2: Hodnet: match births and deaths
3: Hodnet: match fathers
4: Hodnet: match husbands
5: Hodnet: match wives
6: Hodnet: match spouse ids
7: Hodnet: Get husband's family name
8: Hodnet: find kids
9: Hodnet: find parents (again)
10: Hodnet: Links
11: Hodnet: Add burials
12: Hodnet: Get birth places of couples
13: Hodnet: Add married people (maybe not born in Hodnet)
14: Hodnet: Get mothers names from birth data
15: Hodnet: fix NAD
16: Hodnet: Add other parent's ID
17: Hodnet: Add parents
18: Hodnet: Find unusual / wrong names
19: Hodnet: Add birth, death, marriage to a person
20: Hodnet: Find possible matches
21: Hodnet: Order events by family name
22: Hodnet: Match births and deaths (again)
23: Hodnet: Find IDs of parents
24: Hodnet: Create parents
fix 2: Hodnet: fix sex
fix 3: Hodnet: fix sex
fix 4: Hodnet: Mark estimated dates
fix 5: Hodnet: NAD same as death record
fix 6: Hodnet: add dyear, etc.
fix 7: Hodnet: add dyear, etc.
fix 8: Hodnet: Fix birth dates when people have an age
fix 9: Hodnet: Find husbands from burial data
fix 10: Hodnet: Find people with impossible birth-death combos
fix 11: Hodnet: Add Hodnet to empty fields