Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. " Jan. 12. Richard, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Jan. 12. Samuel, s. of Catherine Rider, Hodnet. " Jan. 15. Cornelius, s. of Cornelius & Eleanor Pye, Hodnet. " Jan. 19. Charles, s. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Jan. 19. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " Jan. 23. Edward, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Cartwright, Hodnet. " Feb. 3. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Pigot, & Charlotte, Wollerton. " Feb. 10. John, s. of Thos. & Anne Powel, Marchamley. " Feb. 23. Susanna, d. of George & Sarah Hampton, Marchamley. " Feb. 24. Joseph, s. of John & Elizabeth Vaughan, Marchamley. " Mar. 16. Elizabeth, d. of James & Jane Simon, Wollerton. " Mar. 31. Hannah, d. of John & Anne Haynes, Wollerton. //1783] Hodnet. 239 1783, Apr. 6. Richard, s. of Willm. & Elisth. Powel, Marchamley. " May 1. Jane, d. of Thomas & Sarah Brown, Hodnet. " May 4. Mary, d. Willm. & Elisth. Osborne, Hodnet. " May 4. Samuel, s. of Pierce & Rebekah Pace, Hodnet. " May 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Mary Silitoe, Marchamley. " May 4. Anne, d. of Andrew & Anne Clay, Marchamley. " May 18. Samuel, s. of William & Elisth. Humpherson, Hopton. " May 18. Mary, d. of Samuel & Sarah Leech, Hopton. " May 25. Thomas, s. of Mary Boughey, Hodnet. " June 1. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Groom, Peplow. " June 6. Elizabeth, d. of Francis & Eleanor Harding, Peplow. " June 8. Thomas, s. of Richard & Alice Holmes, Kenstone. " June 8. Mary, d. of James & Anne Pemberton, Marchamley. //Copied. " June 24. John, s. of Thos. & Mary Smith, Hodnet. " June 30. Edward, s. of Edwd. & Anne Fethean, properly Featherstone, Hodnet. " July 6. Jane, d. of Edwd. & Mary Gilbert,. Hodnet. " July 27. Jane, d. of Walter & Susanna James, Wollerton. " Agu. 7. George, s. of William & Elizabeth Adams, Tunstall. " Aug. 10. John, s. of John & Anne Beacal, Marchamley. " Aug. 10. Anne, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Cartwright, Marchamley. " Aug. 11. William, s. of Joseph & Anne Hughes, Wollerton. " Sep. 10. Sarah, d. of l3enjamin & Sarah Hampton, Losford. " Sep. 11. Mary, d. of Margaret Butler, Hodnet. " Sep. 21. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Rice, Hodnet. " Sep. 21. William, s. of Stephen & Elizabeth Holden, Hodnet. //240 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1783 1783, Sep. 28. Susanna, d. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Oct. 19. Anne, d. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Oct. 19. Jemima, d. of John & Elizabeth Ward, Hodnet. " Oct. 26. John, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Jones, Marchamley. BURIALS. 1783, May 25. Martha, w. of Samuel Tilsley, Bolas. " June 5. Sarah, w. of Thomas Cartwright, Hodnet. " June 17. Anne, d. of John & Elizabeth Bradshaw, Hodnet. " June 20. Hannah, w. of Willm. Thomas, Hodnet. " June 22. Hannah, w. of Richard Beacall, from Salop. " June 22. Hannah Lawton, widow, Prees. " Aug. 7. Mary Payne, widow, Bolas. " Aug. 15. Sir Rowland Hill, Baronet, Hawkstone. " Aug. 15. Christopher Cartwright, Peplow. " Sep. 30. William Griffiths, Hodnet. " Oct. 6. Thomas Micklewright, Hawkstone. " Oct. 11. Anne, w. of Rowland Lee, jr., Marchamley. " Oct. 30. George Beacall. Wem Parish. " Nov. 12. Anne, d. of Andrew & Anne Clay, Marchamley. " Dec. 30. Mary Alford, widow, Hodnet. " Dec. 11. Elizabeth Addison, widow, Hodnet. 1784, Jan. 1. Ann Woodfen, widow, Hodnet. " Jan. 21. Sarah, w. of Thomas Ibb, Peplow. " Jan. 23. Thomas Cartwright, sr., wheelwright, Hodnet. " Jan. 29. Mary Tew, widow, Hodnet. " Jan. 29. Hannah, d. of Charles Evans, Hodnet. " Feb. 12. Elizabeth Ibb, Peplow. " Mar. 4. Elizabeth, w. of Ralph Wild, Hodnet. " Mar. 15. Elizabeth w. of Benjamin Forester, Hodnet. " Mar. 31. Jane, d. of Samuel & Sarah Leech, Hopton. " Apr. 11. Sarah, d. of Benj: & Sarah Hampton, Losford. " May 7. Thomas, s. of Mary Boughey, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1783, Dec. 14. George, s. of Thomas & Elisabeth Prynnold, Marchamley. //1784] Hodnet. 241 1784, Jan. 1. Samuel, s. of George & Eleanor Jennings, Peplow. " Jan. 4. Thomas, s. of George & Mary Morrice, Hodnet. " Jan. 25. Richard, s. of [blank] & Lettice Reynolds, Hodnet. " Feb. 1. Hugh, s. of Hugh & Sarah Pemberton, Marchamley. " Feb. 1. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Simon, Hodnet. " Feb. 7. Edward, s. of Benjn. & Elisth. Forester, Hodnet. " Feb. 10. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Martha Jarvis, Marchamley. " Feb. 15. Thomas, s. of James & Alice Barley, Marchamley. " Feb. 21. Jemimah, d. of Mary Stones, Hodnet. " Feb. 23. Samuel, s. of Benjamin & Abigal Lawton, Hodnet. " Mar. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Mar. 21. Anne, d. of John & Mary Edge, Wollerton. " Mar. 21. Joseph, s. of James & Sarah Plat, Hodnet. " Apr. 6. John, s. of Richard & Elizabeth Taylor, Marchamley. " Apr. 12. Elizabeth, d. of George & Elizabeth Morrey, Peplow. " Apr. 13. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Elizabeth Jeb, Hodnet. " Apr. 18. Clara, d. of Richard & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. " Apr. 26. Henry, s. of John & Mary Wood, Espley. " May 9. Nancy, d. of Thomas & Sarah Rutter, Hodnet. " May 9. Elizabeth, d. of Sarah Roden, Hodnet. " May 16. Sarah, d. of Anne Williams, Kenstone. " May 16. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Catherine Hulstone, Hodnet. " May 16. James, s. of George & Mary Mellington, Peplow. " May 30. Anne, d. of Eleanor Davies, Hodnet. " June 20. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Anne Tilsley, Marchamley. 242 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1784 1784, June 21. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Jemima Ratcliffe, Hodnet. " June 27. John, s. of John & Elizabeth Watkin, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1784, May 9. Eleanor Pye, widow, Peplow. " May 30. James Osborne, sr., Hodnet. " June 11. Sarah Ray, Hodnet. " June 2 7. Jenny, d. of John & Hannah Davies, Marchamley. " July 4. Sarah Grafton, widow, Hodnet. " July 5. Anne, d. of Philip & Mary Dod, Hodnet. " July 18. Anne, w. of Andrew Clay, Marchamley. " Aug. 25. Martha, d. of John & Anne Haynes, Wollerton. " Sep. 8. Samuel Thomas, Marchamley. " Oct. 28. Richard, s. of Allen & Esther Pidgeon, Peplow. " Oct. 28. Martha, w. of Edward Philips, Hodnet. " Dec. 16. Mary, w. of Samuel Corser, Marchamley. " Dec. 18. Thomas Stubbs, sr., Hodnet. " Dec. 25. Sarah Cartwright, widow, Marchamley. " Dec. 28. Lydia Levett, widow, Hodnet. 1785, Jan. 24. Rowland Morrice, sr., Kenstone. " Feb. 8. Thomas Hulstone, sr., Hodnet. " Feb. 19. John Wright, Drayton Parish. " Feb. 23. Anne Churton, Hodnet. " Feb. 23. Abigail, d. of William & Elizabeth Thomas, Hodnet. " Mar. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Sarah Roden, Hodnet. " Apr. 8. John, s. of Mary Jackson, Hodnet. " Apr. 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Rice, Hodnet. " May 13. Ralph Wild, butcher, Hodnet. " June 9. Elizabeth Payne, widow, Hodnet. " June 14. Sarah Bentley, widow, Marchamley. " June 23. Mary Wright, Drayton Parish. BAPTISMS. 1784, June 27. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas & Elisabeth Corser, Marchamley. " July 18. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Brockton, Hodnet. //1785] Hodnet. 243 1784, July 20. Thomas, s. of Richard & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. " July 25. Anne, d. of William & Mary Lee, Marchamley. " Aug. 9. Martha, d. of John & Anne Haynes, Wollerton. " Aug. 14. Alice, d. of Thomas & Anne Powel, Marchamley. " Aug. 17. Robert, s. of William & Anne Massey, Wollerton. " Sep. 5. John, s. of Mary Smith, Hodnet. " Oct. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Hulstone, Hodnet. " Oct. 16. Richard, s. of Allen & Esther Pidgeon, Peplow. " Oct. 17. William, s. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Oct. 17. Samuel, s. of William & Anne Dyche, Hodnet. " Oct. 18. William, s. of John & Elisabeth Vaughan, Marchamley. " Oct. 31. Mary, d. of Thomas & Sarah Dad, Marchamley. " Nov. 2. Anne, d. of John & Mary Ray, Hodnet. " Nov. 19. Jane, d. of John & Anne Beacal, Marchamley. 1785, Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Bradbury, Marchamley. " Jan. 18. Josn, s. of William & Rachel Ridgway, Peplow. " Jan. 13. John, s. of Mary Jackson, Workhouse. " Jan. 27. Richard, s. of David & Dinah Rowlands, Hopton. " Feb. 2. Anne, d. of John & Hannah Thomas, Kenstone. " Feb. 4. Thomas, s. of Richard & Elisabeth Cartwright, Hodnet. " Feb. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin & Sarah Hampton, Losford. " Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Marchamley. " Feb. 19. Abigail, d. of William & Elisabeth Thomas, Hodnet. 244 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1785 BURIALS. 1785, July 1. Samuel Ravenscroft, Hawkstone. " July 15. Thomas Powel, Kenstone. " July 20. Robert Evans, Hodnet. " Aug. 23. Walter, s. of Richard Sayer, Collector of Excise, & Elizabeth, Wollerton. " Sep. 1. Thomas Miles. sr., Hodnet. " Sep. 22. Charles. s. of John & Mary Tomlinson, Hodnet. " Oct. 8. Richard, s. of William & Elisth. Poowel, Marchamley. " Oct. 23. Elizabeth Davies, Marchamley. " Nov. 20. Sarah Bradshaw, widow, Hodnet. " Nov. 27. Mary, d. of Hugh & Sarah Pemberton, Marchamley. " Dec. 2. Thomas Cartwright, late Parish Clerk of Hodnet. " Dec. 16. Joseph, s. of Sarah Savage, Wollerton. " Dec. 22. Millecent. d. of Benjn. & Eleanor Forester, Hodnet. " Dec. 16. Joseph, s. of Sarah Savage, Wollerton. " Dec. 22. Millecent, d. of Benjn. & Eleanor Forester, Hodnet. " Dec. 22. Esther, d. of Esther Jones, Hodnet. " Dec. 23. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Simon, Hodnet. " Dec. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. 1786, Jan. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Timothy Roden, Hodnet. " Jan. 17. Hannah, d. of Sarah Foster, Hodnet. " Feb. 20. James Ridgway, Peplow. " Feb. 22. Eleanor, w. of Matthew Glanham, Hawkstone. " Mar. 16. James Taylor, Marchamley. " Apr. 2. Sarah Partridge, widow, Marchamley. " Apr. 6. Sarah Rennolds, widow, from Salop. " Apr. 18. Anne, d. of Mary Stones, Hodnet. " May 7. Elizabeth, w. of Daniel Howle, Peplow. BAPTISMS. 1785, Feb. 19. Edward, s. of Samuel & Mary Cartwright, Hodnet. " Mar. 16. John, s. of John & Margaret Hill, Hodnet. " Mar. 24. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Sarah Leech, Hopton. //1785] Hodnet. 245 1785, Apr. 10. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Apr. 10. Anne, d. of Thomas & Mary Silitoe, Marchamley. " Apr. 10. Walter, s. of John & Margaret Boulton, Marchamley. " Apr. 11. Margaret, d. of Edward & Anne Price, Peplow. " Apr. 25. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Taylor, Hopton. " May 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Williams, Wollerton. " May 15. Elizabeth, d. of William & Jane Minors, Hodnet. " May 19. Elisabeth, d. of Richard & Margt. Pickin, Marchamley. " May 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Mary Smith, Hodnet. " June 3. Millecent, d. of Benjn. & Eleanor Forester, Hodnet. " June 12. John Rogers, s. of Willm. & Sarah Bates, Wollerton. " June 12. Charles, s. of George & Mary Morris, Hodnet. " June 12. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Elisth. Prynnold, Marchamley. " June 28. Fanny, d. of George & Sarah Hampton, Marchamley. " July 9. Charlotte, d. of Thomas Pigot, & Charlotte, Wollerton. " July 15. Mary, d. of William & Anne Smith, Hodnet. " July 22. Francis, s. of Francis & Eleanor Harding, Peplow. " Aug. 1. Anne, d. of John & Sarah Simon, Hodnet. " Aug. 2. Mary, d. of Pierce & Rebecca Pace, Hodnet. " Aug. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elisth. Cartwright, Marchamley. " Aug. 21. Anne, d. of James & Anne Pemberton, Marchamley. " Aug. 28. James, s. of James & Jane Simon, Wollerton. " Aug. 28. Jane, d. of William & Elizth. Powel, Marchamley. " Aug. 29. Mary, d. of William & Elizth. Adams, Tunstall. " Sep. 17. Sarah, d. of William & Sarah Pye, Wollerton. 246 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1785 1785, Sep. 18. Mary, d. of Arthur & Eleanor Edwards, Marchamley. " Sep. 21. Charles, s. of John & Mary Tomlinson, Hodnet. " Oct. 22. Kitty, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Hall, Peplow. " Nov. 8. Jane, d. of Benjamin & Abigal Lawton, Hodnet. " Nov. 9. William, s. of Cornelius & Eleanor Pye, Hodnet. " Nov. 13. Hannah, d. of John & Mary Edge, Wollerton. " Dec. 3. Martha, d. of John & Elisth. Vaughan, Marchamley. " Dec. 7. Andrew, s. of Sarah Cartwright, Hodnet. " Dec. 17. Esther, d. of Esther Jones, Hodnet. " Dec. 21. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Johnson, Hodnet. 1786, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Jan. 13. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Lee, Marchamley. " Jan. 13. George, s. of Samuel & Catherine Hulstone, Hodnet. " Jan. 13. George, s. of Joseph & Mary Thomas, Hodnet. " Jan. 22. William, s. of William & Elizabeth Osborne. Hodnet. " Jan. 24. John, s. of James & Alice Bailey, Marchamley. " Feb. 1. Anne, d. of Richard & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. " Feb. 4. John, s. of George & Hannah Payne, Hodnet. " Feb. 13. Anne, d. of John & Anne Beacal, Marchamley. " Feb. 16. Anne, d. of John & Anne Minshall, Hodnet. " Feb. 17. Anne, d. of Edward & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Feb. 19. Thomas, s. of William & Eleanor Burrows, Marchamley. " Feb. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh & Sarah Pemberton, Marchamley. " Mar. 17. Letitia, d. of Richard Sayer, Collector of Excise, & Elizabeth, Wollerton. " Mar. 19. Anne, d. of Mary Stones, Hodnet. " Mar. 26. William, s. of Thomas & Sarah Rice, Hodnet. //1786] Hodnet. 247 1786, Apr. 2. William, s. of William & Sarah Dod, Hodnet. " Apr. 18. Richard, s. of Richard & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. " Apr. 20. Susanna, d. of Thomas & Sarah Brown, Hodnet. " Apr. 30. Edward, s. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " May 7. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Smith, Hodnet. " June 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Dry, Hodnet. " June 4. Mary, d. of William & Elisabeth Thomas, Hodnet. " June 15. Elizabeth, d. of Charles & Sarah Clay, Kenstone. " June 25. John, s. of Robert & Anne Harding, Wollerton. " June 30. Mary, d. of William & Rachel Ridgway, Peplow. " July 23. John, s. of Joseph & Elisabeth Groom, Wollerton. " July 23. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Bathoe, Hodnet. " July 28. James, s. of Joseph & Anne Hughes, Wollerton. " July 29. Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Dod, Marchamley. " Aug. 6. William, s. of Thomas & Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " Aug. 20. John, s. of Joseph & Jemima Radcliffe, Wollerton. " Aug. 23. Martha, d. of James & Elizabeth Taylor, Marchamley. " Sep. 7. Richard, s. of Benjamin & Eleanor Forester, Hodnet. " Sep. 13. Sarah, d. of George & Mary Millington, Peplow. " Oct. 16. Anne, d. of John & Sarah Pickeril, Hodnet. " Nov. 22. George, s. of James & Margaret Thomas, Wollerton. " Nov. 26. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Sarah Rutter, Hodnet. " Dec. 14. Samuel, s. of John & Margaret Hill, Hodnet. " Dec. 17. John, s. of George & Mary Hassel, Losford. 248 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1786 BURIALS. 1786, May 14. Esther Harris, Marchamley. " May 20. Anne Beacal, widow, Marchamley. " June 11. Sarah, d. of John & Elisabeth Bradshaw, Hodnet. " June 30. Anne Hampton, widow, Hodnet. " July 14. John Ridgway, Hodnet. " July 29. Richard Whitfield, sr., Marchamley. " Aug. 1. John Allstone, Hodnet. " Aug. 14. John Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Sep. 24. Susanna, d. of George & Sarah Hampton, Hodnet. " Nov. 2. George Payne, sr., Hodnet. " Nov. 4. John, s. of George & Sarah Hampton, Hodnet. " Nov. 4. Jane Williams, Hodnet. " Nov. 22. Mary, w. of Samuel Dyche, Hodnet. " Nov. 25. Richard, s. of Benjamin & Eleanor Forester, Hodnet. " Dec. 12. Richard Beech, from Salop. " Dec. 27. Sarah, w. of John Chessus, Marchamley. 1787, Jan. 6. Alice, w. of Richard Whitfield, Hopton. " Jan. 18. Samuel Morris, Marchamley. " Feb. 21. Edward Poole, Marchamley. " Mar. 6. Mary Ibbs, Peplow. " Mar. 11. Richard Joy, Hodnet. " Mar. 24. Rebecca, d. of Pierce & Rebecca Pace, Hodnet. " Mar. 26. Margaret Somerfield, Hodnet. " Apr. 13. John Penson, from Wem. " Apr. 26. Dorothy Ralphs, widow, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1786, Dec. 27. Rebecca, d. of Pierce & Rebecca Pace, Hodnet. " Dec. 31. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Anne Tilsley, Marchamley. 1787, Jan. 17. Jane, d. of George & Elisabeth Bathgate, Hodnet. " Jan. 28. Elizabeth, d. of William & Margaret Bartley, Hodnet. " Jan. 28. Anne, d. of Stephen & Elisabeth Holden, Wollerton. //1787] Hodnet. 249 1787, Mar. 8. Jane, d. of Richard & Alioe Holms, Kenstone. " Mar. 21. John, s. of John & Mary Tomlinson, Marchamley. " Mar. 29. Anne, d. of Richard Seyer, Collector of Excise, & Elizabeth, Wollerton. " Apr. 7. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Ralphs, Hodnet. " Apr. 9. Anne, d. of John & Elizabeth Vaughan, Marchamley. " Apr. 9. Felicia, d. of John & Anne Beacal, Marchamley. " Apr. 10. Robert, s. of George & Mary Morris, Hodnet. " Apr. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Brockton, Wollerton. " Apr. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Mary Atkins, Hodnet. " Apr. 25. John, s. of John & Sarah Simon, Hodnet. " Apr. 27. Mary, d. of Benjamin & Sarah Hampton, Losford. " Apr. 29. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Mary Webster, Hodnet. " May 6. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Mary Pickin, Marchamley. " May 6. Thomas, s. of Elizabeth Whitaker, Hodnet. " May 9. Margaret, d. of Mary Miles, Marchamley. " May 20. John, s. of Richard & Elisabeth Cartwright, Hodnet. " June 3. William, s. of Elisabeth Taylor, Marchamley. BURIALS. 1787, May 3. Samuel, s. of John & Margaret Hill, Hodnet. " June 14. Joseph Johssos, Wollerton. //Copied. " July 4. John Ibbs, Peplow. " July 30. Mary, d. of Thomas & Margaret Brockton, Wollerton. " July 31. Jane Davies, widow, from Draylon. " Aug. 13. Elizabeth Adams, from Stoke. " Aug. 20. Sarah Adams, widow, Stoke. " Oct. 6. William, s. of John & Elizabeth Ralphs, Hodnet. 250 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1787 1787, Oct. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Williams, Wollerton. " Oct. 13. William Minor, sr., Hopley. " Nov. 11. John, s. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Nov. 25. Joseph Reynolds, Hodnet. " Dec. 19. Martha, d. of John & Elizabeth Vaughan, Marchamley. 1788, Jan. 6. Edward, s. of Benjamin & Elizabeth Forester, Hodnet. " Jan. 10. John Walford, Marchamley. " Jan. 21. John, s. of Edward & Anne [Elizabeth crossed out] Cartwright, Hodnet. " Jan. 24. Elisabeth Smith, wid., Hodnet. " Jan. 30. Anne, w. of William Massey, Wollerton. " Feb. 3. Margaret, w. of Joseph Eaton, Hodnet. " Feb. 4. Sarah, d. of Elisabeth Jackson, Hodnet. " Feb. 25. William Ashley, Bolas. " Mar. 2. Mary Hill, widow, Hodnet. " Mar. 11. Elisabeth, w. of John Ralphs, Hodnet. " Apr. 6. Thomas, s. of Elisabeth Whitaker, Hodnet. " Apr. 22. John Evans, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1787, June 10. Robert, s. of Mary Groom, Hodnet. //Copied. " July 15. John, s. of Anne Horton, Hodnet. " July 29. John, s. of Arthur & Eleanor Edwards, Marchamley. " Aug. 12. William, s. of James & Anne Ecclestone, Marchamley. " Aug. 12. Sarah, d. of William & Mary Lovet, Little Bolas. " Aug. 18. John, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Cartwright, Marchamley. " Aug. 21. William, s. of Samuel & Mary Cartwright, Hodnet. " Sep. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Hulstone, Hodnet. " Sep. 20. Sarah, d. of Richard & Elisabeth Hall, Peplow. //1788] Hodnet. 251 1787, Oct. 15. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin & Abigal Lawton, Hodnet. " Oct. 15. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Sarah Leech, Hopton. " Oct. 15. Mary, d. of Rowland & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Oct. 21. William, s. of John & Mary Alford, Hodnet. " Oct. 30. John, s. of James & Jane Simon, Hodnet. " Nov. 2. John, s. of John & Hannah Payne, Hopton. " Nov. 4. Isaac, s. of Anne Randles, Hodnet. " Nov. 11. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Nov. 25. Sarah, d. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Dec. 7. Sarah, d. of Robert & Sarah Mundy, Wollerton. " Dec. 15. John, s. of Edward & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Dec. 23. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Johnson, Hodnet. " Dec. 31. Thomas, s. of John & Sarah Pickeril, Marchamley. 1788, Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of William & Anne Smith, Hodnet. " Jan. 12. John, s. of John & Mary Edge, Wollerton. BURIALS. 1788, Apr. 23. John, s. of Sarah Forester, Hodnet. " May 1. Timothy Roden, sr., Hodnet. " May 13. Mary, d. of Thofnas & Mary Blakemore, Hodnet. " May 27. Thomas Wright, sr., Drayton Parish. " May 30. Benjamin Forester, jr., Hodnet. " June 20. John, s. of John & Anna Maria Morgan, Hodnet. " July 26. Abel Long, jr., Prees Parish. " Aug. 11. Mary Gray, Peplow. " Aug. 18. William Madeley, Hodnet. " Aug. 24. Mary Adams, widow, Peplow. " Sep. 18. Elisabeth Gray, Peplow. " Oct. 21. Joseph Gray, Peplow. " Nov. 2. John Mellington, Hodnet. " Nov. 6. George Clay, butcher, from Drayton. 252 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1789 1789, Jan. 8. Esther Ridgway, widow, Peplow. " Jan. 9. George Wood, Espley. " Jan. 9. Sarah Philips, widow, from Drayton. " Jan. 19. Richard Taylor, jr., Marchamley. " Jan. 31. William Dod, Hodnet. " Feb. 1. Sarah, w. of [blank] Pemberton, Marchamley. " Feb. 6. John, s. of John & Sarah Pickerill, Marchamley. " Feb. 8. Hannah Davies, widow, Marchamley. " Feb. 28. Sarah Wild, widow, Hodnet. " Mar. 9. Sarah Jackson, widow, Hodnet. " Mar. 20. William, s. of .Thomas & Anne Bathoe, Wollerton. " Mar. 27. Sarah Clay, widow, from Drayton. " Mar. 29. Anne Jones, widow, Peplow. " Apr. 15. James Gray, sr., Peplow. BAPTISMS. 1788, Jan. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Sadler, Peplow. " Jan. 20. Martha, d. of Charles & Anne Evans, Hodnet. " Jan. 27. Martha, d. of William & Mary Taylor, Hopton. " Feb. 11. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Lee, Marchamley. " Feb. 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elisabeth Hopkins, Marchamley. " Feb. 24. Jeremiah, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Feb. 25. Anne, d. of John & Elisabeth Ralphs, Hodnet. " Mar. 7. Mary, d. of Catherine Rider, Hodnet. " Mar. 10. Samuel, s. of William & Anne Forgham, Kenstone. " Mar. 16. Mary, d. of William & Sarah Pye, Marchamley. " Mar. 21. Thomas, s. of James & Anne Pemberton, Marchamley. " Mar. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " Mar. 23. James, s. of James & Alice Bailey, Marchamley. //1788] Hodnet. 253 1788, Mar. 30. Elisabeth, d. of William & Elisabeth Osborne, Hodnet. " Apr. 22. John, s. of Sarah Forester, Hodnet. " Apr. 27. George, s. of John & Sarah Simon, Hodnet. " Apr. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Smith, Hodnet. " Apr. 28. Edward, s. of John & Sarah Bull, Marchamley. " May 18. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Catherine Hulstone, Hodnet. " May 19. Sandford, s. of Pierce & Rebecca Pace, Hodnet. " June 1. Sarah, d. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " June 8. Hannah, d. of William & Elizabeth Thomas, Hodnet. " June 14. Eleanor, d. of John & Mary Ray, Marchamley. " June 15. William, s. of William & Eleanor Burrows, Marchamley. " June 22. Elizabeth, d. of George & Hannah Payne, Hodnet. " July 13. Mary, d. of Elizabeth Ecclestone, Hodnet. " July 27. Sarah, d. of Hugh & Sarah Pemberton, Marchamley. " Aug. 1. Jane, d. of Thomas & Anne Dry, Hodnet. " Aug. 8. William, s. of Thomas & Anne Bathoe, Wollerton. " Sep. 7. Margaret, d. of George & Mary Morris, Hodnet. " Sep. 28. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Eaton, Losford. " Oct. 24. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Groom, Peplow. " Nov. 16. Samuel, s. of Cornelius & Eleanor Pye, Hodnet. " Nov. 16. William, s. of Anne Steventon, Hodnet. " Nov. 28. Maria, d. of Edward & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Nov. 29. Edward, s. of John & Elisabeth Vaughan, Marchamley. " Dec. 20. Anne, s. of Richard & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. " Dec. 21. Elisabeth, d. of John & Margaret Hill, Hodnet. 254 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1789 1789, Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of Charles & Sarah Clay, Kenstone. " Jan. 3. Joseph, s. of Richard & Hannah [Sarah crossed out] Reynolds, Marchamley. " Feb. 2. John, s. of John & Sarah Pickerill, Marchamley. " Feb. 16. George, s. of John & Anne Beacal, Marchamley. " Mar. 9. Samuel, s. of Joseph & Mary Thomas, Hodnet. " Mar. 14. Anne, d. of Ralph & Sarah Nickson twins. " Mar. 34. Thomas, s. of Ralph & Sarah Nickson Hopton. " Mar. 15. Samuel, s. of Jane Plat, Hodnet. " Mar. 15. James, s. of Thomas & Sarah Rice, Hodnet. " Apr. 15. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Bull, Marchamley. " Apr. 18. George, s. of Benjamin & Sarah Hampton, Losford. " Apr. 18. John, s. of Enoch & Sarah Long, Wollerton. " May 1. Charles, s. of John & Mary Tomlinson, Hodnet. " May 27. Mary, d. of Mary Powel, Marchamley. " May 31. Mary, d. of Sarah Edge, Hodnet. " June 14. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Tilsley, Marchamley. " June 14. William, s. of William & Anne Jennings, Hodnet. " July 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " July 27. Sarah, d. of Rowland & Anne Cartwright, Wollerton. " Sep. 19. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elisabeth Cartwright, Marchamley. " Sep. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Sarah Rutter, Hodnet. " Sep. 20. Elisabeth, d. of John & Anne Ralphs, Hodnet. " Oct. 9. John, s. of George & Mary Mellington, Peplow. " Oct. 9. Anne, d. of do. & do., twins. " Oct. 27. Rachel, d. of Robert & Rebecca Ashley, Marchamley. //1789] Hodnet. 255 1789, Nov. 8. William, s. of William & Anne Smith, Hodnet. " Nov. 29. John, s. of Thomas & Margard Brockton, Hodnet. " Dec. 5. Samuel, s. of James & Jane Simon, Hodnet. " Dec. 27. Elisabeth, d. of John & Mary Alford, Peplow. " Dec. 28. Rebecca, d. of William & Elisabeth Powel, Marchamley. 1790, Jan. 1. Martha, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Johnson, Hodnet. " Jan. 3. John, s. of Dinah Poole, Hodnet. " Jan. 5. John, s. of John & Mary Edge, Wollerton. " Jan. 7. John, s. of Thomas & Lydia Growcock, Hodnet. " Jan. 24. Jane, d. of John & Mary Dad, Marchamley. " Jan. 30. Anne, d. of Thomas & Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " Jan. 31. Joseph, s. of James & Anne Pemberton, Marchamley. " Jan. 31. Edward, s. of Edward & Elisabeth Jones, Marchamley. " Feb. 7. Anne, d. off James & Alice Bailey, Marchamley. " Feb. 28. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Mar. 6. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Cartwright, Hodnet. " Mar. 6. George, s. of George & Hannah Payne, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1789, Apr. 15. Mary Ball, widow, Marchamley. " May 11. Anne Watkiss, widow, Marchamley. " June 7. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Bull, Marchamley. " June 16. Thomas Owen, Hodnet. " June 21. Hannah, d. of William & Elisabeth Thomas, Hodnet. " June 27. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Catherine Hulstone, Hodnet. " July 12. Samuel, s. of Jane Plat, Hodnet. " July 15. William, s. of William & Eleanor Burrows, Marchamley. " July 22. Sarah, d. of Charles & Sarah Clay, Kenstone. 256 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1789 1789, July 22. Joseph, s. of Richard & Hannah [Sarah crossed out] Reynolds, Marchamley. " Aug. 3. Mary, w. of Thomas Oatley, Wollerton. " Aug. 25. Lucy Jarvis, widow, Hodnet. " Oct. 10. Abigal Ethel, widow, from Shawbury. " Oct. 18. Sarah, d. of Anne Alatthews, Hodnet. " Oct. 29. Hannah, w. of Samuel Jebb, Hodnet. " Nov. 5. Robert, s. of Mary Groom, Hodnet. " Nov. 25. Mary, w. of Thomas Redshaw, Moreton Say. " Dec. 8. Robert Philips, Hodnet. " Dec. 10. Sarah Bowen, widow, Marchamley. " Dec. 14. Edward, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Cartwright, Marchamley. " Dec. 29. Sarah Plat, Marchamley. 1790, Jan. 8. Hannah Evans, widow, Hodnet. " Jan. 13. John, s. of Joseph & Jemima Ratcliffe, Hodnet. " Jan. 14. Richard Cartwright, Parish Clerk, Hodnet. " Feb. 2. Samuel, s. of Pierce & Rebecca Pace, Hodnet. " Feb. 10. Mary Jackson, widow, from Prees. " Feb. 13. Mary Ray, widow, Wollerton. " Feb. 14. Thomas Grindley, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1790, Mar. 7. William, s. of John & Sarah Pickeril, Marchamley. " Mar. 10. Charlotte, d. of Thomas & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Mar. 10. William, s. of William & Sarah Pye, Marchamley. " Apr. 2. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Chesterton, Wollerton. " Apr. 13. George Clayton, s. of James & Anne Hampton, Losford. " May 14. Benjamin, s. of Pierce & Rebecca Pace, Hodnet. " May 23. Kitty, d. of Thomas & Margaret Sadler, Peplow. " May 23. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Bathoe, Hodnet. " June 27. Thomas, s. of Mary Smith. Kenstone. " July 7. John, s. of John & Sarah Bull, Marchamley. //1790] Hodnet. 257 1790, July 21. Sarah, d. of Richard & Hannah [Sarah crossed out] Reynolds, Marchamley. " July 11. Elizabeth, d. of Sarah Roden, Hodnet. " July 11. William, s. of John & Mary Vaughan, Marchamley. " July 26. Elisabeth, d. of Bridget Thomson, Peplow. " Aug. 1. Thomas, s. of Mary Steventon, Hodnet. " Aug. 6. George, s. of William & Jane Minors, Hodnet. " Aug. 15. Jane, d. of George & Mary Morris, Hodnet. " Aug. 15. Jane,. d. of Samuel & Catharine Hulstone, Hodnet. " Aug. 22. Thomas, s. of Hugh & Sarah Pemberton, Marchamley. " Aug. 27. George, s. of Charles & Sarah Clay, Marchamley. " Sep. 5. Thomas, s. of Anne Horton, Hodnet. " Sep. 7. William, s. of William & Rachel Ridgway, Peplow. " Sep. 25. Mary, d. of John & Anne Beacal, Marchamley. " Oct. 19. Hannah, d. of George & Jane Gray, Peplow. " Oct. 24. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Webster, Wollerton. " Oct. 31. Hannah, d. of Charles & Anne Evans, Hodnet. " Nov. 30. Mary, d. of Daniel & Eleanor Furnifall, Wollerton. BURIALS. 1790, Mar. 9. Hannah, w. of George Payne, Hodnet. " Mar. 11. Anne, d. of Thomas & Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " Mar. 18. William, s. of William & Anne Dyche, Tickleton. " Mar. 28. Jane, w. of John Davies, Marchamley. " Mar. 29. Joseph Ralphs, Hodnet. " Apr. 2. William, s. of William & Sarah Pye, Marchamley. " Apr. 5. Mary, w. of Francis Reynolds, Marchamley. " Apr. 18. George, s. of George & Hannah Payne, Hodnet. " Apr. 18. James, s. of Thomas & Sarah Rice, Hodnet. " Apr. 30. Harriot, d. of Catherine Taylor, Marchamley. 258 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1790 1790, May 15. John Pace, Hodnet. " May 26. William, s. of John & Sarah Pickeril, Marchamley. " June 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " June 6. Robert Tew, Hodnet. " June 15. Andrew Clay, Marchamley. " June 24. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elisabeth [Mary crossed out] Martin, Marchamley. " July 1. Rebecca, d. of William & Elisabeth Powel, Marchamley. " July 3. Mary, w. of Samuel Groom, Peplow. " July 27. Sarah, d. of Richard & Margaret Pickin, Marchamley. " Aug. 14. Richard, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Aug. 27. Sarah, d. of John Cartwright, Hodnet. " Sep. 16. Anne Green, widow, Hodnet " Nov. 5. Mary, d. of William & Sarah Pye, Marchamley. " Nov. 12. Elisabeth Ecclestone, Hodnet. " Nov. 22. Samuel, s. of Joseph & Mary Thomas, Hodnet. " Dec. 23. Mary, d. of Sarah Cartwright, Hodnet. 1791, Jan. 17. George, s. of Thomas & Anne Beacal, Wem Parish. " Jan. 20. Thomas Ibb, sr., Peplow. BAPTISMS. 1790, Nov. 28. Mary, d. of Sarah Cartwright, Hodnet. " Dec. 5. Sarah, d. of William & Elisabeth Osborne, Hodnet. " Dec. 12. Sarah, d. of Margare Cartwright, Hodnet. " Dec. 26. Sarah, d. of Mary Smith, Hodnet. 1791, Jan. 5. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Simon, Hodnet. " Jan. 16. Mary, d. of Edward & Elisabeth Ralphs, Marchamley. " Jan. 16. Jane, d. of William & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Jan. 23. Richard, s. of Thomas & Elisabeth Hopkins, Marchamley. " Jan. 23. John, s. of Mary Leech, Hopton. //1791] Hodnet. 259 1791, Jan. 23. Mary, d. of Stephen & Elisabeth Growcock, Woolerton. " Jan. 27. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Elisabeth Cartwright, Marchamley. " Jan. 29. Peggy, d. of William & Elianor Burrows, Marchamley. " Jan. 29. Sally, d. of Benjamin & Sarah Hampton, Losford. " Jan. 30. Maria, d. of John & Elisabeth Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Jan. 30. John, s. of Charles & Male Pickerill, Hodnet. " Jan. 31. Richard, s. of Benjamin & Abigal Lawton, Hodnet. " Feb. 4. Thomas, s. of James & Anne Eccleston, Wollerton. " Feb. 20. Elizabeth, d. of William & Sarah Bate, Hodnet. " Feb. 21. John, s. of John & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Feb. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas & Martha Walliter, Marchamley. " Feb. 27. Thomas, s. of William & Sarah Henshaw, Wollerton. " Mar. 19. William, s. of William & Mary Lee, Marchamley. " Mar. 19. Joseph, s. of Robert & Mary Wright, Marchamley. " Mar. 23. Mary, d. of Edward & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Apr. 10. Mary, d. of John & Eleanor Abbots, Marchamley. " Apr. 24. Richard, s. of John & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. BURIALS. 1791, Feb. 6. Peggy, d. of William & Eleanor Burrows, Marchamley. " Feb. 11. Thomas, s. of James & Anne Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Feb. 23. John, s. of John & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Apr. 5. Esther, d. of Thomas Churton, Hodnet. " Apr. 20. John, s. of Harriot Brompton, Marchamley. 260 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1791 1791, Apr. 24. John Harrison, from Drayton. " May 1. Thomas Churton, sr., Hodnet. " June 10. Edward Randles, Hodnet. " July 1. Martha, w. of Thomas Alcock, Wollerton. " July 27. John Addison, saddler, Hodnet. " July 31. Samuel Wilson, taylor, Hodnet. " Aug. 3. James Roden, Hodnet. " Aug. 14. Thomas Churton, jr., Hodnet. " Aug. 25. Charles Pigot, Peplow. " Sep. 30. William, s. of William & Anne Dyche, from Ticklington. " Nov. 23. Elisabeth Williams, from Wem. " Dec. 6. Anne, d. of George & Jane Gray, Peplow. 1792, Jan. 8. John Evans, Wollerton. " Jan. 19. Anne Evans, widol,v, Hodnet. " Jan. 24. Edward Dod, Marchamley. " Feb. 4. Sarah, w. of George Bradshaw, Hopton. " Feb. 22. Eleanor Roden, widow, Hodnet. " Mar. 12. Sarah, d. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Mar. 24. Mary Watson, Hodnet. " Mar. 28. Joseph Woollams, Hodnet. " Apr. 15. Arnold, s. of Richd. & Jane Drinkwater, Salop. BAPTISMS. 1791, May 15. Thomas, s. of William & Mary Espley, Wollerton. " May 24. Sarah, d. of William & Martha Young, Hodnet. " May 28. George, s. of Sarah Powel, Marchamley. " May 29. Jane, d. of Thomas & Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " June 3. Peter, s. of John & Mary Tomlinson, Hodnet. " June 12. William, s. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " June 12. William, s. of Thomas & Lydia Growcock, Hodnet. " July 17. Samuel, s. of Charles & Elisabeth Edge, Hodnet. " July 17. Abigal, d. of Mary Miles, Hodnet. " Aug. 22. John, s. of Richard & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. //1792] Hodnet. 261 1791, Aug. 22. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Sarah Rice, Hodnet. " Sep. 13. Sarah, d. of William & Anne Jennings, Hodnet. " Sep. 25. Jane, d. of Thomas & Sarah Lee, Marchamley. " Sep. 27. Mary, d. of Sarah Dod twins, Hodnet. " Sep. 27. Sarah, d. of Sarah Dod " Oct. 11. William, s. of Joseph & Elisabeth Harris, Marchamley. " Nov. 6. John, s. of John & Anne Ralphs, Hodnet. " Nov. 27. Thomas, s. of Elisabeth Ralphs, Hodnet. " Dec. 2. Anne, d. of George & Jane Gray, Peplow. " Dec. 26. Stephen, s. of James & Jane Simon, Hodnet. 1792, Jan. 1. Elisabeth, d. of William & Hannah Jarvis, Peplow. " Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Joseph & Anne Dutton, Marchamley. " Jan. 16. Elisabeth, d. of Pierce & Rebecca Pace, Hodnet. " Jan. 26. Sarah, d. of Jane Allen, Hodnet. " Jan. 30. Richard, s. of Richard & Anne Porter, Kenstone. " Feb. 5. Anne, d. of Henry & Elisth. Alford, Wollerton. " Feb. 24. William, s. of William & Eleanor Burrows, Marchamley. BURIALS. 1792, Apr. 19. Sarah, w. of George Hampton, Hodnet. " May 24. James, s. of James & Sarah Plat, Hodnet. " June 6. Benjamin Forester, sr., taylor, Hodnet. " June 27. Elisabeth, w. of John Martin, Marchamley. " July 3. Elisabeth Bradshaw, widow, Hodnet. " July 30. William James, Hodnet. " Aug. 22. Sarah Symonds, Hodnet. " Aug. 29. John Vaughan, sr., Marchamley. " Sep. 12. Esther Chessus, widow, Hodnet. " Oct. 19. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Pickeril, Marchamley. " Oct. 21. Edward Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Nov. 7. Mary Jones, widw., Hodnet. 262 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1792 1792, Nov. 21. Charles, s. of Charles & Hannah Evans, Hodnet. " Dec. 10. Mary Boughey, widow, Marchamley. " Dec. 20. Anne Talbot, Marchamley. 1793, Jan. 5. Diana Pratchet, Peplow. " Jan. 22. James, s. of Thomas & Sarah Rutter, Hodnet. " Jan. 27. Thomas, s. of Mary Plat, Marchamley. " Feb. 5. Jane, w. of William Ashley, Wollerton. " Feb. 16. John, s. of George & Mary Mellington, Peplow. " Feb. 25. Charlotte, d. of Edward & Sarah Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Mar. 8. Mary, d. of George & Mary Mellington, Peplow. " Mar. 31. Marabel Osborne, widow, Hodnet. " Apr. 16. Pierce Pace, Hodnet. " May 16. Mary, w. of James Baily, Hodnet. " May 18. Elisabeth, d. of John & Sarah Wise, Peplow. BAPTISMS. 1792, Feb. 26. William, s. of James & Anne Pemberton, Marchamley. " Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Mary Eaton, Losford. " Mar. 11. Rebecca, d. of John & Mary Alford, Peplow. " Apr. 14. William, s. of John & Mary Eaton, Hodnet. " May 13. Joseph, s. of George & Mary Mellington, Peplow. " May 27. Eleanor, d. of Cornelius & Eleanor Pye, Hodnet. " May 29. Elisabeth, d. of John & Anne Beacal, Marchamley. " June 2. Georg, s. of John & Martha Hughes, Marchamley. " June 2. Margaret, d. of John & Margaret Hill, Hodnet. " June 3. William, s. of Thomas & Anne Tilsley, Marchamley. " June 3. Martha, d. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " June 24. John, s. of John & Mary Vaughan, Marchamley. //1793] Hodnet. 263 1792, July 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Johnson, Hodnet. " Aug. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Watson, Marchamley. " Aug. 12. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Pickerill, Hodnet. //Copied. " Aug. 19. James, s. of Hugh & Sarah Pemberton, Hodnet. " Sep. 12. Sarah, d. of John & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " Sep. 16. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Smith, Hodnet. " Oct. 14. James, s. of Thomas & Sarah Rutter, Hodnet. " Oct. 21. Sarah, d. of James & Anne Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Oct. 28. Joseph, s. of John & Elisabeth Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Nov. 1. Mary, d. of John & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. " Nov. 4. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Ralphs, Wollerton. " Nov. 7. John, s. of William & Sarah Pye, Wollerton. " Nov. 27. John, s. of John & Sarah Humphreies, travellers. 1793, Jan. 15. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Simon, Hodnet. " Jan. 27. Martha, d. of William & Elisabeth Osborne, Hodnet. " Jan. 27. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Anne Bathoe, Hodnet. " Feb. 3. Hugh, s. of James & Alice Baily, Marchamley. " Feb. 16. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas & Lucia Growcot, Hodnet. " Mar. 6. Sarah, d. of Mary Long, Losford. " Mar. 9. Anne, d. of Benjamin & Sarah Hampton, Losford. " Mar. 24. William, s. of William & Martha Young, Hodnet. " Mar. 24. Jane, d. of Thomas & Margaret Brockton, Hodnet. " Apr. 13. Sarah, d. of Charles & Sarah Clay, Marchamley. " Apr. 16. Edward Chessus, s. of John & Mary Tomlinson, Hodnet. 264 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1793 1793, Apr. 28. James, s. of George & Jane Gray, Peplow. " May 5. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Catherine Hulstone, Hodnet. " May 12. William, s. of John & Anne Corser, Marchamley. " May 12. William, s. of Ralph & Sarah Nickson, Peplow. " May 12. Elisabeth, d. of John & Sarah Wise, Peplow. " May 19. Samuel, s. of Stephen & Elisabeth Growcot, Wollerton [Hodnet crossed owl]. " May 19. Mary, d. of Thomas & Ann Ibbs, Peplow. " June 16. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. " June 30. George, s. of William & Mary Lee, Marchamley. " July 7. Sarah, d. of John & Elisabeth Bennet, Hodnet. " July 7. Thomas, s. of Robert & Mary Wright, Marchamley. } twins " July 7. John, s. of Robert & Mary Wright, Marchamley. } " July 14. John, s. of Richard & Mary Griffith, Marchamley. " Aug. 15. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Sep. 1. Samuel, s. of William & Anne Jennings, Hodnet. " Sep. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Charles & Male Pickeril, Hodnet. " Sep. 1. John, s. of William & Elisabeth Thomas, Hodnet. " Sep. 8. Anne, d. of William & Sarah Mellington, Hodnet. " Sep. 8. Thomas, s: of Dinah Poole, Hodnet. " Sep. 15. Charles s. of John & Anne Ralphs, Hodnet. " Sep. 22. Mary, d. of William & Mary Lead, Hodnet. " Sep. 24. Mary, d. of Elisabeth Prynnold, Marchamley. " Oct. 13. Betsy, d. of Ann Ralphs, Marchamley. " Oct. 23. Alicia, d. of Thomas & Elisabeth Cartwright, Marchamley. " Ocf. 27. John, s. of Richard & Mary Pooford, Marchamley. //1793] Hodnet. 265 1793, Oct. 27. Edward, s. of Thomas & Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " Oct. 27. Thomas, s. of William & Hannah Jarvis, Peplow. " Nov. 8. John, s. of John & Martha Hughes, Wollerton. " Nov. 24. Mary, d. of Edward & Branch Evans, Wollerton. " Dec. 8. John, s. of John & Hannah Edwards, Marchamley. 1794, Jan. 3. John, s. of John & Eleanor Abbots, Marchamley. " Jan. 4. John, s. of William & Mary Lead, 2 years old, Hodnet. " Jan. 5. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Webster, Wollerton. " Jan. 12. Robert, s. of Robert & Martha Downs, Hodnet. " Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of Jane Braggar, Wollerton. " Feb. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Feb. 23. Samuel, s. of Jane Betton, Hodnet " Mar. 2. John, s. of James & Sarah Espley, Wollerton. " Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of Joseph & Sarah Hughes, Hodnet. " Mar. 24. Catherina, d. of John & Anne Beacal, Marchamley. " Mar. 24. Alice, d. of William & Sarah Churton, Hodnet. " Apr. 17. Edward, s. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " May 4. Mary, d. of Joseph & Jane Wilson, Hodnet. " May 11. Sarah, d. of James & Mary Bayley, Hodnet. " June 1. James, s. of John & Sarah Simon, Hodnet. " June 8. Richard, s. of Charles & Elisabeth Edge, Hodnet. " June 8. Daniel, s. of Henry & Elisabeth Alford, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1793, May 23. John Thomas, sr., Hodnet. " May 26. John Higgins, Hodnet. " June 12. Mary Payne, widow, late Hopton. 266 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1793 1793, July 23. Sarah Lloyd, widow, Hodnet. " July 29. William Nicklin, Wollerton. " Aug. 8. Anne Roden, Marchamley. " Aug. 26. Elisabeth, d. of Bridget Thomson, Hodnet. " Aug. 31. Elisabeth, s. of James & Jane Massey, Wollerton. " Sep. 4. Martha Watson, Hodnet. " Sep. 17. Sarah Churton, Hodnet. " Sep. 25. Robert Kilvert, Hodnet. " Sep. 27. Joseph Dutton, sr., Marchamley. " Oct. 3. Daniel Howle, late of Peplow. " Nov. 17. Jane, d. of Edwd. & Sarah Bradshal,v, Hodnet. " Dec. 3. Mary Jackson, widow, Marchamley. 1794, Feb. 3. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Anne Chesters, Wollerton. " Feb. 6. Catharine, w. of John Cartwright, Hodnet. " Feb. 28. William, s. of Thomas & Anne Tilsey, Marchamley. " Mar. 19. Robert, s. of Robert & Martha Downs, Hodnet. " Mar. 27. Thomas Pigot, from Almington. " May 12. Thomas, s. of Elisabeth Ralphs, Marchamley. " June 2. Edward Gilbert, jr., Hodnet. " June 13. John, s. of John & Elisabeth Bennet, Hodnet. " July 15. James, s. of John & Sarah Simon, Hodnet. " July 20. John Brockton, sr., Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1794, June 8. Richard, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Johnson, Hodnet. " June 10. Richard, s. of Elisabeth Powel, Marchamley. " June 15. Thomas, s. of John & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. " June 22. Rachel, d. of Richard & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. " June 29. Sarah, d. of Mary Miles, Hodnet. " July 6. Maria, d. of Moses & Sarah Whithouse, from Malpas parish. " July 8. Mary, d. of William & Eleanor Burrows, Marchamley. " July 21. Mary, d. of Ralph & Sarah Lowe. Hodnet. " July 27. William, s. of John & Jane Martin, Marchamley. //1795] Hodnet. 267 1794, July 30. Esther, d. of Charles & Hannah Evans, Hodnet. " Aug. 3. Thomas, s. of Stephen & Elisabeth Growcot, Wollerton. " Aug. 12. William, s. of Thomas & Anne Chesters, Wollerton. " Aug. 12. John, s. of Richard & Hannah [Sarah crossed out] Reynolds, Marchamley. " Sep. 5. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Vaughan, Marchamley. " Sep. 7. Francis, s. of Richard & Anne Porter, Wollerton. " Sep. 12. Mary, } d. & s. of Elisabeth Ralphs, Marchamley. " Sep. 12. William, } " Sep. 30. Mary, d. of Joseph & Martha Wilks, Kenstone. " Oct. 13. William, s. of Elisabeth Blakemore, Hopton. " Oct. 20. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Anne Dutton, Marchamley. //" Oct. 28. John, s. of John & Elisabeth [James & Anne erased] Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Oct. 28. John, s. of John & Elisabeth Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Nov. 9. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Rutter, Hodnet. " Nov. 23. Mary, d. of John & Anne Corser, Wollerton. 1795, Jan. 4. Thomas, s. of John & Sarah Ralphs, Wollerton. " Jan. 4. John, s. of John & Mary Alford, Peplow. " Jan. 11. Anne, d. of John & Mary Edge, Kenstone. BURIALS. 1794, July 24. John Baily, Hodnet. " Aug. 3. James Cartwright, Hodnet. " Sep. 2. Mrs. Jane Hill, Hawkstone. " Oct. 18. William Joy, Hodnet. " Nov. 7. Mary, w. of Benjamin Gray, Hodnet. " Nov. 12. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Nov. 23. Jane Griffith, widow, Hodnet. " Dec. 7. Millicent, d. of Henry & Susanna Raybould. " Dec. 15. Thomas Ferrington. " Dec. 26. Martha, d. of Richard & Alice Whitfield, Hopton. 1795, Jan. 18. Elisabeth Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Feb. 5. Martha, d. of James & Jane Simon, Hodnef. 268 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1795 1795, Feb. 11. Samuel Protheroe, Weston. " Apr. 8. John Ashley, Bolas. " Apr. 10. Benjamin Gray, Hodnet. " Apr. 16. Thomas Ethel, from Edgmond. " Apr. 31. John Taylor, tailor, Hodnet. " June 16. Mary, d. of William & Anne Dyke, from Salop. " June 24. Elenor Joy, widow, Hodnet. " July 9. Sarah Tew, widow, Losford. " July 12. Joseph Leigh, Schoolmaster, Hodnet. " July 20. Mary, d. of Nathaniel & Eleanor Edwards, Marchamley. " Aug. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Margaret Sadler, Peplow. " Aug. 17. Robert Pope, gaiaener, Peplow. " Aug. 27. Robert Pigot, Peplow. " Sep. 1. John Chessus, baker, Hodnet. //" Sep. 11. Mary, Martha & Thomas, daus. & s. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Sep. 11. Mary, d. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Sep. 11. Martha d. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Sep. 11. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. BAPTISMS. 1795, Jan. 26. Randle, s. of John & Hannah Payne, Hodnet. " Jan. 30. Anne, d. of John & Mary Tomlinson, Hodnet. " Feb. 10. Anne, d. of George & Jane Gray, Peplow. " Mar. 11. Daniel, s. of Samuel & Catherine Hulstone, Hodnet. " Mar. 22. Maria, d. of Elisabeth Grinley, Hodnet. " Mar. 29. George, s. of Cornelius & Eleanor Pye, Hodnet. " Apr. 4. William, s. of Samuel & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Apr. 5. Jane, d. of Thomas & Mary Smith, Hodnet. " Apr. 11. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Apr. 12. Thomas, s. of Robert & Martha Downs, Hodnet. " Apr. 15. Elisabeth, d. of James & Anne Pemberton, Marchamley. " Apr. 19. Elisabeth, d. of John & Margaret Wellings, Kenstone. " Apr. 22. Sarah, d. of Sophia Afaddox, Hodnet. " Apr. 26. Thomas, s. of John & Susanna Whitfield, Marchamley. //1796] Hodnet. 269 1795, May 27. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Ibbs, Peplow. " May 28. Ralph, s. of John & Sarah Wise, Peplow. " June 4. Joseph, s. of Hugh & Sarah Pemberton, Marchamley. " July 19. Mary, d. of Anne Ridgway, Hopton. " July 26. Edward, s. of Thomas & Anne Tilsley, Marchamley. " July 26. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Bradshaw, Marchamley. " July 30. Mary, d. of William & Martha Young, Hodnet. " Aug. 4. Stephen, s. of Thomas & Sarah Dad, Marchamley. " Aug. 16. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas & Elisabeth Burroughs, Marchamley. " Aug. 16. Sarah, d. of George [Joseph crossed out] & Mary Eaton, Losford. " Aug. 16. Samuel, s. of Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1795, Sep. 15. Anne, w. of Charles Ashley, Hodnet. " Sep. 20. Martha, d. of Mary Timmiss. " Sep. 27. James, s. of Hugh & Sarah Pemberton, Marchamley. " Oct. 1. Benjamin Reynolds, Hodnet. " Oct. 8. John Stedman, Hodnet. " Oct. 28. Sarah, d. of Hugh & Sarah Pemberton, Marchamley. " Nov. 15. Anne, d. of John & Mary Edge, Kenstone. " Nov. 24. Sarah Dod, widow, Marchamley. " Dec. 12. Anne, w. of Thomas Miles, Hodnet. 1796, Jan. 1. John Simon, shoemaker, Hodnet. " Jan. 6. Sarah Davies, widw., Hodnet. " Jan. 7.. Thomas Blakemoor, Hodnet. " Jan. 30. William Massey, gent., Wollerton. " Feb. 2. Hannah, the wife of John Payne, Hodnet. " Feb. 10. Mary Onions, widow, Marchamley. " Feb. 15. Susanna Protheroe, widow, Weston. " Feb. 15. Elisabeth Bartley, widow, Hodnet. " Mar. 6. Mary, w. of Samuel Leech, sr., Hopion. " Mar. 12. William Pickerill, Hodnet. 270 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1796 1796, Mar. 24. Thomas Croxton, from Drayton. " Mar. 31. Elisabeth Pace, widow, Hodnet. " Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of James & Anne Ecclestone, from Prees parish. " Apr. 12. Elisabeth Clake, widw., Marchamley. " May 23. Anne Langley, widw., Hodnet. " May 23. Mary Evans, widw., Wollerton. " May 26. Mary, w. of George Pickerill, Hodnet. " July 17. Richard Astley, Bolas. BAPTISMS. 1795, Aug. 22. Joseph, s. of William 8: Elisabeth Thomas, Hodnet. " Sep. 1. Anne, d. of Thomas & Anne Dry, Hodnet. " Sep. 2. Elisabeth, d. of Edward & Elisabeth Ralphs, Marchamley. " Sep. 5. William, s. of Thomas & Anne Bathoe, Hodnet. " Sep. 13. Rebecca, d. of Richard & Anne Bellingham, Marchamley. " Sep. 13. Thomas, s. of John & Martha Hughes, Wollerton. " Sep. 27. Mary, d. of Jane Loveit, Hodnet. " Oct. 4. Anne, d. of Thomas & Sarah Birch, Marchamley. " Oct. 16. Abraham, s. of Anne Powel, Marchamley. " Nov. 8. Samuel, s. of John & Mary Walley, Losford. " Dec. 6. Jane, d. of John & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. " Dec. 17. Thomas, s. of John & Anne Ralphs, Hodnet. " Dec. 26. John, s. of Joseph & Sarah Hughes, Hodnet. 1796, Jan. 18. John, s. of Sarah Davies, Hodnet. " Jan. 27. John, s. of Georg-e & Elisabeth Wild, Hodnet. " Mar. 16. Elisabeth,,s. of Joseph & Jane Wilson, Hodnet. " Apr. 3. Thomas, s. of James & Mary Bailey, Hodnet. " Apr. 5. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Elisabeth Harris, Marchamley. " Apr. 17. George, s. of Edward & Sarah Jones, Marchamley. " Apr. 24. George, s. of Sarah Hampton, Marchamley. " May 4. Anne, d. of Joseph & Anne Dutton, Marchamley. //1797] Hodnet. 271 1796, May 5. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Griffith, Marchamley. " May 11. Thomas, s. of John & Anne Cartwright, Hodnet. " May 15. John, s. of James & Mary Jones. " May 17. Rebecca, d. of George & Rebecca Bradbury, Hodnet. " May 22. Mary, d. of Edward & Elisabeth Jones, Marchamley. " May 22. Anne, d. of William & Anne Jennings, Hodnet. " June 5. William, s. of Thomas & Margaret Brockton, Hodnet. " June 11. Thomas, s. of Charles & Male Pickerill, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1796, July 20. Thomas Jones, Marchamley. " July 27. Elisabeth Robins, widow, Hodnet. " Aug. 19. Elisabeth Evans, widow, Hodnet. " Aug. 25. Jane, w. of John Wild, Hodnet. " Sep. 4. Mary, w. of John Cartwright, from Whitchurch. " Sep. 9. Thomas Leigh, Steward to Sir Richard Hill, Marchamley. " Sep. 19. Fanny, d. of Thomas & Elisabeth Cartwright, Marchamley. " Nov. 20. George Hampton, Marchamley. " Nov. 28. Richard Whitfield, sr., Hopton. " Dec. 16. Mary Higgins, widow, from Wem. 1797, Jan. 18. Richard Ralphs, Hodnet. " Feb. 3. Charles King, butler, at Peplow. " Feb. 16. Richard, s. of Benjamin & Abigal Lawton, Hodnet. " Feb. 22. Elisabeth, d. of George & Margt. Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Feb. 23. Sarah, w. of William Bate, Hodnet. " Mar. 9. Martha, d. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Mar. 17. John Payne, sadler, Hodnet. " Apr. 8. Richard Bailey, shoemaker, Hodnet. 272 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1797 1797, Apr. 10. Anne, d. of William & Anne Jennings, Hodnet. " Apr. 22. Anne Minors, widow, Hopley. " May 16. Alice, d. of William & Sarah Churton, Hodnet. " May 22. Catherine Dicken, from Ludlow. " May 23. John, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Johnson, Hodnet. " May 25. William, s. of William & Eleanor Burrows, Marchamley. " June 19. Eleanor, w. of Thomas Green, Hodnet. " June 21. William, s. of John & Mary Downs, Hodnet. " June 28. John Watkiss, Marchamley. BAPTISMS. 1796, June 21. Fanny, d. of Thomas & Elisabeth Cartwright, Marchamley. " July 3. James, s. of William & Elisabeth Osborne, Hodnet. " July 9. Thomas, s. of William & Sarah Churton, Hodnet. " July 17. Elisabeth, d. of John & Eleanor Massey, Wollerton. " Aug. 8. Hannah, d. of Jane Hooley, Hodnet. " Aug. 9. William, s. of William & Hannah Jervis, Peplow. " Aug. 21. John, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Johnson, Hodnet. " Aug. 28. Mary, d. of Mary Smith, Hodnet. " Sep. 10. Mary, d. of John & Elisabeth Gosling, Hopton. //" Sep. 30. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth [James & Anne erased] Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Sep. 30. Thomas, s. of John & Elizabeth Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Oct. 16. Thomas, s. of Edward & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Oct. 16. Anne, d. of Mary Matthews. " Oct. 17. Anne, d. of Thomas & Lydia Growcot, Hodnet. " Oct. 17. John, s. of William & Elinor Burroughs, Marchamley. // [William, s. of Thomas & Elisabeth crossed out] " Oct. 23. William, s. of Charles & Elisabeth Edge, Hopton. " Oci. 25. Hannah, d. of Samuel & Elisabeth Jennings, Hodnet. " Oct. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas & Isabel Hebree, Hodnet. //1797] Hodnet. 273 1796, Oct. 26. Andrew, s. of John & Anne Beacal, Marchamley. " Oct. 30. Martha, d. of Samuel & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Nov. 6. John, s. of Charles & Jane Astley, Wollerton. " Nov. 14. George, s. of John [Thomas crossed out] Vaughan, Marchamley. " Dec. 21. Bessy, d. of John & Mary Tomlinson, Hodnet. " Dec. 25. Thomas, s. of Sarah Edge, Hodnet. " Dec. 29. Robert, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. 1797, Jan. 5. Jane, d. of William & Anne Shingler, Wollerton. " Jan. 8. George, s. of George & Jane Gray, Peplow. " Jan. 12. Richard, s. of John & Sarah Ralphs, Wollerton. " Mar. 8. Mary, d. of Richard & Mary Pooford, Marchamley. " Mar. 12. Jane, d. of Thomas & Mary Philips, Marchamley. " Apr. 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Ibb, Peplow. " Apr. 23. John, s. of John & Anne Corser, Wollerton. " Apr. 23. Mary, d. of Eleanor Bradbury, Marchamley. " Apr. 23. John, s. of John & Sarah Taylor, Hodnet. " Apr. 25. Charlotte, d. of John & Ann Hodgkin, Losford. " May 1. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Fanny Robins, Hodnet. " May 1. Hannah, d. of Richard & Hannah Reynods, Marchamley. " May 14. Mary, d. of Joseph & Anne Leech, Hopton. " May 14. Hannah, d. of Mary Rutter, Hodnet. " May 30. Anne, d. of William & Catherine Roberts, Marchamley. " June 9. Robert, s. of Henry & Elisabeth Alford, Hodnet. " July 10. Margaret, d. of Samuel & Mary Beeston, Marchamley. " July 10. William, s. of Richard & Anne Porter, Wollerton. 274 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1797 1797, Aug. 2. Elisabeth, s. of Thomas & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Aug. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Smith, Hodnet. " Aug. 13. James, s. of Thomas & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Aug. 19. John, s. of John & Elisabeth Stubbs, Marchamley. " Aug. 20. Charles, s. of Charles & Elisabeth Edge, Hodnet. " Aug. 22. Samuel, s. of Hugh & Sarah Pemberton, Marchamley. " Sep. 3. William, s. of John & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. " Sep. 13. William, s. of Richard & Jane Allman, Hodnet. " Oct. 10. Robert, s. of Arthur & Elisabeth Chidley, Marchamley. " Oct. 17. Mira Chaloner, d. of Margaret Maurice, Kenstone. " Oct. 19. John, s. of John & Susanna Whitfield, Marchamley. " Nov. 13. James, s. of John & Anne Ralphs, Maraamley. " Dec. 1. Elisabeth, d. of George & Elisabeth Wild, Hodnet. " Dec. 4. William, s. of Samuel & Mary Webster, Wollerton " Dec. 6. Thomas, s. of John & Elisabeth Davis, Hodnet. 1798, Jan. 7. Thomas, s. of John & Mary Alford, Peplow. " Jan. 6. Dinah, d. of Samuel & Catherine Hulstone, Hodnet. " Jan. 21. Anne, d. of John & Sarah Wise, Hodnet. " Jan. 28. Mary, d. pf Dinah Poole, Hodnet. " Feb. 4. Jane, d. of Jane Betton, Hodnet. " Feb. 11. George, s. of Thomas & Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " Feb. 18. John, s. [of] William & Anne Jennings, Hodnet. " Feb. 18. Anne, d. of John & Martha Hughes, Wollerton. " Feb. 27. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Anne Dutton, Marchamley. //1798] Hodnet. 275 1798, Mar. 17. George, s. of George & Mary Espley, Hodnet. " Mar. 25. Robert, s. of Robert & Martha Downs, Hodnet. " Apr. 12. Edward, s. of Edward & Elisabeth Jones, Marchamley. " Apr. 15. John, s. of John & Anne Ralphs, Hodnet. " Apr. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas & Eleanor Johnson, Hodnet. " June 2. Jane, d. of Jane Thomas, Hodnet. " June 3. Thomas, s. of Margaret Jones, Marchamley. " June 9. Samuel, s. of George & Anne Huges, Peplow. " June 17. Anne, d. of James & Mary Baily, Hodnet. " June 19. Fanny, d. of John & Anne Beacal, Marchamley. " July 1. Elisabeth, d. of Elisabeth Pickeril, Kenstone. " July 15. Martha, d. of Joseph & Jane Wilson, Hodnet. " July 22. John, s. of William & Mary Lee, Marchamley. " July 27. Elisabeth, d. of William & Sarah Churton, Hodnet. " Aug. 8. Elisabeth, d. of Charles & Jane Ashley, Wollerton. " Aug. 26. William, s. of Elisabeth Cartwright, Hodnet. " Sep. 6. Anne, d. of .Thomas & Anne Ibbs, Peplow. JAMES PRATCHET, Curate. BURIALS. 1797, Aug. 3. Robert, s. of Thomas & Anne Colley, Hodnet. " Aug. 13. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph & Jane Wilson, Hodnet. " Sep. 21. Elisabeth Horton, widow, Hodnet. " Oct. 8. William, s. of William & Margaret Bruce, Hodnet. " Oct. 22. Jahn, s. of John & Susannah Whitfield, Marchamley. " Nov. 3. Sarah Taylor, Marchamley. " Nov. 15. George, s. of George & Jane Gray, Peplow. " Dec. 24. Hannah, d. of Mary Rutter, Hodnet. " Dec. 30. John, s. of Thomas & Anne Ibb, Peplow. 1798, Jan. 18. William, s. of William & [blank] Daws, Peplow. " Jan. 20. Alice Burrows, widw., Hopton. 276 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1798 1798, Mar. 28. George, s. of George & Mary Espley, Hodnet. " Apr. 7. John Edwards, sr., Marchamley. " May 8. John Wilks, sr., Kenstone. " May 12. Mary, w. of William Adams, Marchamley. " May 23. Margaret, w. of William Bruce, Hodnet. " June 18. Alice, w. of Saml. Huxley, Losford. " Aug. 10. Rowland Lee, sr., Marchamley. " Aug. 20. Jane, d. of Jane Thomas, Hodnet. " Aug. 20. Thomas Alcock, Wollerton. " Nov. 25. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Edge, Marchamley. 1799, Feb. 3. John Cartwright, shoemaker, Hodnet. " Feb. 16. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Bradshaw, Marchamley. " Feb. 26. Mary, w. of Joseph Payne, Wollerton. " Feb. 27. Edward Atkin, Marchamley. " Apr. 1. Alice, w. of George Furber, Stoke. " Apr. 12. Margaret Eaton, Hodnet. " Apr. 19. Sarah, w. of Wm. Peacock, Marchamley. " May 30. Mathew Minor, Peplow. ROBERT CROCKETT, Curate [Signs to 1809]. BAPTISMS. 1798, Sep. 16. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Sep. 23. Stephen, s. of Stephen & Elisabeth Growcot, Wollerton. " Oct. 2. John, s. of William & Mary Glassey, Hodnet. " Oct. 4. Anne, d. of John & Mary Bowers, Hodnet. " Oct. 6. Mary, d. of Sarah Hulstone, Hodnet. " Oct. 14. Elisabeth, d. of John & Mary Vaughan, Marchamley. " Oct. 22. William, s. of Thomas & Eleanor Morgan, Hodnet. " Nov. 7. Elisabeth, d. of Anne Grinley, Hodnet. " Nov. 8. Mary, d. of Thomas & Lydia Growcot, Hodnet. " Nov. 13. Samuel, s. of William & Mary Edge, Marchamley. " Dec. 2. Jane, d. of George & Jane Gray, Peplow. " Dec. 18. Elisabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Hodgkiss, Kenstone. //1799] Hodnet. 277 1798, Dec. 21. Paul, s. of John & Mary Tomlinson, Hodnet. " Dec. 25. John, s. of George & Rebecca Bradbury, Hodnet. 1799, Jan. 14. John, s. of Thos. & Frances Robins, Hodnet. " Jan. 28. Mary, d. of John & Elisth. Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Jan. 28. Mary, d. of George & Sarah Taylor, Hodnet. " Jan. 30. Anne, d. of Joseph & Sarah Hughes, Hodnet. " Feb. 17. John, s. of William & Martha Young, Hodnet. " Feb. 27. Rebecca, d. of William & Mary Worral, Marchamley. " Mar. 21. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Margt. Brockton, Hodnet. " Mar. 24. Michael, s. of Frances & Elisth. Hubbart, Hodnet. " Mar. 24. Andrew [Daniel crossed out], s. of Richd. & Anne Porter, Wollerton. " Mar. 31. William, s. of John & Susanh. Whitfield, Marchamley. " Apr. 7. Charlotte, d. of Elisth. Peake, Hodnet. " Apr. 21. Sarah, d. of Stephen & Elisth. Holding, Peplow. " Apr. 21. Elisabeth, d. of Thos. & Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " May 19. Mary, d. of Elisabeth Edwards, Hodnet. " May 19. Elisabeth, d. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " May 30. Harriet, d. of George & Mary Espley, Hodnet. " May 30. Samuel, s. of William & Hannah Jervis, Peplow. BURIALS. 1799, June 7. Edward Phethean, properly Feathersfone, Hodnet. " June 9. Elisabeth Grindley, Hodnet. " July 24. Richard Ecclestone, Wollerton. " July 29. Philip Dod, Hodnet. " Aug. 25. Sarah Edwards, Hodnet. " Aug. 28. John Cartwright, timber Merchant, from Whitchurch. 278 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1799 1799, Oct. 27. Elisabeth, d. of Wm. & Sarah Churton, Hodnet. " Dec. 16. John Bradbury, Marchamley. " Dec. 21. Elisabeth, w. of Richard Edwards, Marchamley. " Dec. 31. Hannah, w. of Charles Ashley, Hodnet. 1800, Jan. 12. Ann, d. of Tho. & Ann Dry, Hodnet. " Jan. 14. Mary Powell, Hodnet. " Jan. 14. Ann, w. of Edward Cartwright, Hodnet. " Jan. 16. Samuel Jebb, Hodnet. " Jan. 20. Jane, w. of Richd. Pratchet, Hodnet. " Jan. 25. John Morris, Marchamley. " Jan. 29. Rowland, s. of John Hill, junr., & Elish. Rhodes, his wife, from Hardwick. " Mar. 28. William, s. of James & Martha Taylor, Espley. " Apr. 1. Richard, s. of Charles & Jane Astley, Wollerton. " Apr. 19. Ann, d. of Wm. & Martha Bradshaw, Marchamley. " May 1. Frances [Fanny written over], d. of John & Ann Beacal, Marchamley. " June 21. James Hinks, Wollerton. " June 25. Thomas Micklewright, from Yourghton. " July 6. Sarah Morris, Marchemley. " July 7. Robert Kilvert, Hodnet. " Aug. 1. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Wise, Hodnet. " Sep. 14. Ann Murrall, Hodnet. " Sep. 24. William Evans, Hodnet. " Oct. 5. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Simon, Wollerton. " Oct. 23. James Jones, Marchamley. " Nov. 29. Mary Groom, Hodnet. " Dec. 14. Ann Allen, Hodnet. " Dec. 16. Francis Pickeril, Hodnet. " Dec. 25. Catharine Johnson, Hodnet. 1801, Jan. 20. Sarah Causer, Marchamley. " Feb. 24. Thomas Watkiss, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1799, June 30. John, s. of William & Elisabeth Osborne, Hodnet. //1800] Hodnet. 279 1799, July 7. Joseph, s. of Ann Horton, Hodnet. " July 16. John, s. of Richard & Jane Alman, Hodnet. " Aug. 4. Richard, s. of Cornelius & Eleanor Pye, Hodnet. " Aug. 4. Elisabeth, d. of Samuel & Elisth. Jennings, Kenstone. " Aug. 8. Fanny, d. of Arthur & Elisth. Chidley, Marchamley. " Sep. 1. Samuel, s. of Richard & Sarah Edwards, Marchamley. " Sep. 1. Mary, d. of George & Elisabeth Rider, Hodnet. " Sep. 15. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Ralphs, Wollerton. " Sep. 15. Sarah, d. of John & Ann Corser, Wollerton. " Sep. 23. Elisabeth, d. of James & Sarah Lamb, Hodnet. " Sep. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas & Mary Roe, Tunstall. " Oct. 20. John, s. of John & Elisabeth Davies, Hodnet. " Oct. 20. Elisabeth, d. of Richd. & Hannah Reynolds, Marchamley. " Oct. 27. Margaret, d. of John & Martha Hilton, Peplow. " Nov. 17. Richard, s. of Rd. & Sarah Edwards, bapt. at Brewood, Staffordshire, and Christened here, Marchamley. " Nov. 24. Maria, d. of John & Mary Downs, Hodnet. " Dec. 8. John, s. of Richard & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Dec. 22. William, s. of Charles & Milecent Pickeril, Hodnet. " Dec. 29. Charles, s. of Wm. & Eleanor Burrows, Marchamley. 1800, Jan. 12. John, s. of Margaret Jones, Marchamley. " Jan. 27. John, s. of Samuel & Sarah Leech, Hopton. " Feb. 11. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary Worrall, Marchamley. " Feb. 16. Ann, d. of Richd. & Mary/ Hodgkiss, Kenstone. " Mar. 7. George, s. of John & Elizabeth Stubbs, Marchamley. " Mar. 23. Samuel, s. of John & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. 280 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1800 1800, Mar. 29. Richard, s. of Charles & Jane Astley, Wollerton. " Apr. 6. Samuel, s. of Eleanor Powel, Marchamley. //" Apr. 6. George & Amelia, s. & d., twins of Sarah Bradbury, Marchamley. " Apr. 6. George, s. of Sarah Bradbury, Marchamley. " Apr. 6. Amelia, d. of Sarah Bradbury, Marchamley. " Apr. 13. John, s. of John & Martha Hughes, Wollerton. " Apr. 20. Jane, d. of John & Sarah Wise, Hodnet. " Apr. 20. John, s. of James & Ann Jones, Marchamley. " Apr. 20. Mary, d. of John & Ann Ralphs, Hodnet. " Apr. 21. John Embrey, s. of Wm. & Elis: Wood, Espley. " Apr. 22. Martha, d. of Joseph & Ann Dutton, Marchamley. " May 11. William, s. of Wm. & Mary Glassey, Hodnet. " May 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Elisth. Cliff, Kenstone. " May 31. John, s. of Charles & Sarah Clay, Kenstone. " June 8. George, s. of Jane Jarvis, Hodnet. " June 15. Helen, d. of George & Elish. Wild, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1801, Feb. 27. Thomas Ray, Hodnet. " Mar. 1. Jane, w. of Joseph Green, Hodnet. " Mar. 5. John, s. of John & Ann Causer, Wollerton. " Mar. 11. Richard Mason, from Soudley, in p. Eaton, Salop. " Mar. 17. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Sarah Hughes, Hodnet. " Mar. 19. Susannah, w. of Samuael Green, Hodnet. " Apr. 5. Mary Espley, Hodnet. " Apr. 7. Charles, s. of Josh. & Ann Leech, Hopton. " Apr. 20. William Ashley, Wollerton. " May 11. Mary Clough, Marchamley. " May 31. Phoebe, cf. of Elisth. Tilsley, Marchamley. " June 6. Elisabeth, w. of Abel Long, from p. Frees. " June 7. Mary Edge, Hodnet. " June 21. James Taylor, Espley. " June 26. Ann Harris, Weston. " June 26. Mary Smith, wife of Thos., Hodnet. " June 26. Margaret Brockton, wife of Thos., Hodnet. " June 27. Ann, d. of Richd. & Mary Hodgkiss, Kenstone. //1801] Hodnet. 281 1801, Aug. 13. Robert, s. of Robt. & Martha Downs, Hodnet. " Aug. 19. Mary, w. of Samuel Philips, Marchamley. " Aug. 19. William Payne, Hodnet. " Aug. 22. Samuel Green, Hodnet. " Sep. 15. Ann Bradshaw, Hodnet. " Sep. 18. Elisabeth, w. of Thos. Pickeril, Hodnet. " Sep. 21. Samuel, s. of Thos. & the late Mary Smith, Hodnet. " Sep. 24. Martha Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Sep. 25. Mary Madeley, Hodnet. " Oct. 4. Thomas Pickeril, Hodnet. " Oct. 23. Sarah, w. of Thos. Rice, Hodnet. " Nov. 10. Joseph Eaton, Hodnet. " Nov. 10. Elisabeth, d. of Mary Bradbury, Marchamley. BAPTISMS. 1800, June 29. John, s. of Charles & Elisabeth Edge, Hodnet. " July 6. Thomas, s. of Wm. & Mary Edge, Marchamley. " July 13. William, s. of Mary Watson, Losford. " July 21. Julia, d. of Catharine Hinks, Wollerton. " July 23. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Sarah Hughes, Hodnet. " July 16. Jane, d. of Richard & Martha Pratchet, Hodnet. " July 28. Elisabeth, d. of Richd. & Mary Griffiths, Marchamley. " Aug. 3. Richard, s. of John & Mary Alford, Peplow. " Aug. 27. John, s. of Hanh. Kynaston, Hodnet. " Aug. 31. John, s. of James & Mary Bayley, Hodnet. " Sep. 8. Margaret, d. of Josh. & Jane Wilson, Hodnet. " Sep. 21. Jane, d. of Robt. & Mary Williams, Hodnet. " Sep. 21. Charles, s. of Josh., & Ann Leech, Hopton. " Sep. 21. George, s. of Wm. & Rachel Ridgway, Hodnet. " Sep. 27. Mary, d. of James & Sarah Lamb, Hodnet. " Sep. 29. John, s. of Thos. & Martha Cartwright, Hodnet. " Oct. 19. Richard, s. of Thos. & Mary Roe, Tunstall. " Oct. 19. Elisabeth, d. of Thos. & Eleanor Jonson, Hodnet. 282 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1800 1800, Oct. 20. Joseph, s. of John & Mary Vaughan, Marchamley. " Nov. 2. Elisabeth, d. of Josh. & Jane Bate, Hodnet. 1801, Jan. 4. William, s. of John & Elisth. Lowton, Marchamley. " Jan. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elisth. Isdathews, Hodnet. " Jan. 10. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Ann Ibbs, Peplow. " Jan. 11. Phoebe, d. of Elisabeth Tilsley, Marchamley. " Jan. 25. John, s. of Edwd. & Sarah Jones, Marchamley. " Feb. 1. John, s. of Samuel & Catherine Hulstone, Hodnet. " Feb. 8. Ann, d. of Richd. & Jane Alman, Hodnet. " Feb. 8. Mary, d. of John & Elisth Jarvis, Hodnet. " Mar. 8. Elisabeth, d. of Arthur & Sarah Evans, Kenstone. " Apr. 17. William, s. of John & Martha Hilton, Peplow. " Apr. 19. Mary, d. of Charlotte Leech, Marchamley. " May 7. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Mary Smith, Hodnet. " June 7. Andrew, s. of Thos. & Mary Worral, Marchamley. " June 12. Elisabeth, d. of Wm. & Ann Shingler, Wollerton. BURIALS. 1801, Nov. 11. Richard Taylor, Marchamley. " Nov. 23. Thomas Plat, Ternhill. " Dec. 2. Elisabeth Watson, Hodnet. " Dec. 20. Elisabeth, w. of Wm. Powel, Marchamley. 1802, Jan. 24. William, s. of Ann Haynes, Hodnet. " Feb. 20. Samuel Dyche, Hodnet. " Feb. 21. Thomas,, s. of Saml. & Rebecca Causer, Marchamley. " Feb. 25. Sarah, d. of Jams. Ecclestone & Ann his wife, decd., from p. Prees. " Mar. 14.. Thomas Palmer, s. of Wm. & Ann Dyche, Hodnet. " Mar. 25. William Dulson, from Stoke. " Apr. 9. Catharine Hinks, Wollerton. " Apr. 11. Oswald, s. of George & Charlotte Lister, vagrants. //1801] Hodnet. 283 1802, May 4. Andrew, s. of Sarah Cartwright, Hodnet. " May 6. Mary Ridgway, Hodnet. " May 8. John Davies, Tunstall. " May 26. Ann, w. of George Wild, Hodnet. " June 23. The Revd. James Pratchet, upwards of 32 years Curate of this parish, from Birmingham. " July 8. Mary, d. of Elish. Edwards, Hodnet. " Aug. 7. Benjamin Davies, a travelling man, from Shepton Court, Herefordshire. " Aug. 20. Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " Oct. 3. John Adams, Marchamley. " Oct. 14. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah Hughes, Hodnet. " Nov. 3. Richard Watson, Wollerton. " Dec. 22. William, s. of Mary Watson, Wollerton. " Dec. 25. Elisabeth Axon, Hodnet. " Dec. 28. George, s. of Wm. & Rachel Ridgway, Hodnet. 1803, Jan. 18. Mary, d. of Wm. & Sarah Churton, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1801, July 1. Maria, d. of John & Ann Beacal, Marchamley. " July 5. George, s. of George & Ann Hughes, Peplow. " July 25. James, s. of John & Ann Plat, Hodnet. " Aug. 2. Sarah, d. of Dinah Poole, Hodnet. " Aug. 4. Richard, s. of Richd. & Sarah Whitfield, Hopton. " Aug. 10. Mary, d. of George & Jane Gray, Peplow. " Aug. 12. Mary, d. of John & Susannah Whitfield, Marchamley. " Aug. 14. Margaret, d. of Mary Salisbury, Hodnet. " Sep. 3. Mary, d. of Wm. & Elisabeth Johnson, Hodnet. " Sep. 20. Elisabeth, d. of Sarah Pemberton, Hodnet. " Oct. 4. Mary, d. of Wm. & Hannah Jervies, Peplow. " Oct. 4. Ann, d. of John & Elish. Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Oct. 18. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Elish. Hitchin, Hodnet. " Oct. 18. Mary, d. of Jane Reynolds, Marchamley. " Nov. 23. Jane, d. of Heyley & Sarah Fox, Wollerton. " Dec. 7. William, s. of Wm. & Elish. Wood, Espley. 284 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1801 1801, Dec. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. " Dec. 27. Elisabeth, s. of George & Mary Espley, Hodnet. " Dec. 28. George, s. of Saml. & Violetta Rider, Marchamley. 1802, Jan. 1. John, s. of Thos. & Elish. Cliff, Kenstone. " Jan. 17. William, s. of Wm. & Jane Porter, Hawkstone. " Jan. 22. William, s. of Ann Haynes, Hodnet. " Feb. 1. Mary, d. of John & Elisth. Cartwright, Hopton. " Feb. 3. Nathaniel, s. of John & Elish. Davies, Hodnet. " Feb. 7. William, s. of Thomas & Mary Jervies, Hodnet. " Feb. 21. Mary, d. of Thos. & Ann Taylor, Marchley [sic]. " Feb. 21. Samuel, s. of John & Mary Owen, Hodnet. " Feb. 23. Mary, d. of Wm. & Martha Millington, Hopton. " Feb. 28. Ann, d. of Thos. & Mary James, Marchamley. " Feb. 28. John, s. of Mary Wilson, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1803, Feb. 7. Samuel Huxley, Losford. " Feb. 14. John Roberts, Hodnet. " Feb. 19. John, s. of Ricd. & Mary Hodgkiss, Kenstone. " Feb. 20. Robert Downs, Hodnet. " Mar. 2. Richard, s. of Elish. Edwards, Hodnet. " Mar. 8. John, s. c,f Ricd. & Mary Poofoot, Hodnet. " Mar. 28. Francis Reynolds, Marchamley. " Apr. 14. Richard, s. of Saml. & Kate Corser, Marchatinley. " Apr. 19. Thomas Green, Hodnet. " May 11. Ann, w. of Wm. Dyche, Salop. " May 11. Samuel, s. of Thos. Brockton, Hodnet. " May 13. Edward Cartwright, Hodnet. " May 27. Ann, d. of Wm. & Ann Taylor, from Sandford. " June 20. Mary Watson, Hodnet. " June 29. George, s. of George & Elish. Rider, Hodnet. //1802] Hodnet. 285 1803, July 10. Richard, s. of Thos. & Elish. Hopkins, Marchamley. " Aug. 1. Richard Pratchet, Hodnet. " Sep. 13. John Hamlet, Hodnet. " Oct. 20. Elisabeth Grafton, Hodnet. " Nov. 10. William Taylor, Sandford in p. Prees. " Dec. 30. William Blockley, Wollerton. 1804, Feb. 10. Richard Pratchet, 43, Hodnet. " Feb. 11. John Ralphs, 84, Hodnet. " Feb. 11. William Powel, 65, Marchamley. " Feb. 22. Elisabeth Vaughan, 25, servant at Drayton. " Feb. 26. George, s. of John & Beatrice Weston, of Hopton. BAPTISMS. 1802, Mar. 19. Ann, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Mar. 21. Ann, d. of Richd. & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Mar. 21. William, s. of Wm. & Martha Bradshaw, Marchamley. " Apr. 8. Mary, d. of Wm. & Sarah Churton, Hodnet. " Apr. 18. Martha, d. of Elish. Bellingham, Marchamley. " May 9. Mary, d. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " May 23. Richard, s. of Elish. Edwards, Hodnet. " May 24. George, s. of Elish. Lister, Marchamley. " May 26. John, s. of Elish. Groom, Hodnet. " May 30. Ann, d. of Margt. Jones, Hodnet. " June 1. Benjamin, s. of Thos. & Lydia Growcot, Hodnet. " June 6. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Martha Cartwright, Hodnet. " June 19. John, s. of Richd. & Mary Hodgkiss, Kenstone. " June 30. Ann, d. of Thos. & Mary Roe, Tunstall. " July 1. William, s. of Lydia Barrow, Kenstone. " July 11. Rebecca, d. of Josh. & Ann Dutton, Marchamley. " July 11. Eleanor, d. of George & Rebeca Bradbury, Hodnet. " July 11. Sarah, d. of John & Ann Ralphs, Hodnet. " July 14. Mathew, s. of Thos. & Mary Worml, Marchamley. 286 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1802 1802, Aug. 1. Richard, s. of Saml. & Kate Corser, Marchamley. " Aug. 30. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Frances Robins, Hodnet. " Sep. 5. Henry, s. of Sarah Dod, Marchamley. " Sep. 13. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Eleanor Morgan, Hodnet. " Sep. 25. John, s. of Edwd. & Jemima Ralphs, Hodnet. " Sep. 26. George, s. of George & Mary Guilford, Hodnet. " Sep. 27. Peter, s. of John & Martha Hilton, Peplow. " Oct. 3. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah Hughes, Hodnet. " Oct. 4. Elisabeth, d. of Luke & Elish. Bayley, Hodnet. " Oct. 8. Martha, d. of Richd. & Martha Pratchet, Hodnet. " Oct. 17. William, s. of John & Margt. Watson, Hodnet. " Oct. 17. Ann, d. of John & Sarah Ralphs, Wollerton. " Oct. 17. Richard, s. of Arthr. & Sarah Evans, Kenstone. " Oct. 31. Daniel, s. of John & Martha Hughes, Wollerton. " Nov. 7. Hannah, d. of Saml. & Sarah Leech, Hopton. " Nov. 8. John, s. of Richd. & Sarah Whitfield, Hopton. " Nov. 23. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Wise, Hodnet. " Dec. 12. Mary Ann, d. of Hannh. Chesterton, Hodnet. " Dec. 26. Samuel, s. of Josh. & Jane Wilson, Hodnet. " Dec. 13. Robert, s. of Robt. & Martha Downes, Hodnet. 1803, Jan. 16. Mary, d. of Ann Edwards, Marchamley. " Jan. 22. Thomas, s. of Wm. & Elisth. Johnson, Hodnet. " Jan. 23. George, s. of George & Sarah Taylor, Hodnet. " Jan. 23. Hannah, d. of George & Mary Hassel, Hodnet. " -. Thomas Lea, s. of Thos. & Hannh. Huxley, Losford. " Mar. 4. Robert, s. of Thos. & Ann Ibbs, Peplow. " Mar. 6. John, s. of Ann Allies, Hodnet. " Mar. 6. Mary, d. of Elish. Griffiths, Hodnet. " Mar. 6. Mary, d. of Josh. & Mary Jervies, Marchamley. " Mar. 18. John, s. of Hannah Gough, Hodnet. " Mar. 22. Samuel, s. of John & Mary Vaughan, Marchy. " Mar. 23. Elisabeth, d. of Richd. & Jane Alman, Hodnet. //1804] Hodnet. 287 1803, Mar. 25. Elisabeth, d. of Saml. & Elear. Humpherson, Marchy. " Apr. 3. Elisabeth, d. of Thos. & Elish. Rice, Hodnet. " Apr. 3. Joseph, s. of Mary Maddox, Marchamley. " Apr. 3. Samuel, s. of John & Elish. Mathews, Hodnet. " Apr. 10. Mary, d. of Josh. & Jane Bate, Hodnet. " Apr. 17. Richard, s. of James & Mary Bayley, Hodnet. " Apr. 17. John, s. of Wm. & Martha Bradshaw, Marchamley. " May 22. Jane, d. of Thos. & Ann Taylor, Marchamley. " May 28. Ann, d. of John & Ann Bradshaw, Marchamley. " May 29. George, s. of James & Ann Jones, Marchamley. " June 12. James, s. of John & Eleanor Abbots, Marchamley. //" June 21. Samuel & George, twin sons of Gecrge & Elish. Rider, Hodnet. " June 21. Samuel, s. of Gecrge & Elish. Rider, Hodnet. " June 21. George, s. of Gecrge & Elish. Rider, Hodnet. " July 9. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Phoebe Cotton, Marchamley. " July 27. Mary Ann, d. of Wm. & Elish. Wood, Espley. " July 10. Richard, s. of Mary Downes, Hodnet " Aug. 7. George, s. of Edwd. & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Aug. 14. Ann, d. of Elish. Causer, Marchamlcy. " Aug. 28. Samuel, s. of George & Elish. Morris, Hodnet. " Sep. 4. Samuel, s. of Ann Kerry, Hodnet, " Sep. 25. John, s. of Mary Edgeley, Hodnet. " Oct. 9. Edward, s. of Richd. & Mary Griffiths, Marchamley. " Oct. 16. Thomas, s. of Robt. & Mary Williams, Marchamley. " Oct. 16. Joseph, s. of Saml. & Katherine Hulstone, Hodnet. " Nov. 4. Heley, s. of Heley & Sarah Fox, Wollerton. " Dec. 11. Samuel, s. of Wm. & Martha Millington, Hopton. " Dec. 17. Rebecca, d. of Josh. & Mary France, Marchamley. " Dec. 26. Ann, d. of John & Mary Owen, Hodnet. 1804, Jan. 2. Joseph, s. of Richd. & Hanh. Reynolds, Marchamley. 288 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1804 1804, Jan. 3. Elisabeth, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Jan. 3. Sarah, d. of John & Elish. Cartwright, Hopton. " Jan. 15. Sarah, d. of Mary Salisbury, Peplow. " Jan. 22. George, s. of George & Mary Espley, Hodnet. " Jan. 30. Mary, d. of Josh. & Mary Timmis, Hodnet. BURIALS. 1804, Feb. 29. Martha, w. of John Bate, 60, Hodnet. " Jan 6. John, s. of Mary Parker, 2, Hodnet. " Mar. 31. Samuel Pemberton, 91, Marchamley. " May 1. Margaret, w. of Richd. Wood, 78, Marchamley. " May 1. George Thomas, 19, Hodnet. " June 6. William Bate, 56, Hodnet. " June 7. Joseph, s. of Wm. & Martha Bradshaw, 0, Marchamley. " June 16. Charles Micklewright, 66, from Yourghton. " June 19. Robert, s. of Thos. & Elish. Cliff, 0, Kenstone. " June 23. Ann Williams, 78, from Wem. " July 10. Roger Mollott, 27, Hodnet. " July 19. James Smith, 42, Hopton. " July 23. Ann Owen, d. of Ann Owen, 17, Hodnet. " Aug. 21. Richard Wood, 83, Marchamley. " Aug. 26. Roland Ridgway, 30, Hodnet. " Aug. 28. Mazzy Cairns, 63, Wollerton. " Sep. 26. Martha Micklewright, 58, from Hawkstone Abbey. " Oct. 22. William, s. of Robt. & Sarah Hall, 0, Marchamley. " Oct. 25. John Davies, 44, Hodnet. " Nov. 4. William Reece, 88, Hodnet. " Nov. 6. William Thomas, 80, Hodnet. " Nov. 19. Mary Roden, 57, Marchamley. " Dec. 16. Joseph, s. of Richd. & Hannah Reynolds, 0, Marchamley. " Dec. 28. Richard, s. of Richd. & Mary Ralphs, 0, Hodnet. 1805, Jan. 31. Mary, d. of Thos. & Martha Jones, 0, Marchamley. //1804] Hodnet. 289 1805, Feb. 9. Elisabeth, w. of Wm. Liversage, 52, Wollerton. BAPTISMS. 1804, Feb. 2. John Owen, s. of Jane Thomas, Hodnet. " Feb. 5. George, s. of John & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. " Feb. 19. Robert, s. of Thos. & Elish. Cliff, Kenstone. " Mar. 7. Thomas, s. of Richd. & Mary Hodgkiss, Kenstone. " Mar. 12. William, s. of Arthr. & Sarah Evans, Kenstone. " Mar. 19. William, s. of Richd. & Margt. Thomas, Marchamley. " Mar. 26. Joseph, s. of Wm. & Martha Bradshaw, Marchamley. " Apr. 6. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary Jervies, Hodnet. " Apr. 8. Thomas, s. of James & Sarah Bradshaw, Marchamley. " Apr. 26. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Martha Cartwright, Hodnet. " Apr. 10. George, s. of George & Elish. Wild, Hodnet. " May 20. John, s. of John & Eleanor Kaye, Wollerton. " May 20. Hannah, d. of John & Elish. Ecclestone, Wollerton. " May 11. Robert Henry, s. of Robert Crockett & Maria Wright, his w., Hodnet. " June 7. Elisabeth, d. of John & Elish. Davies, Hodnet. " June 10. William, s. of Eleanor Powel, Marchamley. " June 24. Rebecca, d. of Edwd. & Jemima Ralphs, Howkstone. " July 8. Richard, s. of Hannah Gough, Hodnet. " July 29. Ann, d. of Wm. & Hannah Jervies, Peplow. " July 11. Mary, d. of John & Martha Hilton, Peplow. " Aug. 8. Mary, d. of Richd. & Sarah Whitfield, Hopton. " Aug 12. Sarah, d. of Saml. & Katherine Corser, Marchamley. " Aug. 12. Ruth, d. of Mary Tinsley, Marchamley. " Aug. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Eleanor Morgan, Hodnet. 290 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1804 1804, Aug. 21. Mary, d. of George & Rebecca Bradbury, Hodnet. " Sep. 2. Jane, d. of George & Mary Kilyert, Hodnet. " Sep. 9. John, s. of John & Eleanor Hay, Wollerton. BURIALS. 1805, Apr. 1. Thomas Vaughan, 26, Marchamley. " May 22. Edward Cartwright, 22, Hodnet. " June 10. Mary Thomas, 70, Hodnet. " June 18. Mary, w. of Samuel Webster, 41, Hodnet. " July 11. John Wild, butcher, 68, Hodnet. " July 23. Elisabeth, d. of Wm. & Sarah Done, 0, Peplow. " Aug. 6. Esther Bayley, 70, Hopton. " Aug. 13. John Whitfield, 36, from Drayton. " Aug. 22. Richard, s. of Elish. Causer, 0, Marchamley. " Aug. 27. Richard Micklewright, 38, from Yourghton. " Sep. 1. Mary, d. of Thos. & Martha Cartwright, 0, Hodnet. " Sep. 5. James Ecclestone, 23, from Faul's Green, Prees. " Sep. 12. Jane, d. of Robt. & Mary Williams, 5, Marchamley. " Sep. 12. Thomas, s. of Robt. & Mary Williams. Marchamley. " Sep. 13. Stephen Chesterton, 64, Hodnet. " Oct. 22. George Bradshaw, 60, insane many years, Hodnet. " Nov. 8. Margaret Roden, 52, Hodnet. " Dec. 20. John Alman, 93, Hodnet. " Dec. 23. Sarah Bostock, 66, Hodnet. 1806, Jan. 1. Thomas Hitchen, 53, Hodnet. " Jan. 7. Ann, d. of Wm. & Hannah Jervies, 1, Peplow. " Jan. 16. Catherine Harding, 80, Kenstone. " Jan. 24. James Bayley, 77, Marchamley. " Jan. 27. Richard Sandland, 38, Hodnet. " Feb. 8. James Massey, 63, Wollerton. " Mar. 3. Elisabeth, w. of Wb. Johnson, 66, Hodnet. BAPTISMS. 1804, Sep. 9. James, s. of Josh. & Sarah Plat, Hodnet. //1805] Hodnet. 291 1804, Sep. 23. John, s. of John & Susannah Whitfield, Marchamley. " Oct. 7. George, s. of Ann Rutter, Hodnet. " Oct. 21. Joseph, s. of Wm. & Elisth Johnson, Hodnet. " Oct. 9. William, s. of Robt. & Sarah Hall, Marchamley. " Oct. 24. Elisabeth, d. of Wm. & Betty Blockley, Wollerton. " Nov. 11. Martha, d. of Thos. & Mary Abbot, Kenstone. " Nov. 18. Alice, d. of John & Martha Hughes, Wollerton. " Nov. 25. Richard, s. of Richd. & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Nov. 25. Joseph, s. of Edwd. & Mary Edwards, Peplow. " Dec. 2. Samuel, s. of John & Ann Ralphs, Hodnet. " Dec. 16. Elisabeth, d. of Wm. & Sarah Done, Peplow. 1805, Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Thos. & Martha Jones, Hodnet. " Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of John & Ann Bradshaw, Marchamley. " Feb. 3. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Ann Taylor, Marchamley. " Feb. 10. Elisabeth, d. of Allen & Ann Ridgway, Hodnet. " Feb. 17. Fanny, d. of John & Sarah Wise, Hodnet. " Feb. 25. Elisabeth, d. of George & Sarah Taylor, Hodnet. " Mar. 1. John, s. of Thos. & Ann Ibbs, Peplow. " Apr. 7. Samuel, s. of James & Mary Bayley, Hodnet. " Apr. 14. William, s. of Susannah Philips, Marchamley. " Apr. 14. William, s. of John & Mary Bowers, Hodnet. " Apr. 21. John, s. of John & Margt. Watson, Hodnet. " Apr. 26. William, s. of Thos. & Elisth. Cliff, Kenstone. " May 1. Caroline, d. of Richd. & Jane Reece, Marchamley. " May 5. John, s. of Thos. & Elisth. Reece, Hodnet. " May 5. Henry, s. of Thos. & Frances Robins, Hodnet. " May 26. Joseph, s. of John & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. " May 27. William, s. of Richd. & Sarah Edgeley, Marchamley. " May 18. James, s. of Thos. & Elisth. Wild, Hodnet. " May 12. Mary, d. of Elisabh. Groom, Marchamley. 292 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1805 1805, June 9. Thomas, s. of John & Sarah Dooler, Marchamley. " June 9. Mary, d. of Thos. & Margt. Smith, Espley. " June 16. Margaret, d. of James & Sarah Bradshaw, Marchamley. " June 17. Harriet, d. of John & Sarah Boult, Wollerton. " June 20. Martha, d. of Josh. & Sarah Hughes, Hodnet. " June 23. Richard, s. of Elish. Causer, Marchamley. " June 23. George, s. of Saml. & Sarah Leech, Hopton. " June 24. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Hannh. Huxley, Losford. " July 14. Ann, d. of Lydia Kiss, Hawkstone. " July 21. John, s. of Arthr. & Sarah Evans, Kenstone. " Aug. 1. Thomas, s. of Wm. & Sarah Millington, Hopton. " Aug. 11. William, s. of John & Elish. Mathews, Hodnet. " Aug. 21. Jane, d. of Joseph & Jane Wilson, Hodnet. " Aug. 28. Richard, s. of Jane Lawton, Hodnet. " Aug. 31. Mary, d. of Thos. & Martha Cartwright, Hodnet. " Sep. 29. Sarah, d. of Ann Scot, Hodnet. " Sep. 29. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Phoebe Cotton, Marchamley. " Oct. 13. Robert, s. of Robt. & Sarah Hall, Marchamley. " Oct. 15. Mary, d. of John & Mary Vaughan, Marchamley. " Oct. 20. Mary, d. of Edwd. & Mary Leech, Hopton. " Nov. 10. Thomas, s. of Richd. & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Nov. 22. Ann, d. of George & Mary Espley, Hodnet. " Dec. 1. William, s. of Saml. & Katherine Hulstone, Hodnet. " Dec. 4. Martha, d. of John & Elish. Cartwright, Hopton. " Dec. 6. Jane, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Dec. 13. Charlotte, d. of Saml. & Mary Rider, Hodnet. 1806, Jan. 5. John, s. of John & Sarah Ralphs, Wollerton. " Jan. 12. Charles, s. of Saml. & Susanh. Wright, Hodnet. " Jan. 19. Mary, d. of Edwd. & Mary Hampton, Hodnet. " Jan. 19. Mary, d. of Thos. & Ann Haynes, Hodnet. //1806] Hodnet. 293 1806, Jan. 24. Elisabeth, d. of Josh. & Mary Timmis, Hodnet. " Jan. 25. Joseph, s. of John & Eleanr. Hassal, Marchamley. " Jan. 26. Mary, d. of Edwd. & Sarah Jones, Marchamley. " Feb. 20. Martha, d. of John & Martha Hilton, Peplow. " Mar. 5. William, s. of George & Elish. Morris, Hodnet. " Mar. 9. Martha, d. of Rebecca Hopwood, Marchamley. " Mar. 30. Richard, s. of Richd. & Margt. Thomas, Marchamley. " Apr. 8. John, s. of John & Margt. Ferrington, Hodnet. " Apr. 21. Mary, d. of Elish. & Josph. Thomas, Kenstone. " Apr. 27. William, s. of Wm. & Elish. Johnson, Hodnet. " Apr. 27. Thomas, s. of Josh. & Sarh. Plat, Wollerton. " May 4. Ralph, s. of George & Martha Metcalf, Hodnet. " May 4. Ann, son of Edwd. & Elish. Cartwright, Hodnet. " May 11. Ann, d. of James & Clara Welsby, Marchamley. " May 11. Sarah, d. of John & Elish. Downs, from Stoke. " May 11. Nathaniel, s. of Richd. & Jane Alman, Newport. " May 25. Sarah, d. of Heley & Sarah Fox, Wollerton. " June 8. Thomas, s. of Sarah Worral, Hodnet. " June 15. Thomas, s. of George & Mary Turner, Wollerton. " July 28. Ann, d. of John & Mary Hill, Hodnet. " Aug. 15. Margaret, d. of Josh. & Ann Dutton, Marchamley. BURIALS. 1806, Mar. 6. Elisabeth Massey, 30, Wollerton. " Mar. 21. Ann Colley, 87, Hodnet. " Apr. 10. John Hill, 44, Hodnet. " Apr. 14. Joseph Thomas, 63, Hodnet. " Apr. 30. James, s. of James & Ann Ecclestone, 2, Fauls Green, in ye p. of Prees. 294 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1806 1806, May 12. Elisabeth Dicken, 68, Drayton. " June 20. Roland Lee, 55, Marchamley. " July 6. Samuel Causer, 82, Marchamley. " July 15. William Liversage, 59, Wollerton. " Aug. 11. William, s. of Elish. Blakemore, Hodnet. " Sep. 11. Sarah Hinkes, 76, Wollerton. " Oct. 26. James, s. of James & Alice Bayley, 28, Marchamley. " Dec. 4. Joshua Maddox, 66, Hodnet. " Dec. 18. Edward Ralphs, 80, Marchamley. " Dec. 19. Mary Lee, 88, Marchamley. 1807, Jan. 20. Martha Edge, w. of Benjamin, 63, Losford. " Jan. 26. Margaret Sadler, 21, Peplow. " Feb. 1. Sarah, w. of Thomas Cartwright, 21, Hodnet. " Feb. 20. Samuel, s. of George & Elizh. Wild, 0, Hodnet. " Feb. 28. Elisabeth, w. of Rowland Dicken, 68, Wollerton. " Mar. 15. William, s. of Wm. & Elish. Johnson, 0, Hodnet. " Mar. 20. Rowland, s. of Thos. & Elish. Morris, 0, Hodnet. " May 23. Thomas Pye, 28, Hodnet. " May 29. Hugh Bayley, 14, Marchamley BAPTISMS. 1806, Aug. 21. William, s. of Richd. & Margt. Bembol,v, Wollerton. " Aug. 31. Samuel, s. of George & Elish. Wild, Hodnet. " Aug. 31. Sarah, d. of John & Mary Walker, Peplow. " Aug. 31. William, s. of Thos. & Elish. Huxley, Hopton. " Sep. 1. John, s. of Thos. & Ann Dutton, Marchamley. " Sep. 5. Martha, d. of Richd. & Sarah Whitfield, Hopton. " Sep. 7. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Sarah Cartwright, Hodnet. " Sep. 21. James, s. of Luke & Elish. Bayley, Hodnet. " Sep. 28. Richard, s. of John & Elish. Ecclestone, Wollerton. " Sep. 28. Richard, s. of Richd. & Amelia Jervis, Peplow. //1807] Hodnet. 295 1806, Oct. 5. Harriet, d. of Mary Thomas, Hodnet. " Oct. 12. Elisabeth, d. of Francis & Ann Forster, Peplow. " Oct. 19. Ann, d. of Saml. & Elish. Roden, Hodnet. " Oct. 25. Joshua, s. of John & Elish. Maddox, Hodnet. " Oct. 26. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary France, Losford. " Oct. 26. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Mary Hodgkis, Marchamley. " Nov. 2. Hannah, d. of John & Mary Owen, Hodnet. " Nov. 6. Mark, s. of Ann Miles, Hodnet. " Nov. 16. Elisabeth, d. of Josh. & Mary Jervies, Marchamley. " Nov. 23. Charlotte, d. of Mary Downes, Hodnet. " Nov. 24. Henry, s. of Wi11m. & Elish. Wood, Espley. " Dec. 21. Jane, d. of Wm. & Mary Groom, Wollerton. 1807, Jan. 4. Elisabeth, d. of Wm. & Elish. Minshall, Hodnet. " Jan. 18. Mary, d. of John & Martha Hughes, Wollerton. " Feb. 1. Margaret, d. of Wm. & Hannah Jervies, Peplow. BURIALS. 1807, June 13. William Pye, 57, Muccerton. " July 29. Mrs. Diana Sinclair, 54, Wollerton. " Aug. 14. Ann Featherstone, 66, Hodnet. " Aug. 15. Edward, s. of Wm. & Martha Bradshaw, 0, Marchamley. " Oct. 20. Sarah Forster, 69, Hodnet. " Dec. 5. George, s. of Thos. & Elish. Prynnold, 24, Marchamley. " Dec: 6. Mary Wilks, widow, 74, Kenstone. " Jan. 11. Robert, s. of Thos. & Elish. Morris, 0, Hodnet. " Jan. 13. Mary, w. of John Eaton, 65, Hodnet. " Jan. 31. John, s. of John & Margt. Ferrington, 1, from Salop. " Feb. 10. George Pickeril, 81, Hodnet. " Feb. 26. Ralph, s. of Edwd. & Elish. Cartwright, 0, Hodnet. " Mar. 22. Abraham, s. of John & Beatrice Weston, 1, Hopton. 296 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1807 1807, Mar. 30. George, s. of Richd. & Jane Reece, 0, Marchamley. " Apr. 12. Catherine, w. of Edward Hulstone, 43, Hodnet. " Apr. 18. John Pemberton, 30, Marchamley. " May 15. Mary, d. of John & Elish. Gosling, 10, Hopton. " June 11. Sarah Cartwright, 17, Marchamley. " June 25. Joseph, s. of Wm. & Martha Bradshaw, 0, Marchamley. " Aug. 6. John Jones, 41, from Stoke. " Aug. 30. Samuel Leech, 94, Hopton. " Sep. 26. Margaret, w. of John Wellings, 36, Kenstone. BAPTIZED. 1807, Feb. 8. John, s. of John & Sarah Dooler, Marchamley. " Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary Hope, Wollerton. " Mar. 2. Abraham, s. of John & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. " Mar. 2. Edward, s. of Wm. & Martha Bradshaw, Marchamley. " Mar. 6. Rowland, s. of Thos. & Elish. Morris, Hodnet. " Mar. 15. Ann, d. of Thos. & Hannah Huxley, Losford. " Mar. 15. Samuel, s. of Thos. & Mary Griffiths, Marchamley. " Mar. 22. John, s. of John & Sarah Wise, Hodnet. " Mar. 27. Joseph, s. of John & Susanh. Whitfield, Marchamley. " Mar. 29. William, s. of Thomas & Afartha Cartwright, Hodnet. " Mar. 22. Mary, d. of George & Elish. Jones, Marchamley. " Apr. 12. Jane, d. of John & Ann Ralphs, Hodnet. " Apr. 19. John & Thomas, twins of Edwd. & Mary Evans, Hodnet. " Apr. 28. William, s. of Wm. & Betty Blockley, Wollerton. " May 10. John, s. of George & Ann Hughes, Peplow. " May 12. Jane, d. of Thos. & Elish. Cliff, Kenstone. " May 24. Thomas, s. of Edwd. & Mary Leech, Hopton. //1807] Hodnet. 297 1807, May 31. Margaret, d. of Arthr. & Sarah Evans, Kenstone. " June 9. Ann, d. of John & Frances Philips, Marchamley. " June 11. George, s. of Edward & Mary Hampton, Hodnet. " June 19. Mary, d. of Richard & Sarah Bagley, Marchamley. " May 24. James, s. of Thos. & Ann Ibbs, Peplow. " May 29. William, s. of John & Sarah Bradley, Espley. " June 11. Benjamin, s. of Josh. & Mary Millington, Marchamley. " July 12. William, s. of Elisabeth Radcliffe, The Poor House, Hodnet. " Aug. 16. Elisabeth, d. of Hannah Gough, Poor House, Hodnet. " Aug. 18. Frances, d. of James & Sarah Bradshaw, Marchamley. " Aug. 16. George, s. of John & Sarah Boult, Wollerton. " Aug. 17. Elisabeth, d. of Wm. & Elish. Johnson, Hodnet. " Aug. 30. Elisabeth, d. of George & Mary Espley, Hodnet. " Sep. 15. Mary, d. of Saml. & Katherine Corser, Marchamley. " Sep. 20. Ralph, s. of Edward & Elish. Cartwright, Hodnet. " Sep. 26. John, s. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Oct. 2. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Ann Haynes, Hodnet. " Oct. 4. Sarah, d. of Thos. & Elish. Mathews, Hodnet. " Oct. 11. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary Meredith, Marchamley. " Oct. 18. Mary, d. of Thos. & Hannah Hulstone, Hodnet. " Oct. 18. Sarah, d. of James & Mary Jones, Marchamley. " Dec. 25. Thomas, s. of John & Mary France, Hodnet. " Dec. 27. Ann, d. of Edwd. & Jemima Ralphs, Hawkstone. " Dec. 27. George, s. of Robt. & Mary Williams, Marchamley. 298 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1808 1808, Jan. 3. John, s. of Benjn. & Mary Ralphs, Wollerton. " Jan. 3. Martha, d. of John & Mary Vaughn, Marchamley. " Jan. 3. George, s. of George & Martha Metcalf, Hodnet. " Jan. 8. Robert & Ann, twins of Thos. & Elish. Morris, Hodnet. " Jan. 24. John, s. of Robt. & Sarah Hall, Hodnet. " Feb. 7. Margaret, d. of John & Margt. Watson, Marchamley. " Feb. 14. Joseph, s. of Josh. & Sarah Plat, Wollerton. " Feb. 26. William, s. of George & Elish. Wild, Hodnet. " Feb. 28. Henry, s. of Thos. & Rachel Pool, Hodnet. " Mar. 6. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Margt. Smith, Hopton. " Mar. 12. Elisabeth, d. of Wm. & Mary Massey, Wollerton. " Mar. 13. William, s. of George & Sarah Taylor, Hodnet. " Mar. 23. William, s. of Allen & Ann Ridgway, Hodnet. " Mar. 27. William, s. of James & Mary Bayley, Hodnet. " Feb. 5. George, s. of Richd. & Jane Reece, Marchamley. " Mar. 30. Elisabeth, d. of Richd. & Margt. Bembow, Wollerton. " Apr. 15. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Ann Challener, Hawkstone. " Apr. 17. John, s. of Thomas & Ann Taylor, Marchamley. " Apr. 17. Mary Ann, d. of Timoy. & Sarah Roden, Hodnet. " Apr. 28. George, s. of Saml. & Elish. Roden, Hodnet. " Apr. 30. Jane, d. of John & Martha Hilton, Peplow. " May 1. Ann, d. of Charlotte Worral, Poor House, Hodnet. " May 1. Mary, d. of Thos. & Frances Robins, Hodnet. " May 15. William, s. of Josh. & Elish. Thomas, Kenstone. " June 5. Mary, d. of Saml. & Mary Cureton, Hodnet. //1808] Hodnet. 299 1808, June 12. Mary, d. of Wm. & Eleanr. Jones, Marchamley. " June 15. Joseph, s. of Wm. & Martha Bradshaw, Marchamley. " July 1. Joseph, s. of Thos. & Ann Dutton, Marchamley. " July 10. Sarah, d. of George & Elish. Jones, Marchamley. BURIED. 1808, Sep. 29. Rowland Dicken, 77, late Coroner, Wollerton. " Dec. 4. Sir Richard Hill, Bart., 76, Who for nearly 30 years represented this County in Parliament, Hawkstone. " Dec. 7. Thomas, s. of John & Mary France, 1, Hodnet. " Dec. 12. Thomas Dod, 53, Marchamley. " Dec. 29. Elisabeth Bradbury, 67, Marchamley. 1809, Jan. 23. Jane Leigh, 85, Marchamley. " Feb. 2. Thomas Grafton, 81, Hodnet. " Feb. 11. Jane, w. of Benjn. Forrester, 70, Marchamley. " Mar. 10. Samuel Tinsley, 67, Hodnet. " Mar. 22. Priscilla Maddox, 77, Hodnet. " Mar. 31. Mathew, s. of Luke & Elisth. Bayley, 0, Hodnet. " Apr. 2. George Wooley, 25, Hodnet. " Apr. 5. Ann, d. of Luke & Eliz. Bayley, 0, Hodnet. " Apr. 16. Willm., s. of Geo. & Eliz. Wild, 1, Hodnet. REGINALD HEBER, R. [signs to 1812]. BAPTIZED. 1808, July 17. William, s. of Mary Ralphs, Marchamley. " July 24. Sarah, d. of Arthur & Sarah Evans, Kenstone. " Aug. 7. Richard, s. of Richd. & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Aug. 22. Philip, s. of Heloy & Sarah Fox, Wollerton. " Sep. 24. Edward, s. of Edwd. & Mary Evans, Hodnet. " Sep. 25. Ann, d. of Richd. & Mary Hodgkiss, Marchamley. " Oct. 1. John, s. of John & Elisth Maddocks, Hodnet. " Oct. 23. Elisabeth, d. of Riad. & Sarah Edgeley, Marchamley. " Nov. 24. Robert, s. of Tho. & Ann Witingham, Losford. 300 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1808 1808, Nov. 28. William, s. of John & Ann Ralphs, Hodnet. " Nov. 29. Mathew & Ann, twins of Luke & Elish. Bayley, Hodnet. " Dec. 11. Elisabeth, d. of John & Eleanor Hassal, Marchamley. " Dec. 19. Ann, d. of Wm. & Martha Millington, Hopton. " Dec. 20. John, s. of John & Mary Hill, Hodnet. 1809, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Thos. & Margt. Tinsley, Marchamley. " Jan. 6. Joseph, s. of Thos. & Eleanor Morgan, Hodnet. " Jan. 15. Anne, d. of Josh. & Ann Leech, Hopton. " Jan. 27. John, s. of Thos. & Hannah Huxley, Losford. " Jan. 29. Mary, d. of Wm. & Mary Groom, Wollerton. " Jan. 31. George, s. of Joseph & Mary Timmis, Wollerton. " Feb. 12. Elisabeth, d. of Thos. & Elish. Huxlef, Hopton. BURIALS. 1809, May 12. Diana Wilson, widow, aged 68, Mother to Wilson the taylor, Hodnet. " May 31. John, inft. s. of John & Anne Bradshaw, Paradise Row. " June 1. Mary Dutton, wid., aged 71, Marchamley. " June 3. Francis Adams, yeoman, aged 44, Hodnet. " June 6. Thomas, s. of Wm. & Martha Millington [Leech crossed out], aged 4, Hopton. " June 15. Anne, inft. d. of Wm. & Martha Millington, Hopton. " June 17. Mary, d. of Wm. & Eleanor Jones, aged 1, Marchamley. " July 8. Daniel Gosling, labourer, private Local Militia, aged 37, Hopton. " Aug. 4. Ralph, inft. s. of George & Martha Metcalf, aged 4; Hodnet. " Aug. 20. George Morrice, Farrier & Smith, aged 65, Hodnet. " Sep. 8. Thomas Beacall, aged 63, Lacon. " Nov. 9. Edward, s. of Edwd. & Amy Ralphs, Marchamley. //1809] Hodnet. 301 1809, Nov. 13. Sarah Swinnerton, aged 73, from p. of Drayton. 1810, Jan. 7. Samuel, inft. s. of John & Martha Hughes, Wollerton. " Jan. 21. Willm. Green, Depty. Schoolmaster, 38, Hodnet. BAPTIZED. 1809, Feb. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Francis & Hannah Lee, Shroudley, in Cheswardine. " Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of Thos. & Elizabeth Wild, Hodnet. " Mar. 5. Anne, d. of Thos. & Anne Webster, Hodnet. " Mar. 12. Anne, d. of Sarah Ferrington, Fauls Green, in Prees. " Mar. 17. Mary, d. of Edwd. & Eliz: Goswell, Losford. " Mar. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary Millington, Marchamley. " Mar. 19. Fanny, d. of Sarah Leech, Hodnet. " Mar. 30. Martha, d. of Richd. & Sarah Baggerly or Bagley or Bagnal, Hodnet. " Apr. 2. William, s. of John & Sarah Dooler, Marchamley. " Apr. 2. John, s. of George & Mary Espley, Hodner. " Apr. 9. Hannah, d. of Willm. & Hannah Jervies, Peplow. " Apr. 9. William, s. of Richd. & Amelia Jervies, Peplow. " Apr. 15. Ann, d. of George & Elizabeth Wild, Hodnet. This should be interlined in 1810. " Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Eliz: Cliffe, Kenstone. " Apr. 30. John, s. of John & Mary France, Hodnet. " May 7. Samuel, s. of Richd. & Mary Edwards, Marchamley. " May 7. Elizabeth, d. of Willm. & Mary Hampton, Hodnet. " May 13. John, s. of John & Anne Bradshaw, Marchamley. " May 20. John, s. of Thomas & Sarah Liversage, Wollerton. 302 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1809 1809, May 29. James, s. of Willm. & Mary Massey, Wollerton. " June 6. John Walters, s. of Willm. & Betty Blockley, WoBerton. " July 3. Thomas, s. of Mary Walker, Hodnet. " July 6. Elizabeth, d. of John & Anne Pye, Hodnet. " July 13. Mary, d. of Edward & Eliz. Cartwright, Hodnet. " July 23. John, s. of George & Mary Turner, Marchamley. BURIED. 1810, Jan. 23. John Clorley or Clawley, farm servant, aged 35, Hodnet. " Jan. 24. Diana Pool, aged 49, Idiot in Workhouse, Hodnet. " Jan. 24. Willm. inft. s. of John & Anne Alorris, Hopton. " Feb. 4. Willm. Churton, aged 84, Hodnet. " Feb. 26. Mrs. Eleanor Griffiths, from p. Wem. " Mar. 11. Martha, w. of John Hughes, aged 39, Wollerton. " Mar. 13. Edward Salter, cordwainer, aged 26, Peplow. " Mar. 20. Eliz., d. of Francis & Anne Forrester, aged 3, Peplow. " Mar. 21. Amelia, w. of [blank] Dicken, aged 76, Wollerton. " Mar. 25. Samuel, s. of John & Susanna Whitfield, Marchamley. //Copied to here and sent to Lichfield. " May 1. Mark, s. of Anne Miles, aged 3, Hopton. " May 9. Mr. John Wood, aged 63, Harcourt Park, p. Stanton. " May 2. James Sadler, aged 36, Lee Bridge. " July 13. Sarah Atkins, aged 45, Marchamley. " Aug. 2. Anne, orphan d. of James Sadler, aged 2, Lee Bridge. " Aug. 5. Samuel Johnson, aged 23, labourer, private in Local Militia, Hodnet. " July 22. Thomas Cartwright, aged 31, of the Bear Inn, Hodnet [omitted]. //1809] Hodnet. 303 1810, Aug. 11. Thomas, s. of Sam: & Rebecca Hill, Hodnet. " Oct. 20. Mr. Robert Pratchett, aged 76, 011erton. " Nov. 1. Thomas Clough or Cluffe, aged 71, Marchamley. " Nov. 27. Willm. Morris, aged 23, Kenstone. " Dec. 22. Harriot, inft. d. of Thomas & Sarah Woodfin, Peplow. BAPTIZED. 1809, July 30. Sarah, d. of Richd. & Sarah Whitfield, Hopton. " Aug. 20. John, s. of Anne Vaughan, Marchamley. " Aug. 25. William, s. of Willm. & Eliz. Massey, Wollerton. " Aug. 27. Richard, s. of Richard & Mary Griffiths, Marchamley. " Sep. 3. James, s. of Jno. & Beatrice Weston, Hopton. " Sep. 10. Samuel, s. of Jno. & Susanna Whitfield, Marchamley. " Sep. 10. Eliz., d. of Martha Groom, in the Poor House, Hodnet. " Sep. 10. Eliz., d. of Thomas & Martha Cartwright, Hodnet. " Sep. 17. Sarah, d. of Mary Chesterton, in the Poor House, Hodnet. " Sep. 19. Jno., s. of Thomas & Mary Williams, Wollerton. " Sep. 22. Saml., s. of Jno. & Martha Hughes, Wollerton. " Oct. 1. Jno., s. of Jno. & Sarah Bradley, Espley. " Oct. 1. Eliz., d. of Mary Thomas, the Poor House, Hodnet. " Oct. 8. Jno., s. of Jno. & Sarah Ecclestone, Losford. " Oct. 9. George, s. of George & Rebecca Bradbury, Hodnet. " Oct. 27. Sarah. d. of Timothy & Sarah Roden, Hodnet. " Oct. 29. Richard, s. of George & Eliz: Taylor, Hodnet. " Oct. 29. Samuel, s. of Wm. & Martha Bradshaw, Wollerton. " Oct. 10. Edward, s. of Edward & Amy Ralphs, Marchamley. 304 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1809 1809, Nov. 13. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Jane Challenor, Hopton. " Nov. 14. Mary, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Dec. 31. Edward, s. of Thomas & Anne Taylor, Marchamley. 1810, Jan. 7. John, s. of Richd. & Mary Ashley, Marchamley. " Jan. 14. Samson, s. of Wm. & Susannah Clawley or Clorley, Hodnet. " Jan. 14. William, s. of John & Anne Morris, Hopton. " Jan. 21. Sarah, d. of Edward & Mary Leech, Hopton. BURIED. 1811, Jan. 6. Elizabeth, inft. d. of Samuel & Elizth. Roden, Hodnet. " Jan. 13. James, inft. s. of John & Mary France, Ibid. " Jan. 15. John Simmonds, aged 74, from the Work House, Ibid. " Jan. 19. Mary Axon, aged 84, widow, Ibid. " Feb. 4. Anne Harrison, aged 71, from Drayton. " Feb. 9. Phebe Edge, aged 56, Peplow. " Feb. 22. Robert Jones, aged 9, Marchy. " Apr. 19. Margaret Roden, aged 103, widow, Hodnet. " June 8. John, inft. s. of [blank] Gosling. " July 6. Maria, inft. d. of Thomas & [blank] Harris, Playley. " July 10. Sarah Cartwright, aged 74, Hodnet. " Sep. 20. Mrs. Hannah Dicken, aged 76, from Drayton. " Nov. 29. Phyllis, w. of John Robbins, aged 70, Hodnet. " Dec. 3. Mary, d. of John & Eliz . Matthews, 5, Ibid. " Dec. 6. James, inft. s. of Willm. & Mary Hampton, Ibid. " Dec. 9. Mary Blakemore, wid., aged 70, Ibid. " Dec. 10. Willm. Johnson, carrier, aged 80, Ibid. " Dec. 12. Elizabeth, w. of Samuel Roden, aged 73, Ibid. " Omitted in Novr. Joseph Paine, aged, 63, Ibid. " Dec. 24. Alice Leigh, wid., aged 79, Marchamley. 1812, Jan. 24. Richard Clarke, labourer, aged 53, Hawkstone. " Feb. 1. Sarah Meadows, aged 31, Hodnet. BAPTIZED. 1810, Jan. 8. John, s. of Joseph & Sarah Platt, Wollerton. //1810] Hodnet. 305 1810, Jan. 8. Joseph, s. of Benjamin & Mary Ralphs, Ibid. " Jan. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Elizabeth Dod, Ibid. " Jan. 8. Jane, d. of Richard & Mary Hotchkiss, Marchamley. " Jan. 8. Harriot, d. of William & Elizabeth Minshul, Hodnet. " Mar. 14. Thomas, s. of William & Eleanor Jones, Marchamley. " Mar. 18. Margaret, d. of George & Elizabeth Jones, Ibid. " Mar. 11. Anne, d. of George & Martha Metcalf, Hodnet. " Apr. 11. Margaret, d. of Elizabeth Corser, Marchamley. " Apr. 14. George, s. of Robert & Sarah Hall, Hodnet. " Apr. 15. Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary France, Losford. " Apr. 22. Richard, s. of William & Eliz: Johnson, Hodnet. " May 7. Mary, d. of James & Mary Bayley, Ibid. " May 18. Robert, s. of John & Martha Hilton. Peplow. " May 20. Edith, of Richard & Jane Reece, Marchamley. " June 10. Mary, d. of John & Eliz. Matthews, Hodnet. " June 16. Marianne, d. of James & Eliz. Abbots, Marchamley. " June 24. Thomas, s. of Samuel & Rebecca Hill, Wollerton. " July 5. John, s. of Allan & Anne Ridgway, Hodnet. " July 19. Martha, d. of Wm. & Martha Millington, Hopton. " July 28. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Eliz. Roden, Hodnet. " Aug. -. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Mary Jervies, Marchamley. " Oct. 4. Mary, d. of Joseph & Sarah Hughes, Hodnet. " Oct. 24. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Mary Williams, Ibid. " Oct. 7. Sarah, d. of Edward & Sarah Jones, Ibid. " Oct. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Mary Tinsley, Ibid. " Oct. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel & Elizth. Dicken, Ibid. 306 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1810 1810, Oct. 30. Anne, d. of John & Elizabeth Cartwright, Hopton. " Nov. 1. Eleanor, d. of Thomas & Sarah Liversage, Wollerton. " Nov. 8. Edward, s. of Edward & Elizabeth Cartwright, Hodnet. " Nov. 9. Anne, d. of Charles & Elizabeth Prynald, Ibid. " Nov. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Webster, Ibid. " Dec. 2. John, s. of James & Mary Middleton, Marchamley. " Dec. 4. Sarah. d. of John & Elizabeth Maddox, Hodnet. " Dec. 13. James, s. of John & Mary France, Ibid. " Dec. 15. James, s. of John & Sarah Boult, Wollerton. " Dec. 23. Arthur, s. of Arthur & Sarah Evans, Kenstone. " Dec. 24. Sarah, d. of John & Anne Morris, Ibid. " Dec. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Richard & Mary Edwards, Marchamley. 1811, Jan. 17. Mary, d. of Andrew & Mary Ashley, Hodnet. " Jan. 13. Thomas, s. of John & Margaret Watson, Ibid. " Jan. 30. Joseph, s. of Thomas & Hannah Huxley, Losford. " Feb. 3. Margaret, d. of Elizabeth Smith, Hodnet. " Feb. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Anne Whittingham, Wollerton. " Feb. 19. George, s. of Thos. & Phoebe Cotton, Marchamley. " Feb. 19. Rebecca, d. of the said Thomas & Phoebe Cotton, Ibid. " Mar. 12. John, s. of Heley & Sarah Fox, Wollerton. " Mar. 13. Eliz., d. of John & Anne Bradshaw, Marchamley. " Mar. 14. James, s. of John & Mary Hill, Hodnet. " Mar. 15. James, s. of William & Martha Bradshaw, Marchamley. " Mar. 24. Robert, s. of Thomas & Elizabeth Cliffe, Kenstone. " Apr. 7. Mary, d. of John & Sarah Dooler, Marchamley. " Apr. 14. James, s. of John & Alice Hill, Hodnet. //1811] Hodnet. 307 1811, Apr. 15. Charles Gerard, s. of Robert & Jane Ellis, Marchamley. " Apr. 23. James Mekin, s. of William & Betty Blockley, Wollerton. " Apr. 24. John, s. of Anne Matthews, Hodnet. " Apr. 25. Thomas, s. of Francis & Anne Forester, Peplow. " Apr. 2 8 . Hester, d. of John & Sarah Jones, Marchamley. " Apr. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas & Sarah Williams, Wollerton. " May 1. Jemima, d. of Jane Lawton, Hodnet. " June 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas & Sarah Chidley, Hopton. [John, s. of Thomas Gosling, crossed out.] " June 23. John, s. of Thomas & Mary Smith, Espley. " June 24. George, s. of Richard & Sarah Whitfield, Hopton. " July 4. Elizabeth, d. of William & Mary Groom, Wollerton. " July 16. John, s. of John & Eleanor Hassall, Marchamley. " July 16. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Rebecca Hill, Wollerton. " July 17. Richard Hassall, s. of Wm. & Elizth. Massey, Ibid. " Sep. 15. Elizabeth, d. of John & Susanna Whitfield, Ibid. " Sep. 24. John, s. of John & Sarah Holding, Ibid. " Oct. 6. Martha Maria, d. of Thos. & Elizth. Huxley, Kenstone. " Oct. 20. John, s. of Edward & Mary Edwards, Espley. " Oct. 20. Martha, d. of Richard & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Oct. 27. Anne, d. of Thos. & Eliz. Dod, Marchamley. " Oct. 27. Sarah, d. of William & Hannah Jervies. Peplow. //REGINALD HEBER, Rector. 308 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1812 BURIED. 1812, Feb. 16. Margaret, inft. d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Feb. 22. John, s. of John & Margaret Watson, aged 8, Hodnet. " Feb. 29. John Watkis, an Idiot, aged 27, Killed by the falling of a gritstone rock, Marchamley. " Mar. 22. Elizabeth Stubbs, aged 84, Peplow. " Mar. 29. James Alman, infant, Hodnet. " Apr. 11. Timothy Roden, aged 73, Hodnet. " Apr. 11. Mary, d. of Mary Phelps, Wollerton. " May 10. Eliz. Roden, aged 6 months, Hodnet. " May 29. Thomas Beacall, aged 28, Lacon. " July 26. George Wild, aged 47, Hodnet. " Sep. 17. John Jebb, aged 69, Hodnet. " Sep. 17. Edward Cartwright, 1, Hodnet " Oct. 2. Eliz. Bradshaw, 1, Marchamley Hill. " Nov. 30. Mary Stubbs, aged 80, Hodnet Heath. " Dec. 8. John Davies, aged 74, Marchamley. " Dec. 8. Richard Lawton, aged 7, Hodnet. " Dec. 11. Hannah Thomas, aged 55, Hodnet Heath. BAPTIZED. [1811], Sep. 24. [Omitted.] Thomas, s. of John & Jane Higginson, Marchamley. " Sep. 24. James, s. of Joseph & Jane Davies, Ibid. " Nov. 24. James, s. of Edward & Mary Hampton, Hodnet. " Dec. 1. Francis, s. of Timothy & Sarah Roden, Ibid. " Dec. 5. John, s. of Martha Evans, Espley. " Dec. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Saml. & Elizabeth Roden, Hodnet. " Dec. 1. Francis, s. of Thomas & Frances Robins, Hodnet. " Dec. 15. William, s. of John & Sarah Ecclestone, Wollerton. 1812, Jan. 5. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Ashley, Wollerton. " Jan. 13. Thomas, s. of Cornelius & Jane Pye, Hodnet. " Jan. 19. Martha, d. of George & Martha Metcalfe, Hodnet. //1812] Hodnet. 309 1812, Jan. 20. Margaret, d. of John & Mary Ralphs, Hodnet. " Jan. 22. John, s. of Samuel & [blank] Miles, Peplow. " Jan. 23. Jane, d. of James & Ann Simon, Hodnet. " Feb. 1. Samuel, s. of William & Eleanor Jones, Marchamley. " Feb. 2. John, s. of Samuel & Mary Davies, Marchamley. " Feb. 2. Edwd., s. of Edward & Jemimah Ralphs, Marchy. " Feb. 23. William, s. of William & Anne Taylor, Kenstone. " Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of John & Anne Foulke, Hopton. " Mar. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Smith, Kenstone. " Mar. 9. Anne, d. of George & Catherine Rowley, Hodnet. " Mar. 11. Deborah, s. of John & Elizabeth Massey, Wollerton. " Mar. 22. Sarah, d. of John & Sarah Hill, Hoclnet. " Mar. 22. George, s. of Thomas & Anne Taylor, Marchamley. " Mar. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas & Anne Huxley, Losford. " Mar. 29. Sarah, d. of Thomas & Rachel Poole, Hodnet. " Apr. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John & Sarah Hughes, Wollerton. " Apr. 12. Sampson, s. of Samuel & Mary Almark, Hodnet. " Apr. 26. Martha, d. of Richard & Mary Hotchkiss, Kenstone. " May 7. Elizabeth, d. of Andrew & Mary Ashley, Hodnet. " May 10. Samuel, s. of Joseph & Sarah Plat, Wollerton. " May 31. Mary, d. of Robert & Sarah Hall, Wollerton. " May 10. Elizth., d. of John & Sarah Hughes, Hodnet. " May 31. Mary, d. of Robert & Sarah Hall, Wollerton. " June 28. Thomas, s. of Richard & Amelia Jervies, Peplow. " Aug. 2. John, s. of Richard & Mary Edwards, Marchamley. " Sep. 6. Samuel, s. of Samuel & Mary Cureton, Hodnet. 310 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1812 1812, Sep. 8. Richard, s. of Benjamin & Mary Ralphs, Wollerton. " Sep. 13. George, s. of George & Elizabeth Taylor, Wollerton. " Sep. 18. Elizabeth Ann, d. of James & Elizabeth Massey, Wollerton. " Sep. 27. Sarah, d. of Richard & Elizabeth Ashley, Hodnet. " Oct. 18. Ellen, d. of Charles & Elizabeth Prynold, Hodnet. " Oct. 25. Anne, d. of George & Rebecca Bradbury, Hodnet. " Nov. 8. John, s. of Thomas & Susannah Gough, WoBerton. " Nov. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas & Martha Cartwright, Hodnet. " Nov. 21. Ann, d. of Joseph & Mary Jervies, Marchamley. " Dec. 6. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary Middleton, Marchamley. " Dec. 12. Sarah, d. of Richard & Mary Griffith, Marchamley. " Dec. 13. Mary, d. of Elizabeth Ratcliff, Poor House. " Dec. 13. George, s. of Mary Ralphs, Poor House. " Dec. 20. Jane, d. of William & Mary Massey, Wollerton. " Dec. 20. Thomas, s. of Richard & Mary Cartwright, Kenstone. //REGINALD HEBER, Rector. //July 31, 1730. Buried, The Revd. RICHARD PRICE, Rector of Hodnet, and Vicar of Drayton. 1730 July 31. Revd. RICHARD PRICE was buried. July 13, 1733. Buried, The Revd. ROWLAND HILL, Rector of Hodnet, and Rector of Thornton, Cheshire. // 1733 July 13. Revd. ROWLAND HILL was buried. //Oct. 20, 1787. Died, The Rgt. Hon. and Rgt. Revd. Lord JAMES BEAUCLERC, Lord Bishop of Hereford, and Rector of Hodnet. Bishop of Hereford 41 years, and Rector of Hodnet 54. 1787 Oct. 20. Revd. Lord JAMES BEAUCLERC. 1787-1904] Hodnet. 311 //Nov. 24, 1787. The Revd. REGINALD HEBER, A.M., was inducted. He died Jan. 10th, 1804, at the Higher Rectory House, Malpas, Cheshire, aged 75, was buried in the family Vault at Church Marton, Craven, Yorkshire. He was Rector of Hodnet 16 years, and of Malpas years. 1804 Jan. 10. Revd. REGINALD HEBER, 75, was buried //July 17, 1807. The Revd. REGINALD HEBER, was inducted to the Rectory of Hodnet, vacant by the Resignation of the Revd. GEORGE ALLANSON,. Consecrated Bishop of Calcutta, June 1823. Died at Tritchinnopoly, in Southern India, April 3d, 1826. //November, 1823. The Revd. GEORGE ALLANSON was again inducted. He died December 1st, 1826. 1826 Dec. 1. Revd. GEORGE ALLANSON was buried. //June 8, 1827. The Revd. CHARLES COWPER CHOLMONDELEY, was inducted to the Rectory of Hodnet. Died 5th February, 1831, aged 35 years. 1831 Feb. 5. Revd. CHARLES COWPER CHOLMONDELEY, 35 was buried. //August 1831. The Revd. OSWALD LEYCESTER, Rector of Stoke upon Tern, was instituted to the Rectory of Hodnet, which he resigned October, 1838. //Nov. 28, 1838. The Revd. SAMUEL HERRICK MACAULAY was instituted to the Rectory of Hodnet. Appointed Rural Dean of the united Deaneries of Whitchurch and Hodnet, Dec. 1, 1846. Died Oct. 10, 1873, aged 67. 1873 Oct. 10. Revd. SAMUEL HERRICK MACAULAY, 67, was buried. //Dec. 24, 1873. The Revd. RICHARD HUGH CHOLMONDELEY was instituted to the Rectory of Hodnet, Rural Dean from 1873 to 1891. Resigned in consequence of ill health, Oct. 31, 1896. [Died 10 August, 1910, aged 81.] 1910 Aug. 10. Revd. RICHARD HUGH CHOLMONDELEY, 81, was buried. //Dec. 10, 1896. The Revd. HENRY VERNON HEBER-PERCY, M.A. (grandson to Bishop Heber), was instituted to the Rectory of Hodnet. Resigned 1903. //Jan. 27, 1904. The Revd. JAMES ALBERT SHARROCK, M.A., was instituted to the Rectory of Hodnet, inducted Feb. 3rd, 1904, by me. /* 312 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1661 [The following statistics occur on the fly-leaf, at the end of the Register:] A.D. Bapd. Burd. Mard. A.D. Bapd. Burd. Mard. 1661 23 25 - 1681 30 17 - 1662 15 24 - 1682 19 22 - 1663 26 18 - 1683 28 25 - 1664 19 16 - 1684 26 29 - 1665 24 10 - 1685 21 44 - 1666 25 13 - 1686 25 52 - 1667 28 35 - 1687 32 26 - 1668 25 27 - 1688 26 18 1669 25 26 - 1689 20 z6 - 1670 33 24 - 1690 29 19 - 1671 22 24 - 1691 23 16 - 1672 26 19 - 1692 27 11 - 1673 32 18 - 1693 15 17 - 1674 17 23 - 1694 24 26 - 1675 17 27 - 1695 29 20 - 1676 37 12 - 1696 22 22 - 1677 18 18 - 1697 23 29 - 1678 28 19 - 1698 22 27 - 1679 28 24 - 1699 23 25 - 1680 24 24 - 1700 12 21 - 492 423 476 495 A.D. Bapd. Burd. Mard. 1701 21 15 4 1702 29 31 3 1703 27 14 3 1704 34 15 4 1705 23 18 2 1706 22 19 2 1707 24 22 5 1708 20 15 5 1709 22 17 3 1710 16 14 4 A.D. Bapd. Burd. Mard. 1721 19 24 7 1722 28 20 4 1723 31 13 1724 23 24 5 1725 37 19 6 1726 19 15 6 1727 32 30 1728 18 30 2 1729 27 36 8 1730 20 41 5 //1780] Hodnet. 313 A.D. Bapd. Burd. Mard. 1711 23 17 2 1712 27 27 3 1713 23 13 5 1714 19 18 2 1715 12 14 3 1716 16 28 4 1717 19 36 2 1718 23 22 6 1719 28 Tr 7 1720 25 29 2 465 384 69 A.D. Bapd. Burd. Mard. 1731 26 24 n 1732 24 13 7 1733 22 19 6 1734 26 20 3 1735 34 14 5 1736 36 14 8 1737 23 32 6 1738 39 21 6 1729 37 I2 5 1740 33 24 3 549 445 n6 A.D. Bapd. Burd. Mard. 1741 29 25 8 1742 28 20 4 1743 37 14 2 1744 27 13 1745 34 9 9 1746 29 29 5 1747 28 12 8 1748 30 10 8 1749 26 10 8 1750 28 12 6 1751 33 26 2 1752 22 4 1753 24 16 5 1754 34 18 5 1755 27 14 7 1756 32 18 8 1757 31 23 9 1758 30 29 10 1759 33 20 15 1760 32 18 5 594 367 129 A.D. Bapd. Burd. Mard. 1761 30 16 10 1762 28 34 10 1763 39 31 5 1764 25 21 4 1765 24. 14 10 1766 24 32 9 1767 37 13 15 1768 33 29 18 1769 41 17 12 1770 30 23 18 1771 43 15 18 1772 37 19 8 1773 36 22 6 1774 35 19 14 1775 42 15 10 1776 40 34 10 1777 55 27 14 1778 32 18 11 1779 45 25 11 1780 42 18 9 1718 442 222 314 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1781-1809 A.D. Bapd. Burd. Mard. A.D. Bapd. Burd. Mard. 1781 43 22 19 1801 34 37 14 1782 41 25 12 1802 50 22 12 1783 45 29 9 1803 39 22 15 1784 43 26 12 1804 45 29 12 1785 47 28 7 1805 44 21 14 1786 42 25 7 1806 48 22 16 1787 42 22 13 1807 44 16 10 1788 40 26 12 1808 44 20 11 1789 30 35 9 1809 53 22 11 1790 43 33 13 1791 42 19 9 [401] [211] [115] 1792 30 24 8 1793 40 26 14 1794 40 20 9 1795 41 28 14 1796 39 28 10 1797 33 26 8 1798 40 12 16 [At end:] 1799 37 18 9 T. D. P. C. 1829. 1800 41 24 8 799 496 218 VOLUME IV. [On the Cover and Fly-leaf:] A REGISTER OF MARRIAGES, OF THE PARISH OF HODNET, FROM MAY 2ND, 1755, TO JAN. 19TH, 1807. [The usual printed Title-Page, with the word "HODNET" written in, follows here. The Book was purchased from "Robert Taylor, Bookseller", in Nantwich.] [The parties are of Hodnet, unless it is otherwise stated, and the Marriages are by Banns, unless "lic." is added.] */ 1755, May 2. John Brockton, of Hopton, labourer, & Ann Reece, single woman, lic. By W. DICKEN, Curate [signs to 1766.] Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Joseph Chese. 1755-57] Hodnet. 315 1755, June 1. Andrew Adams, of Bolas, yeoman, & Ann Bailey, p. Edgmond. Wit: Thomas Adams, Edward Roycroft. " July 7. Robert Downes, weaver, & Jane Ray. Wit: John Ray, John Watkis. 1756, Feb. 4. John Bailey, of Weston, yeoman, & Ann Cooper, lic. Wit: Thos. Massey, Mary Madeley. " Mar. 1. Charles Tew, yeoman, & Mary Pace. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, John Griffiths. " Apr. 20. William Bragger, labourer, & Elizabeth Stanley. Wit: Tho. Ray, Thomas Cartwright. " July 8. Abel Long, p. Prees, husbandman, & Sarah Groome. Wit: Elizabeth Roberts, E. Lloyd. " Aug. 2. Arthur Chidlow, labourer, & Jane Mullinor. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Mary Dicken. Hitherto transcribed for ye Bishop's Visit:, Augt. 14, 1756. 1756, Sep. 14. Thomas Wright, of Bletchley, p. Moreton-Say, Cordwainer, & Elizabeth Tew. Wit: Sarah Chesus, Thomas Cartwright. " Oct. 2. Walter Minor, yeoman, & Martha Sandford. Wit: Thos. Leigh, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 27. John Phillips, blacksmith, & Hannah Minshull. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, John Griffith. 1757, Jan. 5. Edward Griffith, labourer, & Martha Vigars. Wit: Thos. Cartwright, John Cartwright. " Feb 21. Michael Walker, p. Adbaston, blacksmith, & Mary Jebb. Wit: Saml. Heacock, P. Powys. " June 30. Joseph Phillips & Mary Taylor. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Sarah Shessus. " Oct 12. Samuel Lyster [signs Lester], of Weston, Hodnet, yeoman, & Jane Beacoll, single woman, lic. Wit: Samuel Powell. " Nov. 11. Samuel Powell, yeoman, & Anne Whitfield, lic. Wit: William Minor, Thomas Cartwright. 316 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1757 1737, Nov. 21. Joseph Platt, labourer, & Sarah Blakemore. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 24. John Whitfield, b., & Catharine Trim, lic. Wit: Samuel Powell, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 27. Samuel Trevet, p. Drayton, labourer, & Elizabeth Stubbs, single woman. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 27. John ,Thomas, labourer, & Mary Davies. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. 1738, Jan. 2. Samuel Ray, webster, & Elizabeth Wilde. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " May 14. Robert Morris & Mary Buttry. Wit John Cartwright, Thomas Cartwright. " May 16. Thomas Smith, labourer, & Ann Maddox, singlewoman. Wit: Mary Dicken, John Harrison. " June 10. The Revd. Moses Lloyd, of Hawkstone, A.M., Clerk, & Sarah Sands. Wit: Rowld. Hill, T. Hill. " Oct. 9. Thomas Dawson, p. Whitchurch, labourer, & Catharine Haycock. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 10. Richard Smith, of Salop, p. St. Chad, & Arabella Skerratt, lic. Wit: Elizabeth Roberts, Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 28. William Churton, shoemaker, & Elizabeth Sheinton. Wit: John Griffith, Ester Paine. " Dec. 18. William Watkiss, p. Drayton, taylor, & Mary Peplow, wid. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Sarah Chessus. " Dec. 29. Samuel Davis, webster, & Sarah Morgan, p. Whitchurch. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, William Churton. " Dec. 30. Joseph Powell, labourer, & Prudence Peover. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Thos. Blakemore. 1739, Jan. 2. John Wilkes, labourer, & Mary Adams. Wit: Mary Dicken, Thos. Cartwright. //1760] Hodnet. 317 1759, Feb. 20. Randle Moyle, yeoman, & Mary Ratcliffe, wid., lic. Wit: Thomas Radcliffe, Thos. Cartwright. " Feb. 26. Thomas Massey, yeoman, & Jane Higgins. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Feb. 27. Joseph Cutler, shoemaker, & Ann Adams, single woman. Wit: Thomas Blakmoor, Elizth. Lloyd. " Apr. 22. John Allen, labourer, & Ann Green, single-woman. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " May 8. John Smith, p. Stoke upon Tern, labourer, & Elizabeth Harris, singlewoman. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " May 30. John Growcot, labourer, & Hannah Dodd. Wit: Jane Hughes, Mary Dicken. " June 17. John Cartwright, yeoman, & Mary Morris. Wit: Thos. Cartwright. " July 17. John Brooks, webster, & Ellinor Boon. Wit: Mary Dicken, Sarah Chesus. " July 15. John Snelson, junr., & Mary Abbot, single-woman. Wit: Elizabeth Lloyd, Mary Dicken. " Aug. 17. Richard Taylor, p. Prees, turner, & Elizabeth Jones. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Sep. 2. William Adams, labourer, & Mary Delves, wid. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Sep. 24. George Harris, p. Leebrockhurst, victualler, & Jane Ash. Wit: William Ash. " Dec. 23. James Lawrence, labourer, & Mary Harris. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 27. John Jones, p. Waters Upton, wheelwright, & Elizabeth Browne, singlewoman. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. 1760, Jan. 7. John Walker, p. Stanton, yeoman, & Sarah Jones. Wit: Thos. Cartwright, Esther Chessus. " Apr. 21. Thomas Blakemore, labourer, & Mary Ecclestone. Wit: John Griffith, Sarah Chesus. 318 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1760 1760, Oct. 27. Joseph Payne, labourer, & Mary Bennet. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 15. John Chessus, ironmonger, & Elizabeth Hodges. Wit: Richd. Pratchett, Richd. Whitfield. " Dec. 29. John Hatton, labourer, & Hannah Jones. Wit: William Kynaston, Mary Dawes. 1761, Jan. 20. Thomas Walley, wheelwright, & Hannah Wright. Wit: Thomas Thomas, Thomas Cartwright. " Jan. 20. Samuel Williams, yeoman, & Ann Pemberton, p. Moreton Say. Wit: Thos. Pemberton, Elizabeth Roberts. " May 4. Thomas Perry, labourer, & Eleanor Prinold. Wit: Thos. Cartwright. " June 11. Richard Wood, yeoman, & Margaret Cruxson. Wit: Richd. Whitfield, Thomas Croxton. " July 4. John Minor, p. Grinshill, & Mary Astley. Wit: Jno. Cartwright, Jno. Astley. " Oct. 1. Richard Harper, p. Prees, yeoman, & Rebecca Sandford, lic. Wit: Richard Hill, John Hill. " Oct. 5. Thomas Bowen, p. Newport, shoemaker, & Margaret Arrowsmith. Wit: Thos. Cartwright, William Churton. " Nov. 12. Thomas Churton, shoemaker, & Esther Payne. Wit: Jno. Clay, William Churlton. " Dec. 3. Richard Tew, labourer, & Elizabeth Hampton, wid., lic. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 29. Joseph Ralphs, labourer, & Ann Hayward. Wit: Thos. Cartwright, John Bradshaw. 1762, Feb. 11. Thomas Pritchard [signs Prichard] & Hannah Sandland. Wit: William Dawes, Richd. Bill. " Feb. 13. Samuel Ravenscroft, labourer & Martha Harris. Wit: Elizabeth Clay, Mary Dicken. //1764] Hodnet. 319 1762, Mar. 15. John Jones, of Darlaston, co. Stafford, labourer, & Elizabeth Delves. By JAS. HEWITT, Officiating Minister. Wit: Jno. Clay, Thomas Cartwright. " Apr. 3. Arthur Weaver, p. Drayton, skinner, & Elizabeth Ray. Wit: Sarah Chesus. " June 7. Clement Tudway, of the City of Wells, co. Sumerset, & Miss Elisabeth Hill. Wit: Rowld. Hill, Jane Hill. " Aug. 4. William Johnson, labourer, & Jane Newns, singlewoman. Wit: Thos. Cartwright, William Harrison. " Oct. 6. William Edge, labourer, & Mary Reece, singlewoman. Wit: William Massey, Jno. Clay. " Nov. 9. Richard Bill, b., & Frances Barnes. Wit: Thomas Pricthard, Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 24. Benyon Pritchard, husbandman, & Sarah Davies. Wit: Richard Price, Samuel Edge. " Dec. 19. Samuel Taylor, nailor, & Ann Kynaston, p. Wem, single woman, lic. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, William Harrison. 1763, Jan. 15. John Wilde, b., & Jane Wood, single woman, lic. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Mar. 7. John Jones, farmer, & Jane Wood, p. High Ercall, lic. Wit: John Sneyd. " Apr. 3. Matthew Arkinstall, husbandman, & Margaret Embrey, lic. Wit: Charles Micklewright. " July 20. William Peacock, of Marchamley, b., & Elizabeth Clarke, p. Wrockerdine. Wit: Jno. Clay, John Hall. //Hitherto transcribed for ye Bishop's Visitation. " Oct. 31. Edward Howell, labourer, & Elizabeth Blanthorn, wid. Wit: John Bate. 1764, Jan. 8. Edward Thomas, p. Baschurch, widower, & Ann Ottley. Wit: John Wild. 320 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1764 1764, Apr. 23. Richard Prescot, b., & Jane Sands. Wit: Richd. Hill, John Hill. " William Matthews & Mary Bird. Wit: Jane Ford, E. Roberts. " June 13. William Buttery, yeoman, & Elisabeth Chidlow, lic. Wit: Arthur Chidlow, Samuel Pretty. 1765, Jan. 21. Charles Micklewright, of Hawkstone, in this p., yeoman, & Mary Whitfield. Wit: Jno. Whitfield. " Jan. 24. Samuel Prothera & Ann Simpson. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Mar. 25. John Henshaw, p. Wem, gentleman, & Miss Jane Tippet. Wit: Richd. Hill, Jane Hill. " May 28. John Bradbury, labourer, & Elizabeth Powell. Wit: Richard Powell. " July 1. Charles Forrester, taylor, &Elizabeth Ray, wid. Wit: Jane Ford, John Forrester. " July 27. Joseph Titley, labourer, & Elizabeth Matthews, single woman. Wit: Wm. Ford, Jane Ford. " Aug. 26. James Jones, labourer, & Mary Steele singlewoman. Wit: Jane Ford, Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 11. Thomas Higges, p. Cundover, blacksmith, & Anne Bennet, singlewoman. Wit: Henry Whitefoot, Beniamin Everall. " Dec. 18. William Groom, p. Shawbury, labourer, & Sarah Forester, singlewoman. Wit: Richd. Whitefield. " Dec. 26. Georke Thompson, p. Moreton Say, & Sarah Woollam. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. 1766, Jan. 1. Thomas Stubbs, of Peplow, labourer, & Elizabeth Halfpenny. Wit: Tho: Kinnersley. " Jan. 8. Thomas Powell, labourer, & Eleanor Porter, p. Prees. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " Jan. 20. Thomas Chesters, labourer, & Margaret Miles. Wit: George Shingler. //1767] Hodnet. 321 1766, May 5. Joseph Symmonds, husbandman, & Jane Jeffreys, singlewoman. Wit: Thomas Cartwright. " May 20. Joshua Maddox, labourer, & Jane Bailey, singlewoman. Wit: Jane Ford, Elizabeth Cartwright. " Nov. 10. Thomas Parton, p. Wellington, widr. , & Ann Bailey [signs Bayliss]. By JAS. PRATCHET, Curate [Signs to 1798]. Wit: Thos. Cartwright, Eliz. Cartwright. " Dec. 18. Thomas Brookes, p. Lee,of & Penelope Whitfield. With consent of Parents. Wit: Samuel Powell, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 25. Thomas Roberts, weaver, & Hannah Owen, single woman. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Samuel Davis. " Dec. 27. William Taylor, labourer, & Mary Payne, singlewoman. Wit: Thos. Cartwright, Jno. Payne. 1767, Jan. 1. Thomas Micklewright, husbandman, & Martha Chidley. With consent of Parents. Wit: Arthur Chidley, John Morgan. " Jan. 1. Robert Downs, weaver, & Mary Badderley, singlewoman. Wit: John Bayley, John Watkiss. " Jan. 5. Charles Biffin & Hannah Rogers, singlewoman. Wit: John Harris, Thomas Cartwright. " Jan. 12. John Hassel, husbandman, & Mary Lewns, singlewoman. Wit: John Watkiss, Thomas Cartwright. " Jan. 18. Richard Whattel, p. Moreton Say, widr., & Ann Bailey, wid., lic. Wit: Mary Roberts, Thomas Cartwright. " Jan. 27. Samuel Johnson, labourer, & Sarah Davies, singlewoman. Wit: Ann Davies, Thomas Cartwright. John Wood & Mary Embrey, p. Grinshall. [Banns only Jan. 11, 18, & 25, 1767.] 322 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1767 1767, Feb. 17. Richard Ecclestone & Martha Osborne. Wit: Will: James, Thomas Cartwright. " Feb. 26. Robert Pratchett & Diana Astley. Wit: Mary Wase, Thos: Ratcliff, Richd. Astley. " Mar. 11. John Bentley, shoemaker, & Elizabeth Allerton, singlewoman, lic. Wit: John Armstrong, Thomas Cartwright. " May 18. Thomas Stubbs, labourer, & Mary Owen, wid. Wit: Thomas Rusco [?], Thomas Cartwright. " May 26. Timothy Roden, carpenter, & Elizabeth Cartwright, singlewoman. Wit: Mary Wild, Thomas Cartwright. " June 24. John Harrison, widr., & Anne Forester, p. Edgmond, singlewoman, lic. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Ben: Forester. " Oct. 29. Samuel Jebb, husbandman, & Mary bailey, wid. Wit: Samuel Jebb, Lvi: Antrobus. " Nov. 14. Thomas Gittins, p. Middle, widr., & Anne Peate, wid., lic. Wit: Richard Moor, Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 24. Arthur Davies, p. St. Chad's, Salop, joiner, & Rebecca Archer, wid., lic. Wit: E. Clay, Jno. Minor. 1768, Jan. 5. Arthur Chidley, yeoman, & Jane Lyster [signs Leester], wid., lic. Wit: Robt. Chidley, Jane Chidley. " Jan. 28. Joseph Wright & Ann Plat. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Joseph Plat. " Feb. 9. Robert Chidley & Mary Beacall. Wit: George Beacall, Mary Chidley. " Feb. 18. Edwaid Griffiths, p. Stanton, & Phoebe Ashley, lic. Wit: Robt. Ashley, Mary Clay. " Mar. 10. Benjamin Buttery & Elizabeth Groom, p. Staunton, lic. With consent of her guardian. Wit: Robt. Morris, Jno. Cartwright. " Apr. 5. Thomas Joy, p. Stoke, & Mary Harper. Wit: Richard Light, Thomas Cartwright. " May 4. John Hales, p. Wem, widr., & Elizabeth Partridge, lic. Wit: George Beacall, Mary Partridge. //1769] Hodnet. 323 1768, May 22. William Powel & Elizabeth Powel. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Thos. Powel. " May 26. William Davis & Hannah Baily. Wit: Mary Chidley, Thomas Cartwright. " June 1. Jonathan Scott p. St. Chad, Salop, & Elizabeth Clay. Wit: Jane Hill, Jon. Henshaw. " June 28. Benjamin Forrester, yeoman, & Jane Stevenson, lic. With consent of his father. Wit: Jno. Harrison, Mary Bowen. " July 26. Jobe Clues, p. Moreton See, & Jane Menlove. Wit: William Adams, Thomas Cartwright. " Aug. 16. Philip Dod, yeoman, & Mary Jones, lic. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Thomas Jones. " Sep. 1. William Hulstone & Mary Jefferies. Wit: John Bayley, John Wild. " Oct. 19. Samuel Cartwright, wheelwright, & Mary Wild, singlewoman. Wit: Ralph Wild, John Wild. " Nov. 24. Richard Whitfield, jr., yeoman, & Alice Shone. Wit: John Shone, Elizabeth Davies. " Dec. 6. Richard Forgham, shoemaker, & Mary Owen, singlewoman. Wit: John Davies, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 27. Joseph Austin & Ann Davis, singlewoman. Wit: William Austin, Tho: Cartwright. 1769, Jan. 1. Robert Heath & Sarah Buttry, lic. Wit: Jane Cartwright, Thomas Cartwright. " Jan. 3. Samuel Roden, carpenter, & Elizabeth Minors, singlewoman. Wit: George Morris, Thomas Cartwright. " Feb. 6. Thomas Cartwright, wheelwright, & Elizabeth Menlove [signs Mendlove]. Wit: Thomas Adams, William Tagg. " Mar. 28. John Phillips & Mary Williams, wid. Wit: Thos. Cartwright, John Stockton. 324 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1769 1769, Mar. 30. Thomas Roden & Anne Hampton. Wit: Edward Dodd, Thomas Cartwright. " Apr. 3. William Bickerton & Elizabeth Hodgiss [signs Hodgis]. Wit: Thomas Peplow, George Peplow. " May 2. Thomas Fitton, flaxdresser, & Elizabeth Bragger, wid. Wit: Jos: Hodges, Thomas Cartwright. " May 16. William Johnson, widr., & Elizabeth Reynolds, single woman, lic. Wit: Richard Reynolds, Thomas Cartwright. " May 25. Thomas Morgan, p. Edgmond, & Elizabeth Ashley. Wit: Robt. Ashley, Mary Clay. " Oct. 15. George Hampton, labourer, & Sarah Nevals, singlewoman. Wit: Richard Powel, Thomas Cartwright. " Oct. 24. John Burslem, p. Mucklestone, co. Stafford, & Mary Groom. Wit: Benjamin Gray, John Addison. " Dec. 31. John Bannister & Sarah Timmess, wid. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Thomas Cartwright. 1770, Jan. 2. George Bradshaw, tanner, & Sarah Cartwright, wid., lic. Wit: John Griffith, Thomas Cartwright. " Jan. 8. Thomas Rutter & Sarah Fox, singlewoman. Wit: John Massey, Margaret Massey. " Jan. 16. George Wood & Ann Peacock, singlewoman. Wit: Edward Ralphs, Thomas Cartwright. " Feb. 12. William Smith, Officer of Excise, & Mary Hodges. Wit: Joseph Hodges, John Chessus. " Feb. 26. William Forgham, p. High-Ercol, & Anne Powel, lic. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Thos. Powel. " Apr. 16. William Turner, p. Childs-Ercol, blacksmith, & Esther Chessus. Wit: W. Forgham, Francis Adams. " Apr. 27. Richard Jebb & Mary Ashley. Wit: Mary Clay, Thomas Ashley. //1771] Hodnet. 325 1770, Apr. 30. Abraham Cooper, p. Eyton of the Wildmoors, & Sarah Eaton. Wit: Margaret Pace, Thomas Cartwright. " May 14. William Hopwood & Martha Jerviss. Wit: John Hopwood, Thomas Cartwright. " June 23. Roger Evans & Elisabeth Antrobus, lic. Wit: Leicester Antrobus, Sarah Antrobus. " Sep. 3. Thomas Bone [signs Boone] & Mary Yardly. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Richard Pratchet. " Oct. 8. William Higginson & Elizabeth Barnet. Wit: Jos. Hodges, Joseph Hughes. " Oct. 31. Richard Prowston, p. Whitchurch, widr., & Elizabeth Shore, lic. Wit: Abigail Venables, Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 5. Robert Ashley, yeoman, & Rebekah Chidley. With consent of her father. Wit: Artr. Chidley, Ann Savage. " Nov. 13. Benjamin Edge & Martha Shore. Wit: John Robins, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 26. John Hopwood & Sarah Smith. Wit: Richard Whitfield, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 31. John Robins & Phillis Taylor. Wit: Benjamin Edge, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 31. Joseph Jones, p. Stanton, & Sarah Furber. Wit: Josh. Hodges, Jno. Addison. 1771, Jan. 1. William Candlelant & Jane Davis. Wit: Jos. Austin, Thomas Cartwright. " Jan. 23. Thomas Prynold & Elizabeth Plat. Wit: Thomas Powell, Mary Jervis. " Jan. 31. Robert Lockley & Elizabeth Gregory, lic. Wit: William Dawes, Elizth. Vaughan. " Feb. 7. Samuel Thomas, p. Norton, yeoman, & Elizabeth Cartwright. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Thomas Cartwright, sr. " Feb. 19. Paul Ridgway, p. Preese, & Sarah Pool. Wit: Charles Mountford, Mary Ridgway. " Apr. 1. George Chetwood & Mary Wainwright. Wit: John Lewis, Thomas Cartwright. 326 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1771 1771, Apr. 9. Thomas Cartwright & Elizabeth Whitfield. With consent of her father. Wit: Peirce Pace, Sarah Cartwright. " Apr. 17. Robert Wycherley, p. Loppington, & Anne Clay, lic. With consent of her Mother. Wit: Sarah Prothera, Thomas Cartwright. " July 4. Joseph Hughes & Mary Newns. Wit: W. Massey, James Massey. " July 18. Cornelius Bentley & Martha Green. Wit: Peter Light, Thomas Cartwright. " Aug. 8. Edward Bradshaw & Sarah Grindley. Wit: Bnj: Forrester, Thomas Cartwright. " Aug. 22. John Haynes, p. Stanton, & Anne Randles. Wit: George Millington, Thomas Cartwright. " Sep. 18. Samuel Tilsley, p. St. Alkmond's in Shrewsbury,of & Elizabeth Payne. Wit: Richard Payne, Samuel Cartwright. " Sep. 30. George Addison & Anne Sutton. Wit: Thos. Chesters, Thomas Cartwright. " Oct. 31. Thomas Williams & Anne Davies. Wit: William Peacock, Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 20. William Holmes, p. Moreton-Corbet, & Mary Barrow, lic. Wit: John Barnett, Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 25. Richard Griffith [signs Griffes] & Anne Ecclestone. Wit: John Griffith, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 2. Daniel Cleaton & Mary George. Wit: Anne Cleaton, Thomas Cartwright. 1772, Mar. 2. Thomas Keay, p. Stoke upon Tern, & Anne Payne. Wit: Mary Payne, Thomas Cartwright. " Mar. 3. William Dulson & Mary Shone, wid., lic. Wit: John Ray, Eleanor Green. " Mar. 26. Samuel Parker & Elisabeth Vaughan, lic. Wit: Benjamin Forester, Richard Pratchet. " Apr. 27. Samuel Edge & Anne Taylor. Wit: Charles Harper, Thomas Cartwright. " July 10. John Minshall & Anne Ashtley, lic. Wit: Elisabeth Rogers, Thomas Cartwright. //1774] Hodnet. 327 1772, Aug. 3. Theodore Jones, widr., & Elisabeth Rogers. Wit: Sarah Cartwright, John Ray. " Aug. 23. John Jones & Elizabeth Walley. Wit: John Walley, John Wild. " Nov. 26. Richard Chidley & Mary Thomas. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, John Wild. 1773, Apr. 12. Samuel Jenis & Hannah Hampton. Wit: John Dodd, Thomas Cartwright. " July 27. William Loton & Mary Horton. Wit: William Dawes, Thomas Cartwright. " Aug. 17. John Stockton, p. St. Dunstans in the East, London, & Mary Chidley. Wit: John Brookes, Thomas Cartwright. " Sep. 1. Thomas Sillitoe, p. Newport, & Mary Clay. With consent of her Mother. Wit: Robt. Ashley, Mary Bowen. " Oct. 14. Benjamin Forester & Elizabeth Chessus. Wit: Charles Forester, Jane Forester. " Dec. 30. James Hinks & Sarah Henshaw. Wit: Peirce Pace, Richd. Drinkwater. 1774, Jan. 24. Thomas Jarvis & Martha Ducker. Wit: Robert Long, Thomas Cartwright. " Feb. 2. Thomas Colley & Anne Downs. Wit: Edward Wild, Jone Forrester. " Feb. 7. William Dod & Sarah Bate. Wit: Wm. Dycke, Margaret Rhoden. " Feb. 12. Henry Zachariah Jervis, p. Cheswardine, & Sarah Pigot. Wit: Elizth. Pigot, Charles Pigot. " Feb. 14. Thomas Cooper & Elisabeth Preston. Wit: Jane Cave, Thomas Cartwright. " Feb. 28. Philip Besford & Elisabeth Hampton. Wit: Anne Dod, Thomas Cartwright. " Mar. 21. Richard Belingham & Anne Dod. Wit: John Dodd, Thomas Cartwright. " May 4. George Webb & Jane Powel. Wit: Thomas Dawes, Ann Broughton, Thomas Cartwright. 328 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1774 1774, May 23. Thomas Beech, p. Stoke, & Alice Beacall. Wit: Richd. Whitfield, Ann Harris. " June 9. Joseph Scot [signs Scott] & Margaret Astley. Wit: Richd. Rider, Thomas Cartwright. " June 13. James Pemberton & Anne Richmond. Wit: George Richmond, Thomas Cartwright. " Sep. 3. William Williams & Alice Rider. Wit: Richd. Rider, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 4. John Plungeon [signs Plungon] & Lydia Ashford. Wit: Thomas Dawes, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 31. William Husbands & Mary Brooks, p. Loppington. Wit: William Dycke, Thomas Cartwright. 1775, Jan. 17. The Revd. Richard de Courcy, p. St. Alkmond, Salop, clerk, & Jane Dicken. Wit: Richd. Hill, Jane Wood. " Mar. 20. John Beates, p. Edgmond, & Sarah Prothera. Wit: Robert Beates, Mag. Jervis. " Apr. 16. John Delves & Anne Harper. Wit: Ann Green, Thomas Cartwright. " June 6. Rowland Lee & Anne Wood, wid. Wit: Thomas Lee, Thomas Cartwright. " June 9. Daniel Gilks, p. St. Luke, in the County of Middlesex, jeweller, & Elizabeth Dainty [signs Danty]. Wit: William Hunt, Thomas Cartwright. " July 4. William Latham, p. Woc're, & Margaret Pace. Wit: Pierce Pace, Jane Menlove. " Aug. 1. Thomas Jones, p. Lea Brockhurst, & Anne Chidley, lic. Wit: John Jones, Rebekah Bayley. " Aug. 14. Robert Addison, p. Drayton, & Anne Osborne. Wit: Robert Addison, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 24. John Dod [signs Dodd] & Mary Jervis, lic. Wit: John Vaughan, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 26. Samuel Philips & Mary Burn. Wit: Mary Bentley, Thomas Cartwright. //1777] Hodnet. 329 1776, Feb. 2. Edward Cartwright & Anne Jones, p. Malpas. Wit: John Lowe, Pierce Pace. " May 1. John Groom & Elisabeth Jefferies. Wit: John Wild, Thomas Cartwright. " May 27. William Kynaston & Anne Thomas, p. Stoke. Wit: George Miles, Mary Liversage. " May 30. John Davis & Ann Jarvis. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Thos. Jarvis. " July 21. John Davies [signs Deavies] & Sarah Miles. Wit: William Lowe, Thomas Cartwright. " Aug. 11. Edward Tonna or Tunna, p. Prees, widr., & Elisabeth Woollam, wid., lic. Wit: John Ralphs, Thomas Cartwright. " Aug. 23. Henry Tranter, p. Sedgley, co. Stafford, & Mary Evans, lic. Wit: John Evans, Thomas Cartwright. " Aug. 26. Thomas Boone, labourer, & Anne Powel, wid. Wit: Thomas Whild, Thomas Cartwright. " Oct. 21. Thomas Sharp & Hannah Davies. Wit: Thomas Holland, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 28. Thomas Tilsley, & Anne Boughey. Wit: George Watkiss, Thomas Cartwright. 1777, Jan. 1. John Ray, carpenter, & Mary Wilkes. Wit: John Formston, Thomas Green. " Jan. 1. Charles Ray, tailor, & Elizabeth Green. Wit: James Green, Elizabeth Adeney. " Jan. 2. Samuel Jeb [signs Jebb], butcher, & Elizabeth Dale. Wit: John Chessus, Mary Bowen. " Jan. 13. John Edwards, p. Market Drayton, staymaker, & Isabel Stockton, wid. Wit: William Churton, Thomas Cartwright. " Mar. 31. John Hughes & Anne Bentley. Wit: Cornes Bentley, Thomas Cartwright. " Apr. 28. William Churton, p. Prees, & Elizabeth Clews. Wit: John Sutton, Thomas Cartwright. " May 5. William Brothwood & Sarah Horton. Wit: William Looton, Thomas Cartwright. " July 8. George Norcop, p. Muckleston, co. Stafford, & Martha Wells, lic. Wit: Thomas Leigh, John Pixley. 330 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1777 1777, July 21. William Chyrm & Mary Woollams. Wit: Elizabeth Morris, Thomas Cartwright. " Aug. 3. Richard Holmes & Alice Powell. Wit: Thos. Norton, Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 24. Hugh Chidley & Elisabeth Thomas. Wit: Jos. Leigh, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 29. William Liversage, yeoman, & Elisabeth Jones, wid., lic. Wit: John Rogers, Richd. Drinkwater. " Dec. 29. Cornelius Pye & Eleanor Ray. Wit: John Ray, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 29. John Griffiths, p. Ellesmere, & Mary Hulstone. 1778, Jan. 20. Stephen Stubs, p. Stoke, & Mary Davies. Wit: Edward Wild, Thomas Cartwright. Wit: Richard Walker, Thomas Cartwright. " Feb. 23. Thomas Stephenton, p. Prees, & Hannah Alldershire. Wit: George Steventon, Thomas Cartwright. " May 27. Richard Deaine & Ann Symcock. Wit: Elizth. Groom, Jos. Leigh. " June 3. William Dycke & Ann Green. Wit: E. Cartwright, Thomas Cartwright. " June 15. William Thomas & Mary Bowen. Wit: Willm. Dulson, Ann Harris. " July 19. Andrew Morris & Sarah Cruxon. Wit: Richd. Holmes, Thomas Cartwright. " Oct. 1. Samuel Morris, p. Whitchurch, & Jane Chidley, lic. Wit: Thomas Micklewright, Ann Chidley. " Oct. 13. William Painter & Sarah Slawson. Wit: Cornelius Painter, Thomas Cartwright. " Nov. 5. Thomas Harris, p. Wem, & Elisabeth Lester, lic. With consent of parents. Wit: Ann Lester, John Lester. " Dec. 20. Thomas Phillips & Mary Stockton. Wit: John Morgan, Thomas Cartwright. " Dec. 31. Samuel Jackson & Anne Griffith. Wit: Thos. Miles, Thomas Cartwright. 1779, Jan. 25. Thomas Drury & Sarah Espley. Wit: Geo. Espley, Thomas Cartwright. //1780] Hodnet. 331 1779, Jan. 28. Pierce Pace, yeoman, & Rebecca Gray. Wit: Benj. Gray, John Beacall. " Feb. 1. Richard Pool & Elizabeth Owen. Wit: John Owen, Thos. Cartwright. " Mar. 18. John Wood & Anne Merington. Wit: Thos. Jervis, Tho. Cartwright. " Apr. 5. Samuel Phillips & Mary Fleet. Wit: Richard Walker, Tho. Cartwright. " Apr. 6. William Adams & Mary Hassal. Wit: Sarah Corser, Tho. Cartwright. " June 27. John Jackson & Martha Adams, lic. Wit: Richd. Wilks, Thos. Cartwright. " Oct. 23. William Minors & Jane Boston. Wit: William Taylor, Thos. Cartwright. " Nov. 9. Arthur Edwards & Eleanor Atkins, lic. Wit: John Atkin, Tho. Cartwright. " Dec. 18. Edward Price, p. Wem, & Anne Gray. Wit: Sandfd. Gray, Tho. Cartwright. " Dec. 28. William Dooler & Sarah Johnson. Wit: William Watson, Tho. Cartwright. 1780, Feb. 7. Walter James & Susannah Maddox. Wit: Tho. Cartwright, Richd. Cartwright. " Mar, 13. Edward Fethean & Anne Rider. Wit: Rirhd. Partridge, Tho. Cartwright. " Apr. 8. George Morrey. p. Moreton Say, & Elisabeth Ridgway [Cartwright crossed out], lic, Wit: Joseph Rodenhurst, Tho. Cartwright. " May 4. John Simon & Sarah Reynolds. Wit: Elisabeth Adeney, Richard Walker. " May 15. Christopher Kiss & Anne Keates. Wit: Mary Hardy, Jno. Creswell. " May 15. Robert Killvert & Sarah Downs. Wit: Tho. Cartwright, Elisth. Grafton. " June 5. Samuel Chetton & Hannah Palmer. Wit: William Peacock, Tho. Cartwright. " July 4. Philip Ratecliff [signs Ratcliff], widr., & Jane Mansell, p. Kynnerley. Wit: Richard Birch, Mary Lacon. " July 7. Samuel Tilsley & Martha Prothera. Wit: Sarah Bates [?], Thos. Cartwright. 332 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1781 1781, Jan. 1. Thomas Philips & Mary Wenham. Wit: Fanny Blockley, John Bagshaw. " Jan. 2. James Bailey, p. Stoke, & Alice Jones. Wit: Willm. Shipton, Thos. Cartwright. " Apr. 2. John Tilsley & Elisabeth Harvey. Wit: Joh. Corfeild, Thomas Cartwright. " Apr. 24. Andrew Clay & Ann Harris, lic. Wit: Eliza Beetle, Sarah Harris, Sandford Gray. " May 7. Richard Lang, p. Stoke upon Tern, chandler, & Hannah Hill. Wit: Jonas Foster, Saml. Hill. " June 10. Thomas Rice & Sarah Norton. Wit: Edward Gilbert, Tho. Cartwright. " June 18. Joseph Plat & Mary Joy. Wit: Thos. Cartwright, Richd. Cartwright. " July 20. Thomas Batho, p. Drayton, widr., & Elizabeth Forester, wid., lic. Wit: Benj. Bayley, M: Wild. " July 29. Joseph Randles & Mary Adams. Wit: Edward Randles, Tho. Cartwright. " Aug. 5. Henry Alford & Elisabeth Colley. Wit: Thos. Hughes, Sarah Colley. " Aug. 29. John Harris, p. Wem, & Ann Heatly, lic. Wit: John Evans, James Whilbram. " Oct. 2. Thomas Wild, widr., & Mary Jones, lic. Wit: John Jones, Rebecca Bayley. " Oct. 19. John Chessus, widr., & Sarah Forrester, lic. Wit: George Beacall, Thomas Powell. " Nov. 2. Benjamin Hampton & Sarah Cartwright, lic. Wit: John Dodd, William Dycke. " Nov. 3. Abraham Sinker, p. Ellesmere, & Mary Astley, lic. Wit: Thomas Sinker, James Hinks. " Nov. 5. John Lester & Anne Snelson, lic. Wit: Ann Lester, Arthur Chidley. " Nov. 13. John Challinor & Elisabeth Growcot. Wit: Richard Bellingham, William Dyche. " Nov. 26. Thomas Colley & Anne Ralphs. Wit: Rowland Lee, William Dyche. //1783] Hodnet. 333 1781, Dec. 27. William Osborne & Elisabeth Watson. Wit: William Watson, William Dyche. 1782, Jan. 1. John Ray, p. Drayton, & Jane Clay, lic. Wit: Tho. Edwd. Poole, Mary Shore. " Jan. 10. Richard Teece, p. Stanton, & Mary Miles, lic. By ROBT. PUGH, Curate of Weston. Wit: William Astley, William Dycke. [N.B.- These persons were] both under age, & consent of Parents or Guardians was not obtained. 1782, Feb. 9. William Kensey & Margaret Lappington. Wit: Thos. Gough, William Dycke. " Apr. 14. William Smith & Anne James. Wit: John Smith, William Dycke. " Apr. 20. John Lockley & Ann Brousey. Wit: Isaac Phillips, Mary Trantham. " May 4. Richard Cartwright & Elisabeth Madeley, lic. With consent of her Parents. Wit: Mary Packer, Edward Wild. " July 1. John Watkiss, widower, & Elizabeth Dykes, wid. Wit: John Bate, Richd. Cartwright. " July 22. Thomas Jennings & Margaret Edwards. Wit: Thos. Pickerill, Richd. Cartwright. " Aug. 13. Thomas Dod & Sarah Fleet. Wit: Samuel Philips, Richd. Cartwright. " Sep. 15. Benjamin Forester & Frances Prescott, wid., lic. Wit: Ann Prescott, Peter Walker. " Nov. 11. John Powell & Mary Baily. Wit: Geo. Powell, Rebecca Bayley. " Dec. 30. Thomas Smith & Mary Betton. Wit: Richd. Cartwright, Georg Payn. 1783, Jan. 6. Edward Jones, blacksmith, & Elizabeth Lee. Wit: Thos. Lee, Richd. Cartwright. " Mar. 27. Edward Wild, butcher, & Elizabeth Davies. Wit: Richard Walker, Richd. Cartwright. " Apr. 22. Richard Jones & Elizabeth Jones. Wit: Jos. Leigh, Richard Phillips. " Apr. 25. John Atkin & Mary Woodhouse, p. Child's-Ercall, lic. Wit: Sarah Wild, Samuel Woodhouse. 334 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1783 1783, June 9. Samuel Hulstone & Catherine Cartwright. Wit: William Jennings, Richd. Cartwright. " July 7. John Hill, farmer, & Margaret Shelton, p. Wroxeter, lic. With consent of his parents. Wit: William Liversage, Richard Lang. " Aug. 18. Stephen Holden, p. Trentham, co. Stafford, & Elisabeth Axon. Wit: Mary Axon, Richard Cartwright. " Dec. 30. John Lester & Anne Lester, lic. Wit: Thos. Lester, Jane Chidley. " Dec. 31. Joseph Ratcliffe & Jemima Davies. Wit: Richd. Cartwright, John Jones. 1784, Mar. 4. Thomas Brockton & Margaret Kerry. Wit: Hannah Woodfield, Robert Edge. " Apr. 30. Thomas Westwood, p. of the Old Church in Wolverhampton, & Elizabeth Green, lic. Wit: Nathaniael Allman, Richd. Cartwright. " May 30. Thomas Johnson & Eleanor Davies. Wit: William Watson, Richd. Cartwright. " June 7. William Hampton & Hannah Hitchin. Wit: Wm. Pye, Richd. Cartwright. " July 12. Joseph Groom & Elizabeth Hughes. Wit: William Davies, Richd. Cartwright. " July 12. John Boulton & Margaret Ferraday. Wit: Sarah Corser, Richd. Cartwright. " Aug. 12. Rowland Lee & Elizabeth Watkiss. Wit: Mary Chessus, George Lee. " Sep. 16. William Pye & Sarah Walker. Wit: Jos. Leigh, Thos. Pye. " Nov. 13. Thomas Walford & Elizabeth Powel. Wit: Thomas Powell, William Dycke. " Dec. 7. William Roe, p. Prees, & Anne Golding, lic. Wit: Thomas Morton, Richd. Cartwright. " Dec. 18. William Jennings & Anne Hughes. Wit: Hannah Woodfint, Thomas Churton. " Dec. 30. Edward Smith & Anne Buttery. Wit: James Harrison, Richd. Cartwright. 1783, Jan. 10. John Ralphs & Elizabeth Hall. Wit: Thomas Beacal, Richd. Cartwright. //1787] Hodnet. 335 1785, Jan. 23. John Tomlinson & Mary Chessus. Wit: Thos. Lee, Richd. Cartwright. " Feb. 7. William Thomas, p. Ellesmere, & Mary Forgham. Wit: Thomas Thomas, Richd. Cartwright. " May 16. Charles Evans & Anne Edge, wid. Wit: Thos. Forester, Richd. Cartwright. " May 17. George Payne & Hannah Williams. Wit: Elis. Williams, Thomas Churton. " Sep. 20. Thomas Haynes & Mary Plat. Wit: John Bayley, Richd. Cartwright. " Sep. 30. Charles Clay & Sarah Andley, lic. Wit: Thos. Weston, Richd. Cartwright. 1786, Apr. 27. George Naylor & Elizabeth Sarah Harris, lic. Wit: Thos. Leigh, Geo: Downward. " May 1. William Baker & Margaret Callcott. Wit: John Sandland, Jane Callcott. " May 8. Samuel Betton & Anne Handley. Wit: Mary Betton, John Betton. " May 11. Thomas Bayley, p. Wem, & Jane Prothera. Wit: Thos. Leigh, Mary Groom, Anna Ratcliff. " May 24. John Pickerill & Sarah Jebb. Wit: T. Leigh, J. Thomas. " May 29. Thomas Statham, p. Clunbury,of & Catherine Dicken, lic. With consent of Parents. Wit: Saml. Humphreys, John Wood. " July 27. William Bartley & Margaret Ralphs. Wit: Richd. Cartwright, James Stephenton. 1787, Jan. 16. Richard Boughey & Mary Ralphs. Wit: Edward Ralphs, Richd. Cartwright. " Jan. 18. Rowland Cartwright & Anne Clayton. Wit: Sandford Gray, Thos. Holt. " Jan. 27. John Payne, sadter, & Hannah Woodfint. Wit: John Taylor, Jane Woodfint. " Feb. 5. Richard Persall & Mary Brees. Wit: Sarah Furnifer, Eleanor Brees. " Feb. 19. John Alford & Mary Minor. Wit: Thomas Churton, Elizabeth Minor. 336 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1787 1787, Apr. 9. William Lovet & Mary Shaw. Wit: James Simon, Richd. Cartwright. " June 1. Benjamin Davies, b., & Elizabeth Thomas, wid., lic. Wit: Benjamin Hampton, Richd. Cartwright. " June 29. John Weston & Beatrice Powel. Wit: William Powel, Richd. Cartwright. " July 5. John Walley & Jane Moor. Wit: John Moor, Ann Chidlow. " July 16. John Davies, p. Shawbury, & Elizabeth Wild. Wit: William Downes, Rebecca Bayley. " Sep. 15. Thomas Cotton, widower, & Mary Hotchkiss. Wit: John Wild, Richd. Cartwright. " Oct. 15. Joseph Brown & Elizabeth Netherway. Wit: Thomas Evons, Richd. Cartwright. " Dec. 29. William Fleet & Eleanor Ridgway. Wit: Thos. Dod, Richd. Cartwright. 1788, Feb. 2. John Lloyd, p. St. Mary's in the town of Shrewsbury, & Catherine Buttery, lic. Wit: Benjn. Buttery, Richd. Cartwright. " Apr. 24. Robert Lewis & Elizabeth Menlove. Wit: Richd. Cotton, Martha Gollins. " May 23. Robert Morris, farmer, & Anne Lester, wid., lic. Wit: Thos. Cliff, Richd. Cartwright. " May 31. Richd. Reynolds, widower, & Hannah Butler. Wit: Tho. Lee, Ann Morris. " June 3. John Lloyd & Mary Grafton. Wit: Joseph Powel, Martha Evans. " June 10. William Henshaw, a Minor, & Sarah Savage, wid., lic. With consent of his Parents. Wit: John Owen, Richd. Cartwright. " June 19. Thomas Hitchen, cordwainer, & Elizabeth Cartwright, lic. With consent of her father. Wit: George Wild, Edward Wild. " June 23. Henry Burgum, p. Shawbury, forgeman, & Elizabeth Joy. With consent of of Parents. Wit: John Tomlinson, Mary Tomlinson. " July 3. Richard Jones & Sarah Owen. Wit: Willm. Richards, Martha Gollings. //1790] Hodnet. 337 1788, Oct. 25. Ralph Nickson, b., p. Whitchurch, & Sarah Cartwright., iie. By E. JONES, Minister. Wit: William Nickson, Richd. Cartwright. " Nov. 13. Thomas Preston, p. Prees, & Hannah Cooper, lic. Wit: William Cooper, Alice Cooper. " Dec. 23. James Massey & Jane Watkin, lic. Wit: Rowland Lee, Elizabeth Lee. 1789, Feb. 13. John Bmckton & Martha Davies. Wit: Edward Wild, Richd. Cartwright. " Apr. 16 William Taylor, p. Prees, & Anne Pratchet, lic. Wit: Sarah Taylor, Richd. Pratchett. " June 1. Charles Edge & Elizabeth Taylor. Wit: John Simon, Richd. Cartwright. " Sep. 15. John Vaughan, blacksmith, & Mary Peacock. Wit: Thos. Lee, Richd. Cartwright. " Oct. 13. Richard Porter & Anne Reece. Wit: Francis Porter, Richd. Cartwright. " Oct. 25. George Gray & Jane Woodfint, Wit: John Gray, Beatrice Gough. " Nov. 30. Thomas Growcock & Lydia Ray. Wit: John Ray, Richd. Cartwright. " Dec. 29. Richard Evans & Ann Thornhill. Wit: Thos. Thornhill, Mary Thornhill. " Dec. 31. George Espley & Mary Higginson. Wit: Stephen Latham, Mary Watson. 7790, Jan. 10. Joseph Boughey, p. Prees, milner, & Ann Chidlow, lic. Wit: Elizth. Mickelwright, Geo. Boughey. " Apr. 5. Charles Pickeril & Male Allfuston. Wit: William Watson, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 8. John Cartwright, yeoman, & Anne Phillips, lic. Wit: Benjamin Hampton, George Morris, Jos. Hughes. " Apr. 22. Daniel Furnifall & Eleanor Johnson, lic. with consent of her Mother. Wit: John Taylor, Elizabeth Furnifall, Jos. Hughes. " Apr. 28. John Harris, p. Wem, & Rebecca Bayley, lic. Wit: John Walmsley, Elizabeth Harris. 338 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1790 1790, May 16. John Jancey, p. Malpas, co. Chester, & Elisabeth Hall, wid., lic. Wit: John Hill, Catharine Walker, Jos. Hughes. " May 31. John Ecclestone & Elisabeth Johnson. Wit: Charles Edge, Josh. Hughes. " June 10. Edward Ralphs & Elisabeth Simson. Wit: John Ralphs, Josh. Hughes. " Aug. 19. William Jones & Mary Lewis. Wit: James Jones, Jos. Hughes. " Sep. 24. Joseph Downs, p. Moreton Corbet & Mary Snelson, lic. Wit: Thos. Morris, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 4. George White & Susannah Matthews. Wit: Justiana Tunner, Jos. Hughes. " Oct. 30. Joseph Hudson, p. St. Werburgh's, Chester, & Jane Ralphs, lic. Wit: Sandford Gray, Jos. Hughes, Elizabeth Ralphs. " Nov. 11. George Downward & Elizabeth Painter, lic. Wit: John Beck, Ann Painter, Jos. Hughes. 1791, Jan. 20. William Young & Martha Evans. Wit: Thomas Stubbs, Hanna Stubbs. " Jan. 24. Joseph Plat & Mary Boon. Wit: John Simon, Joseph Hughes. " Jan. 27. William Jarvis [or Jervis] & Hannah Stubbs. Wit: Thomas Stubbs, Jos. Hughes. " Feb. 7. Francis Reynolds & Margaret Butler. Wit: Eleanor Ray, Jos. Hughes. " Mar. 7. John Eaton & Mary Ridgway. Wit: Frances Forrester, Joseph Hughes. " June 2. Thomas Lee & Sarah Davies. Wit: Rowland Lee, Jos. Hughes. " July 21. Thomas Weston & Mary Ridgway, lic. Wit: Piercy Pace, Josh. Hughes. " Dec. 27. Robert Hassal & Jane Jackson. Wit: Charles Evans, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 31. Joseph Smith & Sarah Hodgkinson. Wit: John Hodgkinson, Joseph Hughes. //1793] Hodnet. 339 1792, Feb. 20. John Ralphs & Sarah Jarvis. Wit: Samuel Weaver, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 9. William Nicklin & Jane Allen. Wit: Margaret Rhoden, Joseph Hughes. " Aug. 20. John Wise & Sarah Besford, p. Staunton, lic. Wit: George Wild, Eliz. Parker, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 25. Joseph Growcot & Anne Chetter. Wit: Sarah Homes, Mary Taylor. " Nov. 1. John Corser & Anne Taylor. Wit: John Taylor, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 11. Samuel Weston, p. Wem, & Jane Chidley, lic. Wit: Robert Chidley, Jane Harris. " Dec. 29. Richard Horton & Elizabeth Hodgkinson. Wit: John Hodgoson, Josh. Hughes. " Dec. 31. Joshua Bentley & Anne Dod. Wit: Samuel Phillips, Josh. Hughes. 1793, Jan. 19. James Bayley & Mary Davies. Wit: John Bayley, Josh. Hughes. " Jan. 24. John Lester & Martha Buttery, lic. Wit: Robert Morris, Elizabeth Buttery. " Feb. 4. William Downes & Beatrice Gough. Wit: William Taylor, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 9. Thomas Ibbs & Anne Pratchett, lic. Wit: Edwd. Cartwright, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 14. John Moran, p. Lee,of & Elizabeth Chidley, lic. Wit: Ann Chidley, Richd. Chidley. " Mar. 31. Thomas Burrows & Mary Long. Wit: Sarah Long, Josh. Hughes. " Apr. 11. Francis Adams & Anne Davies. Wit: Robert Adams, Mary Davies. " May 20. Joseph Wilson & Jane Vaughan. Wit: John Vaughan, J. Hughes. " May 21. William Churton, shoemaker, & Sarah Forrester. Wit: John Chessus, William Blockley, J. Hughes. " July 2. Thomas Hamlet & Anne Barton, p. Drayton in Hales. Wit: Mary Hamlett, Jos. Hughes. 340 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1793 1793, July 11. John Taylor & Anne Morris. Wit: John Morris, J. Hughes. " July 22. Joseph Hughes & Sarah Powell. Wit: Thomas Walford, Thomas Powell. " Nov. 25. John Taylor, p. Wellington, & Margaret Pratchet. Wit: Eliz: Pratchet, Richd. Taylor, Josh. Hughes. " Dec. 27. John Mounford & Sarah Matthews. Wit: John Matthars, Josh. Hughes. 1794, Jan. 23. Richard James, p. High Ercal, & Mary Boroughs [signs Burouhghs], lic. Wit: Thomas Wanham [?], Jos. Hughes. " Feb. 27. Robert Hazledine, p. Shawberry, & Sarah Taylor, lic. Wit: Mary Hazledine, junr., William Taylor, Joseph Hughes. " Mar. 25. Robert Madeley, p. Wellington, & Eleanor Forrester, lic. Wit: John Hill, Margat. Hill. " May 29. John Lander, p. High Offley, co. Stafford, & Sarah Heatley, lic. By ROBERT PUGII. Wit: James Heatley, Sarah Wase, Joseph Hughes. " July 1. Edward Siddan, p. Whitchurch, & Anne Hales, lic. Wit: Elizabeth Forrester, Josh. Hughes. " July 1. Thomas Massey & Hannah Edwards. Wit: Sarah Edwards, Jos. Hughes. " Oct. 22. John Stubbs, single person, & Elizabeth Ralphs. By MARK NOBLE, Rector of Barming, in Kent. Wit: Joseph Wilkes, Josh. Hughes. " Dec. 29. George Tunley & Mary Green. Wit: William Green, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 29. Samuel White & Jane Dun. Wit: Sarah Jarvis, Joseph Hughes. //1796] Hodnet. 341 1793, Feb. 3. Thomas Jones & Elizabeth Bradbury. Wit: Elisth. Atkin, Jos. Hughes. " Apr. 21. John Oswell, p. Shawbury, & Elizabeth Buttery. Wit: Thomas Oisnill, Martha Lester. " July 27. John Yeomans, p. Moreton Corbet, & Margaret Humphries. Wit: Will: Holbrook, Josh. Hughes. " July 30. Edward Jones & Sarah Osborne. Wit: James Jones, Josh. Hughes. " Aug. 4. John Taylor & Mary Lewis. Wit: Elisth. Lewis, Josh. Hughes. " Aug. 30. John Gosling & Elisabeth Smith. Wit: Mary Wild, John Owen. " Aug. 30. Richard Price, p. High Ercall, & Mary Hicks. Wit: Jane Ralphs, John Owen. " Sep. 24. John Jones, p. Drayton, & Martha Ashley, lic. Wit: Thomas Ashley, Rebekah Ashley. " Oct. 12. Samuel Barlow & Sarah Kerry. Wit: Thomas Robbins, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 15. John Venables, p. "Whitchurch, & Sarah Thomas, lic. Wit: John Horton, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 29. David Capper, p. Hanmer, co. Flint, & Jane Ash, lic. Wit: George Powell, Martha Powell, Josh. Hughes. " Dec. 6. Timothy Roden & Martha Horton, lic. Wit: Benj: Lawton, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 31. Charles Ashley & Jane Nicklin, wid. Wit: John Hughes, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 31. Samuel Jennings & Elizabeth Colley. Wit: William Jennings, Jane Dod. 1796, Jan. 27. Robert Hassel & Elizabeth Espley. Wit: Ann Crop, Joseph Hughes " Feb. 8. Edward Leech 8r Mary Huxley. Wit: William Huxley, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 19. Richard [banns publ. as "John"] Ralphs & Mary Worrall. Wit: William Edge, Joseph Hughes. 342 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1796 1796, July 10. Francis Ashton, p. Seighford, & Susanna Maddox. Wit: Joseph Fleet, Joseph Hughes. " July 26. George Taylor & Sarah Joy. Wit: James Mullinex, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 3. Joseph Leech & Anne Taylor. Wit: William Taylor, Mary Maddox. " Nov. 17. Charles Ashley & Hannah Matthews. Wit: Arthur Hughes, Thos. Johnson. " Dec. 1. Richard Allman & Jane Minshall, lic. Wit: John Davies, Elizabeth Allman. " Dec. 29. Arthur Chidley & Elizabeth Prynnold. Wit: Thomas Phillips, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 29. Baruch Mellington & Mary Holmes. Wit: Richard Smith, Joseph Hughes. 1797, Jan. 26. Thomas Robins, shoemaker, & Fanny Arkinstall. Wit: Adam Arkinstall, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 28. John Hodgkin, p. Stoke upon Tern, & Anne Walley, lic. Wit: Sarah Walley, Samuel Brayn, Josh. Hughes. " May 8. John Davies & Elisabeth Allman, lic. With consent of her Father. Wit: Nathaniel Saml. Miles, Mary Davies. " June 5. John Watkin & Hannah Ravenscroft. Wit: Samuel Ravenscroft, James Laurence, Josh. Hughes. " Aug. 3. George Rider & Elizabeth Blakemore. Wit: John Bradley, Josh. Hughes. " Aug. 16. Arthur Holden & Martha Cartwright. Wit: Ann Philhean, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 19. Edward Foulkes & Anne Underwood. Wit: Thomas Moore, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 23. Samuel Cureton & Mary Owen. Wit: Thomas Cartwright, Kate Hinks, John Hardy. 1798, Jan. 2. William Edge & Mary Higgison. Wit: Samuel Jennings, Josh. Hughes. //1798] Hodnet. 343 1798, Feb. 8. Thomas Worral & Mary Clay. Wit: Elizabeth Morris, Joseph Hughes, Thos. Morris. " Feb. 19. John Jervis, p. Norton, & Elizabeth Robins. Wit: James Taylor, Josh. Hughes. " Mar. 5. William Glassey & Mary Robins. Wit: John Jervis, Josh. Hughes. " Apr. 9. Joseph Bate & Jane Edge. Wit: William Edge, Josh. Hughes. " May 2. John Bowers & Mary Matthews. Wit: Arthur Hughes, John Chesterson. " June 15. John Nichols, p. Badchurch,of & Margaret Minor, lic. Wit: Walter Minor, A. Minor, Josh. Hughes. " June 25. Thomas Ragg, junr., & Jane Hopwood. Wit: James Ragg, Josh. Hughes. " July 11. William Wood & Elizabeth Bickerton, p. Middle, lic. Wit: Ann Kilvert, John Wood, junr., Josh. Hughes. " Aug. 30. James Owen & Elizabeth Rhoden. Wit: John Owen, Thos. Lee, Mary Cureton. " Sep. 26. Thomas Cartwright & Martha Hopwood. Wit: John Cartwright, Josh. Hughes. " Sep. 26. John Edge & Catherine Crane. Wit: William Edge, Martha Edge, Josh. Hughes. " Nov. 21. William Buckley, p. Wrenbury, co. Chester, & Elizabeth Powel, lic. Wit: John Beacall, Josh. Hughes. " Nov. 24. Thomas Roe, p. Hanmer, & Mary Davies, lic. Wit: John Davies, William Davies. " Dec. 25. James Lamb & Sarah Walters. Wit: Samuel Savage, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 28. William Bradshaw & Martha Powell. Wit: John Bradshaw, Joseph Hughes. 344 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1799 1799, Apr. 7. George Boughey, p. Prees, miller, & Elizabeth Mickelwright [signs to 1807]. Wit: Robt. Mickelwright, Josh. Boughey. " June 13. John Eyton, p. Clunbury, b., & Elizabeth Dicken, p. Hodnet. Wit: Wm. Clive, Rowland Dicken. " Aug. 1. John Podmore, p. Kinnersley, widr., & Elizabeth Ashley. Wit: John Wardley, Margaret Hill. " Sep. 16. Thomas Smith & Margaret Barrow. Wit: Joh. Morriss, Arthur Hughes. " Sep. 22. James Jones & Ann Alman. Wit: Thomas Holmes, Josh. Hughes. " Sep. 30. John Felton, p. Gnosall, & Ann Plat. Wit: Mary Bradbury, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 27. John Owen & Mary Hubball. Wit: Thos. Hopwood, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 31. Robert Pritchard, p. Prees, tanner, & Martha Mickelwright. With consent of Martha Mickelwright her natural & lawful parent. Wit: Ann Pritchard, Robt. Mickelwright. " Dec. 31. John Lowton & Elisabeth Arden. Wit: Richard Lowton, Josh. Hughes. 1800, Mar. 4. Richard Watkiss & Sarah Maddox. Wit: James Parry, Josh. Hughes. " Mar. 8. Thomas Cliff & Elizabeth Morris. Wit: Phebe Morris, Thos. Cotton. " Apr. 6. John Suker, p. Drayton, & Amy Ralphs. Wit: Edward Ralphs, Josh. Hughes. " July 2. Francis Bowdler, p. Wellington, hairdresser, & Mary Turner. Wit: Martha Hopkin, Thomas Cotton, Josh. Hughes. " July 5. William Groom, p. Leebrockhurst, & Ann Hughes. Wit: Wm. Gough, Josh. Hughes. " July 13. Samuel Jervies & Susannah Jones. Wit: Mary Jervies, Josh. Hughes. //1801] Hodnet. 345 1800, Aug. 5. Heley Fox & Sarah Dod. Wit: John Lloyd, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 16. George Furber & Sarah Bradbury. Wit: John Davies, junr., Charles Edge, Wm. Jarvis, Josh. Hughes. 1801, Jan. 28. Thomas Moore & Hannah Chidley. Wit: George Chidley, A: Hughes. " Feb. 16. William Millington & Martha Leech. Wit: Ann Leech, Josh. Hughes. " Feb. 16. John Bagshaw, p. Wem, & Fanny Blockley, lic. Wit: Margaret Jones, Richard Blockley. " Apr. 6. John Owen & Mary Sudlow. Wit: Thos. Dykes, Saml. Cureton. " Apr. 11. Thomas Huxley & Hannah Merry, lic. Wit: Ann Huxley, John Merry. " Apr. 13. William Barrow, p. Child's Ercall, & Mary Watson. Wit: Thomas Watson, Josh. Hughes. " June 1. John Ralphs & Mary Dod. Wit: Richard Grafton, Josh. Hughes. " Aug. 3. Thomas Challenor & Ann Kiss. Wit: Lidia Kiss, Ann Harrison, Wm. Holbrook. " Oct. 15. Samuel Humpherson, p. Stanton, & Eleanor Bradbury. Wit: Joseph Jone, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 31. Thomas Jervies & Mary Jones. Wit: Elizabeth Morgan, Luke Bayley. " Dec. 29. George Walker, p. St. Martin's in the Fields, co. Middlesex, & Ellen Bedford. Wit: Mary Haslam, Robert Crockett, Samuel Essex. " Dec. 29. Peter Hopwood & Mary Minshall. Wit: Thos. Minshall, Josh. Hughes. " Dec. 31. William Holbrook & Jane Fleet. Wit: Thos. Challenor, Josh. Hughes. " Dec. 31. Luke Bayley & Elizabeth Morgan. Wit: George Metcalf, Josh. Hughes. 346 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1802 1802, Feb. 13. John Bradshaw & Ann Ridgway. Wit: Thos. Cartwright, Josh. Hughes. " Mar. 1. James Taylor & Sarah Causer. Wit: Elizabeth Churton, William Adams. " Apr. 27. John Jones, p. Preese, & Sarah Hopwood. Wit: William Jones, Josh. Hughes. " May 4. George Gilford & Mary Tinsley. Wit: Thos. Miles, Josh. Hughes. " May 13. George Morris & Elizabeth Thomas, lic. Wit: Ann Morris, Thos. Cartwright. " May 13. Thomas Clough & Mary Jones. Wit: Thos. Lee, Josh. Hughes. " May 27. John Watson & Margaret Adams. Wit: Sarah Watson, John Cartwright. " Aug. 7. Joseph Jervies & Mary Bradbury. Wit: Samuel Humpherson, Josh. Hughes. " Sep. 17. Thomas Humphries & Mary Sutton. Wit: Robert "Millington, Josh. Hughes. " Oct. 28. Edward Edwards, p. Stoke, & Mary Powell. Wit: Mary Edwards, Josh. Hughes. " Dec. 29. John Puver & Sarah Evans. Wit: John Davies, Joseph Hughes " Dec. 11. John Dry & Elizabeth Delves. Wit: John Cartwright, Joseph Hughes, Sarah Delves. 1803, Jan. -. Samuel Walker & Mary Clay. Wit: Thos. Clay, Joseph Hughes. " Jan. 4. William Wilkenson & Elizabeth Massey. Wit: Jane Vikras, Gerg Massey. " Jan. 8. William Plant, p. Stanton, & Sarah Pemberton. Wit: William Plant, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 10. Thomas Cotton & Phebe Morris. Wit: Frances Cartwright, Thomas Ashley. " May 6. Thomas Hopwood & Ann Curley. Wit: Thomas More, Josh. Hughes. " July 25. Joseph Turner, p. Edgmond, & Elizabeth Graffen. By JAMES COTTON. Wit: Joseph Hayward, Joseph Hughes. " Oct. 20. Thomas Wild & Elizabeth Simon, lic. Wit: Mary Simon, John Beeston. //1804] Hodnet. 347 1803, Nov. 24. George Walkley & Martha Wild. Wit: John Allman, Joseph Hughes. " Nov. 28. Richard Thomas & Margaret Harper. Wit: Jane Harper, Thos. Morris. " Dec. 1. Robert Chidley & Hannah Massey, lic. Wit: Sarah Ashley, Robt. Mickelwright. " Dec. 8. John Talbot & Esther Chessus. Wit: Thos. Lee, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 15. Nathaniel Allman & Elizabeth Cartwright, lic. Wit: Margaret Jones, Thos. Cartwright. " Dec. 26. James Bradshaw & Sarah Bellingham. Wit: Richard Bellingham, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 28. Richard Powell, p. Stoke upon Tern, & Mary Simon, lic. Wit: Ann Powell, Richard Davies " Dec. 31. Robert Hall & Sarah Lowton. Wit: Jane Cartwright, Thos. Lee 1804, Jan. 6. William Minshall & Elizabeth Icke, lic. Wit: Ann Icke, Thomas Minshall, Arthur Hughes. " Jan. 23. Allen Ridgway & Ann Ralphs. Wit: John Bradshaw, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 27. Joseph Plat & Sarah Holding. Wit: Arthur Holding, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 2. John Dooler & Sarah Dod. Wit: Charles Prynold, Josh. Hughes. " May 30. Samuel Phillips, widower, & Elizabeth Ralphs. By G. COTTON, Dean of Chester [signs also the next]. Wit: William Thomas, John Bate. " May 30. John Yale, singleman, & Mary Haynes. Wit: George Harrington, Ann Haynes, John Bate. " June 3. Robert Husbands & Elizabeth Dod. Wit: Paul Ridgway, John Bate. " June 12. Thomas Moore & Jane Lester. Wit: Margaret Lester, Arthur Chidley. 348 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1804 1804, Nov. 5. Thomas Jones & Martha Fisher. Wit: Ann Pritchard, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 5. John Barnet & Elizabeth Dean. Wit: Richard Dean, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 17. William Massey & Mary Wilks. Wit: Arthur Evans, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 28. Thomas Powell & Sarah Cartwright. Wit: Elizabeth Cartwright, George Jones. 1805, Jan. 31. John Tudor & Mary Rutter. Wit: Anne Rutter, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 14. William Shuker, p. Stoke, & Ann Powell. Wit: Alice Powell, Thos. Churton. " Feb. 21. Thomas Haynes & Ann Grindley. Wit: John Maddox, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 26. John Hassal, p. Moreton Say, & Eleanor Powell. Wit: John Davies, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 15. William Morgan, p. Whitchurch, & Mary Cartwright, lic. Wit: Eliz. Morgan, Thos. Cartwright. " Apr. 18. John Bratton & Jane Willson. Wit: Charles Woodfin, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 24. Thomas Beacall, of Shrewsbury, & Martha Miriam Home, lic. Wit: Sarh. Griffiths, John Beacall, Joseph Hughes. " May 9. Edward Hampton & Mary Osbourn. Wit: John Ridgway, Joseph Hughes. " June 4. Samuel Rider & Mary Gilbert. Wit: Wm. Dod, John Bate. " Sep. 20. Francis Jones & Mary Jackson. Wit: Richard Bagley, Joseph Hughes. " Oct. 10. George Metcalf & Martha Edge. Wit: Margaret Cartwright, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 10. John Maulkin & Mary Pover. Wit: Richard Maulkin, Joseph Hughes. //1806] Hodnet. 349 1805, Dec. 26. Edward Cartwright & Elisabeth Cheetwood. Wit: Martha Cartwright, Thos. Cartwright. " Dec. 30. John Maddox & Elizabeth Speake. Wit: Richard Grafton, Joseph Hughes. 1806, Jan. 2. Samuel Harris, p. Wem, & Frances Cartwright, lic. By BRIAN HILL. Wit: Ann Cartwright, Thos. Harris, Sandford Gray. " Jan. 27. Joseph Thomas & Elizabeth Clay. Wit: Edward Thomas, Joseph Hughes. " Jan. 30. Benjamin Ralphs & Mary Edwards. Wit: Charles Ralphs, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 3. Edward Evans & Mary Bradshaw. Wit: John Jones, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 13. Joseph Pitchford & Mary Savage. Wit: Walter Pitchford, Joseph Hughes. " Mar. 3. John Robins & Ann Fleet. Wit: Thomas Robbins, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 15. William Adams & Alice Powell, lic. Wit: Martha Powell, John Powell. " May 29. Thomas Cartwright & Sarah Smith. Wit: Elizabeth Atkins, Joseph Hughes. " June 12. Richard Bembow [signs Benbow], p. Preese, & Margaret Jones, lic. Wit: Ann Miles, Thos. Liversage. " July 31. George Jones & Ensabeth Pickin. Wit: Charles Ralphs, Joseph Hughes. " Aug. 7. Samuel Rhoden & Elizabeth Atkins. Wit: Margaret Cartwright, Joseph Hughes. " Oct. 2. Thomas Churton, p. Prees, & Martha Powell, lic. Wit: Willm. Powell, Elizabeth Churton. " Oct. 24. Francis Lea, p. Cheswardine, & Hannah Hopkins. Wit: Willm. Hopkins, Frances Webb. " Nov. 27. Joseph Middleton, p. Prees, & Mary Butler. Wit: Isaac Millington, Josh. Hughes. " Dec. 4. Joseph Meredith & Mary Bill, lic. Wit: Elizabeth Cartwright, Thos. Brayn. 350 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1806 1806, Dec. 29. Richard Bagley & Sarah Edwards. Wit: William Foulkes, Josh. Hughes. 1807, Jan. 6. John Skeet, p. Prees, & Martha Madeley. Wit: John Davis, Josh. Hughes. " Jan. 19. George Jones & Elizabeth Tinsley. Wit: Thomas Tinsley, Josh. Hughes. /* END OF VOLUME IV. VOLUME V. THE MARRIAGE REGISTER OF THE PARISH OF HODNET. [The parties are of the parish of Hodnet, except where otherwise stafted, and the Marriages are by Banns, unless "lic." is added.] [On the fly-leaf:] THE MARRIAGE-REGISTER OF THE PARISH OF HODNET, FEBR. 2ND, 1807, TO JANY. 1ST, 1813, WITH AN INDEX OF NAMES AT THE END. */ Marriages 1807, Mar. 26. Thomas Webster & Ann Wellins. Wit: Sampson Snape, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 2. William Massey & Mary Liversage. Wit: Ann Miles, Thos. Wood. " June 11. Richard. Smith & Mary Hopwood. Wit: Thos. Smith, Josh. Hughes. " July 20. Thomas Hulstone & Hannah Young. Wit: George Hulstone & Joseph Hughes. " Aug. 6. William Jones & Eleanor Hope. Wit: Thos. Hope, Joseph Hughes. " Sep. 3. Charles Prynald & Elisabeth Davies. Wit: Martha Prynald, Arthur Chidly. //1808] Hodnet. 351 1807, Sep. 4. James Walker, of p. Shifnall, & Jane Peplow, by special lic. Wit: John Peplow, Joseph Hughes. " Oct. 29. Edward Jones & Mary Beacal. Wit: William Beacal, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 29. John Higgison, of p. Shawbury, & Eleanor Ray. Wit: Mary Higgison & Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 29. Robert Yeomans, p. Preston Gubbals, & Martha Whitcherleyof. Wit: Edward Birch, Joseph Hughes. 1808, Jan. 30. John Snape & Harriet Chidley. Wit: Leddea Kiss, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 22. George Riley, p. Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, & Catherine Robbins [signs Robins]. Wit: Mary Riley, John Bate. " Apr. 11. Thomas Evans & Sarah Fisher. Wit: Joseph Cluse, Josh. Hughes. " May 14. Thomas Liversage & Sarah Venables, by sp: lic. Wit: Ann Miles, Robert Venables. " June 28. James Richards & Ann Sadler. Wit: Hannah Bryan, Thos. Edge. " July 1. Henry Tomlinson & Mary [banns Sarah] Berks. Wit: Thomas Eddowes, Joseph Hughes. " Sep. 5. Richard Ridgway & Mary Taylor. Wit: Richard Jones, Joseph Hughes. " Nov. 10. Charles Augustus Beetinson & Damaris Margaretta Dawes, by sp: lic. Wit: Jenney Dawes, Maria Ann Beetinson, Robert Dawes. " Dec. 20. William Edge & Rebecca Ashley, by sp: lic. Wit: Ann Lester, John Merry. " Dec. 28. George Jackson & Sarah Jervies. Wit: Joseph Hughes, Thomas Hughes. 352 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1808 1808, Dec. 29. George Taylor, of p. Stoke, & Elizabeth Boffey. Wit: Ann Asley, Thomas Cartwright. 1809, Jan. 26. Robert Jervies & Margaret More. Wit: George Jackson, Joseph Hughes. " Feb. 4. Edward Gosnell, of p. Drayton, & Elizabeth Hardy. Wit: Thomas Gosnell, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 25. John Pye & Ann Wellings. Wit: Cornelius Pye, Joseph Hughes. " July 27. James Abbots & Elizabeth Pemberton. Wit: Hugh Pemberton, Josh. Hughes. " Aug. 10. Thomas Bernard Baddeley, of p. Newport, in this Co., & Isabella Hornblower, by sp: lic. Wit: Thos. Hornblower, Thos. Baddeley. " Oct. 12. Thomas Dod & Elizabeth Rogers. Wit: Wm. Burrows, Joseph Hughes. " Nov. 2. William Powell & Jane Beacall. Wit: Ann Beacall, John Powell. " Dec. 5. John Morris & Anne Moyles, by sp: lic. Wit: John Gosling, John Bate. " Dec. 28. William Stokes, of p. Drayton, & Sarah Shuker. Wit: Mary Stokes, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 28. William Freer, of p. Aston, & Hannah Prynold, by sp. lic. Wit: Martha Prynold, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 31. Samuel Wild & Elizabeth Edwards. Wit: Joseph Wild, Joseph Hughes. 1810, Jan. 23. John Hopwood, of p. Prees, & Martha Stokes. Wit: John Stokes, Joseph Hughes. " Mar. 28. Thomas Barrow, of p. Stoke-upon-Trent, Co. Stafford, & Mary Pemberton. Wit: Thomas Bayley, Joseph Hughes. //1811] Hodnet. 353 1810, Apr. 10. Andrew Ashley & Mary Griffiths, of p. Drayton-in-Hales, by sp. lic. Wit: Isaac Griffiths, Elizabeth Hill. " Apr. 21. Thomas Woodfin & Sarah Blagg, by sp: lic. Wit: Charles Woodfin, Martha Blagg. " Apr. 23. John Hill & Sarah Ashley, by sp: lic. Wit: Margaret Hill, James Massey. " Apr. 23. Edward Williams & Elizabeth Dodd. Wit: Jane Dodd, Richard Williams. " June 3. Thomas Stones, of p. Stoke, & Margery Moors Wit: William Chidlow, Joseph Hughes. " Nov. 6. John Edwards & Alice Capper. Wit: George Simon, Joseph Hughes. " Nov. 26. John Holding & Sarah Leech. Wit: Thomas Holding, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 29. Cornelius Pye & Jane Vickers. Wit: Mary Vickears, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 29. Thomas Smith & Mary Purslow. Wit: Thomas Brockston, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 30. John Weaver & Shusannah Woodvine. Wit: John Read, Joseph Hughes. 1811, Feb. 12. John Powell, of p. Stoke-upon-Tern, & Felicia Beacall, by sp. lic. Wit: Elizabeth Beacall, Caleb Powell. " Feb. 19. John Ralphs & Ellen Watkiss. Wit: Edwd. Jones, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 23. Robert Sharp & Mary Ray. Wit: John Ray, Margt. Ray. " May 2. Richard Cartwright & Mary Pace. Wit: C. Pace, Sandford Gray. 354 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1811 1811, May 1 Thomas Hope, of p. Prees, & Martha Prynold. Wit: Arthur Chidley, Joseph Hughes. " May 26. Richard Williams & Maly Severn. Wit: Lydia Taylor, Wm. Taylor. " June 5. Thomas Smith & Ann Vaughan. Wit: John Vaughan, Sarah Handley. " June 25. James Ivlassey & Elizabeth Cartwright. Wit: Maria Cartwright, Robert Venables, Thos. Powell. " July 13. John Hughes & Sarah Tomlinson. Wit: George Hughes, Joseph Hughes. " Aug. 1. James Simon & Anne Beacall. Wit: Mary Beacall, Thomas Wild. " Sep. 16. Joseph Bennet, of p. Prees, & Ann Phillips. Wit: Thomas Phillips, Jane Phillips. " Oct. 31. Richard Paddock, of p. Adbaston, Co. Stafford, & Rosanna Walton, by sp: lic. Wit: Jane Paddock, Edwd. Phillips. " Dec. 22. William Davies & Ann Rusker. Wit: John Davies, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 28. Thomas Hulstone & Elisabeth Harris. Wit: John Wittecas, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 30. William Dunn, of p. of Shawbury, & Sarah Smith. Wit: Richard Shaw, Joseph Hughes. //" Dec. 30. Thomas Gough & Shusannah [banns Sarah] Davison. Wit: John Gough, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 30. Thomas Gough & Shusannah Davison. Wit: John Gough, Joseph Hughes. 1812, Jan. 12. Thomas Ashley & Anne Lester, by sp: lic. Wit: Harriett Moore, James Essex. //1812] Hodnet. 355 1812, Feb. 3. Peter Landers, of p. Stoke-upon-Tern, & Mary Dutton, by sp. lic. Wit: Ruth Landers, Josh. Dutton. " Feb. 6. William Foulkes & Anne Ray. Wit: William Ray, John Bate. " Mar. 14. Richard Grafton & Sarah Hatfield. Wit: John Cartwright, Mary Smith. " Mar. 16. William Plant & Elizabeth Smith. Wit: Richard Plant, Anne Leech. " Mar. 30. Thomas Rogers, of p. Stoke, & Elizabeth Tudor. Wit: John Felton, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 2. John Powell, of p. High Ercoll, & Elizabeth Smith. Wit: John Delves, Joseph Hughes. " Apr. 9. William Edley, of p. Drayton, & Elizabeth Jones. Wit: James Wild, Joseph Hughes. " May 7. Thomas Dry & Elizabeth Cartwright. Wit: Felicia Cartwright, James Essex. //" May 7. James France and Sarah Johnson. Wit: Sarah Harrison, Joseph Hughes. " May 7. James France & Sarah Johnson. Wit: Sarah Harrison, Joseph Hughes. " May 14. Richard Ashley & Elizabeth Osborne. Wit: Aron Ridgway, Joseph Hughes. " June 2. Thomas Guiest & Sarah Davies. Wit: Sarah Guiest, Joseph Hughes. " June 4. Thomas Hemming & Mary Abbots. Wit: Charles Metcalfe, Joseph Hughes. " June 12. John Weston & Charlotte Thomas. Wit: Roger Thomas, Joseph Hughes. " July 1. Charles Groobey, of p. Wolverhampton, Co. Stafford, & Mary Thomas, by sp. lic. Wit: Wm. Jarvis, Ann Morris. 356 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1812 1812, July 6. Saml. Ravenscroft & Sarah Clutton. Wit: Ledde Kiss, John Watkin. " July 14. George Andrews, of p. Whitchurch, gent., & Margaret Hill., by sp lic. Wit: Elizabeth Jarvis, Wm. Andrews. " July 16. Edward Wycherley & Leddia Kiss. Wit: Ellen Wycherley, John Owen. " Aug. 6. John Powell & Catharine Beacall, by sp: lic. Wit: Elizabeth Beacall, John Beacall. " Sep. 24. Richard Hulme, of p. Drayton-in-Hales, Rakemaker, & Anne Reece. Wit: Elizabeth Beacall, Edwd. Bourne. " Dec. 24. George Simon & Ann Holding. Wit: Thos. Simon, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 24. John Picken & Elizabeth Ralphs. Wit: Joseph Tinsley, Joseph Hughes. " Dec. 29. George Randles & Elizabeth Jervis. Wit: Thomas Jervies, Joseph Hughes.