1622] Wem. 141 1621, June 7. Richard Hussie, carpenter ... bur. " June 18. Hommfrey Waters, husbandman ... bur. " July 19. John Frire, yeoman ... bur. " July 31. Richard, s. of Thomas Morris, tayler... bur. " July 3. Mary, d. of Hommfrey Jebb, yeoman ... bur. " Aug. 1. Arthur, s. of Richard Pey, shoomaker ... bur. " Aug. 10. Rose Bucher, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 11. John Pey, yeoman ... bur. " Aug. 17. Mary, d. of Richard Griffis, husbandman ... bur. " Aug. 3. William Druery, husbandman ... bur. " Sep. 1. Sara, w. of Richard Adarfts, yeoman ... bur. " Sep. 11. Margrett, base d. of Anne Goughe ... bur. " Sep. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Barnes, yeoman ... bur. " Oct. 3. Rebecca, d. of William Barnes, suker ... bur. " Oct. 20. John Gillam ... bur. " Nov. 7. Martha, d. of Thomas Astley, gen. ... bur. " Nov. 21. Janne Griffith, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 26. Margarett Tayler, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 24. Anne Hall, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 26. Arthur Fardall, tayler ... bur. 1622, Jan. 8. Jane, d. of Richard Whittakers, gen. ... bur. " Jan. 9. John, s. of Henry Williams, tayler ... bur. " Jan. 15. Anne, d. of John Sherrett, whilwright ... bur. " Jan. 20. Thomas, s. of Richard Holbroocke, yeoman ... bur. " Jan. 27. Anne Lewis, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 10. Mary, d. of Thomas Fardow, husbandman ... bur. " Feb. 17. Anne, d. of Richard Adams, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 19. Joane, w. of John Hewgreeve, pedler ... bur. " Feb. 20. Issable, d. of John Cowper, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 25. Margarett, w. of John Whittakers, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 28. Dorythy, w. of John Moody, yeoman ... bur. " Mar. 1. Margarett, w. of John Iveson, Yeoman ... bur. " Mar. 7. William, s. of John Iveson, yeoman ... bur. " Mar. 16. Ellin, d. of Rowland Higginson, yeoman ... bur. 1622, Apr. 2. Richard, s. of William Moorton, husbandman ... bur. " Apr. 2. Meredith ap Reece, husbandman ... bur. 142 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1622 1622, June 15. Rowlande Wade, laborer ... bur. " June 16. Ellin, w. of John Gough, butcher ... bur. " June 16. Jane, d. of John Iveson ... bur. " June 19. Jane, d. of John Harper, husbandman ... bur. " June 23. Thomas, s. of Lewis Cartwright, tayler ... bur. " June 25. Issable, w. of Richard Higginson, yeoman ... bur. " June 26. Arthur, s. of John Higginson, yeoman ... bur. " July 28. James, s. of Thomas Mendlove, yeoman bur. " Aug. 5. Anne, w. of Richard Nixone, draper ... bur. " Aug. 25. Thomas Phillips, husbandman ... bur. " Aug. 29. Elizabethe, d. of Thomas Robinson, glover ... bur. " Sep. 10. Ellner, w. of John Harper, weaver ... bur. " Sep. 26. Joane Browne, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 9. Edwarde Williams, husbandman ... bur. " Oct. 27. Joane Fraunce, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 1. Jone, base d. of John Cartwright, of Northwood, husbandman ... bur. " Dec. 10. Katheren, w. of Roger Lee, sawyer ... bur. " Dec. 11. Richard Bourrowes, sawyer ... bur. " Dec. 12. John Countice, a poore man ... bur. " Dec. 17. Anne Barker, a poore woman ... bur. " Dec. 18. John Hussie, husbandman ... bur. " Dec. 24. Richard Prestott, husbandman ... bur. " Dec. 24. Margarett Gatte, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 26. Cicily, w. of Richard Hatton, husbandman ... bur. " Dec. 26. Margarett, w. of James Morris, tayler ... bur. " Dec. 26. Ellin, w. of Richard Penson, husbandman ... bur. " Dec. 27. William, s. of John Gough, yeoman ... bur. " Dec. 28. John Barnes, of the Lowe, yeoman ... bur. 1623, Jan. 2. George Stocker, pedler ... bur. " Jan. 20. Richard, s. of Richard Nixone, draper ... bur. " Jan. 2. Elmer, d. of Richard Symmons, hammerman ... bur. " Jan. 25. Jane, w. of Richard Tylee, of Horton, yeoman ... bur. " Jan. 28. Thomas Chettow, laborer ... bur. 1624] Wem. 143 1622, Feb. 2. John Newton, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 3. Margery, d. of Thomas Tarbox, sawyer ... bur. " Feb. 5. Katheren, w. of John Groome, husbandman ... bur. " Feb. 7. Elizabeth Tonno, spenster ... bur. " Feb. 26. Mary, d. of Rowlande Wade, deceased ... bur. " Mar. 8. Elizabeth Draper, wid ... bur. " Mar. 19. Jone Fysher, a poore woman ... bur. 1623, Apr. 3. Anne Madox, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 11. Roberte Hatton, husbandman ... bur. " Apr. 11. Richard Rennolde, a poore man ... bur. " Apr. 15. Richard, s. of Richard Waters, butcher ... bur. " Apr. 16. John Jackson, laborer ... bur. " Apr. 23. Anne, d. of Samuell Dod, glover ... bur. " May 19. Jane, d. of Richard Pigion, yeoman ... bur. " May 20. Molde, w. of George Thunders, weaver ... bur. " May 22. Richard Pey, yeoman ... bur. " May 30. Mary Rycroft, wid. ... bur. " June 10. George, s. of Richard Kylvarte, gen. ... bur. " June 27. John Groome, husbandman ... bur. " June 27. James Morris, tayler ... bur. " July 2. Rose Higginson, wid. ... bur. " July 24. Hanna, d. of Thomas Bromhall, gen. ... bur. " Aug. 2. Allan Hotchkis, yeoman ... bur. " Aug. 5. Constance, d. of William Moody, yeoman ... bur. " Aug. 17. Anne, w. of Houmfrey Wicherley, yeoman ... bur. " Oct. 4. Jane, w. of John Bartlam, husbandman ... bur. " Nov. 15. Jane, w. of Thomas Henckes, of Nonneley, yeoman ... bur. " Dec. 3. Anne, d. of Edward Williams, deceased ... bur. " Dee. 4. Etrie, w. of Peter Pixley, weaver ... bur. " Dec. 4. Dorythy, d. of John Peate, husbandman ... bur. " Dec. 8. Richard Adams, yeoman ... bur. " Dec. 26. Thomas Dudleston, sawyer ... bur. 1624, Jan. 20. Evan Morris, laborer ... bur. " Jan. 20. Jane Prescott, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 18. Roger Lee, sawyer ... bur. 1624, Mar. 26. Jane Bennion, wid. ... bur. 144 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1624 1624, Mar. 29. Thomas Yeomans, millner ... bur. " Apr. 1. John, s. of Thomas Grace, weaver ... bur. " Apr. 8. Ellin Calcotte, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 8. Richard Fourgham, tanner ... bur. " Apr. 24. Thomas Myers, cowper ... bur. " May 14. Anne, w. of Richard Woolfe, yeoman ... bur. " May 16. Issable, w. of John Dackin, husbandman ... bur. " May 27. Thomas Pixley, weaver ... bur. " June 2. Katheren, d. of John Thomas, wheelwright ... bur. " June 23. Anne Dudleston, spenster ... bur. " June 24. George Higginson, yeoman ... bur. " June 26. Jane, d. of Renolde Gough, laborer ... bur. " July 1. Thomas Parton, husbandman ... bur. " July 3. Rose, d. of John Gough, yeoman ... bur. " July 18. Anne, w. of Rondle Morgan, yeoman ... bur. " July 20. John Bartlam, husbandman ... bur. " July 21. William, s. of Christo Allinson, yeoman ... bur. " July 2. John Bourrowes, husbandman ... bur. " July 2-. Elizabeth Forgham, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 4. Richard Hatton ... bur. " Aug. 12. Blanche, d. of Thomas Astle, gentleman ... bur. " Aug. 19. John Evans, laborer ... bur. " Aug. 29. Roger Traston, a stranger ... bur. " Sep. 2. John Hodges, blackesmith ... bur. " Sep. 27. Edward, s. of James Whittaker, yeoman ... bur. " Oct. 12. John Moody, yeoman ... bur. " Oct. 30. Margrett, w. of Richard Edwardes, shoomaker ... bur. " Oct. 3. Jane, d. of William Mulliner, tayler ... bur. " Nov. 8. Anne Dudloston, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 13. Maulde, w. of Lawrence Sandland, weaver ... bur. " Nov. 13. Margrett, w. of Roberte Selby, laborer ... bur. " Nov. 15. Anne, d. of John Hussie, deceased ... bur. " Nov. 17. Anne Boulton, a poore woman ... bur. " Nov. 27. Ellin Chetto, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 27. Margery Fardall, a poore woman ... bur. " Nov. 30. Jane Goughe, spenster ... bur. 1625] Wem. 145 1624, Dec. 1. Mary, w. of Richard Bradley, carpenter ... bur. " Dec. 29. John, s. of John Iveson ... bur. 1925, Jan. 8. Mary, d. of Richard Holbroocke, husbandman ... bur. " Jan. 15. Jane, d. of Richard Harper, deceassed ... bur. " Jan. 16. Margery Higginson, a poore woman ... bur. " Jan. 28. Anne, d. of John Amyes, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Rowlande Allenson, husbandman ... bur. " Feb. 22. Margery Whitefielde, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 25. John, s. of John Mearicke, shooemaker ... bur. " Feb. 17. Roger Harper, husbandman ... bur. " Feb. 29. Houmfrey Aston, laborer ... bur. " Feb. 19. Margarett Adams, a poore woman ... bur. " Feb. 25. Elizabeth, w. of Roger Gatte, carpenter ... bur. " Feb. 27. Thomas Robinson, glover ... bur. " Mar. 1. John, s. of Thomas Astley, gentleman ... bur. " Mar. 3. William Hughes, cowper ... bur. 1625, Mar. 28. Thomas Ellis, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 1. William Holbroocke, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 2. John Mounsloe, a poore man ... bur. " Apr. 2. Jane, w, of Cbristopher Shawe, husbandman ... bur. " Apr. 22. William Lyyersuch, singleman ... bur. " Apr. 16. Gwen, w. of John Amyes, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 20. Rondle Whattall, husbandman ... bur. " Apr. 25. Margery Mounsloe, a poore woman ... bur. " June 1. Ellin Fardall ... bur. " June 24. Mary, d. of William Moody, yeoman ... bur. " June 16. Ellin, w. of Gyllerte Howle, laborer ... bur. " July 12. Thomas Webb, laborer ... bur. " Aug. 29. Elizabeth, w. of William Lovekin, tanner ... bur. " Sep. 4. Ellin Robinson, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 4. Katherin, d. of Corbett Taylor, yeoman ... bur. " Sep. 19. Mary Bannaster, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 23. Thomas Lovett, a poore man ... bur. " Sep. 30. John Morris, taylor ... bur. " Nov. 8. Anne, w. of Thomas Deveris, husbandman ... bur. " Nov. 9. John Booth, a poore man ... bur. 146 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1625 1625, Nov. 26. Issable, d. of Henry Barnett, husbandman ... bur. " Nov. 27. John Gouge, a poore man ... bur. " Nov. 30. William, s. of Thomas Bromhall, gen. ... bur. " Dec. 6. Jone Kylvarte, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 12. William Tylor, yeoman ... bur. " Dec. 3. Margery, d. of Richard Holbroocke, yeoman ... bur. 1626, Jan. 3. Richard, s. of William Moorton, laborer ... bur. " Jan. 11. Judith Bannaster, spenster ... bur. " Jan. 16. Thomas Rycroft, thelder ... bur. " Jan. 2. William Turner, laborrer ... bur. " Feb. 2. Christo Allenson, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 6. Jane, d. of Richard Baylie, husbandman ... bur. " Feb. 13. Elizabeth, d. of William Turner, deceassed ... bur. " Feb. 20. Jone Maddox, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 20. Issable, d. of William Turner, deceassed ... bur. " Mar. 7. Anne, d. of Thomas Jaxson, husbandman ... bur. " Mar. 17. Richard Higginson, a poore man ... bur. " Mar. 23. Thomas, s. of Symion Allenson, yeoman ... bur. " Mar. 24. John Besforde, husbandman ... bur. 1626, Apr. 2. Ellin Dackin, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 9. Phillippe Voughan, laborrer ... bur. " Apr. 9. Anne, d. of Marmaduke Evans ... bur. " Apr. 15. Thomas Hulse, gentleman ... bur. " Apr. 15. Margarett Phillips, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 25. William Watkis, of Aston, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 28. Ellin, w. of Thomas Fernett ... bur. " May 20. Mathewe Hardinge, husbandman ... bur. " May 19. Thomas Cowper, yeoman ... bur. " May 26. Jane, w. of Thomas Hussie ... bur. " May 3. Margaret, w. of John Brayne ... bur. " June 15. Maudlin Griffis ... bur. " June 17. Anne, base d. of Jane Bourrowes, wid. ... bur. " July 3. Katherin, w. of John Llewellin, yeoman ... bur. " July 4. Elizabeth, d. of Rowlande Allenson ... bur. " July 13. Allis Mulliner, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 30. William Hinton, yeoman ... bur. 1628] Wem. 147 1626, Oct. 20. John, s. of George Iveson ... bur. " Dec. 19. John Hinton, of Cotton, yeoman ... bur. 1927, Jan. 11. William, s. of Thomas Higginson ... bur. " Feb. 14. John Iveson, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 18. Richard, s. of John Powell, laborrer ... bur. " Mar. 3. Katherin, d. of Roger Adams, laborer ... bur. 1627, Apr. 10. Anne, d. of Richard Mendlove ... bur. " Apr. 16. Hugh Furber, wheelwright ... bur. " Apr. 18. Margaret, d. of William Hussie ... bur. " May 29. John Cartwright, husbandman ... bur. " June 4. Margery, w. of William Hesry, yeoman ... bur. " June 10. Thomas Rycroft, yeoman ... bur. " June 15. Elizabeth, d. of Symion Allenson ... bur. " June 19. Arthur, s. of Arthur Chaddocke ... bur. " July 27. Robina, d. of Andrewe Williams ... bur. " Aug. 7. Anne, d. of Roger Gatte ... bur. " Aug. 11. John Leeche, of Drayton, glover ... bur. " Aug. 29. Elizabeth, w. of John Bourrowes ... bur. " Sep. 20. Margarett Sandlande, spenster ... bur. " Sep. 29. Allan Sherratte, the king's majesties' servant ... bur. " Oct. 5. Cicily Manwaringe, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 7. Anne, w. of William Allenson ... bur. " Oct. 2. John, s. of Richard Holbroocke ... bur. " Dec. 16. Griffith Hinton, laborer ... bur. " Dec. 23. Margery Hussie, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 30. Margery Broughall, wid. ... bur. 1628, Jan. 10. John, s. of John ap Probate ... bur. " Jan. 12. Thomas, s. of George Peate ... bur. " Jan. 12. William, base s. of Alin Morris ... bur. " Jan. 18. Katherin, d. of Arthur Barrowe ... bur. " Jan. 24. David Robartes, of Tetchell, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 26. Andrewe, s. of Thomas Bromhall, gen. ... bur. " Mar. 8. John Eykin ... bur. 1628, Ma. 28. Thomas, s. of William Roe, cler. ... bur. " Apr. 6. Thomas Yeomans ... bur. " Apr. 19. Katherin, w. of Thomas Higginson ... bur. " Apr. 26. John Whittakers, gen. ... bur. " May 9. David Pewe ... bur. " May 21. Mary Besswicke ... bur. L2 148 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1628 1628, May 24. Jone, w. of Morgan Pey ... bur. " June 2. Allis, w. of George Sherrat ... bur. " June 8. Margarett, w. of Robert Cheere ... bur. " July 2. Richard Mendlove, of Whicksall ... bur. " July 14. Jone Pixley, of Weme, wid. ... bur. " July 18. Martha, d. of Houmfrey Jebb, yeoman ... bur. " July 26. Thomas Ashe, yeoman ... bur. " July 27. John, s. of William Iveson ... bur. " Aug. 5. Mary Whitfield, spenster ... bur. " Aug. 17. Elizabeth Fernett, spenster ... bur. " Aug. 25. Anne, d. of Roger Gatte ... bur. " Sep. 12. Thomas Ashawe, singleman ... bur. " Sep. 29. Katherin, d. of Roberte Whitfielde ... bur. " Oct. 17. John Cowper, of Weme, yeoman ... bur. " Nov. 15. Anne, d. of John George ... bur. " Nov. 23. Ellin Bentley, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 25. Anne Mearicke, spenster ... bur. " Dec. 26. Gwen, w. of William Moorton ... bur. " Dec. 28. Thomas Pigion, yeoman ... bur. " Dec. 30. Jone, w. of Thomas Morris, tayler ... bur. " 1628, Jan. 1. Elizabeth Cowper, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 6. Jane Adams, a poore woman ... bur. " Jan. 13. Margarett Morris, a poore woman ... bur. " Jan. 22. John Morgan ... bur. " Jan. 25. Mary, d. of Richard Gough ... bur. " Jan. 28. Arthur Smarte ... bur. " Feb. 1. Richard Judson, shoemaker ... bur. " Feb. 15. Allis Hatton, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 19. Margarett, d. of Richard Mendlove, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 25. Jane Bannaster, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 13. Mary, w. of John Grace ... bur. 1629, Apr. 28. Houmfrev Southall ... bur. " May 10. Elnor Goughe, wid. ... bur. " May 20. Margery, d. of John Allin, yeoman ... bur. " May 2. Jane Lewis, a poore woman ... bur. " May 3. Richard, s. of Rowland Allenson ... bur. " June 5. Margery, d. of John Thomas ... bur. " June 9. Elizabeth, d. of Marmaduke Evans ... bur. " June 16. Margery, w. of William Barnes ... bur. 1630] Wem. 149 1629, June 16. Thomas, s. of Edwarde Hollonde ... bur. " June 24. Elizabeth Jordin, wid. ... bur. " June 28. Richard Mendlove, singleman ... bur. " July 27. Richard Baylie, yeoman ... bur. " Aug. 7. Amy, w. of John Toms ... bur. " Aug. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Mose, junior ... bur. " Oct. 18. John Sandlande, weaver ... bur. " Nov. 12. Richard Key, taylor ... bur. " Dec. 9. Elizabeth Huie, spenster ... bur. " Dec. 9. Anne Bourrowes, spenster ... bur. " Dec. 14. George Kylvarte, gen. ... bur. " Dec. 22. Mary, w. of William Brayne, of Whicksall ... bur. " Feb. 8. Allis, d. of John Groome, of Sleape Hall ... bur. " Feb. 20. Jane, w. of William Groome ... bur. " Mar. 9. Mary, w. of Richard Mendlove, of Aston ... bur. " Mar. 12. Mary, d. of Richard Groome ... bur. 1630, Mar. 30. Richard Groome, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 15. Roger Edwards, paynter ... bur. " Apr. 25. Anne, w. of Rondle Bradley ... bur. " May 12. Dorothy Tylor, spenster ... bur. " May 12. Elizabeth Chidlowe, spenster ... bur. " May 27. Richard Hanton ... bur. " June 2. Henry, s. of Richard Holbroock ... bur. " July 2. Roger Bourlton ... bur. " July 2. John, s. of William Cowper ... bur. " July 5. Margarett. w. of William Higginson ... bur. " July 5. William Griffis, a poore man, beinge slayne ... bur. " July 8. Roger, s. of Thomas Astley, gen. ... bur. " July 8. John, s. of William Jaxson ... bur. " July 11. Arthur, s. of Arthur Calcott ... bur. " July 12. Anne d. of William Cowper, of Northwoode ... bur. " July 28. Ellin, w. of Richard Holbrocke ... bur. " July 30. Mary Hartles, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 8. Richard, s. of George Maddox ... bur. " Aug. 19. Richard, s. of James Hill ... bur. " Aug. 22. Jeese, d. of Thomas Morris ... bur. " Aug. 25. Moalde, w. of John Higginson, of Cotton ... bur. 150 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1630 1630, Sep. 9. Edwarde, s. of Francis Furber ... bur. " Sep. 19. Katherin, w. of William Wright ... bur. " Sep. 2. Richard, s. of Thomas Sandlande ... bur. " Oct. 20. John Gough, yeoman ... bur. " Nov. 5. Mary, w. of Thomas Richardson, gen. ... bur. " Nov. 27. Jane Tyler, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 17. Mary Beddowe, a poore woman ... bur. " Sep. 3. Margarett, w. of George Chetto ... bur. " Dec. 2. Anne, w. of Oliver ap Probatt ... bur. " Feb. 3. William Morris, a poore man ... bur. " Feb. 13. Elizaheth, w. of Roberte Sockett ... bur. " Feb. 13. Sara, d. of William Richardson ... bur. " Feb. 14. William Bostocke, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Peate ... bur. " Feb. 25. John Edwards, singleman ... bur. " Mar. 5. Thomas Astley, of Aston, gen. ... bur. " Mar. 17. Mary, d. of Richard Werrall ... bur. 1631, Mar. 28. Thomas, s. of John Sherratt ... bur. " Apr. 17. Richard, s. of Richard Gough ... bur. " Apr. 18. Anne Povall, wid ... bur. " Apr. 29. Richard, s. of Richard Mason, gen. ... bur. " May 29. Issable, w. of John Gregory, of Whicksall ... bur. " June 11. John Dackin, husbandman ... bur. " June 28. Mary, d. of Roberte Carlis ... bur. " July 4. Richard, base s. of Thomas Cowper ... bur. " July 13. Margery, w. of Lewis Morris, laborrer ... bur. " July 16. John Stordy, a poore man ... bur. " July 3. John Adams, tanner ... bur. " Aug. 3. Charles, s. of William Richardson ... bur. " Aug. 18. Maulde, w. of Francis Irishe ... bur. " Sep. 4. Mary, w. of Roberte Whitfielde ... bur. " Sep, 29. Margarett, d. of Symion Allenson ... bur. " Oct. 3. Jone Cartwright, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 2. William Sandlande, a poore man ... bur. " Dec. 20. Jane Fernitte, spenster ... bur. " 1632, Jan. 11. Raphe Griffis, husbandman ... bur. " Jan. 19. Anne Broughall, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 24. Issable, d. of John Sandlande ... bur. " Feb. 20. Mary, w. of John Davis, hatter ... bur. 1633] Wem. 151 1632, Mar. 10. Richard, s. of Thomas Gad ... bur. " Mar. 11. Dorythy Holden, spenster ... bur. " Apr. 26. Edwarde, s. of Roberte Waters ... bur. " May 13. Richard, base s. of Raphe Rabone ... bur. " May 15. Lawrence Groome ... bur. " June 15. Jone, w. of Adam Chetto ... bur. " June 19. Roger Dychfield ... bur. " June 22. Jone, w. of George Newton ... bur. " July 4. Mary, d. of Francis Whore ... bur. " July 7. Maulde Whattall, wid. ... bur. " July 9. Jone Evans, wid. ... bur. " July 19. John Newnes ... bur. " Aug. 6. Jane, w. of Roberte Carlis ... bur. " Sep. 20. William, s. of Thomas Grace ... bur. " Sep. 21. Anne, w. of William Warren ... bur. " Sep. 22. Edwarde Griffis, husbandman ... bur. " Oct. 3. John, s. of John Chidlowe ... bur. " Oct. 11. Ellin, w. of Hugh Williams ... bur. " Oct. 13. Allis Probin, spenster ... bur. " Nov. 23. Anne, w. of Edward Mason, yeoman ... bur. " Nov. 26. Mary Weeb, a poore woman ... bur. " Nov. 27. Rondle, s. of David Hanckins tannor ... bur. " Nov. 29. Elizabeth Gough, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 2. George Thunders, weaver ... bur. " Dec. 2. Anne, w. of John Widdowes ... bur. " Dec. 2. Edward, s. of William Priece ... bur. " Dec. 7. Anne, w. of Rowlande Judson ... bur. " Dec. 7. Jane Harper, wid ... bur. " Dec. 13. Gilbarte Howle, a beggar ... bur. " Dec. 26. Anne, d. of Francis Astley ... bur. " 1633, Jan. 13. William Morris ... bur. " Jan. 18. Margarett Morris, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 27. John Edwards, singleman ... bur. " Jan. 30. William Adams, yeoman ... bur. " Feb. 4. Richard Hoolbroocke, sadlor ... bur. " Mar. 3. William Higginson, yeoman ... bur. " Ma. 20. Rondle Chartley ... bur. " Mar. 20. Margarett, w. of Adam Cartwright ... bur. 1633, Apr. 15. Margery Brayne, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 16. Margery, w. of John Jebb ... bur. 152 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1633 1633, Apr. 17. Elnor, d. of Thomas Phillips ... bur. " Apr. 28. Griffith ap Richard, laborrer ... bur. " June 7. Allis, w. of Richard Houlbroocke ... bur. " June 10. Roger Hussie, yeoman ... bur. " June 18. Richard, s. of William Rutter ... bur. " June 19. Thomas, s. of Richard Wells ... bur. " June 24. Elizabeth, d. of John Robbinson ... bur. " July 3. Rebecca, d. of William Weston ... bur. " July 3. Margarett, d. of John Peate ... bur. " Nov. 2. Jane, d. of Thomas Southall ... bur. " Nov. 7. Olyve, w. of Thomas Ellis, joyner ... bur. " Nov. 12. Elizabeth, d. of John Allenson, gen. ... bur. " Nov. 15. Agos, w. of John Pearce ... bur. " Dec. 7. Katherin, w. of Thomas Pugh ... bur. " Dec. 8. William, s. of William Bourrowes ... bur. " Dec. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Evan Morris bur. " Dec. 14. Katherin, w. of Robarte Waters ... bur. " Dec. 23. Thomas Usgate ... bur. " Dec. 25. Richard Jenkins ... bur. " Feb. 7. Allis Hinton, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 12. Richard Palin ... bur. " Feb. 13. William, s. of Richard Pigion ... bur. " Feb. 23. Mary, d. of Thomas Barnes ... bur. " Mar. 23. Elnor, w. of Barnard Barloe ... bur. " May 24. Roberte Carlis ... bur. 1634, Apr. 2. William, s. of William Barnes ... bur. " Apr. 2. Jane, d. of Thomas Eastop ... bur. " Apr. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Evans ... bur. " Apr. 10. Margarett, d. of William Barnes ... bur. " Apr. 13. William, s. of John Cartwright ... bur. " Apr. 29. Hugh Davies, yeoman ... bur. " May 4. Thomas Wigley, husbandman ... bur. " June 10. Margarett, w. of Richard Adams, yeoman ... bur. " June 12. Barnarde Barlowe ... bur. " July . John, s. of Thomas Gatte ... bur. " July 12. Danniell, s. of Roger Williams ... bur. " July 23. Anne, d. of Roberte Higginson ... bur. " Aug. 5. Richard, s. of Richard Gough, taylor ... bur. " Aug. 16. Thomas, s. of Robert Orell ... bur. 1635] Wem. 153 1634, Sep. 6. John Davies ... bur. " Oct. 7. Margarett, w. of Rowlande Hill bur. " Oct. 15. Lawrence Whittakers ... bur. " Oct. 2. Richard Nixonne, yeoman ... bur. " Oct. 26. Elizabeth, w. of Arthur Chaddocke ... bur. " Nov. 14. Ellin Meaden, a begger ... bur. " Nov. 15. Mary, w. of Thomas Cartwright, yeoman ... bur. " Nov. 25. Richard, s. of Allan Ellis ... bur. " Dec. 6. Jane, d. of Arthur Barrowe ... bur. " Dec. 9. Allin Mose, glover ... bur. " Dec. 13. Richard Griffis, laborrer . ... bur. " Dec. 18. Elizabeth, d. of John Thomas ... bur. " Dec. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Adams ... bur. " Dec. 30. Roberte Hilton ... bur. " 1635, Jan. 17. Katherin, w. of William Barlowe ... bur. " Jan. 19. Charles Cartwright ... bur. " Jan. 27. Richard, s. of John Cartwright ... bur. " Jan. 30. Roger Payne, husbandman ... bur. " Feb. 13. George, s. of John Griffis ... bur. " Feb. 20. Constance Pew, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 25. Richard Houlbroocke, yeoman ... bur. " Ma. 7. William Jaxson, sawyer ... bur. " Mar. 13. Elizabeth Sherratt, wid. ... bur. 1635, Ma. 27. Mary Powell, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 1. Thomas Barnes, of Weme, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 26. John Morris, weaver ... bur. " Apr. 28. John, s. of John Morris, deceased ... bur. " May 15. Elizabeth Longford, spinster ... bur. " May 15. Roger Manywringe, clerke ... bur. " May 2. Ellin Cowper, spinster ... bur. " May 25. William Nichoson, laborrer ... bur. " June 4. John, s. of Richard Pey ... bur. " June 28. John, s. of Thomas Gate ... bur. " July 18. Mary Druery, a poore begger ... bur. " Aug. 4. Dorothy, d. of Edwarde Beavan ... bur. " Aug. 26. John, s. of Thomas Barnes, junior ... bur. " Aug. 30. Jone, d. of Roberte Roden ... bur. " Sep. 4. Elizabeth Davies, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 2. Elnor, d. of Richard Donne ... bur. 154 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1635 1635, Sep. 30. Hugh Williams yeoman ... bur. " Nov. 15. John Bourlton, tannor ... bur. " Nov. 27. William Pitchforde, singleman ... bur. " Dec. 4. Adam Cartwright, a begger ... bur. " Dec. 9. Thomas Rycroft, singleman ... bur. " Dec. 13. Mary Peeter, a begger ... bur. " Dec. 13. Margarett, d. of Francis Harris ... bur. " Dec. 16. Sara, w. of Ellis Thomas ... bur. " Dec. 19. Mary, d. of William Cowper, of Northwood ... bur. " Dec. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Mose, junior ... bur. " 1636, Jan. 1. Jane, w. of Hugh Thomas ... bur. " Jan. 16. Edward Widdowes, yeoman ... bur. " Jan. 25. Thomas, s. of Andrewe Savage ... bur. " Feb. 3. Anne, w. of William Pey ... bur. " Feb. 6. Amy Widdowes, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 17. Jane, w. of Thomas Batte ... bur. " Feb. 19. Margarett, d. of John Kylvarte ... bur. " Feb. 28. Steven, s. of Roberte Waters ... bur. " Mar. 23. Jeese, w. of William Cowper, of Northwoode ... bur. 1636, Mar. 30. Elizabeth, w. of George Iveson ... bur. " Mar. 30. Margery, w. of John Bourrowes ... bur. " Mar. 3. Rose, w. of Roberte Waters ... bur. " Apr. 8. William Moody, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 12. Roger Groome ... bur. " Apr. 13. Mary, w. of William Moody ... bur. " Apr. 14. Jane, d. of Rondle Higginson, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 20. Margaret Evans, spinster ... bur. " Apr. 21. Margarett, d. of Hugh Batte ... bur. " May 4. Thomas Pixley, weaver ... bur. " May 17. Thomas Jones, clerke ... bur. " May 23. Richard Deveris, yeoman ... bur. " May 24. William, s. of Richard Butcher ... bur. " May 26. John, s. of Richard Hall ... bur. " May 3. Katherine, d. of William Patterice ... bur. " June 7. Jane Kynnerley, wid. ... bur. " June 19. Mary, w. of Oliver Preice ... bur. " June 20. William Jaxson, laborrer ... bur. " June 25. William, s. of William Jaxson, deceased ... bur. 1636] Wem. 155 1636, June 26. Lewis Morris, laborrer ... bur. " June 28. Rowlande Jebb, yeoman ... bur. " June 30. Jane, d. of Evan Pugh ... bur. " July 7. Margarett Ashe, wid. ... bur. " July 9. Margery, w. of Thomas Morris, of Weme ... bur. " July 11. George Besforde, husbandman ... bur. " July 14. Jane, w. of Evan Jones ... bur. " July 14. Ellin, d. of John Jebb ... bur. " July 20. Margery Jaxson, wid. ... bur. " July 22. Jone, w. of William Patricke, husbandman ... bur. " July 30. Roger Hardinge, butcher. ... bur. " Aug. 1. Margarett, w. of John Sherratt, junior ... bur. " Aug. 8. Margery, w. of Richard Mose, senior ... bur. " Aug. 13. Anne Taylor, spinster ... bur. " Aug. 15. Mary, d. of Raphe Croxson ... bur. " Sep. 10. William Higginson, laborrer ... bur. " Sep. 17. Mary, d. of Thomas Ellis, joyner ... bur. " Sep. 25. Arthur, s. of Thomas Stocker ... bur. " Sep. 29. John, s. of William Thurlin ... bur. " Oct. 8. Dorythy Ashe, spinster ... bur. " Nov. 12. Thomas Chetto, laborrer ... bur. " Nov. 12. Edward, s. of John Jenkin ... bur. " Nov. Is. Mary Brooke, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 16. Richard Houlbroocke ... bur. " Nov. 30. Thomas Sandlande, weaver ... bur. " Dec. 12. Mary, d. of John Griffis ... bur. " Dec. 13. Elizabeth Peplowe, spinster ... bur. " Dec. 15. John Bonde, weaver ... bur. " Dec. 18. Jane, d. of Lewis Jones ... bur. " Dec. 20. Thomas Fernitt, a poore man ... bur. " Dec. 25. Thomas Pugh, a poore man ... bur. " Jan. 10. Ruth, d. of Vincente Rodenhurst, yeoman ... bur. " Jan. 28. Elizabeth, d. of William Forgham ... bur. " Feb. 9. Margarett Gyttens, spenster ... bur. " Feb. 15. John Sherratt, whilwright ... bur. " Mar. 2. Thomas Goughe, singleman ... bur. " Mar. 2. Anne, d. of John Pearce ... bur. " Mar. 14. Mary, d. of John Robbinson ... bur. 156 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1637 1637, Apr. 16. Sara, d. of Francis Hinckes, gen. ... bur. " May 10. John Arrowesmyth, butcher ... bur.. " May 29. John Shoone, a poore begger ... bur. " June 2. Blanch, w. of Arthur Chadocke ... bur. " June 3. Roger, s. of Thomas Myers, deceassed ... bur. " June 14. Owen Edwardes, gentleman ... bur. " July 1. Nicolas Chettall, husbandman ... bur. " Aug. 4. Allan, s. of Richard Mose ... bur. " Oct. 13. Evan Jones, laborrer ... bur. " Nov. 1. Margery, d. of William Phillips ... bur. " Nov. 4. Joseph Plotte, singleman ... bur. " Nov. 11. William Roe, rector of Weme, ... bur. " Nov. 18. Thomas Mearicke, corvezer ... bur. " Nov. 26. Houmfrey Plotte, corvezer ... bur. " Nov. 27. Elizabeth, w. of George Spenser ... bur. " Dec. 20. Margery, w. of Richard Wicherley, mercer ... bur. " Dec. 20. Margery, w. of Sammuell Bayly ... bur. " Dec. 22. Margaritt, d. of Lawrence Chettall ... bur. " 1637, Jan. 9. Ellin, w. of John Voughan ... bur. " Jan. 10. Katherin, d. of Thomas Whitfield, corvezer ... bur. " Jan. 12. Ellin Morris, a poore woman ... bur. " Jan. 25. John Flewellin, a poore man ... bur. " Feb. 12. Anne, d. of John Newton ... bur. " Feb. 19. Arthur Chaddocke, blackesmith ... bur. " Mar. 5. Ellin, w. of Thomas Gad ... bur. " Mar. 12. Mary Lovell ... bur. 1638, Apr. 3. Jane, d. of Rondle Marbury ... bur. " Apr. 7. Robert Astley, carpenter ... bur. " Apr. 7. Thomas Williams, singleman ... bur. " Apr. 24. John Groome, of sleape hall, Middle, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas Deveris ... bur. " May 15. William, s. of William Watkis, of Aston ... bur. " May 17. Roger Baylie, a poore man ... bur. 1639] Wem. 157 1638, June 7. Danniell, s. of John Griffis ... bur. " June 11. Roger Griffis ... bur. " June 19. Jone, d. of Francis Whore ... bur. " Aug. 16. Richard Williams, laborrer ... bur. " Aug. 26. James Forgham, tanner ... bur. " Aug. 27. Mary, w. of Peeter Hinstocke ... bur. " Sep. 17. Anne, d. of Roberte Bookley ... bur. " Aug. 22. Jone, d. of Richard Hall ... bur. " Aug. 29. Richard Mose, junior ... bur. " Oct. 28. Margery, w. of Houmfrey Baylie ... bur. " Oct. 28. Andrewe, s. of Andreweesavage ... bur. " Nov. 18. Thomas Evans, husbandman ... bur. " Dec. 15. John Cartwright, shingler ... bur. " 1639, Jan. 20. Sara, d. of Thomas Jones ... bur. " Jan. 30. John Peerce, a poore man ... bur. " Feb. 5. John, s. of Thomas Cartwright ... bur. " Feb. 10. Richard, s. of Richard Kylvarte, gen ... bur. " Feb. 13. Francis Astley, a poore man ... bur. " Feb. 22. Richard Manwaringe ... bur. " Feb. 26. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Penson ... bur. 1639, Ap. 20. Margarett, w. of Rowlande Hill, esquire ... bur. " Apr. 2. Rowlande, s. of William Hill, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 28. Elizabeth Grace, wid. ... bur. " May 2. Jane Pugh, wid. ... bur. " May 7. Ellis Thomas ... bur. " May 12. George Peate, weaver ... bur. " May 14. Mary Astley, wid. ... bur. " May 17. Thomas, s. of John Sandlande ... bur. " May 22. Mary, w. of Barnard Boulton ... bur. " May 23. Rowland Hill, of Soulton, esquire ... bur. " June 8. Molde Astly, wid. ... bur. " June 15. Hugh Hill, singleman ... bur. " June 17. Anne, w. of Roger Gorstelo ... bur. " June 2. John, s. of John Adams ... bur. " July 12. William, s. of John Bromhall, gen. ... bur. " July 13. William Phillips, husbandman ... bur. " July 22. Margarett Sherratt, of Cotton, wid. ... bur. " July 3. Richard Houlden ... bur. " Aug. 13. Allis, w. of William Watkis, of Aston ... bur. " Aug. 2. Thomas Batte, junior ... bur. Entered here in the original. 158 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1639 1639, Sep. 5. John Postle, laborrer ... bur. " Sep. 7. Raphe Blantorne, shoomaker ... bur. " Sep. 15. Thomas Tyler, yeoman ... bur. " Oct. 28. Thomas Jebb, yeoman ... bur. " Nov. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John Bouzer ... bur. " Nov. 13. John, s. of George Maddox ... bur. " Nov. 22. Marmalduke Evans ... bur. " Nov. 25. Richard, s. of Thomas Higginson, of Weme ... bur. " Nov. 26. Alice Neawnes, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 26. George Maddoxe, weaver ... bur. " Dec. 6. William Lovekin, tanner ... bur. " Dec. 15. Margarett, d. of John Griffis ... bur. " Dec. 19. Anne, w. of Richard Baylie ... bur. " Dec. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Robt. Maddox ... bur. " 1640, Jan. 22. Gwen Edwards, wid ... bur. " Jan. 23. Samuell Baylie, a poore man ... bur. " Jan. 25. Mary Houlden, a poore woman ... bur. " Jan. 25. Rowland Middleton, husbandman ... bur. " Jan. 30. Jone Morgan, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 12. Peter, s. of Davide Martin ... bur. " Feb. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones ... bur. " Feb. 22. Jane Morris, wid. ... bur. 1640, Mar. 27. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Carter ... bur. " Mar. 29. Richard, s. of Allin Sherratt ... bur. " Apr. 14. Rondle, s. of Arthur Calcott ... bur. " Apr. 15. Issable Allin, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 18. William Sherratt, singleman ... bur. " May 3. Margarett, d. of Evan Pugh ... bur. " May 13. Mary, w. of William Whottall bur. " May 19. Jane, d. of William Hussie ... bur. " May 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Higginson, yeoman ... bur. " May 25. Roger ap Davide ap Probett, a poore man ... bur. " June 1. John Phillips, husbandman ... bur. " June 8. Frances, d. of John Sherratt ... bur. " June 23. John Peate, yeoman ... bur. " July 14. Margarett, w. of Richard Keempe bur. " July 21. Ermine, d. of James Forgham ... bur. " Aug. 2. Thomas, s. of Richard Kylvarte ... bur. 1641] Wem. 159 1640, Aug. 6. Ellin, w. of William Mendlove, of Aston, yeoman ... bur. " Aug. 13. Katherin, w. of Richard Watkis ... bur. " Aug. 25. Margarett Fowler, a poore woman ... bur. " Aug. 3. Jane, w. of John Woodhouse ... bur. " Sep. 1. Ellin Voughan, a poore woman ... bur. " Sep. 7. Margery Whorde, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 10. Richard Iveson a poore man ... bur. " Sep. 13. Mary, w. of Francis Williams ... bur. " Sep. 22. Dorythy, w. of Thomas Baker ... bur. " Oct. 15. Allan Evans, a begger . ... bur. " Oct. 17. John Pigin, laborer ... bur. " Oct. 20. William, s. of John Barnes ... bur. " Nov. 9. Elizabeth, w. of John Messer ... bur. " Nov. 23. Jane, w. of William Watkis... bur. " Nov. 23. Joyce, w. of Richard Hall ... bur. " Nov. 24. Thomas Baker ... bur. " Nov. 25. George Newton ... bur. " Dec. 8. John, s. of David Martin ... bur. " Dec. 26. Margarett Adams, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 30. Mary, d. of Francis Williams ... bur. " 1641, Jan. 13. Mary, w. of Richard Poole ... bur. " Jan. 25. Elizabeth, w. of John Chettall, tanner ... bur. " Jan. 29. William Widdowes ... bur. " Jan. 29. John, s. of Richard Phillips & Anne . " Feb. 4. William Besforde, husbandman ... bur. " Feb. 6. Jane, w. of Rowlande Higginson ... bur. " Feb. 16. Adam Gatte, a begger ... bur. " Feb. 17. Rowlande Higginson, singleman ... bur. " Feb. 22. Richard Chaddocke ... bur. " Mar. 6. John, s. of John Bouzer ... bur. " Mar. 13. Houmfrey Baylie, blackesmyth ... bur. " Mar. 14. Jane, d. of Thomas Davies ... bur. " Mar. 23. Elizabeth, w. of William. Bradshawe ... bur. 1641, Mar. 25. John Allin, of Horton, yeoman ... bur. " Apr. 5. Robert, s. of Robrt Hill ... bur. " Apr. 7. Anne, d. of Richard Beddowe ... bur. " Apr. 25. Thomas Welch, the younger ... bur. 1641, May 25 John Harper, husbandman ... bur. " May 26. Elizabeth, d. of William Cooper ... bur. " June 16. Thomas Proffitt ... bur. " June 17. Dorithy, w. of Robert Hill ... bur. " June 24. Edward, s. of Thomas Jones ... bur. " June 30. William Menlove, yeoman ... bur. " July 7. Joane, w. of Thomas Higginson ... bur. " July 17. Richard Mose, Clarke of Weme ... bur. " Sep. 2. Lawrence Sandland " Sep. 8. Samuell, s. of John Phillipps ... bur. " Sep. 17. Roger Fardo ... bur. " Oct. 9. Elizabeth Barrow, a poore woman ... bur. " Nov. 3. Katherine Evans, wid ... bur. " Nov. 12. John, s. of Roger Payne, deceased ... bur. " Oct. 5. Sara, d. of Thomas Harper ... bur. " Oct. 5. Thomas, s. of Richard Worrall ... bur. " Dec. 6. Amy, w. of John Calcott ... bur. " Dec. 11. William Watkies ... bur. " Dec. 11. Mary, w. of Richard Worrall ... bur. " Dec. 11. Jane, w. of Roger Williams ... bur. " Dec. 23. Joyce Allinson, wid. ... bur. " 1641, Jan. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Cooper ... bur. " Jan. 17. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Gate ... bur. 1642] Wem. 161 1641, Jan. 20. Henry, s. of William Pattricke ... bur. " Jan. 21. Jane, d. of Hughe Bate ... bur. " Jan. 3. Thomas Southall ... bur. " Feb. 5. Richarde Weston ... bur. " Feb. 7. Katherine, d. of Roger Davies ... bur. " Feb. 7. Mary, d. of Roger Davies ... bur. " Feb. 17. Addam Tyler ... bur. " Mar. 4. Margarett, w. of William Thurnell ... bur. " Mar. 19. Robert Madox ... bur. 1642, Apr. 22. John Welch, the younger ... bur. " Apr. 24. William Iveson ... bur. " Apr. 28. Richard Milliton ... bur. " May 8. Mary Harper ... bur. " May 30. Sinai Beavan ... bur. " June 4. Richard Houldin ... bur. " June 6. William, s. of Thomas Wade ... bur. " June 7. Elizabeth, w. of Andrew Savage ... bur. " June 8. William Bally ... bur. " June 23. Anne Burlton, a poore wid. ... bur. " June 24. Margaret, d. of John Simmons ... bur. " June 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hales ... bur. " July 3. Anne, d. of Richard Watkies ... bur. " July 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Pey ... bur. " July 18. Ellinor, d. of John Posner ... bur. " July 22. Margeret, d. of Thomas Whorall ... bur. " July 25. Margeret, d. of Abraham Phillips ... bur. " July 25. Mary, d. of Richard Gougbe ... bur. " July 27. John, s. of Richard Goughe ... bur. " July 29. John, s. of John Groome ... bur. " Aug. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Griffies ... bur. " Aug. 4. Aelin Nickason, a poore wid. ... bur. " Aug. 1. Ralphe, s. of George Baughe ... bur. " Aug. 12. John, s. of John Lewis ... bur. " Aug. 15. Unknown Dudleston, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 15. Richard, s. of Lawrence Chidlowe ... bur. " Aug. 16. Izabell, d. of Richard Pey ... bur. " Aug. 17. Jane, d. of Richard Cooper ... bur. " Aug. 23. Mary, d. of Richard Cooper ... bur. " Aug. 23. John, s. of William Watkies ... bur. " Sep. 10. Edward, s. of Richard Mason, gent. ... bur. M 162 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1642 1642, Sep. 12. John Lovekin ... bur. " Sep. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas Higginson ... bur. " Sep. 2. Edward, s. of Edward [sic] ... bur. " Sep. 24. Richard Suker, a poore man ... bur. " Sep. 25. John, s. of Thomas Newnes ... bur. " Oct. 2. Elizabeth Meiricke, a poore woman ... bur. " Oct. 7. Thomas Evans ... bur. " Oct. 7. Phillip, s. of Thomas Davies ... bur. " Oct. 8. Mary, w. of Anthony Drewry ... bur. " Oct. 1. John Peate ... bur. " Oct. 13. Dorothy, d. of Randle Higginson ... bur. " Oct. 29. Robert Allen, a poore man ... bur. " Oct. 23. Humfrey Jebbe ... bur. " Nov. 1. Dorothy Williams, a poore woman ... bur. " Nov. 2. Jane, w. of Olliver Price ... bur. " Nov. 16. Dorithy, w. of William Higginson ... bur. " Nov. 22. Peeter Bosier ... bur. " Nov. 28. Frauncis, s. of John Sandland ... bur. " Nev. 29. Margeret, w. of John Simmons ... bur. " Dec. 14. Dorithy, d. of Robert Wilkinson ... bur. " Dec. 19. John Calcott ... bur. " Dec. 20. Katherine Griffies, wid. ... bur. " 1643, Jan. 8. Anne, d. of George Iveson ... bur. " Jan. 15. Nicholas Page, rector of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 16. William, s. of William Layght ... bur. " Jan. 16. Richard, s. of John Jones ... bur. " Jan. 29. Roger Neawnes, a poore man ... bur. " Jan. 29. Jane Newton, spinster ... bur. " Feb. 13. William Bracken, a poore man ... bur. " Feb. 15. Anne, d. of Roger Davies ... bur. " Feb. 15. Anne, d. of Thomas Higginson ... bur. " Feb. 27. Mary, d. of Arthur Downes ... bur. " Mar. 5. Margery, d. of Thomas Welch ... bur. " Mar. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Wells ... bur. " Mar. 19. Joane Richardson. a poore woman ... bur. " Mar. 24. William, s. of William Hill ... bur. " Mar. 29. Mary, d. of Richard Killyart ... bur. 1643] Wem. 163 1643, Apr. 1. Sara, d. of John Williams ... bur. " Apr. 2. William Barnes ... bur. " Apr. 2. Margery Thomas, a poore woman ... bur. " Apr. 11. Mary, d. of William Burlton ... bur. " Apr. 30. Jane Tyler ... bur. " May 27. Nicholas, s. of Danniell Platt ... bur. " June 3. Diana, d. of Richard Dunne ... bur. " June 5. Peeter Stumppe, a Wiltshire gent. ... bur. " June 24. John Rondle, a servant from Northwood Hall ... bur. " July 8. Katherine, w. of William Pees ... bur. " July 13. Margery, w. of William Heise ... bur. " July 14. Jane Biker, a poore woman ... bur. " July 20. John, s. of James Forgham ... bur. " July 23. Mary, w. of John Powell ... bur. " July 27. John, s. of Hughe Bate ... bur. " Aug. 5. Richard Wicharley, gent. ... bur. " Aug. 11. Hanna, d. of Caleb Prees ... bur. " Sep. 19. Elizabeth Cowper, spinster ... bur. " Oct. 27. Mawld, w. of Thomas Whotall ... bur. " [Nov.] 20. Elizabeth Ryder, wid. ... bur. " [Nov.] 22. Elizabeth Mose, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 30. Richard Jebbe, ale-seller ... bur. " Dec. 2. Ellen, d. of Humfrey Probbin ... bur. " Dec. 9. Mary, d. of Richard Worrall ... bur. " Dec. 12. Ellnor, w. of John Pughe ... bur. " Dec. 20. Richard Pidgeon & his wife ... bur. " Dec. 20. John, s. of John Kinerley ... bur. " Dec. 25. John Simmons ... bur. " Dec. 25. Katherine Jaxson, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 27. Mary, w. of Andrewe Mendlove ... bur. " 1644, Jan. 1. Robert Waters, junior ... bur. " Jan. 3. John Watkies ... bur. " Jan. 5. Mary, d. of Andrew Huntbache ... bur. " Jan. 6. Margeret Watkies, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 7. Rowland Judson ... bur. " Jan. 9. Thomas Millward ... bur. " Jan. 10. Margeret, w. of Samuell Smith ... bur. " Jan. 10. Ellnor Barnes, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 13. William Challiner ... bur. M 2 164 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1643 1643, Jan. 16. James Whittakers ... bur. " Jan. 16. Winyfrid Groome, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 17. Richard Phillips ... bur. " Jan. 22. Reignald Goughe ... bur. " Jan. 24. Thomas Neawns ... bur. Jan. 25. Ermyn, w. of Kenricke Moston ... bur. " Jan. 26. Margeret, w. of John Chettoe ... bur. " Jan. 27. John Wade ... bur. " Jan. 29. Thomas, s. of Hughe Bate ... bur. " Jan. 3. Rowland Morris ... bur. " Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of Elizabeth Suthall ... bur. " Feb. 4. Randle Narbery ... bur. " Feb. 7. Margeret, d. of John Griffies, corvizer ... bur. " Feb. 9. Daniell Edge ... bur. " Feb. 12. Rowland, s. of Thomas Wright ... bur. " Feb. 14. Anne, d. of Elizabeth Southall ... bur. " Feb. 14. Allen Challiner ... bur. " Feb. 14. John Jones ... bur. " Feb. 17. Thomas, s. of Richard Griffies, sawer ... bur. " Feb. 17. Margeret, w. of William Barnes ... bur. " Feb. 2. William Thurnell ... bur. " Feb. 23. Thomas Banne ... bur. " Feb. 23. Katherine, d. of John Wright, blacksmith ... bur. " Feb. 27. William Owen, joyner ... bur. " Feb. 27. Elizabeth Judson, spinster ... bur. " Mar. 3. Ellnor Judson, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 7. Joane, w. of William Dunne ... bur. " Mar. 12. Unknown Ward, captaine ... bur. " Mar. 12. Ann Morris, spincer, a poore woman ... bur. " Mar. 13. William Gardner, gent. ... bur. " Mar. 15. Thomas Peate, an old man of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 15. Thomas Ellis, joyner ... bur. " Ma. 18. Joyce Watkis, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 24. Thomas, s. of William Barnes, suker ... bur. Richard, s. of Richard Gough, taylor ... bur. 1644, Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Ellinor Phillips ... bur. " Apr. 4. Michaell Chambers, gent ... bur. " Apr. 6. Ann, d. of Roger Mullinux ... bur. " Apr. 6. A d. of Robert Heyes ... bur. Handwriting changes. 1644] Wem. 165 1644, Apr. 14. Thomas Amatte, weaver ... bur. " Apr. 17. Olliver Jones, taylor ... bur. " Apr. 17. Unknown, d. of Edward Tyler ... bur. " Apr. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Browne ... bur. " Apr. 18. Jane Dayer ... bur. " Apr. 2. Jane Griffiths, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 23. David Williams ... bur. " Apr. 23. Williams Heyes, an old poore man ... bur. " Apr. 24. Elizabeth, d. of William Addams, miller ... bur. " Apr. 25. Ann, w. of Thomas Maffer ... bur. " Apr. 28. Thomas Watkis ... bur. " May 1. Roger Dunne ... bur. " May 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Carter ... bur. " May 25. John, s. of Humphrey Watkis ... bur. " May 22. William Richardson ... bur. " May 26. Edward Hatton ... bur. " June 4. Jane, d. of Reinald Goughe ... bur. " June 6. John Jebb ... bur. " June 7. Katherine, w. of Sammuell Wakley ... bur. " June 9. Margreate Amatt, wid. ... bur. " June 12. John Hammon ... bur. " June 14. Edward, s. of John Woodhowse ... bur. " June 15. Rebecca, w. of Richard Brownefeilde ... bur. " June 17. Susan, w. of George Tyler ... bur. " June 18. Joane, w. of Phillipp Griffies ... bur. " June 21. Thomas, s. of Reinald Goughe ... bur. " June 22. Margreate, w. of William Attcherley ... bur. " June 26. Margreate, w. of Richard Gough ... bur. " July 13. George, s. of William Judgsonn ... bur. " July 17. Ales Jebb, wid. ... bur. " July 15. Unknown Fletcher, captaine ... bur. " July 17. Zacckarias Downes ... bur. " July 17. Unknown, s. of Francis Hinckes (or maybe daughter) ... bur. " July 18. Richard Arrowsmith, butcher ... bur. " July 20. Charles Vaughan ... bur. " July 25. Widdow Usgate ... bur. " July 29. Richard Kilverte, gentleman ... bur. " Aug. 4. Edward, s. of Thomas Bayly, taylor ... bur. " Aug. 6. Ann Meredeth, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 12. William Weston, carpenter ... bur. Entered here in the original. 166 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1644 1644, Aug. 12. Katherine Fordgham ... bur. " Sep. 20. Roberte Whitfeild, shoemaker ... bur. " Sep. 2. Unknown Matthews, ensigne ... bur. " Oct. 3. Timosonn, d. of Richard Higgonson ... bur. " Oct. 30. Margery Bayly, wid., of Lacon ... bur. " Nov. 13. Margreate, w. of John Kinerley ... bur. " Nov. 14. Thomas, s. of William Cowper ... bur. " Nov. 15. Peter Williams ... bur. " Nov. 16. Roberte Morris ... bur. " Nov. 29. John Kinerley ... bur. " Dec. 1. Mary, d. of Raphe Edgerton ... bur. " Dec. 15. Mary, d. of Roger Garland ... bur. " Dec. 15. Richard Tyler, of Horton ... bur. " Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of Richard Menlove, of the foxholes ... bur. " Dec. 30. Thomas Corbett, trouper ... bur. 1645, Jan. 1. John Vaughan ... bur. " Jan. 19. John, s. of John Yates ... bur. " Jan. 22. John Vaughan ... bur. " Jan. 29. Ralph Hussey ... bur. " Feb. 2. Ales Ricroft, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 7. John Williams, a poore man ... bur. " Feb. 7. Ales, w. of Unknown Greenehill, leuietenante ... bur. " Feb. 13. Joseph, s. of John Cartwright ... bur. " Feb. 17. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Pouo ... bur. " Feb. 20. Joane Sockitt, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 2. John Barnes, tanner ... bur. " Mar. 2. Thomas Pidgeon ... bur. " Mar. 4. Thomas Carter, sawyer ... bur. " Mar. 6. Hugh Jones, a poore man ... bur. " Mar. 10. Robert Yenley ... bur. " Mar. 20. Edward, s. of Richard Hinckes, of Burlton ... bur. " Mar. 2. John Groyes, of the Abbey forheade, in Shrewsbury, a trouper under coronell mittne ... bur. 1645, Mar. 26. Jane Whitekers, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 29. Richard Asley, gent. ... bur. Entered in the Margin. 1645] Wem. 167 1645, Apr. 4. Margreate, d. of Richard Addams, yeoman, of Northwood ... bur. " Apr. 6. Robert Fernet, a day laborer ... bur. " Apr. 6. John Robbinson, glover ... bur. " Apr. 10. Jone, w. of William Leight, joiner ... bur. " Apr. 12. Richard Morris, smith, was in Preece ... bur. " Apr. 13. Roger Chidlow, an old blinde man ... bur. 1644, Oct. 29. William, s. of Humphrey Probin, joyner ... bap. 1644, Oct. 30. Margery Bayly, of Lacon, wid. ... bur. 1644, Nov. 1. Sara, d. of Richard Bayly ... bap. 1644, Nov. 1. Margreate, w. of William Taylor ... bap. 1650, Oct. 20. Issable, d. of John Addams, miller ... bap. " Oct. 20. Katherine, d. of Richard Holbrook, yeoman ... bap. 1645, Apr. 16. Margery, w. of Thomas Morris ... bur. " May 16. Ales Gough, wid. ... bur. " May 17. Edward, s. of John Bromhall, gent. ... bap. " May 17. Edward, s. of John Bromhall, gent. ... bur. " May 18. Mary, w. of Humphrey Jebb ... bur. " May 22. William Groome ... bur. " June 2. Katherin Southall, wid. ... bur. " June 4. Ales Gough, spincer ... bur. " June 12. Andrew, s. of Randle Higginsons ... bur. " June 30. Antony Parboulte ... bur. " July 9. John Morris, carpenter ... bur. " July 14. Rowland, s. of Rowland Hill, esquire ... bur. " June 2. Jane, d. of William Heyward ... bur. " Aug. 14. Margreate, w. of Roberte Sherratt ... bur. " Sep. 4. Elnor Judgson, spincer ... bur. " Sep. 6. Issable, w. of William Addams, miller ... bur. " Sep. 10. Edward Warde ... bur. " Sep. 18. Mary, w. of Richard Hussey, carpenter ... bur. " Sep. 25. Mary, w. of John Cartwright, joyner ... bur. 168 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1645 1645, Oct. 11. Hugh Hassall, captaine ... bur. " Nov. 6. Thomas Fardall ... bur. " Nov. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bayly ... bur. " Nov. 11. Roger Davis ... bur. " Nov. 16. Thomas Juisson, of Wollyerley ... bur. " Nov. 29. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Pitchford ... bur. " Dec. 5. Katherine Chaddocke, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 22. Thomas Clemaunce ... bur. " Dec. 24. Margreate Taylor, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 20. Ann, d. of Allin Hatton ... bur. " Dec. 26. Elizabeth Hatton, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 29. Thomas Gadd ... bur. " Dec. 29. Lawrence Asley, the younger ... bur. 1646, Jan. 3. Margreate Brayne, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 15. Henry Williams, taylor ... bur. " Jan. 18. Elizabeth Ditchfeild, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 20. Mary, d. of Ellis Williams, feltmaker ... bur. " Mar. 14. Mary, d. of Ann Mulliner ... bur. 1646, Mar. 30. John Higginson ... bur. " Apr. 8. William Heyward ... bur. " Apr. 18. George Welch, ensigne ... bur. " Apr. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John Pidgeon ... bur. " Apr. 29. Lawrence Higginson, of Tylley ... bur. " Apr. 30. Addam, s. of Thomas Chettow ... bur. " June 8. Ann, base d. of William Dicken, of Wollarton ... bur. " June 1. Sara, d. of Leiuetenante Cromwich ... bur. " June 23. Richard Jebb, recorder ... bur. " July 10. Richard, s. of William Addams, miller ... bur. " July 13. Jane Evans, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 6. William Moorton ... bur. " Aug. 27. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Ellis, tanner ... bur. " Sep. 24. John Chettow, thatcher ... bur. " Sep. 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas Oaknell ... bur. " Oct. 12. Margery Whitfeild, spincer ... bur. " Oct. 28. Humphrey Cowper ... bur. " Dec. 12. Joane, w. of Humphrey Probinne ... bur. 1647, Jan. 6. Mary, w. of John Heyward ... bur. " Jan. 2. Edward Hollond, wever ... bur. " Feb. 4. Robert Grafton ... bur. Entered here in the original. 1646] Wem. 169 1647, Feb. 5. Elizabeth, w. of William Hussey ... bur. " Feb. 23. Thomas Bate, butcher ... bur. " Feb. 23. Mary Higginson, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 4. Joseph, s. of William Watkis ... bur. " Mar. 4. Juane, d. of Widow Wade ... bur. " Mar. 2. Hanna, d. of Hugh Bate ... bur. " Mar. 24. Margery, w. of Thomas Poua ... bur. 1647, Mar. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jebb ... bur. " Apr. 15. Hester Williams ... bur. " Apr. 20. [blank], s. of John Downton ... bur. " Apr. 2. [blank], s. of John Clarke ... bur. " May 13. Richard, s. of Hugh Gilberte ... bur. " May 12. Richard Bradley, carpenter ... bur. " Ma) 18. Rondle Allinson ... bur. " May 19. Thomas, s. of Allin Ellis ... bur. " May 21. [blank] Tyler ... bur. " May 2. Elizabeth Dekin, of Asley ... bur. " June 4. Richard, s. of John Wade ... bur. " June 6. Ann, w. of Hugh Bate ... bur. " June 14. Hugh Vaughan ... bur. " June 20. Mary, d. of Richard Mose ... bur. " June 2. Sarah, d. of Samuell Smith, gent. ... bur. " Aug. 18. Roberte Selby, fittierman ... bur. " July 9. Thomas Smith, of Cramer ... bur. " July 9. John, s. of Thomas Sharratt, of Cotton ... bur. " July 5. William Mendlove, of Aston, gen. ... bur. 1646, Sep. 6. John, s. of Row[lan]d Evans, of Cotten ... bap. " Oct. 11. Richard, s. of Humphrey Jebb ... bap. " Nov. 1. Katerin, d. of Richard Houle, of Cotton ... bap. " Nov. 15. Richard, s. of Richard Groome ... bap. " Dec. 6. Margrett, d. of Thomas Davies, of Edstaston ... bap. " Dec. 30. Anne, d. of Timothy Whitfield, of Lowe ... bap. 170 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1646 1646, Jan. 23. Sara, d. of Thomas Sandland, of Cotton ... bap. " Jan. 30. Arthur, s. of Arthur Downes, of Lacon ... bap. " Jan. 31. Beniamin, s. of George Evans ... bap. " Feb. 7. Roland, s. of Rowland Hill, of Lacon ... bap. " Feb. 2. Richard, s. of Richard Pea, of the Lowe ... bap. 1647, May 9. Unknown, d. of Roger Madox, of Cotten ... bap. " May 30. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Acherley, of Cotten ... bap. " July 3. Robert, s. of Robert Higginson, of Cotten ... bap. " Sep. 5. John, s. of John Bartlam, of Cotton ... bap. " Sep. 9. John, s. of William Ash, of Cotton ... bap. " Sep. 1. William, s. of Arthur Capper, of the Lowe ... bap. " Oct. 3. John, s. of Edward Jones, of Edstaston ... bap. " Nov. 10. Ruth, d. of Rowland Hill, of Soulton, esquire ... bap. " Nov. 20. Unknowner, s. of William Bowers, of Cotten ... bap. 1648, Jan. 2. Unknown, d. of John Bisbye, minister of Edstaston ... bap. " Feb. 6. Unknown, d. of John Moody, of Edstaston ... bap. " Feb. 26. Nicholas, s. of Thomas Sandland, of Cotton ... bap. " Feb. 27. Elinor, d. of Timothy Whitfield ... bap. " Mar. 3. John, s. of Richard Gough, of the Lowe ... bap. 1648, Apr. 30. Mary, d. of William Higginson, of Edstaston ... bap. " May 1. Roger, s. of Laurance Chidloe, of Edstaston ... bap. " May 1. George, s. of William Hinton, of Edstaston ... bap. " May 7. Sara, d. of Richard Menlove, ... bap. " May 14. Mary, d. of John Cooke, of Edstaston ... bap. " Aug. 19. Rebeca, d. of Allin Sherrat, sen ... bap. " Sep. 22. Allen, s. of Allen Sherrat, of Cotton, was at Edstaston ... bap. " Oct. 1. Anne, d. of George Higgins ... bap. " Oct. 10 Anne, d. of Roger Chettoe, was at Edstaston ... bap. 1659] Wem. 171 1648, Dec. 23. John, s. of Andrew Buckley, at Edstaston ... bap. 1648, Dec. 25. Unknown, s. of William Watkis ... bap. 1653, Aug. 3. Joseph, s. of William Watkis ... bap. 1654, July 23. Robert, s. of Allin Shearatt, of Cotten ... bap. 1653, June 19. Roger, s. of Roger Acherley, of Cotton ... bap. " Mar. 2. Benamin, s. of Richard Gouldsborough ... bap. 1653, June 8. Joseph, s. of Samuell Gel & Abigail . 1653, June 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas Payne bap. 1654, Jan. 24. William, s. of William Menlove, of ... bap. 1655, May 6. Richard, s. of Henry Ward, gnt., of Cotten ... bap. " May 27. John, s. of Lawrence Chidloe ... bap. " Feb. 27. Walter, s. of Thomas Payne & Mary, born ... bap. " Oct. 7. Richard, s. of Arthur Griffies ... bap. " Nov. 4. Robert, s. of Arthur Edge ... bap. " Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of George Hinstocke & An ... bap. " Dec. 2. Mary, d. of Joseph Hodson ... bap. 1656, Feb. 6. Unknown, s. of Rowland Unknown, of Cotton ... bap. " Mar. 2. Mary, d. of William Denores ... bap. " Apr. 13. Mary, d. of Thomas Whetal ... bap. " June 15. Richard, s. of William Hinton ... bap. " July 16. Richard, s. of Thomas Payne ... bap. " Nov. 2. Thomas, s. of Joseph Chettoe ... bap. " Feb. 1. Unknownet, d. of Thomas Wicherley, of Cotton ... bap. " Mar. 17. Unknown, s. of Edward Rogers & Anne ... bap. 1657, Apr. 12. Unknown, s. of Edward Jones & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 26. Unknown, d. of Thomas Weston, of Whixall ... bap. " Oct. 10. Unknown, d. of Richord Powell & An ... bap. 1658, May 15. Unknown, s. of Arthur Edge & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 29. Unknown, s. of Thomas Sandland & Elizabeth ... bap. 1659, Mar. 15. Unknown, d. of William Hinton & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 8. Unknown, d. of Thomas Payne & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 14. Unknown, s. of Richard Powell & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 30. Unknown, s. of Richard Whettall & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 4. Unknown, d. of Francis Loumford & Mary ... bap. 1652, Nov. 13. Isabell, d. of Thomas Watkis, of Aston, borne Oct. 25 ... bap. " Nov. 16. Unknown, s. of John Griffies of Wem, corviser, was borne Nov. 16. " Dec. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Challiner, of Wem, butcher, borne Dec. 8 ... bap. " Dec. 10. Richard, s. of Andrew Merick of Wem, laborer, born Dec. 10 ... bap. " Dec. 21. Anne, d. of John Griffies of Lacon, laborer, born Dec. 21 ... bap. " Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Barnes of .., tanner, born Dec. 28 ... bap. 1653, Jan. 19. Mary, d. of George Downes of Aston, husbandman, born. Jan. 19 ... bap. " Jan. 21. John, s. of George Robinson of Tylley, born Jan. 21 ... bap. " Jan. 7. Ruth, d. of John Cartwright of Newtown, yeamon, born Jan. 7 ... bap. " Feb. 1. John, s. of Humphfry Raingecraft, of Northwood, joyner, born Feb. 1 ... bap. 1653, Mar. 5. Unknown, s. of Daniel Plats, of Wem, corviser ... bap. " Mar. 5. Elizabeth, d. of John Chetto ... bap. 1654] Wem. 173 1653, Feb. 21. Unknown, d. of Richard Worall of Tilley, milner [born] Feb. 21. ... bap. " Feb. 18. Unknown, s. of Thomas Hales of Tilley, laborer, born Feb. 18. ... bap. " Feb. 19. Unknown, s. of William Brayne of Lacon, husbandman, born Feb. 19. ... bap. " Mar. 16. Raph, s. of Joseph Chettoe of Lacon, yeamon, born Mar. 16 ... bap. " Mar. 11. Mary, d. of John Dod of Wem, born Mar. 11 ... bap. 1654, Apr. 9. Mary, d. of John Haw, born Ap. 9 ... bap. " Apr. 8. Unknownamon, s. of Raph Edgerton of Northwood, husbandman, born Ap. 8 ... bap. " Apr. 17. Unknown, s. of Rees Thomas of Wem, labourer, [born] Ap. 17.. ... bap. " Apr. 20. Unknown, d. of Pearse Rodrick, schoolmaster, born Ap. 20. ... bap. " May 5. William, s. of Richard Evans of Tilley Greene, wever, born May 5 ... bap. " Apr. 22. Unknown, s. of Thomas Morris of Wem, labourer, born Ap. 22 ... bap. " Apr. 16. Unknown, s. of Edward Williams of Aston, labourer, born Ap. 16 ... bap. " Apr. 23. Samuell, s. of Thomas Jones of Aston, labourer, born Ap. 23 ... bap. " Apr. 17. Mary, d. of George Higginson of Tilley, corviser, born Ap. 17 ... bap. " May 13. Unknown, d. of Thomas James of Wem, Sawer, born May 13 ... bap. " June 5. Mary, d. of John Manninge of Wem, carrier, born June 5. ... bap. " June 5. Margrett, d. of John Manninge of Wem, carrier, born June 5. ... bap. " June 24. Unknown, d. of Richard Leucas of Wem ... bap. " June 7. Richard, s. of Thomas Griffies of .., born June 7 ... bap. " July 31. Humphfrey, s. of William Platt, corviser, born July 8 ... bap. " Aug. 1. Mary, d. of Robert Hatton of Horton, husbandman, born Aug. 1 ... bap. 174 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1654 1654, Aug. 2. Sara, d. of Robert Whitfield of Tilley, corviser, born Aug. 2 ... bap. " Sep. 10. Mary, d. of Thomas Menlove of Aston, born Sep. 10 ... bap. " Sep. 17. Mary, d. of Roger Rigbye of Wem, labourer, born Sep. 17 ... bap. " Sep. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh Parye of Wem, born Sep. 14 ... bap. " Sep. 30. Thomas, s. of John Forgam of Wem, born Sep. 30 ... bap. " Sep. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Heatley of Wem, born Sep. 15 ... bap. [Half a page is here missing.] 1655, Jan. 7. Unknown, s. of John Price of Wem, butcher, born Dec ... bap. " Jan. 7. Unknown, s. of Richard Houlebrooke of Tilley, yeamon, born Jan. 7 ... bap. " Jan. 19. Unknown, d. of John Griffies of Wem, corviser, born Jan. 19 ... bap. " Jan. 20. Richard, s. of Thomas Gate of Wem, smith, born Jan. 20 ... bap. " Feb. 7. Sussana, d. of Robert Baker of Aston, husbandman, born Feb. 7.. ... bap. " Jan. 24. William, s. of William Parsons, of London, born Jan. 24 ... bap. " Feb. 24. Elizaabeth, d. of William Watkis of Aston, born Feb. 24 ... bap. " Mar. 1. Richard, s. of Edward Morris of Wem, tayler, born Mar. 1 ... bap. [Half a page is here missing.] 1655, May 10. Mary, d. of William Adams, born May 10 ... bap. " May 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Bucher, labourer, born May 2 ... bap. " May 14. Ann, d. of George Edgerton, born May 14 ... bap. " May 22. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Evans of Tilley Green, born May 22 ... bap. " May 9. Beniamin, s. of Thomas Lovekin of Tilley, yeamon, born May 9 ... bap. 1655] Wem. 175 1655, May 13. Samuell, s. of Humphrey Probin of Wem, joyner, born May 13 ... bap. " May 27. Walter, s. of Thomas Payne of Edstaston, born May 27 ... bap. " May 24. John, s. of Thomas Groome of the Trench farm, born May 24 ... bap. " June 6. Peter, s. of Thomas Higginson of Tilley, tanner, born June 6 ... bap. " June 12. Daniell, s. of Daniell Platt of Wem, corviser, born June 12 ... bap. " June 12. John, s. of Robert Hease, born June 12 ... bap. " June 12. Richard, s. of James Payne of Wem, tayler, born June 12 ... bap. " June 15. Mary, d. of Richard Baylie of Wem, laborer, born June 15 ... bap. " July 22. Hanna, d. of James Cowper, born June 22 ... bap. " July 22. Jane, d. of James Cowper, born June 22 ... bap. " Jan. 27. Sara, d. of Hugh Williamson of Newtown, weaver, born Jan. 27 ... bap. " Aug. 17. Unknown, d. of Thomas Jeb of Wem, mercer, born Aug ... bap. " Aug. 19. Unknown, s. of Andrew Gear of Wem, husbandman, born Aug. ... bap. " Aug. 19. Unknown, d. of John Marsh of Tilley, wheelwright, born Aug. ... bap. " Aug. 23. Unknown, s. of Allen Challiner of Wem, butcher, born Aug. 23 ... bap. " Aug. 7. Martha, d. of John Pigeon of Wem, corviser, born Aug. 7 ... bap. " Sep. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Samuell Smith of Wem, mercer, born Sep. 14 ... bap. " Sep. 18. Thomas, s. of Lawrance Chetwood of Wem, corviser, born Sep. 18 ... bap. " Sep. 25. Mary, d. of George Sherratt of Wem, corviser, born Sep. 25 ... bap. " Dec. 14. Unknown, s. of Roger Hussey of Horton, born Dec ... bap. 176 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1655 1655, Nov. 23. Unknown, d. of John Downton of Wem, glover, born Nov. 23 ... bap. " Dec. 10. Edward, s. of Thomas Barnes of Wem, tanner, born Dec. 10 ... bap. " Dec. 8. Susanna, d. of George Higginson of Tilley, corviser, born Dec. 8 ... bap. 1656, Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of Andrew Merick, husbandman, born Jan. 3 ... bap. " Jan. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Morris of Wem, labourer, born Jan. 13 ... bap. " Jan. 24. Unknown, d. of Hugh Bate, of Wem, corviser, born Jan. 24 ... bap. " Jan. 31. Ann, d. of Richard Higginson, born Jan. 31 ... bap. " Feb. 4. Martha, d. of Pearce Roderick of Wem, schoolmaister, born Feb. 4 ... bap. " Oct. 28. Elizabeth, d. of George Hinstocke, of Edstaston, ... bap. " Mar. 3. Mary, d. of Richard Chambers, tanner, & Mary, born Mar. 3 ... bap. " Feb. 16. Margret, d. of Thomas Wilkinson of Northwood, & Margret, born Feb. 16 ... bap. " Feb. 21. Jane, d. of William Cowper of Newtown, & Sinay, born Feb. 21. " Jan. 23. James, s. of Richard Bostock of Wem, mercer, & Mary, born Jan. 23. 1656, Mar. 28. Samuell, s. of John Madox of Newtown, born Mar. 28 ... bap. " Apr. 3. John, s. of John Forgam of Wem, tanner, ... bap. " Apr. 8. Sara, d. of Thomas Newett of Trench farm, husbandman, ... bap. " May 1. Robert, s. of Robert Madox, born May 1 ... bap. " May 1. Ruth, d. of Richard Gouldsborough & Francis, born May 1 ... bap. " May 25. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Whitfield of Wem, tanner, & Alles, born May 25 ... bap. " June 2. Jane, d. of Andrew Bookeley, labourer, born June 2 ... bap. 1656] Wem. 177 1656, June 22. Unknown, s. of Thomas Watkis of Aston, born June ... bap. " June 14. Unknown, d. of John Chettoe of Horton, tanner, born June 14 ... bap. " July 19. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Taylor, unknownaster, born June 19 ... bap. " June 24. Malachi, s. of Andrew Parsons, rector of Wem, & Mary, born June 24 ... bap. " June 12. Mary, d. of Thomas Halles of Rooewood, labourer, born June 12 ... bap. " July 3. Richard, s. of Thomas Payne, born July 3 ... bap. " July 6. Mary, d. of John Wealch of Rooewood, husbandman, born July 6 ... bap. " July 12. Ann, d. of John Smith of Wem, tanner, born July 27 ... bap. " July 24. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Parton of Wem, born July 24 ... bap. " Aug. 21. Susanna, d. of William Wright of Wem, & Elnor, born Aug. 21 ... bap. " Sep. 6. John, s. of John Sheanton of Wem, mercer, & Margret, born Sep. 6 ... bap. " Sep. 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hodgkis of Wem, corviser, born Sep. 11 ... bap. " Oct. 30. Adam, s. of Edward Tyler of Horton, yeoman, born Oct. 30 ... bap. " Oct. 20. Thomas, s. of William Clarke of the Wowlverley, born Oct. 20 ... bap. " Nov. 2. John, s. of Thomas Griffies of Wem, weaver, born Nov. 2 ... bap. " Nov. 10. Unknown, s. of George Downes of Aston, born Nov. 6 ... bap. " Dec. 2. Margret, d. of Richard Evans of .., born Dec. 2 ... bap. " Dec. 8. Peter, s. of Robert Hutton of Horton, labourer, born Dec. 8 ... bap. " Dec. 13. Thomas, s. of George Tiler of Tilley, born Dec. 13 ... bap. " Dec. 10. Samuell, s. of William Watkis of Aston, born Dec. [blank] ... bap. 178 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1656 1656, Jan. 15 Elizabeth, d. of Roger Hussey of Horton, yeoman, & Dorithie, born ... bap. " Jan. 14. John, s. of John Hopwood of Tilley, & Jane, born ... bap. " Feb. 18. William, s. of Rondle Sheanton of Wem, and Elizabeth, born [blank] ... bap. " Nov. 18. Thomas, s. of Richard Acherley of Newtown, yeamon, born ... bap. " Mar. 8. Elizabeth, d. of George Robinson of the Lowe, born Feb. [blank] ... bap. " Mar. 12. John, s. of John Haw of Wem, Mary, born ... bap. " Mar. 14. Richard, s. of Robert Sandland of Wem cowper, & Ann, born Mar. ... bap. " Feb. 24. Thomas, s. of John Dod of Wem, & Ann, born ... bap. " Mar. 6. Debora, d. of William Pixley & Marie, born ... bap. " Feb. 15. Joseph, s. of Humphrey Rainescroft, joyner, born ... bap. " Feb. 13. Debora, d. of Raph Edgerton, born ... bap. 1655, Sep. 4. Francis, s. of William Allinson, gent, ... bap. 1656, Feb. 13. Unknown, d. of John Posner & Elizabeth 1657, Mar. 25. Unknown, d. of Thomas James of Wem, glover, born Mar. ... bap. " Mar. 29. Unknown, d. of Thomas Griffies of Wem, corviser, born Mar. ... bap. " Ap. 1. Samuel, s. of Richard Dun of the Low Hill, yeoman, born ... bap. " Mar. 5. Hugh, s. of John Maineing of Wem, carier, born ... bap. " Ap. 4. Thomas, s. of Richard Edg, glover, of Brockhurst ... bap. " Ap. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas Weston, of Whichall, & Mary, born ... bap. 1657] Wem. 179 1657, Ap. 22. Sara, d. of William Parsons, born ... bap. " Ap. 26. Unknown, s. of Richard Crade of Wem, husbandman, born .. bap. " May 5. Daniell, s. of Richard Waddall, born ... bap. " May 15. Unknown, s. of Hugh Jones of Tilley, husbandman, born Ap. 21 ... bap. " Ap. 27. Samuell, s. of Humphrey Watkis of Tilley Green, Unknownder, born ... bap. " May 9. Unknown, d. of Thomas Wigley of Wem, corviser, born ... bap. " May 3. John, s. of William Gough of Tilley, tayler, born ... bap. " May 4. Mary, d. of Richard Bucher of Aston, labourer, born ... bap. " May 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Davies of Northwood ... bap. " Ap. 30. William, s. of William Hall, born ... bap. " May 16. Grace, d. of John Griffies of Wem, corviser, born ... bap. " June 2. Mary, d. of Lawrance Chettwood of Wem, corviser, born ... bap. " May 6. Unknown, s. of Richard Allen, born ... bap. " May 15. Unknown, s. of Edward Barnes of Wem, butcher ... bap. " June 12. Susanna, d. of Richard Houlebro ..green, born ... bap. " June 28. Mary, d. of Robert Widdowes, born June ... bap. " July 15. Hanna, d. of Edward Morris of Wem, born ... bap. " July 12. Ann, d. of Richard Higginson of the drawwell house in Wem, born ... bap. " July 23. George, s. of George Sherratt of Wem, corviser, & Cisley, born ... bap. " Aug. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Burrowes of Wem, labourer, & Cattren, born ... bap. 180 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1657 1657, Aug. 2. John, s. of Francis Watkes of Lacon, born ... bap. " Aug. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Rees Thomas of Wem, laborer, born ... bap. " July 23. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones of Aston, laborer, born ... bap. " Aug. 27. Mary, d. of Andrew Merick, labourer, born ... bap. " Sep. 5. Frances, d. of Roger Garland of sa, yeaman, born , baptized at loppington ... bap. " Sep. 12. Andrew, s. of James Cowper of Wem, yeaman, & Jane, born ... bap. " Sep. 16. Rondle, s. of John Gate of the Rowewood, born ... bap. " Sep. 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas Wright of Wem, tayler, born ... bap. " Sep. 27. Mary, d. of Andrew Parsons, rector of Wem, & Mary, born ... bap. " Oct. Mary, d. of Walter Trantum of husbandman, and Elizabeth, born Sep. 28 ... bap. " Nov. 1. Unknown, d. of William Wright of Wem, & Elnor, born .. 15 ... bap. " Oct. 18. Unknown, s. of Thomas Jebbe of Wem, mercer, & Mary, born ... bap. " Nov. 6. Samuell, s. of Thomas Deane of Wem, barber, born Oct. [blank] ... bap. " Dec. 4. Ruth, d. of Robert Heays of Wem, mason, born ... bap. " Dec. 10. Unknown, d. of Thomas Childoe, born Dec. 15 ... bap. " Dec. 30. Joseph, s. of William Adams of Wem, timberman, born ... bap. " Dec. 31. John, s. of John Ellis of Wem, labourer, born ... bap. 1658, Jan. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Chadock of Wem, born Jan. 10 ... bap. " Jan. 21. William, s. of William Millington ... bap. Entered here in the original. 1658] Wem. 181 1657, Feb. 28. Charles, s. of Thomas Mainwaring of Wem, laborer ... bap. " Feb. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Hennedge, of the Newtowne, born ... bap. 1658, Mar. 7. Nicholas, s. of Thomas Lovekin of Tilley, yeaman, & Martha, born Mar. ... bap. " Apr. 1. Unknown, s. of Thomas Hotchkis of Wem, corviser, born Mar. 18 ... bap. " Ap. 3. Thomas, s. of George Birch, born ... bap. " Ap. 5. John, s. of Roger Hussey of Horton, yeamon, born ... bap. " Ap. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas Higginson of Tilley, & Sara, born ... bap. " May 5. Jane, d. of John Chettoe of Horton, tanner ... bap. " May 25. Samuell, s. of Allen Higginson of Wem, corviser, born ... bap. " May 15. Sara, d. of Samuell Taylor & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 15. John, s. of Richard Boulton of Wem, carrier, born June 21 ... bap. " June 23. Sara, d. of John Sheanton of Wem, mercer, & Margrett, born ... bap. " July 11. James, s. of James Payne of Wem, tayler, & ... bap. " July 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Morris of Wem, born ... bap. " July 7. Mary, d. of Richard Allen of Wem, born ... bap. " Aug. 1. John, s. of John Arkinston of Wem, bodymaker ... bap. " Aug. 8. John, s. of Roger Davies of Wem, labourer ... bap. " Aug. 4. George, s. of George Edgerton of Wem, tanner, born ... bap. " Aug. 15. Mary, d. of Richard Evans of weaver, & Elizabeth, born Aug ... bap. 182 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1658 1658, Sep. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Bur.., of Diches, & Susan, ... bap. " Sep. 20. Unknown, s. of Robert Madox of Wem, milner, ... bap. " Sep. 23. Unknown, s. of Robert Madox of Wem, milner, ... bur. " Oct. 6. Unknown Higginson of Wem, yeoman ... bur. " Oct. 10. Unknown, s. of John Price, butcher in Wem ... bap. " Oct. 17. Unknown, s. of Roger Burton of Wem, corviser, & Cristian ... bap. " Oct. 22. Mary, d. of Thomas Pigeon of Wem, corviser, & Easter ... bap. " Apr. 7. Unknown, s. of John Madox of Newtown, & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 10. William, s. of William Pillson of Wem, glover ... bap. " Oct. 28. Sara, d. of Thomas Menlove of Aston, yeoman, & Elizabeth, born ... bap. " Nov. 1. Isabell, d. of George Higginson of Cramar, yeaman, & Margrett ... bap. " Nov. 20. Unknown, d. of Joseph Rollins of Wem, carpenter, & Isabell ... bap. " Nov. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas Griffies of Wem, corviser ... bap. " Nov. 12. Elizabeth, d. of John Downton of Wem, ... bap. " Dec. 26. Unknown, d. of Roger Rigbie of Wem, labourer ... bap. " Dec. 16. Unknown, d. of John Ellis of Wem, labourer, born ... bap. " Dec. 19. Unknown, s. of John Welsh of Rooewood, & .., born ... bap. 1659, Dec. 20. Unknown, d. of William Pixley, born ... bap. [Severa1 pages are here missing] 1663, July 26. Edward, s. of Edward Morris, tayler ... bap. " Aug. 15. John, s. of John Wade & Sara ... bap. " Aug. 21. Sara, d. of Edward Savage ... bap. " Aug. 23. Randulph, s. of Roger Burlton & Cristian ... bap. 1663] Wem. 183 1663, Aug. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Gate & Avis.. " Sep. 6. John, s. of Peter Price, p. Whitchurch, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 12. Arthur, s. of Arthur Madeley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Se.d 12. Mary, d. of Phillip Leigh & Ellnor ... bap. " Sep. 17. Henry, s. of Henry Ward, gent., & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Aldersey & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 28. Richard, s. of Daniell Jones & Margeret ... bap. " Sep. 29. Randulph, s. of George Sherratt & Cissly ... bap. " Sep. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Neawny & Margeret ... bap. 1661, Aug. 2. Thomas, d. of Thomas Neawny & Margeret ... bap. 1663, Oct. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Smith, mercer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 9. Jane, d. of Richard Boulton & Ellinor ... bap. " Oct. 24. Margeret, d. of James Forgham & Marg. " Sep. 24. Amy, d. of Thomas Bromall, gen. ... bap. " Oct. 27. Thomas, s. of Roger Hussey & Dorothy ... bap. " Oct. 30. Robert, s. of Thomas Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 3. Samuell, s. of William Williams & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 5. William, s. of George Robbinson & Alice ... bap. " Nov. 17. William, s. of Thomas Sherratt & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 17. William, s. of William Hinton & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 19. Magdalen, d. of Richard Ward, gent., & Marg. ... bap. " Nov. 21. John, s. of Thomas Chetall & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 22. John, s. of Thomas Embry & Ursilla ... bap. " Nov. 24. Ellinor, d. of Thomas Deane & Ellinor ... bap. " Dec. 26. John, s. of John Hamlett & Ellinor ... bap. " Dec. 26. Mary, d. of John Downton, glover, ... bap. " Dec. 28. Unknown, d. of Thomas Manwaringe & Elizabeth ... bap. 1664, Jan. 1. Unknown, s. of Thomas Hughes & Mary ... bap. 184 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1663 1664, Jan. 1. Elizaabeth, d. of William Lawrence & Sara ... bap. 1663, Dec. 31. Edith, d. of John Newton & Judith ... bap. 1664, Jan. 6. Joseph, s. of Charles Holland & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Pidgeon & Hester ... bap. " Feb. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard James & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 19. Nathaniell, s. of Nathaniell Reeves & Margeret ... bap. " Feb. 21. William, s. of Lawrence Griffies & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 22. Richard, s. of Richard Southall & Liddia ... bap. " Feb. 22. Elizabeth, d. of John James & Susanna ... bap. " Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Smyth of Cramer, & Margeret ... bap. " Mar. 2. Arthur, s. of Arthur Downs, shoomaker, & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 13. Anne, d. of Raph Connows & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 22. Anne, d. of Michaell Raphes & Elizabeth ... bap. 1664, Mar. 25. Robert, s. of Edward Selby & Susanna ... bap. " Mar. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John Hopwood & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 11. Margeret, d. of Thomas Menlove & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 11. Samuell, s. of Andrew Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 12. Thomas, s. of James Payne & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 12. John, s. of William Pilson & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 20. John, s. of John Shenton, mercer, & Margeret ... bap. " Apr. 30. Richard, s. of Richard Jebb & Beatrice ... bap. " May 5. William, s. of Richard Jackson & Mary ... bap. " May 7. Elizabeth, d. of William Woodhouse & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 10. William, s. of Richard Williams & Joan ... bap. " May 10. Anne, d. of John Tranter & Eliz. ... bap. " May II. Samuell, s. of Robert Thorpe & Hanna ... bap. " May 15. Joseph, s. of Richard Howle & Mary ... bap. " May 17. Edward, s. of Thomas Hotchkies, shoomaker, & Mary ... bap. 1664] Wem. 185 1664, May 22. William, s. of William Sandland & Frances ... bap. " May 22. Mary, d. of William Millington & Robina ... bap. " June 1. Richard, s. of John Maninge, deceased, & Anne Maninge, wid. ... bap. " June 3. Sara, d. of Richard Atcherley & Susanna ... bap. " June 4. John, s. of John Sumner & Ellen ... bap. " June 5. John, s. of John Brockton & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 8. Thomas, s. of James Juckes & Mary ... bap. " June 10. Thomas, s. of Christopher Mathews & Martha ... bap. " June 22. Thomas, s. of John Allinson & Grace ... bap. " July 10. Richard, s. of Richard Higginson, sawer, & Jane ... bap. " July 25. William, s. of William Cowper & Katherine ... bap. " June 25. Dorothy, d. of George Higginson & Izabell ... bap. " Aug. 13. Rowland, s. of Joseph Rawlins & Izabell ... bap. " Aug. 13. Martha, d. of Edward Humphreys & Ellinor ... bap. " Sep. 12. Robert, s. of Thomas Payne & Mary, born Aug. 31 ... bap. " Sep. 25. John, s. of William Homes & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 25. John, s. of Randle Shawe & Izabell ... bap. " Sep. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Phillips & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 27. Jane, d. of Thomas Phillips & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 1. Thomas, s. of John Wade & Sara ... bap. " Oct. 8. Thomas, s. of Raph Edgerton & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 17. Elizabeth, a base d. of Robert Jones ... bap. " Oct. 23. John, s. of Joseph Chetwood & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Vaughan & Dorothy ... bap. " Oct. 25. John, s. of Roger Witcherley & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 28. Isabell, d. of Barnard Boulton, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 1. John, s. of Robert Pidgeon & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of John Prees & Mary ... bap. 186 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1664 1664, Nov. 20. Edward, s. of Roger Davies & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 6. Richard, s. of Richard Pidgeon & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 6. William, s. of William Massy & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 15. Roger, s. of Roger Chidloe & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 26. Steven, s. of John Poyner & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 28. Prissilla, d. of Jonathan Welch & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 31. Thomas, s. of Rowland Grace & Izabell ... bap. 1665, Jan. 3. Anne, d. of Roger Rigbye ... bap. " Jan. 20. Mary, d. of Thomas Fardoe & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 31. Arthur, s. of John Heaward & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 7. Mary, d. of Henry Ward, gent., & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 25. Anne, d. of William Hopwood & Dorothy ... bap. " Feb. 28. Jane, d. of Willm Moody & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 28. Elizabeth, d. of George Nunniley & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 2. William, s. of William Bourghall & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 3. Richard, s. of Richard Peploe & Margeret ... bap. 1665, Mar. 27. John, s. of Thomas Whottall & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 27. Henry, s. of Henry Jones & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 27. Martha, d. of Richard Butcher, jun. ... bap. " Mar. 28. Margeret, d. of Richard James & Joyce ... bap. " Apr. 12. Mary, d. of John Hughes & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 15. Nicholas, s. of William Salsbury & Margeret ... bap. " Apr. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Forgham & Katherine ... bap. " Apr. 18. Arthur, s. of James Chaddocke & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 21. Sara, d. of Robert Forgham & Joan ... bap. " May 16. Charles, s. of Thomas Jebbe, mercer, & Mary ... bap. " May 18. Mary, d. of John Evans & Margery ... bap. " May 19. Randulph, s. of Randulph Shenton of Diches, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 4. Margeret, d. of George Oliver & Gwen ... bap. " June 9. Mary, d. of John Fox & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 11. John, s. of William Wright & Ellinor ... bap. 1665] Wem. 187 1665, June 13. Mary, d. of Thomas Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " June 13. Johanna, d. of Edward Barnes & Joan ... bap. " June 17. Thomas, s. of Richard Southall & Liddia ... bap. " June 27. John, s. of James Jukes & Mary ... bap. " July 4. Dorothy, d. of John Clea of Stoke, & Mary ... bap. " July 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas Nevett & Margeret ... bap. " July 15. Jane, d. of William Lovell & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 18. Susanna, d. of Arthur Davies & Anne Hall ... bap. " July 21. Mary, d. of Thomas Spendlove & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Savage & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 9. Andrew, s. of Morris Price & Ann ... bap. " Aug. 13. John, s. of Thomas Neawns & Margeret ... bap. " Aug. 19. Elizabeth, d. of George Allinson & Margeret ... bap. " Aug. 25. Martha, d. of Arthur Davies & Joane ... bap. " Aug. 27. Richard, s. of John Brockton & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 28. Allice, d. of John Hill & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 1. Jane, d. of Richard Poyner & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 3. Margret, d. of Thomas Manwaringe & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 12. Richard, s. of Richard Ward, gent., & Margery ... bap. " Sep. 17. Francis, s. of Richard Sandland & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 20. Joseph, s. of Richard Powell & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 8. Margeret, d. of John Page & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 14. John, s. of Steyen Ravenscroft & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 16. Richard, s. of Thomas Rawlins & Margeret ... bap. " Oct. 21. Margeret, d. of John Hamlet & Ellinor ... bap. " Nov. 5. Martha, d. of Edward Williams & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 6. Mary, d. of John Wade & Sara ... bap. " Nov. 9. Bithiah, d. of Thomas Heaward & Dorothy ... bap. 188 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1665 1665, Nov. 12. Moses, s. of Thomas Griffies & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 17. John, s. of William Davies & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Bromhall, gent., & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 24. Mary, d. of Arthur Allinson & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 15. Joseph, s. of Joseph Higginson, deceased, & Margeret ... bap. " Oct. 16. Margeret, d. of Rondle Baily & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 18. John, s. of Richard Whottall & Martha ... bap. " Oct. 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas Aldersey & Margery ... bap. " Nov. 26. John, s. of Roger Davies & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 4. Richard, s. of Richard Smith, tailor, & Sara ... bap. " Dec. 8. Martha, d. of George Birch & Margeret ... bap. " Dec. 15. Thomas, s. of William Gregory & Margeret ... bap. " Dec. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Thorpe & Hanna ... bap. " Dec. 24. Margeret, d. of Richard Jaxson & Mary ... bap. 1666, Jan. 2. John, s. of Thomas Deane & Ellinor ... bap. 1665, Dec. 9. Samuell, s. of Thomas Sandland & Elizabeth ... bap. 1666, Jan. 7. Elizabeth, d. of John Arkinstall & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 14. John, s. of James Payne & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 31. William, s. of William Iveson & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Edward, s. of John Gate & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 3. Sara, d. of Philip Lee & Ellinor ... bap. " Feb. 10. Ruth, d. of Thomas Phillips & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 11. John, s. of Richard Evans & Margeret ... bap. " Feb. 13. Susanna, d. of William Massey & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 16. Margeret, d. of Roger Hussey & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 17. Martha, d. of William Pixley ... bap. " Feb. 22. George, s. of Richard Jebbe & Beatrice ... bap. " Mar. 23. Anne, d. of Walter Trantum & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 24. Josias, s. of William Woodhouse & Elizabeth ... bap. 1666] Wem. 189 1666, Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of Richard Dickin & Anne ... bap. 1666, Mar. 25. Margeret, d. of Richard Dickin & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 1. Mary, d. of Raph Connowes & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 6. John, s. of Peter Hickson & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 10. Mary, d. of William Hinton & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 16. Thomas, s. of Andrew Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 17. Thomas, s. of John Smyth & Izabell ... bap. 1665, Feb. 3. Samuell, s. of John Edge & Jane ... bap. 1665, Feb. 3. George, s. of John Edge & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 13. Hester, d. of Joshua Richardson, clarke ... bap. 1666, Apr. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Nicholas & Elizabeth ... bap. 1665, Oct. 12. Margeret, d. of Randle Baylie & Anne ... bap. 1666, Apr. 29. Frances, d. of Roger Leith & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 4. Phillip, s. of William Johnson & Mary ... bap. " May 5. Richard, s. of Richard Hussey & Katherine ... bap. " May 8. Thomas, s. of John Maddox & Lettice ... bap. " Apr. 27. Richard, s. of Richard Browne & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 13. William, s. of John Mulliner & Jane ... bap. " May 18. Elizabeth, d. of John Dounton & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 23. Anne, d. of Lawrence Griffies & Anne ... bap. " June 6. William, s. of Richard Mather & Margeret ... bap. " June 23. Unknown, s. of Thomas Watkin & Anne ... bap. " June 23. William, s. of William Deveris & Anne ... bap. " June 27. Richard, s. of Thomas Hughes & Mary ... bap. " July 1. Elizabeth, d. of Rowland Grace & Izabell ... bap. " July 5. Thomas, base s. of Ann Smith ~f. Richard Phillipps~ ... bap. " July 15. Elizabeth, d. of Job Shimmell & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Chetwood & Mary ... bap. 1665, Oct. 5. Sarah, d. of John Maddox ... bap. 190 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1666 1665, Oct. 7. Dorothy, d. of William Neawns ... bap. " Nov. 17. Thomas, s. of John Newton ... bap. " Dec. 27. Ellinor, d. of John Sumner ... bap. " Mar. 3. Jane, d. of George Robbinson ... bap. 1666, July 25. Sara, d. of Richard Rodnesse & Mary ... bap. " July 31. Margeret, d. of James Jukes & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 5. Margeret, d. of Thomas Hochkies & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 1l. Jane, d. of Arthur Madeley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 24. Richard, s. of Thomas Fardoe & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 18. Katherine, d. of Robert Holbrooke & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 22. Beatrice, d. of George Nunniley & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 25. Mary, d. of William Bowers & Sara ... bap. " Sep. 29. Aemy, d. of William Salsberry & Margeret ... bap. " Sep. 21. John, s. of John Baugh & Margery ... bap. " Oct. 6. Anne, d. of Edward Byker & Dorothy ... bap. " Oct. 7. Rowland, s. of Richard Butcher ... bap. " Oct. 20. Unknown, d. of William Williams & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 27. Susanna, d. of James Forgham & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 27. Robert, s. of Barnard Boulton & Sara ... bap. " Oct. 27. Robert, s. of Barnard Boulton & Sara ... bur. " Nov. 2. Ellinor, d. of Arthur Allinson & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 4. John, s. of William Sandland & Frances ... bap. " Nov. 14. Mary, d. of Richard Wells & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 20. John, s. of William Lovell & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 25. Rowland, s. of Richard Higginson, sawer, & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 1. Jane, d. of Edward Selby & Susanna ... bap. " Dec. 3. Thomas, base s. of Anne Griffies ~f. William Griffies~ ... bap. " Nov. 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas Groome & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John Shenton, mercer, & Margeret ... bap. " Dec. 14. Ellinor, d. of William Chettoe & Katherine ... bap. " Dec. 23. Francis, s. of William Widdowes & Elizabeth ... bap. Entered here in the original. 1667] Wem. 191 1666, Dec. 24. Anne, d. of John Grace & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 26. George, s. of Richard Garrett & Margeret ... bap. " Dec. 29. Samuell, s. of Robert Sandland & Anne ... bap. 1667, Jan. 1. Nathaniell, s. of Richard Menlove & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 2. Samuell, s. of Robert Lloyd & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of Edward Morris & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 12. Samuell, s. of Thomas Sherratt & Jane.. bap. " Jan. 20. William, s. of William Millington & Robina ... bap. " Feb. 2. Richard, s. of Richard Bartlam & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 9. Martha, d. of Robert Pidgeon & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 10. Samuell, s. of Steyen Ravenscroft & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 19. Rebecca, d. of Edward Humphres & Ellinor ... bap. " Mar. 1. John, s. of Joseph Rawlins & Izabell ... bap. " Mar. 3. Edward, s. of William Pilson & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 5. Katherine, d. of Richard Chambre & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 8. William, s. of George Higginson & Izabell ... bap. " Mar. 8. Jane, d. of George Downes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 8. Mary, d. of Lawrence Hampton & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 1O. Mary, d. of Henry Jones & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Mendlove & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 24. Richard, s. of William Cowper & Caerin ... bap. " Mar. 24. Richard, s. of Richard James & Joyce ... bap. 1667, Mar. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Daniell Jones & Margeret ... bap. " Mar. 28. Samuell, s. of Thomas Bickley & Judith ... bap. " Mar. 31. Sarah, d. of Robert Sherratt & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 4. John, s. of Roger Chidloe & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 17. Andrew, s. of Andrew Huntbache, sadler ... bap. 192 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1667 1667, May 3. Robert, s. of Robert Forgham & Joane ... bap. " May 18. Elizabeth, d. of John Tranter & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 1. John, base s. of John Downton, glover ... bap. " June 11. Richard, s. of Richard Acherley & Susanna ... bap. " June 14. Andrew, s. of Arthur Downes & Jane ... bap. " June 23. John, s. of John Stubbs & Margery ... bap. " June 26. Martha, d. of James Chaddocke & Anne ... bap. " June 30. Thomas, base s. of Ann Griffies ~f. William Griffies~ ... bur. " July 5. George, s. of William Hinton & Mary ... bap. " July 20. Edward, s. of John Heaward & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 25. Ales, d. of Richard Ward, gent., & Margeret ... bap. " Aug. 2. Samuell, s. of Roger Jones & Margaret ... bap. " Aug. 3. John, s. of John Newton & Judith ... bap. " Sep. 1. Anne, d. of William Lister & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 2. John, s. of William Groome & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 7. Elizabeth, d. of John Alenson & Grace ... bap. " Sep. 20. Mary, d. of Thomas Gate & Ayis ... bap. " Sep. 24. John, s. of Thomas Heaward & Dorothy ... bap. " Sep. 29. William, s. of Roger Davies & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of William Moody & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 17. Henry, s. of Pearce Rodericke & Margeret ... bap. " Oct. 18. Henry, s. of Pearce Rodericke & Margeret ... bur. " Oct. 18. Richard, s. of Francis Williams ... bap. " Oct. 19. Richard, s. of John Sumner & Ellen ... bap. " Oct. 21. Ales, d. of Foulke Griffies & Joyce ... bap. " Oct. 22. Sara, d. of Richard Smith & Sara ... bap. " Oct. 23. Roger, s. of Roger Hussey & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 27. Anne, d. of Lawrence Hill ... bap. " Nov. 2. Henry, s. of William Hopwood ... bap. " Nov. 2. Jane, d. of Richard Groome & Valendine ... bap. " Nov. 14. Anne, d. of John Baugh & Margery ... bap. " Nov. 15. Ellinor, d. of John Heaward & Bathsheba ... bap. " Nov. 29. Dorothy, d. of Edward Barnes & Joane ... bap. " Nov. 30. Margaret, d. of Thomas Chettoe & Anne ... bap. 1668] Wem. 193 1667, Dec. 7. William, s. of John Wade ... bap. " Dec. 7. Debbora, d. of John Griffies ... bap. " Dec. 8. Arthur, s. of Arthur Davies & Joane ... bap. " Dec. 12. Bethuell, s. of Henry Bishop, deceased, & Ellinor ... bap. 1668, Jan. 8. Jane, d. of Lawrence Griffies & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 10. Jane, d. of Richard Pidgeon & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 26. Thomas, s. of Randle Baylie ... bap. " Jan. 26. Dorothy, d. of Thomas Nicholas & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Richard Eyaes, Webster, & Margaret ... bap. " Feb. 1. Richard, s. of Edward Jones & Joane ... bap. " Feb. 1. George, s. of George Bayley, deceased, & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 2. Humphrey, s. of Thomas Manwaringe & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of William Iveson & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Fardoe & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 18. Mary, d. of Richard Peploe & Margeret ... bap. " Feb. 23. Margeret, d. of Thomas Neawns & Margeret ... bap. " Feb. 22. Edward, s. of William Woodhouse & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 27. Elizabeth, d. of William Deyeres & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 1. Richard, s. of John Hill & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 7. Margaret, d. of Richard Hayward & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 10. Margarett, d. of Edward Savage & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 12. Elinor, d. of John Arkinston & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 14. Dorithee, d. of Arthur Alinson & Mary ... bap. 1668, Mar. 25. Isabell, d. of Thomas Chetto & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 27. Abigail, d. of Steaven Rainscroft & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 28. Chrysagon, d. of Bernard Boulton & Sara ... bap. " Mar. 29. Sara, d. of John Brocton & Elizabeth ... bap. 194 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1668 1668, Apr. 1. Martha, d. of William Pixeley ... bur. " Apr. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Griffies ... bap. " Apr. 8. Mary, d. of Richard Dickin ... bap. " Apr. 8. Martha, d. of Richard Dickin ... bap. " Apr. 8. Isaack, s. of John Davies & Alise ... bap. " Apr. 8. Anne, d. of John Davies & Alise ... bap. " Apr. 13. Isaack, s. of John Davies & Alise ... bur. " Apr. 19. Margarett, d. of John Mulliner & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Lawrence Gad & Anne ... bap. " May 9. John, s. of Andrew Huntbach & Anne ... bap. " May 1i. Richard, s. of John Hamlet & Elinor ... bap. " May 13. John, s. of Hugh Jones & [blank] ... bap. " May 16. Thomas, s. of Robert Forgham & Joane ... bap. " May 17. Mary, d. of John Hopwood & Jane ... bap. " May 18. Richard, s. of John Hughes & Mary ... bap. " May 17. Elinor, d. of William Chettoe & Katherine ... bap. " June 10. Jane, d. of John Newton & Judeth ... bap. " June 24. Samuel, s. of Ralph Burnes & Lyddya ... bap. " June 25. Mary, d. of George Robbinson & Alice ... bap. " June 26. William, s. of Andrew Alinson & Anne ... bap. " June 25. John, s. of John Ellis & Elinor ... bap. " Aug. 11. Margaret, d. of Richard Tyler & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 13. George, s. of John Edge ... bap. " Aug. 16 William, s. of Richard Whottall & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 22. Margarett, d. of John Gittines & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 23. John, s. of John Chettoe, mercer, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 30. Sara, d. of John Welch & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hill & Sara ... bap. " Sep. 18. Thomas, s. of Edward Voughan & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. Thomas, s. of Edward Bickley & Judeth ... bap. " Sep. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Deane & Elinor ... bap. " Oct. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Jackson & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 11. John, s. of John Hales & Joane ... bap. " Nov. 11. Elinor, d. of William Lovell & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 18. Sarah, d. of John Wade & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 22. Mary, d. of Richard Harper ... bap. " Nov. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Rutter & Mary ... bap. 1669] Wem. 195 1668, Nov. 28. Martha, d. of Lawrence Higginson & Joane ... bap. " Dec. 2. William, s. of Thomas Lawrence & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 7. John, s. of Robert Sherrat & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 12. William, s. of William Phillipps & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Mendlove & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 29. Martha, d. of Andrew Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 31. Richard, s. of Richard Cooper & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 31 Mary, d. of Richard Asley & Jane ... bap. 1669, Jan. 1. Rowland, s. of John Weaver & Margaret ... bap. " Jan. 2. Anne, d. of John Poyner & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 5. Sara, d. of Thomas Edge & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 20. Margarett, d. of Joseph James & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Phillip Lee & Ellinor ... bap. " Feb. 2. Mary, d. of William Massie & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Arthur Madeley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 9. Charles, s. of Peirce Roddericke & Margarett ... bap. " Feb. 16. Margarett, d. of Lawrence Griffies & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 16. Jane, d. of Lawrence Griffies & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 23. Martha, d. of Thomas Phillipps & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 20. Martha, d. of Thomas Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 9. James, s. of James Chaddock & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Hussie & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 19. Rowland, s. of John Price & Mary ... bap. 1669, Mar. 27. Unknown, s. of John Grace & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 30. Elizabeth, d. of William Neawnes & Katharine ... bap. " Apr. 3. Robert, s. of Robert Pidgeon & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 5. Thomas, s. of Samuel Roycroft & Margret ... bap. " Apr. 12. Thomas, s. of Henry Jones & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 12. Darnagold, d. of Edd Bikar & Dorothy ... bap. " Apr. 14. Mary, d. of Robert Thorpe & Hannah ... bap. " Apr. 14. Margret, d. of Roger Davies & Anne ... bap. Altered from Elizabeth. O 2 196 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1669 1669, Apr. 17. Charles, s. of Charles Booth & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 21. Deborah, d. of Samuel Downton & Elinor ... bap. " Apr. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas Heyward & Dorothy ... bap. " May 1. Mary, d. of Thomas Hughes & Mary ... bap. " May 1. Anne, d. of Thomas Chettoe & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of William Groome of Sleape, & Jane ... bap. " May 6. Andrew, s. of James Paine & Dorothy ... bap. " May 9. Andrew, s. of James Paine & Dorothy ... bur. " May 14. Thomas, s. of Edd. Morris & Jane ... bap. " May 14. Peter, s. of William Hinton & Mary ... bap. " May 14. Susanna, d. of Roger Jones & Margret ... bap. " May 16. Richard, s. of Lawrance Sandland & Dor ... bap. " May 18. Richard, s. of Andrew Right & Sarah ... bap. " May 20. Jane, d. of Robert Jones & Sarah ... bap. " May 25. Jane, d. of Robert Jones & Sarah ... bur. " June 12. Arthur, s. of Arthur Allanson & Mary ... bap. " June 12. James, s. of James Jukes & Dorothy ... bap. " June 14. James, s. of James Jukes & Dorothy ... bur. " June 19. Edward, s. of Morris Price & Anne ... bap. " June 19. William, s. of Thomas Higginson & M. ... bap. " June 20. Mary, d. of Luke Turner & Katharine ... bap. " June 24. Roger, s. of Arthur Downes & Jane ... bap. " June 24. William, s. of William Woodhouse, wheelwright ... bap. " July 6. John, s. of John Newton & Judith ... bap. " July 10. James, s. of Robert Forgham & Joane ... bap. " July 10. John, s. of Thomas Hill of Soulton, esquire, & Sarah ... bap. " July 10. John, s. of Thomas Hill of Soulton, esquire, & Sarah ... bur. " July 25. Margret, d. of William Cowper & Katherine ... bap. " July 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Amise & Margery ... bap. " July 30. Thomas, s. of Samuel Ward, taylor ... bap. " July 30. Nicholas, s. of Lawrance Hampton ... bap. " Aug. 1. Thomas, s. of Richard Butterton & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 7. Daniell, s. of John Baugh & Margery ... bap. " Aug. 10. William, s. of Richard Davies, taylor ... bap. 1669] Wem. 197 1669, Aug. 20. Andrew, s. of Edd Downes & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 20. George, s. of William Williams & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 21. Margret, d. of Richard Garrett & Margrett ... bap. " Aug. 23. John, s. of George Hinckes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 24. Richard, s. of William Gale & Ellinor ... bap. " Aug. 24. Mary, d. of Richard Price & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 31. William, s. of William Lister & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 11. Edward, s. of William Salsbury & Margret ... bap. " Sep. 18. Katharine, d. of John Pey ... bap. " Sep. 20. Randolph, s. of Richard Groome & Valentine ... bap. " Oct. 7. Jane, base d. of Margret Burch ~f. Richard Whittingham~ ... bap. " Nov. 1. Unknown, d. of George Higginson & Isab ... bap. " Nov. 9. Isabell, d. of Thomas Pigeon & ... bap. " Nov. 13. Richard, s. of Richard Wells & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 16. William, s. of James Forgham & Margret ... bap. " Nov. 16. William, s. of William Bowers & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 23. Edward, s. of Ralph Barnes & Lidia ... bap. " Nov. 27. Ralph, s. of John Edge & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 28. Margret, d. of Richard Evans, webster, & Margret ... bap. " Nov. 28. Jane, d. of John Jones & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 5. Mary, d. of John Heycok & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 7. Jane, d. of Thomas Fardoe & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 7. Mary, d. of Benjamin Blakemore & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 31. Mary, d. of Richard Morgan & Jane ... bap. 1670, Jan. 8. Rowland, s. of Edward Allanson & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 14. Thomas, s. of John Hales & Joan ... bap. " Jan. 19. Mary, d. of John Huitt & Margret ... bap. " Jan. 19. Margret, d. of John Huitt & Margret ... bap. " Jan. 29. Charles, s. of William Pilson, glover ... bap. " Feb. 2. Richard, s. of John Evans & Margret ... bap. " Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Lawrance Higginson & Joane ... bap. " Feb. 26. William, s. of Edward Wilde & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 2. John, s. of William Moody & Jane ... bap. 198 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1669 1670, Mar. 5. Philip, base s. of Anne Griffiths ... bap. " Mar. 12. Mary, d. of John Hayward & Bathsheba ... bap. " Mar. 19. Katherine, d. of John Forgham & Katherine ... bap. " Mar. 20. John, s. of John Baylie & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Mendlove & Mary ... bap. 1670, Mar. 29. John, s. of George Alanson & Margarett ... bap. " Apr. 4. Richard, s. of Richard Mather & Margarett ... bap. " Apr. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Powell & Dorithee ... bap. " Apr. 9. William, s. of William Woodhouse & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 16. William, s. of Joseph Chetto & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 20. John, s. of William Chetto & Katherine ... bap. " Apr. 30. Abednego, base s. of Mary Vaughans ... bap. " May 6. John, s. of Andrew Wright & Sara ... bap. " May 21. Roger, s. of John Chetto & Margarett ... bap. " May 23. John, s. of Lawrence Hill & Anne ... bap. " May 25. George, s. of George Robinson & Sara ... bap. " June 4. Thomas, s. of Roger Chidloe & Jane ... bap. " June 24. Richard, s. of William Deveres ... bap. " June 26. Sara, d. of Robert Jones & Sara ... bap. " July 26. Thomas, s. of Richard Pidgeon & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 5. Anne, d. of William Davies & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 12. Richard, s. of Foulke Griffies & Joyce ... bap. " July 25. William, s. of Daniel Jones & Margarett ... bap. " Aug. 13. Richard, s. of George Birch & Margarett ... bap. " Sep. 4. Mary, d. of William Ivison & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 17. Thomas, s. of Richard Peplow & Margarett ... bap. " Oct. i. Thomas, s. of Laurence Gad & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 9. Joane, d. of Rowland Grace & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 15. Unknown, d. of Richard Bartlam & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 15. Richard, s. of Arthur Davies & Joane ... bap. " Oct. 23. Joseph, s. of Richard Price & Mary ... bap. 1670] Wem. 199 1670, Oct. 24. Martha, d. of Thomas Hollyard & Martha ... bap. " Oct. 27. John, s. of John Kettle & Katherine ... bap. " Oct. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Tyler & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 26. Hannah, d. of John Pay & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John Gittins & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 29. Jane, d. of Thomas Manwaring & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 30. Joseph, s. of Nicholas Plat & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 2. Margaret, d. of Robert Watkis & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Harper & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 7. Deborah, d. of Samuel Ward & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 13. Katherine, d. of John Sumner ... bap. " Dec. 17. Mary, d. of Roger Davies & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 18. Anne, d. of John Blakeway & Alice ... bap. " Dec. 20. Andrew, s. of Andrew Huntbach & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 20. Joseph, s. of Joseph James & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 20. Joseph, s. of John Stubbs & Margery ... bap. " Dec. 27. Edward, s. of Edward Manson & Margaret ... bap. " Dec. 27. Dorithie, d. of Edward Manson & Margaret ... bap. " Dec. 28. Margarett, d. of John Shenton & Margarett ... bap. " Dec. 29. Anne, d. of George Higginson & Isabell ... bap. " Jan. 4. John, s. of Roger Hussie & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of Robert Sherrat & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 7. Richard, s. of John Grace & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 15. Susan, d. of Marmeduke Middleton & Isabell ... bap. " Nov. 20. Unknown, d. of Edward Jones & Joane ... bap. " Jan. 21. Dorithee, d. of Thomas Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 21. Sara, d. of Bernard Boulton & Sara ... bap. " Jan. 30. Samuel, s. of Edward Vaughan & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 3. Margarett, d. of Richard Jebb & Bettrice ... bap. " Feb. 7. Margarett, d. of George Downe & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 8. Samuel, s. of Samuel Doungton & Elinor ... bap. 200 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1670 1670, Feb. 18. George, s. of George Hinckes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 11. Thomas, s. of Robert Sandland & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 14. Dorithie, d. of James Jewcks & Dorithie ... bap. " Feb. 14. Valentine, d. of Steeven Rainscroft & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 19. Elizabeth, d. of William Ivison & Alice ... bap. " Feb. 26. Margarett, d. of Arthur Alanson & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 4. Jane, d. of Thomas Hill, esquire, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 7. Hannah, d. of Edward Burnes & Joane ... bap. " Nov. 27. George, s. of George Whitfield & Dorithy of the Lowe ... bap. 1671, Mar. 26. Thomas, s. of Edward Poole & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 21. Richard, s. of Edward Bycar & Dorithie ... bap. " Apr. 5. Anne, d. of Lewis Evans & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 8. Anne, d. of William Phillips & Caterin ... bap. " Apr. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Hamlett & Elinor ... bap. " Apr. 13. Elinor, d. of Richard Ward ... bap. " Apr. 14. Unknown, d. of James Paine & Dorithie ... bap. " Apr. 14. John, s. of John Hill & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas Edge & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 14. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Blakemoore & Sara ... bap. " Apr. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas Cartwright & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 29. Evan, s. of Burnett Pugh & Margarett ... bap. " May 2. Jane, base d. of Margarett Roden ... bap. " May 6. Thomas, s. of William Hinton & Mary ... bap. " May 14. Margarett, d. of Richard Dickin & Anne ... bap. " May 15. Joseph, s. of Andrew Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " May 26. Robert, s. of Andrew Wright & Sara ... bap. " June 2. John, s. of Thomas Fardoe & Anne ... bap. " June 15. Elizabeth, d. of John Wade & Sara ... bap. " June 24. William, s. of Randolph Stockall & Jane ... bap. " June 24. John, s. of Charles Booth & Sara ... bap. " June 24. Samuel, s. of Thomas Gollens & Martha ... bap. " June 25. Anne, d. of William Bowry & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 19. Mary, d. of Richard Cooper & Mary ... bap. " July 20. Mary, d. of Thomas Stockall & his wife ... bap. " July 23. Elizabeth, d. of William Grice & Elinor ... bap. 1672] Wem. 201 1671, July 22. Anne, d. of John Sherrat & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 29. Elinor, d. of John Chetto & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 7. Anne, d. of John Baugh & Margery ... bap. " Sep. 15. Anne, d. of Andrew Alanson & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 16. Mary, d. of Richard Roe & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 19. Richard, s. of Samuel Rycroft & Margarett ... bap. " Sep. 17. Joseph, s. of Joseph Gill & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 30. Richard, s. of Richard Astley & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 11. Lydia, d. of Ralph Barnes & Lydia ... bap. " Oct. 14. Thomas, s. of John Poyneriti Anne ... bap. " Oct. 17. William, s. of William Groome & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 1. Peter, s. of Robert Pidgeon & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 20. Ann, d. of Edward Jones, junior, & Joan ... bap. " Nov. 14. Elizabeth, base d. of Jane Wright ... bap. " Nov. 24. Elizabeth, d. of William Burton & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 4. John, s. of Francis Salt & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 16. Mary, d. of Roger Davies & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 20. William, s. of Richard Tyler & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 26. Martha, d. of George Hughes & Anne ... bap. 1672, Jan. 9. Richard, s. of Thomas Deane & Elinor ... bap. " Jan. 9. Katherine, d. of John Kettle & Katherine ... bap. " Jan. 6. Martha, d. of Richard Jackson & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 7. Margarett, d. of Richard Price & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 27. Thomas, s. of Edward Downes & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John Newton & Judeth ... bap. " Mar. 2. Richard, s. of Thomas Moody & Debbora ... bap. " Mar. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Lawrence Griffies & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 12. Elizabeth, d. of John Harper & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 12. William, s. of William Chettoe & Katherine ... bap. " Mar. 10. John, s. of John Heycox & Mary ... bap. 1672, Dec. 21. James, s. of Roger Chidloe & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 21. Debora, d. of John Edge & Jane ... bap. 1673, Jan. 30. Joseph, base s. of Martha Higginson ... bap. " Jan. 30. Unknown, base d. of Martha Higginson ... bap. " Mar. 26. John, s. of Lawrance Higginson, yeoman ... bap. 202 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1672 1672, Apr. 8. William, s. of Edward Allinson & Margrett ... bap. " Apr. 9. Margrett, d. of Richard Garett & Margrett ... bap. " May 1. Edward, s. of Edward Jones & Margrett ... bap. " May 1. Ellinor, d. of George Hinkes & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 4. Issable, d. of William Bordman & Ellin ... bap. " May 10. Mary, base d. of Mary Sturdy ... bap. " May 12. Thomas, s. of Robert Bedoe & Sara ... bap. " May 17. Richard, s. of William Umberston & Maldrade ... bap. " May 19. John, s. of Thomas Harper & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 1. Richard, s. of Thomas Powell & Dorithy ... bap. " Apr. 7. Margrett, d. of Thomas Hamlett ... bap. " Apr. 7. Margrett, d. of Thomas Hamlett ... bur. " Apr. 21. Frances, d. of Edward Poole & Mary ... bap. " May 9. Mary, d. of Richard Jackson & Dorithy ... bap. " June 9. Jane, d. of Lewis Evans & Jane ... bap. " June 15. Abraham, s. of Richard Evans & Mary ... bap. " June 28. Elizabeth, d. of William Lovell & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Whord & Mary ... bap. " July 9. Sara, d. of Pearce Roderick & Margrett ... bap. " July 23. John, s. of Thomas Phillips & Jane ... bap. " July 14. Thomas, s. of Susan Acherley, wid. ... bap. " July 26. Robert, s. of Thomas Bickley & Judeth ... bap. " Aug. 16. Sara, d. of Thomas Hill, esquire, & Sara ... bap. " Aug. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Laurance Sandland & Dorithy ... bap. " Aug. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Gregory of Ashhouse ... bap. " Sep. 17. Unknown, d. of Thomas Yeaton, a London, & Margrett ... bap. " Sep. 23. Jane, d. of John Hayward, chapman, & Bersheba ... bap. " Sep. 29. Ann, d. of Edward Wild & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 26. Richard, s. of Edward Vaughan & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 18. Thomas, s. of George Robinson & Alles ... bap. " Oct. 27. Ann, d. of William Sandland & Frances ... bap. 1673] Wem. 203 1672, Oct. 31. William, s. of Richard Jebb & Beteridge ... bap. " Nov. 1. Johanna, d. of James Forgham & Joane ... bap. " Nov. 2. Edward, s. of William Williams & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lawrance & Martha ... bap. " Nov. 13. Ann, d. of Richard Davies & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 22. Edward, base s. of Issable Griffies ... bap. " Nov. 30. Mary, d. of Arthur Downes & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 4. Henry, s. of Thomas Hollier & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 7. Richard, s. of Thomas Milward & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 11. Mary, d. of Thomas Barnes of Lowe & Luci ... bap. " Dec. 14. Mary, d. of Joseph James & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 14. Unknown, s. of Laurance Hill, ... bap. " Dec. 14. Unknown, s. of Laurance Hill, ... bur. " Dec. 20. Rebecca, d. of John Edge & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 26. Margrett, d. of William Hill & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Mathew Evans & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Robert Thorpe & Hanna ... bap. 1673, Jan. 2. John, s. of Richard Welles & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Edward, s. of Robert Jones & Sara ... bap. " Jan. 24. Richard, s. of William Brown & Dorithy ... bap. " Jan. 24. Richard, s. of William Brown & Dorithy ... bur. " Jan. 26. Richard, s. of William Jones & Caterin ... bap. " Feb. 6. Dorithy, d. of Rondle Bailey & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 7. Jane, d. of William Groome & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 26. Samuell, s. of William Widhouse & Ellizab. ... bap. " Mar. 7. John, s. of William Deyores & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 15. William, s. of William Newnes of Northwood ... bap. " Mar. 23. Andrew, s. of John Price & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 22. Mary, d. of Thomas Collins & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 25. Samuel, s. of Richard Pigeon & Elizabeth ... bap. 1673, Apr. 7. William, s. of Richard Morgan & Jane ... bap. 204 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1673 1673, Apr. 7. Sara, d. of Richard Morgan & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 15. Elizabeth, d. of George Downes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas Manley & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 20. Ann, d. of Francis Sault & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 20. Ann, d. of William Chettoe & Caterin ... bap. " May 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones & Jane ... bap. " May 2. James, s. of James Forgam & Margrett ... bap. Hitherto sent to Lichfield. " May 16. William, s. of William Burton & Ellinor ... bap. " May 20. Ellinor, d. of John Chettoe, butcher, & Elizabeth ... bur. " May 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Stocker & Mary ... bap. " May 3. Elizabeth, d. of Raph Gregorie & Margrett, at Newton ... bap. " May 30. Edward, base s. of Margery Rowlies ... bap. " June 6. Samuell, s. of Roger Owen & Katterin ... bap. " June 16. Nathan, s. of William Storkey & Mary ... bap. " June 24. Mary, d. of William Moody & Jane ... bap. " May 30. Ellinor, d. of John Wade & Sara ... bap. " July 11. Ellinor, d. of John Wade & Sara ... bur. " July 13. Samuell, s. of James Cowper & Margrett ... bap. " July 14. Ann, d. of Thomas Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " July 14. Ann, d. of William Hinton & Mary ... bap. " July 16. Thomas, s. of Samuell Dounton & Elinor ... bap. " July 25. William, s. of James Payne & Dorithy ... bap. " July 26. Ann, d. of Andrew Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 3. Margrett, d. of William Griffies & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 9. Thomas, s. of Charles Booth & Sara ... bap. " Aug. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Peploe & Margrett ... bap. " Aug. 13. Mary, d. of Edward Savage & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 17. John, s. of John Blackway & Alles ... bap. " Aug. 18. Mary, d. of William Bowry & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 20. William, s. of John Chettoe, butcher, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1673] Wem. 205 1673, Aug. 31. Mary, d. of Richard Jones & Bridgett . ... bap. " Sep. 3. Sara, d. of John Sheratt & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 6. John, s. of Edward Biker & Dorithy ... bap. " Nov. 10. John, s. of John Woodall.. ... bap. " Sep. 27. Rondle, s. of John Allinson & Sara ... bap. " Sep. 27. Richard, s. of Samuell Ward & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 27. George, s. of George Allinson, at Newtowne ... bap. " Sep. 29. Thomas, s. of Richard Challiner ... bap. " Sep. 29. Beniamin, s. of Philip Lee & Elinor ... bap. " Oct. 4. Jane, d. of Raph Jaxson & Dorithy ... bap. " Nov. 2. Richard, s. of Richard Bartlam ... bap. " Nov. 2. Mary, d. of William Gate & Mary . ... bap. " Oct. 26. Samuell, s. of Thomas Fardoe & Anne, at Newtown ... bap. " Nov. 1. Andrew, s. of Thomas Bickley & Judeth ... bap. " Nov. 8 John, s. of Thomas Cartwright & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 12. Mary, d. of Marmeduke Midleton & Issable ... bap. " Nov. 16. Martha, d. of Richard Jaxson & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 29. William, s. of John Sheanton & Margrett ... bap. " Nov. 30. Beniamin, s. of William Pilson & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 5. Jane, d. of Rondle Stocker & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 26. Samuell, s. of Laurance Hampton & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 31. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Deane & Elinor ... bap. 1674, Jan. 6. John, s. of John Hayward, chapman, & Bersheba ... bap. " Jan. 14. Richard, s. of John Hayens, curate, & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Nicholas & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 20. Henry, s. of Richard Ward & Ellen ... bap. " Jan. 21. Richard, s. of Bernard Pue & Margrett ... bap. " Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of Richard Mather & Rebecca ... bap. 206 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1673 1673, Feb. 5. William, s. of William Tiler of Coton, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 29. Samuell, s. of Samuell Riecroft & Margrett ... bap. " Feb. 24. Thomas, s. of Edward Hayward & Susana ... bap. " Feb. 25. Jane, d. of George Hinkes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 3. Sara, d. of William Davies & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Allinson & Margrett ... bap. " Mar. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Allinson & Margrett ... bur. " Mar. 18. Lidea, d. of John Newton & Judeth, at Newtown ... bap. " Mar. 13. Margrett, d. of Richard Gough, tanner, & Martha ... bap. " Mar. 14. Elizabeth, d. of John Cettle of Coton & Caterin ... bap. 1674, Mar. 31. Susanna, d. of Joseph Chettoe & Margrett ... bap. " Apr. 11. Roger, s. of Roger Davies & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 12. John, s. of Edward Jones & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 14. Margery, d. of Lawrance Griffies & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 15. Andrew, s. of Andrew Wright & Sara ... bap. " Apr. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Barnes of the Lowe, & Lucy ... bap. " Apr. 24. Jane, d. of John Baugh & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 24. William, s. of William Newnes of Northwood, & Caterin ... bap. " May 10. Margrett, d. of Edward Gough & Margrett ... bap. " May 8. Abraham, s. of John Poyner & Ann ... bap. " May 16. Jane, d. of Thomas Burowes & Anne ... bap. " June 4. Margret, d. of John Challiner & Margrett ... bap. " June 9. Rowland, s. of Daniell Whitingham & Jane ... bap. " June 9. Mary, d. of Joseph Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " June 13. Joan, base d. of Elizabeth Vaughans ... bap. " June 21. Ann, d. of Henry Jones & Ann ... bap. 1674] Wem. 207 1674, June 28. Edward, s. of Edward Jones & Jone ... bap. " June 28. Unknown, s. of William Groomes ... bap. " June 29. Unknown, s. of William Groomes ... bur. " July 8. Thomas, s. of Richard Astley & Jane ... bap. " July 10. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jebb, carpenter, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 13. Mathew, s. of Mathew Evans, mercer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 21. Mary, d. of Steaven Page & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Police & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 22. Elinor, d. of John Burton & Elinor ... bap. " Aug. 23. Elinor, d. of John Burton & Elinor ... bur. " Aug. 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas Milward & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 2. Ann, d. of Thomas Hollier & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 18 John, s. of Thomas Manley & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 11. George, s. of George Hughes & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 17. Edward, s. of Edward Downes & Martha ... bap. " Oct. 20. Elizabeth, d. of William Widhouse & Elnor ... bap. " Oct. 24. Ann, d. of George Hinton & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 25. Sara, d. of William Yate & Elnor ... bap. " Oct. 28. Mary, d. of Edward Trantum & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 20. Dorithy, d. of Richard Tiler & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 24. John, s. of John Hamlett & Elinnor ... bap. " Nov. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Pay & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Amis & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 25. Richard, s. of William Parrock & Elizabeth " Nov. 28. Jane, d. of John Caulcot & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 4. Mary, d. of William Griffies & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 5. Robert, s. of Thomas Gregory ... bap. " Dec. 9. Thomas, s. of Edward Biker & Dorithy ... bap. " Dec. Ir. Roger, s. of Roger Hussey & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Shearatt of Coton, & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 18. William, s. of Thomas Brostoe & Elinor ... bap. " Dec. 19. Margrett, d. of Thomas Fardoe & Anne ... bap. 208 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1674 1675, Jan. 15. Ursella, d. of Richard Jebb & Elizabeth, at the Diches Hall ... bap. " Feb. 2. Jane, d. of Roger Chidloe & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 2. William, s. of Thomas Sandland & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 5. Mary, d. of Richard Hughes & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 9. Easter, d. of Robert Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 16. Richard, s. of John Allen of Horton, & Margrett ... bap. " Feb. 20. William, s. of George Robinson & Alles ... bap. " Mar. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Grace & Elizabeth ... bap. 1672, Jan. 1. William, s. of John Grace ... bap. 1675, Mar. 6. John, s. of Richard Nunneley, baker, & Alles ... bap. " Mar. 5. Mary, d. of Edward Wild ... bap. " Mar. 7. Mary, d. of Edward Wild ... bur. " Mar. 10. Elizabeth, d. of William Brown & Dorithy ... bap. " Mar. 20. William, s. of Richard Pigeon & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 31. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Mather & Rebeca ... bap. 1675, Apr. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph James, weaver ... bap. " Apr. 5. George, s. of Robert Shearatt of Coton, at Edstaston ... bap. " Mar. 27. Unknown, d. of William Stocker ... bap. " Apr. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Hill, esquire, & Sara ... bap. " Apr. 8. Susanna, d. of Lewis Evans & Jane ... bap. " May 8. Margret, d. of Thomas Hughes & Mary ... bap. " May 8. Elinor, d. of Edward Allinson & Margrett ... bap. " May 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Lloyd & Mary, at Tilley ... bap. " May 14. John, s. of Nicholas Platt & Martha ... bap. 1652, Sep. 4. Richard, s. of William Menlove & Dorithy ... bap. 1654, Feb. 4. Unknown, d. of William Menlove, ... bap. 1675] Wem. 209 1657, Mar. 12. John, s. of William Menlove & Dorithy, ... bap. 1660, Dec. 31. Thomas Menlove, born 1660 ... bap. 1663, Mar. 25. Mary, d. of William Menlove, ... bap. 1666, Dec. 20. Ann, d. of William Menlove, ... bap. 1675, May 15. Ann, d. of Robert Pigeon & Ann ... bap. " May 21. John, s. of Laurance Higginson, yeoman, & Joan ... bap. " May 24. Elizabeth, d. of Josepb Chettoe & Margret ... bap. " June 5. Joseph, s. of Richard Wild & Jane ... bap. " June 7. John, s. of Edward Hayward & Susan ... bap. " June 11. Mary, d. of Raph Barnes & Lidea ... bap. " June 12. John, s. of John Yeamans & Ann ... bap. " June 14. John, s. of Thomas Shearatt of Cotten, & Jane ... bap. " June 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Shearatt, ironmonger & Margret ... bap. " July 3. Elizabeth, d. of John Hales & Joan ... bap. " July 4. John, s. of John Hayward, chapman, & Bersheba ... bap. " July 14. Beniamin, s. of Richard Evans, weaver, & Margret ... bap. " July 25. Ann, d. of Richard Dickin & Ann ... bap. " July 31. Mary, d. of Thomas Moody & Debora ... bap. " Aug. 28. Mary, d. of William Price & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 10. Jane, d. of John Morris & Caterin ... bap. " Sep. 11. William, s. of William Benion, feltmaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 18. Ann, d. of William Hill & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 22. Ann, d. of William Groome of Sleape, & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 30. Samuell, s. of Samuell Downton & Ellen ... bap. " Nov. 14. Richard, s. of Thomas Worrall & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 17. Samuell, s. of Thomas Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. 210 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1675 " Nov. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Hughes, of Northwood, & Elinor, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. 1675, Nov. 19. John, s. of Thomas Barnes of the Lowe, & Lucie ... bap. " Nov. 26. Richard, s. of Richard Pay & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Jones & Sara ... bap. " Dec. 4. Beniamin, s. of Beniamin Arnold & Caterin ... bap. " Dec. 7. Margrett, d. of Edward Barnes & Joan ... bap. " Dec. 14. Sara, d. of Edward Savage, tanner, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 15. Ruth, d. of Andrew Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 27. Magdelin, d. of Arthur Wright & Magdelin ... bap. " Dec. 29. Richard, s. of Richard Evans & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 31. Thomas, s. of William Chettoe of Horton, & Caterin ... bap. 1676, Jan. 22. Jane, d. of Thomas Laurance & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 29. Robert, s. of Steaven Page & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 29. Joseph, s. of Richard Hall & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 29. Mary, d. of Richard Hall & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Sara, d. of William Evans & Sara ... bap. " Feb. 2. Mary, d. of John Cuerton & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 15. Cisley, d. of John Chettoe, butcher, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas Harper & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 26. Jane, d. of Barnard Pue & Margret ... bap. " Mar. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Booth & Sara ... bap. " Mar. 5. Margret, d. of Marmeduke Midleton ... bap. " Mar. 7. John, s. of John Weston of Northwood, & Jessey ... bap. " Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Phillip Lee, Smith, & Ellen ... bap. " Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Davies & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 20. Richard, s. of Edward Vaughan & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 21. Margrett, d. of William Iceson & Elizabeth ... bap.