800 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1807 1807, Oct. 16. John, s. of Edward Richards, late schoolmaster, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 18. Elizabeth, d. of William Wilson, ~of the Takin Farm~, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 18. Jane, d. of Joseph Jebb, of Barker's Green, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 30. John, s. of John Jones & Elizabeth ... bap. 1805, Nov. 15. Samuel, s. of Richard Jenkins, shoemaker ... bap. 1807, Nov. 15. Ann, s. of Richard Jenkins, shoemaker ... bap. " Nov. 21. Ann, d. of Charles Broughall, of Newtown, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 6. Mary, d. of Robert Henshaw, of Tilley, & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 6. Samuel, s. of John Broughall, a turner, & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 25. Hannah, d. of William Shenton, glazier, in town, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Ebrev, ~of the Palms hill~, & Martha ... bap. 1808, Jan. 2. Charles, s. of Thomas Shaw, & Elizabeth Bickerton ... bap. " Jan. 12. Jane, d. of James Lee, a gardener, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 15. Thomas, s. of William Owen, cabinet-maker, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 31. James, s. of Thomas Davies, taylor, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 14. George, s. of George Edge, of Tilley-green Lane, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1806, Feb. 14. Mary, d. of Charles Fowles, ropemaker, & Ann ... bap. 1808, Feb. 14. James, s. of Charles Fowles, ropemaker, & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Jones, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 21. John, s. of John Jeremiah Maddocks & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 24. Mary, d. of John Jarvis, sawyer, & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 6. Richard, base s. of Mary Savage, ~reputed father, John Freeman, of Hungry Hatton~ ... bap. 1808] Wem. 801 1808, Mar. 6. James, base s. of Mary Thornhill, ~reputed father, William Embrey ~... bap. " Mar. 13. James, s. of John Farloe, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. 1806, Apr. 3. William, s. of John Skitt, ~of the Rye bank~, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1808, Apr. 3. Thomas, s. of John Skitt, ~of the Rye bank~, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas Williams, shoemaker, & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 15. William, s. of Thomas Wycherley, wheelwright, & Martha ... bap. " Apr. 17. Mary, d. of Thomas Ebrey, shoemaker, at Barker's Green, & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 22. Ann, d. of William Hayward, of Tilley, & Jane ... bap. " May 8. Ann, d. of Thomas Cowley, wheelwright, & Mary ... bap. 1807, May 4. William Wilbraham, s. of William Johnson, reverend and clerk, ~(f. is the son of Robert Johnson, late of Liverpool, merchant, by Dulcibella Green, his wife; m. the daughter of Edward Middleton, late of Walford, in this county, by Mary Sutton, his wife)~, & Mary his wife, St. Chad, in Shrewsbury, ... bap. 1808, May 21. Mary Elizabeth, d. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha, his w., ~the 15th child~ ... bap. " June 5. Mary, d. of Richard Richards, of the Lowe, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 5. Richard, s. of Richard Edge, of Tilley Green, & Sarah ... bap. " June 12. John, base s. of Mary Bickley, of Barker's Green, ~reputed father, Joseph Maddocks~ ... bap. 802 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1808 1808, June 17. William, s. of Thomas Jones, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " June 19. Mary, d. of John Gilbert, ~of the Alderly Lane~, & Jane ... bap. " June 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Kynaston, grocer, & Mary ... bap. " June 26. Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin Wollom, of Aston, & Sarah ... bap. " July 3. Richard, s. of Richard Fallows, & Mary ... bap. " July 22. Ann, d. of George Astley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 4. Elizabeth, base d. of Elizabeth Gough, ~reputed father, John Buttrey, of Lee Brockhurst~ ... bap. " Sep. 6. Sarah, d. of William Leek, of Malpas, & Ann Allinson ... bap. " Sep. 25. Charles, s. of Thomas Cooke, mercer, & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 25. Richard, s. of Richard Watkin, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 25. Edward, s. of Samuel Powell, shoemaker, & Ann ... bap. 1806, Sep. 25. Mary, d. of John Maddocks & Sarah ... bap. 1808, Sep. 25. Charles, s. of John Maddocks & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 25. Ann, d. of William Evenson, of Tilley, & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 25. Samuel, s. of Samuel Smith, by the One House, shoemaker, & Hannah ... bap. " Sep. 27. Eliza, base d. of Alice Philips ... bap. " Oct. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Jackson, shoemaker, & Martha ... bap. " Oct. 30. George, s. of John Acton, saddler in Wem, & Hannah ... bap. " Oct. 30. Hannah, d. of Thomas Furmstone & Martha ~Hannah and Martha are twins~ ... bap. " Oct. 30. Martha, d. of Thomas Furmstone & Martha ~Hannah and Martha are twins~ ... bap. " Nov. 6. John, s. of William Astley & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 8. Martha, d. of William Watkin, of Cremore, & Martha ... bap. 1809] Wem. 803 1808, Nov. 18. William, s. of John Abbotts, of Tilley, & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 18. Mary, d. of Giles Waring, of Rea-street, in Liverpool, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 27. Thomas, s. of William Wycherley & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 2. Eliza, d. of William Pollett, of Stoke upon Tern, & Elizabeth Jeffries ... bap. " Dec. 27. Sarah, d. of John Dulston, ~of the Alderly Lane~, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 28. Richard, base s. of Mary Stones, aged 8 years ... bap. " Dec. 28. Mary, d. of Samuel Stones, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. 1809, Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Llewellin & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 1. William, s. of Samuel Jones, of the Rue-wood, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 3. Frances, d. of William Ashford, hairdresser, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Davie, s. of William Wilson, ~of the Takin~, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Wycherley, ~bailiff of the town~, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 5. Richard, s. of George Brooks, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 6. Thomas, base s. of Elizabeth Pollett, ~reputed fathers, Joseph Cook & John Smith~ ... bap. " Jan. 10. William, s. of Edward Morris & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 15. Joseph, s. of John Simmonds, a weaver, & Susanna ... bap. " Jan. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jebb & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 22. Mary, d. of Andrew Rogers, of Tilley, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 29. Hannah, d. of John Crowder, of Aston & Maria ... bap. 804 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1809 1809, Jan. 31. Richard, s. of John Richards, of Creamore-bank, & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 2. Rebecca, d. of John Bellingham, bricklayer, & Bell ... bap. " Feb. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Sands, wheelwright, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 12. John, s. of William Jones & Margaret ... bap. " Feb. 15. Samuel, s. of John Smith, of Pontsbury, blacksmith, & Sarah Urmstone ... bap. " Feb. 19. Margaret, d. of Walter Hales, butcher, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 5. Ann, d. of William Simmonds & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 5. Martha, d. of John Hughes, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Almond, junr., of Tilley Green, & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 31. William, s. of Thomas Weaver, ~a private in the 36th Regt. of foot~, & Eleanor ... bap. " Apr. 2. Joseph, s. of William Price & Margretta ... bap. 1807, Apr. 9. John, s. of William Dimmoloe & Margaret ... bap. 1809, Apr. 9. Eleanor, d. of William Dimmoloe & Margaret ... bap. " Apr. 9. Mary, d. of Edmund Millington, sawyer, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 9. Thomas, s. of Zachariah Kynaston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 9. Richard, s. of Richard Bellingham ~by James Crowder's wife~ ... bap. " Apr. 30. William, s. of John Rogers, of Barker's Green, & Jane ... bap. " May 21. John, s. of Samuel Hughes & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 23. Hannah, d. of Richard Heatley, of the Lowe Hill, & Martha ... bap. " May 30. Mary, d. of James Price, of Palms hill, & Mary ... bap. " June 6. Henry, s. of Richard Hughes, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " June 16. Ann, d. of Abraham Darlington, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. 1809] Wem. 805 1809, June 27. Martha, d. of Edward Williams & Martha ... bap. 1809, June 27. Katharine, d. of Edward Williams & Martha ... bap. " July 9. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Cartwright, joiner, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 16. John, s. of Thomas Williams, of Aston, blacksmith, & Mary ... ... " July 30. Sarah, d. of William Colley, of St. Mary's in Salop, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 6. James, base s. of Hannah Ridgeway, ~reputed father, Peter Astley ~... bap. " Aug. 15. Ann, d. of John Jarvis, sawyer, & Ann ... bap. 1807, Aug. 20. George, s. of Joseph Clay, veterinary surgeon, & Susannah ... bap. 1809, Aug. 20. Thomas, s. of Joseph Clay, veterinary surgeon, & Susannah ... bap. " Aug. 20. Thomas, base s. of Sarah Thornhill, ~reputed father, William Astley ~... bap. " Aug. 27. John, s. of John Maddocks & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of William Kynaston, of Tilley, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 10. Seth, s. of Eleanor Deakin, of Tilley, ~begotten by Francis Sherratt, taylor, in the absence of her husband, who had been on board the London man of war ship some years~ ... bap. " Sep. 17. Mary, d. of John Williams, of Aston & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 24. Thomas, s. of Philip Hales, of Tilley Park, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 24. Eliza, d. of Richard Forgham, shoemaker, in the Lanes, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Fallows & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Charlotte, d. of George Buttrey, of the Mill-house, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Bickley, of Barker's Green, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 26. Mary, d. of John Povah & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Wycherley, carpenter, & Martha James ... bap. 806 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1809 1809, Oct. 16. Sarah, d. of George Edge, of Tilley Green, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 22. Margaret, d. of James Lee, gardener, & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 22. George, s. of William Wycherley & Mary ~George and Thomas are twins~ ... bap. " Oct. 22. Thomas, s. of William Wycherley & Mary ~George and Thomas are twins~ ... bap. " Oct. 29. Martha, d. of Thomas Slack & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 12. Martha, d. of Benjamin Forister, of Alderley Lane, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 10. Joseph, s. of Abraham Jones & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Ebrey, of Barker's Green, & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 27. Robert, s. of Francis Owen, junr., cabinet maker, & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. 1810, Jan. 1. Samuel, s. of Richard Jenkins, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones, of the Rue wood, & Mary ... bap. 1806, Jan. 7. Mary, d. of Thomas Challenor, of Tilley Green, & Mary ... bap. 1808, Jan. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas Challenor, of Tilley Green, & Mary ... bap. 1810, Jan. 7. William, s. of Thomas Challenor, of Tilley Green, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 14. William, s. of William Leek, ~in the poor house~, & Ann Allinson ... bap. " Jan. 17. John, s. of Thomas Elkes, of the Lowe, & Margaret ... bap. " Jan. 22. Richard, s. of Thomas Griffiths, innkeeper, & Penelope ... bap. " Jan. 28. Esther, d. of Thomas Bartley, of the Rue wood, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 9. John, s. of William Harrinson, of Hellcop-bank, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 25. Richard, s. of Thomas Ebrey, of the Palmshill, & Martha ... bap. 1810] Wem. 807 1810, Feb. 25. John, s. of Thomas Cowley, carpenter, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 28. John, s. of Robert Gadd, junr., bricklayer, & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 18. John, s. of John Broughall, deceased, turner, & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. of George Higgins, bricklayer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 8. Martha, d. of John Hales, of Tilley, & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 20. Mary, base d. of Mary Bellingham, ~reputed father, John Shakeshaft; Mary and John are twins~ ... bap. " Apr. 20. John, base s. of Mary Bellingham, ~reputed father, John Shakeshaft; Mary and John are twins~ ... bap. " Apr. 20. Martha, base d. of Elizabeth Pollett, ~reputed father, Joseph Rolls~ ... bap. " Apr. 22. Mary, d. of John Acton, saddler, & Hannah ... bap. " Apr. 22. George, s. of Samuel Jenkins, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 29. Samuel, s. of Richard Hamlett, of the High Fields, & Mary ... bap. 1810, May 6. Ann, d. of Thomas Williams, shoemaker, & Ann ... bap. " May 13. Henry, s. of Thomas Cooke, mercer, & Margaret ... bap. " May 13. Martha, d. of John Hales, butcher, & Martha ... bap. " June 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Watson & Eleanor ... bap. " June 17. Martha, d. of William Shenton, glazier, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Povah & Sarah ... bap. " June 17. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Watkiss & Mary ... bap. 808 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1810 1810, July 22. Hannah, d. of Edward Hinksman, miller, & Elizabeth Newnes ... bap. " Sep. 2. Elizabeth, base d. of Sarah Faircliff, ... bap. " Sep. 2. Robert, s. of Richard Griffith, a soldier, & Hannah ... bap. " Sep. 23. John, s. of Robert Henshaw, of Aston, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 23. Mary, d. of Abraham Darlington, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. George, s. of Richard Bellingham, shoemaker, & Clarissa ... bap. " Sep. 23. John George, s. of John Hales, a soldier, & Phoebe ... bap. " Sep. 23. Ann, d. of Adam Bolton, cooper, & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 7. Elizabeth, d. of William Lee, of Tilley, & Susanna ... bap. " Oct. 21. Ann, d. of William Pollitt & Elizabeth Jeffryes ... bap. " Nov. 4. Martha, base d. of Elizabeth Furmstone, ~reputed father, Samuel Chesters ~... bap. " Nov. 11. George, s. of Thomas Davies, taylor, & Sarah ... bap. 1801, Jan. 2. Mary Anne, d. of Samuel Moore Lawrence, & Hannah, his w., ~born at Aleyor, in the Island of Minorca~ ... bap. 1810 Nov. 25. Samuel, s. of William Evans & Sarah ... bap. 1811] Wem. 809 1810, Dec. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Watkin, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 9. Ann, base d. of Elizabeth Hayward, ~reputed father, John Astley, of Quino Brook ~... bap. " Dec. 16. Francis, s. of Francis Jones, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 23. Henry, s. of Joseph Price, a soldier, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1808, Dec. 30. Edward, s. of George Jones, & Mary ... bap. 1810, Dec. 30. Ann, d. of George Jones, & Mary ... bap. 1808, Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Worrall, of Tilley Green, & Mary ... bap. 1810, Dec. 30. William, s. of Thomas Worrall, of Tilley Green, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 31. Martha, d. of Edward Cartwright, joiner, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1811, Jan. 1. Ann, d. of James Price, of the Palms hill, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of Thomas Llewellin, of Tilley Gate, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Evans, in Chapel Street, & Ann Furmston ... bap. " Jan. 13. Sarah, d. of Francis Evans, in Chapel Street, & Ann Furmston ... bap. " Jan. 13. Robert, s. of Robert Thomas, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 14. Ann, d. of John Kynaston, schoolmaster, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 18. Margaret, s. of Thomas Elkes, deceased, late of the Lowe, & Margaret, his widow ... bap. " Jan. 20. Thomas, s. of George Astley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 27. Charles, s. of Zachariah Kynaston & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 27. John, base s. of Ann Lyth, ~reputed father, John Hampson~ ... bap. " Mar. 3. Maria, d. of Thomas Jones, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 10. Hannah, base d. of Sarah Thornhill ... bap. " Mar. 31. Ann, base d. of Elizabeth Croxton ... bap. 810 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1811 1811, Apr. 7. Jane, d. of James Crowder & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 21. John, s. of John Crowder, of Aston, & Maria ... bap. " Apr. 28. Sarah, d. of William Fleet, of Horton, & Elizabeth ~Sarah and Eliza are twins~ ... bap. " Apr. 28. Eliza, d. of William Fleet, of Horton, & Elizabeth ~Sarah and Eliza are twins~ ... bap. " Apr. 28. Mary, base d. of Ann Harris, ~reputed father, Richard Lane, house-carpenter~ ... bap. " May 12. Mary, d. of Richard Hughes, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " May 12. Thomas, s. of John Smith, blacksmith, & Sarah Urmstone ... bap. " May 12. Thomas, s. of Charles Fowles, ropemaker, & Ann ... bap. " June 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Corbett, of Tilley Brook, & Ann ... bap. " June 9. Joseph, s. of Thomas Williams, of Aston, blacksmith, & Mary ~twins~ ... bap. " June 9. Mary, d. of Thomas Williams, of Aston, blacksmith, & Mary ~twins~ ... bap. " June 9. John, s. of George Jackson, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " June 16. Jane, d. of John Rogers, of Barker's Green, & Jane ... bap. " June 16. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Allen, bricklayer, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 4. William, base s. of Mary Rogers ... bap. " Sep. 1. Jonathan, s. of Richard Forgham, of the Lane, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 15. Elizabeth, base d. of Ann Roberts, ~reputed father, William Hughes ~... bap. " Sep. 22. Richard, s. of Richard Heatley, of Aston, & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Ebrey, ~of the New house~, & Phoebe ... bap. " Sep. 22. William, s. of Philip Hales, of Tilley Park, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 22. Priscilla, d. of George Edge, deceased, of Tilley Green Lane, & Elizabeth, his widow ... bap. 1811] Wem. 811 1811, Sep. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Barkley, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. *" Sep. 22. William, s. of Thomas Jones & Mary ... bap. 1809, Sep. 22. Sarah, d. of John Maddocks & Ann ~f. John Jeremiah Maddocks ~ ... bap. 1811, Sep. 22. Thomas, s. of John Maddocks & Ann ~f. John Jeremiah Maddocks ~ ... bap. " Sep. 22. Samuel, d. of John Farloe & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 22. John, s. of William Ebrey, of Tilley, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 22. Eleanor, base d. of Mary Savage ... bap. " Sep. 22. Charles, s. of Joseph Higginson, shoemaker, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 22. Ann, d. of William Edwards & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 23. William, s. of George Buttery, ~of the Mill house~, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 26. George, base s. of Alice Phillips ... bap. " Sep. 27. John, s. of William Beckett, bricklayer, ~of the Three Tuns Inn~, & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 29. Sarah, base d. of Elizabeth Pollett, ~reputed father, Thomas Crowder, of Stanton~ ... bap. " Oct. 6. Sarah, d. of William Jones, & Margaret ... bap. " Oct. 13. Richard, s. of Thomas Kynaston, grocer, ironmonger, &c., & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 13. James, s. of John Acton, saddler, & Hannah ... bap. " Nov. 10. William, s. of Edmund Millington & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 17. Sarah, d. of Thomas Corbett, of Tilley Brook, & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 17. Martha, d. of Samuel Blower, of Horton, & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 22. George, s. of Francis Jones, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 29. Catharine, d. of Thomas Lewes & Catharine ... bap. 812 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1811 1811, Dec. 29. Henry, s. of Richard Green, sexton, & Mary ... bap. 1809, Dec. 30. George, s. of John Dulson, ~of the Alderly Lane~, & Sarah ... bap. 1811, Dec. 30. Eliza, d. of John Dulson, ~of the Alderly Lane~, & Sarah ... bap. 1812, Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of John Hughes, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 5. Sarah, d. of Abraham Darlington, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 6. William, s. of William Hampson, of Horton, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 11. Charles, s. of Adam Boulton, cooper, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 17. Francis, s. of Francis Owen, junr., cabinetmaker, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 19. Benjamin, s. of John Rutter & Jane ... bap. " Feb 23. Mary, d. of Edward Hinksman, miller, & Elizabeth Newnes ... bap. 1810, Mar. 17. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Nickson, esquire, & Mary (born May 17, 1810) ... bap. 1812, Mar. 19. Sarah, Jane, d. of Jonathan Nickson, esquire, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 27. Thomas, s. of Joseph Almond, of Tilley Green, & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 29. Margaret, d. of William Hughes, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 29. Mary, base d. of Ann Thomas, ~reputed father, Thomas Williams~, of the Rue wood ... bap. " Mar. 29. Charles, s. of Richard Fallows & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 5. William, s. of John Jones & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 19. William, s. of Thomas Cowley, wheelwright, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 26. John, s. of John Jones, of the Rue wood, & Mary ... bap. " May 3. Sarah, base d. of Margaret Leek, ~reputed father, Joseph Rogers ~... bap. " May 7. Thomas, s. of John Everall, bricklayer, & Ann ... bap. 1812] Wem. 813 1819, May 10. John, s. of Charles Woodfin, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " May 17. Benjamin, s. of George Whitacre, of Manchester, & Ann his w., ~in this workhouse~ ... bap. " June 28. Samuel, s. of Robert Thomas & Mary — the first in the new Church ... bap. " July 5. John, base s. of Elizabeth Davies ... bap. " July 12. William, s. of Robert Henshaw, of Aston, & Jane ... bap. " July 12. Susanna, d. of Elizabeth Harper, ~m. cohabits with Joseph Lewis, a cobbler~ ... bap. " July 12. Mary, d. of Elizabeth Harper, ~m. cohabits with Joseph Lewis, a cobbler~ ... bap. " Aug. 1. Emma, d. of William Wycherley & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 6. Thomas, base s. of Jane Arnold, ~reputed father, Thomas Sandland~ ... bap. " Sep. 20. Ann, d. of Richard Astley, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 20. John, s. of Samuel Chester & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 20. Joseph, s. of Joseph Bickley & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 20. Sarah, d. of William Hughes & Charlotte ... bap. " Sep. 20. Richard, s. of Andrew Broughton & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 20. Joseph, base s. of Sarah Faircliff, ~reputed father, Joseph Bellis~ ... bap. " Sep. 20. Samuel Latham, s. of Samuel Hughes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 4. John, s. of Richard Williams, shoemaker, of Ightfield, & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of John Green, flaxdresser, & Maria ... bap. " Nov. 15. Philip, s. of John Williams, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 22. Joseph, s. of Joseph Smith, deceased, of Tilley Green Lane, & Martha his widow ... bap. " Dec. 16. Martha, d. of Richard Beacall, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. 814 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1812 1812, Dec. 20. Charles, s. of Robert Watkiss, of Wem, sawyer, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. of Thomas Williams, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. BURIALS. 1800, Jan. 10. Elizabeth Newnes, from Paul Briscoe's ... bur. " Jan. 14. Mary, w. of John Hughes ~(killed in a coalpit)~ ... bur. " Jan. 20. Margaret Savage, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 25. James Evans, from Horton ... bur. " Jan. 26. Hannah Booth, from Ellesmere, aged 94 ... bur. " Jan. 28. Hannah, w. of Thomas Maddocks, of Barker's Green ... bur. " Jan. 29. Mary Downes, wid., of Barker's Green, aged 85 ... bur. " Feb. 6. Jane Powell, wid., out of Soulton Lane ... bur. " Feb. 8. Edward Kynaston, a hatter, widr. ... bur. " Feb. 17. Hannah, w. of Thomas Wilkinson, wid., ... bur. " Feb. 20. George Bickerton (once of Sleap) ... bur. " Feb. 21. John Hales, of the White Lion ... bur. " Feb. 23. Ann, w. of Thomas Haycock, wid., ... bur. " Feb. 26. John, s. of Thomas Cowley & Mary ... bur. " Mar. 6. Francis Williams, of Tilley Green, aged 80 ... bur. " Mar. 16. Mary, w. of William Thornhill ... bur. " Mar. 18. Samuel Forgham, aged 79 ... bur. " Apr. 6. Mary Sandland, wid., aged 89 ... bur. " May 14. William Philips ~(out of the Workhouse)~ ... bur. " May 17. Ann Higginson, wid. ... bur. " May 23. Sarah Walmsley, from Walcott, aged 75 ... bur. " June 1. Thomas Curley, aged 54 ... bur. " June 25. John, base s. of Ann Mason, wid. ... bur. " June 27. John Kynaston, aged 72 ... bur. " June. 29. John Evans, of Barker's Green, aged 60 ... bur. " July 2. Edward Ebrey, of Barker's Green ... bur. " July 23. Elizabeth, w. of John Powell, a laborer ... bur. 1801] Wem. 815 1800, July 26. Edward, s. of Thomas James & Mary ... bur. " July 27. Thomas Fardoe, ~a laborious inoffensive Bachelor~ ... bur. " Aug. 2. Mary, d. of Daniel Basford & Jane ... bur. " Aug. 19. Mary, d. of Edward Jones & Jane ... bur. " Aug. 24. Eleanor Stockall, wid., from Horton ... bur. " Aug. 27. Sarah, d. of John Howard & Sarah ... bur. " Sep. 1. Jane Jones, wid., from the High Fields ... bur. " Sep. 5. Thomas Calcott, from the Pools ... bur. " Sep. 18. William Jenks, s. of Ann Jenks ... bur. " Nov. 4. Ambrose Gilbert, widr. ... bur. " Dec. 12. Mary, d. of Francis Williams, of Tilley Green, & Mary ... bur. 1801, Jan. 13. John Harris, strawcutter ... bur. " Jan. 17. Elizabeth, d. of David Wilson, of the Takings, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Jan. 19. Thomas Howard, late sexton ... bur. " Feb. 3. Edward, s. of Francis Lloyd, of Barker's Green ... bur. " Feb. 5. William, s. of Humphrey Thomas & Charlotte ... bur. " Feb. 11. Elizabeth, w. of William Basnett ... bur. " Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lawrence ... bur. " Mar. 7. John Spedding, ~The Revd. Curate of Edstaston, & Head Schoolmaster of the Grammar School 44 years, buried at Edstaston~ aged 67 ... bur. " Mar. 8. Jane, d. of William Hayward, of Tilley ... bur. " Mar. 10. Sarah, base d. of Martha Hoggins ... bur. " Mar. 14. James Vaughn ... bur. " Mar. 15. Martha, d. of Thomas Jones, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bur. " Mar. 17. James Maddocks, Tallow Chandler, aged 72 ... bur. " Mar. 18. Elizabeth Evans. wid., aged 74 ... bur. 816 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1801 1801, Mar. 22. John Hares, ~an idiot~ of Tilley ... bur. " Apr. 11. David Wilson, from the Takins ... bur. " Apr. 16. Thomas Thornhill, blacksmith, from Aston ... bur. " Apr. 17. Richard, base s. of Sarah Ellis ... bur. " Apr. 24. Mary, d. of James Maddocks & Margaret ... bur. " May 18. Charity, d. of Elizabeth Steventon, a traveller ... bur. " May 22. Elizabeth, d. of James Maddocks & Margaret ... bur. " May 24. William Rutter, from Tilley Green ... bur. " May 27. John Drury, of Wem, tanner ... bur. " June 6. Mary, d. of John Briscoe & Susannah ... bur. " June 7. Thomas, s. of George Higgins & Elizabeth ... bur. " June 21. Thomas, s. John Briscoe, baker, & Elizabeth bur. " June 23. Mary, d. of Richard Richards, of the Lowe ... bur. " June 24. Thomas, s. of James Lawrence, shoemaker, & Mary ... bur. " June 30. Mary, w. of Joseph Ashford, barber ... bur. " Aug. 4. Richard, s. of Philip Smith & Elizabeth ... bur. " Aug. 16. George Edge, a horsebreaker, from Tilley Green ... bur. " Sep. 4. Margaret Watkin, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 8. William Basnett ... bur. " Sep. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas Groom, of Barker's Green ... bur. " Sep. 18. Thomas Shore, ~servant to the Revd. Doctor Smalbroke upwards of 45 years~ ... bur. " Oct. 31. Charles Prince, senr. ... bur. " Nov. 29. Ann, d. of Samuel Jenkins & Mary ... bur. " Dec. 2. William, s. of Andrew Howard, hatter ... bur. " Dec. 2. Elizabeth, w. of Edward Gough, currier ... bap. " Dec. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Williams, bender ... bur. " Dec. 13. John Ebrey, shoemaker, from Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 29. Ann, d. of George Lovell & Sarah ... bur. 1802] Wem. 817 1802, Jan. 3. William, base s. of Rebecca Randles ... bur. " Feb. 28. Ann, w. of Richard Vaughn ... bur. " Mar. 3. John Newnes ... bur. " Mar. 13. John Jones, ~a servant to the Revd. Dr. Smalbroke many years, killed by a kick from a Horse~ ... bur. " Apr. 16. Francis, s. of Francis Lloyd, of Barker's Green ... bur. " Apr. 21. Elizabeth, w. of Francis Sherratt, of Tilley ... bur. " Apr. 27. Elizabeth Robinson, wid., aged 77 years ... bur. " May 3. Mary Powell, wid., aged 64 years ... bur. " May 17. William Peacock, ~from the Workhouse~ ... bur. " May 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas Kilburn & Rebecca ... bur. " June 16. Margaret Embrey, wid., aged 74 years ... bur. " June 17. George, s. of John Lyth, ~killed in a Marl pit~ ... bur. " June 24. Thomas Burrows, a batchelor ... bur. " July 16. John, s. of John Maddocks & Sarah ... bur. " Aug. 30. Peter Higgins, surgeon, from Hanmer ... bur. " Sep. 1. Ishmael Gregory, from the Low Hill, aged 96 ... bur. " Sep. 5. Thomas, s. of Arthur Cooke, flaxdresser ... bur. " Sep. 5. Sarah, d. of Thomas Worrall, of Tilley Green ... bur. " Sep. 25. Jane, d. of Thomas Dunn, of Barker's Green, & Mary ... bur. " Oct. 3. Elizabeth, d. of John Watkiss, shoemaker, & Rachael ... bur. " Oct. 10. Sarah, d. of William Powell, carpenter, & Sarah ... bur. " Oct. 11. Sarah Broughall, wid., aged 80 ... bur. " Oct. 29. Thomas Powell, shoemaker ... bur. " Oct. 31. John, s. of John Williams, a bender ... bur. " Nov. 9. Philip Williams, of the Foxholes ... bur. 818 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1802 1802, Dec. 13. George, s. of Thomas Higgins, surgeon, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Dec. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Price, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Dec. 22. Mary, w. of Thomas Jeffreys, miller ... bur. " Dec. 23. Richard Vaughn, widr., aged 63 ... bur. " Dec. 25. James, s. of James Lawrence, shoemaker, & Mary ... bur. 1803, Jan. 11. Martha, d. of John Briscoe, baker, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Jan. 15. Eliza, d. of Stephen Hassall, attorney ... bur. " Jan. 19. Mary Higgins, from Rye Bank ... bur. " Jan. 23. William Thornhill, a soldier ... bur. " Jan. 30. Martha Morgan, wid., from the Lowe ... bur. " Feb. 7. Henry Palin, ~from the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Feb. 9. Mary, d. of Francis Evans, from do .... bur. " Feb. 16. Elizabeth Ebrey, wid., from Barker's Green ... bur. " Feb. 20. Hannah, d. of John Berks, of Salop, & Ann ... bur. " Mar. 5. Charlotte, d. of Stephen Hassall, attorney ... bur. " May 8. Ann Stubbs, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Mar. 12. George Stringer, s. of Edward Gwynn, surgeon ... bur. " Mar. 16. Bridget, d. of Francis Evans, ~from the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Mar. 24. John Carsewell, upholsterer, from Salop ... bur. " Mar. 31. John Humpbach, ~from the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of John Madeley ... bur. " Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin Roberts, bree maker [sic] ... bur. " Apr. 3. Mary Dodd, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 3. Martha Egerton, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Apr. 5. Edward Howard, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Apr. 6. Ann, w. of Richard Jenkins, shoemaker ... bur. " Apr. 9. Unknown Wynn, ~relict of the Rev. Robert Wynn & niece of the Revd. Doctor Smalbroke, Rector of Wem~, wid., .. bur. 1803] Wem. 819 1803, Apr. 19. Charlotte Price, base d. ~out of the Work House~ ... bur. " May 1. Margaret Maddocks, wid. ... bur. " May 20. Mary, d. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bur. " May 23. Samuel Forgham, shoemaker ... bur. " June 13. Thomas Crane, ~an assistant to Thomas Higgins, surgeon, killed by a fall from his horse~ ... bur. " June 26. Thomas, s. of Richard Jenkins & Ann ... bur. " Aug. 2. Susanna, d. of John Birch & Susanna ... bur. " Aug. 5. Samuel Smalbroke, rector, ~D.D., Canon Residentiary of Litchfield & Coventry, Rector of Wem, aged 83; buried at Litchfield in the South Aisle.~ ... bur. " Aug. 30. Richard, s. of Thomas Wycherley & Elizabeth ... bur. " Aug. 31. John Burrows, aged 22 ... bur. " Sep. 3. Martha, d. of John Ralphs, of Cotton, & Ann ... bur. " Sep. 6. Mary, d. of John Jones & Sarah, Tilley Green ... bur. " Sep. 23. Elizabeth, w. of John Wynne of the Rue-wood ... bur. " Oct. 4. John, s. of John Madeley & Elizabeth ... bur. " Oct. 8. Martha Hughes, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 20. Elizabeth, w. of Robert Collins, a jockey, wid., ... bur. " Nov. 4. Ann, d. of Richard Jenkins & Ann ... bur. " Nov. 8. John Hinton, a Bumbailiff ... bur. " Nov. 13. Richard Newnes, ~who shot himself with a gun~ ... bur. " Nov. 18. Ann Jenks, wid., from Balderton ... bur. " Dec. 1. John, s. of James Edwards, taylor, & Martha ... bur. " Dec. 3. Thomas Higgins, surgeon in Wem ... bur. 820 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1803 1803, Dec. 9. James, base s. of Frances Maddocks ... bur. " Dec. 9. James Howard, a laborer ... bur. " Dec. 24. Ann, base d. of Mary Jones ... bur. " Dec. 26. Mary, d. of John Abbotts, of Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 31. John, s. of Edward Cartwright, joiner ... bur. 1804, Jan. 4. John Pollett, ~out of the Workhouse~, aged 88 ... bur. " Jan. 6. Robert, s. of John Hales, ~of the White Lion~ ... bur. " Jan. 7. Ann, w. of George Parton ... bur. " Jan. 11. Mary, w. of John Haycock, of the Ditches ... bur. " Jan. 27. David Ruscoe, of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 3. David, s. of David Wilson, of the Takins ... bur. " Feb. 14. Sarah, d. of John Gough, ~a travelling showman~, & Alice ... bur. " Feb. 26. Ann, d. of John Maddocks, of Barker's Green, & Ann ... bur. " Mar. 27. Mary, w. of John Williams ... bur. " Apr. 4. James, s. of John Bromfield, of Manchester, butcher, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Apr. 8. Ann, w. of Samuel Forgham, wid., ... bur. " Apr. 10. Hannah, w. of Richard Wood ... bur. " Apr. 11. Owen, s. of Richard Richards, of the Lowe, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Apr. 13. William, s. of John Bromfield, of Manchester, butcher, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Apr. 20. Sarah, w. of William Smith, of the One House Hall ... bur. " Apr. 29. Edward, s. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bur. " May 7. John Furmstone, of Aston, aged 85 years ... bur. " May 18. Philip Williams, a weaver, from the Foxholes ... bur. " June 1. Martha, w. of William Howard, of Tilley ... bur. " June 3. Elizabeth, d. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bur. " June 8. Martha, w. of James Thornhill, of Aston ... bur. 1805] Wem. 821 1804, June 10. Margaret Murry, wid., aged 85 years ... bur. " June 22. Robert, base s. of Elizabeth Lyths ... bur. " July 30. Mary Whitney, out of the Workhouse ... bur. " Aug. 13. Ann, d. of Robert Gadd & Martha ... bur. " Sep. 2. Mary, w. of Samuel Minshall, of Tilley, blacksmith, ~buried with her infant~ ... bur. " Sep. 2. Unknown, s. of Samuel Minshall, of Tilley, blacksmith, & Mary, deceased ~buried with mother~ ... bur. " Sep. 2. Unknown, s. of Samuel Minshall & Mary , ... bur. " Sep. 2. Charles, base s. of Jane Gardner ... bur. " Sep. 5. William Gregory, hairdresser, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Sep. 13. Samuel Newnes, widr., aged 74 ... bur. " Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Stevens & Elizabeth, ~parents, travelling Pitcherfolk~ ... bur. " Oct. 8. Edward, s. of Edward Gough, currier ... bur. " Oct. 15. Elizabeth Palin, wid., aged 60 ... bur. " Oct. 28. John, s. of Thomas Llewellin & Mary ... bur. " Nov. 19. Mary Butler, w. of Arthur Beetenson, surgeon, in Wem ... bur. " Dec. 24. Jane, w. of John Abbotts, of Tilley ... bur. 1805, Jan. 19. Hannah Edwards, from Tilley ... bur. " Feb. 22. Thomas, s. of John Abbotts, of Tilley ... bur. " Feb. 24. Mary, w. of Thomas Dawes, currier ... bur. " Feb. 25. John Harris, a tanner ... bur. " Mar. 3. Rebecca, w. of George Walford ... bur. " Mar. 53. William Dulson, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " May 6. Mary, d. of Joseph Maddock & Hannah ... bur. " May 19. Frances, d. of William Ashford, hairdresser ... bur. " June 4. Edward, s. of George Higgins, bricklayer, & Elizabeth ... bur. " June 5. Mary Cureton, out of the Workhouse ... bur. " June 5. Sarah, d. of Richard Hewitt & Jane ... bur. " June 7. Margaret, d. of Edward Cartwright, joiner ... bur. " June 14. Hannah, base d. of Mary Taylor, ~reputed father, Thomas Watkin~ ... bur. " June 16. Mary, d. of Joseph Higginson & Ann ... bur. " June 16. Martha, d. of John Williams, a bender, & Jane ... bur. 822 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1805 1805, June 28. Elizabeth Wilson, wid., from the Takin ... bur. " June 29. Mariann, base d. of Mary Speak ... bur. " June 30. Mary, d. of Robert Gadd & Martha ... bur. " July 18. Ann Walmsley, wid. ... bur. " July 23. Thomas, s. of John Dulson, of Aston, & Ann ... bur. " Aug. 27. William, s. of John Sandland, cooper, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of John Watkiss, shoemaker, & Rachel ... bur. " Aug. 27. Francis, s. of William Owen, cabinet-maker, & Ann ... bur. " Aug. 29. Mary, d. of Richard Forgham, of the Lane, & Mary ... bur. " Aug. 30. Ann, base d. of Ann Vaughn ... bur. " Sep. 3. Margaret, base d. of Jane Davies ... bur. " Sep. 3. Mary, d. of William Owen, cabinet-maker, & Ann ... bur. " Sep. 5. Ann Hales, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 5. Elizabeth, base d. of Jane Speak ... bur. " Sep. 7. Ann, d. of John Jones, of the Low Hill ... bur. " Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John Blanton & Mary ... bur. " Sep. 11. John Williams, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Sep. 16. Thomas, s. of John Jeremiah Maddocks & Ann ... bur. " Sep. 21. Joseph, s. of John Haycock, of the Ditches ... bur. " Sep. 23. Alice, w. of Richard Hill, of Tilley Brook ... bur. " Sep. 30. George Edge, from Tilley Green ... bur. " Oct. 3. Andrew Downs, maltster, formerly of Aston ... bur. " Oct. 21. Elizabeth, d. of George Lyth & Ann ... bur. " Oct. 26. Fanny, d. of Edward Graters & Sarah ... bur. 1806] Wem. 823 1805, Oct. 27. Elizabeth, w. of Joseph Hilditch ... bur. " Oct. 30. Unknown, s. of Edward Williams, thatcher, & Martha ... bur. " Oct. 30. Martha Hill, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Nov. 10. Robert, s. of Francis Owen, parish clerk, & Ann ... bur. " Nov. 14. Thomas Astley, ~out of the Lane~, an old man ... bur. " Nov. 17. Thomas Hamnett, glazier, from Wellington ... bur. " Nov. 20. Mary, d. of John Briscoe, baker, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Nov. 20. John, s. of Thomas Wycherley & Elizabeth ... bur. " Dec. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Wycherley & Elizabeth ... bur. " Dec. 3. Edward Austin, a weaver, aged 74 ... bur. " Dec. 5. Elizabeth, d. of William Beckitt, bricklayer, & Margaret ... bur. " Dec. 7. John, s. of Francis Sherratt, a taylor, in Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 18. Ann Smith, wid., aged 87 ... bur. " Dec. 21. Mary Jeffryes, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Dec. 30. Edward, s. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bur. 1806, Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of William Deakin, of Tilley ... bur. " Jan. 7. Margaret Owen, ~stepdaughter of James Brown~ ... bur. " Jan. 10. Jane Weever, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 11. John Ralphs, from Cotton Wood ... bur. " Jan. 19. John Astley, a young man ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Jan. 22. William Groome, ~a rag gatherer~, from Tilley Green ... bur. " Feb. 7. Benjamin, s. of Samuel Jenkins, shoemaker ... bur. " Feb. 14. Thomas, base s. of Ann Powell ... bur. " Feb. 19. Mary Gregory, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 11. Mary, w. of Hugh Lewis ... bur. 824 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1806 1806, Mar. 13. Hannah Astley, ~a maiden Lady~, aged 86 ... bur. " Mar. 16. Thomas, s. of James Elkes, of the Ware ... bur. " Mar. 7. John Ore, from Barker's Green, ~lost in a Ditch~ ... bur. " Mar. 21. Thomas Wilkinson, an old man ... bur. " Mar. 26. Ann, w. of John Dulson, of the Alderley Lane ... bur. " Mar. 31. Mary, d. of Joseph Jackson, shoemaker ... bur. " Apr. 2. Sarah, d. of Richard Edge, of Tilley Green ... bur. " Apr. 12. Mary, d. of Francis Clayton, shoemaker ... bur. " Apr. 13. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Astley, a midwife ... bur. " Apr. 13. Hannah, d. of John Povah & Sarah ... bur. " Apr. 15. Thomas Ebrey, from the Palms-hill ... bur. " Apr. 15. Martha, base d. of Mary Breathing ... bur. " Apr. 19. William, s. of William Cartwright, taylor ... bur. " Apr. 20. Mary, d. of John Mason, cabinet maker ... bur. " May 1. Frances, d. of William Cartwright, taylor ... bur. " May 2. George, s. of Richard Hewitt & Jane ... bur. " May 5. Martha, w. of John Lyth, buried at Edstaston ... bur. " May 8. Elizabeth Ray, wid. ... bur. " May 27. Robert Bellingham, a youth, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " June 1. Edward Furmstone, aged 66 years ... bur. " June 8. William Craven, aged 88 years ... bur. " July 11. Thomas Rag, a weaver ... bur. " July 20. Hannah Rag, w. of Thomas Rag, aged 70 years ~(or possibly Craven)~ wid., ... bur. " July 25. Elizabeth, w. of Henry Kemp, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 25. Margaret, d. of Thomas Hamnett, late of Wellington, glazier ... bur. " Aug. 29. Martha Leek, wid., ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. 1807] Wem. 825 1806, Sep. 9. John Ebrey, of Tilley, aged 73 years ... bur. " Sep. 10. Eleanor, w. of John Shenton, shoemaker ... bur. " Sep. 18. Mary Williams, wid., from Tilley Green ... bur. " Sep. 26. Elizabeth Pollett, aged 49 years ... bur. " Oct. 26. Thomas, s. of John Williams, ~f. a bender~, & Jane ... bur. " Nov 8. Elizabeth Timmins, ~a maiden lady~ ... bur. " Dec. 1. John, s. of Joseph Hughes & Elizabeth ... bur. " Dec. 10. Hannah Speak ... bur. " Dec. 21. Sarah Husbands, ~out of the Poorhouse~ ... bur. " Dec. 24. William Hayward ... bur. 1807, Jan. 4. Thomas, s. of John Hayward & Sarah ... bur. " Jan. 11. Sarah, d. of John Williams, a bender, & Jane ... bur. " Jan. 13. Mary James, wid., aged 90 years ... bur. " Jan. 17. Sarah, d. of Robert Watkin & Mary ... bur. " Jan. 17. Susanna Blanton, ~a maiden Lady~, aged 76 ... bur. " Jan. 27. Hannah Astley, wid., aged 76 years ... bur. " Feb. 11. Thomas Wottall, from Ruyton of the eleven Towns ... bur. " Feb. 15. Elizabeth Davies, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 17. William, s. of Arthur Millington ... bur. " Feb. 27. Martha Hawkins, aged 39 years ... bur. " Mar. 7. Mare, base d. of Rebeckah Randles ... bur. " Mar. 10. Elizabeth, base d. of Martha Hawkins ... bur. " Mar. 19. William, s. of William Pattinson & Rebeckah ... bur. " Mar. 24. James, s. of Thomas Davies, junr., tailor ... bur. " Mar. 25. Martha, base d. of Jane Jackson ... bur. " Apr. 2. Edward Richards, schoolmaster, aged 28 ... bur. " Apr. 3. William, s. of Richard Edge, of Tilley Green ... bur. " Apr. 6. Edward, s. of Edward Richards, late schoolmaster ... bur. " Apr. 7. Margaret, w. of James Maddocks ... bur. " Apr. 7. Martha James ... bur. 826 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1807 1807, Apr. 18. Sarah Williams, wid., from Aston ... bur. " Apr. 22. Elizabeth, d. of George Astley, laborer ... bur. " Apr. 23. William Hampson, a farmer from Horton ... bur. " Apr. 27. John, s. of Roger Ireland & Margaret ... bur. " May 27. Richard, s. of Richard Watkin, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bur. " June 5. Phoebe Griffith, wid. ... bur. " June 10. John Minshall, blacksmith ... bur. " June 1. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Powell, sawyer ... bur. " June 16. Charles, s. of John Smith & Ann ... bur. " July 13. Margaret Barnett, a maiden Lady ... bur. " Aug. 18. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hughes & Hannah ... bur. " Aug. 21. John, s. of John Swanwick, ~f. tobacconist in Liverpool~, & Hannah ... bur. " Aug. 25. William Bickley, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Aug. 28. Robert Mare, shoemaker, aged 88 years ... bur. " Sep. 6. Richard, s. of John Hales, of Tilley, & Jane, aged 4 years, ~burnt to death~ ... bur. " Sep. 8. Ann, w. of John Ebrey, aged 71 ys wid., .... bur. " Sep. 26. Mary, d. of Edward Cartwright, joiner, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Oct. 3. Margaret Lee, ~a maiden Lady~ ... bur. " Oct. 9. Ann Ralphs, from Cotton, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 7. Mary, w. of John Gough ... bur. " Nov. 18. Martha Humpbach, wid., aged 64 ... bur. " Nov. 18. Ann, w. of Thomas Wottal, carpenter, aged 82 yrs. ... bur. " Dec. 29. Mary Kilburn, wid., aged 99 yrs. ... bur. 1808, Jan. 2. William Griffith, base s. ... bur. " Jan. 7. Martha, base d. of Mary Palin ... bur. " Feb. 3. Francis Higginson, baker, aged 40 ys. ... bur. " Feb. 5. Elizabeth, d. of John Francis, Tallow-chandler, & Mary ... bur. " Feb. 13. Thomas Burrows, a Millwright, from Whixall, ~dropped down dead in an instant~ ... bur. 1808] Wem. 827 1808, Mar. 3. Elizabeth, w. of James Watkin, 81 " Mar. 6. William, base s. of Maria Cooper ... bur. " Mar. 8. Margaret Evans, wid., from Barker's Green ... bur. " Mar. 11. Mary, d. of Thomas James, shoemaker ... bur. " Mar. 22. Ann, w. of Francis Clayton, ~of the 7 Stars~ ... bur. " Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Wycherley, carpenter, & Martha ... bur. " Apr. 9. Mary, d. of John Jarvis & Ann ... bur. " Apr. 23. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Shaw, shoemaker ... bur. " May 1. Margaret Hayward, wid., from Tilley, aged 88 ys. ... bur. " May 2. Mary, w. of Arthur Millington, sawyer ... bur. " May 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas Harper, shoemaker, at Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bur. " May 22. John, s. of Francis Clayton, shoemaker ... bur. " May 22. Mary Smith, aged 22 years ... bur. " June 2. Richard Richards, of the Lowe, aged 47 ... bur. " June 6. Sarah Burrows, wid., aged 87 years ... bur. " June 17. Mary Blanton, wid., aged 90 ys. ... bur. " June 30. Richard Prince, ~from the One house~ ... bur. " June 30. Thomas, s. of Richard Williams, of Aston, & Elizabeth, ~a Waggon over his Body~ ... bur. " July 3. Mary, w. of Edward Price, a weaver, at Tilley ... bur. " July 23. Martha Ireland ~not from Ireland~... bur. " July 29. Sarah, d. of William Kynaston, of Tilley Green, & Sarah ... bur. " Aug. 19. William, base s. of Mar Williams ... bur. " Aug. 20. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Berkes, currier, wid., ... bur. " Aug. 21. Lucy, d. of William Pidgeon & Deborah ... bur. " Sep. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John Haycock, of the Ditches ... bur. 828 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1808 1808, Sep. 11. Christopher, s. of John Bellingham ... bur. " Sep. 27. Joseph Aldford, ~out of the Workhouse~, aged 89 ... bur. " Oct. 2. Jane Newnes, from the Mill house, wid., aged 90 ... bur. " Oct. 11. Richard, s. of Richard Edge, of Tilley Green ... bur. " Oct. 30. Ann, d. of William Evenson, of Tilley ... bur. " Nov. 7. Thomas Burrows, aged 29 years ... bur. " Nov. 15. Jane, w. of John Williams, ~a bender~ ... bur. " Nov. 26. John Barnett, of Lacon, widr., aged 66 ... bur. " Dec. 2. Martha, d. of Arthur Cook, flaxdresser, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Dec. 3. Beatrice Wycherley, wid., aged 68 years ... bur. " Dec. 4. Unknown, s. of Richard Jenkins, ~nearly burnt to death~ ... bur. " Dec. 5. Ann, d. of Richard Mare, aged 79 years ... bur. 1809, Jan. 8. Thomas Cragg, an officer in the Excise ... bur. " Jan. 8. Mary Austin, wid., aged 78 ys. ... bur. " Jan. 21. Samuel, s. of Samuel Walmsley, of Cremore ... bur. " Jan. 24. John, s. of George Abbotts, of Tilley ... bur. " Feb. 13. Jane, d. of Thomas Brown, of Tilley ... bur. " Feb. 20. Francis Clayton, ~from the Seven Stars Inn~ ... bur. " Mar. 7. Mary, d. of William Astley & Ann ... bur. " Apr. 7. Sarah, base d. of Phoebe Rutter ... bur. " Apr. 8. Martha, d. of Richard Green, sexton, & Mary ... bur. " Apr. 12. Mary Harris, aged 71 years ... bur. " Apr. 18. Ann, d. of Thomas Cowley, carpenter ... bur. " Apr. 27. Richard Astley, widr., aged 77 years ... bur. " May 12. Elizabeth Vaughn, ~a young woman out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " May 27. Martha, d. of William Lane & Ann ... bur. 1810] Wem. 829 1809, July 1. John Powell, weaver, an old man ... bur. " July 25. John Allinson, shoemaker, aged 73 years ... bur. " Aug. 1. Elizabeth, w. of William Grinshill ... bur. " Aug. 19. Susannah, w. of Thomas Worral, a turner ... bur. " Sep. 5. John Broughall, a turner, ~the small pox~ ... bur. " Sep. 17. Mary, d. of John Minshall, blacksmith, & Mary ... bur. " Sep. 19. Elizabeth, w. of Robert Mare, aged 88 years, wid., ... bur. " Oct. 14. Mary, w. of Richard Prince, ~of the One House; wid.,~ ... bur. " Oct. 15. John, s. of Richard Forgham & Mary ... bur. " Nov. 4. Jane Griffith, ~an old maiden Woman~ ... bur. " Nov. 15. Margaret, base d. of Moll Palin ... bur. " Nov. 21. Margaret, d. of Thomas Brown, of Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 11. Mary, d. of Thomas Wycherley, carpenter ... bur. " Dec. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Lloyd, of Barker's Green ... bur. " Dec. 17. John Bellingham, bricklayer ... bur. " Dec. 23. Ann, w. of John Capper, aged 62 ... bur. 1810, Jan. 2. William Simmonds, aged 24 years ... bur. " Jan. 3. Mary, d. of Francis Owen, junr., cabinet maker ... bur. " Jan. 10. William Barnett, of Soulton Hall, bachelor ... bur. " Jan. 24. Samuel, s. of John Bellingham, cabinetmaker ... bur. " Jan. 26. John Barnett, of Lacon, junr., aged 46 ys. ... bur. " Jan. 30. Hannah Fleet, ~out of the Poor House~ ... bur. " Feb. 26. Sarah Griffith, ~a maiden Lady~, aged 72 years, buried at Hodnett, from all her friends ... bur. " Feb. 26. Thomas Price, ~a blind man & a fiddler~, aged 85 ... bur. " Feb. 28. Rebecca, d. of John Bellingham, bricklayer, & Bell ... bur. 830 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1810 1810, Mar. 5. George, s. of John Snapes, a taylor ~George is a taylor,~ ... bur. " Mar. 7. Sarah Weever, wid., aged 76 years ... bur. " Mar. 10. Joseph Goldingay, joiner, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Apr. 10. Thomas, s. of Timothy Parker, breeches-maker, & Mary ... bur. " Apr. 24. Emma, d. of Thomas Burrows ... bur. " Apr. 19. Mary, d. of John Watkiss & Rachel ... bur. " May 2. Frances Ebrey, wid., from Tilley ... bur. " May 5. Mary, w. of Thomas Cragg, officer of excise in Wem, wid., ... bur. " May 11. Ann Maddocks, ~a maiden woman~, aged 60 ys. ... bur. " May 14. Joseph Walmsley, from the New House, aged 49 ys. ... bur. " June 2. John, base s. of Mary Bellingham ... bur. " June 3. Thomas Elkes, junr., from the Lowe ... bur. " June 9. Mary, w. of William Olds ... bur. " June 20. Thomas, s. of William Wycherley & Mary ... bur. " June 23. Thomas, base s. of Eleanor Harris ... bur. " July 3. William Prince, of Pepper Street, aged 75 ... bur. " July 8. Ann, w. of Richard Lawrence, shoemaker ... bur. " July 18. Ann Griffiths, wid., aged 77 years ... bur. " July 19. Daniel, s. of Daniel Pritchard, tanner, & Martha ... bur. " July 22. John, s. of Edward Hinksman, miller, & Elizabeth Newnes ... bur. " July 24. Lucy, w. of Thomas Huntbach, taylor ... bur. " Aug. 5. William Leek, shoemaker, ~out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. 1810] Wem. 831 1810, Aug. 10. Hannah, w. of Arthur Jones, gardner ... bur. " Sep. 2. Mary, w. of Thomas Payne ... bur. " Sep. 21. Sarah Lee, wid., aged 87 years ... bur. " Sep. 29. Martha, w. of Thomas Furmstone ... bur. " Sep. 30. Mary, base d. of Mary Bellingham ... bur. " Oct. 29. John, s. of John Smith & Mary; ~he was drowned near Shrewsbury~ ... bur. " Nov. 18. Mary, d. of Charles Fouls, ropemaker, & Ann ... bur. " Dec. 4. George, s. of George Buttrey, ~of the Mill house~, & Mary ... bur. " Dec. 12. Hannah, w. of William Lee, of Aston ... bur. " Dec. 27. David Roberts ... bur. " Dec. 30. Francis, s. of Francis Jones, of Tilley, & Mary ... bur. 1811, Jan. 19. William Hayward, of Tilley, aged 67 years ... bur. " Jan. 22. William Weever, aged 68 years ... bur. " Feb. 7. Dina Evans, wid., from Horton, aged 88 years ... bur. " Feb. 9. Elizabeth, w. of John Madeley, aged 70 years ... bur. " Feb. 21. Hugh Pemberton, of Tilley ~(an old man)~ ... bur. " Mar. 3. Martha, d. of Thomas Furmstone & Martha ... bur. " Mar. 24. Mary Bromhall, wid., aged 73 years ... bur. " Mar. 30. George, s. of George Edge, of Tilley Green, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Apr. 5. Ann, base d. of Elizabeth Croxton ... bur. " Apr. 7. Elizabeth, w. of Charles Pitt, ~h. Captain Charles Williams Pitt, Captain in the 7th West India Regt., commanded by General Lewes~ wid., ... bur. " Apr. 18. Richard Phillips, s. of Thomas Furmstone ... bur. " May 5. Ann, w. of Charles Fowls, ropemaker ... bur. " May 5. Ann, w. of William Astley, laborer ... bur. " May 6. Mary Yate, wid., aged 92 years ... bur. 832 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1811 1811, May 8. Ann, d. of George Edge, of Tilley Green Lane, & Ann ... bur. " May 8. Robert, s. of Robert Thomas, of Tilley, & Mary ... bur. " May 14. Thomas Stones, a taylor, aged 80 years ... bur. " May 16. Joseph Cooke, of Noneley, aged 84 years ... bur. " May 21. William Clarke, a writer in the Attorney's Office ... bur. " May 27. Martha, base d. of Elizabeth Pollett ... bur. " June 8. Mary, w. of Thomas Watkiss, millwright & oatmeal grinder ... bur. " June 12. Mary, d. of Richard Groom, of Aston ... bur. " June 14. Mary, w. of Bartholomew Ebrey, wid., ... bur. " June 17. Martha, d. of Richard Wycherley & Mary Hales ... bur. " June 17. John Roberts, shoemaker, s. of John Roberts, of the Low ... bur. " June 23. Sarah, w. of Thomas Wilkes ... bur. " July 21. Richard, s. of Richard Bellingham, shoemaker, & Clarissa ... bur. " July 25. William Grinshill, widr. ... bur. " July 31. Jane Ore, wid., from Middlewood, aged 90 ... bur. " Aug. 2. George Edge, from Tilley Green Lane, dead in a ditch ... bur. " Aug. 16. Elizabeth, w. of John Sandland, cooper ... bur. " Sep. 4. Dorothy Fardoe ... bur. " Sep. 6. Hannah, base d. of Sarah Thornhill ... bur. " Sep. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Kerry & Elizabeth , of Aston ... bur. " Sep. 27. Catharine, w. of Thomas Lewis, of Branwood ... bur. " Sep. 29. John Evans, shoemaker. aged 72 years ... bur. " Nov. 2. John Brown, of Horton, aged 50, single man ... bur. 1811] Wem. 833 1811, Dec. 12. James, s. of William Harrison's, of Hill-cop-bank, & Sarah ... bur. " Dec. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Wycherley, wheelwright, aged 28 years ... bur. " Dec. 28. Mary Watkin, single woman, aged 60 years ... bur. 1812, Jan. 5. Thomas Davies, a joiner from Middlewood, ~drowned in the Millpool~, on the Sunday night the 5th ... bur. " Jan. 11. Joseph Jebb, a mole catcher, from Barker's Green, aged 80 years ... bur. " Jan. 14. Ann, w. of Thomas Price, a blind Fiddler, aged 82 years, wid., ... bur. " Jan. 18. Elizabeth Cureton, aged 72 years. ~She lodged and died at Thomas Shaw's Shoer [shoemaker]~ ... bur. " Jan. 20. Mary Maddocks, wid., aged 82 years ... bur. " Feb. 10. Elizabeth, w. of George Hamnet, of Tilley, aged 78 ys., wid., ... bur. " Mar. 1. Catharine Ferrington, a single woman, aged 66 ... bur. " Mar. 4. John Ireland, of Muckleston, s. of Philip Ireland, of Wem, & Mary, aged 31 ... bur. " Mar. 25. Sarah, w. of Hugh Lewis ~2nd wife of Hugh Lewis~... bur. " Mar. 26. Mary Laurence, wid., aged 80 ys. ... bur. " Mar. 27. Susanna, w. of Thomas Gregory, hairdresser ... bur. " Mar. 29. Jane, d. of Unknown Crowder & Richard Bellingham, ~m. is James Crowder's w.~ ... bur. " Apr. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Daniel Basford & Jane ... bur. " Apr. 12. Frances, d. of Elizabeth Harper, ~m. cohabits with Joseph Lewis~ ... bur. " Apr. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Sands, wheelwright, & Mary ... bur. " May 11. Ann Powell, wid., aged 77 years ... bur. 834 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1812 1812, May 20. Joseph Smith, of Tilley Green Lane, ~who dropped down dead in the Highway near the mill~ ... bur. " May 22. Rebecca, w. of George Nevill Adams, from ~Charlotte Street, Black Friars Road,~ Southwark ... bur. " May 25. Jane Bickley, wid., from Barker's Green, aged 70 ys. ... bur. " May 27. William Deakin, saddler, in Wem, aged 70 ... bur. " June 3. Ann, d. of William Edwards & Ann ... bur. " June 5. Thomas Huntbatch, taylor, a young man, aged 27 ... bur. " June 6. John Haycock, of the Ditches, widr., aged 59 ys. ... bur. " June 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Huntbatch, deceased, & Isabella ... bur. " June 15. John Watkiss, shoemaker, ~commonly called Buggy~, aged 49 ... bur. " June 19. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Williams & Martha ... bur. " June 23. Sarah Wild, ~a lame woman, out of the poor house~ ... bur. " June 30. Ann, base d. of Elizabeth Hayward ... bur. " July 1. William, base s. of Mary Bickley ... bur. " July 2. Thomas Bentley, from the poor house, aged 84 ys. ... bur. " July 22. William, s. of Thomas Kilburn & Rebecca, aged 18 ys. ... bur. " Aug. 5. John Jackson, aged 53 years ... bur. " Aug. 26. Unknown Betton, ~a blind young man, a Fiddler~ ... bur. " Aug. 30. John, base s. of Elizabeth Davies ... bur. " Aug. 30. Joseph, s. of John Rutter & Jane, out of the Workhouse ... bur. 1812] Wem. 835 1812. Oct. 11. Emma, base d. of Emma Barnet, ~reputed father, Thomas Humphries, near Lord Kenyon's~ ... bur. " Oct. 13. Samuel, s. of William Colley & Mary ... bur. " Nov. 1. William, s. of Edmund Millington & Mary ... bur. " Nov. 6. Mary, d. of Edward Hinksman, miller, & Elizabeth Newnes ... bur. " Nov. 9. Richard, s. of William Lane, deceased, ~f. of the Black Lion Inn~, in Wem, & Ann, aged 28 ys. ... bur. " Dec. 20. Ann Furmstone, wid., aged 70 years ... bur. " Dec. 21. Ann Alford, ~deranged in intellect, out of the poor house~ ... bur. " Dec. 29. Margaret Feaston, wid., buried at Edstaston ... bur. " Dec. 30. Thomas Gough, ~a currier & baker~, aged 40 years ... bur.