1783] Wem. 601 1782, Sep. 22. Mary, d. of Edward Richards & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 24. Hannah, d. of George Vaughan & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Mary, d. of John Drury & Hannah ... bap. " Sep. 29. Ann, d. of John Capper & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 13. Sarah, d. of George Edge & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 15. John, base s. of Eleanor Aulds ... bap. " Oct. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Henry Price & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 3. Mary, d. of John Hales & Sarah ~Mary Ann~ ... bap. " Nov. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas Hughes & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 15. Jane, d. of Thomas Price & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 25. Sarah, d. of John Williams & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 27. Sarah, d. of William Bather & Ann ... bap. 1783, Jan. 1. John, s. of Robert Ebrey & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Arthur Harper & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 3. Jemima, d. of Joseph Trevor & Margaret ... bap. " Jan. 10. Mary, d. of Thomas Kilbour & Rebecca ... bap. " Jan. 14. Arthur, s. of Arthur Shingler & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 17. Lucy, d. of Edward Mason & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 17. John, s. of Joseph Evans & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 30. John, s. of Thomas Humfrestone & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 30. Ann, base d. of Martha Evans ... bap. " Feb. 2. John, s. of John Williams & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 2. Samuel, s. of James Wooley & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 16. Mary, d. of Samuel Griffiths & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 18. George, base s. of Jane Harris ... bap. " Mar. 9. Martha, d. of Thomas Bowker & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 25. Ann, d. of James Vaughan & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 20. Ann, d. of Richard Groom & Ann ... bap. 1781, Oct. 17. Thomas, s. of Thomas Dicken, esquire, & Sarah; born 17 Oct., 1781 ... bap. 1782, Apr. 22. William, s. of John Harris & Ann ... bap. 1781, May 29. Mary, d. of William Bayley & Ann; born Aug. 8, 1782 ... bap. " June 1. George, base s. of Sarah Oar, of Tilley ... bap. " June 1. Sarah, base d. of Mary Richards ... bap. " June 8. John, s. of Francis Evans & Mary ... bap. " June 10. Margaret, d. of Richard Wycherley & Martha ... bap. 602 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1783 1783, July 4. William, s. of John Haycock & Mary ... bap. " July 6. George, s. of Roger Maddox & Sarah ... bap. " July 6. Ann, d. of William Deakin & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 17. Samuel, s. of John Forister & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 14. John, s. of Morris Rogers & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 20. John, s. of Joseph Bickerton & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 21. John, s. of Edward Sutton & Elizabeth ... bap. 1781, Sep. 21. William, s. of Thomas Groom & Sarah ... bap. 1783, Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Groom & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 21. Ann, d. of John Lythe & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 21. John, s. of Roger Thomas & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Ralph Hassall & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 21. Margaret, d. of William Pidgeon & Deborah ... bap. 1781, Sep. 23. John, s. of Thomas Griffiths & Elizabeth ... bap. 1783, Sep. 23. Mary, d. of Thomas Griffiths & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 23. John, s. of James Evans & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 23. Ann, d. of John Powell & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Wycherley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 23. William, base s. of Margaret Evans ... bap. " Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of James Madox & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffiths & Rebecca ... bap. " Oct. 18. Richard, s. of Thomas Meers & Martha ... bap. " Nov. 7. Elizabeth, d. of George Powell & Martha, of Brockurst ... bap. " Nov. 16. William, s. of John Watkin & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 16. Mary, d. of Samuel Forgham & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 27. Sarah, d. of Thomas Roberts & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 28. Mary, d. of William Powell & Mary ... bap. 1784, Jan. 1. Ann, d. of Thomas Jenkin & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 1. Ann, d. of Robert Gad & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 3. Ann, d. of Francis Owen & Ann, of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 6. Ann, d. of James Edge & Beatrice, of Tilley ... bap. " Jan. 8. John, s. of Charles Chidlow & Sarah, of the farm ... bap. " Jan. 27. Thomas, s. of Robert Ebrey & Ann, of Tilley ... bap. 1784] Wem. 603 1784, Feb. 8. Ann, d. of James Edwards & Martha ... bap. " Feb. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Astley & Hannah, of Wem ... bap. " Mar. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Brown & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 7. Susan, base d. of Margaret Nichols, pauper ... bap. " Apr. 11. Harriot, d. of Thomas Griffiths & Rebecca, of Wem ... bap. " Apr. 11. Elizabeth, d. of George Lythe & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 12. Thomas, s. of William Bathor & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Harrison & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 27. Ann, d. of Samuel Beetenson, of Wem, surgeon, & Ann ... bap. " May 9. John, base s. of Elizabeth Hantlet ... bap. " May 16. Thomas, s. of John Elks & Mary, of Tilley ... bap. " May 30. John, s. of John Williams & Mary ... bap. " May 30. Mary, d. of Edward Harris & Mary ... bap. " May 30. Thomas, s. of George Edge & Ann ... bap. " June 13. Nathaniel, s. of John Berks & Ann, of Wem ... bap. " July 4. Mary, d. of Thomas Groom & Sarah ... bap. " July 4. William, s. of William Sudley & Jane ... bap. " Aug. 8. Ann, d. of Richard Haines & Jane, of Slape ... bap. " Aug. 13. Margaret, d. of Ambrose Gilbert & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 22. John, s. of Samuel Minshall & Mary, of Tilley ... bap. " Aug. 29. William, s. of Francis Owen & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 26. John, s. of Samuel Davies & Penelope ... bap. " Sep. 26. Phillip, s. of John Williams & Elizabeth, of Tilley ... bap " Sep. 26. John, s. of John Drury & Hannah, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 26. Daniel, s. of Daniel Bassford & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Higgins & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 26. Mary, d. of Thomas James & Mary ... bap. 604 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1784 1784, Sep. 26. Thomas, s. of John Jones & Elizabeth, of the Lowe Hill ... bap. " Sep. 27. Margaret, d. of Edward Richards & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 28. John, s. of George Edge & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 28. Godfrey, s. of Benjamin Cooper & Mary, labourer ... bap. " Sep. 28. Mary, d. of William Ormond & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 28. Elizabeth, d. of John Harris & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 28. Joseph, s. of Roger Thomas & Sarah, pauper ... bap. " Sep. 29. William, s. of William Bayley & Ann; born June 6 ... bap. " Oct. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Worrall & Susanna, of Tilley ... bap. " Oct. 17. Mary, d. of James Brown & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 24. Margaret, d. of Hugh Lewis & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 24. Elizabeth, base d. of Elizabeth Dod, pauper ... bap. " Dec. 12. Sarah, d. of Roger Maddox & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 5. William, s. of Roger Maddox & Sarah ... bap. 1785, Jan. 16. Maria, base d. of Mary Jones, a pauper ... bap. " Jan. 18. John, s. of John Parkinson & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 19. George, s. of George Powell & Martha, of Brockurst ... bap. " Jan. 28. Walter, s. of Walter Beetenson & Charlotte ~Record says 'Walter Lowe'~... bap. " Feb. 8. William, s. of Arthur Shingler & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 13. Mary, d. of Henry Price & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 13. William, s. of William Hayward & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Kerry & Elizabeth .. bap. " Mar. 25. Kitty, d. of George Vaughan & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 27. Francis, base s. of Elizabeth Aston ... bap. " Mar. 27. William, s. of John Lewis & Mary, pauper ... bap. " Mar. 29. George, s. of Joseph Evans & Martha ... bap. 1783, July 27. Dorothy, d. of Thomas Dickin, esquire, & Sarah; born July 27, 1783 ... bap. 1785, Apr. 1. Mary Dorothy, d. of Francis Lloyd, esquire, & Ann ... bap. 1785] Wem. 605 1785, Apr. 12. William, s. of John Harrop & Jane, of Edstaston ... bap. " Apr. 13. Edward, s. of Edward Price & Ann, of Horton ... bap. " Apr. 17. Ann, d. of William Hayward & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 22. Martha, base s. of Sarah Forgham, a pauper, of Wem ... bap. " May 8. Thomas, s. of Phillip Hales & Susan, of Horton ... bap. " May 17. Mary, d. of John Haycock & Mary ... bap. " June 12. Joseph, s. of Joseph Garrett & Elizabeth, of Wem ... bap. " June 17. Ann, d. of William Hughes & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 3. Maria, d. of Thomas Griffiths & Rebecca ... bap. " July 3. Maria, base d. of Tryphena Cooper ... bap. " July 17. Margaret, d. of John Owen & Margaret ... bap. " July 24. John, s. of Bartholomew Ebrey & Mary ... bap. " July 31. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Wright & Margaret, of Wem ... bap. " Aug. 2. James, s. of James Vaughan & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 14. James, base s. of Sarah Wilde, a pauper ... bap. " Aug. 14. Thomas, s. of Francis Owen & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 4. Maria Ann, base d. of Mary Peat ... bap. " Sep. 23. Sarah, base d. of Alice Wilkinson ... bap. " Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of Abraham Darlington & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 25. Hannah, d. of William Weaver & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. Ann, d. of Charles Green & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of John Jackson & Martha, of Tilley ... bap. " Sep. 27. John, base s. of Elizabeth Thurnill ... bap. " Sep. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Henry Paling & Elizabeth, a pauper ... bap. " Sep. 29. William, s. of Benjamin Lakin & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 2. William, s. of Thomas Smith & Elinor ... bap. " Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 2. Thomas, s. of John Lythe & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 25. Richard, base s. of Mary Oar ... bap. " Oct. 30. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hughes & Martha ... bap. 606 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1785 1780, Nov. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Maddox & Hannah ... bap. 1785, Nov. 6. Joseph, s. of Thomas Maddox & Hannah ... bap. " Nov. 20. Thomas, s. of Samuel Green & Mary ... bap. 1781, Jan. 11. John, s. of Jonathan Twitty & Elizabeth, was born Jan. 11, 1781. ~baptized Nov. 1, 1785~ ... bap. 1782, Oct. 15. James, s. of Jonathan Twitty & Elizabeth, was born Oct. 15, 1782. ~baptized Nov. 1, 1785~... bap. 1784, Sep. 27. William, s. of Jonathan Twitty & Elizabeth, was born Sep. 27, 1784. ~baptized Nov. 1, 1785~ ... bap. 1785, Dec. 30. Mary, d. of Abraham Jones & Ann, a pauper ... bap. 1786, Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of Henry Couldweell & Elizabeth, of the Lowe ... bap. " Jan. 3. Mary, d. of John Jenks & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 6. Joseph, s. of Richard Sherratt & Margaret ... bap. " Jan. 15. Ann, d. of Morris Rogers & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 15. Peter, s. of William Pidgeon & Deborah ... bap. " Jan. 20. William, s. of Richard Wycherley & Martha ... bap. " Jan. 29. Sarah, d. of Edward Gough & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 30. Thomas, base s. of Ann Chessers ... bap. " Feb. 10. Richard, s. of Richard Vaughan & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 12. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hughes & Hannah ... bap. " Feb. 19. James, s. of James Maddox & Margaret ... bap. " Feb. 19. Mary, d. of William Bather & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 2. William, s. of William Shenton & Martha ; born Mar. 11 ... bap. " Apr. 18. Thomas, s. of Thomas Huntbatch & Martha, aged one year ... bap. " Apr. 23. Edward, s. of Robert Rogers & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 30. Thomas, s. of John Williams & Mary ... bap. " May 14. Elizabeth, d. of John Stubbs & Susanna, of Wem ... bap. " May 28. Martha, base d. of Ann Hall, a pauper ... bap. " June 4. Alice, base d. of Sarah Oar ... bap. " June 4. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Ely & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 6. Rchard, s. of John Sandland & Elizabeth ... bap. 1786] Wem. 607 1786, June 11. James, s. of James Edwards & Martha, Wem ... bap. " June 18. Mary, d. of John Hughes & Mary, of Wem ... bap. " June 18. John, base s. of Ann Paulet, a pauper ... bap. " July 16. Mary, d. of John Elkes & Mary, of Tilley ... bap. " Aug. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Griffiths & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 6. Richard, base s. of Elizabeth Paulet, a pauper ... bap. " Aug. 6. William, s. of Samuel Minshall & Mary, of Tilley ... bap. " Aug. 6. Mary, d. of Joseph Austin & Ann, of Horton ... bap. " Aug. 13. Richard, base s. of Mary Sandland ... bap. " Sep. 19. John, s. of Samuel Forgham & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Beacall & Ann, of Laconhall ... bap. " Sep. 24. Thomas, s. of John Forrister & Elizabeth, of Tilley ... bap. " Sep. 24. Ann, d. of William Phillips & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. John, s. of William Sadler & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 24. William, s. of George Edge & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Kilbourn & Rebecca ... bap. " Sep. 26. Thomas, s. of John Drury & Hannah ... bap. " Sep. 26. Sarah, d. of David Lewis & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 26. Mary, d. of Joseph Clayton & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 29. William, s. of Thomas James & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 14. Richard, s. of William Blakeway & Susanna, of Horton ... bap. " Oct. 13. Margaret, d. of William Blakeway & Susanna ... bap. " Oct. 22. Edward, s. of Henry Price & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 14. Thomas, s. of William Maddox & Hannah ... bap. " Nov. 17. Sarah, base d. of Mary Hussey ... bap. " Nov. 26. Mary, base d. of Elinor Griffiths ... bap. " Dec. 16. George, s. of Charles Chidlow & Sarah ... bap. 608 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1786 1786, Dec. 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Hill & Sarah, of Tilley ... bap. " Dec. 26. Edward, s. of Robert Ebrey & Ann, of Tilley ... bap. 1787, Jan. 1. Samuel, s. of John Haycock & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Mary, d. of Charles Ratcliff & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 7. Mary, d. of Richard Groom & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 12. Crispin, s. of Thomas Watkiss & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 14. John, s. of Thomas Higgins & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 19. Edward, s. of Edward Gough & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 19. Mary, d. of Richard Haines & Jane .. bap. " Feb. 11. Elinor, d. of Thomas Groom & Ann, a pauper ... bap. " Feb. 11. Mary, d. of John Roberts & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 18. Elizabeth, base d. of Sarah Powell, a pauper ... bap. " Apr. 8. Richard, s. of John Jones & Elizabeth, of the Lowe hill ... bap. " Apr. 8. William, s. of Philip Hales & Susanna ... bap. " Apr. 10. John, s. of Roger Maddox & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 10. Martha, d. of Joseph Maddox & Hannah ... bap. " Apri 13. Emma, d. of Samuel Beetinson & Ann ... bap. 1786, May 25. Ann, d. of Francis Lloyd, esquire, & Ann; born May 25, 1786 ... bap. 1787, Apr. 22. Sarah, d. of James Evans & Margaret, a pauper ... bap. " May 13. William, s. of William Hughes & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 15. William, s. of Thomas Tompson & Ann ... bap. 1786, May 16. Eliza, d. of Thomas Dicken, esquire, & Sarah; born May 16, 1786 ... bap. 1787, June 3. Richard, s. of John Howard & Sarah, of Wem ... bap. " June 10. Thomas, s. of Joseph Austin & Ann, of Horton ... bap. " June 19. Mary. Ann, d. of William Lane & Ann ... bap. " June 24. John, s. of Samuel Green & Mary ... bap. " July 1. John, s. of Thomas Brown & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 2. John, s. of George Powell & Martha, of Brockurst ... bap. 1787] Wem. 609 1787, July 8. Ann, d. of John Weaver & Jane ... bap. " July 15. Hannah, base d. of Martha Morris ... bap. " July 22. William, base s. of Jane Rutter ... bap. " July 25. James, s. of James Brown & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 25. Sarah, d. of William Hayward & Mary, a pauper ... bap. " July 27. Mary, d. of Benjamin Groom & Mary ... bap. " July 29. Richard, s. of John Higginson & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 5. James, s. of John Lewis & Mary, a pauper ... bap. " Aug. 19. John. base s. of Ann Patrick, a pauper ... bap. " Aug. 21. Mary, base d. of Elizabeth Hanmer, a pauper ... bap. " Aug. 24. Margaret, d. of Andrew Moor & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 26. John, s. of William Bather & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 7. Mary, d. of Joseph Garratt & Elizabeth ... bap. 1786, July 4. George, s. of George Walford, of Wem, & Rebecca; born July 4, 1786+ ... bap. 1787, Sep. 16. Charlotte, d. of William Hinton & Martha, of Edstaston ... bap. " Sep. 23. John, s. of John Cooper & Ann, of Aston ... bap. " Sep. 23. William, s. of John Lythe & Elizabeth, pauper ... bap. " Sep. 23. Samuel, s. of Thomas Worrall & Susanna ... bap. " Sep. 23. Thomas, s. of John Williams & Elizabeth ... bap. 1780 Dec. 23. John, s. of John Briscoe & Elizabeth ; born Dec. 23, 1780 ... bap. 1787, Sep. 25. Maryann, d. of Thomas Higgins, of Wem, apothecary, & Ann; born Nov. 22, 1786+ ~Mary-Ann~... bap. 1786, Sep. 25. Frances, d. of Richard Brethin & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of Richard Brethin & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of John Birks & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 1. Ann, d. of Edward Harris & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 1. Thomas, s. of John Watkiss & Mary ... bap. 610 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1787 1787, Oct. 1. Richard, s. of John Watkiss & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 28. John, base s. of Mary Williams, a pauper ... bap. " Dec. 2. Robert, s. of Francis Owen & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 16. Isabella, d. of John Griffiths & Catherine ... bap. " Dec. 25. Richard, s. of Arthur Harper & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 25. Peggy, d. of John Powell & Ellen ... bap. 1786, Nov. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Richards & Margaret ; born Nov. 16, 1786 ... bap. 1787, Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of David Lewis & Mary ... bap. 1788, Jan. 1. Hannah, d. of Thomas Astley & Hannah ... bap. " Jan. 4. Hannah, d. of William Powell & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 8. Sarah, d. of John Stubbs & Susanna ... bap. " Jan. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Arthur Shingler & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Fletcher & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 18. Elizabeth, d. of George Edge & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 17. Ann, d. of John Davies & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 2. Sarah, d. of John Rogers & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 4. Charlotte, d. of John Edgerton & Sarah, of the Lowe ... bap. " Mar. 4. Jane, d. of John Edgerton & Sarah, of the Lowe ... bap. " Mar. 7. Elizabeth Sarah, d. of Francis Lloyd, esquire, & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 16. Martha, base d. of Jane Downes, base ... bap. " Mar. 21. Ann Barnett, base d. of Ann Tew ... bap. 1786, Mar. 24. John, base s. of Mary Welch, base ... bap. 1788, Mar. 24. Ann, base d. of Mary Welch, base ... bap. " Mar. 29. John, s. of Thomas Beacall & Ann, of Lacon hall ... bap. " Mar. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Gough & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 25. Mary, base d. of Sarah Wilde, a pauper ... bap. " May 11. Ann, d. of William Price & Margaret ... bap. " May 11. Elizabeth, d. of John Williams & Jane ... bap. " May 11. Mary, d. of John Lamb & Mary ... bap. " May 12. Ann, d. of William Berks & Mary ... bap. " May 16. Sarah, d. of Thomas Davies & Martha ... bap. " May 16. William, s. of William Harper & Fanny ... bap. " May 18. Ann, d. of Hugh Lewis & Mary ... bap. " May 27. Robert, s. of Thomas Groom & Sarah ... bap. 1788] Wem. 611 1788, June 3. William, s. of Thomas Mears & Martha ... bap. " June 6. Maria, d. of Thomas Dickin & Sarah; ... bap. " June 20. John, s. of John Abbots & Sarah ... bap. " June 29. Samuel, s. of Samuel Minshall & Mary, of Tilley ... bap. " July 6. James, s. of Thomas Owen & Mary, of the Rue wood ... bap. " July 27. Robert, s. of Robert Gad & Martha, a pauper ... bap. " Aug. 1. Mary, d. of Thomas Smith & Elinor ... bap. " Aug. 8. Jane, d. of Thomas Griffiths & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 17. Martha, d. of John Hales & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 29. Thomas, s. of Samuel Beetinson, of Wem, surgeon, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 16. Thomas, s. of Edward Angel & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 21. Martha, d. of George Edge & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 21. Jane, d. of George Edge & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 21. Mary, d. of Thomas Price & Jane, paupers ... bap. " Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Price & Jane, paupers ... bap. " Sep. 21. Charles, s. of Charles Green & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 21. Mary, d. of Thomas Morgan & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas James & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 22. Mary, d. of George Adams & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 23. Joseph, s. of Richard Wycherley & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 23. Margaret, d. of John Embrey & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 23. Mary, d. of Francis Lythe & Sarah ... bap. 1786, Sep. 23. Ann, d. of Francis Lythe & Sarah ... bap. 1788, Sep. 23. James, s. of James Edge & Beatrice ... bap. " Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John Newns & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 26. Alice, d. of Henry Palin & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 28. Charles, s. of Charles Forrester & Ellen ... bap. " Oct. 10. Richard, s. of Joseph Hughes & Hannah ... bap. " Nov. 9. Martha, base d. of Leah Powell ... bap. " Nov. 16. William, s. of Edward Williams & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 14. William, base s. of Ann Paulet, a pauper ... bap. 612 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1788 1788, Dec. 30. Philip, s. of Benjamin Roberts & Hannah, of Wem ... bap. 1789, Jan. 4. Thomas, s. of Samuel Powell & Hannah ... bap. " Jan. 16. Beatrice, d. of Abraham Darlington & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 16. Mary Gregory, base d. of Ellen Suckling, a pauper ... bap. " Jan. 18. Richard, s. of John Bellingham & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 18. Margaret, d. of John Drury & Hannah ... bap. " Jan. 25. Sarah, d. of Robert Rogers & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 15. William, s. of Thomas Bromley & Mary, a pauper ... bap. " Feb. 27. William, s. of John Jenks & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 1. Jane, d. of John Hughes & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 12. Ann, d. of John Sandland & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 12. Benjamin, s. of Richard Woolam & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Haycock & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 13. Robert, s. of Robert Hales & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 13. Philip, s. of Rat. & Ann Hales ... bap. " Apr. 14. George, s. of Francis Sherratt & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 14. Samuel,+ base s. of Mary Stones ... bap. " Apr. 19. Mary, d. of George Lythe & Ann ... bap. " May 1. Mary, d. of Robert Gregory & Ann ... bap. " May 3. Elizabeth, d. of William Sudler & Jane ... bap. " May 3. John, base s. of Ann Butler, a pauper ... bap. " May 21. William, s. of Benjamin Cooper & Mary ... bap. 1788, Dec. 23. Rowland Williams, s. of Richard Howell & Eliza, ~f. reverend~ ... bap. 1789, May 31. Elizabeth, d. of John Forester & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 31. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hayward & Catherine ... bap. " May 31. John, s. of Joseph Trevor & Margaret, aged 4 years+ ... bap. " May 31. William, s. of Joseph Trevor & Margaret ... bap. " June 2. Thomas, base s. of Ann Woolley, a pauper ... bap. " June 4. Mary, d. of Edward Mason & Unknown ... bap. " June 7. Elizabeth, d. of John Jones & Elizabeth, of the Lowe ... bap. 1790] Wem. 613 1788, June 16. Elizabeth, d. of William Pidgeon & Deborah ; born June 16, 1788+ ... bap. 1789, Aug. 23. Philip, s. of Philip Williams & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 8. Ann, d. of Arthur Harper & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 20. Samuel, s. of Edward Gough & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 20. Edward, s. of John Watkiss & Rachel ... bap. " Sep. 20. William, s. of Edward Richards & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 20. Ann, d. of Edward Richards & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 21. Mary, d. of John Lewis & Mary, a pauper ... bap 1787, Sep. 21. John, s. of Edward Harris & Hannah, aged 2 years ... bap. 1788, May. 19. Thomas, s. of John Briscoe & Elizabeth ; born May 19, 1788 ... bap. 1789, Sep. 22. Thomas, s. of James Brown & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Paul Briscoe & Mary, paupers ... bap. " Sep. 22. Eliza, d. of William Lane & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 27. Thomas, base s. of Sarah Wright, a pauper ... bap. " Oct. 18. Francis, s. of John Williams & Elizabeth, a pauper ... bap. " Nov. 20. William, s. of William Elinor Fardow ... bap. 1787, Oct. 31. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Chidlow & Sarah ... bap. 1789, Oct. 31. Thomas, s. of Charles Chidlow & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 3. Nancy, d. of Richard Thomas of Soulton, miller, & Betty ... bap. " Dec. 29. John, s. of John Maddox, of the Woodhouse, & Sarah ... bap. 1790, Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Newns, of the Millhouse, & Mary ... bap. 1788, June 1. George, s. of John Jackson, of Tilley, & Martha ... bap. 614 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1790 1790, Jan. 3. Mary, d. of John Howard, of Wem, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. 1787, June 5. Richard, s. of Thomas Harper, pauper, of Wem, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1790, Jan. 5. Sarah, d. of Samuel Griffiths, of Wem, bricklayer, & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 10. Susannah, base d. of Tryphena Cooper, of Aston, pauper+ ... bap. " Jan. 12. Martha, d. of James Edwards, of Wem, taylor,+ & Martha ... bap. 1789, Nov. 21. George, s. of Thomas Beacall, of Lacon; ... bap. 1790, Jan. 13. Nancy, d. of Joseph Ruscoe, of Lacon, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 31. Ann, d. of John Higginson & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 28. John Sherrat, s. of John Stubbs, of Wem, taylor, & Susannah ... bap. " Mar. 23. Mary, d. of William Harris, pauper, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 23. James, s. of John Powel, pauper, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 29. Sarah, d. of Stephen Sermon, pauper, & Mary ... bap. *" Feb. 16. Jane, d. of John Huntbatch, of Padock Green, & Hannah ... bap. *" Feb. 21. Thomas, s. of William Hayward, pauper, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 23. George, s. of George Adams, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 23. Ann, d. of Francis Owen, parish Clark, & Ann ... bap. " May 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Higgins, of Trench Lane, & Ann ... bap. " May 24. William, base s. of Elizabeth Darlington, pauper ... bap. " May 29. Richard, s. of John Weaver, of Wem, & Jane ... bap. 1790] Wem. 615 1790, May 29. Kitty, d. of William Hughes, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 11. William, s. of William Birks, butcher, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " June 15. Mary, d. of William Evans, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap " June 22. George, s. of Thomas James, shoemaker, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " July 1 . George, s. of John Griffith, bricklayer, of Wem, & Catharine ... bap. " July 16. Richard, s. of George Walford, of Wem, & Rebeccah ... bap. " July 18. Mary, d. of John Williams, of Wem, bender, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 4. Hannah, d. of John Drury, of Wem, tanner, & Hannah ... bap. " Aug. 13. Elizabeth, base d. of Jane Rutter, pauper ... bap. " Aug. 24. Margaret, d. of Richard Taylor & Elizabeth ... bap. 1788, Nov. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Higgins, surgeon, of Wem, & Ann ... bap. 1790, June 13. Frances, d. of Thomas Higgins, surgeon, of Wem, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 19. Sarah, d. of John Jenks, malster, of Wem, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 19. Sarah, d. of Thomas Gregory, of Wem, hairdresser ... bap. " Sep. 21. Thomas, s. of Thomas Abbots, of Wem, & Rebeccah ... bap. " Sep. 21. Mary, d. of John Lyth, of Wem, pauper, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 26. Sarah, d. of John Watkiss, of Wem, blacksmith, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bromley, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 26. John, base s. of Ann Maddox, pauper$ ... bap. " Oct. 4. Ann, d. of John Birks, of Wem, shoemaker, & Ann ... bap. 616 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1790 1790, Nov. 21. Frances, d. of Thomas Price, pauper, of Wem, & Frances ... bap. " Nov. 28. John, base s. of Martha Evans, pauper, of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 5. Mary, d. of George Edge, pauper, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 28. John, s. of John Hill, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 31. Joseph, s. of James Edge, of Wem, & Ann ... bap. 1791, Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of John Sandland, of Wem, cooper, & Elizabeth ... bap " Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of Francis Lyth, pauper, of Paddock Green, & Sarah ... bap " Jan. 1. Sarah, d. of Robert Cartwright, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 1. Joseph, s. of Samuel Minshall, of Tilley, blacksmith, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 1. John, base s. of Hannah Perry, pauper ... bap " Jan. 2. Richard, s. of William Chesters, of Newtown, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 2. Joseph, s. of Samuel Powel, of Wem, shoemaker, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 11. William, s. of John Roberts, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 21. John, s. of Hugh Lewis, of Wem, gardener, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 23. Ann, d. of Joseph Ravenscroft, of Horton, & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 25. Mary, base d. of Hannah Furmston, of Aston, pauper ... bap. " Mar. 6. Thomas, s. of Thomas Brown, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. *" Feb. 8. Ann, d. of Richard Howel, reverend, & Eliza; ... bap. " Mar. 11. Jane, d. of Arthur Shingler, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 13. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Green, of Wem, sawyer, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1791] Wem. 617 1791, Apr. 3. Elizabeth, d. of William Groome, of the One house, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 24. Sarah, d. of John Powel, of Wem, & Eleanor ... bap. " Apr. 24. John, s. of George Lyth, of Wem, pauper, & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 24. Mary, base d. of Sarah Powel, of Wem, pauper ... bap. " Apr. 25. Richard, s. of John Haycock, of Ditches, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 25. Susannah, d. of Andrew Moor, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 25. Sarah, d. of Thomas Brown, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " June 5. Robert, s. of Robert France, of Tilly Park, & Alice ... bap. " June 12. Ann, d. of John Mason, of Wem, cabinet maker, & Mary ... bap. " June 12. Sarah, d. of Edward Williams, of Low, & Martha ... bap. " June 12. Ann, base d. of Sarah Woor, pauper ... bap. " June 12. John, base s. of Sarah Woor, pauper ... bap. 1790, Sep. 25. William, s. of William Dean, of Wem, & Ann; [born 25 Sep., 1790?+] ... bap. 1791, June 19. Ann, d. of Edward Mason, of Wem, cooper, & Ann ... bap. 1790, Jan. 4. John, s. of William Shenton, of Wem, glazier, & Elizabeth; [born 4 Jan., 1790?+] ... bap. 1791, June 21. Elizabeth, d. of William Shenton, of Wem, glazier, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 3. John, s. of Richard Weaver, of Pool head, & Hannah ... bap. " July 10. Bridget, d. of Francis Evans, of Wem, labourer, & Mary ... bap. " July 31. Katherine, base d. of Jane Williams, of Wem, pauper ... bap. " Aug. 17. Thomas, s. of John Forrester, of Trench Lane, & Elizabeth ... bap. 618 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1791 1791, Aug. 9. Thomas, s. of John Tittensor, of Wem, cabinet maker, & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 21. John, s. of Edward Angel, of Alderly Lane, & Margaret ... bap. " Sep. 2. James, s. of Thomas Abbots, of Aston, & Rebeccah ... bap. 1789, Sep. 25. Alice, d. of William Phillips, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. 1791, Sep. 25. Richard, s. of William Phillips, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 25. Mary, d. of John Bellingham, of Wem, carpenter, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. John, s. of Thomas Morgan, of Low, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 26. Jane, d. of Richard Newns, of the Millhouse, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 27. Elinor, d. of Thomas Kilbourn, of Wem, & Rebeccah ... bap. " Sep. 27. Sarah, d. of John Elks. of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 27. William, s. of Hugh Pemberton, pauper of Barker's Green, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 27. Ann, d. of John Newns, of Wem, & Ann ... bap. 1789, Sep. 27. John, s. of Thomas Worall, of Tilley Green, & Susannah ... bap. 1791, Sep. 27. Ann, d. of Thomas Worall, of Tilley Green, & Susannah ... bap. 1789, Sep. 27. Samuel, s. of Robert Hales, butcher, of Wem, & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 4. Thomas, s. of John Abbots, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 4. Roger Spenser, s. of Thomas Dickin, of Wem, & Sarah; ... bap. " Oct. 14. Elizabeth, base d. of Margaret Challenor, pauper ... bap. " Oct. 16. Richard, s. of Abraham Darlington, of Horton, & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 16. William, s. of William Hales, of the Lane, & Leah ... bap. " Oct. 16. Ellen, d. of John Lloyd, of Edstaston, & Mary ... bap. 1792] Wem. 619 1791, Oct. 18. Sarah, d. of Charles Chidloe, malster, of Wem, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 5. Mary, d. of John Jones, of Low Hill, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 6. William, s. of William Price, of Wem, publican, & Margaretta; ... bap. " Dec. 4. Sarah, d. of John Jackson, of Woodhouse, & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 6. Martha, d. of William Edge, pauper, of Quina Brook, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 26. Richard, s. of Robert Gad, pauper, of Wem, & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 26. Sarah, d. of James Edwards, of Wem, taylor, & Martha ... bap. " Dec. 26. Edward, s. of Moses Peters, of Wem, nayler, & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 26. Fanny, d. of Samuel Bill, pauper, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1787, Dec. 30. Ann, d. of Abraham Jones, pauper, of Tilley, & Ann ... bap. 1792, Jan. 3. John, base s. of Ann Colley, pauper ... bap. " Jan. 3. Ann, d. of Samuel Forgeham, of Wem, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 6. William, s. of William Kilvert, of Wem, grocer, & Ann; ... bap. " Jan. 20. Lucy, d. of Thomas Howel, of Wem, bricklayer, & Lucy ... bap. " Jan. 29. Sarah, d. of Thomas Powel, of Wem, sawyer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Harper, of Wem, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 7. Timothy, base s. of Jane Egerton, pauper ... bap. " Feb. 12. Charles, s. of Francis Owen, parish clark, & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 9. Samuel, s. of Joseph Maddox, pauper, & Hannah ... bap. 620 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1792 1792, Mar. 18. Mary, d. of James Maddox. pauper, & Margaret ... bap. " Mar. 18. George, s. of James Maddox, pauper, & Margaret ... bap. " Mar. 25. Sarah, d. of John Watkiss, of Wem, shoemaker, & Rachael ... bap. " Apr. 8. Thomas, s. of Andrew Allison, pauper, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 15. Joseph, s. of William Berks, of Wem, butcher, & Mary ... bap. " May 8. Hannah, d. of Richard Evans, of Aston, labourer, & Ann ... bap. $" May 10. William, s. of Thomas Beacall, of Lacon, & Ann ... bap. " May 20. Martha, d. of John Higginson, pauper, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 27. John, s. of John Williams, of Tilley, pauper, & Ann ... bap. " May 28. Ann, d. of William Lister, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " June 2. Abraham, s. of John Davies, of Edstaston, & Ann ... bap. " June 10. Sarah, d. of William Cooper, of Aston, pauper, & Tryphena ... bap. " June 17. Sarah, d. of Francis Lyth, of Paddock Green, & Sarah ... bap. " June 29. Margaret, d. of Samuel Egerton, of Wem, pauper, & Sarah ... bap. " July 1. John, s. of John Lewis, of Wem, pauper, & Mary ... bap. " July 29. Mary, d. of Joseph Clawley, of Aston, & Ann ... bap +" Sep. 23. William, s. of William Duckers & Martha, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 23. Thomas, base s. of Ann Astley, of Aston ... bap. " Sep. 23. Mary Ann, d. of Benjmian Roberts & Hannah ... bap. " Sep. 23. Beetrice, d. of Benjmian Roberts & Hannah, of Wem ... bap. 1793] Wem. 621 1792, Sep. 23. John, s. of William Price & Ann, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 23. Richard, s. of John Williams & Elizabeth, pauper, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 23. Thomas, s. of William Sudlow & Jane, pauper, of Wem ... bap. 1788, May 30. Thomas, s. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bap. 1790, May 30. James, s. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bap. 1792, May 30. John, s. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bap. " Oct. 7. Thomas, s. of Richard Williams & Elizabeth, of Soulton ... bap. " Oct. 21. Thomas, s. of Richard Whitehead & Jane, of Wellington ... bap. " Oct. 28. Sarah, d. of John Williams & Jane, bender, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 11. John, base s. of Mary Phillips, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 13. Ann, base d. of Martha Billinghamil, pauper, of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 2. Samuel, s. of Robert Felton & Sarah, of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 9. John, base s. of Ann Peate, a pauper, of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 25. John, s. of John Jenks & Sarah, maltster, of this [sic] ... bap. " Dec. 28. William, s. of William Ore & Deborah, of the New House ... bap. " Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of Francis Porter & Elizabeth, of Aston ... bap. " Dec. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Williams & Martha, of Wem ... bap. " Dec. 30. John, s. of William Hughes & Elizabeth, of Wem ... bap. 1793, Jan. 1. John, s. of John Sandland & Elizabeth, cooper, of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hayward & Katherine, cabinet maker, of Wem ... bap. 622 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1793 1793, Jan. 4. Mary, d. of John Powell & Elinor, sawyear, of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 11. Evan Williams, base s. of Unknown Austin, weaver, of Wem ... bap. " Jan. 30. Richard, s. of Richard Wycherley & Mary, wheelwright, of Wem ... bap. " Feb. 5. Thomas base s. of Ann Maddox, pauper, of Wem ... bap. " Feb. 17. Thomas, s. of Richard Woolham, a carpenter, of Wem, & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 24. Elizabeth, d. of Robert France, of Tilley Park, in Wem, & Alice ... bap. " Mar. 5. Mary, d. of Samuel Powel & Ann, shoemaker, of Wem ... bap. " Mar. 6. Thomas, s. of Edward Gwynn, surgeon, of Wem, & Sarah; born Jan. 6 ... bap. " Mar. 8. George, base s. of Jane Millington, pauper ... bap. " Mar. 10. James, s. of Thomas Bromly, of Tilly, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 30. Anna Maria, a black child ... bap. " Apr. 5. Mary, base d. of Jane Rutter, pauper, of Wem ... bap. " Apr. 7. Ann, d. of Charles Green, sawyer, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 14. William, s. of William Rogers, blacksmith, of Edstaston, & Sarah ... bap. " May 9. Thomas, s. of John Johnson, of Tilly Park, & Mary ... bap. " May 12. Mary, d. of Zacharias Kynaston, labourer, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 14. William, base s. of Sarah Williams, of Tilley Green ... bap. " May 19. Charles, s. of Thomas Astley, labourer, of Aston, & Hannah ... bap. " May 19. Sarah, d. of William Thornhill, pauper, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. " May 19. Elizabeth, d. of William Thornhill, pauper, of Wem, & Mary ... bap. 1793] Wem. 623 1792, Feb. 19. William, s. of William Groom, ~of the One House~, & Elizabeth; born 19 Feb., 1792 ... bap. 1793, May 21. Joseph, s. of John Haycock, of the Ditches, & Mary ... bap. " May 21. William, s. of William Chester, of the Foxholes, & Mary ... bap. " May 27. Thomas, s. of John Powell, labourer, pauper, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 27. Elizabeth, d. of John Elkes, ~of the Alderley Lane~, & Mary ... bap. " June 2. Thomas, s. of Jane Price, wid., pauper, of Wem ... bap. " June 9. Mary, d. of Joseph Jeb, labourer, pauper, of Aston, & Sarah ... bap. " June 9. Joseph, s. of John Lyth, labourer, pauper, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 9. John, base s. of Eleanor Vickers, pauper, of Wem ... bap. 1790, Nov. 10. Mary, d. of Joseph Hildich & Elizabeth; born Nov. 10, 1790 ... bap. 1791, Dec. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Hildich & Elizabeth; born Dec. 30, 1791 ... bap. 1793, June 21. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hildich & Elizabeth; born April 28, 1793 ... bap. " June 23. Ann, d. of William Davies, bender, Wem, & Mary ... bap. " June 23. George, s. of Thomas Harris, flaxdresser, pauper, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 24. Bridget, d. of John Smith & Bridget ... bap. " Aug. 18. William, s. of Joseph Hughes & Hannah, sawyer, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 8. Mary, d. of William Skitt & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 22. Ellen, d. of Paul Briscoe & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 22. Thomas, s. of Andrew Hayward & Jane, hatter, of Wem ... bap. 1789, Sep. 22. William, s. of Thomas Wycherley & Elizabeth ... bap. 1791, Sep. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Wycherley & Elizabeth ... bap. 624 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1793 1793, Sep. 22. Mary, d. of Thomas Wycherley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 22. Jane, d. of George Edge, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 22. Martha, d. of George Edge, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 23. Ann, d. of William Jebb & Ann, miller, of Wem ... bap. " Sep. 24. Sarah, d. of Samuel Bellingham & Sarah, of Tilley Park ... bap. 1791, Sep. 24. Martha, d. of Samuel Bellingham & Sarah, of Tilley Park ~twins~ ... bap. 1791, Sep. 24. Mary, d. of Samuel Bellingham & Sarah, of Tilley Park ~twins~ ... bap. 1793, Sep. 24. P. Richard, s. of John Hughes & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 26. Ann, d. of Robert Hales & Ann, butcher, in Wem (aged 11 months) ... bap. " Sep. 29. James, s. of Samuel Minshall & Mary, blacksmith, in Tilley ... bap. " Sep. 29. George, s. of John Elks & Mary, of Tilley ... bap. " Oct. 11. Ann, d. of Richard Evans, of Aston, laborer, & Ann ... bap. " Oct. 22. Mary Anne, d. of William Glanville & Anne, of Wem ... bap. " Oct. 22. Sarah, d. of Arthur Shingler & Elizabeth, weaver, at Barker's Green ... bap. " Nov. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Bentley & Elizabeth, shoemaker, of Wem ... bap. " Nov. 8. Sarah, d. of John Forester & Elizabeth, of Trench Lane ... bap. " Nov. 12. Maria, base d. of Sarah Thomas, of Barker's Green ... bap. " Dec. 12. Samuel, s. of Joseph Ruscoe, of higher Lacon, & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 29. y Mary, d. of William Micklewright, of Cremore, & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 29. Ann, d. of John Price, of Wem, & Ann ... bap. 1794, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Richard Newnes & Mary, the Mill house ... bap. " Jan. 1. William, s. of John Jones, of the Low hill, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1794] Wem. 625 1794, Jan. 1. Elishia, d. of John Pigeon, runner, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 1. William, s. of George Adams, of the Ware, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 1. Mary, d. of John Yale, deceased, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 14. John, s. of Thomas James, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " do. [sic]... William, base s. of Elizabeth James ... bap. " Feb. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Bill, & Elizabeth, pauper ... bap. " Feb. 28. Mary, d. of Arthur Hales, of Edstaston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 28. John, s. of Thomas Hayward, cabinet maker, & Catharine ... bap. " Mar. 9. Sarah, d. of William Powell, joiner, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 23. Elizabeth, d. of John Jackson, of the Woodhouse, & Martha ... bap. " Mar. 30. Francis Porter, s. of Francis Porter, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 8. Mary, d. of Edward Austin, a weaver, in Wem, & Esther ... bap. " Apr. 13. Joseph, s. of John Booth, of Aston, labourer, & Martha ... bap. " Apr. 20. William, s. of Arthur Cooke, flaxdresser, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 22. James, s. of William Maddocks, pauper, a tailor, & Hannah ... bap. " May 2. Martha Garmstone, d. of William Lane, & Ann ... bap. " May 2. Ann, d. of John Drury & Hannah ... bap. " May 2. Phoebe Ann, d. of James Woodall, officer of excise, & Sarah Jane ... bap. " May 2. Eliza, d. of James Woodall, &c., as above [sic] ... bap. " May 2. Bookey, s. of William Griffith, mercer, & Mary ... bap " May 30. John, s. of William Pigeon, butcher, in Wem, & Deborah ~John and Edward - twins~ ... bap. " May 30. Edward, s. of William Pigeon, butcher, in Wem, & Deborah ~John and Edward - twins~ ... bap. 626 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1794 1794, June 4. Edward, s. of Edward Gwynn, surgeon, & Sarah ... bap. " June 6. Thomas, base s. of Ann Philips ... bap. " June 8. John, s. of Joseph Ravenscroft, of Horton, & Ann ... bap. " June 10. Richard, s. of Samuel Minshall, blacksmith, in Wem, & Mary ... bap. " June 15. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Green, a weaver, & Mary ... bap. " July 6. George, s. of John Weaver, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " July 6. John, s. of Adam Leyland, wheelwright, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 13. Robert, s. of William Price, a pauper, & Margaret ... bap. " July 20. John Dutton, s. of Richard Walker, reverend, of Wem, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 20. William, s. of William Mathews, of Aston, & Tryphoena ... bap. " July 29. William, s. of William Phillips, of Wem, wheelright, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 10. William, s. of John Hayward, shoemaker, & Sarah, a pauper ... bap. " Aug. 10. Samuel, s. of Edward Angel, of the Alderley Lane, & Margaret ... bap. " Aug. 10. William, s. of Thomas Micklewright, of the One House, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 24. Charlotte, d. of Benjamin Roberts, breechesmaker, & Hannah ... bap. " Aug. 31. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Cowley, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 2. George, s. of Thomas Beacall, of Lacon, & Ann ... bap. 1792, Sep. 4. Thomas, s. of George Lyth, of Tilly, pauper, & Ann ... bap. 1794, Sep. 4. George, s. of George Lyth, of Tilly, pauper, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 21. Hannah, d. of William Clawley, of Pool-head, & Hannah ... bap. " Sep. 21. Ann, d. of Thomas Morgan, blacksmith at Horton, & Ann ... bap. 1795] Wem. 627 1794, Sep. 21. George, s. of Thomas Weaver, net maker, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Powell, sawyer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 21. Richard, s. of John Lith, labourer, & Elizabeth, a pauper ... bap. " Sep. 2 2 . Thomas, s. of James Garbet & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 29. Thomas, s. of Robert Hales, butcher, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 30. Ann, d. of John Roberts, of Paddock Green, & Sarah ... bap. 1792, Oct. 5. James, s. of Edward Harris & Hannah ... bap. 1794, Oct. 5. Edward, s. of Edward Harris & Hannah ... bap. " Oct. 14. Josias, base s. of Charlotte Cotes, ~the reputed father Philip Lawton~ ... bap. " Nov. 25. Susanna, d. of Thomas Worrall, wheelmaker, at Tilley Green, & Susanna ... bap. " Dec. 7. Andrew, s. of Charles Chidloe, & Sarah ~Andrew and William are twins~ ... bap. " Dec. 7. William, s. of Charles Chidloe, & Sarah ~Andrew and William are twins~ ... bap. 1792, Dec. 27. Mary, d. of William Dean, vintner, & Ann ... bap. 1794, Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of William Dean, vintner, & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 28. Mary, d. of Richard Williams, of Soulton mill, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 28. Mary, d. of William Duckers, of Wem, & Martha ~m. She has renounced her faith and gone to the swill hole, aged 20 years and 6 days.~ ... bap. " Dec. 29. Susanna, d. of Thomas Gregory & Susanna ... bap. " Dec. 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas Gregory & Susanna ... bap. " Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Gregory & Susanna ... bap. " Dec. 30. Richard, s. of John Maddocks & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of John Maddocks & Sarah ... bap. " Dec. 30. John, s. of John Richards & Ann ... bap. 1795, Jan. 1. Francis, s. of John Sandland, cooper, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 1. Martha, d. of Thomas Llewellin & Mary ... bap. 1791, Jan. 1. John, s. of Samuel Forgham, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. 1793, Jan. 1. Samuel, s. of Samuel Forgham, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. 1795, Jan. 1. Mary, d. of Samuel Forgham, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 4. Roger, s. of Thomas Brown, of Tilley, & Jane ... bap. 628 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1795 1795, Jan. 6. Mary, d. of Abraham Darlington, of Horton, & Ann ... Dap. " Jan. 20. Samuel, s. of Richard Jebb & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 20. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Lee, of the Poolhead, & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 27. John, s. of William Groome, of the One House, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 8. Sarah, d. of Ann Millington ~reputed d. of John Groome, of Wolverley,~... bap. " Feb. 15. William, s. of Mary Thomas, ~reputed f. William Holden~ of Barker's Green ... bap. " Feb. 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Jones, of Tilly Green, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 17. Jane, d. of John Lamb, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 20. Fanny Spendlove, d. of Thomas Davies, taylor, & Mary ... bap " Mar. 3. Mary, d. of Francis Evans & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 8. Martha, d. of Samuel Bellingham, of Tilly Park, & Sarah ... bap. " Mar. 15. William, s. of John Watkiss, shoemaker, & Rachel ... bap. " Mar. 25. John, s. of Thomas Bentley & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Bromley, of Tilly, a millwright, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 2. Jane, d. of William Hales, of the Lane, & Lea ... bap. " Apr. 6. Thomas, s. of James Edwards, taylor, & Martha ... bap. " Apr. 7. John, s. of John Harris, of Soulton dairy house, & Rebecca ... bap. " Apr. 7. Thomas, s. of Richard Newes, of the Mill house, & Mary ... bap. " Apr. 7. John, s. of Thomas Abbotts, of Tilley Green, & Rebecca ... bap. " Apr. 7. Mary, base d. of Sarah Beddow ... bap. " Apr. 12. Thomas, s. of William Ruscoe, of the Low, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 19. John, s. of Richard Evans, of Aston, & Ann ... bap. 1795] Wem. 629 1795, May 5. Elizabeth, d. of Zacharias Kynaston, of Horton, & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 15. Martha, d. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bap. " May 24. Jane, d. of John Williams & Jane ... bap. " May 24. Elizabeth, d. of John Hayward, a shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. 1793, May 26. Jane, d. of John Newnes, ~of the Well house~, & Ann ... bap. 1795, May 26. Martha, d. of John Newnes, ~of the Well house~, & Ann ... bap. " May 29. Thomas, s. of Thomas Parry, & Sarah ~twins; of Hillcop bank~ ... bap. " May 29. William, s. of Thomas Parry, of Hillcop bank, & Sarah ~twins; of Hillcop bank~ ... bap. 1793, May 29. Joseph, s. of John Watkiss, blacksmith, & Mary ... bap. 1795, May 29. Margaret, d. of John Watkiss, blacksmith, & Mary ... bap. " May 30. Sarah, d. of John Haycock, of the Ditches, & Mary ... bap. " May 31. Sarah, base d. of Thomas Ore Ore & Sarah ... bap. " May 31. Thomas Bowen, s. of Richard Humphrys & Hester ... bap. " June 2. John, s. of Thomas Davies, taylor, & Jane ~f. Renounced his faith in the 20th year of his age.~ ... bap. " June 2. Sarah, d. of John Higginson, of Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 7. Margaret, d. of Charles Ashley, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " June 7. William, s. of John Powell, laborer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 21. George, s. of Samuel Griffith, junr., & Sarah ... bap. " June 21. John, s. of John Bellies Dulson & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 26. Jane, d. of Thomas Wycherley, a wheelwright, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 28. William, s. of Abraham Darlington, of Horton, & Ann ... bap. " June 29. Peter, s. of John Cowley, cooper, & Dinah ... bap. " July 5. Joseph, s. of Joseph Clawley, of Barker's Green, wheelwright, & Ann ... bap. 630 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1795 1795, July 12. James, s. of William Hughes, laborer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 19. Mary, base d. of Ann Newbrooke ... bap. " July 28. Samuel, s. of Samuel Bill & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 16. Elizabeth, d. of John Elkes, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 30. Mary, d. of Edward Williams, of the Lowe, & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 30. Frances, d. of Thomas Harper, flaxdresser, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 13. Phoebe, d. of David Kitchin, mercer in Wem, & Susanna ... bap. " Sep. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Mason, cabinet maker, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 20. Deborah, d. of John Briscoe, baker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 20. Sarah, d. of John Weaver, shoemaker, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Birch, laborer, & Susanna ... bap. " Sep. 22. Richard, s. of Thomas James, shoemaker, & Mary ~f. turned dipper, and goes to the swilling hole~ ... bap. " Sep. 22. Joseph, s. of Joseph Ravenscroft, of Horton, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 27. Richard, s. of William Sudlow & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 29. Martha, d. of Samuel Youd, dier, of Whitchurch, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 4. William, s. of Francis Sherratt, of the Pool-head, taylor, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 16. John, s. of Richard Hewett & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 18. William, s. of Richard Forgham, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Nov. 1. Sarah, d. of John Bagshaw, of the White Horse Inn, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Nov. 8. William, s. of Thomas Wollam, of Edstaston, & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 15. William, s. of Mary Thornhill ~reputed father Thomas Griffith~ ... bap. 1796] Wem. 631 1795, Nov. 18. George Stringer, s. of Edward Gwynn, surgeon, & Sarah ... bap. " Nov. 24. Thomas, s. of John Hales Hillage & Jane ~reputed son of...~ ... bap. " Dec. 15. William, base s. of Jane Davis, ~reputed father Edward Griffith~ ... bap. " Dec. 28. William, s. of John Piggott & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 31. George, s. of Joseph Ruscoe, of Lacon, & Ann ... bap. 1796, Jan. 1. Richard, s. of Andrew Howard, hatter, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 1. Mary Ann, base d. of Elizabeth Philips, ~reputed father Thomas Jenkins~ ... bap. " Jan. 5. Thomas, s. of William Jebb, milner, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 8. Stephen, s. of John Davis, of Edstaston, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 17. Sarah, d. of Charles Green, sawyer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Jan. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Parker, breeches maker, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 25. Thomas Noneley, s. of William Griffith, mercer, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 30. Ann, base d. of Sarah Ebrey, ~reputed father Charles Evans~ ... bap. " Feb. 2. Ann, base s. of Eleanor Vickers ... bap. " Feb. 10. Richard, base s. of Jane Watkiss, ~reputed father William Glanville~ ... bap. " Feb. 19. James, s. of Richard Lewis, of Tilly Green, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 28. Richard, s. of William Pigeon, butcher, & Deborah ... bap. " Apr. 1. Ann, d. of Thomas Brooks, sawyer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 3. Mary, d. of Adam Leyland, wheelwright, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 12. John, s. of Arthur Shingler, a weaver at Barker's Green, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 17. John, s. of Francis Porter & Elizabeth ... bap. 632 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1796 1796, Apr. 19. Edward, s. of William Powell, joiner, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 22. Mary, base s. of Ann Richards ... bap. " May 1. Sarah, d. of Robert French, of Tilly-Park, & Alice ... bap. " May 3. Mary, d. of Daniel Basford, clockmaker, in Wem, & Jane ... bap. " May 3. Richard, s. of Daniel Basford, clockmaker, in Wem, & Jane ... bap. " May 3. Thomas, s. of Daniel Basford, clockmaker, in Wem, & Jane ... bap. " May 3. William, s. of Daniel Basford, clockmaker, in Wem, & Jane ... bap. " May 3. Margaret, d. of Daniel Basford, clockmaker, in Wem, & Jane ... bap. " May 8. Henry, s. of Robert Lloyd, of Tilly, & Eleanor ... bap. " May 17. Sarah, d. of John Hales, of the Trench Farm, & Isabella ... bap. " May 17. Jone, d. of George Lith, laborer, & Ann ... bap. " May 29. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin Roberts, breeches-maker in Wem, & Hannah ... bap. " July 12. Barnabas, s. of Thomas Gregory, hairdresser, & Susanna ... bap. " July 24. Charlotte, d. of Francis Owen, parish clerk, & Ann ... bap. " Aug. 2. Charles, s. of Richard Green, sexton, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 12. Sarah, d. of Robert Gregory, blacksmith, & Ann ... bap " Aug. 23. Alice, d. of Francis Lith, of Paddock Green, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davies, taylor, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of Thomas Powell, sawyer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. Mary, d. of William Astlev, laborer, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of Joseph Jackson, shoemaker, & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 25. Mary, d. of John Maddocks & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 25. William, s. of John Forester, laborer, Trench Lane, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 25. Elizabeth, d. of John Dulson, of Aston, & Ann ... bap. 1797] Wem. 633 1796, Sep. 27. Ann, d. of William Shinton, glazier, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 27. Susanna, d. of William Cooper, of the Low, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 27. Sarah, d. of Thomas Morgan, of the Low, a blacksmith, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 27. Joseph, s. of Arthur Cooke, flaxdresser, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 2. Ann, d. of John Jones, of the Low Hill, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 9. Peter, s. of Peter Roles, of Edstaston, & Jane ~twins~ ... bap. " Oct. 9. John, s. of Peter Roles, of Edstaston, & Jane ~twins~ ... bap. " Nov. 8. Henry, s. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bap. " Nov. 20. John, s. of Philip Ore, of Tilly, & Margaret ... bap. " Nov. 20. Ann, d. of Edward Edwards, of Paddock Green, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Dec. 9. Jane, d. of Roger Kynaston, ~overlooker of the work-house in Wem~, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Brown, of Tilly, & Jane ... bap. " Dec. 30. Thomas, s. of John Richards, of Cremore bank, & Hannah ... bap. 1797, Jan. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davies, deceased, taylor, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 3. Charlotte, d. of James Woodall, officer of excise, & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 3. Ann, d. of Andrew Howard, hatter, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 15. John, s. of John Bagshaw, ~of the White Horse Inn~, & Eliza ... bap. " Jan. 13. Mary, d. of John Morris & Sarah ... bap. " Jan. 13. Joseph, s. of Joseph Clay, farrier in Wem, & Susanna ... bap. 1795, Feb. 2. John, s. of Richard Edge, of Tilly, & Sarah ... bap. 1797, Feb. 2. Mary, d. of Richard Edge, of Tilly, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 10. William, s. of Thomas Worrall, of Tilly Green, & Susannah ... bap. 634 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1797 1797, Feb. 14. Thomas, s. of Richard Hewitt & Jane ... bap. " Feb. 17. Susanna, d. of William Jones, of Tilley Brook, & Margaret ... bap. " Feb. 17. Joseph, s. of William Chesters, of Horton, & Mary ... bap. " Feb. 19. Samuel, base s. of Sarah Jones, ~reputed father Samuel Groome~ ... bap. " Feb. 26. Thomas, s. of John Lith, laborer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 28. Ann, d. of Richard Newnes, of the Mill house, & Mary ... bap. " Mar. 14. Samuel Colley, base s. of Ann Lane, wid., ~reputed father Samuel Colley, malster~ ... bap. " Mar. 19. Catharine, d. of John Spinks & Catharine, travellers ... bap. " Mar. 26. Joseph, s. of Arthur Cooke & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 31. Charles, s. of Charles Smith, of Cotton wood, & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 2. Thomas, s. of John Maddocks, & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 11. George, s. of Thomas Higgins, apothecary, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 23. Ann, d. of William Dean & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 28. Hannah Heatley, base s. of Mary Williams, ~reputed father Richard Heatley~ ... bap. " Apr. 30. Martha, base d. of Sarah Williams, ~reputed father John Hill~ ... bap. " May 5. Margaret Eliza, d. of Thomas Howell, bricklayer, & Lucy ... bap. " May 9. Elizabeth, d. of John Price & Ann ... bap. " May 9. Mary, base d. of Sarah Prees, ~reputed father Abraham Powell~ ... bap. " May 9. Charlotte, base d. of Sarah Prees, ~reputed father Abraham Powell~ ... bap. " May 21. Robert, base d. of Martha Bellingham, ~reputed father John Tedder~ ... bap " May 28. George, s. of Thomas Harris, flaxdresser, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1797] Wem. 635 1797, May 29. Elizabeth, d. of John Sandland, cooper, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 6. Thomas, s. of John Davies, Edstaston, & Ann ... bap. " June 11. John, s. of John Smith, shoemaker, & Sarah ... bap. " June 11. Richard, s. of Richard Weaver, of Edstaston, & Hannah ... bap. " June 18. John, s. of John Williams, a bender, & Jane ... bap. " July 25. Thomas, s. of Joseph Hilditch, ~of the Bull's Head Inn~, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 6. William, s. of John Elkes, of Tilley, farmer, & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 9. John Miles, s. of John Hales, of Trench Farm, & Isabella ... bap. " Aug. 27. Margaret, d. of Zacharias Kynaston & Elizabeth ... bap. " Aug. 27. George, s. of George Edge & Mary ... bap. " Aug. 27. Susanna, d. of John Minshall, blacksmith, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Jane, d. of Thomas Wollam, of Edstaston, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 24. James, s. of Thomas Davies, taylor, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas Llewellin & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Richard, base s. of Ann Fumpson, ~reputed father Richard Fox~ ... bap. " Sep. 25. Joseph, s. of John Abbotts, of Tilley, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 25. Eleanor, d. of John Haycock, of the Ditches, & Mary ... bap " Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of John Watkiss, shoemaker, & Rachel ... bap " Sep. 26. Elizabeth, d. of George Price, of Tilley Green, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 29. Susanna, d. of David Kitching, mercer, & Susanna ... bap. 636 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1797 1795, Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Darlington, butcher, ~of the Talbott inn~, & Sarah ... bap. 1797, Oct. 2. Abraham, s. of Thomas Darlington, butcher, ~of the Talbott inn~, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Bentley, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 8. Richard, s. of Richard Williams, of Aston, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Oct. 15. Thomas, s. of William Astley & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 7. William, base s. of Mary Taylor, ~reputed father Thomas Watkin~ ... bap. " Nov. 19. Ann, d. of William Sudlow & Jane ... bap. " Nov. 26. Mary, d. of William Matthews, of Aston, & Tryphoena ... bap. " Nov. 26. Margaret, d. of John Kerry, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 5. Andrew, s. of Thomas Beacall, of Lacon, & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 8. Mary, d. of Samuel Bill, bricklayer, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1798, Jan. 6. Sarah, d. of Abraham Darlington, of Horton, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 12. Rebecca, d. of James Howard & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 14. Thomas, s. of Richard Forgham, shoemaker, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 14. Peter, s. of John Hales, of Tilley, & Jane ... bap. " Jan. 16. Mary, d. of William Jebb, miller, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 21. David, s. of Thomas Bromley, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Jan. 28. Charles, s. of Thomas Gregory, hairdresser, & Susanna ... bap. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Hales, butcher, & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 2. Margaret, d. of Robert Hales, butcher, & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 20. Ann, d. of Joseph Clawley, a wheelwright at Barker's Green, & Ann ... bap. " Feb. 20. Ann, d. of John Chettoe, of Edstaston, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1798] Wem. 637 1798, Feb. 25. Catharine, d. of Samuel Parker, breeches-maker, & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 4. David, s. of Edward Jones & Jane ... bap. " Mar. 9. John, base d. of Elizabeth Rutter ... bap. " Mar. 11. Mary, base d. of Rebecca Randles ... bap. " Mar. 27. John, s. of Francis Sherratt, taylor, at Tilley, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 1. Hannah, d. of Robert Lloyd, of Tilley, & Eleanor ... bap. " Apr. 1. William, d. of Mary Ebrey ~reputed father George Griffith~, ... bap. " Apr. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Edge, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bap. " Apr. 8. Ann, d. of Francis Clayton, shoemaker, & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 10. Mary, d. of Richard Jones & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 10. John, s. of John Walmsley, of Cremore, & Ann ... bap. " May 6. Sarah, d. of John Howard & Sarah ... bap. " May 17. George, s. of Hugh Pemberton, of Barker's Green, & Sarah ... bap. " May 20. Samuel, base s. of Mary Patrick, ~reputed father Thomas Hodson~ ... bap. " June 17. Abraham, s. of Joseph Ruscoe, of Lacon, & Ann ... bap. " June 17. Margaret, d. of George Lyth & Ann ... bap. " June 19. Jane, d. of Daniel Basford, clockmaker, & Jane ... bap. " June 22. Thomas, s. of Thomas Gough, currier, & Ann ... bap. " June 28. Hannah, d. of William Hughes & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 22. John, s. of John Piggot & Mary ... bap. " July 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Sutton & Hannah ... bap. " July 22. Maria, base d. of Martha Evans, ~reputed father William Weaver~ ... bap. " July 31. Thomas, s. of John Birch & Susanna ... bap. " Aug. 5. John, s. of Joseph Jackson, shoemaker, & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 7. Richard, s. of Richard Hewett & Jane ... bap. 638 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1798 1798, Aug. 10. William, s. of Thomas Worrall, of Tilley Green, & Susanna ... bap. " Aug. 12. Edward, s. of Thomas Davies, of the Ditches, & Esther ... bap. " Aug. 23. Diana, base d. of Unknown Unknown ... bap. " Sep. 2. Susanna, d. of Joseph Clay, farrier, & Susanna ... bap. " Sep. 4. William, base s. of Hannah Ragg, ~reputed father Edward Richards, schoolmaster~ ... bap. " Sep. 7. John, s. of John Shinton, shoemaker, in Tilley, & Eleanor ... bap. " Sep. 16. Susanna, d. of William Watkiss, of Spittlefield, London, & Susanna ... bap. " Sep. 18. Sarah, d. of Francis Lyth, of Paddock Green, & Sarah ... bap. " Sep. 23, the Wakes. Martha, d. of John Briscoe, baker, & Elizabeth ... bap. 1796, Sep. 23. Samuel, s. of Samuel Powell, shoemaker, & Ann ... bap. 1798, Sep. 23. Ann, d. of Samuel Powell, shoemaker, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 23. Joseph, s. of William Duckers & Martha ... bap. " Sep. 23. Margaret, d. of John Lamb, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. Ann, d. of Richard Green, sexton, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 23. Samuel, s. of John Powell & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 24. John, s. of John Dulson, of Aston, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 25. John, s. of John Newnes & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 25. John, s. of Thomas Cowley, wheelright, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 25. Thomas, s. of George Higgins, bricklayer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 30. John, s. of William Rogers, of Edstaston, blacksmith, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 12. Betty, d. of John Weaver & Jane ... bap. " Oct. 14. Jane, d. of William Powell, carpenter, & Sarah ... bap. " Oct. 14. Mary, d. of Richard Woollam, a sawyer, & Ann ... bap. + Name written very large. 1799] Wem. 639 1798, Nov. 9. Elizabeth, d. of William Hales, of the Lane, & Lea ... bap. " Dec. 23. Jane, d. of William Deakin, of the Ruewood, & Eleanor ... bap. 1784, Jan. 1. John, s. of John Gough & Mary, aged 15 years ... bap. 1799, Jan. 13. Elizabeth, base d. of Abigail Lewis, ~reputed father Robert Youd~, of Whitchurch ... bap. " Jan. 22. Ann, d. of William Owen, cabinet maker, & Ann ... bap. " Jan. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas Darlington, butcher, & Sarah ... bap. " Feb. 3. Richard, s. of Thomas Price, of Tilly, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Feb. 17. William, s. of John Richards, of Cremore bank, & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 3. Samuel, s. of Thomas Morgan, of the Lowe, & Ann ... bap. " Mar. 10. Ann, d. of John Jones, a sawyer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Mar. 24. Mary, d. of John Bagshaw, ~of the White Horse Inn~, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Apr. 30. Thomas, s. of John Walmsley, of Creamore, & Ann ... bap. " Apr. 30. Thomas, s. of Benjamin Billington, & Mary ... bap. " May 5. Robert, s. of Thomas Woodfin Davies & Jane ... bap. 1772, May 24. Sarah, d. of John Hayward & Ann, supposed to be 27 years of age ... bap. 1799, May 29. William, s. of John Jarvis & Ann ... bap. " May 29. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Brookes & Elizabeth ... bap. " May 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Cowley & Mary ... bap. " June 14. John, s. of Aaron Huxley, of Northwood, & Mary ... bap. 640 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1799 1799, June 16. Thomas, s. of Edward Edwards, deceased, of Tallen Green, of Hanmer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " June 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Howell, bricklayer, & Lucy ... bap. " June 21. Margaret, base d. of Ann Stubs, ~reputed father John Pearce~ ... bap. " June 23. Hannah, d. of Robert Davies, of Barker's Green, & Margaret ... bap. " June 23. William, s. of Robert Davies, of Barker's Green, & Margaret ... bap. " June 28. Edward, s. of Edward Groom, of the Foxholes, & Martha ... bap. " June 29. Phillis, d. of Charles Smith, of Cotton wood, & Ann ... bap. " June 30. Charles, s. of Charles Green, sawyer, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 9. Ann, d. of John Hales, of Trench Farm, & Isabella ... bap. " July 9. Margaret, base d. of Jane Davies, ~a number of reputed fathers~ ... bap. " July 21. Betty, d. of Richard Wolam & Ann ... bap. 1797, Sep. 22. Samuel, s. of Edward Gwynne, surgeon, & Sarah, ... bap. 1799, July 28. Mary, d. of Arthur Cooke, flaxdresser, & Elizabeth ... bap. " July 28. Joseph, s. of Joseph Jackson, shoemaker, & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 4. Mary, d. of Richard Lewis, of Tilley Green, & Sarah ... bap. " Aug. 11. George, base s. of Robert Sandland, & Ann Allison ... bap. 1787, Aug. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Maddocks, of Barker's Green, & Hannah, ... bap. 1799, Aug. 11. Mary, base d. of Mary Maddocks, ~reputed father William Hinton~ ... bap. " Aug. 11. Sarah, d. of John Smith, shoemaker, & Sarah ~Sarah and Martha are twins~ ... bap. " Aug. 11. Martha, d. of John Smith, shoemaker, & Sarah ~Sarah and Martha are twins~ ... bap. 1799] Wem. 641 1797, Aug. 16. Richard, s. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bap. 1799, Aug. 16. Mary, d. of George Powell, of the Brockhurst, & Martha ... bap. " Aug. 18. John, s. of Richard Hamnet, of Aston, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 1. Thomas, s. of Thomas Llewellin, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 1. Martha, d. of John Maddocks & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 8. Thomas, s. of John Maddocks, of Quino Brook, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 15. Mary, d. of John Price & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 22. Mary, d. of John Abbotts, of Tilley, & Jane ... bap. " Sep. 22. Robert, s. of Philip Hales, of Tilley Park, & Ann ... bap. " Sep. 22. William, s. of Walter Hales, butcher, & Elizabeth ... bap. " Sep. 22. Jane, d. of Joseph Jones, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 22. William, s. of James Howard & Mary ... bap. " Sep. 24. Martha, d. of John Elkes, of Tilley, & Mary ... bap. " Oct. 4. Mary, d. of Thomas Gough, currier, & Ann ... bap. " Nov. 24. Mary, d. of Richard Filkin, of Tilley, & Ann ... bap. " Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Arthur Millington, sawyer, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Arthur Millington, sawyer, & Mary ... bap. " Dec. 31. David, s. of Joseph Ruscoe, of Lacon, & Ann ... bap. 642 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1746 1746, Aug. 18. Elizabeth, w. of James Forgham ... bur. " Sep. 6. Thomas Kynaston, of Wem, dyer ... bur. " Sep. 17. Martha, w. of John Hilditch, of Wem, beaker ... bur. " Sep. 22. Catharine Hill, of Edstaston ... bur. " Sep. 25. Edward Barrow, labourer, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 26. John Eddowes, mercer, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 28. Elizabeth Howels, of Edstaston ... bur. " Oct. 9. Thomas, s. of Thomas Chettoe, bricklayer, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 3. John Davis, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " Nov. 5. Samuel Forgham, towdresser ... bur. " Nov. 6. Francis, s. of Francis Sandland, of Wem, cooper ... bur. " Nov. 19. Elizabeth Evans ... bur. " Nov. 23. Thomas Stannage, tayler, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 29. Elizabeth, d. of Peter Pidgeon, of Wem, bucher ... bur. " Dec. 3. William, s. of William Hinton, of Quinner brook ... bur. " Dec. 13. Thomas Stones, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Dec. 18. Joice Rogers, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 22. Thomas Rutter, of Northwood, poper ... bur. " Dec. 26. Penelope, d. of Joseph Ball, of Tilley, blacksmith ... bur. " Dec. 28. Elenor Jones ~Whilch Elenor Jones?~ ... bur. *" Dec. 24. Elenor, w. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, wellright ... bur. " Dec. 29. Unknown Rutter, wid., of Northwood ... bur. " Jan. 7. Martha Hayward ... bur. " Jan. 11. John Higginson, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 16. George Tyler, reverend, late Rector of Petton ... bur. 1747] Wem. 643 1746, Jan. 24. John Rogers, of Cotton ... bur. " Feb. 17. Dorothy, w. of William Hinton ... bur. " Mar. 2. Unknown Chidloe, wid., of Soulton ... bur. " Mar. 7. Mary, d. of James Richard, of Edstaston Hall ... bur. " Mar. 17. Richard, s. of Samuel Davis & Sara ... bur. 1747, Apr. 14. Elizabeth Steventon, ~d. in law to Edward Austin, of Wem, carpenter~ ... bur. " Apr. 22. Grizzel, w. of John Wynne, of Edstaston ... bur. " May 23. John Allinson, of Wem, shoomaker ... bur. " May 25. Martha, d. of Roweland Bankes, of Wem ... bur. " May 25. Anne, w. of Francis Sandland, of Wem, cooper ... bur. " May 30. Richard Eaton, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " June 5. Margaret, w. of John Fardoe, of Wem ... bur. " June 9. Mary, w. of James Brown, of Horton ... bur. " June 29. Margrett Pugh ... bur. " July 1. Thomas Weaver. of Wem ... bur. " July 16. Edward Jones, of Wem, gardener ... bur. " July 23. John Jones, of the Low ... bur. " Sep. 13. Edward Austin, of Wem, carpenter ... bur. " Sep. 15. Mary, w. of John Ebrey, of the Trench farme ... bur. " Sep. 26. William, s. of George France, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 1. Peter, s. of Thomas Pidgeon, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 9. John Griffith, of Tilley, wever ... bur. " Oct. 19. John, s. of James Richards, of Edstaston Hall ... bur. " Oct. 26. Mary Griffith, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Oct. 28. Joseph Ball, of Tilley, blacksmith ... bur. " Dec. 2. Mary Holebrooke, of Tilley Green ... bur. " Dec. 7. Margrett, w. of Barner Deane ... bur. " Dec. 15. Anne, w. of Rowland Whitinham, of Aston ... bur. " Dec. 27. John Ditoe, of Wem ... bur. 644 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1747 1747, Jan. 6. Sarah Rogers, of Cotton, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 13. Joseph, s. of Roger Maddox ... bur. " Jan. 27. James Forgham, of Chramer, poper ... bur. " Jan. 29. Thomas, s. of Samuel Barns, of Wem, inholder ... bur. " Feb. 16. Frances, d. of Thomas Night ... bur. " Feb. 18. Elizabeth Williams, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 19. Thomas Jones, of Wem, post [sic]... bur. " Feb. 20. Elizabeth, w. of John Williams, of Wem, inholder ... bur. " Mar. 1. Sarah, d. of Richard Gadd ... bur. " Mar. 5. Catharine, w. of Samuel Barnes ... bur. " Mar. 11. Sarah Humpherson, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Mar. 15. John Griffith, of Edstaston ... bur. 1748, Apr. 6. Catherine, w. of Richard Brown, of the Low ... bur. " Apr. 7. Martha, w. of Randle Phillips, of Tilley ... bur. " Apr. 26. Rowland Whitingham, of Aston ... bur. " Apr. 26. William, s. of Unknown Wicksteed, wid., of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 29. Unknown Ball, wid., of Wem ... bur. " May 7. Unknown Appleton, reverend ... bur. " May 10. Martha, w. of Lowis Evans ... bur. " May 17. Elizabeth Chaddock, of Wem ... bur. " May 25. Elizabeth Hayward, of Wem, poper ... bur. " June 3. John, s. of Richard Wycherley ... bur. " July 14. Thomas Griffith, of Edstaston ... bur. " July 22. Sarah Deane, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 9. Mary, w. of Randel Shenton ... bur. " Aug. 10. Robert Davis, of Tyley ... bur. " Sep. 2. John, s. of Thomas Jess ... bur. " Oct. 6. Richard Tyler, of Horton ... bur. " Oct. 27. Thomas, s. of Robert Cottam, of Wem, hatmaker ... bur. " Nov. 5. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Challener ... bur. " Nov. 13. Thomas Challener, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. *" Nov. 10. John, s. of Edward Austin, late of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 24. Hannah, d. of Richard Prince, of Aston ... bur. 1749] Wem. 645 1748, Dec. 24. John, s. of William Tyler, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 26. Mary Griffith, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Dec. 31. Edward Phillips, of Tilley, paper ... bur. " Dec. 31. Elizabeth Reeves, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Jan. 3. William Cotton ... bur. " Jan. 15. Joseph Ashford, glasher, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 18. John Harris, of Wem, tanner ... bur. " Jan. 20. John Williams, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 8. Jane Pugh, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 17. Mary, w. of John Fox, of Aston ... bur. " Mar. 8. Richard Richards, of the Lowe ... bur. " Mar. 24. Mary Sandland, poper ... bur. 1749, Mar. 25. William, s. of James Richards, of Edstaston ... bur. " Mar. 31. Anne, d. of William Allinson ... bur. " Mar. 31. John, s. of Thomas Lee ... bur. " Apr. 5. Unknown, s. of Isaac Chiddock ... bur. " Apr. 6. Mary, d. of Mary Forgham ... bur. " Apr. 10. Roland Hill, paper ... bur. " Apr. 14. Anne, d. of Thomas Besswick ... bur. " Apr. 16. William, s. of Richard Randles, of Wem, bucher ... bur. " Apr. 18. Unknown Moreton, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 24. Richard, s. of Robert Meers, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Apr. 26. Mary, d. of Richard Randels, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 27. John, s. of Daniel Cooper & Anne ... bur. " Apr. 27. Thomas, s. of John Snape ... bur. " Apr. 30. William, s. of Thomas Smith & Mary ... bur. " May 6. Edward, s. of John Willson & his w. ... bur. " May 9. Thomas Maddox, of Wem, taler ~buried with his son, Joseph, on the same day~ ... bur. " May 9. Joseph, s. of Thomas Maddox ~buried with his father on the same day~... bur. " May 14. Mary, d. of Thomas Fradswell ... bur. " May 14. Joseph, s. of Thomas Sharrett ... bur. " May 16. Anne, d. of Robert Hales, of Wem, bucher, & his w. ... bur. " May 19. Mary, d. of Thomas Forgham, of Wem ... bur. 646 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1749 1749, May 20. Unknown, s. of William Milengton ... bur. " May 21. Anne, d. of John Hill, of the foxholes, & his w. ... bur. " May 25. Elizabeth, d. of John Berks ... bur. " May 27. Mary, d. of Samuel Griffith ... bur. " May 29. Thomas, s. of Samuel Griffith ... bur. " June 3. Thomas, s. of Thomas Davis ... bur. " June 3. Unknown, d. of William Milling ... bur. " June 5. Samuel Barnes ... bur. " June 8. Elizabeth, d. of James Burrey was baptized. " June 15. Mary, d. of Thomas Griffith ... bur. " June 16. Mary, w. of Thomas Knight ... bur. " June 18. Joseph, s. of Thomas Ashford ... bur. " July 2. Anne, d. of Anne Davis, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " July 6. Thomas, s. of Morgin Vaughan ... bur. " July 12. Thomas, s. of Challiner Sandland ... bur. " July 13. Richard, s. of Thomas Harris ... bur. " July 14. Elizabeth Forgham, wid. ... bur. " July 31. Elizabeth, d. of James Watkin ... bur. " Aug. 12. Richard, s. of Richard Wycherley ... bur. " Aug. 14. John, s. of Francis Owen ... bur. " Aug. 21. Roger Basnett ... bur. " Aug. 26. Sarah Lloyd ... bur. " Sep. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Peerce ... bur. " Sep. 3. Robert Bickley ... bur. " Sep. 7. Joseph, s. of Thomas Peerce ... bur. " Sep. 10. Mary, w. of William Wilekinson ... bur. " Sep. 19. Mary, w. of Thomas Smith, of Wem shoemaker ... bur. " Oct. 2. Margret, w. of Richard Astley, of Wanhows ... bur. " Oct. 9. Catherine Barnes ... bur. " Oct. 21. Catherine Chettoe ... bur. " Oct. 28. Samuel Wright, poper ... bur. " Oct. 31. Elizabeth, d. of William Beacol ... bur. " Nov. 15. Richard Hale ... bur. " Dec. 25. Thomas Price ... bur. " Dec. 28. John Phillips, poper ... bur. " Feb. 19. Thomas Tyler, of Wem ... bur. 1751] Wem. 647 1749, Feb. 23. John Swanwick ... bur. " Mar. 14. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Armstrong ... bur. " Mar. 17. Thomas, s. of Edward Carsley ... bur. 1750, Apr. 4. Sarah Fardoe ... bur. " May 9. William Lloyd, poper ... bur. " May 14. William Hinton ... bur. " June 5. Unknown Plat, wid., poper ... bur. " June 18. Elizabeth, d. of Samuel Griffith, bricklear ... bur. " Sep. 21. Andrew Morris, of Horton ... bur. " Oct. 16. Mary, w. of Samuel Lowe ... bur. " Oct. 16. Martha, leat w. of Roger Basnett ... bur. " Oct. 24. John, s. of Thomas Evans ... bur. " Nov. 6. Edward Watkin, of Wem, taler ... bur. " Nov. 13. Thomas Fradswell, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Nov. 14. Sarah, w. of Thomas Worrall ... bur. " Nov. 17. Elizabeth, w. of William Sherratt, of the Drawwel ... bur. " Dec. 21. Elizabeth Dickin ... bur. " Jan. 8. Hannah, w. of Thomas Brion ... bur. " Jan. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Harvey ... bur. " Jan. 24. William Jones, thacher ... bur. " Mar. 18. Mary, d. of Thomas Powel ... bur. " Mar. 20. Charles Booth, of Wem ... bur. 1751, Apr. 3. William, s. of Robert Cottam ... bur. " Apr. 17. Anne, d. of Robert Hales ... bur. " May 6. John, s. of John Adams ... bur. " May 7. Jane Seayr ... bur. " July 15. James, s. of Lewis Evans ... bur. " July 22. John, s. of William Shenton, of Wem, shoemaker, & Anne Wase, wife [sic] ... bur. " July 29. Marther, w. of Richard Broughal, of the Lowe ... bur. " July 30. Sarah, d. of James Forgham, of Wem, tanner ... bur. " Aug. 25. Elizabeth Sandland, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 20. Jane Pilstone ... bur. " Oct. 14. John Ison ... bur. 648 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1751 1751, Oct. 18. Robert Eyton, reverend, age 69, ~Died of a Dropsy at Wem in Shropshire in the Sixty ninth year of his Age the Revd. Robert Eyton, D.D. after a long & tedious illness which he bore with great Patience & Resignation he was one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace Archdeacon of Ely Prebendary of Hereford Recter of Wem & Vicar of Wellington he was esteemed an excellent Magistrate & a good Preacher he was buried October ye 21.~ ... bur. 1751, Oct. 25. James Forgham, tanner, poper ... bur. " Oct. 26. Mary Mannering, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 27. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Judgson, of Horton ... bur. " Nov. 8. Mary, d. of Thomas Harris ... bur. " Nov. 18. Anne Jarvis ... bur. " Dec. 7. Dorithy Medley, popar ... bur. " Dec. 15. Mary, w. of Samuel Griffith ... bur. 1752, Jan. 5. Anne, w. of George Hease, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 16. Martha, w. of Ishmael Gregorey, of the Lowe Hill ... bur. " Jan. 30. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Nickells ... bur. " Feb. 8. Elizabeth Killum ... bur. " Feb. 12. Mary, d. of Thomas Paylen, & his w. ... bur. " Feb. 17. Mary Howard, of Tilley ... bur. " Feb. 18. Jane Dicken ... bur. " Feb. 24. Mary, d. of Thomas Blantorn ... bur. " Feb. 29. Samuel, s. of Richard Ralphs, of Cotton ... bur. " Mar. 17. Hill Wycherley ... bur. " Mar. 17. Peter Pidgeon, of Wem, bucher ... bur. " Mar. 18. Thomas Harper, of Wem, skiver ... bur. " Mar. 20. Lydia, d. of John Winn ... bur. " Mar. 22. Ester Downs, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 22. Sarah, w. of Samuel Beetenson, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 11. Mary Owen, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 29. Sarah, w. of Robert Bellingham ... bur. " May 14. Elizabeth Higginson, wid. ... bur. 1753] Wem. 649 1752, May 29. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Griffiths, of Wem ... bur. " June 17. Mary Churton, of Tilley ... bur. " June 19. Thomas Jenken ... bur. " July 2. George, s. of George Powell, of Aston ... bur. " July 25. Joseph, s. of James Watkin, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 8. Mary, w. of John Meachen ... bur. " Aug. 8. Sarah, d. of Timothy Parker ... bur. " Oct. 15. Catherine Roberts ... bur. " Oct. 15. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hopwood ... bur. " Oct. 17. Elizabeth Clotton, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 29. Sarah Stockton, of Aston ... bur. " Nov. 1. Mary Miller, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 5. Richard Allinson, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 22. Robert Willkinson, of Horton ... bur. " Dec. 5. Ralph, s. of Richard Moreton, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 15. Elizabeth, d. of Peter Couley ... bur. " Dec. 27. Sarah Barther ... bur. 1753, Jan. 20. Samuel Postle, a poor child ... bur. " Feb. 8. George Hinton, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Feb. 13. Samuel Barnes, of Wem, inholder ... bur. " Feb. 22. John Tagg, of Tilley, poper ... bur. " Mar. 1. Robert Bellingham, of Wem, tayler ... bur. " Mar. 3. James Lowe, of Wem, chandler ... bur. " Mar. 5. Rowland Banks, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Mar. 19. Joseph Maddox, of Wem, tayler ... bur. " Mar. 24. Miss Anne Pidgeon, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 10. Mary, d. of Unknown Newham ... bur. " Apr. 14. Mary Downton, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 23. John Wamslev, of Cramer ... bur. " Apr. 25. Jane Whitingham, of Souton ... bur. 650 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1753 1753, May 9. Samuel, s. of Thomas Pryce ... bur. " July 11. Anne Weaver, of Wem, poper ... bur. " July 14. Mary, d. of Chaliner Sandland ... bur. " Sep. 4. Mary, w. of John Rutter, poper ... bur. +" Sep. 29. Thomas Hollant, ~reverend, dissenting minister~ ... bur. " Oct. 9. Unknown Higgins, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 26. Anne Chitton, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 8. John Chase, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 23. Mary Lowe, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 19. Mary Besford, of Wem ... bur. 1754, Jan. 1. Unknown Barnes, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 1. Martha, w. of Thomas Fleming, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 15. Mary Clark, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 16. Anne, d. of Samuel Griffith, of Wem, mercer ... bur. " Feb. 14. Edward, s. of Edward Jones, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 14. Elizabeth Maddox, poper ... bur. " Mar. 20. Anne, d. of Philip Drury, of Wem, inholder, & his w. ... bur. " Mar. 22. Anne, w. of Francis Bail, joyner ... bur. " Mar. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Wead, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " Mar. 28. Anne Groome, of Aston ... bur. " Mar. 29. Richard Armstrong, of the Roybank ... bur. " Apr. 17. Rachel Besford, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " May 7. Eleanor Powell, poper ... bur. " May 12. John Fardoe, of Aston, poper ... bur. " July 23. Richard Astley, of Wem ... bur. " July 23. George Hussey, poper ... bur. " Aug. 26. John, s. of John Bearks, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 27. William, s. of William Beddows, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 1. Frances, w. of James Evans ... bur. " Sep. 13. Anne Heath ... bur. " Sep. 23. Ester Heath ... bur. Oct. 8. Richard Croxton, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 8. Margrett Ragg, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 21. John, s. of Jones Evans, of Aston ... bur. 1755] Wem. 651 1754, Oct. 23. Rachel Geat, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 21. Anne, d. of Thomas Nickals ... bur. " Nov. 23. Elizabeth Ison ... bur. " Nov. 26. Martha Kynerston, poper ... bur. " Dec. 2. Margrett, d. of Thomas Forgham ... bur. " Dec. 4. Mary Falkner, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 11. John Morris, of Wem, milright ... bur. +" Dec. 9. Elizabeth, w. of Humphrey Tonnah ... bur. " Dec. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Higginson, of the Low ... bur. " Dec. 16. James Chiddock, of Wem, shomaker ... bur. " Dec. 25. John, s. of John Sandland, of Wem, joyner ... bur. 1755, Jan. 7. Thomas, s. of John Furmson ... bur. " Jan. 21. Sarah, d. of Roger Charles, of Wem, tayler ... bur. " Jan. 24. Thomas Murrall, of Wem, gent ... bur. " Jan. 27. Sarah Higginson, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Feb. 8. John, s. of George Downs, of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 18. Mary Forgham, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 18. Eleanor, w. of Francis Sandland, of Wem, cooper ... bur. " Feb. 25. Edward Vaghan, of Wem, poper ... bur. *" Feb. 22. Richard Brown, of Low hill ... bur. " Feb. 28. William Rhodon, of Tilley ... bur. " Mar. 10. Mary Bentley, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Mar. 13. Francis Owen, of Wem ... bur. *" Mar. 12. Martha, d. of Thomas Ferrington ... bur. " Apr. 2. Edward Hayward, of Tilley, labourer ... bur. " Apr. 8. Richard Astley, of the Wanhous ... bur. *" Apr. 4. Thomas Dane, of Wem, barber ... bur. " Apr. 13. Elizabeth Lawrance, of Aston, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 14. Thomas Whitfield, of the Hill ... bur. " Apr. 14. Rachel Vaghan, poper ... bur. " Apr. 27. Richard, s. of William Higginson ... bur. " May 18. Lydia Clark, of Wem ... bur. " June 7. Elizabeth Griffith ... bur. " June 17. Richard Allinson, taner, of Wem ... bur. " June 18. Elizabeth Shaw, of Wem ... bur. " July 2. Edward Phillip ... bur. 652 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1755 1755, July 5. Elizabeth Shenton, of Partley ... bur. " July 13. John Sneap, of Wem, tayler ... bur. " July 22. Jane Watkin, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 2. Margret, w. of Thomas Forgham, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 20. Alice, w. of Joseph Chace, of Wem ... bur. *" Sep. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jerland, of Tilley ... bur. " Sep. 7. Edward Higgins, of Tilley ... bur. " Oct. 6. Elinor Walmsley, wid., of Cramor ... bur. " Oct. 11. Anne Kilborn, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Oct. 13. Margret, w. of Thomas Sadler, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 16. Sarah, w. of Edward Powell, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " Oct. 17. Sarah Jones, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 21. John, s. of George Powell, of Brockhurst ... bur. " Oct. 21. William Vaughan, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Nov. 4. Elizabeth Burges, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Nov. 8. Mary Evans, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Nov. 24. John, s. of Edward Watkis, of Wem, milwright ... bur. " Dec. 11. Daniel Cooper, of Aston ... bur. 1756, Jan. 18. Anne, w. of Thomas Blantorn, of Wem, hatmaker ... bur. " Feb. 10. Mary, w. of Joseph Peploe, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 17. Thomas Heath, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 18. Margrett, w. of Richard Flemming, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 25. William Bromley, of Northwood ... bur. " Mar. 23. Margret Allinson, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 28. Sarah Whitehead, of the Low ... bur. " Apr. 5. Catherine Millington, poper ... bur. " Apr. 13. Martha Mear, of Wem, poper ... bur. " Apr. 27. John, s. of Mary Hayward, of Tilley ... bur. " Apr. 27. Thomas, s. of Thomas Mear, of Wem ... bur. " May 2. Eamey, w. of Thomas Morgin, of the Low ... bur. " May 5. Martha, w. of John Williams, blacksmith ... bur. 1757] Wem. 653 1756, May 11. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Chettoe, of Newtown ... bur. " May 17. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Vaughan, of Wem ... bur. " May 20. Thomas Moore, of Wem, poper ... bur. " May 20. Alice Anson, of Wem, poper ... bur. " May 21. Thomas Griffith, of Wem, mason ... bur. " May 22. Thomas Furmson, of Wem ... bur. " May 30. Richard, s. of Philip Drury ... bur. " June 4. John Onslow, of Wem ... bur. " June 18. Sarah, w. of Joseph Jerland, of Frankon ... bur. " July 23. William Beddows, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 4. John Birks, of Wem, cornier ... bur. " Aug. 6. Jane Davis, of Tilley ... bur. " Aug. 12. Richard Moreton, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 27. Anne, w. of George Groome, of Aston, labourer ... bur. " Sep. 26. Moses Parker, of Wem, bucher ... bur. " Oct. 26. Sarah, d. of John Fox, of Aston ... bur. " Nov. 1. Mary, d. of John Fox, of Aston ... bur. " Nov. 3. Elizabeth Lloud, of Crigin ... bur. " Nov. 19. Samuel, s. of Joseph Jebb, of Tilley ... bur. " Nov. 20. Hannah Wicksteed, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 11. Elizabeth Groome, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 28. Charles, s. of Unknown Beetenson, of Wem, surgeon ... bur. " Dec. 29. Mary, d. of Thomas Ashford, of Wem ... bur. 1757, Jan. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Vaughan, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 12. Robart Pidgeon, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 12. Anne, w. of James Richards, of Edstaston ... bur. " Jan. 18. Sarah Jones, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 19. John, s. of Richard Wycherley, willwright ... bur. " Jan. 20. Joseph, s. of Ralph Maddox, of Wem, tayler ... bur. 654 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1757 1757, Jan. 22. Martha, d. of George Powell, of Brockhurst ... bur. " Jan. 28. Jane Tagg, of Preece ... bur. " Feb. 2. Mary Stockton, wid., of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 5. Elizabeth, w. of Charles Vaughan, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 7. Elizabeth, w. of Robert James, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 7. Robert James, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 16. Thomas, s. of John Morris, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 23. Elizabeth, d. of William Griffith, of Wem, mason ... bur. " Feb. 24. Jane, d. of Benjamin Barnes, of Soulton Hall ... bur. " Feb. 25. Elinor, d. of Thomas Savage, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 26. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bayley, of Aston ... bur. " Mar. 5. Jane, d. of Elizabeth Towler, of Tilley ... bur. " Mar. 5. Anne Eaton, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 8. Elinor Higginson, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 8. Mary, d. of Thomas Savage, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Griffith, of Wem, mason ... bur. " Mar. 8. Anne, d. of Samuel Austin, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 21. Thomas Chettoe, of Tilley, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 21. John, s. of Thomas Price, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 28. Margret, d. of Henry Nickals, of Aston ... bur. " Apr. 2. Thomas, s. of Thomas Evans ... bur. " Apr. 13. Anne, d. of Lewis Evans, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 14. Griffiths Jones, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 24. Mary, d. of William Shenton ... bur. " May 15. Mary, d. of Timothy Parker ... bur. " May 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Harris, of Wem corrier ... bur. " May 28. Unknown, d. of William Powel, of Aston ... bur. " June 10. Unknown Kynerston ... bur. " June 14. Esther Cappar, poper ... bur. " June 27. Jeremiah, s. of Thomas Smith ... bur. 1758] Wem. 655 1757, June 28. Martha, w. of William Harris, of Wem, tanner ... bur. " July 4. John Penson, of Wem, blacksmith ... bur. " July 17. Alice Deane, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " July 22. Anne, d. of Cholmondele Lewis ... bur. " Aug. 17. Anne, base d. of Elizabeth Chettoe ... bur. " Aug. 27. Eleanor Chaloner, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 2. Anne, d. of Daniel Evans, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Sep. 5. Jane, w. of Ralph Maddox, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 20. George Standley, of Tilley ... bur. " Oct. 8. Martha, base d. of Jane Millington ... bur. " Nov. 6. Unknown Sadler, of Wem, wid. ... bur. *" Nov. 5. Unknown, d. of Edward Jones, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 8. Thomas, s. of Job Swanwick, of Aston ... bur. " Nov. 15. Elizabeth Ragg, of Tilley, pauper ... bur. " Nov. 15. Unknown, d. of Robert Hales, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 7. Hannah, w. of Samuel Bellingham, of Wem, taler ... bur. " Dec. 12. William, s. of William Stockton, of Aston ... bur. " Dec. 23. Thomas, s. of John Booth, of Wem ... bur. 1758, Jan. 2. Unknown Montgomery ... bur. *" Mar. 17. Mary Smith, of Wem, wid. ... bur. 1756, Feb. 12. Joseph, s. of William Harris, of Edstaston ... bur. 1758, Feb. 12. Mary, d. of William Harris, of Edstaston ... bur. " Mar. 2. Unknown, s. of John Booth, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 1. Catherine Maddox, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 1. Margrett Savin, of Aston, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 8. Mary Banks, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 19. Mary, w. of Air. John Astley, of Wem .. ... bur. " May 12. Margrett, d. of John Winn, of Edstaston ... bur. " May 27. Margrett, w. of John Hayward, of Whitchurch ... bur. " May 30. Dorothy Cotton, of Wem, popar ... bur. " July 1. Richard, s. of Thomas Meers ... bur. " July 6. Elizabeth Hawksworth ... bur. " July 13. Thomas Armstrong, tanner ... bur. 656 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1758 1758, July 23. Ester, w. of Richard Forgham, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " July 27. John, s. of Thomas Blantorn, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 4. Anne, w. of Samuel Ray, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 10. James Steventon, pauper ... bur. " Sep. 9. John Fox, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 7. Jone, w. of John Hill, of Edstaston ... bur. " Oct. 26. John, s. of John Wycherley ... bur. *" Nov. 25. Richard Gad ... bur. " Oct. 21. John Davies, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 16. Margret, w. of Robert Davies, of Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 21. John Hayward, of Witchurch ... bur. *" Dec. 19. John, s. of John Clemson, of Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 26. Anne, w. of Thomas Ebrey, of Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 30. Thomas Newns, of Tilley ... bur. *" Dec. 26. Mary Morris, of Horton, wid. ... bur. 1759, Jan. 12. Chrysagon Parks, of Horton ... bur. " Mar. 6. Thomas Astin, of Wem ... bur. *" Apr. 15. Anne Mason ... bur. " Mar. 30. Catherine Laurance ... bur. " Apr. 15. Thomas Bromal, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 18. Thomas Dicken, of Wem.. ... bur. " June 3. Charles Beetenson ... bur. " June 18. John, s. of Samuel Chalnor ... bur. " June 18. Anne Tylor, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " June 19. Sarah, d. of William Gilchrist ... bur. " June 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Furmston, of Aston ... bur. " June 21. William, s. of Robert Cottam, of Wem ... bur. " June 24. John, s. of Richard Richards, of Tilley ... bur. " Aug. 4. Tryphena, d. of Robert Meers, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 16. Unknown Marthus, wid., of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 17. Unknown Tranton, wid. of Tilley ... bur. " Sep. 18. Elizabeth Chetoe, of Tilley ... bur. *" Sep. 16. Unknown Swanwick, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 10. Alethee, w. of John Cartwright, of Aston ... bur. 1761] Wem. 657 *1759, Sep. 6. Sarah, d. of John Cartwright ... bur. " Oct. 28. Anne Edge, late of Tilley ... bur. " Nov. 20. William, s. of Thomas Hopwood ... bur. " Nov. 24. Richard Fleming ... bur. " Dec. 6. Martha, d. of Benjamin Barnett ... bur. 1760, Jan. 20. Robert Blakway, of Wem ... bur. +1759, Nov. 29. Elizabeth Cooke ... bur. 1760, Jan. 24. Martha Deafs, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 22. John Thomas, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 15. Catherine Wycherley, ... bur. " Mar. 17. William Newns, ... bur. " Mar. 8. Eleanor Baugh, died March 8. ... bur. " Mar. 14. Eleanor, w. of Richard Beacall ... bur. " Apr. 16. Rebeccah, w. of Richard Evans ... bur. " Apr. 20. John Douty, of Wem, cooper ... bur. " May 8. Samuel Austin, of Wem, bricklayer ... bur. " June 10. Thomas Parrey, of this parish ... bur. " June 29. Randle Phillips ... bur. *" June 22. Valentine Kible ... bur. " July 8. Henry Parton ... bur. " Aug. 3. John Wicksteed ... bur. " Aug. 23. Doulben Stodart ... bur. " Aug. 30. Thomas Ashley ... bur. " Sep. 11. George, s. of George Salmon ... bur. " Oct. 15. Alice, d. of Unknown Mason, reverend, curate ... bur. " Oct. 16. John Scofield, of Wem, malster ... bur. " Oct. 16. James, s. of George Salmon ... bur. *" Oct. 10. Anne Amies, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 21. Martha Williams, of Tilley ... bur. " Nov. 9. Humphrey Newns, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 11. Samuel Cheshire, of Wem, yeoman ... bur. " Nov. 25. Anne Price, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 30. Elizabeth, w. of John Randles ... bur. " Dec. 4. Charles Vaughan, of Wem, schoolmaster ... bur. 1761, Jan. 3. Francis Griffith, late of Wem, officer ... bur. " Jan. 4. Mn. Francis Colling, of the Low burn. 658 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1761 1761, Jan. 23. John Barnes, esquire, of the Low ... bur. " Jan. 25. Margaret, w. of George Salmon ... bur. " Feb. 18. Edward, s. of Joshua Steadman, of Shawbrey ... bur. " Mar. 4. Unknown Price, wid., of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 25. Thomas, s. of Joseph Ashford ... bur. " Apr. 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Bentley, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Apr. 5. Maly, w. of Ion Chettwod ... bur. " Apr. 14. Sarah, d. of George Weaver ... bur. " Apr. 21. John Pidgeon, of Wem, bucher ... bur. " Apr. 26. Rebeccah, d. of Thomas Farrington, of Ditches ... bur. " May 9. William Jeffryes, of Wem, miller ... bur. " July 18. John Scofield, of Moreton ... bur. " July 22. Peter, s. of Robert Hales ... bur. " July 24. Hamelia Fluelling, of Wem ... bur. " July 27. Ales, d. of Thomas Wilkinson ... bur. " Aug. 6. James Pugh, of Middle ... bur. " Aug. 25. William Davies, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " Aug. 30. Anne Ray, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 9. Thomas Evans, junior, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 11. Thomas Ebrey, of Tilley ... bur. " Sep. 15. Elizabeth Tagg, of Tilley ... bur. " Sep. 23. Thomas Farrington, of the Ditches ... bur. " Sep. 24. Thomas, s. of Thomas Mason, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 2. William, s. of Joseph Kary, of Aston ... bur. " Oct. 21. Mary Higginson, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 13. Joseph Catherall, of Wem, malster ... bur. " Nov. 15. William Farrington, of Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 7. Unknown Wilkinson, wid., of Horton .... ... bur. " Dec. 22. Thomas Judson, of Horton ... bur. " Dec. 23. Elizabeth Bellingham, of Wem ... bur. 1762, Jan. 2. Richard Price, of Tilley ... bur. " Jan. 29. Sarah Laurance, of Wem ... our. " Feb. 2. Elizabeth Sandland, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 6. Silvister Kilbourn, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 6. Mary, w. of Samuel Maddox ... bur. " Feb. 14. Margaret Sandland, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 17. William, s. of Richard Newns, of Wem ... bur. 1762] Wem. 659 1762, Feb. 19. Mary Burghall, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 8. Thomas, s. of George Fardoe, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " Mar. 14. John Lloyd, curate of Preece, reverend ... bur. " Mar. 20. Joseph, s. of Daniel Evans, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Apr. 1. Unknown Parker, wid., of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 3. Martha, d. of Sarni Minshall, of Tilley ... bur. " Apr. 16. Mary Jones, of Aston, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 16. James Vaughan, late of the Ware ... bur. " Apr. 21. Thomas, s. of Richard Austin, of Coventry ... bur. " Apr. 27. Richard, s. of Edward Austin, of Wem, weaver ... bur. " Apr. 27. Ann, d. of Edward Austin, of Wem, weaver ... bur. " May 7. Richard Cooper, of Wem, saddler ... bur. " June 8. Anne, d. of Thomas Pidgeon, of Wem, bucher ... bur. " June 17. Richard Laurance, of Wem, skinner ... bur. " June 22. Sarah Evans, of the Motehouse, wid. ... bur. " July 30. John Wynne, of Edstaston ... bur. " Aug. 1. Elizabeth, w. of John Watson, of the Lowe, esquire ... bur. " Aug. 4. Richard Dayson, pauper ... bur. " Aug. 27. Mary Chaddock, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 19. Ann, d. of Richard Davies, breechesmaker ... bur. " Sep. 23. John, s. of Arthur Wykey, tanner ... bur. " Sep. 28. Jane, d. of Henry Holebrook ... bur. " Oct. 2. Thomas Jones, miller, of Soulton ... bur. " Nov. 2. Thomas Edgerton, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 18. Catherine, d. of George Ashford, of Wem, glesier ... bur. " Nov. 28. Humphrey Tunnah, of Wem, a pauper ... bur. " Dec. 29. Elisabeth, d. of John Furmston, of Aston, labourer ... bur. " Dec. 29. Jane, d. of Richard Embrey, of Wem, tanner ... bur. 660 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1763 1763, Jan. 1. William Price ... bur. " Jan. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Furmston, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Jan. 8. John Henshaw, senior, attorney, late of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 10. Ann, d. of Thomas Beswick ... bur. " Jan. 12. Mary, late w. of Samuel Millinton ... bur. " Jan. 24. James Brown, of Horton ... bur. " Feb. 4. Sarah, d. of Unknown Hulls ... bur. " Feb. 5. Mary Broughton, of Horton ... bur. " Feb. 6. Ales, w. of Robert Rhoden, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 6. Mary, d. of Thomas Baugh, of Wem, breechesmaker ... bur. " Feb. 7. Edward, s. of Mary Austin ... bur. " Feb. 8. Unknown, d. of William Rutter ... bur. " Feb. 16. Joseph, s. of Unknown Hulls, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 17. Elizabeth, d. of John Scofield, deceased ... bur. " Feb. 19. Sarah, d. of Hugh Petres, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 23. Thomas, s. of John Scofield, deceased ... bur. " Mar. 15. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas Thurnill, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " Mar. 18. George Hease, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 18. Ralph Wells, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Mar. 19. Thomas Hayward, breechesmaker ... bur. " Mar. 22. John Ebrey, of Tilley ... bur. " Apr. 18. Thomas Parks, an apprentice ... bur. " Apr. 28. William Wilkinson, of Wem, maltster ... bur. " May 8. Henry, s. of James Maddox, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " May 9. Ann, w. of Thomas Smith, of Wem, towdresses ... bur. " July 30. Mary, w. of Thomas Millington, of the Tolegate ... bur. " Aug. 11. Thomas Sandland, of Wem, maltster ... bur. " Aug. 29. Ann, w. of John Willson, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Sep. 3. Elizabeth, d. of Peter Cowley, of Wem ... bur. 1764] Wem. 661 1763, Sep. 14. Timothy Parker, of Wem, parish clerk ... bur. " Sep. 18. Sarah, w. of John Blakeway, of Horton ... bur. " Sep. 25. Elizabeth Hayward, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 12. William, s. of Thomas Chettoe, of Wem, bricklayer ... bur. " Nov. 3. Lucretia, d. of Thomas Griffith, of Wem, mason ... bur. " Dec. 27. Thomas, s. of William Forgham, of Wem, bucher ... bur. " Dec. 31. Richard Newns, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 31. Thomas, s. of Hugh Edge, of Wem, laborer ... bur. 1762, Jan. 1. Elizabeth, d. of William Stubbs, of Wem, staymaker ... bur. 1762, Jan. 1. Margaret, d. of William Stubbs, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 27. Ann Welsh, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 28. Jane Hayward, of Tilley ... bur. " Feb. 2. Hannah Thomas, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 5. John, s. of William Griffiths, of Wem, mason ... bur. " Feb. 9. Rebeccah, d. of Timothy Trentham, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 12. Thomas Powell, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Feb. 14. Frances, d. of William Griffiths, of Wem, mason ... bur. " Feb. 14. Ann, d. of Peter Stones, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Feb. 20. William, s. of Thomas Mason, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Feb. 23. Margaret, d. of John Morris, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Mar. 1. John Hilditch, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 6. Sarah, d. of Thomas Tillston, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Mar. 7. Richard, s. of Richard Harper, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Apr. 1. Benjamin Barnet, of Soulton Hall ... bur. " Apr. 6. Mary, d. of William Gilchrist, of Wem, bucher ... bur. 662 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1764 1764, Apr. 10. Edward Kynaston, of Barker's Green ... bur. " Apr. 16. Richard Prince, of Aston ... bur. " Apr. 23. Sarah, w. of Thomas Ireland, of the Farm ... bur. " Apr. 23. John Fox, late of Aston ... bur. " Apr. 28. Thomas Jeffs, of Wem, taylor ... bur. " Apr. 29. James Boothe, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " May 6. Ralph Lyster, of Palms hill ... bur. " May 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Berks, of Wem ... bur. " July 14. Elisabeth, w. of John Hales, of Wem ... bur. " July 19. Thomas Blanton, of Wem, junior ... bur. " July 23. William Davies, of Wem, flaxdresser ... bur. " Aug. 2. Thomas Higginson, of Wem, saddler ... bur. " Sep. 20. Richard Walford, of Wem,... bur. " Sep. 21. Sarah, w. of Thomas Sherratt, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 21. Morris Jones, of the Low hill ... bur. " Nov. 5. Mary Jones, of Tilley, pauper ... bur. " Nov. 18. Sarah, d. of Unknown Newnham, of the Highfield ... bur. " Dec. 17. Sarah, d. of William Davies, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 26. Unknown Parton, wid., of the Ditches ... bur. 1765, Jan. 2. Daniel Wycherley, of Wem, gentn. ... bur. " Jan. 20. Joseph Davies, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 22. Martha, w. of Jeremiah Smith, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 25. Hannah Garret, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 5. Mary, d. of John Jones, late of Wem, carpenter ... bur. " Mar. 5. Sarah, d. of Samuel Minshall, of Tilley ... bur. " Mar. 6. Challenor Sandland, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " Mar. 13. Thomas, s. of Edward Harris, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Mar. 15. Susanna, d. of John Willson, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 19. Elizabeth Furber, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 23. Elizabeth, w. of John Hornes, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. 1766] Wem. 663 1765, Apr. 2. Richard Furber, pauper ... bur. " Apr. 14. Richard, s. of Richard Harper, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Apr. 14. William, base s. of Frances Buckley ... bur. " Apr. 15. Ann, d. of Arthur Harper, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Apr. 19. Charles, s. of Ion Watson, esquire, of Lowe ... bur. " May 7. Margaret Powell, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " May 20. Lewis Evans, of Wem ... bur. " May 30. Unknown Newns, wid., of Wem ... bur. " June 1. Ann, d. of Thomas Morgan, of the Lowe ... bur. " June 15. Anne, d. of John Ruscoe, of Lacon ... bur. " June 13. Unknown Lee, late of Newallin, Cheshire ... bur. " June 29. Ann, d. of Edward Furmston, of Wem ... bur. " July 8. Ann, d. of Owen Jenks, of Wem, breechesmaker ... bur. " July 16. Thomas, s. of Thomas Smith, of Wem, flaxdresser ... bur. " July 24. Randle Jones, of Wem ... bur. " July 29. Margaret Wolf, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 17. Ann, d. of Jane Blanton, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 12. Ann Bayley, of Barker's Green ... bur. " Nov. 26. John Fox, late of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Nov. 30. Edward Barnes, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 10. Arthur, s. of Richard Ashley, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Dec. 15. Thomas Vaughan, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 31. Catherine Judson, of Tilly ... bur. 1766, Jan. 3. Sarah, w. of Charles Weever, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 15. Thomas Watkin, of Wem, flaxdresser ... bur. " Jan. 18. Catherine, w. of Edward Furmston, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Feb. 3. Ales Jones, of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 5. Anne, d. of Dyas Harris, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 15. Margaret Wells, of Wem ... bur. 664 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1766 1766, Feb. 26. Elizabeth, w. of Robert Hales, of Wem, bucher ... bur. " Feb. 28. John Chettow, of Wem, weaver ... bur. " Mar. 3. Elizabeth Conway, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 6. Margaret Maddox, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 8. Unknown Steventon, of Wem, sadler ... bur. " Mar. 9. Samuel Griffith, of Wem, mercer ... bur. " Mar. 10. Unknown, s. of Richard Bills, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 12. Richard Phillips, of Wem, farmer ... bur. " Mar. 13. Robert Berry, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 13. Elizabeth, d. of John Wynne & Elizabeth ... bur. " Mar. 16. Thomas, s. of John Peak ... bur. " Mar. 23. Mary Barnes, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 25. Sarah, w. of John Thomas, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 27. Thomas Wycherley, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 27. Thomas Lee, junr., of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 4. Roger Higgins, of Tilley ... bur. " Apr. 8. Isabel, w. of Charles Homes, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 13. Thomas Sandland, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 18. Mary Higginson, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 22. Roger Ireland, senr., of Lacon ... bur. " Apr. 23. Margaret Pidgeon, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 24. John Booth, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Apr. 25. George, base s. of Elizabeth Gough, of Edstaston ... bur. " Apr. 27. Peter Stones, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Apr. 30. Andrew Porker, of Wem, joiner ... bur. " May 4. Martha Ison, of Wem ... bur. " May 4. Elizabeth, d. of John Homes, of Wem ... bur. " May 18. Thomas Worral, of Tilley Green ... bur. " June 1. Charles Vaughan, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " June 8. Thomas Watkin, junior, of Wem ... bur. " June 15. Mary Watkin, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " June 17. Mary Cooper, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " June 17. Timothy Trentham, of Wem, blacksmith ... bur. " June 27. Randle Shenton, of Tilley ... bur. 1767] Wem. 665 1766, June 29. Thomas, s. of Chrispianus Watkiss, of Edstaston ... bur. " July 6. Unknown Walford, of Wem ... bur. " July 7. John Eabrey, of Trench Farm ... bur. " July 20. Elizabeth, d. of Unknown Embrey, of Wem ... bur. " July 28. George, s. of Samuel Newns, of Tilley ... bur. " Aug. 17. Ann, w. of Thomas Evans, of Wem, weaver ... bur. " Aug. 20. Charles, s. of George Salmon, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 22. Unknown, d. of Thomas Millington, of the Tolegate ... bur. " Oct. 12. George Salmon, of Wem, joiner ... bur. " Oct. 17. Elizabeth Leech, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 25. Richard, s. of Arthur Harper, laborer ... bur. " Nov. 26. Jane, w. of Thomas Forgharn, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 28. Mary Furmston, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 30. Edward Morriss, of Poole, co. Montgomery ... bur. " Dec. 6. Thomas Birch, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 8. Mary, d. of George Powell, of Brockhurst ... bur. " Dec. 14. Joseph Lee, of Lacon Hall ... bur. " Dec. 27. Robert James, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 30. Richard, s. of Richard Ashley, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. 1767, Jan. 3. Robert Husbands, of the Lowe ... bur. " Jan. 11. Sarah, d. of Dias Harriss, of Wem, tanner ... bur. " Jan. 14. John Bellingham ... bur. " Jan. 14. Elizabeth Bellingham ... bur. " Jan. 15. Samuel Corser, an apprentice ... bur. " Feb. 11. Robert Bayley, of Barkers-green ... bur. " Apr. 1. Thomas Hulse,+ of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 2. Thomas Harriss, wheelright ... bur. " Apr. 22. Thomas Gad, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 29. Thomas, base s. of Elizabeth Langford, of Palmshill ... bur. " May 1. Robert Cottam, junr., of Wem ... bur. 666 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1767 1767, May 13. John, s. of Richard Ashley, of Wem, shoemaker, & Elizabeth ... bur. " May 21. Martha Roberts, of Edstaston ... bur. " May 23. Mary, w. of John Wycherley, of Cramore ... bur. " May 30. Catherine Newns, of Tilley, wid. ... bur. " June 6. Sarah, d. of Joseph Walmsley, of Walkot ... bur. " June 10. Anne, d. of Joseph Walmsley ... bur. " June 10. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Walmsley ... bur. " June 13. John Ruscoe, junr., of Lacon ... bur. " Aug. 3. John Skitt, of Wem, gent.+ ... bur. " Aug. 7. William, s. of Unknown Davies, wid., of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 31. William, base s. of Anne Davies, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 9. Thomas, s. of Robert Cottam, of Wem, hatter ... bur. " Sep. 15. John, base s. of Elizabeth Jones, of Tilley ... bur. " Sep. 18. Ann, w. of Thomas Brown, of Wem, exciseman ... bur. " Sep. 25. Robert Blakeway, from Shrewsbury ... bur. " Sep. 25. Hannah, d. of Mary James, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 6. Mary, d. of Richard Vaughan, laborer ... bur. " Oct. 20. Thomas, s. of Thomas Watkiss, of Soulton ... bur. " Oct. 26. Peter Cowley, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 19. Benjamin Evans, junr., of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Nov. 19. Stephen, s. of Samuel Ray, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 22. Sarah, w. of Richard Forgham, of Wem ... bur. 1768, Jan. 8. Elizabeth Jenkin, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 12. Elizabeth Vaughan, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 18. Ann Morris, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 3. Ann Richards, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 6. Elizabeth Onslow, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 15. Unknown, d. of Arthur Harpers, labourer ... bur. " Feb. 26. Unknown, s. of Unknown Salmons, wid. ... bur. 1769] Wem. 667 *1768, Feb. 21. Mary, d. of Edward Jones, of Wem, gardener ... bur. " Mar. 8. Margaret Chirm, from Shrewsbury, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 12. William Furber, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 28. Thomas, s. of William Stubbs, of Wem, staymaker ... bur. " Mar. 28. Mary, d. of Thomas Ragg, of Wem, weaver ... bur. " Apr. 6. Richard Peplow, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Apr. 14. Unknown, s. of George Vaughan's, of the Ware ... bur. " May 8. Elizabeth Bayley, of Barker's Green ... bur. " July 16. Francis, s. of Francis Sandland, of Wem ... bur. " July 28. Elizabeth Sandland, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 13. Richard Wycherley, of Cramour Bank ... bur. " Sep. 11. Ann, d. of Ann Wilde, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 19. Richard, base s. of Ann Gad, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 12. Ann, d. of Timothy Parker, ~late Parish Clark~, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 7. Thomas Hussey, from Wixall ... bur. " Nov. 12. Elizabeth Roe, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 1. Unknown, d. of Thomas Thornhills, of Aston, blacksmith ... bur. " Dec. 7. Margaret, d. of Unknown Hart, ~f. doctor~ of Shrewsbury ... bur. " Dec. 7. Mary, w. of John Gore, of Aston ... bur. " Dec. 8. Elizabeth Parker, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 9. Unknown, s. of Thomas Fluelling, of Wem, flaxdresser ... bur. " Dec. 12. Unknown, s. of Thomas Wotter, of Wem, carpenter ... bur. 1769, Jan. 16. Thomas Morris, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Jan. 24. Unknown, s. of Robert Hales, of Wem, butcher ... bur. " Jan. 12. Unknown Blakeway, from Shrewsbury ... bur. " Jan. 27. Thomas Newns, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 6. Elizabeth Patrick, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 27. Mary Reeves, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 7. William Harris, late of Cotton, thatcher ... bur. 668 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1769 1769, Mar. 8. Unknown, s. of Richard Harper, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Mar. 11. Samuel Pidgeon, late of Wem, maltster ... bur. " Apr. 18. William Yale, of Horton ... bur. " Apr. 24. Jane Eveson, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 26. Samuel Newnham, late of the Highfields ... bur. " Apr. 27. Francis Sandland, late of Wem, cooper ... bur. " May 7. Hannah Wycherley, of Wem ... bur. " May 8. Sarah Morris, a infant ... bur. " Apr. 23. Unknown Barnet, from Soulton Hall ... bur. " May 12. Betty, d. of John Eabrey, of Tilley ... bur. " May 15. Ann, w. of William Newbrooke, of Horton ... bur. " May 28. Unknown Hease, wid. $ a pauper ... bur. " May 31. Jeremiah Smith, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " June 8. Joseph Swanwick, late of Wem, mercer ... bur. " July 4. Charles Weaver, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " July 8. Hannah Peak ... bur. " Sep. 11. Mary, w. of John Tyler, of Preston Brockhurst ... bur. " Sep. 12. Andrew Huntbatch, of Wem, breechesmaker ... bur. " Sep. 18. Thomas Walford, of Wem, gent. bur. " Sep. 30. Hannah, w. of William Hall, a pauper ... bur. " Oct. 8. Ann, d. of John Stubbs, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 14. Thomas Evans, of Wem, cobler ... bur. " Oct. 22. Joseph Crump, of Tilley ... bur. " Oct. 26. Margaret Watkin, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 4. Jane, w. of Richard Vickers, of Wem, baker ... bur. " Dec. 14. Thomas Llewelling, of Wem, flaxdresser ... bur. " Dec. 21. John Sherratt, of Tilley Park ... bur. 1770] Wem. 669 1769, Dec. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Unknown Hart, doctor, from Shrewsbury ... bur. " Dec. 27. Elizabeth, w. of Richard Meers, of Wem ... bur. 1770, Jan. 12. Thomas, s. of George Walford, of Wem, gent. ... bur. " Jan. 17. Thomas, s. of George Ashford, of Wem, glazier ... bur. " Jan. 17. Elizabeth Chettow, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 26. Eleanor Thomas, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 3. Mary, w. of John Eabrey, of Tilley, laborer ... bur. " Feb. 14. Elizabeth Shore, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 16. Mary, d. of Richard Moore, of Cramore ... bur. " Mar. 7. Charles Evans, of Horton ... bur. " Mar. 21. Ann Doughty, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 24. Phillip Drury, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 3. Ann Gadd, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 3. John, s. of Richard Hughes, of Wem, baker ... bur. " Apr. 12. Elinor, w. of John Kynaston, of Wem ... bur. " May 1. Martha, d. of Richard Richards, of the Wood house ... bur. " May 15. William Edgerton, pauper ... bur. " May 20. Unknown, d. of Joseph Cary, of Aston ... bur. " May 23. Unknown, s. of Joseph Jebb, of Wem ... bur. " June 16. John Morris, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " June 21. William, s. of James Evans, of Horton ... bur. " June 27. Samuel Ray, of Wem, blacksmith ... bur. " July 13. Ann, d. of Richard Wade, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " July 23. Thomas, s. of Thomas Rag, of Wem, weaver ... bur. " July 27. Sarah, d. of Samuel Richards, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " July 28. Sarah Birch, ~a servant from Pims farm~ ... bur. " Aug. 26. Ann, d. of Daniel Hailford, of the Low, labourer ... bur. " Sep. 4. Ann, w. of Edward Elks, of Tilley ... bur. 670 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1770 1770, Sep. 7. Margaret, d. of Richard Embrey, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 30. Katherine, d. of Thomas Ashford, of Wem, glasier ... bur. " Oct. 10. Samuel, s. of Samuel Sandland, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 8. Hugh Evans, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " Nov. 14. George Ashford, of Wem, glazier ... bur. " Nov. 16. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Pidgeon ... bur. " Nov. 23. Unknown, s. of John Harris, of Wem, labourer ... bur. " Nov. 24. Mary, w. of Samuel Austin, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 4. Richard Meers, late sexton, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 7. Ann Peplowe, of Wem, wid. ... bur. 1771, Jan. 31. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hale, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 10. William Bickley, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 3. Margaret Astley, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 6. Richard Embrey, of Wem, tanner ... bur. " Mar. 18. Ann, d. of Edward Harris, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 22. Lydia, d. of Thomas Lee, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 23. Jane Gate, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 28. Samuel Morriss, a boy from Aston ... bur. " Mar. 28. Elizabeth, d. of Cholmondley Lewis ... bur. " Mar. 31. Jane Ashford, of Wem, wid., ~m. of Elizabeth Ashford, buried together~ ... bur. " Mar. 31. Elizabeth Ashford, of Wem, ~d. of Jane Ashford, buried together~ ... bur. " Apr. 6. Elizabeth, d. of Charles Evans, of Wem ... .. bur. " Apr. 8. Katherine, d. of George Ashford, late of Wem ... bur. " May 1. Alice, w. of Thomas Hopwood, of Prees ... bur. " May 14. Susanna, d. of Unknown Brown, of Wem, exciseman ... bur. " May 14. Thomas, s. of John Moor, of Wem ... bur. " May 21. Richard, s. of Richard Astley ... bur. " May 26. Susanna, w. of Samuel Deakin, of Wem ... bur. " May 27. Mary, w. of Robert Harper, of Wem ... bur. 1772] Wem. 671 1771, June 8. Unknown Griffith, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " June 14. Robert, s. of Edward Eabrey, junr., of Tilley ... bur. " July 24. Sarah, w. of Richard Vickers, of Wem, blacksmith ... bur. " Aug. 5. Mary Owen, ~a pauper out of the Workhouse~ ... bur. " Aug. 18. George Jebb, of the Trench lane ... bur. " Sep. 10. Robert Rhoden, a pauper ... bur. " Sep. 13. Henry Holebrook, innkeeper, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 17. Elizabeth, d. of Unknown Yale, wid., of Horton ... bur. " Sep. 21. Richard, s. of Richard Hill, laborer, of Tilley ... bur. " Sep. 26. Elizabeth, w. of George Powell, of Brockhurst ... bur. " Oct. 2. Elizabeth Hunt, of Boreatton ... bur. " Oct. 8. Unknown, d. of James Watkin, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Oct. 15. Mary Sandland, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 17. Mary Baker, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 16. Owen, s. of Owen Roberts, of Wem, gent. ... bur. " Dec. 24. Elizabeth, w. of John Ruscoe ... bur. " Dec. 27. Elizabeth Barnes, wid., of Wem ... bur. 1772, Jan. 10. George Armstrong, pauper ... bur. " Jan. 16. Unknown, s. of George Vaughan, of the Ware ... bur. " Jan. 17. Hannah Morris, pauper, from Soulton Mill ... bur. " Jan. 29. Judith Phillips, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 29. Martha Parton, from Shrewsbury ... bur. " Jan. 31. Mary, d. of John Randles ... bur. " Feb. 1. Thomas, s. of John Richards, laborer bur. " Feb. 25. Elinor, d. of Francis Hames ... bur. " Mar. 18. Elizabeth Parker, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 22. Samuel Millington, of Wem ... bur. " May 4. Thomas, s. of Thomas Hale, of Wem, bender ... bur. 672 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1772 1772, May 15. John Holston, pauper ... bur. " May 16. Elizabeth Drury, d. of Philip Drury, deceased, of Wem, ... bur. " June 4. Edward Elks, of Tilley, labourer ... bur. " June 21. Richard Shore, of Wem, maltster ... bur. " July 9. Beatrice Henshaw, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " July 14. Sarah Partridge, of Wem ... bur. " July 14. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Harris, of Wem, joiner ... bur. " July 19. Unknown Forgham, wid., of the Lane ... bur. " July 24. John, s. of John Thomas, flaxdresser ... bur. " July 26. Samuel Pidgeon, of Wem, maltster ... bur. " Aug. 1. Sarah, d. of Jeremiah Smith ... bur. " Aug. 9. Elizabeth Holebrook, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 18. Arthur Jones, of Wem, gardener ... bur. " Aug. 22. Richard, s. of Richard Davies, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 1. John, s. of William Weaver, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 13. John, s. of John Richards & Mary, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 30. Mary, w. of Richard Beacall, deceased, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 6. Martha, d. of Samuel Walmsley, of Cramour ... bur. " Oct. 8. Unknown, s. of Thomas Jeffries & Mary, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 13. Thomas Eveson, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 29. Mary, w. of John Randles, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 3. Unknown, d. of George Fardoe, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 4. Margaret Peak ... bur. " Nov. 11. Tryphena Cooper, from Eccleshall of ... bur. " Dec. 2. William, s. of John Eabrey, of Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 23. Edward, s. of John Laurance, of Wem ... bur. 1773, Jan. 3. Elizabeth, d. of William Hughes, of Wem ... bur. 1773] Wem. 673 1773, Jan. 5. Elizabeth, w. of Arthur Wykey ... bur. " Jan. 17. Richard Wade, of Wem, laborer bur. " Jan. 23. William Higginson, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 24. Unknown, d. of Benjamin Gollings ... bur. " Jan. 25. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Vaughan ... bur. " Mar. 5. Samuel Lowe ... bur. " Mar. 7. Sarah, w. of Daniel Newbrook ... bur. " Mar. 7. Unknown, s. of William Griffiths, a travelling man ... bur. " Mar. 16. George Kynaston ... bur. " Apr. 6. George, s. of Unknown Salmon, wid., of Horton ... bur. " Apr. 17. John Hayward, of Whitchurch, gent. bur. " Apr. 18. Mary, d. of Arthur Harper, laborer ... bur. " Apr. 22. Sarah Higgins, pauper, of Tilley ... bur. " May 8. Susanna Shore ... bur. " May 15. Elizabeth Patrick ... bur. " June 2. Mary, w. of Joseph Hilditch ... bur. " June 21. William Smith, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " July 13. Margaret, w. of Joseph Symmonds, of Palmshill ... bur. " Aug. 13. Sarah, d. of Thomas Hale, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 17. Mary, w. of Arthur Harper, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 3. Samuel, s. of John Wycherley ... bur. " Sep. 7. John, s. of John Moore, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 10. Unknown, d. of Philip Pay, of Cramore Bank ... bur. " Sep. 11. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Harris ... bur. " Sep. 19. Mary, w. of Ishmael Greggory, of Lowe Hill ... bur. " Sep. 22. Dyas Harris, of Wem, tanner ... bur. " Oct. 1. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Ashford, glazier ... bur. " Oct. 2. Richard Davies, of Wem, breeches maker ... bur. " Oct. 13. Elinor, d. of Thomas Watkins, of Wem, mercer ... bur. " Oct. 29. Elizabeth, w. of John Cottam, hatter ... bur. " Oct. 30. Jane Holebrooke, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 2. Richard Williams, of Tilley ... bur. " Nov. 29. Richard Vickers, of Wem, baker ... bur. " Dec. 15. Richard Wycherlev. of Cramore Bank ... bur. 674 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1774 1774, Jan. 6. Jane, d. of Richard Astley, shoemaker, ... bur. " Jan. 12. Jane, w. of George Fardoe, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 15. Thomas, s. of John Randles, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 8. John, base s. of Elizabeth Teece ... bur. " Feb. 10. Ann Dean, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 14. Mary, base d. of Sarah Wilde ... bur. " Feb. 15. Mary Rhoden, of Tilley, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 25. William Stockton ... bur. " Mar. 2. Samuel, s. of Joseph Hilditch, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 8. Edward Eabrey, of Tilley ... bur. " Mar. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Hales, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 18. John Hinton, ~of Quino Brook, not Hinton~ ... bur. " Apr. 13. Mary Plungeon, pauper ... bur. " Apr. 21. Richard Astley, junr. ... bur. " May 7. Martha Huntbach ... bur. " June 1. Mary Bickley, pauper ... bur. " June 9. William, s. of John Eabrey, of Tilley ... bur. " June 15. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Astley, of Horton ... bur. " June 24. Ann Catheral, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " July 28. Jane, w. of Daniel Evans, shoemaker ... bur. " July 31. Mary, w. of Thomas Rutter, sawyer ... bur. " Aug. 7. William Evans, Barker's green, servant ... bur. " Aug. 16. Unknown, d. of Phillip Page, of Cramore ... bur. " Aug. 17. John Watkin, shoemaker, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 18. Thomas Rogers, Horton, servant ... bur. " Aug. 30. Ralph Maddox, of Wem, taylor ... bur. " Aug. 31. Unknown, s. of Thomas Hayward's, ~alias Rag~, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 13. William Sandland, from Kearson ... bur. " Oct. 15. Margaret, w. of Thomas Pidgeon, of Wem, bucher ... bur. " Oct. 21. Thomas Plutherwood, a pauper ... bur. " Oct. 25. John Thompson, a traveller ... bur. " Oct. 28. Unknown, s. of Edward Elks's, of Tilley ... bur. " Oct. 31. Mary, d. of George Abbots, of Tilley ... bur. " Oct. 31. Unknown Lowe, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 31. Ann, base d. of Elizabeth Meers ... bur. 1775] Wem. 675 1774, Nov. 14. William Beacall, late apothecary of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 14. Unknown, s. of Thomas Rutter, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 19. Mary Beaker, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 5. Margaret, d. of Timothy Parker, late parish clerk, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 20. Elizabeth, d. of John Weaver, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 21. Thomas Sandland, from Kearson ... bur. " Dec. 23. William Allinson, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Dec. 31. Lydia Forgham, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 15. Susannah Jones, pauper ... bur. 1775, Jan. 6. Unknown, d. of John Weaver's, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Feb. 1. Jane Greggory, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 6. William Forgham, of Wem, butcher ... bur. " Feb. 9. Martha Gough, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 14. John Hill, of Edstaston ... bur. " Mar. 10. Martha Jones, of the Lowe hill ... bur. " Mar. 15. William, s. of Thomas Wilkinson, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 24. Mary, d. of John Richards, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 18. Elizabeth Higginson, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 26. William, s. of William Bickley ... bur. " May 5. Ann Wycherley, of Cramore Bank ... bur. " May 29. George Downs, of Aston ... bur. " June 2. Thomas Ashford, of Wem, glazier ... bur. " June 9. Elizabeth Evans, of Horton ... bur. " July 1. Sarah, d. of George Vaughan, of the Ware ... bur. " Aug. 1. Benjamin Evans, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 8. Thomas Smith, of Wem, flaxdresser ... bur. " Aug. 13. Unknown, d. of Richard Vickers of Wem, blacksmith ... bur. " Aug. 20. Thomas Dean, from Preece ... bur. " Aug. 27. Mary, w. of Thomas Wycherley, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 9. Unknown, s. of Thomas Rag, of Wem ... bur. 676 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1775 1775, Oct. 21. Unknown, base d. of Elizabeth Evans ... bur. " Oct. 25. James, s. of Thomas Rag, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 25. Margaret, w. of Thomas Jones, of Tilley Park ... bur. " Oct. 27. Rachel Jebb ... bur. 1776, Jan. 7. Ann, w. of John Hampston, of Palmshill ... bur. " Jan. 12. Elizabeth, w. of Morgan Vaughan, laborer ... bur. " Jan. 20. Mary, w. of Thomas Maddox, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 29. Unknown Greggory, wid., of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 14. Thomas Forgham, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 23. Richard, s. of Thomas Stockall, of Horton ... bur. " Mar. 26. Martha, w. of John Swanwick, of Pims farm ... bur. " Mar. 27. John Embrey, of Wem, tanner ... bur. " Apr. 4. John Corns, from Warmingham, Cheshire ... bur. +" Jan. 22. Thomas Davies, of Wem, taylor ... bur. " Apr. 8. Ann Pidgeon, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " May 5. Thomas Pidgeon, of Wem, butcher ... bur. " May 15. Thomas Huntbach, of Wem, laborer bur. " May 15. John Forster, of Tilley, pauper ... bur. " May 27. Morgan Vaughan, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " June 14. Unknown Bickerton, wid., of Tilley ... bur. " July 23. Unknown, s. of Thomas Jebbs, of Horton ... bur. " July 26. Elizabeth, w. of Edward Edwards, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 6. Unknown, d. of John Evans, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 4. John Wycherley, of Wem, carpenter ... bur. " Oct. 29. Sarah Shenton, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 23. James Watkin, of Wem, flaxdresser ... bur. " Nov. 23. Ann Davies, of Wem, wid. ... bur. 1777, Jan. 14. Mary, w. of Thomas Powell, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 25. Unknown, s. of Phillip Ireland's, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 31. Thomas, s. of John Francis ... bur. " Feb. 7. William Embrey, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 21. Elizabeth Jones ... bur. 1777] Wem. 677 1777, Feb. 24. Ursula Sandland, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 5. Sarah, d. of William Wycherley, of Prees ~(f. may be William)~ ... bur. " Mar. 5. Martha, d. of Thomas Wynn & Mary ... bur. " Mar. 14. Margaret, w. of James Maddox ... bur. " Mar. 23. Lewis Evans, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 26. John Porter, from Aston ... bur. " Mar. 26. Robert Davies, of Tilley ... bur. " Mar. 26. John Higginson, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 21. Richard Dickin, of Wem ... bur. " June 29. Ann, w. of Richard Hughes, of Wem ... bur. " June 30. Thomas Williams, of Tilley green ... bur. " July 3. Thomas Sherratt, of Wem ... bur. " July 13. Ann, w. of Peter Rogers, of Wem ... bur. " July 19. Mary, w. of Samuel Forgham, of Wem ... bur. " July 20. Hannah, w. of Thomas Bentley, of Wem ... bur. " July 26. John Ruscoe, of Lacon ... bur. " Aug. 1. Martha, w. of William Stubbs ... bur. " Aug. 1. James Watkin, junr., of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 8. Peter Rogers, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Aug. 15. Martha Taylor, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 30. Margaret Hulson, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 3. Samuel Thomas, do. [sic] ... bur. " Sep. 14. William Stubbs, of Wem, taylor ... bur. " Sep. 17. Ann, d. of John Shenton ... bur. " Sep. 26. Unknown Prince, wid., of Aston ... bur. " Oct. 15. Thomas Ebrey, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 21. Unknown Allinson, wid., do. [sic] ... bur. " Nov. 2. Thomas Howard ... bur. " Nov. 5. Samuel Deakin ... bur. " Nov. 8. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Blanton ... bur. " Nov. 9. Elizabeth Wade, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 12. Thomas Tillston, pauper ... bur. " Nov. 12. Unknown, d. of Unknown Watkin, wid., of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 14. Sarah Allinson ... bur. " Dec. 16. Mary Groom ... bur. " Dec. 16. Unknown Vaughan, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 28. Unknown Crump, wid. ... bur. 678 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1777 1777, Dec. 30. Joseph Hilditch ... bur. 1778, Jan. 1. Mary Taylor ... bur.. " Jan. 6. Joseph Heath ... bur. " Jan. 20. Mary Evans ... bur. " Feb. 6. Ann, d. of John Powell, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 23. Elizabeth Higgins, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 23. Richard, s. of Richard Prince, ~of the One house~ ... bur. " Mar. 11. Elizabeth, w. of Robert Bellingham, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 14. Richard Lee, of Lacon hall ... bur. " Mar. 22. Ann, w. of Joseph Sandland, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 22. Samuel, base s. of Ann Colley ... bur. " Apr. 3. John, s. of John Richards, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 12. Elizabeth, d. of John Bellingham ... bur. " Apr. 12. William Griffiths. of Wem, mason ... bur. " May 7. Mary Heatly ... bur. " May 24. Unknown, s. of Richard Forgham's ... bur. " May 27. Thomas Evans ... bur. " June 21. William, s. of Thomas Thurnill, of Aston ... bur. " June 26. Rebeccah Tyler, of Wem ... bur. " July 12. Frances, w. of William Maddox ... bur. " July 19. Eleanor Saviage ... bur. " July 19. John Groom ... bur. " Aug. 5. George Powell, late of Brockhurst ... bur. " Aug. 9. Unknown, d. of Henry Palings ... bur. " Aug. 10. William, s. of Thomas Davies & Mary ... bur. " Aug. 19. Margaret, w. of George Walmsley, of Slape ... bur. " Aug. 23. Catherine Stubs, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 25. Joseph Ireland, late ~of Frankton, not Ireland~ ... bur. 1779, Jan. 2. Sarah Morris, of Wem, taylor ... bur. " Jan. 7. John Stubbs, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 13. George Groom, of Aston ... bur. " Jan. 24. John Homes, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Jan. 25. John Tillston. of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 26. Hugh Edge ... bur. " Feb. 25. Robert Hussey, of Crossbank ... bur. " Mar. 9. Mary, w. of William Austin, of Horton ... bur. 1780] Wem. 679 1779, Mar. 16. Mary Wottall, of Tilley, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 24. Thomas Maddox, of Wem, sadlor ... bur. " Mar. 26. Miss Ann Pilkington ... bur. " Mar. 28. Martha Cook ... bur. " Mar. 28. Unknown Stubbs, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 30. Elizabeth Barnett, of Soulton ... bur. " Apr. 21. Unknown Prescott, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 28. Unknown Jones, wid., of the Lowe hill ... bur. " Apr. 30. Thomas, s. of John Rowell ... bur. " May 18. Jane, d. of Charles Prince ... bur. " May 22. Arthur, s. of Richard Richards ... bur. " May 29. Elizabeth, d. of Richard Moor ... bur. " June 3. Sarah Jones ... bur. " June 11. Unknown, d. of Samuel Taylors ... bur. " June 12. John, s. of John Roberts ... bur. " June 16. Henry Nicholls ... bur. " June 22. Eleanor, w. of Samuel Bellingham ... bur. " June 23. Unknown, d. of Abraham Powell's ... bur. " July 7. Elizabeth, d. of William Higgins ... bur. $" Sep. 12. Elizabeth, d. of Daniel Alford ... bur. " Sep. 22. Samuel Price ... bur. " Sep. 23. Unknown, d. of Thomas Grooms ... bur. " Oct. 12. Unknown, s. of Unknown Nevils, of Salop ... bur. " Oct. 20. Sarah, w. of Richard Vaughn ~buried with her daughter, Sarah~ ... bur. " Oct. 20. Sarah, d. of Richard Vaughn ~buried with her mother, Sarah~ ... bur. " Nov. 3. Edward, s. of Edward Ebrey ... bur. +" Nov. 25. William, s. of Edward Ebrey & Elizabeth ... bur. +" Nov. 27. Richard Savage ... bur. " Dec. 7. Elizabeth Corbet ... bur. " Dec. 9. Jane Harris ... bur. " Dec. 17. William, base s. of Sarah Wilde ... bur. " Dec. 18. Andrew Harris ... bur. " Dec. 21. Mary Higginson ... bur. " Dec. 24. John Blakeway ... bur. " Dec. 29. Elizabeth Barnett, of Soulton Hall ... bur. 1780, Jan. 21. Unknown Ashford, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 1. John Gregory ... bur. " Feb. 5. Unknown, d. of Timothy Trantham ... bur. " Feb. 19. William, s. of John Watkin & Mary ... bur. 680 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1780 1780, Apr. 26. Unknown, d. James Abbot's, of the Clive ... bur. " Apr. 27. Unknown, s. of Mary Richards ... bur. " May 3. Elizabeth, wid. of Andrew Harris ... bur. " May 4. Thomas Savage, of Wem ... bur. +" June 9. Richard, s. of William Wycherley & Ann ... bur. " July 14. Unknown, d. of Thomas Copper's ... bur. " July 18. Mary, d. of Henry Price, of Tilley ... bur. " July 19. Edward, s. of John Swanwick & Mary ... bur. " July 22. Robert, s. of Robert Gad ... bur. " July 27. Elizabeth, w. of Joseph Allcock ... bur. " July 28. Hannah Sandland, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 1. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Astley ... bur. " Aug. 9. Thomas, s. of John Jones, ~of the Moat house~ ... bur. " Aug. 25. Samuel, s. of Thomas Astley ... bur. " Sep. 15. John Richards ... bur. " Sep. 24. Mary, w. of Daniel Cooper ... bur. " Sep. 26. John Walford, a pauper ... buT. " Sep. 27. Esther, d. of John Jones ... bur. " Oct. 17. Unknown, s. of Samuel Forgham ... bur. " Oct. 25. Mary, d. of Thomas Rutter ... bur. *" Aug. 27. Elizabeth Laurance ... bur. " Nov. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Austin, of Horton ... bur. " Nov. 12. William Wycherlev, from Prees ... bur. " Nov. 23. Samuel Beetenson, of Wem, surgeon ... bur. " Dec. 1. Mary, w. of Thomas Jarvis, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 19. Ann Massey ... bur. " Dec. 28. Peter, s. of Unknown Davies, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 28. Ann, d. of William Bather ... bur. " Dec. 29. Unknown, d. of William Blakeway's ... bur. 1781, Jan. 20. George Tillston, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 21. Robert Hales, of Wem, butcher ... bur. " Jan. 21. Charles Booth ... bur. " Jan. 28. Sarah Evans ... bur. " Jan. 29. Ann Worrall, of Tilley ... bur. " Jan. 3i. Sarah, w. of Samuel Austin ... bur. " Feb. 11. Hannah, w. of Thomas Weaver ... bur. 1782] Wem. 681 1781, Mar. 6. Unknown, s. of Richard Vaughan's ... bur. " Mar. 19. Ann, d. of James Vaughan & Mary ... bur. " Mar. 22. Katherine, d. of Samuel Newns & Rebeccah ... bur. " Mar. 24. Edward Allcott ... bur. " Mar. 30. Thomas Newns, of Tilley, farmer ... bur. " Mar. 31. Mary Holland, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 4. Thomas Bickerton, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 7. Unknown, s. of Thomas Hales, bender ... bur. " Apr. 9. Unknown, d. of Henry Paling's ... bur. " Apr. 14. Sarah Forrister, of Tilley, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 29. William, s. of John Boothe ... bur. " May 6. John Jones, hatter, from Coventry ... bur. " May 17. Ann, d. of Abraham Powell ... bur. " May 23. Thomas Hale, of Wem, bender ... bur. " May 27. Charles, s. of Charles Boothe ... bur. " May 29. Unknown, d. of William Weaver, of Wem ... bur. " June 11. Unknown, s. of Thomas Sandland, of Wem ... bur. " June 22. Thomas Mason, of Wem, baker ... bur. " July 1. William, s. of John Huntbatch ... bur. " July 7. John, base s. of Deborah Newbrook ... bur. " Aug. 8. Margaret Furmston, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 13. Unknown, d. of Abraham Powell's ... bur. " Sep. 29. Unknown Price, wid., of Horton ... bur. " Oct. 2. Samuel Meers, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 6. James Forgham, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 12. Thomas, s. of Ann Randles, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 16. William Wilde, late of Condover ... bur. " Nov. 27. Thomas, base s. of Ann Furmston ... bur. " Dec. 2. Ann Young, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " Dec. 4. Mary, w. of Samuel Beswick ... bur. " Dec. 11. Robert Morris ... bur. " Dec. 24. Rebeccah Stockton ... bur. 1782, Jan. 1. Thomas, base s. of Elizabeth Jones ... bur. " Jan. 6. Ann, w. of Thomas Paulit ... bur. " Jan. 13. Sarah, d. of John Hughes & Mary ... bur. " Jan. 24. William Parker, late of Wem, butcher ... bur. " Jan. 26. John Price, of Tilley park ... bur. " Feb. 6. Joseph Lee, of Lacon hall ... bur. 682 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1782 1782, Mar. 5. William Weaver, of Wem, servant ... bur. " Mar. 10. Thomas, s. of Thomas Kilbourn & Rebecca ... bur. " Mar. 12. Mary Chidluw, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 20. Unknown, s. of Thomas Laurance's ... bur. " Mar. 30. Unknown, d. of Muses Peter's ... bur. " Apr. 2. George Groom ... bur. " Apr. 13. Thomas Hallard ... bur. " May 3. James Tees ... bur. " May 4. Thomas Blanton ... bur. " May 14. Andrew Barnes ... bur. " July 8. Ann, w. of Roger Maddox ... bur. " July 23. Thomas Rogers, a pauper ... bur. " Aug. 9. Edward Edwards, blacksmith ... bur. " Aug. 17. Sarah, d. of William Weaver ... bur. " Nov. 27. Edward Higginson ... bur. " Dec. 6. Elizabeth, d. of John Stubbs & Lettice ... bur. 1783, Jan. 1. Thomas Morgan, of the Lowe ... bur. " Jan. 13. Mary, d. of Joseph Bickerton ... bur. " Jan. 24. Mary Howard, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 26. Mary, w. of Thomas Randles ... bur. " Jan. 29. Mary Husbands, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 1. Martha Jones, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 13. Samuel Minshall, of Tilley, blacksmith ... bur. " Feb. 13. Richard, s. of Samuel Forgham ... bur. " Mar. 5. John Dod ... bur. " Mar. 8. Hannah, w. of Thomas Sandland, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 21. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Bowker ... bur. " Mar. 28. Unknown, s. of Thomas Bowker's ... bur. " Apr. 16. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Ireland, late of Trench farm ... bur. " Apr. 18. Charlotte, base d. of Rebecca Shingler ... bur. " Apr. 22. Sarah Maddox, pauper ... bur. " Apr. 30. John Embrey, from Prees ... bur. " May 4. Richard, s. of William Phillips ... bur. " May 13. Owen Jenks, of Wem, skinner ... bur. " May 25. Betty, d. of Samuel Taylor ... bur. " May 29. Sarah Lee, wid., from Ash ... bur. 1784] Wem. 683 1783, June 1. Richard Pidgeon, of Wem ... bur. " June 5. William, s. of John Harris, of Wem ... bur. " June 6. John Goodyer, ~Manchester Waggoner~ ... bur. " June 25. William Hales, of Wem, butcher ... bur. " June 27. Mary, w. of John Watkin, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " June 27. Ruth Prince ... bur. " July 17. Ann, w. of Daniel Hughes ... bur. " July 23. Margaret, wid. of Richard Powell ... bur. " July 30. Mary Kay ... bur. " Aug. 5. John Sandland, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 7. Mary, d. of Richard Downward ... bur. " Sep. 3. Thomas Brown, officer of excise ... bur. " Sep. 29. Daniel Hughes, late of Pepper street ... bur. " Oct. 5. Robert Groom, of Aston ... bur. " Oct. 16. John Williams, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 17. Mary Steventon ... bur. " Oct. 26. Richard Parrey, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 19. Alice Ebrey, of Tilley ... bur. " Nov. 20. Sarah Morris, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 26. Mary, d. of John Drury & Hannah ... bur. " Nov. 29. John Higginson ... bur. " Dec. 2. Joseph Hopwood ... bur. " Dec. 2. George Fardoe ... bur. " Dec. 13. Unknown, d. of Edward Price's, of Horton ... bur. " Dec. 16. Unknown, s. of Thomas Kerrey's, of Aston ... bur. " Dec. 22. John Hampston, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 23. Lettice, w. of John Stubbs ... bur. " Dec. 26. Mary Downward, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 26. Robert Bellingham, of Wem, taylor ... bur. " Dec. 29. Jane, d. of William Bickley ... bur. 1784, Jan. 1. Catherine Hussey, from the Crossbank ... bur. " Jan. 3. Unknown, d. of John Stubb, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 3. Margaret, w. of Thomas Thornhall, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 20. Esther, w. of Robert Bellingham, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 21. Elizabeth, w. of William Rutter, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 22. Samuel Bellingham, a pauper ... bur. 684 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1784 1784, Jan. 23. Elizabeth, d. of Abraham Jones, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 27. Jane Vickers, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 4. Margaret Pidgeon, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 8. Edward Jones, of Wem, gardener ... bur. " Feb. 17. Ann Stones, of Wem, wid., a pauper ... bur. " Feb. 24. Samuel Catherall, of Wem, maltster ... bur. " Feb. 26. Thomas Towler, of Tilley, a pauper ... bur. " Feb. 26. Elizabeth, d. of Robert Bellingham ... bur. " Mar. 27. Sarah, d. of Unknown Price, wid., of Tilley Park ... bur. " Apr. 4. Mary Nichols. a pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 18. Mary, w. of Edward Harris, a pauper ... bur. " Apr. 20. Mary, w. of Job Swanwick, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 26. Ann, d. of Abraham Jones, a pauper ... bur. " May 7. Jane, w. of Crispin Watkis, of Wem ... bur. " May 25. Samuel, s. of Unknown Griffiths, wid., pauper, of Wem ... bur. " June 1. Margaret Hopwood, of Aston, wid. ... bur. " June 18. John Hales, of Wem, maltster ... bur. " June 22. Ann Wolf, a pauper ... bur. " July 4. Margaret Hallart, a pauper of Wem bur. " July 11. Ann, w. of Francis Sandland, of Wem, cooper ... bur. " July 16. Richard, base s. of Sarah Ebrey ... bur. " Aug. 2. Ann, d. of Francis Sandland ... bur. " Aug. 13. Mary, w. of Edward Mason, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 19. Unknown, s. of Edward Mason's, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 9. Unknown, d. of Joseph Ireland's ... bur. " Sep. 21. Frances, w. of James Richards, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 20. James Chaddock, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 29. John, s. of John Jones, of the Lowe hill ... bur. " Nov. 17. Thomas, s. of Edward Kynaston, pauper ... bur. " Nov. 21. Edward Evans ... bur. " Nov. 28. Elizabeth Farrington ... bur. " Dec. 15. Unknown Beacall, wid., of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 22. Susan, w. of John Sherratt, of Tilley ... bur. " Dec. 25. Unknown Bagnall, wid. . of Wem ... bur. 1785, Jan. 4. Mary, w. of Edward Price, a pauper ... bur. 1785] Wem. 685 1785, Jan. 7. Thomas Randles, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 18. Jane Jenks, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 13. David Morgan, a pauper ... bur. " Feb. 23. Elinor Eyres, of Tilley, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 27. Ann, w. of John Paulet, a pauper ... bur. " Mar. 2. Unknown, s. of Samuel Beetenson's ... bur. " Mar. 12. Edward Powell, a pauper ... bur. " Mar. 21. John Ruscoe, a pauper ... bur. " Mar. 25. Richard, s. of John Hughes & Mary, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 26. Unknown, d. of Thomas Laurance's ... bur. " Apr. 2. Daniel Evans, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Apr. 13. Edward Price, of Horton ... bur. " Apr. 30. Unknown, s. of William Weaver, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " May 1. William, s. of Thomas Groom, of Aston, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " May 12. Jane Beetenson, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " May 15. Thomas, s. of William Cooke ... bur. " May 18. Richard, s. of Francis Price ... bur. " May 24. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Groom, of Aston ... bur. " May 31. Unknown, d. of Edward Richards's, of Wem ... bur. " May 31. John Fox, from the Lowe, pauper . " June 12. Thomas Evans, a pauper, of Wem ... bur. " June 16. Elizabeth Downs, of Wem ... bur. " July 9. Sarah, w. of Joseph Newnham, of Wem ... bur. " July 15. Unknown, s. of Joseph Garratt's, of Wem ... bur. " July 20. Unknown, d. of Thomas Brown's, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 20. Thomas, s. of John Kynaston & Mary ... bur. 1783, Aug. 26. Thomas, s. of Edward Edgebury & Hannah ... bur. 1785, Aug. 26. Edward, s. of Edward Edgebury & Hannah ... bur. " Sep. 2. George, s. of Thomas Brown, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 18. Ann, d. of Francis Owen & Ann ... bur. " Sep. 23. Mary Greggory, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 30. John, s. of Thomas Williams, a pauper ... bur. 1785, Oct. 25. Joseph Edgerton, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 11. Maria, base d. of Mary Jones, a pauper ... bur. " Nov. 3. Hannah Parker, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 18. Ann, w. of William Groom, of Horton ... bur. " Nov. 18. Abigail, w. of John Deakin, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 9. John Deakin, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 15. Jane Smorshaw ... bur. " Dec. 20. Mary Pugh ... bur. " Dec. 23. Elizabeth Kynaston ... bur. " Dec. 24. Margaret Drury, of Wem, wid. ... bur. 1786, Jan. 20. Ann Bellingham, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 24. Unknown, s. of Thomas Wycherley's ... bur. " Feb. 24. Joseph Maddox, of Wem, taylor ... bur. " Mar. 7. Jane Davies, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 7. John, s. of Thomas Harris, wheelwright ... bur. " Mar. 11. Mary Watkin, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 16. Arthur Wykey, of Wem, tanner ... bur. " Mar. 23. Jane, d. of John Newns, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 26. Thomas Griffiths, of Wem, innkeeper ... bur. " Mar. 29. William, s. of John Hodgkinson & Mary ... bur. " Mar. 31. Unknown, d. of Thomas Davies, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 3. John Sherratt, of Tilley ... bur. " Apr. 15. George Griffiths, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 30. Thomas, base s. of Ann Becket, a pauper ... bur. " May 2. Samuel Willson, a pauper ... bur. " May 4. William Cooper, of Aston ... bur. " May 8. Mary, w. of Thomas Callcott ... bur. " May 8. William, s. of Samuel Forgham & Jane, a pauper ... bur. " May 9. Thomas Griffiths, of Wem, mason ... bur. " June 13. George Ashford, of Wem ... bur. " June 16. Ann, d. of James Holmes & Rachel ... bur. " June 18. Thomas Groom, of Aston ... bur. " June 23. Margaret, w. of Thomas Humpherson ... bur. " Aug. 10. John Watkiss, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Aug. 18. Elizabeth Shenton, of Tilley Park. wid. ... bur. " Sep. 7. Rebecca, w. of Thomas Stones, of Wem, a pauper ... bur. 1788] Wem. 687 1786, Oct. 27. Sarah Harris, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Nov. 25. Richard Ralphs, of Cotton ... bur. " Nov. 30. Ann, base d. of Mary Colley, a pauper ... bur. " Dec. 11. John, s. of John Broughall, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 11. Hannah, d. of Thomas Bentley, a pauper ... bur. " Dec. 16. Chrispin, s. of Thomas Watkiss & Mary ... bur. 1787, Jan. 5. Francis Evans, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 9. Mary, w. of James Vaughan, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 19. James Wilbourn ... bur. " Jan. 29. Unknown, d. of Philip Ireland's ... bur. " Jan. 29. Sarah, d. of John Ebrey ... bur. " Jan. 30. Samuel Austin, of Wem, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 31. Mary, w. of John Furmston, of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 1. Mary, d. of Robert Meers, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 11. Joseph Berks, a pauper ... bur. " Mar. 2. Richard Sandland, of Wem, butcher ... bur. " Mar. 4. Margaret, d. of Mary Bentley, a pauper ... bur. " Mar. 9. Margaret Morris, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 24. Sarah, base d. of Alice Wilkinson ... bur. " Mar. 27. Mary Evans, from Newhall in Cheshire ... bur. " Mar. 30. John, s. of Thomas Tompson, a pauper ... bur. " Apr. 4. Unknown, s. of Philip Pay's, of Cramore ... bur. " Apr. 15. William, s. of George Edge & Mary, a pauper ... bur. " May 15. Thomas Stockall, of Horton ... bur. " June 27. William Higgins, of Tilley, pauper ... bur. " July 15. Mary, w. of Samuel Sandland ... bur. " July 20. Martha, w. of Joseph Evans, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 21. Arthur Harper, from Sandford ... bur. " Sep. 27. Thomas, s. of John Smith & Mary, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 7. Thomas Jones of the Crossbank ... bur. " Nov. 13. William, base s. of Ann Starkey ... bur. " Nov. 23. John Tyler, late of Preston Brockhurst ... bur. " Dec. 5. Mary Davies, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 12. Henry Kemp, of Wem, laborer ... bur. " Dec. 29. Thomas Kerry, of Aston, laborer ... bur. 1788, Jan. 5. Mary, d. of John Jay, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 10. Thomas Smith. a pauper of Wem ... bur. 688 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1788 1788, Jan. Sarah Watkiss, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 26. John Burrows, of Wem, shoemaker ... bur. " Feb. 6. Richard, s. of Thomas Higgins & Ann ... bur. " Feb. 19. Mary Newns, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 1. Martha Groom, of Aston, wid. ... bur. " Mar. 5. Elizabeth Farrington, late of the Ditches ... bur. " Mar. 9. Unknown, s. of Henry Price's, of Tilley ... bur. " Apr. 8. Ann Randles, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 16. Martha, base d. of Elizabeth Downes, a pauper ... bur. " May 25. Ann, w. of John Barnett, of Lacon ... bur. " May 29. Martha Powell, of Brockhurst ... bur. " May 31. William, s. of William Harper & Fanny ... bur. " June 11. Ann, d. of Samuel Walmsley, of Cramore ... bur. " June 26. Joseph Austin, a pauper ... bur. " June 28. Unknown, d. of Samuel Bills & Elizabeth, a pauper ... bur. " June 29. Elizabeth, d. of John Hales & Sarah ... bur. " July 6. Richard, s. of Arthur Harpers, of Horton ... bur. " July 9. Frances, d. of Edward Price, of Tilley ... bur. " Aug. 4. John, s. of John Brown & Martha ... bur. " Aug. 4. John Randles, a pauper ... bur. " Aug. 12. John, s. of John Lewis & Mary, a pauper ... bur. " Aug. 31. John Snape, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 28. Unknown, s. of Benjamin Roberts's, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 29. Sarah, d. of William Hayward, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 9. Charles Evans, pauper ... bur. " Oct. 10. Susanna Burrows, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Oct. 23. Sarah, w. of Francis Warburton, a pauper ... bur. " Oct. 24. Jane Pidgeon. of Wem, wid. ... bur. 1789] Wem. 689 1788, Oct. 27. Samuel Haycock, of the Ditches ... bur. " Nov. 10. Robert Greggory, of Wem, carpenter ... bur. " Nov. 18. Mary Peacock, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 1. Ann Robinson, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 7. John, base s. of Hannah Chester, a pauper ... bur. " Dec. 13. Sarah Salsbury, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 27. Edward, s. of Charles Evans & Mary, a pauper ... bur. " Dec. 29. Mary Jones, a pauper of Wem ... bur. 1789, Jan. 10. John Cottam, of Wem, hatter ... bur. " Jan. 14. Hugh Manning, a pauper ... bur. " Jan. 22. John Hill ... bur. " Jan. 24. Thomas Alford ... bur. " Feb. 1. Unknown, d. of George Adams, of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 4. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Moore, of Tilley ... bur. " Feb. 16. Catherine, w. of John Groom ... bur. " Feb. 20. Roger Maddox, a pauper of Wem ... bur. *" Feb. 19. Chrispianus Watkiss, of Edstaston ... bur. " Feb. 27. Philip Drury, of Wem, farmer ... bur. " Apr. 3. William Powell, of Aston, farmer ... bur. " Apr. 12. Hannah Hughes, a pauper ... bur. " May 8. Unknown Shaw, wid., a pauper ... bur. " May 20. Unknown, s. of John Jenks's, of Wem ... bur. " May 23. Rebecca, w. of Samuel Newns, of Tilley ... bur. " May 23. John Davies, of Northwood Green ... bur. " May 26. Unknown, d. of John Hill & Sarah, of Tilley ... bur. " June 4. Jane Astbury ... bur. " June 4. Elizabeth, w. of Thomas Edge, of Tilley ... bur. " June 20. Unknown, s. of Henry Price's, of Tilley ... bur. " July 11. Unknown, d. of Joseph Ravenscroft & Ann ... bur. " July 16. Unknown, s. of David Griffiths & Rebecca, of Wem ... bur. " July 18. Unknown, d. of William Powell & Mary ... bur. *" July 12. Mary, w. of Thomas Chettow, a pauper ... bur. " Aug. 16. Martha, w. of Thomas Titley, a pauper ... bur. " Sep. 4. Mary, w. of William Powell ... bur. 690 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1789 1789, Sep. 9. Richard Richards, of the Lowe ... bur. " Sep. 21. Joseph Austin, of the Lowe ... bur. " Oct. 13. Ann, d. of William Birks & Mary ... bur. " Oct. 24. Sarah, d. of John Wolfe & Hannah ... bur. " Nov. 21. John Groom, of Slape ... bur. " Nov. 22. John Astley, of Aston, junr. ... bur. " Dec. 19. William Parker, of Wem, parish Clark ... bur. 1790, Jan. 30. Robert Harris, of Wem, cryer ... bur. " Feb. 16. John Williams, of Elcow Bank, a pauper ... bur. " Feb. 21. Francis Sandland, of Wem, cooper ... bur. " Feb. 27. Samuel Deakin, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 28. Jane Blanthorn, of Wem, spinster ... bur. " Mar. 5. Jane Groom, a pauper ... bur. " Mar. 19. John Broughall, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 21. Elizabeth Ferrington, a pauper ... bur. " Mar. 24. Elizabeth, d. of William Pidgeon, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 3. Andrew Burrows, shoemaker, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 22. William Gough of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 24. Thomas Barnes, gent: of Wem ... bur. " May 3. Sarah, w. of John Jones, pauper, of Trench Lane ... bur. " May 10. Ann Jeffreys, wid., of Wem ... bur. " May 31. Sarah Powel, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " June 15. Mary Sandland, wid., of Carson ... bur. " June 21. Joseph Prince, of the Ware ... bur. " June 22. Thomas Williams, pauper, of Elcow-Bank ... bur. " June 22. Edward Jones, of Wem ... bur. " July 11. John Wilson, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " July 23. Mary Twitty, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 1. Edward Price, pauper, of Horton ... bur. " Aug. 9. Samuel Walmsley. of Creamore ... bur. " Aug. 13. Joseph Symonds, of Palms Hill ... bur. 1791] Wem. 691 1790, Aug. 16. Edward Pritchard, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 24. John Jackson, of Tilly ... bur. " Aug. 31. Bartholomew Ebrey, of Tilly ... bur. " Sep. 14. Charles, s. of Charles Green, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 21. Hannah, d. of Thomas Davies, tayler, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 21. Richard, s. of Thomas Harper, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 5. Martha, d. of James Edwards, taylor, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 9. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Higgins, surgeon, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 19. Samuel Sindland, of Wem ... bur. 1791, Jan. 8. John, s. of Edward Richards, of Wem, schoolmaster ... bur. 1791, Jan. 8. Elizabeth, d. of Edward Richards, of Wem, schoolmaster ... bur. " Jan. 18. Ann Wikey, of Wem, spinster ... bur. " Jan. 24. John Morgan, of the Low ... bur. " Feb. 10. Sarah Ralphs, of Cotton Wood ... bur. " Feb. 19. Samuel Price, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 20. Elizabeth Cartwright, of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 23. Ann, d. of Andrew Howard, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 26. William, base s. of Elizabeth Darlington, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 4. Elizabeth Darlington, pauper ... bur. " Mar. 9. Margaret, d. of Timothy Parker, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 12. Ann Williams, of Elcow Bank ... bur. " Mar. 12. Ann, d. of Francis Owen, clark ... bur. " Mar. 25. Elizabeth Hales, an infant, of Aston ... bur. " Mar. 30. Ann Lamb, an infant, of Aston ... bur. " Apr. 3. Martha Smith, of the One House ... bur. " Apr. 8. Ann Berks, of Wem, an infant ... bur. " Apr. 8. Mary Price, of Wem, wid. ... bur. 692 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1791 1791, Apr. 18. Hannah, w. of John Cartwright, of Aston ... bur. " Apr. 18. John Astley, of Aston, an infant ... bur. " Apr. 18. Robert Williams, of Elcow Bank, pauper ... bur. " Apr. 24. Mary Evans, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " May 4. Ann Green, of Wem ... bur. " May 5. Thomas Lewis, of Wem ... bur. " May 6. William, s. of Dios Tompson, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " May 9. Mary Bateman, of Wem, ~widow of the Revd. Ed. Bateman, D.D., Archdn. of Lewes~ ... bur. " May 14. Elizabeth Andrews, of Drayton ... bur. " May 21. Georg, s. of George Walford's. of Wem ... bur. " May 28. Elizabeth Price, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " May 29. Joseph Kerry, of Alderley Lane ... bur. " June 1. Jane Shingler, of Barker's Green ... bur. " June 15. Martha Moreton, of Aston, pauper ... bur. " June 22. Cook, of Tilley ... bur. " June 24. Cholmondeley Lewis, of Wem ... bur. " June 29. Unknown Collier, wid., of Wem ... bur. " July 8. Thomas Tompson, of Wem. pauper ... bur. " July 15. Unknown Price, w. of Unknown Price, of Chirk, ~h. reverend~ ... bur. " July 19. Frances Ferrington, of Wem, pauper ... bur. " July 27. James Forgeham, of Wem ... bur. " July 28. Mary, d. of William Oulds, of Wem ... bur. " July 29. Edward Richards, schoolmaster, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 10. Elizabeth Brown, mantuamaker, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 12. Jemima Rutter, a pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 13. John, s. of Powel, of Brockhurst ... bur. " Sep. 26. John Owen, carrier, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 1. Mary Chettoe, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 14. Francis Warburton, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 3. Rees Jones, tanner, of Wem ... bur. 1792] Wem. 693 1791, Nov. 5. Mary, d. of Samuel Walmsley, of Creamore, farmer ... bur. " Nov. 24. Joseph Adams, a travelling pauper ... bur. " Dec. 2. George Jeb, infant, pauper ... bur. 1792, Jan. 13. Mary Maddox, of Wem, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 29. Unknown Hussy, of Edstaston, pauper woman ... bur. " Feb. 19. Mary Hales, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 20. Eleanor, w. of Charles Forrester, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 6. Unknown, s. of William Hughes's, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 16. Rachel Jeb, of Trench Lane ... bur. " Mar. 18. Ann, w. of Richard Groom, of Elcow Bank ... bur. " Mar. 23. Mary, d. of Edward Harris's, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 28. Elizabeth Griffiths, wid. ... bur. " Apr. 20. Ann Higgins, w. of Thomas Higgins, surgeon, of Wem ... bur. " May 2. Ann, d. of Samuel Forgeham, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " May 6. Mary, d. of John Lyth, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " May 12. John Griffiths, mercer, of Wem ... bur. " May 15. Mary Harper, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " May 23. Ann, d. of John Higginson, pauper, of Tilley ... bur. " June 3. Sarah Maddox, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " July 20. Sophia Norton, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 14. William Birks, butcher, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 26. Mary Groom, wid. of Sleap ... bur. " Aug. 29. John Gore, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Sep. 12. Sarah, d. of Edward Williams, pauper, of Wem ... bur. 694 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1792 1792, Sep. 13. Richard, s. of Richard Edge, pauper, of the Rue Wood ... bur. " Oct. 2. Sarah, d. of Thomas Hamnet, glazier, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 4. William, s. of Mary Birks ... bur. " Oct. 7. Sarah Evans, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 16. Abraham Powel, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Oct. 21. Samuel, s. of Joseph Maddox, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 8. Benjamin Holbrooke, bricklayer, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 9. Elizabeth Powell, of Cotton Wood ... bur. " Nov. 30. Martha Evans, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 1. Unknown, d. of John Powell's, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 3. Unknown, s. of John Price's, labourer, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 5. Sarah Jones, wid., of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 7. Ann Howard, a pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 14. Margaret Humpherson, spinster, of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 17. Margaret Mason, wid., of Wem ... bur. " Dec. 19. Garnett, s. of Samuel Beetenson's ... bur. 1793, Jan. 5. Ann, w. of Thomas Pidgeon, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 16. Thomas Moore, of Tilley ... bur. " Jan. 19. Hannah, wid. of John Birks, currier, late of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 26. Joseph Walmsley, of Wallcott ... bur. " Jan. 26. Elizabeth Curly, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Jan. 30. Mary, d. of Benjamin Cooper, pauper ... bur. " Feb. 19. Unknown, d. of John Booth, of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 22. Unknown, s. of John Booth, of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 27. John Weaver. pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Feb. 27. Thomas Price. weaver, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 1. Richard Owen, ~late Curate of Wem~ ... bur. " Mar. 15. Sarah Austin, pauper, of Wem ... bur. 1794] Wem. 695 1793, Mar. 15. Unknown, d. of Samuel Edgerton, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Mar. 22. Robert Cottam, of Wem, hatter ... bur. " Mar. 24. James Price, late of the Low Hill ... bur. " Apr. 5. John Swanwick, of Pimsfarm ... bur. " Apr. 7. Ann, d. of William Deakin, of Wem ... bur. " May 4. John Smith, of Wem ... bur. " May 7. Thomas Griffith, stonemason, a pauper of Wem ... bur. " May 8. Mary Evans, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " June 14. George Walmsley, of Sleap, farmer ... bur. " June 15. John Stubs, staymaker, of Wem ... bur. " June 21. Unknown, s. of Jane Price, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Tune 21. John Hewly, from Manchester ... bur. " June 25. George Ashford, glazier, of Wem ... bur. " July 14. Katharine Powell, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " July 19. Isaac Chaddock, of Wem ... bur. " Aug. 13. William Brown, of the Rew Wood ... bur. " Aug. 31. John Yale ... bur. " Sep. 15. Mary Charlton, of Wem, aged 87... bur. " Sep. 15. Margaret Humphries ... bur. " Sep. 25. Samuel Whitney ... bur. " Sep. 26. Arthur Harper, s. of Sarah Harper, infant ... bur. " Sep. 26. Sarah Harper ~& her infant (Arthur), in the same coffin~ ... bur. " Oct. 24. Mary Nichols, a pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Nov. 16. James, s. of William Maddocks, taylor, & Hannah+ ... bur. " Dec. 16. Elizabeth, w. of John Abbots, of Tilley Green ... bur. " Dec. 25. Martha, late w. of Richard Higginson, of Wem ... bur. 1794, Jan. 11. Mary, late w. to William Harris, laborer, at Barker's Green ... bur. " Feb. 10. Thomas Nicholls, a labourer in Wem ... bur. " Feb. 12. George Griffith, stonemason ... bur. " Feb. 26. Edward Harris, laborer ... bur. " Mar. 4. Mary Colley ... bur. " Mar. 17. William Higginson ... bur. 696 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1794 1794, Mar. 20. Sarah Wilbraham ... bur. " Mar. 26. Mary, wid. of Unknown Barnes, captain ... bur. " Mar. 27. Elizabeth, pauper, of Richard Kilburn & Mary ... bur. " Apr. 14. Thomas, s. of John Powell & Elizabeth, pauper, of Wem ... bur. " Apr. 29. Martha, d. of Samuel Bellingham, of Tilley Park, & Sarah ... bur. " May 24. Sarah Jenning's, from T. Pigeon's ... bur. " June 25. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Bentley & Elizabeth ... bur. " July 4. Thomas, s. of John Lith & Elizabeth, pauper, he was drowned ... bur. " July 6. Ann Chetwood ... bur. " July 27. Thomas, s. of John Abbott, of Tilley, & Jane ... bur. " Aug. 12. John, s. of John Evans, of Barker's Green, & Margaret ... bur. " Aug. 18. Richard Kilburn ... bur. " Aug. 26. Elizabeth, late w. to Ambrose Gilbert ... bur. " Aug. 28. Ann, base d. of Mary Stones, a pauper ... bur. " Sep. 13. Crispin, s. of Thomas Watkiss & Mary ... bur. " Sep. 20. Chispin Watkiss, a shoemaker ... bur. " Oct. 3. George, s. of Thomas Harris, flaxdresser, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Oct. 6. William Groome, aged 85 ... bur. " Oct. 21. Susanna Pigeon ... bur. " Oct. 30. Bookey, s. of William Griffith, mercer, & Mary ... bur. " Nov. 15. Lydia Berks, from Shrewsbury ... bur. " Nov. 16. Thomas Lee. shoemaker, aged 73 ... bur. " Nov. 24. Thomas Higgins, surgeon, aged 80 ... bur. 1795, Jan. 24. Roger Charlton, a taylor, aged 88 ... bur. " Jan. 24. George Hamnett, of Tilley ... bur. " Jan. 24. Mary, w. of Thomas Howard, sexton ... bur. " Feb. 1. Samuel Ashley, an idiot ... bur. " Feb. 2. Thomas Ireland, aged 84 ... bur. " Feb. 5. Rebecca Cottam, wid., aged 84 ... bur. 1795] Wem. 697 1795, Feb. 9. Ann Wycherley, wid., aged 79 ... bur. " Feb. 23. Lydia Sandland, ~a maiden lady~ of Carson ... bur. " Mar. 2. Martha Briscoe, aged 77 ... bur. " Mar. 3. William, s. of William Matthews & Tryphcena ... bur. " Mar. 26. Jane Walford ... bur. " Mar. 30. Edward Mason, a cooper ... bur. " May 1. William, s. of Charles Chidlow & Sarah ... bur. " May 8. Richard, s. of William Philips & Mary ... bur. " May 10. John Robinson, a slater, aged 75 ... bur. " June 11. William Lane, ~of the Black Lion~ ... bur. " June 11. Elizabeth Jackson, of Tilley, wid. ... bur. " June 28. Sarah, d. of John Foster & Elizabeth ... bur. " July 1. George, s. of Thomas Hamnett, of Ellesmere, plumber & glazier ... bur. " July 14. Sarah, late w. of John Jenks, vintner ... bur. " July 20. Edward, s. of Edward Mason, deceased, & Ann ... bur. " Aug. 5. Sarah, d. of Francis Lith, from Paddock Green, & Sarah ... bur. " Aug. 14. Elizabeth Newnes, wid., from Tilley ... bur. " Aug. 21. Mary, w. of Joseph Goldinggay ... bur. " Aug. 22. Thomas Lawrence ~alias Evans~ ... bur. " Aug. 26. Mary Gore, wid. ... bur. " Aug. 30. Robert Evans, aged 68 ... bur. " Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of John Abbots, of Tilley, & Jane ... bur. " Oct. 9. Richard, s. of Hugh Lewes, & Mary ... bur. " Oct. 14. Ann Shenton, wid., aged 68 ... bur. " Oct. 21. Mary, d. of John Hill, of Tilley, & Sarah ... bur. " Oct. 23. John Walmsley, of the New House ... bur. " Oct. 23. Sarah Hales, out of the poor-house ... bur. " Nov. 6. Jeremiah Ray, a taylor ... bur. " Nov. 24. Elizabeth Edge, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 5. Thomas, s. of John Johnson, of Tilley Park, & Mary ... bur. 698 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1796 1796, Jan. 22. Thomas Edge, of Rue Wood ... bur. " Jan. 23. Thomas Davies, taylor & vintner ... bur. " Jan. 25. John, base s. of Elizabeth Dulson ... bur. " Feb. 21. Paul Pugh, from Petton Lodge ... bur. " Mar. 1. Samuel Trentham, saddler ... bur. " Mar. 10. Sarah, d. of John Bagshaw & Elizabeth, of the White Horse Inn ... bur. " Mar. 12. John, base s. of Judith Gregory ... bur. " Mar. 12. Martha, d. of Thomas Micklewright, of Aston, & Jane ... bur. " May 1. John Hayward, of Tilly, aged 80 ... bur. " May 29. Mary, w. of Thomas Madeley, of the Ware, in Aston Township, aged 91 ... bur. " June 10. Samuel Walmsley, of Wellington, one of the Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry ... bur. " June 10. Mary Rutter ... bur. " June 14. A Boy belonging to some travelling folks ... bur. " June 17. William, s. of John Powell, laborer in Wem, & Elizabeth ... bur. " June 26. Charles Evans, shoemaker ... bur. " June 28. Job, s. of Paul Briscoe & Mary ... bur. " Aug. 5. Ann, wid. of Isaac Chaddock ... bur. " Aug. 15. Thomas Noneley, s. of William Griffith, mercer in Wem, & Mary ... bur. " Sep. 14. John Abbott, of Tilley Green ... bur. " Sep. 19. Samuel, s. of Samuel Griffith, junr., bricklayer ... bur. " Nov. 8. Mary, d. of William Hughes & Elizabeth ... bur. " Nov. 8. Hannah, d. of William Hughes & Elizabeth ... bur. " Nov. 12. John, s. of John Pollet & Ann ... bur. " Nov. 19. Ann, w. of Thomas Curley ... bur. " Dec. 17. Sarah, w. of John Wolfe ... bur. " Dec. 27. Richard, s. of Richard Lewes, of Tilley-green, & Mary ... bur. " Dec. 27. Daniel Rowland, s. of Thomas Barker's, of the Trench Farm. & Elizabeth ... bur. 1797, Jan. 1. William Allison, from the poor house ... bur. " Jan. 22. Lea Powell, spinster ... bur. 1797] Wem. 699 1797, Feb. 21. Thomas Humpbach, farmer ... bur. " Feb. 24. Thomas Beswick, bricklayer ... bur. " Mar. 1. Thomas, s. of John Ebrey, of Tilly ... bur. " Mar. 13. Elizabeth Owen, wid., aged 80 ... bur. " Mar. 16. Ann, d. of Robert Sandland & Mary, of Carson ... bur. " Mar. 22. Grizil Jones, wid., aged 64... ... bur. " Mar. 22. Mary, w. of Samuel Yond, dier, of Whitchurch ... bur. " Mar. 22. Samuel, s. of Samuel Griffith, bricklayer, & Sarah ... bur. " Mar. 29. Elizabeth, w. of George Adams, of the Ware ... bur. " Apr. 14. William, s. of William Maddocks & Hannah ... bur. " Apr. 16. Mary, d. of Thomas Brown, of Tilley, & Jane ... bur. " Apr. 18. Miss Dorothy Colville, of the Kingdom of Ireland, who died at Pims farm ... bur. " Apr. 21. Mary, base d. of Ann Richards ... bur. " Apr. 23. Jane, d. of Roger Kynaston, of the Work house, & Mary ... bur. " Apr. 26. Joseph, s. of Joseph Clay, farrier, & Susanna ... bur. " Apr. 27. Ann, d. of Andrew Howard, hatter, & Jane ... bur. " Apr. 28. Richard Kynaston ... bur. " May 2. John Hill, of the Royal Navy ... bur. " May 10. William, base s. of Jane Davies ... bur. " May 15. Elizabeth Kemp, wid., aged 83 ... bur. " May 16. Samuel Griffith, bricklayer, 81 ... bur. " May 31. Hannah, w. of Benjn. Roberts, breechesmaker ... bur. " June 5. Elizabeth, w. of William Sherratt, of Tilley ... bur. " June 8. Thomas, s. of James Lawrence, shoemaker, & Mary ... bur. " June 11. William Griffith, mercer ... bur. " June 18. Joseph Ashford, glazier, aged 31 ... bur. " July 1. Sarah Millington, from the Lowe ... bur. 700 Shropshire Parish Registers. [1797 1797, July 23. Samuel Colley, s. of Ann Lane, wid., ~reputed father Samuel Colley~ ... bur. " July 29. John Wolfe, from the Workhouse ... bur. " July 31. Thomas Hughes, shoemaker ... bur. " July 31. Mary, w. of John Lewis, laborer ... bur. " Aug. 2. William, s. of Thomas Worrall, of Tilley Green, & Susanna ... bur. " Aug. 4. John & Richard, twins of Joseph Jones, of Tilley, & Mary ... bur. " Sep. 3. William Maddocks, taylor ... bur. " Sep. 6. Eleanor Griffith, wid. ... bur. " Sep. 30. William Sherratt, of Tilley, widr. ... bur. " Oct. 15. Thomas, s. of Thomas Welch & Clementina ... bur. " Nov. 7. John, s. of Arthur Shingler & Elizabeth, of Barker's Green ... bur. 1797, Nov. 11. Deborah Lawrence, ~a maiden lady~ ... bur. " Nov. 18. Richard, s. of Andrew Howard, hatter, & Jane ... bur. " Dec. 17. Sarah Beswick, wid. ... bur. " Dec. 27. Mary, w. of Richard Forgham ... bur. " Dec. 31. Elizabeth, w. of Edward Kynaston ... bur. 1798, Jan. 16. Ann, d. of William Sudloe, & Jane ... bur. " Jan. 16. Unknown, s. of David Roberts, & Elizabeth ... bur. " Jan. 17. Elizabeth, w. of Arthur Hales, blacksmith ... bur. " Jan. 18. Elizabeth, d. of Henry Price & Elizabeth, of Tilley ... bur. " Jan. 19. Clementina, w. of Thomas Welch ... bur. " Jan. 19. Elizabeth Kerry, wid. ... bur. " Jan. 22. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Higgins, surgeon, deceased ... bur. " Feb. 11. Jane, late w. of William Sudloe ... bur. " Feb. 13. John Cartwright, of Aston ... bur. " Feb. 21. Mary Allison, wid. ... bur. " Feb. 24. Thomas Ebrey, farmer, from Horton ... bur. " Feb. 26. Charles Powell, weaver ... bur. " Mar. 7. Timothy Evans, shoemaker ... bur.