1708] Wem. 351 1708, June 15. Anne, d. of Randle Cooke ... bur. " June 23. William Millington ... bur. " June 25. Margerey Rowley, wid. ... bur. " June 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Dickes ... bur. " July 12. Bernerd, s. of John Deane ... bur. " July 20. William, s. of John Deane ... bur. " July 24. John Sherrett, ironmonglor ~* Matthew Henry, who preached his funeral sermon, calls him "Cousin John Sherratt of Wem: a useful, serious man, about thirty-two years old, as I suppose. Treading on a nail which ran into his foot, was the occasion of his death." (Memoirs of Rev. M. Henry. by J.B. Williams. F.S.A., London, 1828.)~ ... bur. " July 30. Elizabeth Cartwright, of Northwood ... bur. " Aug. 5. Jasper Dickes, at Aston ... bur. " Aug. 7. John, s. of Richard Jebb ... bur. " Aug. 8. Thomas, s. of Richard Polvell ... bur. " Aug. 13. Sarah, d. of Richard Boulton ... bur. " Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John Morres ... bur. " Sep. 4. Mary Puliston, ... bur. " Sep. 4. Joseph, s. of Joseph Pixley ... bur. " Oct. 3. Anne Bucher, wid., pauper ... bur. " Nov. 1. Richard, s. of Thomas Chidleo ... bur. " Nov. 14. Elinnor King, wid., pauper ... bur. " Nov. 22. Cicely Shele ... bur. " Dec. 7. John Allingson, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 17. Roger, s. of Edward Garland, of Slape ... bur. " Dec. 18. John Wilkinson, of Stone ... bur. " Dec. 20. Anne Rowdon, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 24. William Wycherly, of Aston ... bur. " Dec. 28. Mary, w. of John Posle ... bur. " Jan. 10. John Prise, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 25. John Posle, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 26. Thomas Evens, of Horton ... bur. " Feb. 14. Samuell Maddox, of Tilley ... bur. " Feb. 19. William, s. of Smith, of London ... bur. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Groome ... bur. " Feb. 23. Thomas Barnes, from Chester ... bur. " Mar. 2. Elizabeth Smith ... bur. " Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of Richard Bellingham ... bur. " Mar. 11. Samuell Posle ... bur. " Mar. 12. Samuell Denstone ... bur. " Mar. 12. Margarett, w. of Thomas Brasteo ... bur. " Mar. 24. John Pey, of Newtown ... bur. 352 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1709 1709, Mar. 25. Sarah, w. of William Blakmoor ... bur. " Apr. 18. Thomas Humpbries, blacksmith ... bur. " Apr. 21. Lawrence Griffeth ... bur. " May 11. Jonathan Clarke ... bur. " May 23. John Allinson, shoomaker ... bur. " May 27. Sarah, w. of William Aldersey ... bur. " June 1. Jone, w. of Charles Puliston ... bur. " June 4. Sarah, w. of John Rodgers ... bur. " June 4. Jane, w. of John Manwering ... bur. " June 8. Mary Evans, ... bur. " June 10. Thomas Pugh ... bur. " June 16. Thomas, s. of William Aldersey ... bur. " July 16. Anne Watkis, pauper ... bur. " July 28. Andrew Barnes, joyner ... bur. " Sep. 14. Jone, w. of John Maddox ... bur. " Sep. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Harper ... bur. " Sep. 22. Marmeduck Millington ... bur. " Sep. 29. John Jones, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Chidloe ... bur. " Oct. 18. John, s. of John Lawrance, of Tilley... bur. " Oct. 28. Debroeh, w. of John Yemones ... bur. " Nov. 12. Catherine, w. of William Lowel, of Horton ... bur. " Dec. 7. John Hopwood, of Aston, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 8. Jane, w. of James Waller ... bur. " Dec. 10. Richard, s. of Richard Powell ... bur. " Dec. 10. Thomas, s. of Richard Powell ... bur. " Dec. 20. Charles, s. of Charles Richardson ... bur. " Jan. 4. Edward Puliston, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 21. John Joy, a poore man ... bur. " Feb. 24. Ellinnor, w. of George Sandford, of Cotton, ... bur. " Feb. 24. Henry, s. of George Sandford, of Cotton, ... bur. " Feb. 24. Arthur, s. of George Sandford, of Cotton, ... bur. " Feb. 24. Mary, w. of John Owen ... bur. " Feb. 26. Elizabeth Hopkin, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 6. John Hill, of Edstaston, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 8. Anne Sandland, wid. ... bur. 1710, Mar. 25. Joseph, s. of Richard Ball ... bur. " Apr. 4. John, s. of John Groonle ... bur. 1711] Wem. 353 1710, Apr. 29. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Groome, of Slape ... bur. " May 6. William Fox, of Soulton ... bur. " May 9. Elizabeth, d. of John Barnes, parish clarke ... bur. " May 18. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Cooper, sadler ... bur. " May 20. Mary Adams, of Cotten, wid. ... bur. " May 2. John, s. of John Barnes, parish clarke ... bur. " May 29. Robert Pidgeon ... bur. " June 2. William, s. of William Onsleo ... bur. " June 7. Margerett Hopwood, of Aston, pauper ... bur. " July 1. Edward Pay ... bur. " July 1. Dorothy, w. of Richard Geate ... bur. " July 8. Robert Forgeham, pauper ... bur. " July 21. Thomas, s. of a travling woman ... bur. " July 23. Roger Downes, of Aston, pauper ... bur. " July 26. Margerett Peploe, wid., pauper ... bur. " Aug. 19. Francis Willimes, clarke & schoolmaster ... bur. " Aug. 30. Anne Dounton, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 11. Frances, d. of Francis Williams ... bur. " Nov. 4. Thomas Maning ... bur. " Nov. 6. John, s. of Robert Williams ... bur. " Nov. 9. Jane, w. of Richard Wycherley ... bur. " Dec. 19. Thomas, s. of William Aldersea ... bur. " Dec. 26. Unknown Evens, ... bur. " Jan. 3. Mary, d. of John Maddox ... bur. " Jan. 4. Robert Jones, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Owen ... bur. " Feb. 8. Richard Jackson, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 17. Roger Dayeis ... bur. " Mar. 5. Elinnor Davies, a traveiling woman ... bur. " Mar. 16. Mary, w. of Edward Garland, of Slape ... bur. 1711, Mar. 29. Moses Hughes, clarke ... bur. " Mar. 30. Richard Ball ... bur. " Apr. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Chidloe ... bur. " Apr. 12. Margerett Watkis, wid., at Preece ... bur. " Apr. 13. Thomas Hill. esquire ... bur. " May 5. Thomas Groome, tanner ... bur. " May 22. John Evans, of Edstaston ... bur. 2 A 354 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1711 1711, May 29. Anne Hill, wid., pauper ... bur. " June 5. John, s. of. Thomas Kyneston ... bur. " June 14. Jane Shucker, wid., pauper ... bur. " July 7. Margerett, w. of John Collier, clarke ... bur. " July 9. Sarah, base d. of Margerett Hill ... bur. " July 12. Thomas Brastoe ... bur. " July 26. Robert, s. of George Croump ... bur. " Aug. 6. Elizabeth, w. of John Randles ... bur. " Aug. 12. Richard Sandland, pauper ... bur. " Aug. 15. Marthe, d. of Edward Garland... bur. " Aug. 25. Sarah, d. of Thomas Wright ... bur. " Aug. 30. Edward, s. of Thomas Young, officer ... bur. " Aug. 31. William Stockall ... bur. " Sep. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Clarke, of Tilley ... bur. " Sep. 3. Mary, d. of Samuell Forgem ... bur. " Sep. 5. Mary, w. of John Stourdey ... bur. " Sep. 7. William, s. of John Jacob ... bur. " Sep. 15. William Gate ... bur. " Sep. 25. Esther, d. of William Britten ... bur. Sep. 30. John, s. of Elinnor Wade ... bur. " Oct. 4. William Heatley ... bur. " Oct. 7. William Williames ... bur. Oct. 9. Roger Maddox, seer ... bur. " Oct. 12. Robert, s. of Richard Harper ... bur. " Oct. 21. John, s. of Mary Perrey ... bur. " Oct. 22. Catherine Pay ... bur. " Nov. 25. Anne, w. of John Newans ... bur. " Dec. 18. Thomas Lattach, of Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 18. Edward, s. of Joseph Cooke ... bur. " Dec. 31. Sarah Edwardes, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 9. William, s. of John Shenton ... bur. " Jan. 10. Mary Leach,, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 18. William Fox ... bur. " Feb. 10. John Hayward ... bur. " Feb. 23. Urselah, w. of Richard Birch ... bur. " Feb. 23. Unknown Fermston ... bur. " Mar. 6. Griffeth Adames ... bur. " Mar. 7. Anna, d. of Thomas Owen ... bur. " Mar. 9. Thomas, base s. of Margrett Clarke ... bur. 1712] Wem. 355 1712, Mar. 25. Robert Higginson, of Tilley ... bur. " Apr. 3. Unknown Sandland, wid. , pauper ... bur. " Apr. 4. Anne Davies, pauper, of Loppington ... bur. " Apr. 16. Jane Basnitt, wid. ... bur. " May 6. Sarah, d. of Richard Richardes ... bur. " May 7. Mary, d. of Mary Humphreys ... bur. " May 7. Thomas, s. of Charles Morris ... bur. " May 11. Richard, s. of Richard Birch ... bur. " May 19. John Talor, of Lowhill ... bur. " May 23. Mary Davies, wid. ... bur. " June 6. Thomas Morris. of the Foxholes, pauper ... bur. " June 30. Mary, d. of Unknown Hayward, wid. ... bur. " July 6. Margrett Hussey, of Aston ... bur. " July 11. William Groome, sadler ... bur. " July 22. Mary, d. of Samuell Posted ... bur. " July 28. Lyddia, w. of Joseph Ashford ... bur. " Aug. 8. Barnerd Pugh ... bur. " Aug. 12. Rabekah, d. of Joseph Evans ... bur. " Aug. 29. Hanna, d. of Thomas Hales ... bur. " Sep. 5. John, s. of Unknown Groome, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 23. John, s. of John Thomas ... bur. " Sep. 23. Abraham Fardoe ... bur. " Nov. 6. John, s. of John Hales ... bur. " Dec. 5. Roger, s. of Thomas Kyeneston ... bur. " Dec. 9. John Huxley, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 13. Richard, s. of John Huxley ... bur. " Dec. 15. James Waller, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 18. Mary Huxley, wid., pauper ... bur. " Dec. 19. Hanna, w. of Alexander Hudleston ... bur. " Dec. 19. Frances, d. of James Low ... bur. " Dec. 2. James, s. of John Huxley ... bur. " Dec. 24. Thomas Evans, carpenter ... bur. " Dec. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John Morris ... bur. " Jan. 12. John, s. of John Gadd ... bur. " Jan. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Gibson ... bur. " Jan. 20. Jane, d. of Margerett Barnes ... bur. " Jan. 27. Anne, d. of Richard Lathropp ... bur. " Jan. 3. Thomas Chettoe ... bur. " Feb. 3. William Woodhouse, pauper ... bur. 356 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1712 1712, Mar. 7. Mary, w. of William Fox ... bur. " Mar. 15. Thomas Wells, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 20. Unknown, d. of James Forgebam ... bur. " Mar. 22. Richard Richardes, of Aston, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 24. Mary Hall, wid. ... bur. 1713, Mar. 26. Andrew, s. of William Allingson ... bur. " Apr. 18. Unknown Bellingham, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 19. Daniel Oveds, apprentice ... bur. " Apr. 30. Anne Pigeon ... bur. " May 9. George Jebb, of Northwood ... bur. " May 15. Frances, d. of William Forgeham ... bur. " May 18. Mary Jackson, wid., pauper ... bur. " May 23. Margerett, d. of Unknown Morris, wid. , of Foxholes ... bur. " June 1. Mary Edwardes, pauper ... bur. " June 6. William, s. of John Clarke, of Tilley ... bur. " June 24. Jane Gates, wid., pauper ... bur. " July 8. Mary, w. of Arthur Allingson ... bur. " July 8. Jane, w. of Edward Trantrom ... bur. " July 9. Elizabeth Bayley, ... bur. " Aug. 4. Mary Chettoe, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 11. Sarah, d. of James Lawrance ... bur. " Aug. 15. Marthe Ruff, wid.. pauper ... bur. " Aug. 17. Elizabeth Meire, ~dau. in law of James Watkin~ ... bur. " Aug. 18. Thomas, s. of John Phillipes ... bur. " Sep. 5. Edward, s. of John Barnes, of the Low, gen. ... bur. " Sep. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Reeves, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Dane ... bur. " Sep. 25. Sarah, d. of Edward Jones ... bur. " Nov. 12. Francis Downes, pauper ... bur. " Nov. 13. Hannah, w. of Joseph Jonson ... bur. " Nov. 22. Jane Griffeth, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 18. William Hill ... bur. " Jan. 2. Margerett, w. of Roger Jones ... bur. " Jan. 20. Richard Davies, of Tilley ... bur. 1715] Wem. 357 1713, Jan. 20. Mary, w. of George Wood ... bur. " Jan. 28. Sarah Wade, wid., of ye Low ... bur. " Feb. 20. Sarah Mather ... bur. *1714, Apr. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Cooper ... bur. " Apr. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Jonson ... bur. " Apr. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Goff ... bur. " May 1. Robert Bedowes, pauper ... bur. " May 3. Elizabeth Downes, wid., of Aston ... bur. " May 5. Thomas, s. of Unknown Fox, wid. ... bur. " May 5. Mary, d. of Arthur Allingson ... bur. " June 12. Samuell Forgeham, pauper ... bur. " June 15. John, s. of John Weelch ... bur. " July 1. Robert, s. of Richard Baley ... bur. " July 4. Lydia, w. of Ralph Barnes ... bur. " July 14. Jane Downes, wid. ... bur. " July 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Barnes, of the Low, gen. ... bur. " July 21. A poor travilling man ... bur. " July 24. Sunnah, w. of Richard Harper ... bur. " Aug. 29. Martha Morgan, pauper ... bur. " Sep. 1. Thomas Downes, of the one house ... bur. " Sep. 16. Thomas Groome, of Slape ... bur. " Oct. 24. Anne, d. of William France ... bur. " Oct. 26. Ruth Hill, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 9. Thomas Hayward ... bur. " Nov. 17. John Owen, pauper ... bur. " Nov. 18. Mary, w. of William Maurice ... bur. " Nov. 22. Richard Harper, of Newtown ... bur. " Nov. 23. Benjamin Minchall, of Loppington ... bur. " Nov. 24. John Calcot, of Cotton ... bur. " Nov. 25. William Griffeth, of the Rooewood ... bur. " Dee. 14. Anne, w. of George Iveson ... bur. " Dec. 15. William, s. of John Stockton ... bur. " Dec. 29. John Harper, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 4. Mary Fox, wid., of Lacon ... bur. 1715, Mar. 29. Richard, s. of William Forgeham ... bur. " Mar. 31. John Minchall, of Loppington ... bur. " Apr. 3. Anne Sandland, ... bur. " Apr. 6. Edward, s. of William Forgeham ... bur. " Apr. 12. Elianor Chettoe, ... bur. 358 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1715 1715, Apr. 22. Mary, d. of John Hales ... bur. " Apr. 26. Jane Stockall, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 27. Martha, d. of John Jones ... bur. " May 20. John, s. of John Newnes ... bur. " June 5. Mary, d. of John Gadd ... bur. " June 24. Mary, d. of Robert Sandland ... bur. " June 30. Cicely Reynolds ... bur. " July 3. Hannah Wycherley, wid., ... bur. " July 19. Margarie Amis, wid., pauper ... bur. " Aug. 26. John Newans, of Tilley, pauper ... bur. " Aug. 28. Mary, w. of William Menlove ... bur. " Aug. 29. John Burton, sheomaker ... bur. " Oct. 4. John, s. of Thomas Whitefield, of Aston. ... bur. " Oct. 8. Edward Barnes, seargent ... bur. " Oct. 9. Abraham, s. of Richard Haytley, of Wickall ... bur. " Nov. 24. Richard Birch, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 20. Thomas Price, mason ... bur. " Jan. 3. William Onslow, pauperbuurr.. " Jan. 4. Thomas, s. of Richard Cooper, sadler ... bur. " Jan. 15. William Groome, of Edstaston ... bur. " Jan. 2. Richard Evans, of Pamshill ... bur. " Jan. 28. Mary Newans, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 13. Joyce, w. of William Parker, at Wrenbury ... bur. " Feb. 2. Anne Richards, of Aston, wid., pauper bur. " Mar. 12. Catherine Hussey, wid., pauper ... bur. 1716, Apr. 6. Mary, d. of William Forgeham ... bur. " May 10. Edward, s. of Edward Jones ... bur. " May 25. William, s. of Unknown Richardes, wid. . of Aston ... bur. " May 30. Margerett, d. of Charles Gibson ... bur. " June 2. Thomas Newans, of Aston ... bur. " June 25. Mary, w. of Edward Jones ... bur. " July 2. Thomas, s. of Edward Jones ... bur. " July 10. Anne, w. of Unknown Holbrooke, wid. ... bur. " July 14. William Davies. of Tilley ... bur. " July 24. Sarah, w. of William Evans ... bur. " Aug. 18. Elizabeth Forde,, pauper ... bur. " Sep. 7. Catherine Powell, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 12. Anne, w. of Richard Hope ... bur. 1717] Wem. 359 1716, Oct. 23. Richard Grace, of Northwood ... bur. " Dec. 4. Arthur, s. of George Downs ... bur. " Dec. 6. William Menlove, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 11. Catherine Wycherley, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 25. Arthur Allinson ... bur. " Jan. 4. Edward Wilde, of Wixall, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 10. Margerett Evans, of Tilley ... bur. " Jan. 20. Mary Slater ... bur. " Feb. 1. John Eyton, a schoolboy ... bur. " Feb. 28. John Thomas, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 13. Thomas Richards, of Aston, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 18. Anne, d. of Richard Cooper, sadler ... bur. 1717, Apr. 1. Joseph Jonson ... bur. " Apr. 3. Elizabeth Talor ... bur. " Apr. 19. Elizabeth Onsloe, wid., pauper ... bur. " Apr. 24. Humphrey Phillipes ... bur. " May 25. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Booeth ... bur. " May 31. Ellinnor Woodhouse, wid. ... bur. " June 2. John Bayley, pauper ... bur. " June 3. Margerett, w. of Arthur Pankeman, of Tilley ... bur. " June 7. Edward Trantrom, pauper ... bur. " June 10. Margerett, w. of William Jones ... bur. " June 11. Elizabeth, w. of William Griffeth ... bur. " June 24. William, s. of Richard Powell ... but " July 4. Alice Bukley, pauper ... bur. " July 8. Thomas, s. of John Hales ... bur. " July 16. Jane, w. of Richard Mare ... bur. " Aug. 2. William, s. of Isaack Gregory ... bur. " Aug. 7. Richard, s. of James Forgeham ... bur. " Aug. 10. Mary, w. of Richard Poole, of Horton ... bur. 1715, Aug. 12. William, s. of Richard Poole, of Horton ... bur. 1717, Aug. 12. James, s. of Richard Poole, of Horton ... bur. " Aug. 17. Samuel Richardes ... bur. " Aug. 30. Mary, w. of Thomas Wycherley ... bur. " Sep. 24. Mary Vaughan, wid., pauper ... bur. " Oct. 1. Mary, d. of William Higgins ... bur. " Oct. 2. Richard, s. of Benjamin Higginson ... bur. " Oct. 19. Joseph Maddox ... bur. " Oct. 19. Jane, d. of Thomas Watkins ... bur. 360 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1717 1717, Oct. 3. William, s. of Thomas Evans ... bur. " Nov. 2. Anne Sherrett, wid., pauper ... bur. " Nov. 5. John, s. of Richard Coope ... bur. " Nov. 10. John, s. of John Jones, of Rowood ... bur. " Nov. 25. Arthur Morgan alias Davies, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 4. Anne Rigbey,, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones ... bur. " Dec. 10. Anne, d. of Charles Dutton ... bur. " Dec. 14. Jane, w. of William Powell ... bur. " Dec. 14. Dorothy Powell, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 15. John, s. of John Morris ... bur. " Dec. 17. Ellinor, d. of John Fardoe ... bur. " Dec. 23. Joseph, s. of John Fardoe ... bur. " Dec. 24. Judith, w. of Rowland Unknown ... bur. " Jan. 11. Jane, w. of George Groome ... bur. " Jan. 16. Mary, w. of Joseph Wootall ... bur. " Jan. 20. Valentine Groom, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 2. John Richards, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 24. Jane, d. of Richard Astley ... bur. " Feb. 3. Margarett, w. of John Smith ... bur. " Feb. 11. Ermin, w. of John Whitefield ... bur. " Feb. 12. Margerett Shenton, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 13. Elizabeth, w. of Samuell Dunn ... bur. " Mar. 4. William, s. of Henry Pewton ... bur. " Mar. 18. Margerett Mendlove, wid. ... bur. 1718, Apr. 4. John Pugh ... bur. " Apr. 20. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Foucks ... bur. " June 10. Anne, d. of William Smith ... bur. " June 13. Thomas, s. of John Pinson ... bur. " June 2. Joseph Smith ... bur. " July 11. Mary, w. of John Bennett ... bur. " July 30. Anne Thomas, wid., pauper ... bur. " Aug. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Mare ... bur. " Aug. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Elizabeth Reeves bur. " Sep. 19. Anne, w. of Obadiant Beech ... bur. " Sep. 19. John, s. of John Ansloe bur. " Sep. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Jane Reeves ... bur. " Oct. 25. Judeth Bickley, wid., at Newtown ... bur. " Nov. 5. William Gate, pauper ... bur. 1719] Wem. 361 1718, Nov. 14. Jane Evans, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 3. Anne, d. of Unknown Weever, of Lacon ... bur. " Jan. 24. Mary Haw, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 9. Richard, s. of Richard Pryce ... bur. " Feb. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Povah ... bur. " Feb. 12. Joseph Bickley, at Newtown ... bur. " Mar. 13. John Chambre, gent., at Newtown ... bur. 1719, Mar. 3. Joseph Evans ... bur. " Mar. 28. Catharine, w. of William Newns, at Newtown ... bur. " Apr. 5. Robert Willson, nephew of Ralph Willson ... bur. " Apr. 10. Catherine Woodall, pauper ... bur. " Apr. 13. Rebacca, w. of James Kent ... bur. " Apr. 19. Mary, d. of John Hales ... bur. " Apr. 27. John Groome, of Slape ... bur. " Apr. 30. John Downs ... bur. " May 9. Elizabeth, w. of John Barnes, of the Low, gent. ... bur. " May 18. Daniel, s. of Joseph Hayward ... bur. " May 18. Sarah, d. of Unknown Jeffington ... bur. " May 22. Mary, d. of Richard Rutter, at Newtown ... bur. " May 26. Elizabeth, d. of Martha Edgerton, at Newtown ... bur. " May 29. Joseph, s. of William Higgins ... bur. " June 3. William, s. of William Wallford ... bur. " June 8. Martha Rutter, at Newtown ... bur. " June 9. Mary, w. of Joseph Ashford ... bur. " July 5. Ellinnor, w. of Francis Morrice ... bur. " July 7. Sarah, d. of William Weeksted ... bur. " July 9. George, s. of James Forgeham ... bur. " July 13. Charles Morris, pauper ... bur. " July 2. Jonathan, s. of Richard Cooper ... bur. " July 26. Edward Howard, pauper ... bur. " Aug. 9. Sarah Richards, ~a child of a poor travilling woman~ ... bur. " Sep. 9. Elizabeth, w. of John Jones ... bur. " Sep. 15. Edward Downs, a parish child ... bur. " Sep. 26. Elinner, d. of Edward Jones ... bur. " Sep. 27. William, s. of William Price ... bur. 362 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1719 1719, Sep. 30. Jane, w. of John Williams, of Slape ... bur. " Oct. 11. Elizabeth Menlove, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 18. John Tayler, a poor man, of Morton Corbett ... bur. " Nov. 10. John Hinton, of Woolverley, at Newtown ... bur. " Nov. 14. Arthur Hinkes ... bur. " Nov. 2. Mary, w. of Richard Richards ... bur. " Nov. 24. Margrett Garrett, wid., pauper ... bur. " Nov. 30. Elizabeth Pincher, wid., pauper ... bur. " Dec. 17. John Rogers, of Colton ... bur. " Jan. 2. Mary, w. of John Davies ... bur. " Jan. 2. Jane, d. of Thomas Cooke, Clarke ... bur. " Jan. 5. Richard Pay ... bur. " Jan. 26. Elizabeth Madely, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 26. Randal Griffeth, a prentis boy ... bur. " Jan. 27. John, s. of John Thomas ... bur. " Feb. 1. Jane Wild, pauper, at Newfown ... bur. " Feb. 18. Thomas Folks, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 24. Joshua Randles ... bur. " Feb. 25. Elisha Davies, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 28. Anne, d. of Francis Yeaton ... bur. " Mar. 8. John Bayley, blacksmith ... bur. " Mar. 11. Mary Hinton, of Woolverley, at Newtown ... bur. " Mar. 17. Thomas Jenkin, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 20. Eleaner Leech, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 20. Richard, s. of Richard Unknown ... bur. " Mar. 20. Hannah, w. of John Stockton ... bur. " Mar. 24. James Leech ... bur. " Mar. 24. Humphrey Manwaring ... bur. 1720, Apr. 1. Elizabeth Manwaring ... bur. " Apr. 23. A poor travailing man ... bur. " May 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davingport, of Cotton ... bur. " May 9. Mary, d. of Charles Booeth ... bur. " May 10. Margerett, w. of Thomas Davingport, of Cotton ... bur. " June 13. Thomas Rowlands ... bur. " June 17. John Baker ... bur. " June 2. Sarah Dounton, wid. ... bur. 1721] Wem. 363 1720, July 9. William Price ... bur. " July 18. Anne, d. of Richard Weever, at Newtown ... bur. " Aug. 2. William, s. of Benjamin Higginson ... bur. " Aug. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Mare ... bur. " Sep. 1. George, s. of George Downs, of Aston ... bur. " Oct. 18. Elizabeth Bromall, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 25. Dorothy Cooper ... bur. " Oct. 28. Thomas, s. of Maudlin Baugh ... bur. " Nov. 8. Richard, s. of Sarah Evans, wid. bur. " Nov. 20. Anne, d. of Samuell Higginson ... bur. " Dec. 5. Thomas, s. of John Owen ... bur. " Dec. 7. Samuell, s. of Randle Shenton ... bur. " Dec. 7. Elizabeth, w. of John Harrinson ... bur. " Dec. 1. Mary, d. of Richard Hill ... bur. " Dec. 16. James, s. of Charles Chilton, taler ... bur. " Dec. 2. Phillip Lee, son a law to John Barnes... bur. " Dec. 26. John, s. of Roger Jerland ... bur. " Jan. 2. Richard, s. of Unknown Radon, wid. , of Tilley ... bur. " Jan. 3. Jane Astley, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 7. Hugh Caulcot, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 14. Anne Hill, pauper, at Newtown ... bur. " Jan. 27. Anne Johnson, wid., pauper ... bur. " Feb. 4. Allin Sandland, of Northwood, pauper, at Newtown ... bur. " Feb. 4. Mary, d. of Richard Price ... bur. " Feb. 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 12. John Groom. of the Low ... bur. " Feb. 14. Anne, d. of Robert Blakeway ... bur. " Feb. 15. Thomas, s. of Anne Smith. of Cramor ... bur. " Feb. 24. Mary Milward, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 8. Mary, d. of Abraham Evans ... bur. " Mar. 9. Mary Griffith, of Tilley, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 12. William, s. of Thomas Jones, of Aston ... bur. " Mar. 13. Mary Crump ... bur. " Mar. 16. Rowland Maddox, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 18. William Powell, of Hodnet ... bur. 1719, Mar. 23. William, s. of William Wallford ... bur. 1721, Mar. 23. Jane, d. of William Wallford ... bur. 1721, Mar. 26. John Higginson. of Tilley, tanner ... bur. " Apr. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas Heath ... bur. 364 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1721 1721, Apr. 4. Sarah, d. of Isaac Gregory ... bur. " Apr. 7. John, s. of William Craven, at Newtown ... bur. " Apr. 14. Elizabeth Harper, of Northwood, pauper. at Newtown ... bur. " Apr. 18. William Loyell, of Horton ... bur. " Apr. 19. Richard Pigeon, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 20. Anne, d. of Humphrey Clarke ... bur. " Apr. 26. Mary, d. of Unknown Thomas, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 24. Anne Hopwood, of Newtown, at Newtown ... bur. " Apr. 29. Mary, d. of. Thomas Chidloe ... bur. " May 1. Sarah Forgeham, pauper ... bur. " May 4. Mary, d. of Robert Bayley, of Aston ... bur. " May 23. William Madeley, pauper ... bur. " June 1. William, s. of Roger Basnett ... bur. " June 6. Elizabeth Allinson, wid. ... bur. " June 8. George Millward ... bur. " June 18. Mary Davies, ... bur. " June 27. Richard lfartlam, of Northwood, at Newtown ... bur. " July 1. Hannah Shenton ... bur. " July 16. Margarett Postle, pauper ... bur. " Aug. 18. Thomas Davies, courrier ... bur. " Aug. 26. John, s. of Thomas Pryce ... bur. " Sep. 2. Ralph Barnes ... bur. " Sep. 7. William Forgeham ... bur. " Sep. 15. William, s. of Isaac Gregorey ... bur. " Sep. 20. John Chidloe, of Northwood ... bur. " Sep. 21. Margery, w. of William Thomas ... bur. " Sep. 29. Sarah Booeth, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 3. Anne Price, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 3. William Cartwright, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 16. Elizabeth, w. of Peter Higginson ... bur. " Oct. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Bartley ... bur. " Oct. 28. Richard Hope, pauper ... bur. " Nov. 4. Elizabeth Kyneston, at Newtown ... bur. " Nov. 12. Martha, d. of John Hales ... bur. " Nov. 16. Mary, d. of Arthur Dicken, at Wolverly ... bur. " Nov. 19. Richard, s. of John Bellingham ... bur. " Nov. 21. Anne, w. of Richard Hill, of Edstaston ... bur. 1721] Wem. 365 1721, Nov. 22. Ellinor Hughes, of Northwood, at Newtown* ... bur. " Jan. 1. Richard Jebb ... bur. " Jan. 3. Margerett Manning, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 12. Joshua Higginson, clerk ... bur. " Jan. 15. Peter Higginson, glover ... bur. " Jan. 26. Anne Chilton. a parish child ... bur. " Jan. 30. Jane Hopwood, wid., pauper ... bur. " Jan. 3. Richard Evans, pauper, of Foxholes ... bur. " Feb. 14. Sarah Laurance, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 16. Anne Griffith, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 26. Thomas Hughes, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 2. Mary, d. of Richard Harper, tanner ... bur. " Mar. 5. William Sherrett ... bur. " Ma. 15. Elizabeth Chettoe, wid., pauper ... bur. " Ma. 19. Elizabeth, d. of William Cartwright ... bur. " Mar. 19. Mary Jenkin, wid., pauper ... bur. 1722, Apr. 4. Elizabeth, w. of John Morris, milhight ... bur. " Apr. 8. Mary, w. of John Maie, at Newtown ... bur. " Apr. 10. Anne Amis, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 30. Jane Jones, wid., pauper ... bur. " May 7. Mary, d. of Rowland Hill ... bur. " May 7. Mary, d. of William Higgans, barber ... bur. " May 26. Elizabeth, d. of William Tyler ... bur. " May 29. Shusanah, d. of George Hinton ... bur. " June 9. William Burton, cordwaner " June 11. Thomas Hill, esquire " June 16. William, s. of Richard Brown, of Holton ... bur. " June 16. Thomas, s. of Benjamin Davingport ... bur. " June 16. Mary, d. of George Hinton ... bur. " June 16. Sarah, d. of George Hinton ... bur. " June 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davies, of Lacon ... bur. " June 18. Mary Postel ... bur. " June 20. Mary, d. of Richard Brown, of Horton ... bur. " June 26. Mary, d. of William Craven, at Newtown ... bur. " June 29. Martha, d. of John Eabrey, of Tilley ... bur. " July 3. Joseph, s. of William Crayen, at Newtown ... bur. " July 11. Elizabeth Gough, wid., pauper ... bur. " July 11. Mary Wooley, wid. ... bur. 366 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1722 1722, July 20. Thomas, s. of John Higginson, at Newtown ... bur. " Aug. 1. John, s. of William Fox ... bur. " Aug. 9. Samuell Bickley, of Woolyerley, at Newtown ... bur. " Aug. 14. John Barnes, of the Low, gent. ... bur. " Oct. 12. Joseph, s. of Moses Parker, bucher ... bur. " Oct. 22. Bernerd, s. of John Hales, tayler ... bur. " Nov. 3. Edward Darlington, of Soulton ... bur. " Jan. 12. John, s. of Thomas Jenkin ... bur. " Jan. 16. Sarah Clark, wid., pauper ... bur. " Jan. 26. Sarah, d. of Thomas Deane, dyer ... bur. " Feb. 25. Martha, w. of Nicolas Plat, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 9. Michael Baugh ... bur. " Mar. 10. Abraham, s. of John Jones ... bur. 1723, Apr. 23. Jane Scoufield, pauper ... bur. " May 2. Anne Whitefield, pauper ... bur. " May 3. Nicolas Ham ion, pauper ... bur. " May 4. Hugh Manning ... bur. " May 6. Margarett, d. of John Williams, joyner ... bur. " May 17. Anne, w. of Thomas Watkins ... bur. " May 25. Thomas Evans, webster ... bur. " May 3. Elizabeth Eyens, pauper ... bur. " June 9. Samuell, s. of Thomas Griffith ... bur. " June 22. Anne Hope, pauper... bur. " July 22. Charles, s. of Lewis Evans ... bur. " July 29. Anne Whitfield. a parish child ... bur. " July 30. John Morris, pauper ... bur. " Aug. 5. Mary Lee, ~granddaughter of John Morris, pauper~ ... bur. " Aug. 9. Ellinor Deane, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 12. John Whitefield, tanner ... bur. " Aug. 14. Ralph, s. of Ralph Wells, sheomaker ... bur. " Aug. 20. Joshua Edgerton. of Northwood, pauper ... bur. " Aug. 27. William Barker, bucher ... bur. " Aug. 27. Charles Puliston, postman ... bur. " Sep. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John Howard, of Woodhouse ... bur. " Sep. 12. Margarett Johnson, ... bur. 1724] Wem. 367 1723, Sep. 2. John Gad, pauper ... bur. " Sep. 28. John, s. of John Peacock ... bur. " Sep. 30. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Moreton ... bur. " Oct. 9. Elizabeth, w. of John Howard, of Woodhouse ... bur. " Oct. 13. William Jebb, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Sandland ... bur. " Oct. 29. Mary Morris ... bur. " Nov. 10. Martha, w. of John Jones ... bur. " Dec. 20. Jane Powell, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 20. Mary Hughes, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 26. Sarah Chambre, at Newtown ... bur. " Jan. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffith ... bur. " Jan. 18. Joseph Latewood, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 20. Elizabeth, w. of George Jebb, of Tilley ... bur. " Feb. 8. Isabel Griffith, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 2. John Evans, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 26. A poor parish child ... bur. " Feb. 29. Margarett, w. of George Harper ... bur. " Mar. 2. Roger Wright ... bur. " Mar. 10. Jane Chalinnor, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 12. Margery Rowley, pauper ... bur. 1724, Mar. 3. Charles Clutton, tayler, pauper ... bur. " Apr. 13. John Howard, of Woodhouse ... bur. " Apr. 13. Rendle Burton ... bur. " Apr. 17. Andrew Sawyer, of Aston ... bur. " Apr. 23. Anne Davies, pauper ... bur. " May 24. William Fardoe, at Newtown ... bur. " June 1. Richard Menlove ... bur. " June 8. Elizabeth Grace, pauper ... bur. " June 9. Mary Richards, pauper ... bur. " June 10. Hannah Heacock, at Newtown ... bur. " June 26. Deborah Downton, pauper ... bur. " July 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffith ... bur. " July 7. Shusanah, w. of William Blakemore, at Newtown ... bur. " July 13. Ester Humphreys, pauper, at Newtown bur. " July 29. Martha Groome, pauper ... bur. " Aug. 2. John, s. of Ralph Wells ... bur. " Aug. 15. Samuel Furmston, at Newtown ... bur. 368 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1724 1724, Sep. 12. William, base s. of Hannah Watson ... bur. " Sep. 22. Mary Hinton, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 30. William Hopwood, at Newtown ... bur. " Oct. 3. William Davies ... bur. " Oct. 9. Samuell Higginson, sheomaker ... bur. " Oct. 14. Catherine, w. of Edward Howard ... bur. " Oct. 14. Richard, s. of William Morris ... bur. " Oct. 17. George Groome ... bur. " Oct. 17. Andrew Barnes, barber ... bur. " Oct. 3. David Jenkes, of Marbury, at Newtown, reverend ... bur. " Nov. 2. Martha, w. of Thomas Davies, of Lacon ... bur. " Nov. 7. Jane, d. of Samuell Brayn ... bur. " Nov. 17. Richard Grace, a poor boy ... bur. " Dec. 8. Mary Trantrom, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 15. Margerett, w. of Thomas Moore ... bur. " Jan. 5. James, s. of Richard Wycherley ... bur. " Jan. 26. Edward Philips ... bur. " Jan. 27. Elizabeth Jebb, wid., pauper ... bur. " Feb. 8. Abigail, d. of Edward Garland ... bur. " Feb. 10. Roger Jerland, of Trench farm ... bur, " Feb. 13. Martha Vaughan, ... bur. " Feb. 15. Samuell Pidgeon, bucher ... bur. " Feb. 23. Elizabeth, d. of John Dito ... bur. " Mar. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Deane, dyer ... bur. " Mar. 9. Edward Poole. of the Low, at Edstaston ... bur. 1725, Mar. 31. Shusanah Furmston, wid., pauper, at Newtown ... bur. " Apr. 2. Elizabeth Matthews, pauper. at Newtown ... bur. " Apr. 12. Ellinnor, w. of William Allinson ... bur. " Apr. 2. Alice, w. of Paul Pugh ... bur. " Apr. 24. Mary Wilkinson, of Horton,, at Newtown ... bur. " May 2. Elisabeth Dunn, wid., pauper ... bur. " May 16. Margarett, w. of Thomas Jebb, of Aston ... bur. " July 13. Mary, d. of Thomas Pryce ... bur. " July 19. William, s. of John Higginson, at Newtown ... bur. " July 23. Dorothy Pigeon, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 4. Joseph, s. of Unknown Evans, wid. ... bur. 1726] Wem. 369 1725, Aug. 15. Catherine Morris, pauper ... bur. " Aug. 25. Elizabeth Gilbert, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 4. Hannah Lee, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 17. Thomas Hales, shoemaker, pauper ... bur. " Nov. 2. Anne, d. of Richard Astley ... bur. " Nov. 10. Ebinnezer, s. of Moses Parker... " Dec. 14. Richard, s. of Richard Povah, of Horton ... bur. " Dec. 28. Joseph Higginson, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 28. Elizabeth, w. of Jeremiah Smith ... bur. " Dec. 3. Catherine Howard, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 16 William, s. of John Harries ... bur. " Jan. 3. Elizabeth, d. of John Embrey ... bap. " Feb. 1. Lettice Menlove, wid.; affidavid made ... bur. " Feb. 14. Elizabeth Higginson, pauper; ... bur. " Feb. 14. Elizabeth Barnes, pauper; ... bur. " Feb. 16. Jane Judgson, pauper; ... bur. " Mar. 22. Shusanna Pay. wid; ... bur. 1726, Apr. 6. Luke, s. of Luke Davies, of Barkers Greene ... bur. " Apr. 9. Margerett, d. of Tainton, excise officer ... bur. " Apr. 20. Richard, s. of Richard Felton; ... bur. " Apr. 2. John, s. of John Ditoe; ... bur. " Apr. 29. Mary, w. of Thomas Williams; ... bur. " Apr. 29. Shusanna Howard, pauper; ... bur. " May 5. Anne, w. of Samuel Forgeham; ... bur. " May 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Dicken; ... bur. " May 26. Jane Pasmore, a poor travelling woman; ... .. bur. " May 26. Sarah, d. of Isaac Gregorev: ... bur. " May 27. Edward Mason, pauper; ... bur. " June 20. Alice Groome, pauper; ... bur. " July 7. Hannah, d. of Thomas Furmston; ... bur. 370 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1726 1726, July 21. Daniel, s. of Richard Wittingham; ... bur. " Aug. 4. William Holecroft, sergeant; ... bur. " Aug. 23. Benjamin Blakemore; ... bur. " Oct. 12. Thomas Philips, of Teakens; ... bur. " Oct. 25. Mary, d. of Ralph Wells; ... bur. " Oct. 29. Moses, s. of Moses Parke; ... bur. " Nov. 2. Mary, w. of John Davies, of Cotton; ... bur. " Nov. 6. Mary Griffith, of Tilley, pauper; ... bur. " Nov. 19. Alice Hayward, pauper; ... bur. " Dec. 3. John Maddox. of Northwood; ... bur. " Dec. 18. John Griffith, labourer... ... bur. " Dec. 23. John Dicken, pauper; ... bur. " Dec. 29. Elizabeth, w. of Benjamin Wild; ... bur. " Jan. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin Wild; ... bur. " Jan. 5. William Newnes. of Northwood; ... bur. *" Dec. 3. Mary, d. of Edward Bartlam, of Northwood, at Newton chapel; ... bur. " Jan. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Bartlam, of Northwood, at Newton chapel; ... bur. " Jan. 15. Margerett, w. of Thomas Lee, barber; ... bur. " Jan. 18. Mary, d. of Henry Parton; ... bur. " Jan. 16. John Tayler, of Low hill; ... bur. " Jan. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas Burrey, of Slape; ... bur. " Jan. 30. Mary, d. of John Rogers, of Cotton; ... bur. " Jan. 3. Thomas Burrev, of Slape; ... bur. " Feb. 4. Anne, d. of Henry Parton; ... bur. " Feb. 4. Sarah Burrey, of Slape, wid.; ... bur. " Feb. 14. John, s. of Robert James; ... bur. 1694-5] Wem. 371 1726, Feb. 18. William Evans, pauper; ... bur. " Feb. 19. John, s. of William Bromley; ... bur. " Feb. 26. Richard Lockley, blacksmith, ... bur. " Feb. 28. Sarah, d. of John Forgeham; ... bur. " Mar. 11. Alice Rutter, pauper; ... bur. " Mar. 11. Margarett Basnett; ... bur. " Mar. 11. Margarett, d. of Randle Jones; ... bur. " Mar. 12. William, s. of William Smith; ... bur. " Mar. 13. Benjamin Holbrooke, blacksmith; ... bur. *" Mar. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Ben. Holbrooke; ... bur. 1694, May 24. Anne, d. of John Denstone & Margerett ... bap. 1694, Apr.8. Thomas, s. of John Dickin & Elizabeth ... bap. 1695, June 1. John, s. of Thomas Davenport & Katherine ... bap. " June 4. Sarah, d. of John Davies & Martha , of Aston ... bap. " June 10. Martha, d. of Richard Fox. of Houghton ... bap. " June 16. John, s. of George Jeb & Elizabeth , of Tilly ... bap. " June 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas Chalnor & Mary ... bap. " June 2. Mary, d. of John Chettoe & Mary , of Low ... bap. " June 30. Mary, d. of Samuel Watkis & Hannah . of Aston ... bap. " July 2. Eliza, d. of Richard Hope & Ann ... bap. " July 5. Joshua, s. of John Shenton & Mary ... bap. " July 12. Eliza, d. of George Downs & Ester . of Aston ... bap. " July 12. Samuel, base s. of Samuel Sandland ... bap. " July 18. Elizabeth, base d. of Mary Chalner ... bap. 372 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1695 1695, July 23. Margaret, d. of Francis Williams & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 27. Martha, d. of John Apostle & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 4. Thomas, s. of Edward Watkins & Dorothy ... bap. " Aug. 25. Richard, s. of Robert Mare & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 22. William, s. of George Groome & Elnor ... bap. " Sep. 22. Thomas, base s. of Rowland Banks ... bap. " Oct. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Smith & Ann , of Cramer ... bap. " Oct. 2. Richard, s. of Richard Phillips & Frances ... bap. " Oct. 4. Sarah, d. of John Jones & Sarah, of Sleap ... bap. " Oct. 13. John, s. of Thomas Matthews & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 16. Mary, d. of John Millington & Katherine , of Tilly ... bap. " Oct. 29. George, s. of George Ison & Anne ... bap. *" Sep. 26. Sarah, d. of John Peckering & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 29. Ann, d. of. Robert Blakeway & Ann ... bap. 1693, Dec. 27. Richard, s. of John Mainwayring & Jane ... bap. 1695, Dec. 27. John, s. of John Mainwayring & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 27. Mary, d. of Joseph Machel & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas Probats & Susanna ... bap. " Jan. 7. John, s. of Samuel Richards & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 7. Robert, s. of Thomas Higginson & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 7. Mary, d. of Thomas Evans & Margaret , of Haughton ... bap. " Feb. 3. John, s. of Samuel Forgham & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 11. John, s. of John Stenton & Alice ... bap. " Feb. 17. Margaret, d. of Lawrence Sandland & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of Humphrey Mainwayring & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 24. Elizabeth, d. of William Cartwright & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 28. Unknown, s. of Richard Dicken & Isabel ... bap. " Mar. 1. Unknown, d. of John Baugh & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 4. Unknown, d. of John Newbrook & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 6. Unknown, s. of John Griffiths & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 15. Unknown, s. of Robert Sandland & Mary ... bap. 1696, July 11. Unknown, d. of Thomas Lee & Anne ... bap. 1696] Wem. 373 1696, Apr. 5, Unknown, d. of Thomas Owen & Elizabeth , of Barker's Green ... bap. " May 20. Unknown, s. of Andrew Barnes & Chrysagon ... bap. " May 24. Sarah, d. of John Sandland & Jane , of Loe ... bap. " May 31. Peter, s. of Peter Higginson & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 7. Richard, s. of Thomas Richds & Mary ... bap. " June 12. Elizabeth, d. of Lawrance Woodahall, at Newtown ... bap. " June 19. John, s. of Richard Sandland & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 20. Sarah, d. of Will. Bromhall, at Newtown ... bap. " July 10. William, s. of William Fox & Mary , of Brockhurst ... bap. " July 12. John, s. of John Chidloe & Dorothy ... bap. " July 24. Unknown, d. of Arthur Chaddock & Jane ... bap. " July 25. William, s. of George Jebb & Elizabeth , of Tilley ... bap. " July 26. Joseph, s. of John Williams & Jane , of Loe ... bap. " Aug. 28. John, s. of John Evans & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 5. Thomas, s. of Edward Watkins & Dorothy ... bap. " Sep. 23. Deborah, d. of Jonah Jeffereys & Rebecca ... bap. " Sep. 14. Edward, s. of John Huntbatch, at Newtown ... bap. " Sep. 16. Frances, d. of Francis Williams & Elizabeth . ... bap. " Oct. 16 Isabel, d. of Thomas Gough & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 24. Anne, d. of William Grome & Ann , of Loe ... bap. " Nov. 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas Peoplo & Margaret ... bap. " Nov. 20. James, s. of William Forgham & Elizabeth ... bap. 1694, Nov. 28. John, s. of John Hincks & Elizabeth ... bap. 1696, Nov. 28. Thomas, s. of John Hincks & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Collier & Margaret ... bap. " Nov. 29. Margaret, d. of William Fox & Margaret , of Soulton ... bap. " Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. of William Hinton, at Newtown ... bap.iam 374 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1696 1696, Jan. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Fowke & Elizabeth , of Haughton ... bap. " Jan. 5. Jane, d. of Joseph Whatall, at Edstaston ... bap. " Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Challnr & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Matthews & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 31. Joseph, s. of Joseph Morris & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 31. Elizabeth, d. of William Morris & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 5. Ann, d. of Benjamin Blakmore, junr., & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 16. Ann, d. of Samuel Wilkinson, at Newtown ... bap. " Feb. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Birch & Uriilla ... bap. " Feb. 20. Henry, s. of George Sandford, at Edstaston ... bap. " Feb. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Groom & Hannah . of Sleap ... bap. " Mar. 3. John, s. of Thomas Fellton, at Newtown ... bap. " Mar. 19. Martha, d. of John Hebrew & Elizabeth , of Tilly ... bap. " Mar. 17. Ann, d. of Richard Madeley, at Edstaston ... bap. " Mar. 24. John, s. of William Widhouse & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 29. Samuell, s. of Thomas Jebb, at Edstaston ... bap. 1697, Mar. 28. Margaret, d. of Richard Ball ... bap. " Mar. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Fardoe, at Newtown ... bap. " May 4. Mary, d. of William Brittain & Mary ... bap. " May 7. Mary, d. of George Harper & Margaret ... bap. " Apr. 5. William, s. of Jane Bookely, at Edstaston ... bap. " Apr. 14. Richard, s. of Thomas Llewellin, at Newtown ... bap. " Apr. 26. Jane, d. of John Jones, at Edstaston ... bap. " May 8. Charles, s. of John Huitt, at Edstaston ... bap. " June 1. John, s. of Hugh Manning & Ann ... bap. " June 12. Mary, d. of John Leigh & Susan ... bap. " June 24. Samuel, s. of Thomas & Deb: Wooton ... bap. " June 30. Francis, s. of John Massey. at Newtown ... bap. " July 15. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Roden & Mary ... bap. " July 23. Samuel, s. of Thomas Jones, at Edstaston ... bap. 1697] Wem. 375 1697, Aug. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Richards & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 12. Thomas, s. of Richard Powell & Katherine ... bap. " Aug. 18. Thomas, s. of John Bromfield ... bap. " Aug. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Baugh & Mauding ... bap. " Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Cotton & Ann ... bap. " Aug. 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas Wright & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Clark & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 5. Ann, d. of Unknown Leech, wid. ... bap. " Sep. 15. Unknown, s. of Unknown Hayward, at Newtown ... bap. " Sep. 18. Mary, d. of Franc: & Elizabeth Williams ... bap. " Sep. 27. Joseph, s. of Thomas Davenport & Katherine ... bap. " Oct. 15. Tryphene, d. of Samuel Watkis & Hannah , of Aston ... bap. " Oct. 16. William, s. of William Saven ~or Sayin?~ ... bap. " Nov. 5. John, s. of William Sharrat, at Edstaston ... bap. " Nov. 19. Mary, d. of Edward Jones & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 24. Margaret, d. of Humphrey Mainwayring & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 27. John, s. of John Woodhall & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 24. Richard, s. of Richard Astly & Sarah , of Aston ... bap. " Dec. 22. Ann, d. of John Collier & Margaret ... bap. " Dec. 30. John, s. of John Dicken & Agnis , of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 31. John, s. of Robert Blakeway & Ann , of Wem ... bap. 1698, Jan. 10. Mary, d. of John Ashly, a souldier ... bap. " Feb. 18. Mary, d. of Richard Gosling & Dorothy ... bap. " Feb. 22. Samuel, s. of Samuel Jackson & Mary . of Loe ... bur. " Feb. 23. Samuel, s. of James Loe & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of Richard Sandland, cooper, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 13. Francis, d. of John Huxley ... bap. 376 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1697 1697, Mar. 19. Mary, d. of Thomas Price & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 23. Thomas, s. of John Sandland & Elizabeth ... bap. 1698, Mar. 27. Unknown, s of William Groom & Katherine , of Loe ... bap. " Mar. 29. Unknown, s. of Paul Pugh & Alice ... bap. " Apr. 3. Unknown, s. of George Downs & Esther , of Aston ... bap. " Apr. 16. Unknown, s. of John Sandland & Jane ... bap. " May 26. Unknown, d. of Thomas Lee & Anne ... bap. " May 29. Unknown, d. of George Groome & Ellinor , of Wem ... bap. " June 23. Unknown, s. of Edward Edwards & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 23. Richard, s. of William Allinson ~either twins or just brothers~ ... bap. " July 23. Unknown, s. of William Allinson ~either twins or just brothers~ ... bap. " July 24. Martha, d. of John Jones & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 5. Unknown, d. of William Tylour & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 27. Sarah, d. of Joseph Morris & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 9. Unknownan, d. of Ann Salt ... bap. " Sep. 10. William, s. of William Onslow & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 27. Judith, d. of John Newton & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 13. Elizabeth, d. of William Jones, of Tilly ... bap. " Oct. 18. Elizabeth, d. of William Forgeham ... bap. " Oct. 30. George, s. of Thomas Cotton & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 30. Sarah, d. of John Gray ... bap. " Nov. 5. Unknown, s. of George Ison & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Mare & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 19. Margaret, d. of Thomas Evans, of Horton ... bap. " Dec. 19. Samuel, s. of Richard Astley ... bap. *" Dec. 7. Edward, s. of Jonah Jefferies & Rebecca ... bap. 1698, Dec. 27. Martha, d. of John Jones & Margaret , of Tilly ... bap. " Dec. 29. Joseph, s. of Joseph Asford, of Wem ... bap. 1699, Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Joseph Reeves ... bap. " Jan. 6. Richard, s. of Richard Dicken, of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 20. Elinor, d. of Edward Jones, of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 22. Ann, d. of Thomas Felton, of Cross bank ... bap. " Feb. 4. Unknown, s. of Abraham Evans & Margaret , of Loe ... bap. 1699] Wem. 377 1699, Feb.16. John, s. of Thomas Groom, of Sleap, & Hannah+ ... bap. *" Feb. 13. William, s. of William Mendlove & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 22, Unknown, s. of Edward Watkin & Dorothy ... bap. " Mar. 1. Mary, d. of Unknown Massey ... bap. " Mar. 16. Jane, d. of Thomas Gough, of Wem.; bucher, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 17. Unknown, s. of Thomas Peplows ... bap. " Mar. 2. Unknown, d. of John Phillips, of Wem ... bap. 1699, Apr. 10, Thomas, s. of John Dean, of Wem ... bap. " Apr. 20. Thomas, s. of John Fearn & Sarah ... bap. " May 7. Mary, d. of Thomas Jebb, of Tilley & Hester ... bap. " May 10. Rowland, base d. of, Rowland Banks Thomas & Ann ... bap. " May 20. William, s. of William Bromhall, of Northwood Hall, & Jone; born 11th ... bap. " May 26. James, s. of John Steventon [Stenston] & Ales ... bap. " June 2. Mary, d. of Richard Powel & Katherin ... bap. " June 5. Thomas, s. of Arthur Penkaman, of Tylley, & Margaret ... bap. " June 8. Sarah, d. of John Collier & Margarett ... bap. " June 14. Peter, s. of Richard Spencer & Elizabeth ... bap. *" June 11. Thomas, s. of William Groome, of Elcop Bank ... bap. " July 20. Charles, s. of Robert Hesketh ... bap. " July 24. Charles, s. of Charles Booth ... bap. " Sep. 9. Bartholomew, s. of John Ebre, of Tilly ... bap. " Sep. 16. Thomas, s. of Richard Evans, of Northwood ... bap. " Sep. 24. Jane, d. of Robert Sandland ... bap. " Oct. 3. Robert, s. of Richard Fox, of Horton ... bap. " Oct. 11. Charles, s. of Richard Astley, of Aston ... bap. " Oct. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Griffiths, of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 20. Richard, s. of William Tyler, of Horton ... bap. 1697, Oct. 22. John, s. of John Joye. of Wem ... bap. 1699, Oct. 22. Richard, s. of John Joye. of Wem ... bap. 378 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1699 1699, Nov. 22. Margarett, d. of Richard Jebb, of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 17. John, s. of Dorothea Chidloe, of Aston, wid. ... bap. " Feb. 4. Mary, d. of James Loe, of Wem ... bap. " Feb. 5. Sarah, d. of William Brittain, of Wem ... bap. " Feb. 5. Mary, d. of John Woodall, of Tilly ... bap. " Feb. 25. Elinor, d. of James Lawrans, of Wem ... bap. " Mar. 8. Mary, d. of Thomas Pidgeon, of Wem ... bap. 1700, Mar. 29. Samuell, s. of Richard Sandland & Elizabeth, of Wem ... bap. " Apr. 1. Martha, d. of Griffin Jones, of Aston ... bap. " Apr. 2. John, s. of John Pidgeon, of Wem ... bap. " Apr. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lee, blacksmith, of Wem ... bap.+ " Apr. 11. Elizabeth, base d. of Jane Tomas P.$ ... bap. " Apr. 14. Joseph, s. of Joseph Mallob P. ... bap. " Apr. 17. Richard, s. of William Allanson, of Wem ... bap. " May 1. Robert, s. of John Sandland, of Loe Hill, & Jane ... bap. 1699. Oct. 30. George, s. of Thomas Sherratt, ... bap. Octob. 30th. " Nov. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Sandland, ... bap. Nov. 5th. 1700. Apr. 1. Samuell, s. of George Sandford, ... bap. April 1st.) " May 5. John, s. of John Jones, of Tilley labourer ... bap. " May 22. William, s. of William Morris, of Wem, tayler ... bap. " June 3. Robert, s. of Robert Blakeway & Ann ... bap. " June 5. Robert, s. of Robert Roydon, labourer, Trench lane ... bap. " June 15. Elizabeth, d. of William Sauin, of Tilley ... bap. " June 22. Samuel, s. of John Sandland. of Aston ... bap. " July 21. Margaret, d. of Richard Burch, labourer ... bap. 1700] Wem. 379 1700, Aug. 7. Shusana, d. of Higgins, of Lacon ... bap.. " Aug. 10. Rachell, base d. of Elizabeth Shore ... bap. " Aug. 11. Joseph, s. of John Evans, of Wem, webster P. ... bap. " Aug. 11. Benjamin, s. of John Evans, of Wem, webster P. ... bap. " Aug. 18. Richard, s. of Thomas Matthews, of Wem, labourer P. ... bap. " Aug. 18. John, s. of Anthony Reynolds, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 23. Thomas, s. of Richard Spencer, of the Pooles ... bap. " Sep. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jebb, of Tilley ... bap. " Oct. 5. Mary, d. of Abram Evans, of the Loe P. ... bap. " Oct. 9. Richard, s. of Richard Jebb, of Wem, & Margarett ... bap. " Oct. 12. Joh, s. of Thomas Jebb, of Highfeilds ... bap. " Oct. 13. John, s. of Andrew Barnes, of Wam ... bap. " Nov. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hales, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 8. Thomas, s. of William Forgham, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 9. Jasper, s. of Thomas Dikes, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 10. Lidia, d. of Joseph Ashford. of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 10. John, s. of John Hales, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 17. Martha, d. of Ricard Ball, of Wem P. bap. " Nov. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Berrington, of Aston ... bap. " Dec. 1. Arthur, s. of William Groome, of Loe hill P. ... bap. " Dec. 5. Mary, d. of Edward Edwards, of Wem P. ... bap. " Dec. 13. Thomas, s. of William Mendlnve. of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 26. Anne, d. of Francis Williams, ~head schoolmaster~ of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 5. Margaratt, d. of Thomas Price. of Wem ... bap. *" Dec. 29. Thomas, s. of John Huxley, of Tilley Greene ... bap. " Jan. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Humphrey Manwareing, of Wem P. ... bap. " Jan. 20. Ralph, s. of Joseph Maddox, of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 2. Edward, s. of William Onslo ... bap. 380 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1700 1700, Jan. 26. Matthew, s. of John Hayward, of Wem P. ... bap. " Feb. 5. Mary, d. of George Harper, of Horton ... bap. " Feb. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Downes, of Tilley ... bap. " Mar. 1. Jane, d. of Roger Wright, of Aston ... bap. 1698, Mar. 3. Andrew, s. of Thomas Wrights, of Wem ... bap. 1700, Mar. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Wrights, of Wem ... bap. " Mar. 14. Richard, s. of John Joy & Mary ... bap. +" Mar. 16. George, s. of George Groome ... bap. " Mar. 19. Margaret, base d. of Elizabeth Challenor ... bap. 1701, Mar. 25. Beniamin, s. of Thomas Daunport, of the one house ... bap. " Mar. 30. Elizabeth, d. of William Williams P. ... bap. " Apr. 20. Mary, d. of Edward Vaughan, of Wem ... bap. " Apr. 24. Isabel, d. of John Steyenton ... bap. " May 9. Sarah, d. of Charles Boothe, of Wem ... bap. " May 11. Thomas, s. of John Postle, of the Loe P. ... bap. " May 11. Jonah, s. of Jonah Jeffreys, of Wem ... bap. " May 23. Thomas, s. of William Fox, of Aston ... bap. " May 25. Jone, d. of James Forgham, of Wem P. ... bap. " June 8. Margaret, d. of Thomas Fouke, of Wem P. ... bap. " July 20. Richard, base s. of Margaret Lewis P. ... bap. " July 27. Arthur, s. of Edward Jones, of Wem ... bap. " Aug. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Samuell Richards, of Wem P. bap. " Aug. 19. Joseph, s. of Joseph Nixson & Jane, of Aston ... bap. " Aug. 30. Hannah, d. of Thomas Groome ... bap. " Sep. 23. Mary, d. of Thomas Kynaston ... bap. " Sep. 28. Sarah, d. of James Forgham, tanner ... bap. " Oct. 7. Robert, s. of Robert Sandland, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 15. John, s. of Thomas Dikes, of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 18. Margarett, d. of Joseph Fardoe, of Horton ... bap. " Nov. 8. Esther, d. of George Downes, of Aston ... bap. " Nov. 10. Thomas, s. of William Forgham, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 23. John, s. of John Jones, labourer, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 24. Mary, d. of Edward Witkis ... bap. 1702] Wem. 381 1701, Nov. 26. Richard, s. of Thomas Peplo ... bap. " Dec. 3. Joseph, s. of Edward Griffis ... bap. " Dec. 4. Robert, s. of Richard Spencer, (of the) Poole ... bap. " Dec. 11. Mary, d. of Charles Pudilston ... bap. " Dec. 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas Griffis ... bap. " Dec. 26. Samuel, s. of John Dean & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 30. Phillip, s. of Thomas Lee ... " Jan. 7. Richard, s. of Joseph Evans ... bap. " Jan. 18. Mary, d. of Peter Pidgon & Margaret ... bap. " Jan. 18. William, s. of William Peate & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 20. Mary, d. of Richard Astaly, of Aston ... bap. , " Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Edward Jones ... bap. " Jan. 30. John, s. of William Allenson & Elianor ... bap. " Jan. 30. Sarah, d. of John Hebray & Elizabeth , of Tilly ... bap. " Feb. 2. Sarah, d. of George Fletcher & Mary , of Barker's Green ... bap. " Feb. 6. Thomas, s. of John Phillips & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 8. Elizabeth, d. of James Loe, & his wife ... bap. " Feb. 8. Willobey, s. of Robert Heskey, of Sleap, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 24. Isabel, d. of Richard Cooper & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Davies & Margaret ... bap. " Mar. 4. Samuell, s. of Richard Latham & Margaret ... bap. " Mar. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Peele & Margaret ... bap. " Mar. 23. Elizabeth, d. of William Tyler, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1702, Mar. 31. Hannah, d. of Roger Joreland, of Trench Farm ... bap. " Apr. 6. Christen, d. of Thomas Berrington & Elizabeth, of Aston ... bap. " Apr. 11. Samuell, s. of Anthony Reynolds & Phebe ... bap. " Apr. 24. Daniell, s. of William Wicherley, of Aston ... bap. 382 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1702 1702, May . Margaret, d. of William Jones, of Tilly, & Margaret ... bap. +" June 24. Elizabeth, d. of John Newton, of Tilly, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 29. Ann, d. of Thomas Barkely, of Horton ... bap. " July 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Watkin & Jane ... bap. " July 30. John, s. of William Jarvis & Issabel ... bap. " Aug. 18. Thomas, base s. of Mary Maer ... bap. " Sep. 6. Ann, d. of John Higginson, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 6. Mary, d. of Richard Baurch ... bap. " Sep. 27. Ann, d. of Thomas Pidgeon & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 2. Robert, s. of John Pidgeon & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 3. Sarah, d. of Richard Phillips, corviser ... bap. " Oct. 5. Thomas, s. of William Groome, of Aston ... bap. " Oct. 6. Hannah, d. of Andrew Barnes, joyner ... bap. " Oct. 9. Andrew, s. of Thomas Downes, of Tilly, & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 18. Jane, d. of Thomas Wright, corviser, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 24. Margaret, d. of John Sandland. of Low Hill ... bap. " Nov. 22. Hannah, d. of William Britten & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 12. Elizabeth, d. of John Garratt, of Soulton, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 13. John, s. of John Bennett & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 15. Joseph, s. of Adam Tilsley, of Sleape ... bap. " Dec. 20. Edward, s. of Edward Watkis & Dorrithy ... bap. " Dec. 26. Ralph, s. of Joseph Ashford & Lidia ... bap. " Dec. 30. Richard, s. of Thomas Gough, bucher, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 30. Oursula, d. of Edward Edwardes. & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 6. Margaret, d. of William Morris & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 9. Sarah, d. of Thomas Lacthit, of Aston, & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 12. Anne, d. of Richard Sandland & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 13. Mary, d. of John Hales & Mary ... bap. 1703] Wem. 383 1702, Jan. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Peu ~(or Peugh)~, of the Low hill ... bap. " Jan. 17. Richard, s. of John Huxley. of Tilley ... bap. " Feb. 2. Anne, d. of Humphrey Manwaring & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 13. Mary, d. of James Lawrance & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 17. William, s. of Edward Vaughan & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 19. John, s. of John Sandland, of Aston ... bap. " Feb. 20. Mary, d. of Thomas Reeves, of the Low, & Margaret ... bap. " Feb. 20. Roland, s. of William Mendlove & Mary ... bap. *" Apr. 29. John, s. of John Chetto, of Horton ... bap. " Feb. 2. John, s. of Thomas Randles, of Aston, & Issabel ... bap. " Feb. 23. Anne, d. of Richard Jebb & Margaret ... bap. " Mar. 3. Jane, base d. of Martha Griffis, of the Rowwood ... bap. 1703, Mar. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Foulks ... bap. " Mar. 30. Mary, d. of James Forgham & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Basnitt & Anne ... bap. +" Mar. 31. Abraham, s. of Abraham Evans, of Edstaston, & Margaret ... bap. " Apr. 14. John, s. of Richard Vaughan, pipemaker, & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 20. Beterige, d. of Ralph Willson & Beatrice ... bap. " Apr. 25. Sarah, d. of John Gade & Joane ... bap. " Apr. 25. Catterine, d. of John Evans & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 2. Sarah, base d. of Anne Loyd ... bap. " May 7. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jebb, of Tilley, & Ester ... bap. " May 18. Sarah, d. of John Fardow, of Aston ... bap. " June 13. Anne, d. of Thomas Matthews & Anne ... bap. " June 17. Lusi, d. of Samuell Howbrook. minester, of Tilly ... bap. " June 27. John, s. of John Welch ... bap. " July 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hales & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 11. Thomas, s. of John Gleg, of Tilly parke, & Ann ... bap. " Aug. 8. Edward, s. of Edward Jones, gardiner, & Mary ... bap. 384 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1703 1703, Aug. 8. Mary, d. of Arthur Pankeman, of Tilly ... bap. " Aug. 8. Elizabeth, d. of John Griffith & Ales ... bap. " Aug. 10. Francis, s. of Francis William,. chife schoolemaster, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 14. Richard, s. of Richard Grace, of Lowway ~(or Edstaston)~ ... bap. " Aug. 29. Elizabeth, d. of John Griffith & May ... bap. " Sep. 4. Mary, d. of Richard Cooper & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 5. John, s. of Thomas Price, mason ... bap. " Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Harres, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Dicks ~(or Dickes)~ ... bap. " Sep. 14. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Kynaston, dyer, & Dorrithy ... bap. " Sep. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Roland Weever, of Northwood ... bap. " Oct. 1. Hannah, d. of Charles Puliston & Jone ... bap. " Oct. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Barkely, of Horton, & Catterine ... bap. " Oct. 28. Elizabeth, d. of William Davies & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 5. Martha, d. of John Phillipes & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 7. Thomas, s. of John Jones, of the Roowood ... bap. " Nov. 24. Thomas, s. of Ralph Millington, of Stanton, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 27. Sarah, base d. of Elizabeth Hinks ... bap. " Dec. 3. Anne, d. of John Haweard ... bap. " Dec. 4. Mary, d. of William Sayen, of the Takens ... bap. " Dec. 10. Anne, d. of Thomas Groome, of Slape, & Hannah ... bap. " Dec. 22. Mary, d. of Edward Ball ... bap. " Dec. 25. Frances, d. of William Forgham & of his w. ... bap. " Dec. 26. Samuell, s. of John Deane & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 3. Jane, d. of Thomas Evens, of Horton ... bap. " Jan. 10. Sarah, d. of George Harper. of Horton ... bap. " Jan. 10. John, s. of Thomas Newnes. of Horton ... bap. 1704] Wem. 385 1703, Feb. 2. Anne, d. of William Woodhouse & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Lawrance Horton ~or Norton~ ... bap. " Feb. 6. John, s. of George Groome, of Horton ... bap. " Feb. 14. Anne, d. of William Allington ... bap. " Feb. 20. Sarah, d. of James Lea & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 23. Nathaniell, s. of Joseph Evans, tayler, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 27. Richard, s. of Thomas Fouckes ... bap. " Mar. 1. Mary, d. of Unknown Flecher, wid. , of Aston ... bap. " Mar. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph Barnes & Margarett ... bap. " Mar. 12. John, s. of John Woodwall. of Tilley, & Anne ... bap. 1704, Apr. 17. John, s. of William Javies & Isebal ... bap. " Apr. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffiths & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 27. Esther, d. of William Britten & Mary ... bap. *" Apr. 23. Elizabeth, d. of William Groome, of Newtown ... bap. " Apr. 30. Sarah, d. of George Dounes, of Aston, & Esther ... bap. " May 6. Thomas, s. of Joseph Cooke. of Slape, & Ellin ... bap. " May 13. Anne, d. of Robert Rodon, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. *" May 9. Joseph, s. of Anthony Renolds & Phabey ... bap. " May 24. Unknown, d. of Griffis Jones, of Edstaston ... bap. " Feb. 26. Sarah, d. of Joseph Jonson & Hanah ... bap. " Feb. 26. Sarah, d. of Thomas Judgson, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. +" May 22. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Jerland, of the Trench farm, was ... born " June 11. Mary, d. of Thomas Berington, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 17. Hannah, d. of Thomas Jebb, of Highfields, & Hannah ... bap. " June 23. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Cooper, sadler, & Margerett ... bap. 386 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1704 1704, July 9. Jane, d. of William Gates, dier, & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Allinson. of Low Hill, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 13. Thomas, s. of Richard Powell, of Aston, & Elinnor ... bap. " Aug. 15. Thomas, s. of Richard Jebb & Margerett ... bap. " Aug. 23. Phillip, s. of John Chettoe, of Horton, & his wife ... bap. " Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of John Tinson, pedler, & Ales ... bap. " Sep. 1. William, s. of Samuell Houlbrooke, minister, of Tilley ... bap. " Sep. 15. John, s. of William Fox, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 17. Elizabeth, base d. of Mary Lockley ... bap. " Sep. 27. Sarah, d. of Richard Vaughan & Ales ... bap. " Oct. 6. Joseph, s. of Joseph Pixley & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 8. Lidea, d. of John Newton, of Tilly, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 28. Elizabeth, d. of William Mendlove & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas Haywerd ~[or Hauward]~ & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 1. Sarah, d. of John Morries & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 5. Ales, d. of Robert Daveis & his wife ... bap. " Nov. 5. Jane, d. of William Tylor, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 14. John, s. of Robert Sandland & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 25. Anne, d. of Thomas Peploe & Margarett ... bap. " Dec. 12. Jane, d. of Joseph Nixson, of Aston, & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 17. Anne, d. of Thomas Price & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas Geates, of Tilly. & Rachel ... bap. " Dec. 24. Mary, d. of Richard Burch & his wife ... bap. " Dec. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Puliston & Jone ... bap. " Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Andrew Barnes, joyner ... bap. " Dec. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Edwardes, ~paueman?~, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1705] Wem. 387 1704, Jan. 3. Mary, d. of John Bennett & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Ashford & Lidea ... bap. " Jan. 15. John, s. of John Pidgeon & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 28. John, s. of John Gadd & Jone ... bap. " Feb. 13. Anne, d. of James Low & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 24. Jane, d. of Joseph Fardow, of Horton, & Marthe ... bap. " Feb. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Davies, of Lacon ~(or Martha)~ ... bap. " Feb. 28. Thomas, s. of Peter Pidgeon & Margarett ... bap. " Mar. 20. Anne, d. of Charles Booth & Eliner ... bap. 1705, Mar. 25. John, s. of Thomas Reeves, of the Low wood, & Margerett ... bap. " Mar. 25. John, s. of Richard Sandland & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 3. Sarah, d. of Joseph Machim ~(or Machell)~, of Lacon ~This child being born with 2 cheasts~ ... bap. " Apr. 17. Sarah, d. of Richard Boulton & Margerett ... bap. " June 3. Richard, s. of William Morris & Mary ... bap. " June 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Pidgeon & Mary ... bap. " June 13. Mary, d. of Thomas Wright, corviser, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 17. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Downes, of Aston, & Jone ... bap. " June 24. James, s. of William Jarvis & Issabel ... bap. " July 2. Hezekiah, s. of John Woodwell, of Tilly ... bap. " July 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Whitefeild, of Aston ... bap. " July 22. Thomas, s. of John Fardoe ... bap. " July 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Whatkin & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 4. Samuell, s. of Thomas Weaver, of Lacon Hall ... bap. " Aug. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Jebb, of Tilley, & Esther ... bap. " Aug. 17. John, s. of James Forgeham & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 2. Elizabeth, d. of William Geates & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 9. Mary, d. of Edward Bell & Elizabeth ... bap. 388 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1705 1705, Sep. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Smith & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 16. Richard, s. of Samuell Richards & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 5. Sarab, d. of Anthony Reynolds & Pheaby ... bap. " Oct. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Barnes, clarke, & Anne; born Oct. 1. ... bap. " Oct. 14. John, s. of John Griffeth & Ales ... bap. " Oct. 26. Joseph, s. of William Higginson & Elizabeth, of Whitchurch ... bap. " Nov. 7. Mary, d. of John Houlbrooke. of Horton, & Batrich ... bap. " Nov. 7. Elizabeth, d. of John Phillips, of Horton, & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Nov. 9. William, s. of William Tylor, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas Lawrance. of Aston ... bap. " Nov. 18. Thomas, s. of Richard Dickin & Isabell bap. " Nov. 20. John, s. of John Barnes, of the Lowe, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 2. Sarah, d. of James Lawrance & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 11. Edward, s. of John Heabry, of Tilly, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Bellingham ... bap. " Jan. 29. Anne, d. of Richard Cooper & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 2. John, s. of John Greay. of Aston ... bap. " Feb. 5. Samuell, s. of John Pidgeon & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davies, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 17. Anne, d. of Thomas Barkley, of Horton ... bap. " Mar. 3. John, s. of John Huxley ... bap. " Mar. 12. John, s. of John Davies, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 19. Mary, d. of Ralph Willson & Beatrice ... bap. " Mar. 19. Mary, d. of Timothy Parker & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 22. Andrew, s. of William Allinson & Elinnor ... bap. 1706, Mar. 29. Frances, d. of William Onsloe & Elizabeth ... bap. 1706] Wem. 389 1706, Mar. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hayward & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 7. Jane, w. of John Jones, of Edstaston ... bur. " Apr. 13. Christopher, s. of John Allinson, of Leowhill, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 20. Thomas, s. of Joseph Higginson, of Edstaston, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas Hales & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 12. Marthe, d. of John Joy & Mary ... bap. " May 22. Samuell, s. of Joseph Cooke, of Horton, & Ellin ... bap. " June 7. George, s. of Adam Tilsey, of Slape ... bap. " June 13. Shusanah, d. of Richard Spenser, of the Pooles ... bap. " June 16. Ellinnor, base d. of Elinnor Junes ... bap. " June 28. John, s. of John Gleg, of Tilley Park, & Anne ... bap. " June 30. Sarah, d. of Charles Puliston, & Jone ... bap. " July 23. Richard, s. of William Forgeham & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 24. Lidea, d. of Andrew Barnes & Chrysagon ... bap. " July 16. Anne, d. of Robert Davies & Margarett; born July 16* ... bap. " Aug. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Pugh, of the Low hill ... bap. +" Sep. 18. Thomas, s. of Richard Astley, of Aston, & Margarett ... bap. " Aug. 27. John, s. of John Clarke, of Tilley, & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 27. Mary, d. of Isaac Moulton, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 29. Mary, d. of John Garrett, of Prees, & Mary ... bap. $" Oct. 27. Daniel, s. of John Evens & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 1. Marc, d. of Edward Whatkin & Dorethy ... bap. " Nov. 2. John, s. of Thomas Judgson, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 4. Margerett, d. of Joseph Jonson, Hannah ... bap. 390 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1706 1706, Dec. 7. Mary, d. of William Groome, sadler, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 16. John, s. of William Baker, of London, ship-carpenter, & Margarett ... bap. " Dec. 25. Jane, d. of Thomas Whitesfield & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Hedman & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 26. Anne, d. of John Woodwell, of Tilley, & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Feb. 1. Mary, d. of Edward Garland, of Slape, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 7. Dorothy, d. of John Higginson, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John Barnes, of the Low, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 2. Andrew, s. of William Allinson, & Ellinnor ... bap. " Mar. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Henry Miller, of the Low hill, & Mary ... bap. *" Mar. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Dickes ... bap. " Mar. 23. John, s. of William Blakeway & Anne ... bap. 1707, Mar. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Davies, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 30. Samuell, s. of Edward Edwards & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 6. Mary, d. of John Tinson, peadlor, & Ales ... bap. " Apr. 14. Hannah, d. of James Low & Maley ... bap. " Apr. 14. Sarah, d. of John Bennit & Marey ... bap. " Apr. 15. John, s. of John Chetteo, of Horton, & Catherine ... bap. " May 11. Sarah, d. of Thomas Harries & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 1. Robert, s. of John Gad ... bap. " June 7. Richard, s. of Richard Bellingham & Mary ... bap. " June 8. Rebacke, d. of Joseph Evens, tiler, & Sarah ... bap. " June 15. John, s. of John Holbrooke, of Horton, & Beatrice ... bap. * Inserted here in the original. 1707] Wem. 391 1707, June 19. John, s. of John Booth, desed, & Marey ... bap. " June 22. Sarah, d. of John Weelch & Marey ... bap. " July 20. Ellinna, d. of Charles Booth & Ellinna ... bap. " Aug. 10. Margerett, d. of John Fardoe & Margerett ... bap. *" July 27. John, s. of Samuell Barnes alias Null & Catherine ... bap. " Aug. 22. Thomas, s. of Richard Cooper, sadler, & his wife ... bap. " Aug. 23. Thomas, s. of Joseph Ashford & Lidea ... bap. " Aug. 24. Marey, d. of John Griffefk & Ales ... bap. " Sep. 20. Anne, d. of Thomas Geates & Rechel ... bap. " Oct. 23. William, s. of John Deane & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 25. Marey, d. of Richard Powell & Elinnor ... bap. *" Oct. 8. Margerett, d. of William Tylor, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 12. Jane, d. of Robert Sandland, cooper, & Marey ... bap. " Nov. 5. Thomas, s. of John Stocken, of Aston, & Hannah ... bap. " Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of William Wycherley, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 23. Jane, d. of Walter Trantrum & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 24. Mary, d. of Edward Jones & Marey ... bap. " Nov. 25. Mary, d. of John. Pidgeon & Marey ... bap. " Dec. 2. Thomas, s. of Joseph Newton, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Cooper & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 3. Lidea, d. of James Forgham & Marey ... bap. " Dec. 5. Marthe, d. of John Clarke, of Tilley, & Marthe ... bap. " Dec. 16. Robert, s. of Ralph Lathropp & Margerett; born 28 Nov. ... bap. " Jan. 2. Anne, d. of Thomas Wright & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 3. Margerett, d. of Thomas Barkley ... bap. " Feb. 1. Robert, s. of William Higgines & Marcy ... bap. " Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Randle Jones & Margerett ... bap. " Feb. 3. Thomas, s. of William Prise & Anne ... bap. 392 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1707 1707, Feb. 17. Marey, d. of John Thomas, of Slape, & Marey ... bap. +" Feb. 15. Marey, d. of John Phillipes, of Horton ... bap. " Feb. 23. Anne, d. of Richard Richardson & Bridgitt ... bap. " Feb. 28. Marey, d. of Richard Boulton & Margerett. ... bap. " Mar. 2. Samuell, s. of John Barnes, parish clarke, & Anne; born Feb. 18. ... bap. " Apr. 4. Richard, s. of Thomas Kyneston & Dorithy ... bap. " Apr. 4. John, s. of Thomas Prise & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 10. Elizabeth, d. of John Monies & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 11. John, s. of John Allinson, of Low & Unknown ... bap. " Apr. 15. John, s. of Anthony Raynolds & Pheaby ... bap. " Apr. 20. William, s. of Thomas Pepleo & Margerett ... bap. " May 2. Edward, base s. of Elizabeth Vaughan ... bap. " May 28. Francis, s. of Richard Astely & Margerett ... bap. 1708, May 29. Thomas, s. of James Lawrance & Jane ... bap. " June 4. John, s. of Richard Jebb, & Margerett ... bap. " June 25. Anne, d. of Thomas Weever, of Lacon Hall, & his wife ... bap. $" June 30. John, s. of John Hayward, of the Woodhouse, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 3. Mary, d. of Roger Maddox & Catherine ... bap. " Aug. 6. Arthur, s. of George Dowens, of Aston, & Unknown ... bap. " Aug. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Groom, of Slape, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 22. Robert, s. of Robert Davies, of Tilley, & Margerett ... bap. *" Aug. 19. Elizabeth, d. of James Forgeham, of Edstaston, & Elizabeth ... bap. *" Aug. 19. Allin, s. of Thomas Wright, of Rie Bank, & Mary ... bap. 1709] Wem. 393 1708, Sep. 14. Sarah, d. of William Morries & Maryan ... bap. " Sep. 23. Temperance, d. of John Deacon, surveyor, & Dorethy ... bap. " Sep. 24. Samuell, s. of Andrew Barnes & Griesegon ... bap. " Sep. 26. Thomas, s. of Richard Browne, of Horton, & Unknown ... bap. " Sep. 27. Mary, d. of Arthur Bratt, of Tilley, & Dorothe ... bap. " Oct. 3. Sarah, d. of Thomas Griffeth & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 15. John, s. of Thomas Watkm & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 24. James, s. of James Low & Mary ... bap. Oct. 24. Jane, d. of Joseph Evens & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 25. Unknown, s. of Thomas Chidloe ... bap. " Nov. 5. Thomas, s. of Charles Puliston & Jone ... bap. " Nov. 22. Thomas, s. of John Barnes, of the Low, & his wife ... bap. *" Nov. 13.. Anne, d. of Thomas Fouckes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 16. Roger, s. of Edward Garland, of Slape, & his wife ... bap. " Dec. 27. Frances, d. of William Forgam & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 27. Sarah, d. of Thomas Harres. of Aston, & his wife ... bap. " Dec. 28. Mary, d. of John Hayward & his wife ... bap. " Dec. 28. Hannah, d. of Joseph Jonson & Hannah ... bap. " Dec. 31. Sarah, d. of Thomas Hales & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Humphres & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 13. Thomas, s. of Robert Baylit, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 17. Thomas, s. of Richard Phillips. & his wife ... bap. " Feb. 22. Anne, d. of Thomas Davies, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 24. Thomas, s. of Richard Billingham & Mary ... bap. 1709, Apr. 10. Thomas, s. of John Bealiff & Mary ... bap. " May 13. Elinor, base d. of Bridget Jones ... bap. 394 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1709 1709, May 15. Elizabeth, d. of John Clarke, of Tilley, & Martha ... bap. " May 15. Anne, d. of John Huxley & Mary ... bap. " May 17. Barnard, s. of John Deane & Sarah ... bap. *" June 3. Marthe, d. of Roger Basnett & Marthe; born May 28 ... bap. " June 12. Jone, d. of John Gad & Jone ... bap. " June 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Downes & Jone ... bap. " July 9. Sarah, d. of Joseph Nixson, of Aston, & Jane ... bap. " July 17. John, s. of John Benitt & Mary ... bap. 1707, July 17. John, s. of John Barnes, parish clarke, & Anne; born July 16 ... bap. 1709, July 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Barnes, parish clarke, & Anne; born July 16 ... bap. " July 24. Walter, s. of Walter Trantrum & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 24. Margarett, d. of John Woodwall, of Tilley, & his wife ... bap. +" July 30. John, s. of John Howard, of the Woodhouse, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 14. Elizabeth, d. of John Fardoe & Margerett ... bap. " Aug. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph Lathropp & Margerett; born Aug. 22 ... bap. " Aug. 26. Mary, d. of Richard Rutter & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 28. John, s. of Robert Williams & Dorothy ... bap. " Aug. 28. Mary, d. of Samuell Forgam & Margerett ... bap. " Sep. 23. Elizabeth, d. of John Hayward, of the Woodhouse, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Chidloe & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 27. Hannah, d. of Robert Sandland & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 29. Richard, s. of Richard Harper, of the Low, & Mary ... bap. $" Sep. 29. Jane, d. of Richard Harper, of the Low, & Mary ... bap. %" Nov. 18. Jane, d. of Thomas Foulks & Elizabeth ... bap. 1710] Wem. 395 1709, Oct. 12. Catherine, d. of Samuell Barnes ~alias Null~ & his wife ... bap. " Oct. 16. Margerett, d. of Thomas Harreys & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 4. Catherine, d. of John Chattoe, of Horton, & his wife ... bap. " Nov. 27. Anne, d. of Unknown Young, exciseman, & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Dec. 6. Elizabeth, d. of William Higgins & Mary ... bap. ~" Dec. 8. Richard 8: Thomas, Nils of Richard Powel & Elinor ... bap.~ " Dec. 11. William, s. of Roger Maddox & Catherine ... bap. " Dec. 11. Robert, s. of John Joy & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 26. Mary, d. of John Morris & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. of Randle Jones & Margerett ... bap. " Jan. 1. Richard, s. of Jonathe Fisher & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 2. Richard, s. of Thomas Richardson, a traveling man, & his wife ... bap. " Jan. 4. Robert, s. of George Crompe & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of William Tylor, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 14. Margerett, d. of John Allingson. of Low hill, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 27. Susanna, d. of John Thomas, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. +" Feb. 18. Hannah, d. of Thomas Bease & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 7. George, s. of Arthur Tyler, tailor, & his wife ... bap. " Mar. 10. John, s. of John Stocker. of Aston, & Hannah ... bap. " Mar. 11. William, s. of William Groome, sadler, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 15. Marthe, d. of Thomas Geats & Rechel ... bap. 1710, Apr. 2. John, s. of John Groome & his wife ... bap. " Apr. 5. Charles, s. of Cbarles Booeth & Elinnor ... bap. " Apr. 9. John, s. of Thomas Mathews & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 12. John, s. of William Onslow & Elizabeth ... bap. 396 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1710 1710, Apr. 14. John, base s. of Dorothey Rutter ... bap. " Apr. 15. Mary, d. of Robert James & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas Groom, of Slape, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 14. Mary, d. of Joseph Ashford & Lidea ... bap. " May 20. Richard, s. of Robert Sandland, cooper, & Mary ... bap. " June 3. John, s. of Isaac Gregory & Catherine ... bap. " June 13. Thomas, s. of Edward Jones & Mary ... bap. " June 24. Thomas, s. of John Guest, of Tilley, & Anne ... bap. " July 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lawrance, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 2. Anne, d. of Richard Astley, & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Aug. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Lawrance, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 1. James, s. of James Forgham, tannor, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 2. Richard, s. of John Pidgeon & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 14. Thomas, s. of Timothy Deacon & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 29. William, s. of William Prise & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 31. Anne, d. of John Clarke. of Tilley, & Marthe ... bap. " Nov. 4. John, s. of Thomas Whitefield, tanner, & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Nov. 4. Ambrose, s. of Richard Stones, mercer, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 12. John, s. of Thomas Chidloe & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 24. Richard, s. of Richard Doulson, Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Dec. 10. Thomas, s. of John Dellis & Marthe ... bap. " Dec. 3. Mary, d. of James Watkin & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 5. Richard, s. of Ralph Lathropp & Margerett; born Dec. 22 ... bap. " Feb. 2. John, s. of Thomas Kyneston, dyer, & Dorathy ... bap. " Feb. 13. Edward, s. of John Barnes. of the Lowe, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1711] Wem. 397 1710, Feb. 18. Sarah, d. of Richard Bate & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 18. Sarah, d. of Thomas Wright, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Jonson & Hannah ... bap. " Mar. 2. John, s. of William Forgeham & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 7. Marthe, d. of Edward Garland, of Slape, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 18. Robert, s. of Robert Bayley, of Aston, & his wife ... bap. 1711, Apr. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Whitefield & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 12. Anne, base d. of John Pay & Elizabeth Evans ... bap. " Apr. 17. Anne, d. of Peter Pidgeon & Margerett ... bap. " May 7. Sarah, d. of John Deane & Sarah ... bap. " May 12. Samuell, s. of Richard Astley, of Aston, & Margerett ... bap. " May 13. Mary, d. of Robert Davies, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " May 20. Laurance, s. of John Higginson, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " July 1. Richard, s. of John Fardoe & Margerett ... bap. " Aug. 3. William, s. of William Higgins & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 7. George, s. of George Croump & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 27. Rebekah, d. of John Barnes, parish clerk, & Anne; born Aug. 27 ... bap. " Aug. 27. Hannah, d. of John Barnes, parish clerk, & Anne; born Aug. 27 ... bap. " Sep. 30. John, s. of John Thomas & Elinnor ... bap. " Oct. 9. John, s. of William France & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 14. Thomas, s. of Charles Booeth & Elinnor ... bap. " Oct. 25. John, s. of James Lawrence & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 28. Elinnor, d. of Richard Powell & Elinnor ... bap. " Nov. 27. Sarah, d. of Richard Richards & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Nov. 27. Mary, d. of Josepb Chettoe & Catherine ... bap. " Dec. 26. Isaac, s. of Isaac Gregory & Catherine ... bap. " Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Prise & Mary ... bap. 398 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1711 1711, Jan. 1. Joseph, s. of John Hopwood, of Aston, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 25. Dorothy, d. of Thomas Iklenlove, of Diches, & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of William Jeffreys & his wife ... bap. " Feb. 2. Richard, s. of Richard Stones & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 10. Margery, d. of Joseph Hayward & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 22. Alice, d. of Richard Ball & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Samuel Fardoe & his wife ... bap. " Feb. 29. John, s. of Richard Rag & his wife ... bap. " Mar. 4. Hannah, d. of Thomas Hales & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 8. Thomas, base s. of Margerett Clarke begot by John Huxley ... bap. " Mar. 15. Margerett, d. of Roger Maddox & Catherine ... bap. 1712, Mar. 30. Sarah, d. of John Lowrance. of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 2. John, s. of William Groome & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 4. John, s. of George Downes, of Aston & Esther ... bap. " Apr. 73. Thomas, s. of Thomas Harries, & his wife ... bap. " Apr. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Dane & Alice ... bap. " Apr. 24. Martha, d. of Lewis Evans & Martha ... bap. " Apr. 24. Mary, d. of Samuell Postle & his wife ... bap. " May 11. Catherine, d. of William Rowden, of Tilley, & his wife ... bap. " May 25. Margerett, d. of Anthony Warwick & his wife ... bap. " May 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Chidloe & Mary ... bap. " June 1. Dorothy, d. of Arthur Bratt, of Tilley & Dorothy ... bap. " June 8. Margerett, d. of James Watkin & Mary ... bap. . June 15. Thomas, s. of John Jones & Mary ... bap. " June 76. John, s. of Arthur Tyler & his wife ... bap. " June 16. Hannah, d. of James Low & Mary ... bap. " June 2. John, s. of Thomas Noneley. of Slape, & his wife ... bap. 1713] Wem. 399 1712, July 23. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Maregould & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 27. William, s. of John Hales & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 6. Hannah, d. of Thomas Davis & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Aug. 16. Roger, s. of Thomas Kyeneston & Dorethy ... bap. " Aug. 29. Joseph, s. of Joseph Machim, of Lacon, & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Sep. 3. Thomas, s. of Richard Dulson & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Sep. 3. Thomas, s. of John Chettoe & Catharine ... bap. " Sep. 11. Anne, d. of Edward Watkin & Dorothy ... bap. " Sep. 20. Margrett, d. of Jeremiah Smith & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Sep. 28. Margrett, d. of John Morris & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lloyd & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 26. Richard, s. of John Gadd & Jone ... bap. " Nov. 2. Elinnor, d. of William Harries, of Aston, & his wife ... bap. " Nov. 14. Rowland, s. of Rowland Deacon & his wife ... bap. " Dec. 27. William, s. of John Clarke, of Tilley, & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Gates & Rachell ... bap. " Jan. 23. William, base s. of Mary Elles ... bap. " Feb. 1. Phebe, d. of Thomas Beate & his wife ... bap. " Mar. 1. James, s. of Thomas Watkin & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 6. Robert, s. of Robert James & Elizabeth ... bap. 1713, Mar. 27. Catherine, base d. of Catherine Fernefeild ... bap. " Apr. 6. Thomas, s. of Randulph Jones & Margerett ... bap. " Apr. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Moses Wrey & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 10. Mary, d. of Richard Stones & Mary ... bap. 400 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1713 1713, Apr. 17. Margerett, d. of Richard Astley & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Apr. 19. Richard, s. of Richard Richardes, desesed. of Aston, & his wife ... bap. " June 5. Sarah, d. of Edward Jones & Mary ... bap. " June 17. Robert, s. of Robert Bellingham & Sarah ... bap. " July 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Dane & Alice ... bap. " June 2. Mary, d. of Ralph Lathropp & Margerett; born May 22 ... bap. " July 19. Mary, d. of Joseph Evans & Sarah ... bap. " July 26. Richard, s. of Richard Rutter, of the Low, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 26. Elinnor, d. of John Thomas & Elinnor ... bap. " July 29. Michael, s. of Edward Mason, hatter, & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 12. Samuell, s. of Robert Sandland & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 30. Margerett, d. of Richard Brown, of Horton, & Catherine ... bap. " Sep. 4. Mary, d. of John Phillipes, webster, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 19. Jane, d. of Rowland Weever, of Northwood, & Margerett ... bap. " Sep. 19. Elizabeth, d. of John Dane & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Bayley, of Aston, & his wife ... bap. " Sep. 29. Sarah, d. of Benjamin Higginson, glover, & Mary ... bap. *" Sep. 22. Hannah, d. of John Shenton & Hannah; born Sep. ... bap. " Sep. 30. William, s. of Isaac Gregory, barber, & Catherine ... bap. *" Sep. 27. Aaron, s. of Thomas Griffith, corviser & Judey ... bap. " Oct. 2. Anne, d. of Roger Basnett, of Diches & Martha; born Sep. 17 ... bap. " Nov. 6. Elinner, d. of Thomas Davies. of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 1. Mary, d. of Joseph Jonson & Hannah ... bap. " Nov. 14. Joseph, s. of Thomas Hales, corviser, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1714] Wem. 401 1713, Dec. 26. Mary, d. of John Thomas, webster, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 13. John, s. of Thomas Kineston & Dorothy ... bap. " Jan. 19. Mary, d. of Thomas Brown, joyner, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 27. William, s. of Thomas Evans & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 30. Mary, d. of Ralph Fleet & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 9. William, s. of Charles Gibson & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 13. Edward, s. of William Forgeham & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 26. Samuell, s. of John Pigeon & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Sheafield & his wife ... bap. " Mar. 5. Thomas, s. of William Higgins, barber, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 14. Joseph, s. of John Fardee & his wife ... bap. " Mar. 20. Sarah, base d. of Mary Gates, of Tilley ~or maybe 'master' Gates? (It said 'Mar')~ ... bap. " Mar. 2. Richard, s. of Francis Yeaton & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 25. Sarah, d. of Thomas Burey, of Slape, & Mary ... bap. *" Mar. 5. Anne, d. of Thomas Cooke, clarke, & Anne ... bap. Sent to the Visitation. +1714, Mar. 30. Francis, s. of Francis Sandland, cooper, & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 2. Joseph, s. of George Crumpe & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 11. Thomas, s. of Richard Stones & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 16. John, s. of Thomas Wycherlev & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 20. Martha, d. of Peter Pigeon & Margerett ... bap. " Apr. 25. Joseph, s. of Thomas Paploe & Margerett ... bap. " Apr. 25. Roger, s. of Roger Maddox & Catherina ... bap. " May 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Mandley, of Slape, & his wife ... bap. " May 23. Richard, s. of John Clarke, of Tilley, & Martha ... bap. " May 23. Joseph, s. of Joseph Howard & Anne ... bap. " May 23. Mary, d. of John Bennett & Mary ... bap. " June 12. Anne, d. of William France & his wife ... bap. 402 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1714 1714, June 12. William, s. of Charles Booeth & Elinnor ... bap. " June 24. John, s. of John Maurice & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 26. John, s. of John Harper & his wife ... bap. " July 17. William, s. of James Forgeham & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 1. Elizabeth, d. of William Preece & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 7. John, s. of John Barnes, parish clarke, & Anne; born July 27 ... bap. " Sep. 5. Mary, d. of Richard Woorall & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 12. Mary, d. of John Gad & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 15. John, s. of Sarah Hyes ... bap. " Sep. 17. Mary, base d. of Margerett Sandland ... bap. " Oct. 6. Daborah, base d. of Daborah Dounton ... bap. " Oct. 6. Thomas, s. of John Howard, of the Woodhouse, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 24. William, s. of John Stocker, of Aston, & Hannah ... bap. " Oct. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Geates & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Rogers & Jesse ... bap. *" Sep. 30. Sarah, d. of William Lawrance & Sarah; born Sep. 30 ... bap. " Nov. 13. Sarah, d. of Richard Edwardes, of Slape, & Martha ... bap. " Nov. 14. Mary, d. of Randal Shenton, cordwainer, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 15. Mary, d. of Daniel Hayward, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 14. John, s. of Thomas Whitefield, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 28. Mary, d. of John Chettoe, webster, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 3. Sarah, d. of Richard Flaming & Margeret, they living at Tilley ... bap. " Feb. 1. Mary, d. of George Talor & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 12. Mary, d. of John Hales & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 25. George, s. of Thomas Downes, of Aston, & Jone ... bap. " Mar. 15. Elizabeth, d. of James Lawrence & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 28. John, s. of John Shenton & Hannah, born Feb. 28. ... bap. 1715] Wem. 403 1715, Mar. 25. John, s. of John Groome, of Aston, & his wife ... bap. " Mar. 27. Mary, d. of Solomon Manley, of Tilley, & his wife ... bap. " Mar. 29. John, s. of Richard Cooper, sadler, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Maddox & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 24. John, s. of James Watkin & Mary ... bap. " May 13. Daniel, s. of Moses Wray & Mary ... bap. " May 15. Mary, d. of Richard Dullson & Margerett . ... bap. " May 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Price & Mary ... bap. " May 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas New nes & Jane ... bap. " June 1. Thomas, s. of Richard Pool, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. " July 1. Edward, s. of Thomas Cooke, clarke, & Anne ... bap. " July 11. Margerett, d. of Thomas Chidloe & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 7. Joseph, s. of Benjamin Higginson, glover, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 10. Jane, d. of Richard Astley, & his wife ... bap. " Aug. 28. Margerett, d. of John Williams, joynor, & Margerett ... bap. " Sep. 3. Samuell, s. of Isaac Gregory & Catharine ... bap. " Sep. 14. Anne, d. of Thomas Deane, barber, & Alis ... bap. " Sep. 18. Richard, s. of Richard Brown, of Horton, & Catherina ... bap. " Oct. 9. John, s. of John Thomas, webster, & Mary ... bap. *" Oct. 8. James, s. of Thomas Burrey, of Slape, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 23. William, s. of Edward Watkis, & Dorothey ... bap. " Oct. 30. Margerett, d. of Thomas Gates & Rachell ... bap. " Nov. 4. Richard, s. of Robert James & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 19. Mary, d. of Thomas Heath & Mary ... bap. $" Dec. 12. Thomas, s. of Edward Hayward & Catherine ... bap. 404 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1715 1715, Dec. 13. John, s. of John Randles, nailer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. of John Phillipes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 29. Elnor, d. of John Fardoe & Margerett ... bap. " Jan. 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas Brown, joyner, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 14. George, s. of William France & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 15. Elizabeth, d. of William Rodon, of Tilley, & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Feb. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Pate, of the Low, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 17. Richard, s. of Richard Price, tanner, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Griffeth & Judeth ... bap. 1716, Apr. 2. John, s. of Thomas Davies. of Lamm & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 5. Margerett, d. of Charles Gibson & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Higginson & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 8. Mary, d. of Robert Bayley. of Aston, & his wife ... bap. " Apr. 22. Martha, d. of Owen Dod, of the Pools, & his wife ... bap. " Apr. 22. Mary, d. of Owen Dod, of the Pools, & his wife ... bap. " Apr. 29. Joseph, s. of John Stockston, of Aston, & Hannah ... bap. *" Apr. 27. Elizabeth, d. of William Laurance & Sarah ... bap. " May 27. Alice, d. of Richard Rutter, of the Low, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 7. Samuell, s. of Randol Jones & Margerett ... bap. " June 10. Charles, s. of Robert Williams, of the Low, & Dorotha ... bap. " July 6. Anne, d. of Richard Cooper, sadler, & Mary ... bap. +" July 17. Samuell, s. of Samuell Garbett, clarke, & Anna ... bap. " Aug. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Fleming, Sargent, & his wife ... bap. 1716] Wem. 405 1716, Aug. 10. John, s. of William Wicksteed & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Evans, millwrite, & his wife ... bap. " Aug. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Booeth & Elinnor ... bap. " Sep. 14. Diana, base d. of Anne Poole ... bap. " Sep. 26. Jane, d. of Thomas Watkin & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 4. Mary, d. of John Kent & his wife ... bap. " Oct. 7. John, s. of Ralph Fleet & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 9. Elizabeth, d. of John Chettoe & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 12. Peter, s. of Thomas Mandley, of Slape, & his wife ... bap. " Oct. 14. Mary, d. of John Thomas & Elinnor ... bap. " Oct. 24. Ralph, s. of Roger Maddox & Catherina ... bap. *" Oct. 2. Samuell, s. of Thomas Griffeth & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 2. Mary, d. of George Downes. of Aston, & Haster ... bap. " Nov. 4. Martha, d. of George Talor & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 26. Mary, d. of George Crump & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. of Thomas Whitefield, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Mare & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 27. William, s. of Thomas Price & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 29. Richard, s. of Richard Edwardes, of Slape, & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of John Hales & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of Richard Woorall, of Tilley Greene, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 15. John, s. of John Owen & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 17. John, s. of Edward Hayward & Catherine ... bap. *" Feb. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Burrey, of Slape ... bap. " Feb. 17. Samuell, s. of Joseph Hayward & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 22. John, s. of Randol Shenton & Mary... bap. " Feb. 23. Arthur, s. of Richard Shingler & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 3. Hannah, d. of Joseph Maddox, taylor, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 5. Richard, s. of William Price & Anne ... bap. 406 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1717 1717, Mar. 31. Elizabeth, base d. of Mary Ellis ... bap. " Apr. 5. Elizabeth, d. of John Tagg, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 14. Jane, d. of Thomas Kyneston, dyer, & Dorothey ... bap. " Apr. 23. John, s. of Thomas Morris & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " May 8. Mary, d. of John Howard & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 14. Elizabeth, d. of Peter Pidgeon & Margerett ... bap. " May 18. Frederick, s. of John Shenton & Hannah, ... bap. " May 22. Anne, d. of Francis Sandland & Anne ... bap. " June 6. Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan Mathews & Frances ... bap. " June 7. William, s. of Thomas Rogers & Jesse ... bap. " June 26. Richard, s. of John Randles, nailer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 28. Richard, s. of Benjamin Higginson, & Mary ... bap. " June 30. Thomas, s. of Edward Mason, hatter, & Anne ... bap. " July 5. Sarah, d. of Isaac Gregory, barber, & Catherine ... bap. " July 7. Daniel, s. of Daniel Hayward ... bap. " July 14. Richard, s. of James Forgeham & Mary ... bap. " July 15. James, s. of Thomas Chidloe & Mary ... bap. " July 27. Anne, d. of William Smith & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 2. John, s. of Solomon Manley & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 4. Martha, d. of John Bennett & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 1. Mary, d. of Rowland Hill & Judith ... bap. " Oct. 15. Anne, d. of William Wicksteed & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 16. Hester, d. of John Gad & Jone ... bap. " Oct. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Harryes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 20. Samuell, s. of William Bicklev, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 29. Richard, s. of William Forgeham & Elizabeth ... bap. 1718] Wem. 407 1717, Nov. 3. John, s. of Thomas Hales & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 15. Abraham, s. of Charles Gibson & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 30. Richard, s. of Richard Gates & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Astley & his wife ... bap. " Jan. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones. of Aston, & his wife ... bap. " Jan. 6. Hannah, d. of Richard Stockall & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Evans, born Jan. 19. ... bap. " Feb. 4. Richard, s. of Richard Ctoper, sadler, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 4. William, s. of Henry Parton & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 3. Dorothy, d. of Randle Clutton & Martha ... bap. " Mar. 7. Mary, d. of Richard Brown, of Horton, & Catherine ... bap. " Mar. 14. Martha, d. of Moses Wray & Mary ... bap. *" Mar. 9. Debroh, d. of William Laurance & Sarah; born Mar. 4 ... bap. " Mar. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Moses Grinley & Mary ... bap. Thus far sent to the visitation. 1718, Mar. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph Barnes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 5. Margerett, d. of John Phillipes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 5. Elizabeth, base d. of Jane Reeves ... bap. +" Apr. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Wilkinson, of Northwood, & Mary, at Newtown Chapel ... bap. " Apr. 14. Thomas, s. of Richard Fleming & Margerett ... bap. " Apr. 14. Richard, s. of Robert Bayley & his wife ... bap. " Apr. 15. Jeramyah, s. of Jaramyah Smith, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 31. Unknown, d. of Richard Jenkes, of Sulton, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " May 9. Richard, s. of Richard Astley & Margarett ... bap. " May 10. Lydia, d. of Thomas Higginson & Elizabeth ... bap. 408 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1718 1718, May 20. John, s. of John Williams, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " June 10. Samuell, s. of Robert James & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 8. Anne, d. of Francis Yeaton & Anne ... bap. " June 24. Mary, d. of John Cunnes & his w. ... bap. " June 24. Edward, s. of Richard Edwards, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " July 2. Mary, base d. of Elizabeth Harres ... bap. 1716, July 6. Joseph, s. of William Craven & Elizabeth, at Newtown Chapll ... bap. 1718, July 6. Mary, d. of William Craven & Elizabeth, at Newtown Chapll ... bap. " July 9. Sarah, d. of Unknown Jeffingson, excise officer, & his w. ... bap. " July 1. Sarah, d. of Richard Darlington & Hannah ... bap. " Aug. 10. John, s. of Robert Williams & Dorothy ... bap. " Aug. 10. Catherine, d. of Thomas Gates & Rachell ... bap. " Aug. 17. Mary, d. of Charles Clutton & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 20. Mary, d. of Charles Booeth & Ellinor ... bap. " Aug. 20. Edward, s. of Edward Newell & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 3. Edward, s. of Edward Downes, decesd., & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 3. Joseph, s. of William Higgins & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Price & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 14. Mary, d. of Edward Winn & Mary, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Sep. 24. Anne, d. of Thomas Davies & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 6. Martha, d. of John Tagg & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 6. Mary, d. of John Hales & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 8. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davies & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 10. John, s. of Thomas Newnes & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 25. Jonathan, s. of John Furber & Mary, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Oct. 26. George, s. of James Foregam & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 1. Thomas, base s. of Jane Hughes ... bap. " Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of John Owen & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 10. Mary, d. of Richard Mare & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Bentley & Mary ... bap. 1719] Wem. 409 1718, Dec. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Humphrey Clarke & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 5. John, s. of Thomas Burrey & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Pavah & Margerett ... bap. " Dec. 28. Mary, d. of John Jones & Mary, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Dec. 28. Sarah, d. of Dayied Lloyd & Catherina, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. 1719, Jan. 1. John, s. of John Echallston & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 15. Jane, d. of Thomas Watkin & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 1. Thomas, s. of Rowland Wittingham & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 4. William, s. of George Tayler & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 8. Rebacca, d. of John Kent & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 12. Mary, d. of Richard Evans & Rebacca bap. " Feb. 18. Richard, s. of Richard Powell & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Henry Parton & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 24. Anne, d. of Thomas Morris & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 27. Mary, d. of John Richards & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Martha Edggerton, base, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Mar. 1. Jane, d. of John Laurence, of Aston ... bap. 1719, Mar.2. Joshua, s. of Joshua Edgerton & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 3. Jane, d. of James Laurance & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 1. Roger, s. of Thomas Brown & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 6. John, s. of Thomas Holywell & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 10. Martha, d. of Arthur Bratt & Dorothy ... bap. " Apr. 19. Sarah, d. of William Wicksted & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 26. Sarab, d. of Thomas Heath & Hester ... bap. " Apr. 26. George, s. of Daniel Smith & Joane, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " May 2. Richard, s. of Joseph Maddox & Sarah ... bap. " May 22. Shusanah, d. of Richard Brain & Hannah, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " May 22. Anne, d. of Samuel Brain & Mary ... bap. " May 23. Mary, d. of John Randols & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 21. James, s. of George Crump & Mary ... bap. " June 23. Alice, d. of Isaac Gregory & Catherine ... bap. 410 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1719 1719, June 26. Sarah, d. of Thomas Wooradd & his w. ... bap. " July 3. Elizabeth, d. of Randal Jones & Margerett ... bap. " July 19. Peter, s. of Thomas Price, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " July 2. Mary, d. of Edward Barnes & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 7. John, s. of John Bellingham & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 9. Mary, d. of John Higginson & Elinnor, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Aug. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hill & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 26. John, s. of Richard Edwards & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Peploe & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 1. Sarah, d. of William Smith & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 2. Sarah, d. of William Groome & Mary, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Sep. 12. John, s. of Unknown Jenkes, of Soulton, & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 16. John, s. of Andrew Sawyer & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 19. Thomas, s. of John Wamsley & Elenor, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Sep. 25. Mary, d. of William Jones & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 3. Richard, s. of Richard Shingler & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 18. Hester, d. of Thomas Evans & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 24. Joseph, s. of Lewis Evans & Martha ... bap. " Oct. 24. John, base s. of Anne Forgeham ... bap. " Oct. 25. Joseph, s. of Roger Maddox & Catherinah ... bap. " Nov. 1. Margarett, d. of John Winn & Grisagall ... bap. " Nov. 4. Richard, s. of Richard Pate & Elizabeth, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Nov. 8. Margerett, d. of Richard Fleming & Margerett ... bap. " Nov. 12. William, s. of John Dicken, of Pams Hill, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 2. Samuell, s. of Robert Wilkinson & Jane, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Dec. 1. John, s. of John Thomas & Elinnor ... bap. " Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Astley & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Walter Painton, excise officer ... bap. 1720] Wem. 411 1719, Jan. 29. John, s. of John Meacham & Mary, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Feb. 3. Samuell, s. of Randall Shenton & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 13. Mary, d. of William Price, mason, & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 3. John, s. of William Laurance, of Mote House, & Sarah, was born Jan. 3. ... bap. " Feb. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Sandland & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 25. William, s. of Robert Woodhouse & Rose ... bap. " Mar. 11. Margerett, d. of Richard Poyah, millor, & Margerett ... bap. 1720, Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of William Kynerley, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 25. John, s. of Thomas Jebb, of Aston, & Margerett ... bap. " Apr. 13. William, s. of John Howard, of Woodhouse, & Eliz'th ... bap. " May 4. William, s. of Thomas Jones. of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " May 20. Martha, d. of John Hales, tayler, & Mary ... bap. " May 29. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph Wells, shoemaker, Margerett ... bap. " June 2. John, s. of Samuell Forgeham, towdresser, & Margerett ... bap. " June 2. William, s. of Joseph Howard & Anne ... bap. " July 23. Mary, d. of Arthur Dicken & Mary, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Aug. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Meres & Elizb: ... bap. " Aug. 7. Hannah, d. of Thomas Gates, mason, & Rechel ... bap. *" June 26. Anne, d. of Samuell Higginson, shoemaker, & Mary; born June 20 ... bap. " Aug. 14. Richard, s. of John Phillips & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 20. Richard, s. of Richard Darlington & Hannah ... bap. " Sep. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Newns, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. 412 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1720 1720, Sep. 4. Timothy, s. of Timothy Hughes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 7. Anne, d. of Humphrey Clarke & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Bellingham & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 18 Elizabeth, d. of John Onslow & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of John Owen & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 27. William, s. of Thomas Whitefield & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 27. Shusanah, d. of Samuel Furmson & Elizabeth, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Oct. 5. Mary, d. of Moses Wray, blacksmith, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 28. Mary, d. of Richard Price, tanner, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Brown, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 3. James, s. of Charles Clutton, tayler, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 4. John, s. of William Craven & Elizabeth, at Newtown Chapel ... bap. " Dec. 7. Margarett, d. of Thomas Lee, barber, & Margarett; born Nov. 19 ... bap. " Dec. 14. Hannah, d. of Thomas Davies, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas Griffith, mason, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 18. Thomas, s. of Richard Evans, of Horton, & Rebeccah ... bap. " Dec. 22. Sarah, d. of Francis Durbidge & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 26. Anne, d. of Robert Bayley & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Dec. 30. Richard, s. of William Groome & Mary, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Jan. 3. Sarah, d. of William Wicksteed & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 7. Ermin, d. of Richard Cooper, sadler, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 15. William, s. of Samuell Edge & Mary... bap. " Feb. 27. Catharine, d. of Samuell Hopwood & Jane ... bap. 1721] Wem. 413 1720, Feb. 19. Martha, d. of Edward Winn & Mary, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Mar. 5. George, s. of George Tayler & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 11. Anne, d. of Robert James & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 19. Mary, d. of Richard Hall, of Cotton, & Margerett ... bap. " Mar. 13. Thomas, s. of Daniel Smith & Jone, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Mar. 23. Hannah, d. of Richard Ashley & Margerett ... bap. 1721, Apr. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Powell & Margerett ... bap. " Apr. 10. Margerett, d. of Henry Parton, of Ditches, & Eliz ... bap. " Apr. 1. Mary, d. of Andrew Sawyer, of Aston, & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 11. Mary, d. of Thomas Heath & Hester ... bap. " Apr. 2. Sarah, d. of George Hinton & Eliz ... bap. " Apr. 22. Joseph, s. of Moses Parke & Elizabeth ~being a prespeterien~ ... bap. " May 5. William, s. of John Stockton, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " May 7. Sarah, d. of John Dite & Anne ... bap. " May 10. William, s. of Isaac Gregorey & Catherina ... bap. " May 12. Jane, d. of Adam Frisall & Dorothy ... bap. " June 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas Price, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " June 12. William, s. of Thomas Morris & Mary ... bap. " June 14. Martha, d. of Thomas Bentley & Mary ... bap. " June 23. Richard, s. of Richard Moreton & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 11. Ghrysagon, d. of Edward Barnes & Mary ... bap. " July 12. Elizabeth, d. of John Dicken, of Pams Hill, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 16 Elizabeth, d. of John Williams, joyner & Margarett ... bap. " July 16. George, s. of James Forgeham & Mary ... bap. " July 28. George, s. of Thomas Jebb, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. 414 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1721 1721, July 30. John, s. of Thomas Pryce, of Saint Julians, Salop, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 6. Robert, s. of Richard Mare & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 6. William, s. of Thomas Fardoe & Anne , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Aug. 28. Richard, s. of Hezekiah Hately & Emey ... bap. " Sep. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Edgerton & Elizabeth , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Sep. 6. Mary, d. of Richard Harper, tanner, & Margerett ... bap. " Sep. 17. William, s. of Richard Rutter & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 27. Michael, s. of Samuell Braine & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 1. Mary, d. of Richard Fleminge & Margerett ... bap. " Oct. 1. Unknown, s. of John Peacock & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 6. Mary, d. of Richard Weever & Mary , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Oct. 15. Abraham, s. of John Jones & Mary , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Oct. 22. Mary, d. of Benjamin Wild & Elizabeth , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Oct. 18. Walter, s. of Walter Tainton, excise officer, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 23. Anne, d. of Charles Clutton & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 24. Francis, s. of John Owen, labourer, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 3. Thomas, base s. of Elizabeth Pugh ... bap. " Nov. 4. Richard, s. of Griffith Griffiths & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 6. Joseph, s. of John Wamsley & Elinnor , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Nov. 6. Thomas, s. of John Furber & Mary , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Nov. 12. Anne, d. of John Schofield & Mary at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Nov. 18. William, s. of Luke Davies, of Barker Green, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 24. Shusannah, d. of William Jones & Sarah ... bap. 1721] Wem. 415 1721, Nov. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffith, mason, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 28. Cornelius, s. of Richard Shingler, of the Ware, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Fardoe, webster, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 25. Stephen, s. of Samuel Holiwel & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones, of Aston, & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Thomas Burrey, of Slape, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of Thomas Eyanes, webster, & Elizabeth; born Dec. 25 ... bap. 1719, Jan. 12. Ellinnor, d. of John Fardoe & Elizabeth ... bap. 1721, Jan. 12. Joseph, s. of John Fardoe & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lee, barber, & Margerett ... bap. " Jan. 23. John, s. of John Kent, of Slape, & Margerett ... bap. " Jan. 23. Margerett, d. of Randol Shenton, of Slape, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 30. Martha, d. of Richard Brawn & Hannah , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Feb. 2. John, s. of Joseph Ashford, glazer, & Margerett ... bap. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Poole. of Horton, & Ales ... bap. " Feb. 6. Samuell, s. of Thomas Challinner, corviser, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 10. Richard, s. of John Higginson & Elinnor , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Feb. 19. Mary, d. of John Machin & Mary , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Mar. 9. John, s. of John Peak & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 11. Joshua, s. of Benjamin Edgerton & Mary, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Mar. 14. Joseph, s. of John Richards & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 15. Benjamin, s. of Elizabeth Fishe, ~twins~, at Edstaston ... bap. " Mar. 15. Thomas, s. of Elizabeth Fishe, ~twins~, at Edstaston ... bap. 416 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1721 1722, Mar. 23. John, s. of John Tag, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1722, Mar. 1. Mary, d. of Samuel Higginson & Mary, was born Mar. 1. ... bap. " Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of William Laurance, of Motehouse, & Sarah, was born Mar. 1. ... bap. 1722, Apr. 8. Richard, s. of Joseph Maddox, tayler, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 10. Sarah, d. of Thomas Deane, dyer, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Apr. 10. Mary, d. of William Higgins, barber, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 15. Richard, s. of Francis Sandland, cooper, & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 15. Ellinor, d. of William, & Mary Groome, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Apr. 2. Shusanah, d. of Rowland Weever & Mary , at Newtowne Chaple ... bap. " May 11. Mary, d. of William Jones & Mary, of St. Julian's ... bap. " May 14. Margarett, d. of Ralph Wells, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. " May 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas Brown, of Tilley park, & his w. ... bap. " May 15. Mary, d. of William Smith, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " May 16. Richard, s. of Thomas Astley, of the brooke, & Mary ... bap. " May 17. Mary, d. of Lewis Evans, shoemaker, & Martha ... bap. " May 25. Mary, d. of John Winne & Grisagon ... bap. " May 27. Mary, d. of Richard Powell, of Low, & Margarett ... bap. " June 24. Anne, d. of Thomas Rogers & Jessey ... bap. " June 26. William, s. of John Sherratt & Margarett ... bap. " June 17. Thomas, s. of Davied Lloyd & Catherina , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. 1722] Wem. 417 1722, June 17. Joseph, s. of Joshuah Edgerton & his w., at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " July 25. Henry, s. of Samuell Hopwood & Jane ... bap. " July 30. John, s. of William Fox & Sarah ... bap. " July 31. John, s. of Thomas Jenkin, milwright, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 23. Thomas, s. of Richard Lockley, blacksmith, & Catharine ... bap. " Sep. 29. Bernerd, s. of John Hales, tayler, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 7. John, s. of Thomas Furmston & Margerett ... bap. " Oct. 26. James, s. of Richard Povah, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Gate, brickleyer, & Rachel ... bap. " Nov. 5. Joseph, s. of Thomas Heath, gardinner, & Haster ... bap. " Nov. 2. Richard, s. of Marmeduke Killburn, barber, & Anne ~Marmeduke Silvester ~ ... bap. " Nov. 15. Sarah, d. of John Thomas & Elinnor ... bap. " Dec. 10. John, s. of Joseph Richards & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 26. Bernerd, s. of Isaack Gregory, barber, & Catharina ... bap. " Dec. 28. Jane, d. of Andrew Sawyer, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 1. Hannah, d. of Joseph Hayward & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 2. William, s. of Thomas Newns, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 8. Daniel, s. of Richard Worall, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 16. Joseph, s. of Samuel Forgham, towdresser, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Edgerton, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 29. Samuell, s. of Thomas Griffith, mason, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Anne, d. of John Dito, labourer & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 15. Sarah, d. of John Watkis, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. 2 E 418 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1722 1722, Feb. 25. Anne, d. of Richard Povah, of Horton, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 26. Hannah, d. of Thomas Watkis, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. " Mar. 3. Anne, d. of Edward Harries & Mary , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Mar. 3. Catharina, d. of George Tayler & Mary ... bap. 1723, Apr. 2. John, s. of John Laurance, of Aston, ~ler~, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 72. Anne, d. of Thomas Price, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 74. Mary, d. of Thomas Powell, leaborer, & Alargerett ... bap. " Apr. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Tayler, a weaver, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 17. Margerett, d. of John Fox, of Aston, & his W. ... bap. " Apr. 19. Sarah, d. of Robert Bayley, of Barker's Green, & his w. ... bap. " May 17. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Howard, of Tilley, & Catharine ... bap. " May 17. Thomas, s. of Richard Gates, labourer, & Jane ... bap. " May 22. Mary, d. of John Forgeham, leaborer, & Anne ... bap. " June 5. John, s. of Thomas Jebb. of Tilley, leaborer, & Mary ... bap. " June 2. Mary, d. of John Dicken, of Pams Hill, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Scourfield & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 24. Mary, d. of Thomas Davies, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " June 24. Anne, d. of Henry Parton. of Ditches, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 28. Jane, d. of Rob: & Jane Wilkinson, at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " July 13. Cornelius, s. of Thomas Whitefield, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 14. John, s. of George Iceton & Jane , Newtown Chaple ... bap. 1723] Wem. 419 1723, July 29. Ralph, s. of Ralph Wells, shewmaker, & Margerett ... bap. " Aug. 9. Margerett, d. of Walter Tainton, excise officer, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 11. Margarett, d. of Richard Evans, of Horton, & Rabacca ... bap. " Aug. 27. Andrew, s. of Edward Barnes, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 15. Mary, d. of Arthur Dicken & Mary , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Sep. 17. William, s. of William Fox & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 20. James, s. of Thomas Challiner, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 20. Anne, d. of Richard Deane, braker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 20. John, s. of John Peacock & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 2. Martha, d. of Moses Parker, Bucher, & Elizabeth, ... bap. " Oct. 20. Ellinnor, d. of Richard Flemming & Margarett ... bap. " Oct. 22. George, s. of Joseph Ashford, glazer, & Margarett ... bap. " Oct. 24. Sarah, d. of Luke Davies & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 10. Mary, d. of John Owen & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 2. Richard, s. of Richard Felton & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Thomas & Hannah ... bap. " Dec. 8. John, s. of Thomas Deane, dyer, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jones, of Aston, laborer, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 29. Edward, s. of John Philips, laborer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 29. Jane, d. of Andrew Ruscoe & Jane , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of Thomas Bentley & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of Joseph Davies, miller, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 3. Edward, s. of James Laurence & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 4. James, s. of Richard Price, tanner, & Elizabeth ... bap. 420 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1723 1723, Jan 5. Jane, d. of Thomas Walford & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of Roger Higgins & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Walter Trantrom & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. John, s. of John Cunnes & Elizabeth , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Feb. 3. Richard, s. of John Bellingham & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 7. Anne, d. of Charles Booth & Ellinner ... bap. " Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of Richard Mare & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 6. William, s. of William Laurence, of Motehouse, & Sarah, ... bap. " Mar. 1. William, s. of Richard Poole & Alice , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Mar. 6. Thomas, s. of Elizabeth Fishe, at Edstaston ... bap. " Mar. 13. Mary, d. of Daniel Cooper, willwright, & Anne ... bap. 1724, Mar. 25. Samuel, s. of Samuel Hopwood & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 1. John, s. of Richard Astley & Margeret ... bap. " Apr. 5. John, s. of George Crump, tayler, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 7. Mary, d. of Thomas Morris & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 10. George, s. of George Downs, of one house, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 14. Margarett, d. of John Williams, joyner, & Margarett ... bap. " Apr. 17. Jane, d. of John Heacock & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 22. Mary, d. of John Chidloe & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 24. Benjemin, s. of Benjemin Wild & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 26. William, s. of John Furber & Mary , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " Apr. 27. Thomas, s. of Robert James & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 24. Elizabeth, d. of James Harries & Mary , at Newtown Chaple ... bap. " June 26. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffith & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 30. William, s. of William Smith & Sarah ... bap. " July 5. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Yeaton & Anne ... bap.