1730] Wem. 491 1729, Oct. 16. Edward, s. of William Vaughan, blacksmith, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 19. Edward, s. of Arthur Jones, gardiner, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Eabrey, of Tilley, & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 24. Mary, d. of Luke Davies & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Oct. 29. Batrice, d. of John Henshaw & Batrice ... bap. " Dec. 9. Samuell, s. of Samuell Davies, wheelwright, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Daniel Evans, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 29. Hannah, d. of John Chidloe, of Edstaston, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Jan. 3. William, s. of Richard Basnett, of Tilley, & Catherine ... bap. " Feb. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas Iveson & Martha ... bap. " Mar. 2. William, s. of Daniel Cooper, weelwright, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Mar. 7. Anne, d. of Richard Mears & Elizabeth ... bap. *" Feb. 26. John, s. of Bartholomew Eabrey, of Aston, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Mar. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Astin, carpenter, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 20. Samuell, d. of Thomas Newens, of Tilley, & Catherine ... bap. 1730, Mar. 3. William, s. of Samuell Bavonn, officer of excise, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 17. Mary, d. of Thomas Gollings, of Takens, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Apr. 22. Mary, d. of Robert Sherratt, of ye Drawwell, & Jane ... bap. " May 8. Alice, base d. of Edward Howard, of Tilley, & Elizabeth Kilvert ... bap. " May 19. William, s. of Thomas Price, mason, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " May 22. Richard, s. of Thomas Furmson & Margarett ... bap. 492 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1730 1730, June 26. Mary, base d. of Sarah Jones ... bap. " June 27. Humphrey, s. of Edward Haycock & Mary ... bap. " July 12. Elinnor, d. of Richard Morgan & Ellinor ... bap. " July 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Wauton & his w. ... bap. " July 27. Mary, d. of Robert Blakeway, barber, & Rebeccah ... bap. " July 30. Mary, d. of Roger Charles, a soulder, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 16. Mary, d. of John Peacock & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 30. Andrew, s. of Thomas Moore, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 2. Anne, d. of Richard Fox, of Brockhust, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Sep. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Astley, of the Woodhouse, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 20. John, s. of Jeremiah Smith & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 20. Anne, d. of Marmeduke Silvester Kilburn, barber, & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 23. Jane, d. of John Winn & Crysagon ... bap. " Oct. 11. John, s. of Thomas Griffith, mason, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 11. Martha, d. of George Downs, of the One house, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Humpherson, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 27. Sarah, d. of Peter Cooper & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 18. Mary, d. of Robert Hussey, of Horton, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 26. Thomas, s. of Joseph Ashford, glazier, & Margarett ... bap. " Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Eabrey, of Tilley, & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 2. Mary, d. of John Bagnall & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 6. Mary, d. of William Davies & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 10. Edward, s. of Thomas Hayward, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 30. Hannah, d. of Thomas Jones, of Cros Bank, & Esther ... bap. 1731] Wem. 493 1730, Feb. 10. Richard, s. of Daniel Hayward & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 19. John, s. of Richard Bushell, blacksmith, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 26. John, s. of John Embrey, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 5. William, s. of John Stubs, a gardener, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Mar. 5. Andrew, s. of Isaac Gregorey, barber, & Catharine ... bap. " Mar. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Henrey Nicoles & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 15. Jane, d. of Thomas Watiis, towdresser, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 21. Sarah, d. of Richard Griffith, shoemaker, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. 1731, Apr. 2. Richard, s. of John Hales, of Horton, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Apr. 9. George, s. of James Vaughan, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 11. Mary, d. of Samuel Forgeham, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 25. John, base s. of Ellin Jones ... bap. " Apr. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John Morris, milwright, & Hannah ... bap. " Apr. 30. Margarett, d. of Janies Pugh, joyner, & Mary ... bap. " May 1. Charles, s. of Charles Evans & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Fox, of Lacon, & his w. ... bap. " May 2. Elizabeth, d. of William Harries, of Woolyerley, & Hannah ... bap. " May 12. Mary, d. of William Ibbotson, exciseman, & his w. ... bap. " May 15. Jane, d. of John Beckit, bricklayer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 23. Silvanus, s. of Richard Davies, waver, & Anne ... bap. " May 23. Thomas, s. of John Dito & Anne ... bap. " May 29. Jane, d. of Thomas Astley, of the Brooke, & his w. ... bap. 494 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1731 1731, June 11. Thomas, s. of John Watkis, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. " June 18. Mary, d. of John Fox, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " June 18. Hannah, d. of Thomas Higginson, of Low, & Mary ... bap. " June 27. Jane, d. of Edward Philips, of Tilley park, & Jane ... bap. " July 2. Thomas, s. of Robert Evans, inholder, & Jane ... bap. " July 10. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Thomas, of Edstaston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 18. John, s. of Joseph Lee, inholder, & Lydiah ... bap. " Aug. 1. James, s. of Robert Rodon, of Tilley, & Ellinnor ... bap. " Aug. 14. Anne, d. of James Low, junr., tallow chandler, & Ellinnor ... bap. " Aug. 15. Richard, s. of Richard Brayn, of Northwood, bucher, & Hannah ... bap. " Aug. 29. Richard, s. of Edward Austin, carpenter, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 29. Joseph, s. of George Jebb, of Trench, & Rachel ... bap. " Sep. 25. Anne, d. of William Allinson, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 29. Jane, d. of John Schofield & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 29. Anne, d. of John Dickens of Tilley, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Oct. 10. Mary, d. of John Williams, joyner, & Margarett ... bap. " Oct. 14. Garland, s. of Thomas Knight, of Row wood, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 24. Jane, d. of William Millington, willwright, & Margarett ... bap. " Oct. 27. Anne, d. of John Bradshaw & Martha ... bap. " Oct. 27. Vincent, s. of Isaac Tayler, webster, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 30. Mary, d. of Edward Watkis, milwright, & Sarah ... bap. 1732] Wem. 495 1731, Oct. 31. Joseph, s. of Joseph Maddox, tayler, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 3. Crysagon, d. of Samuel Barnes, inholder, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 7. Charles, s. of William Vaughan, blacksmith, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 2. Alice, d. of William Wilkinson & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 26. Mary, d. of John Eabrey, of Trench-farm, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 3. James, base s. of Margarett Laurance ... bap. " Dee. 5. Sarah, d. of John Blakeway, woodcutter, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 27. Hannah, d. of Ralph Wells, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. " Dec. 27. Edward, s. of Henry Parton & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 3. Samuel, s. of Samuel Austin, bricklayer, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 4. William, base s. of Anne Forgeham ... bap. " Jan. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Ball, of Tilley, blacksmith, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 28. Isaac, base s. of Mary Griffith, of Tilley ... bap. " Feb. 20. Samuell, s. of Thomas Furmson, leabourer, & Margarett ... bap. " Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davies, of Lacon, deceased, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 25. Andrew, s. of William Parker, bucher, & Hannah ... bap. " Mar. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Iveson, labourer, & Martha ... bap. " Mar. 6. William, s. of Richard Griffith, bricklayer, & Sarah ... bap. 1732, Mar. 27. William, s. of Thomas Griffith, mason, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 17. Martha, d. of Rowland Howes, of Horton, & Martha ... bap. " Apr. 27. Hannah, d. of John Bircks, currier, & Hannah ... bap. 496 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1732 1732, May 8. Mary, d. of Thomas Smith, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " May 10. Richard, s. of Thomas Astley, of the Woodhouse, & Sarah ... bap. " May 12. William, s. of Robert Sherratt, of the Drawwell, & Jane ... bap. " May 14. Jane, d. of William Davies, labourer, & Mary ... bap. " May 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Judgson & Sarah ... bap. " June 11. Robert, s. of Thomas Austin & Mary ... bap. " June 16. Margarett, d. of John Sherratt, of Tilley Park, & Margarett ... bap. " June 27. Ellinnor, d. of John Davies, joyner, & inholder, & Anne ... bap. " July 1. Sarah, d. of Bartholomew Eabrey, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 7. Catherina, d. of Thomas Eabrey, of Tilley, & Anne. ... bap. " July 15. Thomas, s. of Joseph Evans, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 6. William, s. of William Harries, tanner, & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 16. Frances, d. of John Hanshaw & Beatrice ... bap. " Aug. 20. Thomas, s. of John Sherratt, of the Low, blacksmith, & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 27. Jane, d. of Richard Meare, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 2. Joseph, s. of Richard Sandland, bucher, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Moore, of Tillley, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Sep. 11. Lyddia, d. of Thomas Peploe, shoemaker, & Lyddia ... bap. *" July 28. Samuell, s. of William Laurance, of Motehouse, & Sarah; born July 7 ... bap. " Sep. 23. John, s. of Richard Hayes, of Lacon, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Sep. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Haycock, & his w. ... bap. 1732] Wem. 497 1732, Sep. 29. Catherine, d. of Thomas Whatkins, tow-dresser, & Mary ... bap. 1732, Sep. 29. Hannah, d. of Thomas Whatkins, tow-dresser, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 3. Hannah, d. of John Peploe, shoemaker, & Hannah ... bap. " Oct. 8. Richard, s. of John Dito & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 11. William, s. of John Symons, of Roewood, & Catherine ... bap. " Oct. 16. Daniel, s. of Daniel Cooker, willwright, & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 18. Unknown, d. of Thomas Walford, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 20. Richard, s. ofi James Richards & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 29. Martha, d. of John Price, of Low, & Mary ... bap. *" Oct. 2. Sarah, d. of Peter Cooper, beaker, & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 18. John, s. of John Bagnall, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 22. Anne, d. of John Allinson, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 6. Sarah, d. of Thomas Dicken, of Aston Hall, & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Barnes, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 10. Ellinor, d. of Marmeduke Sylvester Kilburn, barber, & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Hopwood & Margarett ... bap. 498 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1732 1732, Dec. 27. Henry, s. of William Ibbotson, officer of excise, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 28. Thomas, base s. of Sarah Whattall ... bap. " Dec. 30. Lydia, d. of Joseph Ashford, glazer, & Margarett ... bap. " Jan. 6. Edward, s. of Roger Higgins, of thasher, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 2. Philip, s. of John Hales, of Horton, & Martha ... bap. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Sadler, leabourer, & Margeratt ... bap. " Feb. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bankes ~alias Thomas~, labourer, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 10. John, s. of Thomas Sherratt, grocer, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 2. Mary, d. of John Sparrow, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 4. Thomas, s. of Chauner Sandland & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 1. Sarah, d. of Joseph Leigh, inholder, & Lydia ... bap. " Mar. 11. Mary, d. of Arthur Jones, gardinor, & Sarah ... bap. 1733, Mar. 26. Sarah, d. of James Vaughan, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 1. Benjemin, s. of Daniel Heyward & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 6. John, s. of John Wood & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 1. John, s. of Thomas Price, mason, & Rebeccah ... bap. " May 13. Thomas, s. of Jeremiah Smith, corviser, & Martha ... bap. " May 13. Mary, d. of John Eambrey & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 14. Elizabeth, d. of John Stubs, gardiner, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " May 14. Sarah, d. of John Harries, tanner, & Sarah ... bap. " May 15. Sarah, d. of William Parker, bucher, & Hannah ... bap. *" Apr. 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas Humpherson & Margarett, was ... born. " May 25. Elizabeth, d. of John Blakway & Sarah ... bap. 1733] Wem. 499 1733, May 27. Margarett, d. of Thomas Lewis, shoemaker, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " June 8. Richard, s. of Richard Morgan, of the Poose,+ & Ellinnor ... bap. " June 25. Margarett, d. of Isaac Gregorey, barber, & Catherine, born and ... bap. " July 8. Richard, s. of John Tag, of Horton, & Jane ... bap. " July 8. Rachel, d. of Thomas Austin, carpenter, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 5. William, s. of John Dicken, of Palmshill, & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 13. Samuel, s. of Robert Bellingham, junr., tayler, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 19. Thomas, s. of John Judgson & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 25. John, s. of Thomas Hayward, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 27. Anne, d. of John Gregory, barber, & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 23. Edward, s. of Samuel Austin, bricklayer, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. Ellinnor, d. of Robert Rodon, of Tilley, & Ellinnor ... bap. " Sep. 23. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones, of Cross bank, & Hester ... bap. " Sep. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Chettoe, carpinter, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 30. John, s. of Richard Griffith, bricklayer, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 6. John, s. of Daniel Evans, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 12. Mary, d. of James Low, junr., & Ellinnor ... bap. " Oct. 16. Lidya, d. of Edward Barnes & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 16. Hannah, d. of John Beckit, bricklayer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 20. Richard, s. of George Downes. of Aston, & Mary ... bap. 500 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1733 1733, Oct. 2. Hannah, d. of Morris Jones, of Low-hill, & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 22. Andrew, s. of Samuel Barnes, inholder, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 30. Mary, d. of Thomas Hussey, of the Low, & Margarett ... bap. +" Oct. 31. Thomas, s. of Edward Barnes, beaher, & Mary ... bap. +" Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of Morris Jones ... bap. " Nov. 5. Thomas, s. of John Watkins ... bap. " Nov. 9. Thomas, s. of Peter Eayley, cuttler, & Magdalene ... bap. " Nov. 13. Jahn, s. of Thomas Ebrey, of Tilley, & Anne ... bap. " Dee. 4. John, s. of Richard Joy, webster, & Ellinnor ... bap. " Dec. 8. Anne, d. of John Davies, inholder, & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 23. Samuel, base s. of Priscille Harringson ... bap. " Dec. 25. Anne, d. of Thomas Knight, chesemunger & groser, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 27. Mary, d. of Laurance Bellingle, of Slape, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 1. Edward, s. of Charles Evans, of Houton, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Jan. 2. Jane, d. of William Davies & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Anne, d. of John Barnes ~alias Newel~ & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Beacol, apothecary, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Jan. 19. Thomas, s. of William Wright, tayler, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 2. Joseph, s. of Thomas Newnes, of Tilley, & Catherine ... bap. " Jan. 25. Richard, s. of Richard Bushel, blacksmith, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Jan. 30. Mary, d. of John Sherrat, blacksmith, of the Law, & Anne ... bap. 1734] Wem. 501 1733, Feb. 2. Edward, s. of Walter Trantrom, blacksmith, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Feb. 18. Thomas, s. of Edward Watkis, milwright, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 22. John, s. of Thomas Astley & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 3. Richard, s. of John Wood, of the township of Aston, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Mar. 3. Anne, base d. of Elizabeth Pardue ... bap. 1734, Apr. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Barnes & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 6. Thomas, s. of Richard Peploe, joyner, & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 16. John, s. of Bernerd Deane, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. " Apr. 17. Eyen, s. of Even Hughes, of Mould, co. Flint, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 27. Thomas, s. of Robert Sandland, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 28. John, s. of Edward Davies, nailer, & Sarah ... bap. " May 11. Charles, s. of Thomas Puliston, joyner, & Jane ... bap. " May 25. Joseph, s. of Joseph Catterall, maulster, & Anne ... bap. " June 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Sadler & Margarett ... bap. " Apr. 17. Thomas, s. of Robert Sandland, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " June 16. Elizabeth, d. of James Pugh, joyner, & Mary ... bap. " July, 20. William, s. of William Allinson, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " July 27. Lydiah, d. of John Bircks & Hannah ... bap. " July 27. Crispin, s. of John Dicken, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " July 28. Edward, s. of Edward Austin, carpenter, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " July 28. Anne, d. of John Dito & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 11. Anne, d. of William Vaughan, blacksmith, & Elizabeth ... bur. 502 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1734 1734, Aug. 25. Alice, d. of Thomas Furmston & Margarett ... bap. " Sep. 1. William, s. of Morgan Vaughan & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 11. Margarett, d. of Thomas Humphryson, shoemaker, & Margarett, was born July 11. ... bap. " Sep. 6. Sarah, d. of Bartholomew Ebrey, of Aston Hall, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 22. Richard, s. of John Stubs, gardiner, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Oct. 5. George, s. of Arthur Wikey, tanner, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 22. John, s. of John Hanshaw, atturney at law, & Beatrice ... bap. " Oct. 27. Martha, d. of William Harries, of Newtown, & Hannah ... bap. " Nov. 1. Richard, s. of Richard Allinson & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 7. Mary, d. of John Simmons, of Rowood, & Catherine ... bap. " Nov. 9. Allice, d. of John Chase & Allice ... bap. " Nov. 17. John, s. of John Allinson, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 20. John, s. of John Fox, of Aston, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Nov. 27. Mary, base d. of Jane Harringson ... bap. " Dec. 7. Hannah, d. of Richard Sandland, bucher, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 27. Mary, d. of John Harres, tanner, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of John Gregorey, barber, & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 28. Richard, s. of Thomas Moore, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of Samuell Austin, bricklayer, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Sandford, atturney at law, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 20. John, s. of Daniel Cooper, weelright, & Anne ... bap. 1735] Wem. 503 1734, Feb. 4. William, s. of Thomas Sandland, maulster, & Hannah ... bap. " Feb. 7. Henry, s. of Henrey Parton, of Ditches, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Watford & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 14. William, s. of Robert Evans, inholder & postman, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 2. Ralph, s. of Joseph Maddox, tayler, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 2. John, s. of Laurance Bilinge, bucher, & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 16. Thomas, s. of Richard Griffith, bricklayer, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 23. Hannah, d. of Richard Gad, tayler, & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 23. John, s. of John Price, of the Low, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 23. Mary, d. of John Adams, meason, & Sarah ... bap. " Ma. 28. John, s. of Thomas Winne, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. 1735, Apr. 8. John, s. of John White & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 9. Samuell, s. of John Bagnall, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 18. John, s. of Richard Powel, of Newtown, & Margarett ... bap. " Apr. 18. William, s. of John Sparrow, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 20. Anne, d. of Thomas Price, mason, & Rebeccah ... bap. " Apr. 27. Margarett, d. of William Millington, of Newtown, & Margarett ... bap. " Apr. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Toler, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 9. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Morgin, of the Takins, & Ellinnor ... bap. " May 11. Sarah, d. of Robert Bellingham, tayler, & Elizabeth ... bap. 504 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1735 1735, May 25. Hannah, base d. of Margarett Jonson, & John Newnes ... bap. " May 26. Thomas, s. of Thornias Jones & Sarah ... bap. " May 27. Ellinnor, d. of James Pealing, of Cotton, & Ellinnor ... bap. " May 28. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Iveson, of Aston, & Martha ... bap. *" May 23. Anne, d. of Richard Richards, of the Low, & Anne ... bap. " May 31. Tryphena, d. of Peter Cooper, beker, & Anne ... bap. " June 1. John, s. of William Ibbitson, officer of excise, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " June 6. John, s. of Richard Parrey, of Newtown, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " June 13. Elizabeth, d. of Jahn Watkiss, miller, & Sarah ... bap. " June 16. Anne, d. of Thomas Griffith, mason, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 21. William, s. of William Parker, bucher, & Hannah ... bap. " June 23. Elizabeth, d. of Unknown Willobe, a tayler, & Mary ... bap. " June 25. Sarah, d. of Bernerd Deane, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. " June 28. Mary, d. of Thomas Penkeman, of Slape, & Mary ... bap. " June 29. Richard, s. of Samuel Forgeham, towdresser, & Mary ... bap. " June 29. Anne, d. of Thomas Smith, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " July 11. Mary, d. of Thomas Harries, wheleright, & Ellinnor ... bap. " July 13. Thomas, s. of Robert Bayley, of Barker Green, & Mary ... bap. " July 20. John, s. of Thomas Thomas ~alias Banks~, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " July 27. Anne, d. of Thomas Bromley, carpenter, & Mary ... bap. 1735] Wem. 505 1735, Aug. 1. James, s. of James Vaughan, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 10. Martha, d. of George Jebb, of Tilley, & Rachel ... bap. " Aug. 13. Peter, s. of John Hales, of Horton, & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 17. George, s. of Joseph Ball, of Tilley, blacksmith, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Aug. 18. Jane, d. of Joseph Bickley, of Woolyerley, & Margaret ... bap. " Aug. 23. Daniel, s. of Daniel Evans, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 4. William, s. of Joseph Ashford, junr., glazer, & Margarett ... bap. " Sep. 7. Richard, s. of Thomas Jones, of Cros Bank, & Hester ... bap. " Sep. 26. Charles, s. of Thomas Astley, of Woodhouse, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Dease, tayler, & Martha ... bap. " Oct. 3. Richard, s. of Cressall Williams, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 12. Margerett, d. of Peter Ealey, blacksmith, & Margerett ... bap. " Oct. 26. John, s. of John Davies, joyner, & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 5. Samuel, s. of Jeremiah Smith, shoemaker, & Martha ... bap. " Nov. 21. Elizabeth, d. of John Sherratt, of Tilley Park, & Shusana ... bap. " Nov. 23. Catherine, d. of Richard Basnett, of Tilley, & Catherine ... bap. " Nov. 26. Mary, d. of Joseph Hopwood, Ingingmaker, & Margarett ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. of Charles Horn, shoemaker, & Issabel ... bap. " Dec. 28. Mary, d. of John Rider, tanner, & Maria ... bap. " Dec. 29. John, s. of John Edge, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. 506 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1735 1735, Jan. 6. Anne, d. of Thomas Watkins, towdresser, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 6. Hannah, d. of John Morris, milwright, & Hannah ... bap. " Jan. 7. Thomas, s. of Charles Booth, inholder, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 14. Mary, d. of Ambros Stones & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 25. William, s. of John Blakeway, of Horton, sawyer, & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of Charles Evans, of Horton, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Jan. 30. Sarah, d. of Edward Davies, nailer, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 2. William, s. of Thomas Hussey, of the Low, & Margarett ... bap. " Feb. 1. Richard, s. of Thomas Hayward, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 2. Jane, d. of John Embrey, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Barnes, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 8. William, s. of Robert Radon, of Tilley, & Ellinnor ... bap. " Feb. 6. Hannah, d. of Thomas Humpherson, shoemaker, & Margratt, born Feb. 6. ... bap. " Feb. 22. Joseph, s. of John Stubs, gardiner, & Catharine ... bap. " Feb. 24. Margarett, d. of John Watkin, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. " Mar. 8. Samuel, s. of Samuel Barnes, innholder, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 10. John, s. of Robert Blakeway, barber, & Rebeccah ... bap. " Mar. 12. Martha, d. of William Wright, tayler, & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas Sherratt, maulster & groser, & Sarah ... bap. 1736, Mar. 28. Hannah, d. of William Vaughan, blacksmith, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 18. Margerett, d. of Henry Nicols & Mary ... bap. 1736] Wem. 507 1736, May . Mary, d. of John Barnes ~alias Newel~, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " May 3. Anne, d. of William Davies, leabourer, & Mary ... bap. " May 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davies, tayler, of the Low, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 29. Joseph, s. of Samuel Austin, bricklayer, & Mary ... bap. " May 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Austin, carpenter, & Mary ... bap. " May 3. Margerett, d. of AbrahamEvans, of ye Foxholes, & Anne ... bap. " June 4. Thomas, s. of Morris Jones, of Low Hill, & Jane ... bap. " June 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bayley, of Pams Hill, & Frances ... bap. " June 26. Lydia, d. of Robert Sandland, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " July 4. Thomas, s. of John Brown, of Trench Farm, & Mary ... bap. " July 11. Margaret, d. of John Dito & Anne ... bap. " July 11. William, s. of Roger Higgins, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " July 25. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Chettoe, bricklayer, & Mary ... bap. " July 28. Elizabeth, d. of Marmaduke Silvester Kilburn, a barber, & Anne ... bap. " July 30. Sarah, d. of Robert Sherratt, of the Drawwell, & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 8. John, s. of John Symmons, of Rowood, & Catharine ... bap. " Aug. 11. George, s. of Richard Morgan, of the Poose, & Elliner ... bap. " Aug. 15. William, s. of Thomas Ebrey, of Tilley, & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 18. Charles, s. of Lewis Evans, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 20. William, s. of Bartholomew Ebrey, & Elizabeth ... bap. 508 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1736 1736, Aug. 22. John, s. of Edward Whatkis, mil-wright, & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 23. Shusanna, d. of Thomas Shore, of Slape, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 24. Samuel, s. of Joseph Catterall, maulster, & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 24. Anne, d. of John Henshaw, atturney at law, & Beatrice ... bap. " Aug. 25. John, s. of Thomas Astley, of the Brooke, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 29. Richard, s. of Richard Gad, tayler, & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of Edward Powel, labourer, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 26. Peter, s. of Richard Griffith, bricklayer, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 2. William, s. of John Forgeham, of the Low, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 3. Sarah, d. of Thomas Furmston, labourer, & Margrett ... bap. " Oct. 10. John, s. of John Gregorey, barber, & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 3. Ellin, d. of Richard Joy, webster, & Ellin ... bap. " Nov. 5. Sarah, d. of John Judgson, peyer, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 24. Emery, d. of Thomas Touler, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 12. Mary, base d. of Elizabeth Jenkin ... bap. " Dec. 29. Dorothy, d. of Robert Sandford & Elizabeth ... bap. 1737, Jan. 1. William, s. of Bernerd Deane, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. " Jan. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Dicken, of Aston Hall, & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 5. Allin, s. of John Sherratt, blacksmith, & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 5. Benjemin, s. of Joseph Davingport, of Edstaston, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. 1737] Wem. 509 1737, Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Chidloe, of Cotton, & Mary ... bap. 1736, Nov. 2. John, s. of Joseph Swanweek, mercer, & Elizabeth his w., ... bap. 1737, Jan. 13. Jane, d. of Laurance Bellingley, bucher, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Mare, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 17. Francis, s. of William Gough, tanner, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Jan. 28. George, s. of Thomas Netnes, of Tilley, & Catharine ... bap. " Jan. 28. Richard, s. of Francis Sandland, jun., cooper, & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 22. Mary, d. of Richard Sandland, bucher, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 26. Martha, d. of Thomas Jones & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 2. Joseph, s. of Richard Bushell, blacksmith, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Griffith, minor, & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 6. Charles, s. of Thomas Lewis, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. 1737, Mar. 27. John, s. of James Watkin, towdresser, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 27. Hannah, d. of John Tayler & Hannah ... bap. " Apr. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Bagnall, shoemaker, & Elizabeth . ... bap. " Apr. 15. Elizabeth, d. of George Jebb, of Tilley, & Rachel ... bap. " Apr. 17. John, s. of Charles Evans, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 22. Mary, d. of John Birch, of Lacon, & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Knight, leatherseller & brichismaker, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Stones, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. 510 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1737 1737, Apr. 24. William, s. of John Allinson, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 26. Anne, d. of Robert Bellingham, tayler, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 30. Dyers, s. of John Harries, tanner, & Sarah ... bap. " May 3. Anne, d. of Henry Parton, of the Ditches, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 4. Hannah, d. of William Parker, inholder & bucher, & Hannah ... bap. " May 22. Joseph, s. of Thomas Davies, of the Low, tayler, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " May 24. Joseph, base s. of Elizabeth Higginson, of Pady green, & Stephen Pealing, of Preese ... bap. " May 30. George, s. of William Watkis, excise officer, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " June 1. Margeratt, d. of Thomas Pidgeon, bucher, & Margeratt ... bap. " June 3. Joseph, s. of John Birch, a courrer, & Hannah ... bap. " June 5. William, s. of John Edge, shoemaker, & Anne ... bap. " June 29. Edward, s. of Thomas Kyneston, dyer, & Martha ... bap. " June 25. Anne, d. of Daniel Evans, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " July 1. Anne, d. of Peter Cooper, deceased, & Anne ... bap. " July 3. Thomas, s. of John Peacock & Mary ... bap. " July 13. John, s. of John Chase, bricklayer, & Alice ... bap. 1735, Aug. 17. Richard, s. of Thomas Walfard & Anne ... bap. 1737, Aug. 17. Catharine, d. of Thomas Walfard & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 3. Thomas, s. of James Brown, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 10. Richard, s. of Edward Jones, of Crosbank, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 14. John, s. of Morgan Vaughan & Elizabeth ... bap. 1737] Wem. 511 1737, Sep. 16. Sarah, d. of John Sparrow, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Kuffin, of Slape, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. Richard, s. of Richard Richards, of the Low, & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 14. John, s. of John Sherratt, of Tilley park, & Shusana ... bap. " Oct. 14. Richard, s. of Robert Evans, inholder & postman, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 19. Robert, s. of Richard Griffith, slater & bricklayer, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 30. Margarett, d. of John Charme, & Margarett ... bap. " Nov. 2. John, s. of John Ebrey, of Trench farm, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 9. William, s. of Thomas Lee, inholder & barber, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 13. Hannah, d. of Thomas Smith, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 19. Penelope, d. of Joseph Ball, of Tilley, blaksmith, & Penelope ... bap. " Dec. 4. John, s. of John Treaver, leberer, & Judeth ... bap. " Dec. 18. John, s. of John Dicken, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 27. William, s. of William Pidgeon, malster, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Dec. 29. Margarett, d. of Thomas Deas, a tayler, & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 30. Elizabeth, d. of John Watkin, shoemaker, & Margarett ... bap. " Dec. 3. Thomas, s. of George Groome & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 2. William, s. of William Jeffries, miller, & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 3. Abraham, s. of Abraham Evans, of the Foxholes, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Jan. 6. Richard, s. of Richard Gate, labourer, & Mary ... bap. 512 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1737 1737, Jan. 25. John, s. of Charles Booth, inholder, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 25. Anne, d. of John Fox, of Aston, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Feb. 2. James, s. of John Adams, mason, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 2. Sarah, d. of William Dicken, of Newtown, & Alice ... bap. 1736, Dec. 15. William, s. of Joseph Swanweek & Elizabeth, ... bap. 1737, Feb. 28. Mary, d. of John Gregorey, barber, & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 3. Thomas, s. of Richard Basnett, of Trench lane, & Catherine ... bap. " Mar. 3. Sarah, d. of Henry Nicols & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 3. George, base s. of Hester Gadd ... bap. " Mar. 4. Sarah, d. of Thomas Towler, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 5. Martha, d. of Joseph Hopwood & Margarett ... bap. " Mar. 10. Margarett, d. of Joseph Ashford, glazier, & Margarett ... bap. " Mar. 17. Robert, s. of Robert Bayley, of Barker's Green, in the Township of Aston, & Mary ... bap. 1738, Mar. 25. Jane, d. of John Rider, tanner, & Martha ... bap. " Mar. 26. Edward, s. of Edward Davies, nailer, & Sarah ... bap. *" Mar. 19. Dorothy, d. of Robert Hussey, of Newtown, & Catharine ... bap. " Mar. 3. Ambros, s. of Ambros Stones, horserider, & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 1. John, s. of Thomas Harries, weelwright, & Ellinnor ... bap. " Apr. 2. Edward, s. of Edward Powel & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 22. Hannah, d. of Robert Sandland, of Lacon Hall, & Mary ... bap. " May 13. Mary, d. of John Hanshaw, atturney at law, & Beatrice ... bap. 1745] Wem. 529 1745, Mar. 29. Robert, s. of Robert Groom, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 31. Margarett, d. of Joseph Symons, of Tilley, & Margarett ... bap. " Apr. 2. Mary, d. of John Gregory, barber, & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 7. Mary, d. of William Stockton, shoemaker, & Rebeckah ... bap. " Apr. 15. Marther, d. of Rowland Banks & Marther ... bap. " Apr. 15. James, s. of James Brown, of Horton, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 15. Sarah, d. of Samuell Forgham & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 28. Anne, d. of Thomas Beswick, bricklayer, & Sarah ... bap. " May 19. John, s. of John Williams, inholder, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 20. Anne, d. of Barnerd Deane, shoemaker, & Margaret ... bap. " May 26. William, s. of Edward Austin, carpinter, & his w. ... bap. " June 3. Mary, d. of Roger Maddox, of Aston, & Anne ... bap. " June 16. Marther, d. of Joseph Edgerton, off Northwood, & Marther ... bap. " June 23. Mary, d. of Richard Higginson, of Horton, & Marther ... bap. " June 24. Anne, d. of Robert Davies, of Tilley, & Anne ... bap. " June 28. Thomas, s. of John Ebrey, of the Trench farm, & Mary ... bap. " July 9. Sarah, d. of Richard Sandland, Bucher, & Mary ... bap. " July 10. Sarah, d. of John Robinson, of the Pools, & Anne ... bap. " July 14. Robert, s. of James Edwards, of Northwoodgrene, & Jane ... bap. " July 14. Anne, d. of John Wilson, labourer, & Anne ... bap. 530 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1745 1745, July 24. John, s. of Richard Wade, labourer, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 28. Hannah, base d. of Mary Evans ... bap. " Aug. 4. George, s. of George Groom, of Aston, & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Chase, bricklayer, & Alice ... bap. " Aug. 23. Robert, s. of Richard Gad, tayler, & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 1. Hannah, d. of John Hill, of Northwood, & Jone ... bap. " Sep. 11. Robert, s. of Robert Cottam, hatter, & Rebekah ... bap. " Oct. 6. Richard, s. of James Watkin, towdresser, & Mary ... bap. *" Sep. 30. Affey, d. of Mary Smith, of Preston, in Lankishere ... bap. " Oct. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas Harris, joyner, of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 22. Thomas, s. of Samuel Sandland, cooper, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 23. George, s. of James Vaughan, of Aston, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 27. Sarah, d. of Phillip Drowre, of Wem, & Margaret ... bap. " Nov. 2. Anne, d. of John Morris, of Wem, shoomaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 2. Mary, d. of Samuel Griffith, of Wem, bricklayer, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 10. Peter, s. of Thomas Morgin, blacksmith, of the Low, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 17. John, s. of John Harris, tanner, of Wem, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 20. Philip, s. of Mar. Williams, officer of the Excise, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 22. William, s. of William Price, hatmaker, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 24. Joseph, s. of John Simons, of Tilele, & his w. ... bap. 1746] Wem. 531 1745, Dec. 8. Thomas, s. of Samuel Maddox, shoomaker, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of Samuel Bettigson, surgeon, & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 15. Robert, s. of John Edge & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 26. John, s. of Robert Husbants, of Newtown, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 1. Anne, d. of Thomas Masson, of Wem, shoomaker, & Margret ... bap. " Feb. 2. John, s. of Thomas Tonnor, of the Newtown, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 2. Mary, base d. of John Newns, of Northwood ... bap. " Feb. 2. Peter, s. of John Deakin, of Wem, inholder, & Abigail ... bap. " Feb. 9. Mary, d. of Robert Bayle, of Barker's Green, labourer, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 10. Richard, s. of John Eddows, of Wem, mercer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 11. Marthar, d. of Thomas Evans, of Wem, & Margratt ... bap. " Feb. 17. Anne, d. of William Jeffrayes, miller, of Wem, & Anne ... bap. 1745, Mar. 6. Mary, d. of John Beckerton, of Wem, & Mary, was born Mar. 5, 1745. ... bap. 1746, Apr. 22. Shusanah, d. of George France, of Wem. inhoulder, & Shusannah ... bap. " Apr. 27. Mary, d. of William Ferinton, of Newtown, & his w. ... bap. " May 2. Anne, d. of John Sharratt, of Tille park, & Shusannah ... bap. " May 4. Mary, d. of Robert James, of Tille, & his w. ... bap. " May 9. Elizabeth, d. of John Walford, tanar, of Wem, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " May 11. Timothy, s. of Lewis Evans, shoomaker, & his w. ... bap. " May 21. Mary, d. of Francis Owin, of Pames hill, & Elizabeth ... bap. 532 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1746 1746, May 23. Francis, s. of Francis Sandland, cooper, of Wem, & Anne ... bap. " May 25. William, base s. of Alice Rotter ... bap. " June 15. Margarett, d. of John Judgson, of Wem, peaver, & Sarah ... bap. " July 4. John, s. of Richard Allman, of Northwood ... bap. " July 20. Samuel, s. of Robert Groom, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " July 20. Mary, d. of William Milinton, of Horton, & his w. ... bap. 1746, Aug. 20. Mary, d. of William Powel & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 29. Peter, s. of Thomas Pidgeon, of Wem, bucher, & Maragrett ... bap. " Aug. 31. Thomas, s. of Robert Husse, of the Low, & Chathrina ... bap. " Sep. 7. Mary, d. of John Watkin, of Wem, shoomaker, & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 4. John, s. of Thomas Frodswel, toudresser, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 22. Sarah, d. of Samuel Groom, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 28. Richard, s. of Robert Bellingham, of Wem, tayler, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 4. Elizabeth, d. of James Borrey, of Wem, joyner, & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 12. John, s. of Edward Elks, of Aston, & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 24. Samuel, s. of Robert Cottom, of Wem, hatmaker, & Rebeckha ... bap. " Oct. 26. Samuel, s. of Samuel Maddox, of Wem, shoumaker, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 16. Sarah, d. of John Embre, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1747] Wem. 533 1746, Nov. 23. John, s. of Andrew Burgus, of Wem, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lee, of Wem, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 28. John, s. of Richard Higginson, of the. Low, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 2. John, s. of Thomas Ashford, of Wem, glasher, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 2. Mary, d. of Richard Randles, of Wem, bucher, & Elinor ... bap. " Jan. 14. Mary, d. of Richard Hussea, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 6. Allin, s. of Roland Banks, todresser, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 6. George, s. of Thomas Kynerston, deceased, & Marther his wid. ... bap. " Feb. 6. William, s. of Timothy Parker, parish clerk, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 6. Samuel, s. of John Williams, inholder, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 22. Anne, d. of George Handley, of Tilley, & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 1. Sarah, base d. of John Hildtich, of Wem, beaker ... bap. " Mar. 8. Martha, d. of Thomas Chettoe, of Wem, bricklear. & Marx ... bap. " Mar. 8. Robert, s. of John Blakeway, of Horton, sawer, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Newns, of Sleap, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1747, Mar. 29. John, s. of Edward Austin, of Wem, carpenter, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 20. Thomas, s. of Andrew Morris, of Horton, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 26. Mary, d. of Richard Armstrong, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 10. Elinor, d. of Roger Charles, of Wem, taler, & Mary ... bap. " May 20. Frances, d. of Thomas Night, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. 534 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1747 1747, May 22. Anne, d. of William Howelds & Mary ... bap. " May 22. John, s. of John Groom, of Sleap, & his w. ... bap. " May 22. Thomas, s. of Francis Sandland, of Wem, cooper, & Anne ... bap. " June 10. John, s. of William Tyler, of Wem, & Lydia ... bap. " June 28. Richard, s. of Robert Mear, of Wem, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 3. John, s. of Thomas Heals, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " July 17. Thomas, s. of James Watkin, of Wem, todresser, & Mary ... bap. " July 28. William, s. of John Gregorey, of Wem, perukmaker, & Anne ... bap. " Aug. 3. Henrey, s. of Thomas Jeffs, tayler, of Wem, & Marther ... bap. " Aug. 19. Anne, d. of Joseph Maddox, of Wem, taler, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 23. John, s. of John Harris, of Wem, tanner, & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 30. Anne, d. of Williams, officer of the excise, & his w. ... bap. 1747, Aug. 3. Thomas, s. of John Bickerton & Mary, born Aug. 3, 1747. ... bap. " Sep. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Carsley, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 11. Sarah, d. of Joseph Symons & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 13. William, s. of George France, of Wem, inhoulder, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 7. Richard, s. of Henrey Cemp, of Wem, labourer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 9. John, base s. of Cornelius Whitfeild & Margrett Evens ... bap. " Oct. 17. George, s. of John Abots, saver, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 17. Richard, s. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, currier, & Jane ... bap. 1748] Wem. 535 1747, Nov. 6. Jane, d. of Edward Powel, laborer, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 13. Richard, s. of John Fox, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 29. Mary, d. of John Walforde, of Wem, & Unknown, his wife ... bap. " Nov. 29. Robert, s. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, willright, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Griffith, of Wem, mason, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 15. Caterine, base d. of Catherine Rutter ... bap. " Dec. 20. John, s. of Thomas Groom, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 20. Marthar, d. of Richard Ward, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 25. Thomas, s. of Charmer Sandland, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 13. Mary, d. of Henry Holebrook, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 24. John, s. of Philip Drowrey, of Wem, & Margrett ... bap. " Jan. 27. Anne, d. of Samuel Griffith, of Wem, merser, & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 31. Thomas, s. of John Sneap, of Wem, taler, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 19. Thomas, s. of Robert Cottam, of Wem, hatmaker, & Rebekah ... bap. " Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of Robert Davis, of Tilley, & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 28. Mary, d. of George Groom, of Aston, & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 28. Marthar, d. of Thomas Forgham, of Wem, laborer, & his w. ... bap. 1748, Mar. 27. Sarah, d. of William Davis, of Wem, laborer, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 27. Edward, s. of John Whilson, of Wem, laborer. & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 29. Anne, d. of John Edge, of Wem, shoemaker, & Anne ... bap. 536 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1748 1748, Apr. 3. Thomas, s. of John Symons, of Tilley, & Catherine ... bap. " Apr. 10. Anne, d. of Robert Rodon, of Tilley, & Alice ... bap. " Apr. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Masson, of Wem, shoemaker, & Margrett ... bap. " Apr. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Morris, of Wem, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 23. Anne, d. of Robert Hales, bucher, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 27. Robert, s. of Edward Ebrey, of Tilley, & Allice ... bap. " May 8. Mary, d. of John Sutton, hoopshever [sic], & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 10. George, s. of George Powel, of Wem Brockaist, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 13. John, s. of Samuel Beetenson, of Wem, surgan, & Sarah ... bap. " May 14. John, s. of Richard Sandland, of Wem, bucher, & Mary ... bap. " May 18. John, s. of Francis Owen, of Wem, wever, & his w. ... bap. " May 19. John, s. of Morris Jones, of Lowhill, & Mary ... bap. " May 29. Thomas, s. of Morgan Vaghan, of Wem, laborer. & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 17. Sarah, d. of Edward Watkis, of Wem, millwright, & Sarah ... bap. " June 26. John, s. of Thomas Lee, of Wem, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " July 1. John, s. of Joseph Ashford, of Wem, peruke maker, & Mary ... bap. " July 3. Hannah, d. of Thomas Besswick, bricklear, & Sarah ... bap. " July 10. James, s. of Robert Groom, of Aston, collier, & Jane ... bap. " July 13. Richard, s. of John Groom, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " July 24. Joseph, s. of Roger Maddox & his w. ... bap. 1748] Wem. 537 1748, Aug. 5. Thomas, s. of John Sandland, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 13. John, base s. of Charles Barnett & Debrea Iken ... bap. " Aug. 28. Mary, d. of Williants, officer of the excise, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 29. John, s. of Thomas Banks, of Wem, turner, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 10. Thomas, s. of Samuel Griffith, of Wem, bricklaier, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Pidgeon, of Wem, butcher, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 10. Joseph, s. of Thomas Ashford, glasher, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 1. Anne, d. of Robert Sandland, of Lacken, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 3. Samuel, s. of Samuel Ray, of Wem, blacksmith, & Anne ... bap. " Dec. 10. George, s. of Thomas Edge, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 14. Valantine, d. of John Sharratt, of Tilley parke, & Susannah ... bap. " Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of James Watkin, inholder & Mary ... bap. *" Dec. 30. John, s. of John Robinson, of the Pooles, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 11. Richard, s. of Thomas Astley, of Aston, & Hannah ... bap. " Feb. 6. George, s. of Joseph Maddox, of Wem, taler, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 7. Richard, s. of Thomas Evans, of Wem, shoomaker, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 25. Thomas, s. of Francis Williams, of Wem, & Martha ... bap. " Feb. 27. Rahel, d. of John Gregorey, prukmaker, & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 10. Anne, d. of George Downs, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. 538 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1748 1748, Mar. 15. Catherine, d. of William Ferington, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Menshaw, of Tilley, blacksmith, & Mary ... bap. 1749, Apr. 7. Mary, d. of Ricard Gad, of Wem, taler, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 16. James, s. of William Millington, of Horton, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 30. Charles, s. of William Tyler, of Wem, & Lydea ... bap. " May 5. Unknown, d. of William Price, hatmaker, & his w. ... bap. " May 12. Jane, d. of William Powell, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " May 15. George, s. of Richard Huggea, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " June 3. Thomas, s. of John Besford, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " June 14. Anne, d. of Randel Cattrall, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " June 22. Margrett, d. of William Jeffreys, of Wem, miller, & Anne ... bap. " June 25. John, s. of John Sutton, of Wem, hoopshever [sic], & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 4. Margrett, d. of John Deacon, of Wem, inholder, & his w. ... bap. " July 18. Philip, s. of Philip Drury, of Wem, coachman, & Margrett ... bap. " Aug. 4. Catherine, d. of Thomas Ashford, glasher, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 18. William, s. of Robert Cottam, hatmaker, & Rebeckah ... bap. " July 21. Joseph, s. of John Beckerton, of the Pools, farmer, & Mary, ... bap. " Aug. 25. Samuel, s. of William Shenton, of Wem, shoemaker, & Anne ... bap. *" Aug. 8. John, s. of John Morris, labourer, & Mary ... bap. 1750] Wem. 539 1749, Oct. 14. Anne, d. of Francis Sandland, of Wem, cooper, & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 18. Thomas, s. of Edward Carsley, of the Woodhouse, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 19. George, s. of Joseph Ashfoord, of Wem, perukmaker, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 26. Anne, d. of Joseph Chase, of Wem, bricklear, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 3. Martha, d. of Roger Charles, taler, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 9. Elizabeth, d. of James Burrey, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 12. Sarah, d. of Timothy Parker, parish clark, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 20. Martha, base d. of Jane Millington ... bap. " Jan. 1. Anne, d. of John Furmson & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 12. Samuel, s. of Samuel Beetenson, of Wem, surgan, & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 12. Sarah, d. of Thomas Lee, of Wem, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 13. John, s. of John Jakson & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 14. Robert, s. of Robert Meers & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Wicherley, whillwright, & Catherine ... bap. " Feb. 2. John, s. of George Downs, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 11. John, s. of Edward Evans, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1750, Mar. 25. Anne, d. of Samuel Map ... bap. " Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of Edward Elks ... bap. " Mar. 30. Mary, d. of Thomas Forgham, laberor, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 30. Anne, base d. of Rahel Jebb ... bap. " Apr. 2. Joseph, s. of Richard Randles, of Wem, bucher, & Ellinor ... bap. " Apr. 4. John, s. of Richard Embrey, of Wem, tanner, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 16. Thomas, s. of John Edge & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 21. Anne, d. of Robert Hales, bucher, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Hales, bucher, & Elizabeth ... bap. 540 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1750 1750, Apr. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Evans, of Whitington & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Lewis Evans, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 23. Margrett, d. of Thomas Mason, of Wem, shoemaker, & Margrett ... bap. " May 4. John, s. of John Abbots, of Tiley & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 11. Susannah, base d. of Mary Evans ... bap. " May 12. George, s. of Thomas Griffith, of Wem, mason, & his w. ... bap. " May 19. John, s. of Peter Cowley, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " May 19. Anne, d. of Samuel Griffith, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " June 3. Edward, s. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, cornier, & his w. ... bap. " June 4. Robert, s. of Thomas Nickals, of Aston, sawyer, & his w. ... bap. " June 4. Stephen, s. of Samuel Ray, of Wem, blacksmith, & his w. ... bap. " June 4. Jane, d. of Thomas Deafs, of Wem, taylor, & his w. ... bap. " June 8. Mary, d. of Samuel Maddox, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " June 9. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Owen, of Wem, wever, & his w. ... bap. " June 10. Samuel, s. of George Groom, of Aston, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " June 10. John, s. of Robert Bellingham, of Wem, tayler, & his w. ... bap. " June 22. John, s. of William Sherratt, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " June 23. Robert, s. of Robert Groome, of Aston, collier, & his w. ... bap. " July 7. Rebackah, d. of George Salmon, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " July 29. Thomas, s. of John Wilson, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 15. Hannah, d. of ... & Alice ... bap. " Sep. 7. Martha, base d. of Catherine Lloud ... bap. 1750] Wem. 541 1750, Oct. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Astley, of Brook, & Hannah ... bap. " Oct. 12. Dorothy, d. of Daniel Williams, of Wem, thatcher ....bap. " Oct. 31. William, s. of William Hales, of Slape & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 9. Edward, s. of John Joyls, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 4. Mary, base d. of Mary Pollit ... bap. " Dec. 7. James, s. of Morgan Vaghan, labore of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Mear, of Wem, shoemaker, & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John Lee, of Slape, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Richard Crockson & Caterine ... bap. " Dec. 27. Mary, d. of Richard Trow & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of William Higginson, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 30. Anne, d. of Andrew Borrows, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 30. Jane, d. of Richard Sandland, butcher, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 31. Thomas, s. of Robert Cottam, hatmaker, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 2. Elizabeth, d. of William Evans, of Northwood ... bap. " Jan. 2. Flora, d. of Cornelus Whitfield, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 9. Unknown, d. of John Groom, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. 1748, Jan. 13. Thomas, s. of Richard Kilborn & Mary ... bap. 1750, Jan. 13. Mary, d. of Richard Kilborn & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 2. Martha, d. of Rowland Peate, of Northwood, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Rowland Peate, of Northwood, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 2. John, s. of John Morris, of Wem, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 10. Thomas, s. of John Pollit, labourer, & his w. ... bap. 542 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1750 1750, Feb. 13. John, s. of George Powel, of Brockhorst, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 22. Frances, d. of John Sandland, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 24 Richard, s. of Griffith Jones, of Wem, Labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 10. George, s. of Thomas Evans, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. 1731, Apr. 7. Thomas, s. of Thomas Armstrong, of Wem, tanner, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 8. Hannah, d. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 10. William, s. of Richard Embre, of Wem, tanner, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 21. Anne, d. of Edward Carsley, of the Woodhouse ... bap. " Apr. 28. Sarah, d. of Thomas Hayward, of Wem, wever, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 30. George, s. of Unknown Unknown ... bap. " May 1. Frances, d. of Richard Unknown of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " May 3. Anne, d. of Samuel Richards, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " May 12. Elizabeth, d. of Philip Drury, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " May 12. William, s. of Thomas Chettoe, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " May 12. John, s. of John Booth, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " June 7. Thomas, s. of Samuel Minchaw, of Tilley, blacksmith, & Mary ... bap. " June 9. Anne, d. of Thomas Groome, of Aston, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " June 14. Richard, s. of Richard Armstrong & Marthar ... bap. " June 19. Sarah, base d. Margrett Austin, of Wem ... bap. " June 28. Marther, d. of Thomas Mayson, of Fearn ... bap. 1751] Wem. 543 1751, June 30. Thomas, s. of Roger Brown, of Rowwood, & his w. ... bap. " July 5. Mary, d. of John Besfoord & Rachel ... bap. " July 7. Mary, d. of Thomas Savage, of Wem, & Margrett ... bap. " July 21. Mary, d. of Edward Elks, of Wem, & Anne ... bap. " July 21. Margrett, d. of Thomas Paling, of Wem, labourer ... bap. " July 31. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Cooke, of Wem, hatmaker, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 4. Thomas, s. of Richard Higginson, of the Lowe, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 9. Joseph, s. of James Watkin, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 18. Mary, d. of Henrey Cemp, of Wem, & his w. ... bap " Sep. 1. William Millington ... bap. " Sep. 7. Unknown, s. of Edward Olivers & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 22. Anne, d. of Samuel Austin, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 4. Mary, d. of George Downs, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Corbett, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas Willkinson, of Wem, maltstor, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 19. John, s. of Robert Hales, of Wem, bucher, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Nickalls, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Sandland, of Wem, cooper, & Anne ... bap. " Nov. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, inholder, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 9. Samuel, s. of Thomas Besswek, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 24. Joseph, s. of Richard Hussea, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. 544 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1751 1751, Nov. 27. Hannah, d. of William Ferrington, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 18. Jane, d. of Margrett Ison ... bap. " Dec. 29. Anne, d. of John Scofeild, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 30. Anne, d. of Thomas Higgins, of Wem, apotherey , & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 10. William, ... of Wem, mercer ... bap. " Jan. 20. Thomas, s. of John Sandland, of ..., wever, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 26. John, s. of John Furmson, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 31. Elizabeth, d. of John Jakson, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 8. Samuel, s. of Richard Ralphs, of Cotton, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 23. John, base s. of Ester Capham ... bap. 1752, Mar. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Ashford, of Wem, glasher, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 30. Sarah, d. of James Burrey, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Edge, of Tilley, laberor, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 8. John, s. of Richard Gadd, of Wem, tayler, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 11. Margrett, d. of Roger Maddox, of Aston, laborer, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 11. Rachel, d. of William Bowel, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 12. Margrett, d. of Thomas Lee, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 18. Martha, d. of Thomas Masson, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 22. Martha, d. of Robert Meers, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " May 3. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Williams, of Tilley, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " May 15. Samuel, s. of Thomas Astley, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. 1752] Wem. 545 1752, May 23. Anne, d. of Timothy Parker, parish clark, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 24. Sarah, d. of Roger Charles, of Wem, tayler, & his w. ... bap. " May 31. Hannah, base d. of Mary Davis ... bap. " June 3. Unknown, s. of John Hales, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " June 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas Owen, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " June 14. Benjamin, s. of Thomas Groom, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " June 14. Thomas, s. of Robert Groom, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " June 14. Jane, d. of Samuel Sandland, of Wem, cooper, & his w. ... bap. " July 12. Mary, d. of John Blantron, of Wem, millor, & Mary ... bap. " July 12. Hannah, d. of Richard Huges, of Wem, beaker, & his w. ... bap. " July 13. Elizabeth, d. of William Stockton, of Aston, shoemaker, & Rebekah ... bap. " July 24. Elizabeth, d. of William Sherratt, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 23. Mary, d. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Peter Cowley, of Wem, weelmaker, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 11. James, s. of John Abats, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 29. Robert, s. of Robert Bellingham, of Wem, tayler, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 29. Martha, d. of Edward Evans, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 8. Samuel, s. of Samuel Lowe, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 8. Anne, d. of Richard Croxton, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 12. Mary, d. of Samuel Griffith, of Wem, bricklayer, & Elinor ... bap. 546 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1752 1752, Dec. 15. Thomas, base s. of Martha Davis ... bap. " Dec. 20. Sarah base d. of Lidia Beacks ... bap. " Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Joseph Ashforde, of Wem, perukemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 26. John, s. of John Ba.., labourer, & his w. " Dec. 27. Judith, d. of Unknown Unknown, perukemaker ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. of John Beckett, of Wem, bricklayer, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 27. George, s. of George Salmon, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. 1753, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, corrier, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of John Booth, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 3. Hannah, base d. of Anne Morris ... bap " Jan. 12. Mary, d. of Lewis Torner & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 24. John, s. of William Gilldchrist, bucher, & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 30. Ellinor, d. of Thomas Jess, of Wem, tayler, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Richard Embrey, of Wem, tanner, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 2. Francis, s. of Francis Owen, of Wem, weaver, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 4. Anne, d. of Philip Drury, of Wem, inholder, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 18. Samuel, s. of Thomas Price, of this. town, & Anne ... bap. " Mar. 18. Richard, s. of Thomas Meers, of Wem, shoemaker, & Marther ... bap. " Mar. 21. Nancy, d. of Henrev Holebrook, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 4. John, s. of Andrew Morris, of Horton, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 15. George, s. of Richard Armstrong, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " May 9. Christian, d. of Samuel Maddox, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " May 27. Samuel, s. of Thomas Evans, of Wem, labourer, & Margaret ... bap. 1753] Wem. 547 1753, June 15. Unknown, d. of John Morris, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " June 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Worrall, of Tilley Green, & his w. ... bap. " June 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Payling, & his w. ... bap. " July 4. Mary, d. of Samuel Forgham, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " July 21. Anne, d. of John Deacon, of Wem, inholder, & his w. ... bap. " July 13. Margrett, d. of Daniel Williams, of Wem, thacher, & his w. ... bap. " July 13. James, s. of Joseph Smart, of Wem, inholder, & his w. ... bap. " July 22. Mary, d. of Edward Carsley, of the Woodhous, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 3. Richard, s. of William Higginson, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 12. Jane, d. of Samuel Minchall, of Tilley, blacksmith, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 15. Hannah, d. of Thomas Wilkinson, of Wem, moltstor, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 26. Anne, d. of Robert James, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 26. Randle, s. of Randle Shinton, of Tilley, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 12. Richard, s. of John Forrister, of Tilley, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 19. Margrett, d. of Thomas Forgham, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 21. Elizabeth, d. of William Rutter, of the Lowe, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 31. Edward, s. of Edward Jones, of Wem, gardenner, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Higgins, of Wem, apotherey, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 9. John, s. of John Polli..., labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 14. John, s. of Joseph Maddox, of Wem, tayler, & Mary ... bap. 548 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1753 1753, Nov. 30. John, s. of Samuel Ray, of Wem, blacksmith, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 30. Anne, d. of Thomas Baugh, of Wem, brichismaker, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of Cornelus Whitfield, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 28. Hannah, d. of George Powel, of Brockhorst, & his w. ... bap. 1754, Jan. 1. Hannah, d. of Edward Elks, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of Thomas Evens, of Wem, wever, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 2. Thomas, s. of Crispin Watkis, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 6. Samuel, s. of Thomas Corbett, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Bentley, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 8. Thomas, s. of William Hales, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 8. John, s. of John Scofield, of Wem, moltstor, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffith, of Wem, mason, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 13. William, s. of William Vaughan, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 18. Unknown, s. of Thomas Hayward, of Wem, ... & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 25. Unknownhy, s. of Timothy Parker, of Wem, parish clark, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 2. Joseph, s. of Samuel Austin, of Wem, bricklayer, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 2. John, s. of Hugh Edge, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Richards, of Tilley, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 17. William, base s. of Thomas Brown, of Tilley, & of Elizabeth Edgerton ... bap. " Feb. 24. Sarah, d. of Philip Hales. of Wem, gardenner, & his w. ... bap. 1754] Wem. 549 1754, Feb. 27. Mary, d. of John Groome, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 3 Anne, d. of Richard Kilborn, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 13. Richard, s. of Richard Croxton, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 3. Jane, base d. of Elizabeth Towler ... bap. " Apr. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Charls Vaughan, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 15. John, s. of Thomas Astley, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 17. Sarah, d. of Benjamin Barnett, of Soulton, & his w. ... bap. " May 12. Anne, d. of Thomas Lee, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " May 17. William, s. of Robert Cottam, of Wem, hatmaker, & Rebekah ... bap. " May 17. Catherine, d. of Prytherch ~reverend, headmaster of the grammar school; married Mary Chambers, of Loppington, June 1, 1753; Vicar of Leighton, near Buildwas, and of Much Wenlock; ob. 1786, aet 67; buried at Leighton.~, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " June 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Price, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " June 3. John, s. of John Bearks, ... & Hannah ... bap. " June 4. John, s. of John Sandland, of ... joyner, & his w. ... bap. " June 5. Mary, base d. of Elizabeth Nickals, of Aston ... bap. " June 9. Richard, s. of George Groom, of Aston, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " June 9. Richard, s. of Richard Ball, Northwood, & his w. ... bap. " June 28. Leah, d. of William Powell, of Aston, & Jane ... bap. " June 29. Anne, d. of Thomas Ashford, of Wem, gleesher, & his w. ... bap. " July 7. Anne, d. of Thomas Thornel, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " July 14. Hannah, base d. of Mary Morris, of Northwood ... bap. 550 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1754 1754, Aug. 4. Mary, d. of Richard Jones, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 11. Anne, d. of Thomas Nickals, of Aston & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 16. John, s. of James Evans, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 16. William, s. of James Evans, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 21. Charles, s. of Samuel Beetenson, of Wem, surgeon, & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 21. Frances, d. of Joseph Ashford, of Wem, perukmaker, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 24. Anne, d. of Cholmondele Lewis, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 4. William, s. of Robert Hales, of Wem, bucher, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 8. Mary, d. of John Jakson, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 8. Elizabeth, d. of James Maddox, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 20. Mary, d. of Thomas Edge, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 28. Thomas, s. of John Furmston, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 3. Unknown, s. of Samuel Griffiths, bricklayer, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 3. Unknownm, s. of William Stockton, of Aston, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 3. Hannah, d. of Samuel Sandland, of Wem, cooper, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 6. Robert, s. of Richard Sandland, of Wem, bucher, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 10. Elizabeth, d. of Benjemin Downs & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 20. John, s. of John Tonnah, of the Lowe, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. of Ishmeal Gregorey, of the Lowhill, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 28. John, s. of William Hayward, of Tilley, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 29. Ellinor, d. of Thomas Savige, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. 1755] Wem. 551 1755, Jan. I. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Baugh, of Wem, brichesmaker, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 1. Joseph, s. of Ralph Maddox, of Wem, tayler, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 3. William, s. of William Sherratt, of Tilley Green, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 3. Martha, d. of Thomas Morgin, of Horton, blacksmith, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of John Blarnton, of Wem, miller, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 20. Mary, d. of Robert Groom, of Aston, collier, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 25. Richard, base s. of Anne Dean, of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 30. Mary, d. of John ..., of Wem, tayler, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 7. Francis, s. of Francis Sandland, of Wem, cooper, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 9. Samuel, s. of Robert Mear, of Wem, shomaker, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 23. Anne, d. of James Burrey, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 23. Anne, d. of Samuel Minshall, of Tilley, blacksmith, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 24. Charles, s. of John Booth, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Gad, of Wem, tayler, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 31. Jane, d. of Joseph Smart, of Wem, inholder, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 31. Anne, d. of Edward Harris, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 1. Henrietta, d. of Edward Carsley, of the Woodhous, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 27. Henry, s. of Henry Cemp, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " May 2. John, base s. of Mary Hayward ... bap. " May 4. Anne, d. of Thomas Willkinson, of Wem, moltster, & his w. ... bap. 552 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1755 1755, May 11. Anne, d. of Richard Hussea, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " May 23. Charles, s. of George Salmon, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " May 23. Unknown, d. of Rev. Prytherch, & his wife ... bap. " May 23. Unknown, d. of Richard Hughs, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " May 28. Thomas, s. of Thomas Mear, of Wem, shoemaker, & Martha ... bap. " May 30. William, s. of William Ferrington, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " May 30. Edward, s. of Thomas Masson, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " June 29. John, s. of Samuel Channor, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " July 13. Richard, s. of John Harris, of Big Bolas, & his w. ... bap. " July 18. John, s. of Thomas Newns, of Tylley, & his w. ... bap. " July 20. William, s. of William Dulson, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " July 27. Thomas, s. of George Fardoe, of Sleap, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 10. Charles, s. of Robert Cottant, of Wem, hatmaker, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Embrey, of Wem, tanner, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 15. Catherine, d. of Charles Vaughan, of Wem, & his wife ... bap. " Aug. 15. Anne, d. of William Cooper, of Aston, wheelwright, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 27. Thomas, s. of Samuel Bickley, of Horton, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 5. Samuel, s. of Edward Jones, gardner, of Wem, & his wife ... bap. " Sep. 7. Martha, d. of John Lee, of Slape, & his wife ... bap. " Sep. 26. Mary, d. of William Shenton, of Wem, shoemaker, & his wife ... bap. 1756] Wem. 553 1755, Oct. 8. Philip, s. of William Hales, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 24. Jane, d. of Henry Holebrook, of Wem, post [sic], & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 29. William, s. of ..., of Lacton, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 10. Sarah, d. of John Abbats, of ... & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 23. Charles, s. of Edward Evans, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 23. Margret, d. of Elizabeth Owin, of Wem, wid. ... bap. +1756, Jan. 7. Arthur, s. of Beetenson, of Wem, surgeon, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 7. Anne, d. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 16. Felicia, d. of Thomas Higgins, of Wem, apothecary, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas Astley, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 27. Elizabeth, d. of William Stubs, of Wem, tayler, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 2. William, s. of Roger Brown, of Rewwood, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 7. Mary, d. of John Furmson, of Aston, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 4. John, s. of Thomas Higginson, of Wem, sadler ... bap. " Apr. 18. Sarah, d. of William Ruter, of the Low, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 19. Thomas, s. of John Scoffield, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 19. Elizabeth, d. of John Pollit, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 20. William, s. of William Powell, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 27. Unknown, d. of Daniel ..., of Wem, thacher, & ... bap. " May 2. Unknown, d. of George Handley, of Tilley, labourer, & his w. ... bap. 554 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1756 1756, May 7. Matthias, s. of Richard Harper, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " May 9. James, s. of John Booth, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " May 18. Jane, d. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, corrier, & his w. ... bap. " May 28. Richard, s. of Thomas Hayward, of Wem, weaver, & his w. ... bap. " June 6. William, s. of John Forrister, of Tilley, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " June 8. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh Edge, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " June 11. Ann, d. of John Allinson, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " June 11. Thomas, s. of John Morris, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " June 11. Samuel, s. of Andrew Morris, of Horton, & his w. ... bap. " June 13. Mary, d. of Thomas Ashford, of Wem, glasher, & his w. ... bap. " June 15. John, s. of John Wicherley, of Edstaston, & his w. ... bap. " June 29. Petter, s. of Robert Hales, of Wem, bucher, & his w. ... bap. " July 2. Sarah, base d. of Rachel Jebb, of Tylley ... bap. " Aug. 1. Margrett, d. of Thomas Dane, of Wem, dier, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 5. Francis, s. of Widow {Tomson?] ... bap. " Aug. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bayley, of Aston, wever, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 17. James, s. of James Maddox, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Vaughan, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 29. Thomas, s. of John Clemson, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 31. Elizabeth, base d. of Martha James & Thomas Jones ... bap. 1757] Wem. 555 1756, Sep. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Evans, of Wem, weaver, & his w. ... bap. *" Aug. 29. Joseph, s. of Joseph Ashforde, of Wem, perukmaker, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 19. Elenor, d. of Richard Kilborn, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 10. Samuel, s. of Samuel Forgeham, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Baugh, of Wem, brichesmaker, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Higginson, of town, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 7. Edward, s. of Samuel Austin, of Wem bricklayer, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 28. George, s. of George Ashfoord, of Wem, gleasher, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 30. Mary, d. of John Cartwright, of Aston, blacksmith, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 10. Sarah, d. of John Cartwright, of Wem, todresser, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 14. William, s. of Thomas Wilkinson, of Wem, moltster, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 54. Joseph, s. of Roger Brathen, of Preston Gubbalds. & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 21. Jeremiah, s. of Thomas Smith, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Wade, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 28. Hannah, d. of Thomas Stockton, of Horton, Payver, & his w. ... bap. 1757, Jan. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Maddox, of Wem, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 9. John, s. of Thomas Price, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Lee, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 11. Edward, s. of Thomas Williams, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 22. Margret, d. of Thomas Thornel, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. 556 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1757 1757, Mar. 11. Margret, d. of Timothy Parker, of Wem, parish clark, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of George Weaver, of Lacon, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 1. John, s. of Robert Groome, of Aston, was born Oct. 30th, 1757. " Apr. 12. Unknown, d. of William Powell, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas Higgins, of Wem, apothery, & his w. ... bap. " May 6. John, s. of William Cooper, whillwright, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " May 8. Richard, s. of Samuel Griffith, of Wem, bricklayer, & his w. ... bap. " May 10. Samuel, s. of Samuel Minshall, of Tilley, blacksmith, & his w. ... bap. " May 22. Hannah, d. of Cholmondeley Lewis, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " May 29. Emey, d. of Thomas Morgin, of the Lowe, blacksmith, & his w. ... bap. " May 30. William, s. of William Griffith, of Wem, masson, & his w. ... bap. " June 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas Forgham, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " July 22. Richard, s. of John Stubs, of Wem, stemaker [sic], & his w. ... bap. " July 31. Mary, d. of Ishmael Gregorey, of Lowehill, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 12. Richard, s. of Richard Astley, of Wem, farmer, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 28. John, s. of John Birch, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 28. Thomas, s. of Richard Gadd, of Wem, tayler, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 2. Tryphana, d. of Robert Mear, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 4. Pennelepay, d. of John Jakson, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 11. Margret, d. of Richard Embrey, of Wem, tanner ... bap. 1758] Wem. 557 1757, Nov. 4. Sarah, d. of Thomas Newns, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 13. Samuel, s. of John Sandland, of the Low, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 13. Joseph, s. of Thomas Edge, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. *" Dec. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bickerton ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. of Richard Richards, of the Woodhous, & his w. ... bap. 1758, Jan. 2. Robert, s. of William Hales, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 3. Sarah, d. of John Richards, of Edstaston, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 3. Charles, s. of Samuel Beetinson, of Wem, surgeon, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 4. George, s. of George Powell, of Brockhurst, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 4. Eleannor, d. of Samuel Ray, of Wem, blacksmith, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 6. Anne, d. of George Salmon, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Scofield, of Wem, maltstor, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hopwood, of Lacon, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 22. Thomas, s. of Samuel Richards, of Tilley, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 29. John, s. of William Rutter, of the Low, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 7. Anne, d. of Thomas Bayley, of Aston, weaver, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 25. John, s. of Thomas Masson, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bentley, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " Mar. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John Weaver, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas Evans, of Wem, weaver, & his w. ... bap. 558 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1758 1758, Mar. 28. Benjemin, s. of Benjemin Goslins, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 28. James, s. of James Burrey, of Wem, joyner, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 28. Mary, d. of James Brown, of Horton, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 21. Marther, d. of William Stubs, of Wem, staymaker, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 21. James, s. of John Wicherley, of Cramor Bank, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Henry Kemp, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 28. Unknown, d. of Thomas Saviage, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 30. Samuel, s. of Thomas Towler, of Tilley, bucher, & his w. ... bap. +" May 16. Christopher, s. of George Munro, a stranger ... bap. " May 19. Sarah, d. of Rowland Groome, of the Low ... bap. " May 26. William, s. of John Morris, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. 1753, Oct. 15. Elizabeth, d. of George Downes, of Aston, & his w.; born Oct. 15, 1753 ... bap. 1758, June 11. Rebekah, d. of Thomas Nickals, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " June 11. Eleanor, d. of Thomas Baugh, of Wem, brichesmaker, & his w. ... bap. " June 16. Frances, d. of William Ferrington, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " June 16. John, s. of George Weaver, of Lacon, & Sarah ... bap. " June 23. Martha, d. of Thomas Smith, of Wem, teodresser ... bap. " July 11. John, s. of John Clemson, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " July 16. Joseph, base s. of Mary Anteney, of Wem ... bap. " July 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Griffith, of Wem, mason, & his w. ... bap. 1759] Wem. 559 1758, July 25. Anne, d. of John Thomas, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 13. Sarah, d. of John Hayward, of Tilley, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 29. Abigal, d. of Richard Jones, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 3. Anne, d. of Benjemin Houldin, & his w. ... bap. " Nov. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Lawrance, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, currer, & his w. ... bap. " Dec. 26. Frances, d. of William Griffith, of Wem, mason, & his w. ... bap. 1759, Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of Edward Jones, of Wem, gardner, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 1. Charles, s. of John Horner, of Wem, shoemaker, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 1. William, s. of George Fardoe, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 12. Ales, d. of Thomas Willkinson, of Wem, moalstor, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 12. Elizabeth, base d. of Febe Chitoe, of Wem ... bap. " Feb. 2. Hannah, d. of Edward Price, of Tilley, weaver, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 2. Lydia, d. of George Vaughan, of the Low, & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 2. George, s. of Hugh Edge, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 2. Philip, s. of John Robinson, of Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Feb. 28. Catherine, d. of George Ashforde, of Wem, glesher, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Austin, of Wem, weaver, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 57. Thomas, s. of Richard Astley, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 21. Walter, s. of Samuel Beetenson, of Wem, surgeon, & his w. ... bap. 560 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1759 1759, Mar. 17. William, s. of James Price, of the Lowhill, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 20. William, s. of Thomas Higgines, of Wem, apothecary, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Higgines, of Wem, apothecary, & his w. ... bap. " July 27. John, s. of Charles Griffith, of Wem, staymaker, & his w. ... bap. " July 29. Anne, d. of John Evans, of Wem, tanner, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 1. Jane, d. of Richard Embrey, of Wem, tanner, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 9. John, s. of Peter Salt, of Billson, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 14. Mary, d. of John Thomas, of Wem, & his w. ... bap. 1754, Feb. 8. William, s. of Mary Smith; born Feb. 8, 1754, ... bap. 1759 Dec. 3. Mary, d. of Thomas Bickerton, of Soulton ... bap. 1760, Mar. 3. Richard, s. of Richard Beacall, of Wem ... bap. " May 12. Thomas, s. of Thomas Smith ... bap. " June 21. Anne, d. of John Jackson ... bap. " Aug. 20. John, s. of Christianus Watkin ... bap. " Aug. 22. Sarah, d. of Timothy Parker, parish clark, & Elizabeth ... bap. $" Sep. 23. John, s. of Richard Davies ... bap. " Sep. 28. Martha, d. of William Rutter ... bap. " Sep. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Morgan ... bap. " Oct. 12. James, s. of James Price ... bap. " Oct. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Kilborn & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Towler ... bap. *" Nov. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Astley, of Aston ... bap. " Dec. 7. John, s. of Samuel Richards & Margeret ... bap. 1761, Jan. 4. John, s. of Samuel Sandland ... bap. " Jan. 6. John, s. of William Griffiths ... bap. " Jan. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bestwick, aged 5 years ... bap. " Jan. 13. Ann, d. of, Thomas Bestwick ... bap. " Feb. 2. William, s. of Thomas Mason & Margaret ... bap. 1761] Wem. 561 1761, Feb. 8. Cathrine, d. of John Jones, labourer, of Tilley ... bap. " Feb. 20. Martha, d. of Thomas Harris, cornier ... bap. " Feb. 22. Elizabeth, d. of John Furnston, of Aston, labourer ... bap. " Mar. 6. William, s. of George Ashford, of Wem, glazier ... bap. " Mar. 3. John, base s. of Francis Buckley ... bap. " Apr. 26. Peter, s. of Peter Salt ... bap. " Apr. 28. Richard, s. of Richard Richards ... bap. " May 22. Ann, d. of William Stubbs ... bap. " May 22. Jane, d. of Ishmael Greggery ... bap. " May 31. William, s. of Joseph Kary ... bap. " June 2. John, s. of John Embrey, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 2. John, s. of George Fardoe ... bap. " June 2. Mary, d. of Samuel Morris & Mary ... bap. " June 16. Lucratia, d. of Thomas Griffith & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas Wilkinson ... bap. " July 7. John, s. of James Brown, of Horton ... bap. " July 12. John, s. of Thomas Price & Ann ... bap. " July 17. Ann, d. of Joseph Stubbs, of Wem, staymaker ... bap. " July 17. Tryphena, d. of William Cooper, of Aston ... bap. " July 19. Thomas, s. of Thomas Cheshire ... bap. " July 25. William, s. of Richard Newns, of Wem, & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 2. Samuel, base s. of Margerett Morris ... bap. " Aug. 23. Unknown, d. of Richard Harper, of Aston ... bap. " Sep. 1. Richard, s. of Richard Williams ... bap. " Sep. 4. Phillip, s. of Richard Beacall, of Wem, apothecary ... bap. " Sep. 8. Anne, d. of Peter Stones, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " Sep. 22. Richard, s. of John Thomas, towdresser, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 25. Anne, d. of Thomas Newns, of the Millhouse ... bap. " Oct. 13. Priscilla, d. of Unknown Cotton, reverend, & Ann ... bap. 562 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1761 1761, Nov. 17. Susanna, d. of John Sandland & Susana , of the Lowe ... bap. " Nov. 29. Mary, d. of John Husey, of Horton ... bap. " Dec. 2. Martha, d. of Robert Rhoden, of Tilley ... bap. " Dec. 27. Mary, d. of William Smith, of the Teakins ... bap. 1762, Jan. 1. Anne, d. of John Pollit, labourer, & Anne ... bap. " Jan. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Thurnill, labourer, of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 8. Elizth., d. of Peter Cowley, of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 15. Edward, s. of Edward Evans, of Wem, labourer ... bap. " Jan. 17. William, s. of Thomas Lee, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " Jan. 31. Elizth., d. of Chumbley Lewis, of Wem, labourer ... bap. " Feb. 12. Francis, s. of John Lythe, of the Padergreen ... bap. " Feb. 23. William, s. of John Powell, of Newtown, & Anne ... bap. " Feb. 23. Sarah, d. of John Astley, of the Brook ... bap. " Feb. 23. Ann, d. of John Astley, of the Brook ... bap. 1760, Feb. 23. John, s. of Samuel Minshall, of Tilley ... bap." 1762, Feb. 23. Martha, d. of Samuel Minshall, of Tilley ... bap. " Mar. 2. Richard, s. of Richard Embrey, tanner ... bap. " Mar. 5. Richard, s. of Unknown Farrington, wid. , of Tilley ... bap. " Mar. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Embrey, of the Fox holes ... bap. " Mar. 12. Thomas, s. of John Ebrey, of Tilley, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 30. William, s. of George Weaver, of Wem, gardener, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 30. Thomas, s. of John Abbotts, of Tilley green ... bap. " Apr. 27. Thomas, s. of James Price, of the Lowe, & Frances; born Jan. 17 ... bap. 1762] Wem. 563 1762, May 9. Sarah, d. of Thomas Bickerton, of Soulton ... bap. " May 11. Mary, d. of Thomas Stockall, of Horton, pavior ... bap. " May 30. Charlotte, d. of Unknown Prescott, wid. , late of Russia ... bap. " June 1. Elizth., d. of Thomas Bayley, of Barker's Green, weaver, & Jane ... bap. " June 4. Ann, d. of Richard Davies, skiner breechesmaker ... bap. " July 2. Richard, s. of Joseph Hilditch, school-master, & Hanah ... bap. " July 7. Mary, d. of John Moore, shoemaker ... bap. " Aug. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas Harris, currier ... bap. " Aug. 8. Margaret, d. of William Gilchurst, bucher, & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 15. John, s. of Ralph Maddox, taylor, & Margaret ... bap. " Aug. 29. Richard, s. of Richard Ison, of Wem, sawyer ... bap. " Aug. 29. Samuel, base s. of Ann Rodgers ... bap. " Sep. 7. Edward Barnes, s. of John Watson, esquire, of the Lowe ... bap. " Sep. 21. Charles, s. of Thomas Powell, of Cotton, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 21. Mary, d. of Thomas Morgan, blacksmith, of the Lowe ... bap. " Sep. 28. Hannah, d. of Richard Jones, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 5. John, s. of George Walmsley, of Slape ... bap. " Oct. 10. Andrew, s. of Thomas Howard, of Wem, weaver ... bap. " Oct. 22. Mary, d. of Roger Brown, of the Rue Wood, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 24. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Wem, wheelwright ... bap. " Oct. 31. Thomas, s. of Richard Beacall, appothecary, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 5. Thomas, s. of Joseph Ashford, of Wem, barber, & Mary ... bap. 564 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1762 1762, Nov. 7. Margaret, d. of Joseph Cary, of Aston ... bap. " Dec. 12. Charlotte Sophia, d. to Hanbury Potter & Hannah ... bap. " Dec. 14. Ann, base d. of Anne Richards, a pauper ... bap. " Dec. 26. Mary, base d. of Rebeccah Price ... bap. *" Dec. 24. Jane, base d. of Sarah Fitheon ... bap. " Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Furmston, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " Dec. 28. Margaret, d. of John Richards, of Cramour ... bap. " Dec. 31. Martha, d. of George Powell, of Brockhurst ... bap. 1763, Jan. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Wotter, of Wem, carpenter ... bap. " Jan. 25. Samuel, s. of Samuel Walmsley, of Cramour ... bap. " Feb. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Thurnill, of Aston, blacksmith ... bap. " Feb. 5. Mary, d. of William Hales, of Wem ... bap. " Feb. 5. Peter, s. of William Hales ... bap. " Feb. 6. John, s. of Thomas Bentley, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " Feb. 11. William, s. of William Davies, of Wem, towdresser ... bap. " Feb. 20. John, s. of Samuel Griffiths, of Wem, mason ... bap. " Feb. 25. Richard, s. of Robert Meers, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " Feb. 25. Richard, s. of Hugh Edge, of Wem, labourer ... bap. " Mar. 25. Henry, s. of James Maddox, of Wem, labourer ... bap. " Mar. 27. Margaret, d. of William Stubbs, of Wem, staymaker ... bap. " Apr. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Newns, of Tilley, & Rebeccah ... bap. " Apr. 5. Ann, d. of William Smith, of Aston, labourer ... bap. " Apr. 12. Sarah, d. of Richard Embrey, of Wem, tanner ... bap. 1763] Wem. 565 1763, Apr. 26. Jane, d. of Robert Broom, of Aston, labourer ... bap. 1763, Apr. 26. Ann, d. of Robert Broom, of Aston, labourer ... bap. " Apr. 29. Sarah, d. of John Ralphs, of Cotton ... bap. " May 8. Thomas, base s. of Susannah Jones, of Wem ... bap. " May 22. Jane, d. of William Rutter, of Wem ... bap. " May 23. Ann, d. of John Jones, of Tilley ... bap. " May 24. Edward, s. of Thomas Watkis, of Soulton, miller ... bap. " May 24. Ales, d. of Thomas Wilkinson, of Wem, maltster ... bap. " May 27. Ann, d. of Richard Richards, of the Woodhouse ... bap. " June 12. Andrew, s. of John Morris, aged two years ... bap. " June 12. Margaret, d. of John Morris ... bap. " June 26. Hannah, d. of Thomas Berks, of Wem, tanner ... bap. " June 26. Lydia, d. of Thomas Berks, of Wem, tanner ... bap. " June 30. Thomas, s. of Richard Davies, of Wem, breechesmaker ... bap. " July 13. John, s. of Richard Pidgeon, of Wem, farmer, & Jane ... bap. " July 19. Frances, d. of James Price, of the Lowhill ... bap. " July 22. Catherine, d. of George Ashford, of Wem, glazier, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 4. Margaret, d. of Thomas Towler, of Wem, bucher, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Astley, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 30. Thomas, s. of William Forgham, of Wem, bucher, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 15. Hannah, d. of John Lythe, of Padergreen ... bap. " Oct. 21. Mary, d. of John Embrey, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 4. Bartholomew, s. of William Ebrey, of the Lowe ... bap. " Nov. 6. Mary, d. of George Salmon, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 23. Hannah, d. of Thomas Baugh, of Wem, breechesmaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. 566 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1763 1763, Nov. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Davies, of Wem, taylor ... bap. " Dec. 29. John, s. of John Eabrey, of Tilley, labourer ... bap. " Dec. 30. Susannah, d. of Richard Harper, of Wem, labourer ... bap. 1764, Jan. 10. Sarah, d. of Thomas Greggory, of Wem, barber, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 10. John, s. of John Barnitt, of Soulton ... bap. " Feb. 14. Ann, d. of Edward Furmstan, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " Feb. 20. Ann, d. of Thomas Weaver, of the Pools ... bap. " Mar. 6. Richard, s. of Thomas Newns & Jane , of the Millhouse ... bap. " Mar. 6. John, s. of John Ashley, of the Brook, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 23. William, base s. of Mary Groom, of Aston ... bap. " Apr. 13. Thomas, s. of Joseph Hallcock,+ of Tilley ... bap. " Apr. 23. William, s. of Richard Beacall, appothecary ... bap. " Apr. 24. John, s. of Benjamin Gollings & Elizabeth , of Tilley ... bap. " Apr. 29. Peter, s. of Peter Stones, of Wem, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " May 7. Richard, s. of George Fardoe, of Wem, laborer ... bap. " May 6. Anne, d. of John Eabrey, of Wem ... bap. " May 8. Robert, s. of Robert Sherwood, of Cotton ... bap. " May 13. Anne, d. of Richard Higginson, of Wem ... bap. " May 13. Isaac, s. of Evan Hughes ... bap. " May 16. Ann, d. of Thomas Blarntons, of Wem, hatter, & Jane ... bap. " June 5. Ann, d. of Thomas Watkis, of Wem, mercer ... bap. " June 12. Samuel, s. of Thomas Powell, of Wem ... bap. 1764] Wem. 567 1764, June 12. Hannah, d. of Richard Williams, of Tilley ... bap. " June 15. William, s. of John Lythe, of the Padergreen ... bap. " June 18. Samuel, s. of Samuel Morris, of Wem ... bap. " June 24. Samuel, s. of John Stubbs, of Wem, staymaker ... bap. " July 10. Joseph, s. of Thomas Halls, of Wem ... bap. " July 10. Betty, d. of Thomas Thurnill, of Wem ... bap. " July 22. Ann, d. of Joseph Ashford, of Wem, barber ... bap. " July 29. Elizabeth, d. of Bartholomew Eabrey, of Tilley ... bap. " Sep. 2. Sarah, d. of John Fawster, of Tilley ... bap. " Sep. 16. John, s. of John Ralphs, of Cotton ... bap. " Sep. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Lee, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " Sep. 23. Edward, s. of Edward Jones, of Wem, heelmaker ... bap. " Sep. 25. John, s. of John Randles, of Wem, staymaker ... bap. " Sep. 25. Jane, d. of Samuel Walmsley, of Cramour, & Anne ... bap. " Oct. 5. Thomas Smith, base s. of Martha Pryce, of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 5. Bridget, d. of Thomas Higgins, of Wem, appothecary ... bap. " Oct. 7. Edward, s. of Hugh Peters, of Wem, laborer ... bap. " Oct. 19. Ann, d. of Beaker, of Aulom, in Cheshire ... bap. " Oct. 25. Molly, d. of William Gilchrist, of Wem, bucher ... bap. " Nov. 5. Edmund, s. of John Millinton, of Cotton ... bap. " Nov. 6. John, s. of Richard Ison, of Wem, laborer ... bap. 568 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1764 1764, Dec. 26. William, s. of George Walmsley, of Slape ... bap. " Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. of James Price, of the Lowehill, & Frances ... bap. " Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of Samuel Newns, of Tilley ... bap. " Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of John Moore, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " June 21. Richard, s. of Richard Harper, of Wem, laborer; born June 21, 1764 ... bap. " Dec. 30. Martha, d. of Samuel Minshal, of Tilley ... bap. 1765, Jan. 8. John, base s. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap. " Jan. 11. William, s. of Thomas Bayley, of Barker's Green ... bap. " Feb. 20. Joseph, s. of Owen Jenks, of Wem, breechesmaker ... bap. " Feb. 23. Fanny, d. of Richard Davis, of Wem, breechesmaker ... bap. " Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of William Smith, of the One house ... bap. " Mar. 5. Sarah, d. of Thomas Millington, of Wem ... bap. " Mar. 15. John, s. of John Broughall, of Wem, maltster ... bap. " Mar. 24. Samuel, s. of Thomas Madley, of Cotton, & his w. ... bap. " Mar. 29. Sarah, d. of John Lythe, of Edstaston ... bap. " Apr. 8. Ann, d. of Arthur Harper, of Wem, laborer ... bap. " Apr. 19. Allen, s. of Allen Pidgeon, of Horton ... bap. " May 3. Anne, d. of John Boothe, of Wem, laborer ... bap. " May 27. John, s. of Thomas Watkiss, miller, of Soulton ... bap. " June 2. William, s. of William Stubbs, of Wem, staymaker ... bap. " June 9. Ann, d. of Thomas Evans, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " June 30. Ann, d. of Thomas Wotter, of Wem ... bap. " July 26. Richard, base s. of Ann Gad ... bap. 1765] Wem. 569 1765, Aug. 4. Sarah, d. of Thomas Forgham, of Wem, laborer, & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 9. James, s. of Richard Richards, of the Woodhouse, & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 9. Mary, d. of Thomas Thurnill, of Aston, & Hannah ... bap. " Aug. 13. Francis, s. of Richard Bill & Francis , of Wem; born Jan. 13 ... bap. " Aug. 23. Charles, base s. of Elizabeth Taylor, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 24. Thomas, s. of. Thomas Baugh, of Wem, breechesmaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 24. John, s. of William Shenton & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 24. William, s. of John Eabrey, of Tilley ... bap. " Sep. 24. Samuel, base s. of Lydia Wild ... bap. " Sep. 24. Martha, base d. of Elizabeth Davies ... bap. " Sep. 27. Martha, d. of William Hales, of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John Wynne & Elizabeth , of the Ruewood ... bap. " Oct. 18. Thomas, base s. of Susanna Carthright ... bap. " Oct. 25. Betty, d. of Samuel Taylor, of Barkers Green ... bap. " Oct. 29. William, s. of Thomas Berks & Elizabeth , of Wem, currier ... bap. " Nov. 1. Margaret, d. of Andrew Moor, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 8. John, s. of Richard Hill, of Tilley laborer ... bap. " Nov. 8. Thomas, s. of Samuel Ray, of Wem, blacksmith ... bap. " Nov. 22. John, s. of John Wood, a traveler ... bap. " Nov. 26. John, s. of William Eabrey, of the Lowe ... bap. " Nov. 29. Andrew, s. of John Wooson & Margarett , a traveler ... bap. " Dec. 1. James, s. of Joseph Lloyd & Martha , of Wem, laborer ... bap. " Dec. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Austin & Mary , of Wem, blacksmith ... bap. " Dec. 13. Sarah, d. of Thomas Astley, of Aston ... bap. 570 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1765 1765, Dec. 27. William, s. of Edward Austin & Mary , of Wem, weaver ... bap. " Dec. 28. George, s. of George Salmon & Mary , of Wem, joiner ... bap. " Dec. 31. Mary, d. of Robert Meers & Elizabeth, of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 31. Ann, d. of Dyas Harris, of Wem ... bap. 1766, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of John Ralphs, of Cotton ... bap. " Jan. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Greggory & Mary , of Wem, barber ... bap. " Jan. 3. Susanna, d. of James Evans, of Horton ... bap. " Jan. 5. Thomas, s. of John Peak & Hannah , bricklayer ... bap. " Jan. 7. John, s. of John Powell & Ann , of Tilley-green ... bap. " Jan. 21. Thomas, s. of Charles Mickleright, of Lacon ... bap. 1765, Dec. 25. Ann, d. of Thomas Bickerton, of Soulton, & Elizabeth, of Wem ... bap. 1766, Feb. 23. Zachariah, s. of Edward Kynaston & Elizabeth, of Wem ... bap. " Feb. 28. Mary, d. of William Onles & Elizabeth , of the Onehouse ... bap. " Mar. 7. Ann, d. of John Thomas & Sarah , of Wem, flaxdresser ... bap. " Mar. 23. Jane, d. of Edward Harris & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Mar. 31. Elizabeth, d. of John Homes, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 1. Mary, d. of Edward Jones & Gresy , of Wem ... bap. " Apr. 11. Betty, d. of John Randles & Jane , of Wem, staymaker ... bap. " Apr. 11. Marey, d. of Martha Higginson, of Edstaston ... bap. " Apr. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph Maddox, of Wem, taylor, & Margaret ... bap. " Apr. 20. James, s. of James Felton & Hannah , of Wem ... bap. 1766] Wem. 571 1766, Apr. 22. Thomas, base s. of Elizabeth Langford, of Palms Hill ... bap. " Apr. 29. Thomas, base s. of Mary Morris, of Wem ... bap. " May 18. William, s. of John Edge, of Cotton ... bap. " May 19. Thomas, s. of George Walford, of Wem, & Rebeecah ... bap. " May 19. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Wilkinson, of Wem, & Hannah ... bap. " May 19. Elizabeth, d. of William Newbrooke, of Horton ... bap. " May 20. Mary, d. of Samuel Walmsley, of Cramour, & Ann ... bap. " May 20. Mary, d. of Richard Vaughan, laborer ... bap. " June 3. Mary, base d. of Mary James, of Wem ... bap. " June 10. William, s. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, currier ... bap. " June 11. Richard Rowley, s. of Thomas Watkins, of Wem, mercer ... bap. " June 24. Samuel, s. of John Ashley, of the Brooke, & Mary ... bap. " July 5. Joseph, s. of George Ashford, of Wem, glazier, & Jane ... bap. " July 6. Mary, d. of John Eabrey, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " July 6. Martha, base d. of Mary Maddox, of Wem ... bap. " Mar. 23. Ann, d. of Unknown Sandland, reverend, of Wem, & Ann; born March 23 ... bap. " July 8. George, s. of Samuel Newns, of Tilley, & Rebeccah ... bap. " Aug. 3. John, s. of Abraham Powell, of the Teakings, & Catherine ... bap. 1763, Aug. 7. Mary, d. of Edward Price, of Wem, & Mary; born Aug. 7, 1763 ... bap. 1766, Aug. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Morgan, of the Lowe, & his w. ... bap. " Aug. 24. Mary, d. of Joseph Hilditch, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. 572 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1766 1766, Sep. 21. Francis, s. of Francis Lloyd, of Wem, laborer, & Phillis ... bap. " Sep. 21. John, s. of Richard Hughes, of Wem, baker, & his w. ... bap. " Sep. 23. Martha, d. of Joseph Jebb, of Wem, labourer, & his w. ... bap. " Oct. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Cary, of Aston, & Elisabeth ... bap. 1763, Nov. 21. Mary, d. of Samuel Richards & Margaret , aged 3 years ... bap. 1766, Nov. 21. Martha, d. of Samuel Richards, & Margaret ... bap. " Dec. 26. Mary, d. of Benjamin Gollings, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 28. William, s. of William Gilchrist, of Wem, bucher, & Sarah ... bap. 1767, Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of Dias Harris, of Wem, tanner, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 13. Anne, d. of Thomas Hales, of Wem, binder, & Mary ... bap. 1766, May 13. James, s. of James Price, of the Lowe hill, & Frances; born May 13, 1766 ... bap. " Jan. 27. John, s. of Richard Ashley & Elizabeth , of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " Jan. 30. Thomas, s. of John Lythe, of the Padergreen, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 6. Elizabeth, d. of George Fardoe, of Wem, laborer, & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 18. Thomas, base s. of Ann Chettow, of Wem ... bap. " Mar. 2. Mary, d. of William Glaswey, of the Wolverley Lane, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 24. Mary, d. of William Higgins, a Tilley, & his w. ... bap. " Apr. 3. Anne, d. of Joseph Sandland, of Wem, & Anne ... bap. " Apr. 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bayley, of Barker's green, & Jane ... bap. 1767] Wem. 573 1767, Apr. 20. Richard, s. of Edward Evans, of Wem, laborer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 21. Deborah, d. of Richard Richards, of the Woodhouse, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 21. Thomas, s. of Peter Cowley, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 21. Richard, s. of Richard Davies, of Wem, breechesmaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 21. Samuel, base s. of Phebe Chettow, aged 15 years ... bap. " Apr. 21. Daniel, base s. of Phebe Chettow ... bap. " Apr. 26. William, s. of Joseph Ashford, of Wem, barber, & Mary ... bap. " May 5. Mary, d. of Thomas Downes, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " May 22. William, s. of Samuel Minshall & Mary , of Tilley ... bap. " May 26. Richard, s. of Charles Micklright, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " May 29. Thomas, base s. of Esther Bayley, of Barker's Green ... bap. " June 9. Sarah, d. of William Oules & Mary , of the One house ... bap. " June 9. Sarah, d. of Robert Bayley & Sarah , of Barker's Green ... bap. " June 26. George, s. of George Walmsley, of Slape, & his w. ... bap. " June 28. Mary, base d. of Susanna Jones ... bap. " July 3. Mary, d. of Bartholomew Eabrey & Mary , of Tilley ... bap. " July 24. Anne, d. of Daniel Allford & Mary , of the Lowe ... bap. " July 19. John, s. of Thomas Stockall, of Horton, & his w. ... bap. " July 26. Frances, d. of Edward Price & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Aug. 9. Martha, d. of William Smith, of the One-house ... bap. " Aug. 14. William, base s. of Anne Davies, of Wem ... bap. 574 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1767 1767, Sep. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Watkins, of Soulton Mill, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Jones, of Wem, heelmaker, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 3. Ann, d. of Thomas Millington, of the Folegate, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 5. Ann, d. of Richard Harper, of Wem, laborer, & Mary, aged 2 years ... bap. " Nov. 5. William, s. of Richard Harper, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 5. Martha, d. of Thomas Thurnill, of Wem, laborer, & Margaret ... bap. " Nov. 6. John, s. of William Yeal, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Hales, of Wem, bender, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 30. Samuel, s. of Samuel Newns, of Tilley, & Rebekka; born Aug. 30 ... bap. " Dec. 29. Elizabeth, d. of John Richards, of Wem, laborer, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 30. John, s. of Robert Williams, of Aston, & Sarah ... bap. 1768, Jan. 8. Thomas, s. of John Madley, of Aston, & his w. ... bap. " Jan. 12. Mary, d. of William Newbrook, of Horton, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 15. John, s. of Peter Hales, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Dias Harris, of Wem, tanner, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 31. Samuel, s. of John Eabrey, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 16. Richard, s. of Richard Moore, of Cramour, blacksmith, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Unknown Unknown, a Wood Collier ... bap. " Mar. 11. Ann, d. of Richard Williams, of Tilley, laborer, & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 20. Mary, d. of Ralph Maddox, of Wem, tayler, & Margaret ... bap. 1768] Wem. 575 1768, Apr. 8. Thomas, s. of John Randles, of Wem, staymaker, & Mary+... " Apr. 10. John, s. of Thomas Curley, of Wem, laborer, & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 12. John, s. of Thomas Sherratt, of the Teakins, & Mary ... bap. *" Apr. 8. Beatrice, d. of Unknown Sandland, reverend, & Ann ~Beatrice-Hannah~... bap. " Apr. 24. Ann, d. of John Richards, of Cramore Bank, & Eleanor ... bap. " May 3. Richard, s. of Richard Hill, of Tilley, labourer, & Alice ... bap. " May 17. Sarah, base d. of Jane Starky, of Wem ... bap. 1763, May 2. Hannah, d. of Thomas Astley, of Aston, & Hannah; born May 2, 1763 ... bap. 1768, May 20. Ann, d. of Thomas Astley, & Hannah ... bap. " May 23. William, s. of Owen Jenks, of Wem, breechesmaker, & Ann ... bap. " May 24. William, s. of John Eabrey, of the Owlery lane, & Ann ... bap. " May 24. Sarah, d. of Jeremiah Smith, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 27. John, s. of Thomas Watkins, mercer, & Eleanor ... bap. " May 29. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Jones, of Wem, laborer, & Mary ... bap. " May 31. Elizabeth, d. of Sarah Burrows ... bap. " June 17. Josiah, s. of John Powell, of Tilly green, weaver, & Ann ... bap. " July 1. Ann, d. of Richard Weaver, of Cotton, & Dorothy ... bap. " July 3. William, s. of William Eabrey, of Wem, laborer, & Margaret ... bap. " July 8. Robert, s. of William Stubs, of Wem, staymaker, & Sarah ... bap. " July 31. Ann, d. of Richard Vaughan, of Wem, laborer, & Sarah ... bap. 576 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1768 1768, Aug. 5. Martha, d. of Samuel Walmsley, of Cramere, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 25. Robert, s. of James Felton, of Wem, & Hannah ... bap. " Sep. 27. Frances, d. of Thomas Davies, of Wem, & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 27. Mary, d. of Hugh Edge, of Wem, & Elisabeth ... bap. " Oct. 2. Ann, d. of Joseph Car, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 23. George, s. of Abraham Powell, of Wem, laborer, & Katharine ... bap. " Nov. 8. Sarah, d. of John Eabrey, of Wem, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 27. Sarah, d. of Samuel Ray, of Wem, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Husbands, of the Lowe, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 30. James, s. of William Forghana, of Wem, butcher, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 30. George, s. of Richard Harper, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. 1769, Jan. 6. Thomas, s. of John Astley, of. the Brook, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 10. Hannah, d. of William Hales, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 10. Ellin, d. of William Newbrook, Horton, & Helen ... bap. " Jan. 10. Ann, d. of John Moore, of Wem, & Margaret ... bap. " Jan. 13. Betty, d. of John Eabrey, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 22. Jane, d. of Joseph Lloyd, of Wem, laborer, & Martha ... bap. " Feb. 7. Martha, d. of Benjamin Gollings, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 7. Clementina, d. of Thomas Berks, of Wem, currier, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 10. John, s. of John Lythe, of Pader-green, & Martha ... bap. 1769] Wem. 577 1769, Feb. 17. James, s. of James Walton, of Tilley, blacksmith, & Martha ... bap. " Feb. 17. Richard, s. of John Wycherley, of the White Horse, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 19. Thomas, s. of Edward Kynaston, hatter, & Elisabeth ... bap. " Feb. 19. Joseph, s. of John Jackson, of Tilley, laborer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 28. Nancy, d. of George Vaughan, of the Ware, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 21. Ann, d. of Charles Mickleright, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas Bayley, of Barker's Green, & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 31. Ann, d. of John Chilton, of Wem, flaxdresser, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 7. Sarah, d. of Thomas Hales, of Wem, bendar, & Mary ... bap. " May 14. Ann, d. of Thomas Morgan, of the Low, & Martha ... bap. " May 14. Thomas, s. of Joseph Evans, of Wem, shoemaker, & Martha ... bap. " May 15. Ann, d. of Richard Forgham, of Wem, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " May 16. John, s. of John Sherratt, of Tilley-park, & Hannah ... bap. " May 21. Jane, d. of Will. Gilchrist, of Wem, bucher, & Sarah ... bap. " June 2. William, s. of William Peplowe, of Barker's Green, & Mary ... bap. " June 2. Hugh, s. of William Peplowe, of Barker's Green, & Mary ... bap. " June 2. Arthur, s. of Richard Richards, of the Woodhouse, & Mary ... bap. " June 9. Richard, s. of Richard Astley, of Wem, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " June 18. Thomas, s. of George Ashford, of Wem, glazier, & Jane ... bap. " June 23. Lydia, d. of Thomas Lee, of Wem, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " June 24. Ann, d. of John Cottam, of Wem, hatter, & Jane ~fanella?~... bap. 578 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1769 1769, July 7. James, s. of Edward Howard, of Wem, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " July 12. Mary, d. of Unknown Sandland, reverend, & Ann ... bap. " July 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, wheelwright, & Ann ... bap. " July 18. Joseph, s. of Charles Prince, of Wem, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 30. Thomas, s. of. John Richards, of Wem, laborer, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Unknown Yale & Elizabeth, of Horton ... bap. " Sep. 26. William, s. of William Higgins, of Tilley green, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 26. John, s. of John Homes, of Wem, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Curley, of Wem, laborer, & Ann ... bap. *" Sep. 25. Sarah, d. of John Madeley, of the Highfields, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 6. Bartholomew, s. of Bartholomew Eabrey, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 8. John, s. of Thomas Jones, of the Highfields, & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 10. Sarah, d. of George Walmsley, of Slape, & Margaret ... bap. " Oct. 20. Richard, s. of Robert Gad, of Wem, shoemaker, & Martha ... bap. " Nov. 12. Thomas, base s. of Ann Unknown, of Horton ... bap. " Nov. 24. Thomas, s. of William Blakeway, of Horton, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Dec. 1. Mary, d. of Richard Moore, of Cramore, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Harris, of Wem, laborer, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 12. Thomas, base s. of Martha Ruscoe, of Lacon ... bap. 1770, Jan. 2. Sarah, d. of Peter Hales, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. 1770] Wem. 579 1770, Jan. 5. Thomas, s. of Thomas Sherratt, of the Teakings, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 5. Ann, d. of Thomas Thurnill, of Aston, blacksmith, & Hannah ... bap. " Jan. 6. Mary, d. of James Watkin, of Cramore Bank, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Watkiss, of Soulton Mill, & Mary ... bap. 1768, Jan. 12. Thomas, s. of William Hawkins, of Wem, laborer, & Martha ... bap. 1770, Jan. 12. William, s. of William Hawkins, of Wem, laborer, & Martha ... bap. 1769, Nov. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Embrey, of Wem, taner, & Margaret; born Nov. 26 ... bap. 1770, Feb. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Llewelling, deceased, & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 6. Mary, d. of John Heatly, of the Pools, & Hannah ... bap. " Apr. 6. Hannah, base d. of Ann Furmston & Joseph Stockton ... bap. " Apr. 13. Thomas, s. of Thomas Groom, of the Cross Bank, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 23. Ann, d. of George Walford, of Wem, gent., & Rebecca ... bap. " May 4. Elizabeth, d. of William Oulds, of the One house ... bap. " May 8. Mary, d. of Richard Astley, of Wem, & Sarah ... bap. " May 13. Sarah, d. of John Randles, of Wem, staymaker, & Mary ... bap. " May 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hale, of Wem, bender, & Mary ... bap. " May 29. Mary, d. of John Groom, of the Foxholes, & Margaret ... bap. " June 26. Ann, d. of Thomas Maddox, of Barker's Green, & Hannah ... bap. " Aug. 5. William, s. of William Smith, of the Onehouse, & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 10. Samuel. base s. of Mary Forster, of Trenchlane ... bap. 580 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1770 1770, Aug. 14. Sarah, d. of Samuel Walmsley, of Cramore, & Ann ... bap. " Aug. 24. Martha, d. of Daniel Allford, of the Low, labourer, & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 31. Sarah, d. of Charlie Evans, of Wem, shoemaker, & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 23. William, s. of William Austin, of Wem, carpenter, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 23. Sarah, d. of Thomas Chettoe, of the Poolhead, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. John, s. of Robert Jones, of Wem, labourer, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Wem, & Esther ... bap. " Sep. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Goldingay, of Wem, carpenter, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 25. William, s. of Thomas Stockall, of Horton, & Eleanor ... bap. " Sep. 28. Unknown, s. of Enoch Watkin, of Cramore, & Mary ~alias Hane~... bap. " Sep. 30. Sarah, d. of Richard Morgan, of Wem, labourer, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 7. Hannah, d. of Edward Price, of Wem, weaver, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 14. Peter, s. of Richard Davies, of Wem, breechesmaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 21. William, s. of Thomas Wottoe, of Wem, carpenter. & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 9. John, s. of George Vaughan, of the Ware, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 26. Thomas, s. of John Ralphs, of Cotton, & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Moor, of Cramore, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 28. Thomas, s. of William Williams, of the Foxholes, & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 28. Edward, s. of Edward Austin, of Wem, weaver, & Mary ... bap. 1771, Jan. 4. Robert, s. of John Cottam, of Wem, hatter, & Jane ... bap. 1771] Wem. 581 1771, Jan. 17. Robert, s. of Edward Eabrey, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1767, Feb. 5. Hill, s. of John Wycherley, of Wem, & Mary, aged 4 years ... bap. 1771, Feb. 5. Charles, s. of John Wycherley, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 12. Sarah, d. of Charles Prince, of Wem, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 12. Mary, d. of John Astley, of the Brook, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Shepherd, of Barker's Green, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 10. Martha, d. of Thomas Harper, of Wem, laborer, & Margaret ... bap. " Mar. 12. Jane, base d. of Sarah Forghant, of Wem, & Roger Ireland, of Lacon ... bap. 1769, Mar. 15. Charles, s. of Richard Ivetson & Jane, aged 2 years ... bap. 1771, Mar. 15. Jane, d. of Richard Ivetson & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 15. John, s. of George Abbots, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 24. Jane, base d. of Mary Edwards ... bap. " Apr. 2. Mary, d. of John Madley, of the Highfields, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Higginson, of Paddergreen, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Weaver, of Wem, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 5. Mary, d. of James Edge, of Aston, & Sarah ... bap " Apr. 14. Elizabeth, d. of John Richards, of Cramore, & Eleanor ... bap. " Apr. 28. John, s. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, wheelwright, & Ann ... bap. " May 8. Unknown, base s. of Elizabeth Dulson, from the Workhouse ... bap. " May 19. Mary, d. of John Randles, of Wem, staymaker, & Mary ... bap. 582 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1771 1771, May 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davies, of Wem, taylor, & Martha ... bap. " May 24. Beatrice, d. of Robert Hales, of Wem, hucther, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 31. Susanna, d. of Francis Harries, a travelling man, & Martha ... bap. 1766, June 2. John, s. of William Griffiths, of Wem, mason, & Ann, being 5 years old ... bap. 1771, June 2. Joseph, s. of William Griffiths, & Ann ... bap. " June 7. Elizabeth, d. of John Powell, of Tilley green, & Ann ... bap. " June 21. Ann, d. of Thomas Wycherley, of Cramore Bank, & Mary ... bap. " June 25. Kitty, d. of Samuel Newns, of Tilley, & Rebecca ... bap. " June 30. Fidelia Maria, d. of Hector Macklane, a traveller, & his reputed wife ... bap. " July 2. Ann, d. of Thomas Jennings, of Tilley, laborer, & Mary ... bap. " July 14. John, s. of Richard Taylor, of Wem, , jockey, & Mary ... bap. " July 21. Mary, d. of Edward Kynaston, of Wem, hatter, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 24. Martha, d. of Roger Ireland, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 2. William, s. of George Rutter, of Wem, sawyer, & Mary ... bap. 1769, Oct. 7. Robert, s. of Thomas Watkins, of Wem, mercer, & Eleanor; born Oct. 7, 1769 ... bap. 1771, Aug. 4. James, s. of Thomas Watkins, of Wem, mercer, & Eleanor; ... bap. " Aug. 13. Thomas, s. of Bartholomew Eabrey, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 13. Martha, d. of John Eabrey, of Wem, shoemaker, & Ann ... bap. " Aug. 16. Walter, s. of William Hales, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. 1772] Wem. 583 1769, Sep. 6. William, s. of Joseph Hilditch & Mary, aged 2 years ... bap. 1771, Sep. 6. Samuel, s. of Joseph Hilditch & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 20. Wiliam, s. of William Clayton, ~a stroling player~, & his reputed wife ... bap. " Sep. 22. Robert, s. of John Chilton, of Wem, flaxdresser, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Evans, of Wem, laborer, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. John, s. of Robert Gadd, of Wem, cobler, & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hales, of Wem, bender, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. William, s. of William Oulds, of the One house, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Ann, d. of William Gilcrist, of Wem, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 24. Richard, s. of Richard Evans, of Wem, cobler, & Anne ... bap. " Sep. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas Sherratt, of the Teakings, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Berks, of Wem, currier, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Lloyd & Martha ... bap. " Nov. 24. Nancy, d. of Benjamin Gollings & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 6. Mary, base d. of Elizabeth Tonnah ... bap. " Dec. 8. Nary, d. of John Williams, labourer, & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 27. Sarah, d. of William Price, of Cotton, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Dec. 31. William, s. of William Austin, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. 1772, Jan. 3. William, s. of Peter Hales, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Richard, s. of Thomas Astley, of Aston, & Hannah, being then 1 year old ... bap. " Jan. 12. Margaret, d. of William Stubs, of Wem, & Martha ... bap. 584 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1772 1772, Jan. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Hill, of Tilley, laborer, & Alice ... bap. " Jan. 21. Samuel, s. of Owen Jenks, glover, of Wem, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 26. Hannah, d. of John Lythe, of Pader green, & Unknown, his w. ... bap. " Jan. 31. Joseph Maddox, base s. of Elizabeth Ruscoe ... bap. " Feb. 18. Ann, d. of George Walmsley, of Slape ... bap. " Feb. 23. John, s. of Thomas Morgan, of Lowe ... bap. " Mar. 3. William, s. of Thomas Rutter, laborer ... bap. " Mar. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Huntbach, laborer ... bap. " Mar. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Powell, weaver ... bap. " Mar. 17. John Jeremiah, base s. of Mary Maddox ... bap. " Mar. 29. James, s. of George Berryman ... bap. " Apr. 24. Elizabeth, d. of John Cottam, of Wem, hatter ... bap. " May 1. George, s. of George Fardoe, of Wem, laborer, being then three years old ... bap. " May 1. Elizabeth, d. of William Higgins, of Tilley ... bap. 1771, May 13. Robert, s. of Thomas Bayley, of Aston, born May 13, 1771 ... bap. 1772, May 8. Sarah, d. of John Jackson, of Tilley, laborer ... bap. " May 22. William, base s. of Elizabeth Smith ... bap. " May 27. John, s. of John Moore, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " June 5. William, s. of Edward Eabrey, of Tilley, labourer ... bap. " June 12. Thomas, s. of John Groom, of the Foxholes, & Margaret ... bap. " June 21. Richard, s. of Richard Forgham, of Wem, shoemaker ... bap. " June 30. Thomas, s. of George Fardoe, of Wem, laborer ... bap. 1773] Wem. 585 1772, July 10. Thomas, s. of James Watkin, of Wem, baker ... bap. " Aug. 2. Unknown, d. of Joseph Goldengay & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 14. William, s. of John Horns, of Wem, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 16. Mary, d. of John Powel, of Tilley-Green, weaver, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 15. Mariam, d. of Thomas Davies & Elizabeth , of St. Mary's, Salop, basketmaker ... bap. 1770, Sep. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jebb & Mary , of Horton ... bap. 1772, Sep. 20. Mary, d. of Thomas Jebb & Mary , of Horton ... bap. " Oct. 6. John, s. of John Kynaston & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 9. Martha, d. of John Bellingham & Elizabeth , of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 23. Samuel, s. of James Felton & Hannah ... bap. " Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of William Hughs & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 17. Samuel, s. of John Wycherley, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. *" Nov. 13. Jane, d. of Richard Astley & Elizabeth , of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Vaughan, of Wem, labourer, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 24. Thomas, s. of George Walford, of Wem, & Rebeccah ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. of Samuel Bellingham & Eleanor ... bap. " Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones & Jane , of the Cross Bank ... bap. " Dec. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Curley & Ann ... bap. 1773, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of George Vaughan & Mary , of the Ware ... bap. " Jan. 5. William, s. of Thomas Thurnill & Hannah ... bap. " Jan. 8. William, s. of Thomas Harris, wheelwright, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 12. Thomas, s. of William Phillips & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 12. Martha, d. of Arthur Harper & Mary ... bap. 586 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1773 *1773, Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of John Eabrey & Ann , of Tilley ... bap. 1767, June 2. Elizabeth, d. of James Price, of the Low hill, & Frances; born June 2, 1767 ... bap. 1773, Jan. 26. George, s. of Samuel Walmsley, of Cramore, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 29. Samuel, s. of William Griffith, of Wem, mason, & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 2. Ann, d. of Roger Ireland, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 21. Thomas, base s. of Ann Bentley ... bap. " Mar. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Jennings, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. 1771, Mar. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Astley & Elizabeth , of Horton ... bap. 1773, Mar. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Astley & Elizabeth , of Horton ... bap. " Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of William Eabrey & Margaret ... bap. " Apr. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Shepherd & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 6. Charles, s. of Charles Prince & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 12. Thomas, s. of Robert Jones & Mary , of Wem, laborer ... bap. " Apr. 13. Elizabeth, d. of William Smith & Sarah , of the One house ... bap. " Apr. 25. Ann, base d. of Martha Ruscoe, of Lacon ... bap. " May 4. Sarah, d. of Richard Richards & Sarah , of Woodhouse ... bap. " June 1. Molly, d. of George Abbots & Elizabeth , of Tilley ... bap. " June 22. Richard, s. of George Alinson & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 9. John, s. of William Oulds & Mary , of the One house ... bap. 1770, July 20. John, s. of James Watkin & Elizabeth , of Wem ... bap. 1773, July 20. James, s. of James Watkin & Elizabeth , of Wem ... bap. 1769, Aug. 13. Richard, s. of George Butter & Mary , of Wem ... bap. 1771, Aug. 13. Elizabeth, d. of George Butter & Mary , of Wem ... bap. 1773, Aug. 13. John, s. of George Butter & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Aug. 17. Penelope, d. of Charles Mickleright & Mary ... bap. 1774] Wem. 587 1773, Aug. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Andrew Allinson & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Aug. 17. Susannah, base d. of Elizabeth Gough ... bap. " Aug. 22. John, s. of Edward Ely & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 22. John, s. of John Cottam & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 5. John, s. of Edward Price & Mary , of Wem, weaver ... bap. " Sep. 28. George Parton, s. of John Ashley & Mary ,of the Brook ... bap. " Sep. 28. Thomas, s. of Robert Gad & Martha , of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 24. Thomas, base s. of Hannah Bentley ... bap. " Nov. 2. Sarah, d. of Bartholomew Eabrey & Mary , of Tilley ... bap. " Nov. 12. Ann, d. of William Peplow & Ann , of Aston ... bap. " Nov. 21. James, s. of Joseph Evans & Martha , of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 28. Mary, base d. of Sarah Wilde ... bap. " Dec. 14. John, base s. of Elizabeth Teece ... bap. " Dec. 19. Hannah, base d. of Ann James ... bap. *" Dec. 8. Mary, d. of William Weaver & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 31. Mary, d. of John Weaver & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 31. Elizabeth, d. of Peter Hales, of Horton, & Martha ... bap. 1774, Jan. 4. William Egerton, s. of Thomas Jeffreys, miller, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 7. Richard, s. of Thomas &Mary Wycherley ... bap. " Jan. 9. Thomas, s. of John Richards & Elinor , of Cramore ... bap. " Jan. 12. John, s. of John Eabrey & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 18. John, s. of James Edge & Beatrice , of Tilley ... bap. " Jan. 25. John, base s. of Mary Woolam ... bap. " Feb. 15. Ann, d. of William Hughs & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 22. William, base s. of Elizabeth Price, of Horton ... bap. " Mar. 6. John, s. of Edward Jones & Mary ... bap. 588 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1774 1774, Mar. 11. Margaret, d. of George Walmsley & Margaret , of Slape ... bap. " Mar. 20. William, s. of John Eabrey & Anne , of Tilley ... bap. " Mar. 28. Thomas, s. of Richard Jebb & Mary , of Horton ... bap. " Mar. 28. John, s. of John Chilton & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Apr. 4. Mary, d. of Charles Forrester & Ellinor , of Aston ... bap. " May 16. John, base s. of Mary Whitefield ... bap. " May 27. Edward, s. of John Randles & Jane , of Wem ... bap. " May 27. Mary, d. of Thomas Berks & Elizabeth , of Wem ... bap. " May 31. Ann, d. of Thomas Groom & Sarah ... bap. " July 1. George, s. of Thomas Astley & Hannah , of Aston ... bap. " July 22. George, s. of Charles Powell & Amies ... bap. " July 29. Mary, d. of Henry Paling & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 7. William, s. of Matthew Chatterton & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 9. Ann, d. of William Millington & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Maddox & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 11. John, base s. of Ann Furmston, of Aston ... bap. " Sep. 13. Mary, base d. of Elizabeth Dudleston ... bap. " Sep. 16. Thomas, base s. of Mary Jebb, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 25. John, s. of Thomas Evans & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 25. William, s. of William Groom & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 27. Elizabeth, d. of William Phillips & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 30. Jane, d. of James Watkin & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Daniel Allford & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 14. Ann, d. of Edward Furmston & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 1. John, s. of George Walford, of Wem, & Rebeccah ... bap. " Nov. 6. Ann, d. of Thomas Rutter & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 11. Mary, d. of Charles Smith & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 15. Thomas, s. of Edward Eabrey & Elizabeth , of Slape ... bap. 1775] Wem. 589 1774, Nov. 27. Sarah, d. of George Vaughan & Mary , of the Ware ... bap. " Nov. 29. Hannah, d. of Thomas Smith & Elenor ... bap. " Nov. 30. Thomas, base s. of Hannah Elks ... bap. " Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hale & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 30. Charles, s. of Edward Kynaston & Elizabeth , of Wem ... bap. 1775, Jan. 6. James, s. of Thomas Thunill & Hannah , of Aston ... bap. " Jan. 6. John, s. of William Austin & Mary , of Horton ... bap. " Jan. 13. Joseph, s. of Thomas Sherratt & Mary , of Takings Farm ... bap. " Jan. 13. Samuel, s. of Richard Astley & Elizabeth , of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Payne & Mary , of the Drawell ... bap. " Jan. 31. Mary, d. of William Olds & Mary , of the One house ... bap. " Mar. 3. Mary, d. of George Edge & Sarah , of the Rue Wood ... bap. " Mar. 5. Martha, d. of William Thurnill & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 19. Thomas, base s. of Mary Bickley ... bap. " Mar. 21. John, s. of Samuel Newns & Rebeccah , of Tilley ... bap. " Mar. 21. Thomas, base s. of Elizabeth Minshall ... bap. " Apr. 16. John, s. of Richard Forgham & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 16. Ann, d. of Andrew Allinson & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 18. Thomas Bayley, s. of Thomas Jeffreys & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 30. Unknown, s. of John Moor & Margaret ... bap. " May 21. Mary, d. of Thomas Chettow & Mary , of Edstaston ... bap. " June 2. Richard, base s. of Mary Forrister ... bap. " June 4. Robert, s. of Robert Jones & Mary ... bap. " June 5. Mary, base d. of Mary Bayley ... bap. " June 9. John, s. of Thomas Maddox & Ann , of Aston ... bap. 590 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1775 1775, June 15. Elizabeth, d. of Roger Ireland, of Lacon, & Mary ... bap. " June 24. Mary, d. of John Kynaston & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " June 25. John, s. of John Bellingham & Elizabeth ... bap. +" Aug. 6. Sarah, d. of John Williams & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 13. William, s. of Charls Prince & Elizabeth , of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Randles & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 26. Sarah, d. of William Higgins & Mary , of Tilley ... bap. " Oct. 8. Phillip, s. of Peter Hales & Martha , of Horton ... bap. " Oct. 8. Ann, d. of James Watkin & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Callcott & Mary , of the Pools ... bap. " Nov. 5. Mary, d. of Robert Gad & Martha ... bap. " Nov. 9. Betty, d. of Charles Micklewright & Mary , of Lacon ... bap. " Nov. 12. Thomas, s. of John Randles & Jane , of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 29. Martha, d. of John Jones & Elizabeth , of the Lowe hill ... bap. " Dec. 29. Sarah, d. of John Jarvis & Susannah ... bap. 1776, Jan. 5. John, s. of Joseph Kerry & Elizabeth , of Aston ... bap. " Jan. 14. Thomas, s. of Thomas Elks & Margaret , of Tilley ... bap. " Feb. 2. Jane, d. of William Smith & Sarah , of Tilley ... bap. " Feb. 4. Alice, d. of Edward Ely & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 16. Ann, d. of Robert Nicholls & Martha ... bap. " Feb. 16. Mary, d. of Robert Nicholls & Martha ... bap. " Feb. 20. Richard, s. of Thomas Hale & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 27. John, s. of Richard Vaughan & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 27. Mary, d. of Thomas Rutter & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 31. Mary, d. of Phillip Williams & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 7. Ann, d. of Samuel Beswick & Mary ... bap. 1777] Wem. 591 1776, Apr. 7. William, s. of John Weaver & Jane , of Wem ... bap. " Apr. 8. William, s. of Thomas Payne & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 12. Mary, d. of Andrew Howard & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 12. Ann, d. of Robert Eabrey & Ann , of Tilley ... bap. " Apr. 21. Betty, d. of George Vaughan & Mary , of the Ware ... bap. " Apr. 28. John, base s. of Sarah Williams ... bap. " May 28. Sarah, d. of James Edge & Beatrice , of Tilley ... bap. " May 31. Martha, d. of Joseph Evans & Martha , of Wem ... bap. " June 14. Mary, d. of Joseph Maddox & Hannah , of Aston ... bap. " June 21. Nancy, d. of Thomas Davies & Martha ... bap. " July 7. John, base s. of Mary Hayward ... bap. " July 7. Sarah, d. of Joseph Smith & Sarah , of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 16. Hannah, d. of John Lythe & Martha , of Edstaston ... bap. " Sep. 22. Richard, s. of Thomas Oar & Diana , of Tilley ... bap. " Sep. 22. Jane, d. of Robert Jones & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. William, base s. of Sarah Wilde ... bap. " Sep. 27. Elizabeth, d. of John Williams & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Vickers & Elizabeth , of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 18. Thomas, s. of Henry Price & Elizabeth , of Tilley ... bap. " Nov. 8. Mary, base d. of Elizabeth Price ... bap. " Dec. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Dulyton & Elizabeth ... bap. 1777, Jan. 1. Samuel, s. of Thomas Groom & Sarah , of Aston ... bap. " Jan. 3. Mary, d. of William Phillips & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 19. Thomas, s. of Charles Heatley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Ann, d. of John Watkin & Mary , of Wem ... bap. " Feb. 7. James, s. of Henry Pailing & Elizabeth ... bap. 592 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1777 1777, Feb. 9. Elizabeth, base d. of Ann Judson ... bap. " Feb. 11. John, s. of Stephen Chettow & Martha ... bap. " Feb. 11. John, s. of Samuel Taylor & Ann , of Barker's Green ... bap. " Feb. 11. Ann, d. of John Lewis & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 16. Edward, s. of Roger Thomas & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 23. Mary, d. of Edward Ely & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 23. Joseph, d. of Thomas Berks & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Smith & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 1. John, s. of Thomas Smith & Elinor ... bap. " Apr. 6. Thomas, base s. of Margaret Hind ... bap. " Apr. 20. Ann, d. of John Kynaston & Mary ... bap. " May 6. William, s. of David Davies & Mary ... bap. " May 8. Elizabeth, base d. of Margaret Hullson ... bap. " May 18. Charles, s. of John Hughes & Mary ... bap. " May 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas Hales & Mary ... bap. 1776, Oct. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Jeffreys & Mary ; born Oct. 6, 1776 ... bap. 1777, May 20. Samuel, s. of Thomas Astley & Hannah ... bap. " May 23. Richard, s. of Samuel Bellingham & Eleanor ... bap. " May 25. James, s. of John Elks & Mary ... bap. " May 27. Martha, d. of Robert Eabrey & Ann , of Tilley ... bap. " May 29. John, s. of John Roberts & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 29. Mary, d. of Charles Micleright & Mary , of Lacon ... bap. " June 8. Thomas, s. of John Ebrey & Mary ... bap. " June 15. Richard, s. of Andrew Allinson & Mary ... bap. " June 17. Rebeccah, d. of George Walford & Rebeccah ; born Unknown ... bap. " July 18. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Bellingham & Esther ... bap. " July 20. John, s. of Phillip Williams & Sarah ... bap. " July 20. Rebeccah, d. of John Randles & Jane ... bap. " July 27. William, s. of Thomas Parbot & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 8. Ann, d. of George Walmsley & Margaret , of Slape ... bap. " Aug. 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas Dickin, of Wem, & Sarah ... bap. 1778] Wem. 593 1777, Aug. 22. Mary, base d. of Ann Furmston ... bap. " Sep. 21. Thomas, s. of William Weaver & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 21. Roger, s. of Edward Kynaston & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 24. Thomas, s. of William Randles & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 1. Thomas, s. of Samuel Walmsley, of Cramore, & Ann ... ban. " Nov. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Richards & Sarah ... bap. 1778, Jan. 2. Jane, d. of Charles Prince & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Williams & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of Thomas Thurnill & Hannah , of Aston ... bap. " Jan. 20. John, s. of Peter Downward & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 3. Martha, d. of William Oulds & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Bellingham & Esther ... bap. " Feb. 27. Margaret, d. of John Moore & Margaret ... bap. " Mar. 3. Morris, s. of John Jones & Elizabeth , of Lowe hill ... bap. " Mar. 13. Samuel, base s. of Ann Colley ... bap. " Mar. 27. James, base s. of Sarah Jebb, of Tilley ... bap. " Mar. 27. Robert, base s. of Martha Williams ... bap. " Mar. 30. Sarah, d. of John Pritchard & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 3. Andrew, s. of William Rogers & Margaret ... bap. " Apr. 20. William, s. of Edward Harris & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 21. Jane, d. of Henry Price & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 25. Mary, d. of William Deakin & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 26. Robert, s. of Robert Gad & Martha ... bap. " Apr. 28. John, s. of Thomas Rutter & Mary ... bap. " May 8. Sarah, d. of Richard Wycherley & Martha ... bap. " May 17. William, s. of William Smith & Sarah ... bap. " May 22. Thomas, s. of Arthur Harper & Sarah ... bap. " May 22. Mary, d. of John Humes & Mary ... bap. " May 28. Jenny, d. of Thomas Davies & Martha ... bap. " May 31. Mary, d. of Arthur Shingler & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 7. Sarah, d. of John Ralphs & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 7. Thomas, s. of James Norton & Sarah ... bap. " June 7. Thomas, s. of William Pidgeon & Deborah ... bap. 594 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1778 1778, June 9. John, s. of Richard Jebb & Mary , of Horton ... bap. " June 9. Mary, d. of Thomas Maddox & Hannah , of Aston ... bap. " June 11. Sarah, d. of George Vaughan & Mary , of the Ware ... bap. " June 26. Elizabeth, d. of Ambrose Gilbert & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 12. Abigail, d. of John Lewis & Mary ... bap. " July 19. Allin, s. of Joseph Swanwick & Mary , of Cotton ... bap. " July 19. John, s. of John Charlton & Susannah ... bap. " July 26. Joseph, s. of Joseph Evans & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 16. Edward, s. of Charles Prichard & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 20. Edward, s. of Edward Richards & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 20. Mary, d. of Peter Hales & Martha , of Horton ... bap. " Sep. 20. Edward, s. of Abraham Powell & Catherine ... bap. " Sep. 22. Elizabeth, d. of James Edge & Beatrice , of Tilley ... bap. " Sep. 22. Richard, s. of Bartholomew Ebrey & Mary , of Tilley ... bap. " Sep. 22. John, base s. of Sarah Forgham ... bap. " Sep. 27. John, s. of John Lythe & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 27. John, s. of Edward Astley & Ann , of Cotton ... bap. " Oct. 4. Dinah, d. of Thomas Oar & Dinah ... bap. " Oct. 30. John, s. of John Forrester & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 15. Elizabeth, base d. of Ann Richards ... bap. " Nov. 22. Mary, d. of Hugh Lewis & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 4. Martha, base d. of Mary Kerry, aged 2 years ... bap. 1777, Jan. 1. Joseph, s. of William Austin & Mary, ... bap. 1776, Jan. 8. Ann, d. of Thomas Watkin & Mary ... bap. 1779, Jan. 8. Crispin, s. of Thomas Watkin & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 8. Ann, d. of Samuel Forgham & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 8. Ann, d. of William Hayward & Mary ... bap. 1779] Wem. 595 1779, Jan. 30. Sarah, d. of Thomas Randles & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 30. John, s. of Francis Owen & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Robert Eabrey & Mary , of Tilley ... bap. " Feb. 14. Sarah, d. of William Blakeway & Susannah , of Horton ... bap. " Feb. 16. Margaret, d. of James Boughey & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 7. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Haynes & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 7. Thomas, s. of John Lythe & Martha , of Edstaston ... bap. " Mar. 9. Richard, s. of Richard Astley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 14. Mary, base d. of Ann Cartwright ... bap. " Mar. 21. William, s. of Daniel Cooper & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 21. Edward, s. of John Elks & Mary , of Tilley ... bap. " Apr. 4. Ann, d. of William Hughes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 4. Ann, d. of James Vaughan & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 4. Elizabeth, base d. of Hannah Bentley ... bap. " Apr. 11. Elizabeth, d. of John Watkiss & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 11. Thomas, s. of John Williams & Jane ... bap. " Apr. 27. George, s. of George Dickin, reverend, & Katherine ... bap. 1778, Dec. 31. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Astley & Hannah ; born Dec. 31, 1778 ... bap. 1779, May 7. Thomas, s. of John Burrows & Susan ... bap. " May 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Evans & Mary , aged 15 months ... bap. 1778, Apr. 1. Susan, d. of Thomas Jeffreys & Mary ; born April 1, 1778 ... bap. 1779, June 6. Ann, d. of Thomas Chettow & Mary ... bap. " June 27. William, s. of John Ebrey & Mary , of Tilley ... bap. " July 2. Alice, d. of Daniel Allford & Unknown ... bap. " July 4. Samuel, s. of Samuel Griffiths & Sarah ... bap. " July 25. Mary, d. of Robert Jones & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 8. Joseph, s. of Thomas Smith & Eleanor ... bap. 596 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1779 1779, Aug. 15. Mary, base d. of Sarah Phillips ... bap. " Aug. 15. William, s. of Henry Pailing & Elizabeth ... bap. +" Aug. 20. Hannah, d. of Thomas Matthews & Hannah ... bap. " Aug. 22. James, s. of James Wooley & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 19. Martha, d. of James Maddox & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 19. Joseph, s. of Joseph Smith & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 19. Robert, s. of Thomas Harris & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 21. Jane, d. of Ruchard Vaughan & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 27. William, s. of Thomas Richards & Ruth ... bap. " Sep. 22. Mary, d. of John Newns & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 22. Mary, d. of Roger Ireland & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Hannah, d. of Roger Thomas & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Sarah, d. of Philip Williams & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 3. Sarah, d. of Robert Bellingham & Hester ... bap. " Oct. 5. John, s. of John Powel & Elizabeth , of Tilley ... bap. " Oct. 17. Mary, base d. of Martha Evans, of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 24. Elizabeth, base d. of Sarah Wilde ... bap. " Oct. 24. Ann, d. of Thomas Kilbourn & Rebecca ... bap. " Nov. 7. Mary, d. of Andrew Allinson & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 14. Elizabeth, base d. of Mary Firmstone ... bap. " Nov. 27. Mary, d. of Henry Price & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Dod & Sarah , of Malpas ... bap. " Dec. 26. Robert, s. of Robert Salisbury & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 26. George, s. of Thomas Griffiths & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Roberts & Elizabeth ... bap. 1780, Jan. 7. Elizabeth, base d. of Dorothy Fardoe ... bap " Jan. 7. Jane, d. of John Jones & Elizabeth ... bap " Jan. 7. Ann, d. of George Edge & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Edward Richards & Margaret ... bap. " Jan. 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Almond & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 28. Ann, d. of Charles Smith & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 30. Ralph, s. of Ralph Hassal & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 20. William, s. of William Ferrinton & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 27. Betty, d. of John Bellingham & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 19. Mary, d. of Edward Evans & Ester ... bap. " Mar. 28. Martha, d. of Unknown Pemberton, wid. ... bap. 1781] Wem. 597 1780, Mar. 28. John, base d. of Elizabeth Ashley, of Aston ... bar. 1799, Mar. 22. Ann, d. of Thomas Dickin & Sarah , of Wem; born 22 March, 1799 ... bap. 1780, Apr. 18. Mary, base d. of Elizabeth Tilston ... bap. " Apr. 18. Margaret, d. of Joseph Evans & Martha ... bap. " Apr. 23. Betty, d. of William Powel & Mary ... bap. " May 7. Jane, d. of Bartholomew Ebrey & Mary ... bap. +" June 4. Samuel, s. of William Smith & Sarah .. bap. " June 11. John, s. of Arthur Harper & Sarah ... bap. " June 11. John, s. of John Weaver & Jane ... bap. " June 14. Thomas, s. of John Capper & Ann ... bap. " June 18. Sarah, d. of John Charlton & Lucy ... bap. " June 25. Thomas, base s. of Elizabeth Griffiths ... bap. " June 26. John, s. of John Hughes & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 19. George, s. of Arthur Shingler & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 24. John, s. of James Brown & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 24. Edward, s. of Edward Ely & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Beswick & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 26. Mary, d. of William Powell & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 29. Robert, s. of Robert Ebrey & Ann , of Tilley ... bap. " Oct. 15. William, s. of John Huntbatch & Margaret ... bap. *" Sep. 26. Sarah, d. of John Wolf & Hannah ... bap. *" Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John Lythe & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 24. John, s. of John Burrows & Susanna ... bap. " Nov. 5. Thomas, base s. of Ann Furmston, of Aston ... bap. " Dec. 3. Robert, s. of Robert Bellingham & Esther ... bap. " Dec. 19. Mary, d. of Thomas Higgins & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 27. John, s. of Thomas Stuton & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 31. Mary, d. of Morris Rogers & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 3i. Ann, d. of George Edge & Mary ... bap. 1780, July 19. Katherine, d. of George Dickin, reverend, & Katherine; born July 19 1780 ... bap. 598 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1781 1781, Jan. 3. Robert, s. of Richard Jebb & Mary , of Horton ... bap. " Jan. 5. Thomas, s. of John Kynaston & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Hughes & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of John Hughes & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 7. John, base s. of Hannah Richards ... bap. " Jan. 7. Arthur, s. of John Lee & Sarah , of Lacon ... bap. " Jan. 9. Charles, s. of Charles Chidlow & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 12. Richard, s. of Richard Wycherley & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 12. Elizabeth, base d. of Margaret Deakin ... bap. " Jan. 19. Elizabeth, d. of John Drury & Hannah ... bap. " Jan. 21. Phillip, s. of Richard Weaver & Dorothy ... bap. " Jan. 21. Elizabeth, d. of William Randles & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 21. Ann, d. of William Randles & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 25. Ann, d. of Thomas Price & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 26. Richard, s. of Joseph Austin & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 4. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Harris & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 8. William, s. of William Cooper & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 18. Elizabeth, d. of John Williams & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 21. John, s. of Thomas Davies & Martha ... bap. " Mar. 2. James, s. of George Vaughan & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 11. John, s. of John Jackson & Martha ... bap. " Mar. 25. Richard, s. of Richard Groom & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 27. Harriot, d. of William Pidgeon & Deborah ... bap. " Apr. 25. Joseph, s. of Henry Price & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 25. Sarah, d. of John Humfriston & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 25. William, s. of William Bather & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 29. Richard, s. of James Vaughan & Mary ... bap. " May 6. Letitia, d. of Thomas Griffiths & Rebeccah ... bap. " June 3. Richard, s. of John Forrister & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 3. John, s. of William Hales & Leah ... bap. " June 3. William, s. of James Edwards & Martha ... bap. " June 4. Richard, s. of Hugh Lewis & Mary ... bap. " June 8. Martha, d. of Edward Richards & Margaret ... bap. 1782] Wem. 599 1781, June 9. Roger, s. of Roger Ireland & Mary , of Lacon ... bap. " June 17. Margaret, d. of Robert Jones & Mary ... bap. " July 8. John, s. of Benjamin Cooper & Mary ... bap. " July 8. Mary, base d. of Sarah Jebb ... bap. " July 8. William, s. of Edward Furmston & Ann ... bap. " July 10. William, s. of James Edge & Beatrice , of Tilley ... bap. " July 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Brown & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 5. Mary, d. of Edward Ebrey & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 9. Sarah, d. of William Weaver & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 23. John, s. of John Elks & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. Thomas, s. of John Lewis & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. John, s. of John Watkin & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. William, s. of William Hayward & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 29. Joseph, s. of Francis Owen & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 29. John, s. of Joseph Lee & Sarah , of the Poolhead ... bap. " Oct. 2. John, s. of Thomas Meers & Martha ... bap. " Oct. 2. John, s. of John Harris & Ann ... bap. *" Sep. 9. Mary, d. of William Phillips & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Haines & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jones & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 26. George, s. of George Edge & Mary , of Tilley ... bap. " Oct. 30. Richard, s. of Charles Powell & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 13. Thomas, base s. of Elizabeth Jones ... bap. " Nov. 23. Mary, d. of Robert Salisbury & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 25. Sarah, base d. of Elizabeth Gollings ... bap. " Dec. 28. Sarah, d. of Thomas Harris & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 29. Thomas, s. of Samuel Minshall & Mary ... bap. 1781, Apr. 1. Phillip, s. of Thomas Watkiss & Mary ; born in April 1781 ... bap. 1782, Jan. 4. Elizabeth, d. of John Stubs & Lettice ... bap. " Jan. 4. James, s. of Edward Price & Ann , of Horton ... bap. " Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of Andrew Allinson & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 11. Sarah, d. of Robert Bellingham & Esther ... bap. " Feb. 2. Mary, base d. of Rebecca Nicholls .. bap. " Feb. 10. William, s. of John Charlton & Susannah ... bap. 600 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1782 1782, Feb. 12. John, s. of John Haycock & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 13. George, s. of Thomas Harris & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 17. Mary, base d. of Jane Greggory ... bap. " Mar. 5. Ann, base d. of Mary Oar, of Tilley ... bap. " Mar. 10. Jane, d. of Joseph Harper & Elizabeth , of Woolverley ... bap. " Mar. 28. Thomas, s. of John Weaver & Jane ... bap. 1781, Oct. 10. Ann, d. of Thomas Astley & Hannah born Oct. 10, 1781 ... bap. 1782, Apr. 14. Richard, s. of William Hughes & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 21. William, s. of Bartholomew Ebrey & Mary ... bap. " May 7. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Vaughan & Ann ... bap. " May 12. Thomas, base s. of Sarah Wilde ... bap. " May 19. Sarah, d. of Charles Mathers & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 19. John, s. of Thomas Randles & Mary ... bap. " May 19. Richard, s. of John Roberts & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 20. Mary, d. of Thomas Worrall & Susanna ... bap. " May 26. Thomas, s. of Henry Paling & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 2. Sarah, d. of Charles Smith & Ann ... bap. " June 9. Martha, base d. of Mary Cheshire ... bap. " June 9. John, s. of Thomas Tompson & Ann ... bap. " June 23. Mary, d. of Edward Lewis & Ann ... bap. " June 30. Ann, base d. of Mary Farrington ... bap. 1775, July 12. Thomas, s. of John Wycherley & Mary , aged 7 years ... bap. 1782, July 11. Thomas, s. of Thomas Smith & Elinor ... bap. " July 18. Mary, d. of John Jackson & Martha ... bap. " July 28. John, s. of John Jones & Elizabeth , of Lowe hill ... bap. " July 30. John, base s. of Hannah Chesters ... bap. " Aug. 4. Ann, d. of Thomas Woolam & Ann , of Edstaston ... bap. " Sep. 1. John, s. of John Williams & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 22. Samuel, s. of John Bellingham & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 22. Mary, d. of Charles Green & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Richards & Ruth ... bap.